Please tick the box to continue:

Page 1: Chers élèves,

Chers élèves, J’espère que vous et vos proches vous portez bien. Pour éviter d’oublier ce que vous avez vu durant l’année, je vous propose de revoir, d’entretenir, ou même d’améliorer vos acquis. Tout d’abord en revoyant le vocabulaire et la grammaire qui se trouvent dans votre cahier. Ensuite, vous avez la possibilité de travailler en ligne sur les sites suivants : Enfin, je vous propose les fiches et exercices en annexe. Il y a beaucoup d’exercices. La plupart des exercices sont accompagnés de correctifs. Je vous conseille de travailler un petit peu chaque jour. Le but est d’éviter que vous ne passiez toute la journée à ne rien faire ou à jouer sur une console de jeu … Voici mon adresse e-mail au cas où vous auriez des questions : [email protected] Bon travail, Take care of yourself and of your relatives and …. STAY HOME !!

Page 2: Chers élèves,

1.1 Le présent simple

Une habitude, une répétition He smokes 20 cigarettes a day..

Un état ou une vérité générale The sun rises in the East.

Une action future présentée de manière certaine, officielle The plane leaves at 7 p.m. tomorrow.

Emplois principaux Exemples

1.2 Le prétérit (ou past simple) C'est le temps de la narration au passé, employé notamment avec des indications datées comme yesterday, ago, when....

Une action passée achevée qui s'est déroulée à un moment précis. I went to the post office yesterday.

Une habitude passée sans aucun rapport avec le présent I lived in Britain before my moving to France.

Emplois principaux Exemples 2 L'ASPECT PROGRESSIF Il souligne que l'action est en progrès: elle a déjà commencé mais n'est pas encore terminée au moment de l'énoncé. La durée de l'action est en outre limitée. Notons que certains verbes n'acceptent pas de forme progressive: to know, to understand, to mean, to see, to hear, to like, to prefer, to hate, to believe, ... 2.1 Le présent continu

Une action en cours, non achevée The children are playing football in the park.

Une description dans le présent She is wearing a blue dress.

Un futur proche avec une nuance d'intention I am leaving to the USA tomorrow.

Emplois principaux Exemples

2.2 Le passé continu

Une action dans le passé en déroulement, souvent interrompue par une action plus brève au prétérit.

I was having a bath when someone knocked at my door.

Page 3: Chers élèves,

Une description dans le passé Many people were sitting in the street.

Emplois principaux Exemples 3 L'ASPECT PROGRESSIF L'action s'est déroulée avant le moment indiqué par la situation et l'action a un résultat qui est important au moment de l'énoncé.

3.1 Le present perfect

Lien résultatif entre le passé et l'instant présent I have bought you a little something.


I have never seen him before. He has not paid the bill yet.

I swear, it's the first time I've met this guy.

Constructions avec FOR / SINCE dans un sens temporel

I have lived in France since I was born. I have waited you for a long time.

Constructions avec JUST précisant que l'action vient de se dérouler. I have just finished doing my homework.

Emplois principaux Exemples

3.2 Le past perfect Il s'emploie pour une action qui s'est déroulée antérieurement au passé exprimé généralement par un prétérit (on le rapprochera de notre passé antérieur).

x The thieves had disappeared when the police arrived. 3.3 Le present perfect progressif / le past perfect progressif On emploie principalement ces temps pour exprimer une action commencée avant le moment de l'énoncé (présent ou passé) et non encore terminée.

x How long have you been waiting us ? x When it began to rain, we had been walking in the mountains for 5 hours.


Futur en WILL / SHALL

Décision instantanée au moment de l'énoncé.

We will go to the sea this afternoon, OK ?

Prédiction: Some day, we will be rich

Marquer la détermination: I will pass this exam.

GOING TO Intention générale: Are you going to tell him your secret


Prédiction à partir d'une observation: Look at the sky ! It is going to rain..

Page 4: Chers élèves,

Présent progressif Futur proche avec notion d'intention: I am leaving on Monday.

Refuser une invitation: Sorry, I am babysitting tonight.

Présent simple Action absolument certaine, officielle: Our train leaves at 7 p.m.

TO TO BE Action prévue soit par la volonté d'autrui, soit parce qu'elle s'inscrit

dans un mouvement du destin:

I am to pick you up at 5. Napoléon was to become a


TO BE ABOUT TO Futur immédiat: I am about to go to bed.

Formes grammaticales Utilisations Exemples 5 CONDITIONNEL ET IRRÉEL

5.1 Les trois structures conditionnelles avec IF

Présent + Futur If you hurry, you will catch your train.

Prétérit + conditionnel présent If I were rich, I would buy a cottage.

Past perfect + conditionnel passé If you had not left, you would have spent a very good time.

Forme grammaticale Exemples

5.2 Utilisation du prétérit et past perfect modaux On utilise l'aspect modal du prétérit et du past perfect pour rapporter des faits que l'on aimerait voir (souhait) ou que l'on aurait aimé voir se réaliser (regret). On l'associe aux expressions ci-dessous.

IF ONLY If only I was not so shy.

TO WISH I wish you had come to our party.

I WOULD RATHER I would rather we did not go to the movies tonight.

IT IS (HIGH) TIME It is high time we came back home.

Forme grammaticale Exemples

5.3 Le subjonctif Le "vrai" subjonctif n'est utilisé que dans des expressions figées (dont une liste non exhaustive est donnée dans le chapitre "Conditionnel et irréel") et en américain principalement après les verbes: to ask, on urge, to demand, to insist to propose, to recommend, to request, to require, to rule, to suggest.

Page 5: Chers élèves,

SHOULD à valeur de subjonctif s'utilise dans les cas suivants:

Expression de la crainte après IN CASE, FOR FEAR THAT, LEST. Take warm clothes in case the weather should be cold.

Hypothèse très peu vraisemblable dans les constructions avec IF If he should come at last, call me !

Tournures impersonnelles: IT IS + adj. + THAT et après

It is a pity, I do not see why, There is no reason why, I am surprised that

It is incredible that you should love so stupid a man !

Forme grammaticale Exemples

Page 6: Chers élèves,




Page 7: Chers élèves,

Table des matières des fiches

1. Compréhension à l’audition et expression écrite

a. Jodie ( CD Piste 25)

2. Compréhension à la lecture

a. Silence ! We’re Playing

3. Compréhension à la lecture et expression écrite

a. A Scottish Girl

b. Do You Like Fashion ?

c. A Penfriend for Jodie

4. Expression orale

a. A Friends’ Book

b. Family Tree

c. To Have & To Be

d. What did they do Last Saturday?

Page 8: Chers élèves,


Listening and writing: “A Penfriend for Jodie”

Exercice d’audition et d’écriture





ESSAYE DE TROUVER UN(E) CORRESPONDANT(E) POUR ELLE. 1. Listen to Jodie and write down the pieces of information she gives

about herself. Answer in French (Ecoute Jodie et note les éléments qu’elle donne à propos d’elle. Réponds en français)

2. Find one or several people who could be Jodie’s penfriend(s).

Underline the items IN COMMON (Repère une ou plusieurs personne(s) qui pourrai(en)t être un(e) correspondant(e) pour Jodie. Souligne les éléments COMMUNS)


Âge : 12 ans. Elle a un chien et un chat. Elle n’a pas d’amis. Elle a deux sœurs. Elle a des cheveux bruns.

Âge : 15 ans. Elle a de nombreux amis. Elle n’a pas de frères et sœurs. Elle a un chien. Elle a une grande famille.

Âge : 14 ans. Il a de nombreux amis. Il a un frère. Il a plusieurs animaux. Il a des yeux bleus.

Âge : 14 ans. Il a un bon ami et de nombreux cousins. Il a un frère et une sœur. Il a un chat. Il est toujours de bonne humeur.

Anna Grégory

Jérôme Laetitia

Page 9: Chers élèves,

A Penfriend for Jodie 2/2

3. Write now a letter to Jodie to introduce to her one penfriend you

have chosen for her. Write in English (À présent, rédige une petite lettre à Jodie pour lui présenter un(e) correspondant(e) que tu as choisi(e) pour elle. Écris en anglais)



















Page 10: Chers élèves,



1 Easy Going, décembre 2008.

Page 11: Chers élèves,

Silence ! We’re Playing 2/2

Some vocabulary to help you

• almost : nearly. • bell : object that makes a « ding-dong » sound. • disabled : correct term for handicapped. • partly-sighted : people can see a little, not everything. • was invented : a été inventé (voix passive). __________________________________________________________________________________________

Tu as pris comme option un cours de sport. Ton professeur a demandé à chaque élève de présenter un nouveau sport au groupe : il te demande d’expliquer le but du jeu, de dire à qui le sport s’adresse, le matériel nécessaire, les règles du jeu mais aussi l’origine du sport. Tu trouves un texte qui parle du « goalball ». Tu es intéressé(e) et tu le lis. N’oublie pas que tu dois le présenter aux autres élèves de ta classe. Synthétise ton travail ci-dessous.


Page 12: Chers élèves,



Some vocabulary to help you

• a rabbit : Bugs Bunny is a rabbit.

1. READING TASK (lecture)

a. Read the text “A Scottish Girl” and complete this form in

French (Lis le texte “A Scottish Girl” et complète ce formulaire en français)










2 Easy Street, septembre 2008

Page 13: Chers élèves,

A Scottish Girl 2/2

b. What is Ailsa’s typical school day like? Answer in French (Décris la journée type d’Ailsa. Réponds en français)

L’heure L’activité

2. WRITING (Expression écrite) Now, it is your turn. Write a text about you. Use Aila’s text as an

example (A ton tour de parler de toi. Prends exemple sur le texte d’Ailsa et rédige un texte en anglais !)
















Page 14: Chers élèves,


Objectifs des exercices : tu vas apprendre à donner ton avis sur la mode. Pour y arriver, tu vas d’abord lire l’avis de jeunes anglais sur la mode, ensuite faire quelques exercices, et, finalement, t’exprimer sur le sujet.

1. READING (Lecture)

Voici un article à propos de la mode. Plusieurs jeunes donnent leur avis sur la mode. Lis l’article et réponds aux questions en français.

a. Choose the right answer(s) (Choisis la ou les bonne(s) réponse(s)) Anya Izzy Saff Stefan

1. Qui est intéressé par la mode ? 2. Qui dépense beaucoup d’argent pour ses

vêtements ?

3. Qui aime porter des vêtements de sport ? 4. Qui aimerait travailler dans la mode plus tard ?

b. Answer the following questions in French (Réponds aux questions suivantes en français)

1. Que pense Anya des uniformes ?



2. Comment Izzy choisit-elle ses vêtements ?



3. Que pense Stefan des vêtements chers ?



Vocabulary to help you

a designer = un styliste a teenager = un adolescent a teen = un ado to wear= porter (un vêtement) Anya

we have to wear = nous devons porter I don’t mind = ça ne me dérange pas to hate= détester a skirt = une jupe a stripy tie = cravate lignée a jumper = pull over I would be fine with it = ça me conviendrait Izz

most of = la plupart to spend = dépenser

to try to find = essayer de trouver Saff

a brand = une marque I’m into trainers = je suis intéressé par, j’aime les baskets. Stefan

I’m going = je vais… I’d like to = j’aimerais… It has to be = ça doit être cheap = bon marché expensive = cher to look good = avoir l’air bien, avoir belle allure a jacket = une veste

Page 15: Chers élèves,

Do You Like Fashion°? 2/4

Page 16: Chers élèves,

Do You Like Fashion? 3/4

2. EXERCISES (Exercices)

a. Match each word with the right picture (Associe chaque mot à son image)

A B.





G. H.





jacket boots skirt belt earrings jumper trousers trainers dress

b. Complete the sentences using ‘to be’ (Complète les phrases avec une forme du verbe “to be”)

1. A skirt ……………………….for boys.

2. Fashion …………………important for Izzy.

3. Anya …………….……..interested in


4. I ………………….a fashion victim.

5. ………….……….you interested in


c. What do these phrases mean? (Que veulent dire ces expressions ?)

d. Look at the chart and write a short text about Jessica (Observe le tableau et écris un petit texte à propos de Jessica)

aime X X n’aime pas X X est intéressé par X n’est pas intéressé par


I like = …………………………………………………………………………………............

I don’t like = ……………………………………………………………………………...........

I’m interested in… = ……………………………………………………………….............

I’m not interested in… =…………………………………………………………................

Page 17: Chers élèves,

Do You Like Fashion? 4/4

e. What do you think about fashion ? Write a short text and give your

opinion (Que penses-tu de la mode ? Ecris un petit texte et donne ton avis)

Comme Anya, Izzy, Saff et Stefan, donne ton avis en quelques lignes. T’intéresses-tu à la mode ? Qu’aimes-tu ? Que n’aimes-tu pas ? Que portes-tu ?






















Page 18: Chers élèves,



(Exercice de lecture et d’écriture: trouve un(e) correspondant(e) pour Jodie)

Ce sont les vacances, et tu travailles pour une association qui aide les jeunes à trouver un correspondant. Aujourd’hui tu reçois la lettre de Jodie, une anglaise. Elle aimerait avoir un correspondant ou une correspondante. Lis sa lettre et essaye de trouver un(e) correspondant(e) pour elle.


I’m Jodie McDonald and I’m English. I’m twelve years old. I’ve got two brothers, Rick and Jack. They are older than me. Rick is twenty years old and studies at university. Jack, my other brother, is twenty-five years old and is a police officer. We really get on well. My mother, Suzanne, works half-time as a nurse and my father, Luka, works for a building company. He works forty hours a week. I’ve got a very large family : three aunts, four uncles and twenty cousins.

I’m tall and thin. I’ve got brown hair and blue eyes.

I’m usually nice and in a good mood. I’ve got many friends in my school and in my sport club. I play tennis twice a week. I really like this sport. I often play with my best friend, Nina.

My school is near my house. I go on foot to school. That’s really cool! There are eighteen pupils in my class: ten girls and eight boys. My favourite courses are French and maths. I would like to go to France during the holidays to improve my French.

I’ve got a dog and a cat. I’m really happy to have these animals at home. I feed them everyday and I walk the dog every evening.

Everyday, before going to school, I have breakfast with my family. I have a croissant and a big bowl of milk.

Page 19: Chers élèves,

Find a Penfriend for Jodie 2/3

1. READING (Lecture)

a. Read the letter and fill in Jodie’s admission form (Lis la lettre et complète la fiche d’inscription de Jodie)

b. Find in the letter how Jodie says these different words (Repère dans la lettre comment Jodie dit les mots suivants)

1. nourrir le chien : ___________________________________________ 2. promener le chien : ___________________________________________ 3. nous nous entendons bien : ___________________________________________ 4. ils sont plus âgés que moi : ___________________________________________

c. Look at the different ID cards below. Which one is the best penfriend

for Jodie ? Underline the elements Jodie and her penfriend have in

common (Regarde les cartes d’identité ci-dessous. Quel(le) est le (la) meilleur(e) correspondant(e) pour Jodie ? Souligne les éléments que Jodie et son/sa correspondant(e) ont en commun)

Laura Âge : 12 ans. Elle a un chien et un chat. Elle a deux sœurs. Elle a des cheveux bruns. Elle aime l’histoire et le français. Elle adore la musique et dessiner.

Laetitia Âge : 15 ans. Elle n’a pas de frères et sœurs. Elle n’a pas d’animaux. Elle aime les maths et le français. Elle n’aime pas le sport mais elle aime bien la musique.

Jérôme Âge : 14 ans. Il a un frère. Il a plusieurs animaux. Il a les yeux bleus. Il adore le vélo et la natation. Il aime bien l’histoire et la bio.

Grégory Âge : 14 ans. Il a un frère et une sœur. Il a un chat. Il est toujours de bonne humeur. Il aime les maths et la physique. Il fait de la natation et il adore les jeux vidéos.

a. Nom : _________________________________________

b. Prénom : ______________________________________

c. Âge : __________________________________________

d. Frères et sœurs : ____________________________________________________


e. Parents (noms + métiers) ________________________________________________________


f. Animaux : ______________________________________________________________________

g. Loisirs : ________________________________________________________________________

h. Cours préférés : _________________________________________________________________

i. Physique : _______________________________________________________________________

Page 20: Chers élèves,

Find a Penfriend for Jodie 3/3

2. WRITING (Exercice d’écriture)

Now, write a letter in English to Jodie and introduce the penfriend

you’ve chosen for her (À présent, rédige une lettre en anglais à Jodie où tu lui lui présentes le/la correspondant(e) que tu as choisi(e) pour elle)























Page 21: Chers élèves,


SPEAKING : A Friends’ Book (Exercice oral : Un livre d’amis)

Elève A

1. You have a new friends’ book. You would like to complete it. Ask

questions to your partner to fill in his form (Tu as un nouveau livre d’amis. Tu voudrais le compléter. Pose des questions à ton partenaire pour pouvoir remplir sa fiche)

Nom : …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Prénom : …………………………………………….………………………………………………..

Nationalité : …………………………………………...………………………………………………

Lieu d’habitation : ……………………………………….………………………………………….

Âge : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Famille : ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

Animaux : …………………………………………………….……………………………………….

Loisirs : ……………………………………………………….………………………………………..

Langue(s) maternelle(s) : ………………………….………………………………………………..

Langue(s) apprise(s) : ……………………………………………..…………………..……………

Cours préférés : ………………………………………………………………………..…………….

Plats préférés : ………………………………………………………………………………………..

2. Now read your form and answer your partner’s questions (Lis ensuite ta fiche d’identité, pour répondre aux questions de ton partenaire)

Nom : Sanchez.

Prénom : Pedro.

Nationalité : espagnol.

Lieu d’habitation : Madrid.

Âge : 13.

Famille : un frère (9 ans), deux sœurs (14 – 16 ans).

Animaux : un chat, un lapin, pas de chien.

Loisirs : le vélo et le piano.

Langue(s) maternelle(s) : espagnol.

Langue(s) apprise(s) : français, néerlandais, anglais.

Cours préférés : français et math.

Plats préférés : poisson avec carottes.

Page 22: Chers élèves,

A Friends’ Book 2/2

Elève B

1. Read your form and answer your partner’s questions because he

would like to fill in his new friends’ book (Lis ta fiche d’identité, ton partenaire va te poser des questions car il voudrait remplir son nouveau livre d’amis)

Nom : Vandepoorte.

Prénom : Michiel.

Nationalité : néerlandais.

Lieu d’habitation : Rotterdam.

Âge : 14.

Famille : un frère (7 ans), un sœur (16 ans).

Animaux : un chien, un poisson.

Loisirs : lecture, musique, gymnastique.

Langue(s) maternelle(s) : néerlandais.

Langue(s) apprise(s) : français, allemand.

Cours préférés : histoire et géographie.

Plats préférés : riz et viande.

2. It’s your turn to fill in your friends’ book. Ask questions to your

partner and fill in his form (A ton tour de compléter ton livre d’amis. Pose des questions à ton partenaire pour pouvoir remplir sa fiche d’identité)

Nom : …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Prénom : ………………………………………………..……………………………………………..

Nationalité : ……………………………………………………………..……………………………

Lieu d’habitation : ……………………………………………………………………….………….

Age : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Famille : ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Animaux : ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

Loisirs : …………………………………………………………………………………………..…….

Langue(s) maternelle(s) : …………………………………………………………………………...

Langue(s) apprise(s) : ……………………………………………………………………………..

Cours préférés : ………………………………………………………………………………………

Plats préférés : ………………………………………………………………………………………..

Page 23: Chers élèves,


grandmother _____________________

__________________ grandfather 08/08/1933


__________________ __________________


__________________ __________________

__________________ aunt



__________________ __________________


__________________ __________________


__________________ __________________


__________________ __________________


___________ 04/07/1985


grandmother 06/10/1928


grandfather 23/07/1927


aunt 12/09/1954


father 09/08/1950


uncle 04/04/1951


mother 26/06/1956


cousin 11/05/1986


brother 19/12/1985


Sister 03/02/1983


cousin 12/04/1987




Tu assistes à un cours d’anglais pour étrangers dans une école à Londres. Aujourd’hui vous parlez de vos familles d’accueil. Tu dois compléter l’arbre généalogique de la famille d’accueil de ton voisin de classe. Pose-lui des questions pour obtenir les informations manquantes. Ensuite, écoute ses questions car il doit aussi compléter l’arbre généalogique de ta famille d’accueil.

Here is your guest family tree (Voici l’arbre généalogique de ta famille d’accueil)

Page 24: Chers élèves,


grandmother 16/08/1934


grandfather 08/08/1933


uncle 25/11/1960


mother 03/03/1966


aunt 01/12/1965


father 08/09/1959


cousin 04/04/1990


cousin 05/05/1992


brother 02/06/1989


sister 04/07/1985


grandmother _____________________


grandfather _____________________


__________________ __________________


__________________ __________________

__________________ uncle



__________________ __________________


__________________ __________________


__________________ __________________

___________ ___________



__________________ __________________

Family Tree 2/2



Tu assistes à un cours d’anglais pour étrangers dans une école à Londres. Aujourd’hui vous parlez de vos familles d’accueil. Tu dois compléter l’arbre généalogique de la famille d’accueil de ton voisin de classe. Pose-lui des questions pour obtenir les informations manquantes. Ensuite, écoute ses questions car il doit aussi compléter l’arbre généalogique de ta famille d’accueil.

Here is your guest family tree (Voici l’arbre généalogique de ta famille d’accueil)

Page 25: Chers élèves,




Introduce Lisa to your partner. Look at the pictures… (Présente Lisa à ton/ta partenaire. Regarde les images)

Lisa Cheveux blondsCheveux blondsCheveux blondsCheveux blonds


28 ans28 ans28 ans28 ans

John, son filsJohn, son filsJohn, son filsJohn, son fils

Yeux bleusYeux bleusYeux bleusYeux bleus

Now, listen to your partner describing Margareth… Tick the right

answers (À présent, écoute ton/ta partenaire, il décrit Margareth… Coche les réponses correctes)

to have grey hair = avoir des cheveux gris

to be seventy-three years old = avoir septante-trois ans

to have a fish = avoir un poisson

to be Lucida’s mother = être la maman de Lucida

to have glasses = avoir des lunettes

to be Edward’s mother = être la maman d’Edward

to have blue eyes = avoir des yeux bleus

to be a teacher = être enseignant

to have a white handbag = avoir un sac à main blanc

to be happy = être heureux

to have a house = avoir une maison

to be a grandfather = être un grand-père

to have a cat = avoir un chat

to be a grandmother = être une grand-mère

to have a long nose = avoir un long nez

to be old = être vieille

to have black shoes = avoir des chaussures noires

to be rich = être riche

Page 26: Chers élèves,

To Have & To Be 2/2



Listen to your partner describing Lisa… Tick the right answers

(À présent, écoute ton/ta partenaire, il décrit Lisa… Coche les réponses correctes)

to have blond hair = avoir des cheveux blonds

to be twenty-eight years old = avoir vingt-huit ans

to have a dog = avoir un chien

to be John’s mother = être la maman de John

to have a cat = avoir un chat

to be tired = être fatigué

to have blue eyes = avoir des yeux bleus

to be a teacher = être enseignant

to have black shoes = avoir des chaussures noires

to be sad = être triste

to have a house = avoir une maison

to be an architect = être architecte

to have a duck = avoir un canard

to have a long nose = avoir un long nez

to have green eyes = avoir des yeux verts

to be thirty-eight years old = avoir trente-huit ans

to have a bike = avoir un vélo

to be happy = être heureux

Now, introduce Margareth to your partner. Look at the pictures…

(Présente Lisa à ton/ta partenaire. Regarde les images)


sac à main blancsac à main blancsac à main blancsac à main blanc

Margareth, Margareth, Margareth, Margareth,

Lucida’s motherLucida’s motherLucida’s motherLucida’s mother

73 ans73 ans73 ans73 ans

chaussures chaussures chaussures chaussures



LucidLucidLucidLucidaaaa EdwEdwEdwEdwardardardard

long long long long neznezneznez

Page 27: Chers élèves,



a. Read the text about JENNY’s day and complete the chart below (Lis le texte à propos de la journée de JENNY et complète le tableau ci-dessous)

Last Saturday Jenny woke up really early. First she had breakfast because she was hungry. She ate two pieces of toast with jam and drank a cup of coffee. Then she had a shower and brushed her teeth. At 10 a.m. she went to the gym and trained for two hours. Around midday she helped her mother to prepare fish and chips for lunch. After lunch she did the washing-up. In the afternoon she did her homework: first she studied French vocabulary with one of her friends and then she did maths exercises. At 5 p.m. she visited her grandmother. She

played a board game with her. She went back home two hours later. For supper she ate chicken with salad. In the evening she watched TV and then went to bed at 10 p.m.


For breakfast

She ate………………………………………………………….….

She drank …………………………………………………………

He ate………………………………………………………………….

He drank ……………………..………….………………………….

In the


She …………………………………………………...………………

She …………………………………………………….……………

She …………………………………………………….……………

She …………………………………………………….……………

He …………………………..…………………………………………

He …………………………..…………………………………………

He …………………………..…………………………………………

He …………………………..…………………………………………

For lunch

She …………………………………………………………...………

He ………………………..……………………………………………

In the


She …………………………………………………………………...

She …………………………………………………………………

She …………………………………………………………………...

She …………………………………………………………………...

He …………………………..…………………………………………

He ……………………………..………………………………………

He ………………………………..……………………………………

He …………………………………..…………………………………

For supper



In the evening



b. Now ask questions to your partner to complete John’s timetable (Pose maintenant des questions à ton partenaire pour pouvoir compléter l’emploi du temps de John)

What did John eat for breakfast ? What did he do in the morning°?

Page 28: Chers élèves,



a. Read the text about JOHN’s day and complete the chart below (Lis le texte à propos de la journée de JOHN et complète le tableau ci-dessous)

On Saturday John slept in. He got up around 10 a.m. He ate cereal with milk and drank a big cup of hot chocolate. In the morning he did his homework. He tidied up and cleaned his bedroom. For lunch, he prepared some toast with eggs and bacon for parents and himself. After lunch he took the bus to the city centre to go to football training. Afterwards he went to his aunt’s house. They made some pancakes together. At 6 p.m. his aunt took him back home. For supper the whole family had a barbecue. Afterwards he played on the computer and surfed the Internet.


For breakfast

He ate………………………………………………………….….

He drank …………………………………………………………

She ate……………………………………………………………….

She drank …………………..………….………………………….

In the


He …………………………………………………...………………

He …………………………………………………….……………

He …………………………………………………….……………

He …………………………………………………….……………

She ………………………..…………………………………………

She ………………………..…………………………………………

She ………………………..…………………………………………

She ………………………..…………………………………………

For lunch

He …………………………………………………………...………

She ……………………..……………………………………………

In the


He …………………………………………………………………...

He …………………………………………………………………

He …………………………………………………………………...

He …………………………………………………………………...

She ………………………..…………………………………………

She …………………………..………………………………………

She ……………………………..……………………………………

She ………………………………..…………………………………

For supper



In the evening



b. Now ask questions to your partner to complete John’s timetable (Pose maintenant des questions à ton partenaire pour pouvoir compléter l’emploi du temps de John)

What did Jenny eat for breakfast ? What did she do in the morning°?

Page 29: Chers élèves,





Page 30: Chers élèves,

Table des matières des corrigés des fiches

1. Compréhension à l’audition et expression écrite

a. Jodie ( CD Piste 25)

2. Compréhension à la lecture

a. Silence ! We’re Playing

3. Compréhension à la lecture et expression écrite

a. A Scottish Girl

b. Do You Like Fashion ?

c. A Penfriend for Jodie (CD piste n°25)

4. Expression orale

a. What Did They Do Last Saturday?

Page 31: Chers élèves,


Listening and writing: “A Penfriend for Jodie”: CORRIGÉ

Exercice d’audition et d’écriture : Trouve un(e) correspondant(e) pour Jodie

CD Piste n°25

1. Listen to Jodie and write down the pieces of information she gives

about herself. Answer in French (Ecoute Jodie et note les éléments qu’elle

donne à propos d’elle. Réponds en français)

2. Find one or several people who could be Jodie’s penfriend(s).

Underline the items IN COMMON. (Repère une ou plusieurs personne(s) qui

pourrai(en)t être un(e) correspondant(e) pour Jodie. Souligne les éléments



Elle déjeune avec sa

famille avant d’aller à

l’école : un croissant,

un bol de lait.

12 ans, anglaise

2 frères : Rick et Jack.

Ses parents s’appellent

Suzanne et Lucas.

Elle est grande et

mince. Elle a les

cheveux bruns et les

yeux bleus.

Elle a une grande

famille : 3 tantes, 4

oncles et 22 cousins.

Elle a un chien et un


Elle a beaucoup

d’amis à l’école et

au club de sport

Âge : 12 ans.

Elle a un chien et un chat.

Elle n’a pas d’amis.

Elle a deux sœurs.

Elle a des cheveux bruns.

Âge : 15 ans.

Elle a de nombreux amis.

Elle n’a pas de frères et


Elle a un chien.

Elle a une grande famille.

Âge : 14 ans.

Il a de nombreux amis.

Il a un frère.

Il a plusieurs animaux.

Il a des yeux bleus.

Âge : 14 ans.

Il a un bon ami et de nombreux


Il a un frère et une sœur.

Il a un chat.

Il est toujours de bonne humeur.

Anna Grégory

Jérôme Laetitia

Elle est sympa et

souvent de bonne


Page 32: Chers élèves,

A Penfriend for Jodie : corrigé 2/2

3. Script (Transcription)


I’m Jodie and I’m English. I’m twelve years old. I’ve got

two brothers, Rick and Jack, and two parents, Susanne and

Luka. I’ve got a very large family : three aunts, four uncles and

twenty cousins.

I’m tall and thin. I’ve got brown hair and blue eyes.

I’m usually nice and in a good mood. I’ve got a lot of

friends at my school and in my sport club.

I’ve got a dog and a cat. I’m really happy to have these

pets at home.

Everyday, before going to school, I have breakfast with my

family. I have a croissant and a big bowl of milk.

Page 33: Chers élèves,



Easy going, décembre 2008

! Origine

Ce jeu a été créé pour des soldats ayant perdu la vue lors de la Seconde Guerre


! Public

Tout un chacun peut jouer à ce jeu : des personnes handicapées tout comme des

personnes valides.

Le public qui regarde le jeu doit être silencieux.

! But du jeu

Le but du jeu est de récolter un maximum de points en faisant passer la balle

derrière une ligne de but.

! Matériel nécessaire

- une balle avec des clochettes à l’intérieur ;

- des masques ;

- un terrain de volley-ball avec des lignes que l’on peut distinguer au toucher

(limites tactiles).

! Règles du jeu

- il y a différentes équipes (deux par déduction) de trois joueurs ;

- il y a deux périodes de 7 minutes dans un jeu ;

- la balle doit toucher le sol lorsque les joueurs se la passent, ainsi les joueurs

la font souvent rouler sur le sol ;

- un joueur doit passer la balle à un autre endéans les 8 secondes.

Page 34: Chers élèves,



Easy Street, septembre 2008

a. Read the text “A Scottish Girl” and complete this form (Lis le texte “A

Scottish Girl” et complète ce formulaire)

Nom /

Prénom Ailsa

Âge 12 ans

Nationalité écossaise

Ville Cupar

Famille Le prénom de sa maman : Pamela

Le prénom de son papa : Philip

Le prénom de sa sœur : Sophie

Animaux Un poisson : Bubbles

Un lapin : Poppet

Amis Jay et Julia

Loisirs Aller au cinéma

Faire du shopping à Dundee

b. What is Ailsa’s typical school day like? Answer in French (Décris la journée

type d’Ailsa. Réponds en français)

L’heure Activité

7h00 Elle se lève.

8h20’ Elle prend le bus pour aller à l’école.

8h40’ L’école commence.


C’est le temps de midi. Elle mange soit à la cantine soit avec

des amis dans un café.

15h30’ L’école se termine.

Page 35: Chers élèves,



1. READING (Lecture)

a. Choose the right answer(s) (Choisis la ou les bonne(s) réponse(s))

Anya Izzy Saff Stefan

Qui est intéressé par la mode°? X X X

Qui dépense beaucoup d’argent pour ses

vêtements ?


Qui aime porter des vêtements de sport ? X

Qui aimerait travailler dans la mode plus tard ? X

b. Answer the following questions in French (Réponds aux questions suivantes

en français)

1. Que pense Anya des uniformes ?

Le port de l’uniforme n’est pas un problème pour elle. L’idée ne la dérange


2. Comment Izzy choisit-elle ses vêtements ?

Elle regarde dans les magasines ce que les célébrités (stars) portent.

3. Que pense Stefan des vêtements chers ?

Les vêtements ne doivent pas nécessairement être chers pour être beaux,

pour être bien.

2. EXERCISES (Exercices)

a. Match each word with the right picture (Associe chaque mot à son image)

f g c d i j h a b e

T-shirt jacket boots skirt belt earrings jumper trousers trainers dress

b. Complete the sentences using ‘to be’ (Complète les phrases avec une forme

du verbe “to be”)

1. A skirt isn’t for boys.

2. Fashion is important for Izzy.

3. Anya isn’t interested in fashion.

4. I’m a fashion victim.

5. Are you interested in fashion ?

c. What do these phrases mean°? (Que veulent dire ces expressions ?)

d. Look at the chart and write a short text about Jessica (Observe le tableau et

écris un petit texte à propos de Jessica)

“I like skirts and bags but I don’t like trainers and trousers. I’m interested in music

but I’m not interested in cinema.”

I like = j’aime

I don’t like = je n’aime pas

I’m interested in… = je suis intéressé(e) par…

I’m not interested in…= je ne suis pas intéressé(e) par…

Page 36: Chers élèves,




a. Read the letter and fill in Jodie’s admission form (Lis la lettre et complète la

fiche d’inscription de Jodie)

b. Find in the letter how Jodie says these different words (Repère dans la

lettre comment Jodie dit les mots suivants)

a. nourrir le chien __feed the dog__________________________

b. promener le chien __walk the dog_________________________

c. nous nous entendons bien __we get on well_______________________

d. ils sont plus âgés que moi __they are older than me______________

c. Look at the different ID cards below. Which one is the best penfriend for

Jodie ? Underline the elements Jodie and her penfriend have in common

(Regarde les cartes d’identité ci-dessous. Quel(le) est le/la meilleur(e)

correspondant(e) pour Jodie ? Souligne les éléments que Jodie et son/sa

correspondant(e) ont en commun)

Laura Âge : 12 ans.

Elle a un chien et un chat.

Elle a deux sœurs.

Elle a des cheveux bruns.

Elle aime l’histoire et le français.

Elle adore la musique et dessiner.

Laetitia Âge : 15 ans.

Elle n’a pas de frères et sœurs.

Elle n’a pas d’animaux.

Elle aime les maths et le


Elle n’aime pas le sport mais

elle aime bien la musique.

Jérôme Âge : 14 ans.

Il a un frère.

Il a plusieurs animaux.

Il a les yeux bleus.

Il adore le vélo et la natation.

Il aime bien l’histoire et la bio.

Grégory Âge : 14 ans.

Il a un frère et une sœur.

Il a un chat.

Il est toujours de bonne humeur.

Il aime les maths et la physique.

Il fait de la natation et il adore les

jeux vidéos.

a. Nom : _ McDonald_________________________

b. Prénom :__ Jodie __________________________

c. Âge : _____12 ans__________________________

d. Frères et sœurs : _2 frères : Rick (20 ans, étudie à l’université) Jack (25 ans, agent de police) _______________________________________________

e. Parents (noms + métiers) __Suzanne, infirmière à mi-temps. Luka, travaille pour une entreprise de construction___________________________________________

f. Animaux : _______un chat et un chien__________________________________________

g. Loisirs : _________tennis (deux fois par semaine)________________________________

h. Cours préférés : __ français et math_____________________________________________

i. Physique : grande, mince, cheveux bruns, yeux bleus __________________________

Page 37: Chers élèves,



a. Read the text about JENNY’s day and complete the chart below (Lis le texte à propos de la journée de JENNY et

complète le tableau ci-dessous)

Last Saturday Jenny woke up really early. First she had breakfast because she was hungry. She ate two pieces of toast with jam

and drank a cup of coffee. Then she had a shower and brushed her teeth. At 10 a.m. she went to the gym and trained for two

hours. Around midday she helped her mother to prepare fish and chips for lunch. After lunch she did the washing-up. In the

afternoon she did her homework: first she studied French vocabulary with one of her friends and then she did maths exercises.

At 5 p.m. she visited her grandmother. She played a board game with her. She went back home two hours later. For supper she

ate chicken with salad. In the evening she watched TV and then went to bed at 10 p.m.

Jenny John

For breakfast She ate two pieces of toast with jam.

She drank a cup of coffee.

He ate cereal with milk.

He drank a big cup of hot chocolate.

In the


She had a shower.

She brushed her teeth.

She went to the gym.

She trained for two hours.

He did his homework.

He tidied up and cleaned his bedroom.



For lunch She ate fish and chips. He ate some toast with eggs and bacon.

In the


She did the washing-up.

She did her homework.

She visited her grandmother.

She played a board game.

He took the bus to go to his football training.

He went to his aunt’s house.

They made some pancakes.

She took him back home.

For supper She ate chicken with salad. The whole family had a barbecue.

In the evening She watched TV and went to bed at 10 p.m. He played on the computer and surfed the Internet.

b. Now ask questions to your partner to complete John’s timetable (Pose maintenant des questions à ton partenaire

pour pouvoir compléter l’emploi du temps de John)

What did John eat for breakfast ? What did he do in the morning°?

Page 38: Chers élèves,



a. Read the text about JOHN’s day and complete the chart below (Lis le texte à propos de la journée de JOHN et

complète le tableau ci-dessous) On Saturday John slept in. He got up around 10 a.m. He ate cereal with milk and drank a big cup of hot chocolate. In the

morning he did his homework. He tidied up and cleaned his bedroom. For lunch, he prepared some toast with eggs and bacon for

parents and himself. After lunch he took the bus to the city centre to go to football training. Afterwards he went to his aunt’s

house. They made some pancakes together. At 6 p.m. his aunt took him back home. For supper the whole family had a barbecue.

Afterwards he played on the computer and surfed the Internet.

Jenny John

For breakfast She ate two pieces of toast with jam.

She drank a cup of coffee.

He ate cereal with milk.

He drank a big cup of hot chocolate.

In the


She had a shower.

She brushed her teeth.

She went to the gym.

She trained two hours.

He did his homework.

He tidied up and cleaned his bedroom.



For lunch She ate fish and chips. He ate some toast with eggs and bacon.

In the


She did the washing-up.

She did her homework.

She visited her grandmother.

She played a board game.

He took the bus to go to football training.

He went to his aunt’s house.

They made some pancakes.

She took him back home.

For supper She ate chicken with salad. The whole family had a barbecue.

In the evening She watched TV and went to bed at 10 p.m. He played on the computer and surfed the


b. Now ask questions to your partner to complete John’s timetable (Pose maintenant des questions à ton partenaire

pour pouvoir compléter l’emploi du temps de John)

What did Jenny eat for breakfast ? What did she do in the morning?

Page 39: Chers élèves,

Exercises about Present Tenses A .Conjugate in the Present Continuous 1.We (to fly) over Paris at the moment . 2. The air hostess (to serve) drinks and dinner . 3. All the passengers (to eat and drink ) 4. She (not to look) through the window . 5. (not to read) he a newspaper ? 6. Mary ( to write) a letter to her boy-friend . 7. (to play) I the piano ? 8. The teenagers (to listen) to the radio 9. She (not to swim) in the river . 10. Look ! The dog (to run) very fast . B. Conjugate in the Simple Present 1. He ( not to know) the answers 2. She( to like) some apple juice . 3. They ( not to have ) some ice cream . 4. ( to work) she at the airport ? 5. What time ( to start ) the film ? 6. Whose car ( to use) she ? 7. I (to drive) my car every day . 8. Mr Garret ( to teach) English in France . 9. I ( not to want ) to miss the bus . 10. They always (to travel) by plane . C. Simple Present or Present Continuous ? 1. She (to go) away every weekend . 2. Look ! There he is .He(to sit) outside a café . 3. He’s busy now ; he (to write ) a letter . 4. He (to write ) her every week . 5. I usually ( not to take) sugar in my coffee. 6. I ( to suppose ) you know me . 7. In Spain women usually ( not to wear) hats 8. ( to rain) it often in the desert ? 9. My mother usually (to cook) dinner in the morning . 10. What’s your mother doing ? She (to wash) my clothes . D. Make negative . 1. She wants some coffee . 2. I know somebody . 3 . She’s opening the red box . 4. I’m sorry ; I can help you . 5 We’re watching television . 6. The boy throws a ball . 7She tells us a story . 8. They can come this evening . 9. He’s trying to be a good boy . 10. I’m studying Russian .

Exercises about Past Tenses PAST SIMPLE & PAST CONTINUOUS - Exercice 1 Example : 1. He (sit) in a pub when I (see) him. He was sitting in a pub when he saw me. 2. The boy (fall) down while he (run). 3. The light (go) out while I (have) tea.

Page 40: Chers élèves,

4. My neighbours (sing) when I (go) into their house. 5. When I (be) at school I (learn) Greek. 6. I (wash) the van when I (receive) the bad news. 7. When the phone (ring) , I (have) a bath. 8. Large crowds (wait) at the station when the pop singer (arrive) . 9. When I (have) a dog I always (take) him out for a walk in the evening. 10. We (drink) wine every day when we (be) in France.


1. He (eat) his supper when I (go) to see him.

2. When I (go) out the sun (not shine) .

3. I (have) coffee when the light in the house (go) out.

4. When I (see) her, she (speak) to the waiter.

5. When their teacher of German (ask) them a question, they (not know) the answer because they (talk) .

6. The moment he (hear) the good news, he (phone) me.

7. When the bell (ring) we (do) a test.

8. I (do) my homework before I (go) to bed.

9. When we (arrive) at the theatre, some other people (sit) in our seats.

10. Every day I (catch) the number 15 bus to work.


1. They (arrive) while we (have) lunch.

2. Who (tell) you to come and see me here in my office?

3. They (talk) about him when he (come) in.

4. The housewife (find) EUR 10 while she (sweep) her house.

5. He (come) in while I (work) .

6. He (smoke) his usual Burmese cheroot when I (enter) .

7. I (read) the newspaper when he (ring) .

8. The postman (come) as I (leave) the house.

9. The family (seem) very busy. They (collect) shells along the riverbank.

10. The clock (strike) midnight while the guests (dance) .


1. I (have) supper when the robbers (break) into my house.

Page 41: Chers élèves,

2. When I (come in) , the cat (sleep) in the armchair.

3. We (swim) down at the beach when they (arrive) .

4. My friends (come) to see me at 6 o'clock.

5. What (you, do) yesterday at this time?

6. On our holiday this summer, we (swim) every day.

7. Where (you, go) when I (see) you yesterday?

8. He (ask) me who I (wait) for.

9. He (lose) the keys of his car while he (see) the sights of the city.

10. Sandra (cook) vegetables when I first (ask) her to marry me.


1. My father (drop) 4 plates while he (wash up) last night; none of them (break) .

2. He (think) of something else all the time you (talk) to him.

3. When I (see) him, he (sing) and (smoke) a cigar at the same time.

4. The dog (bite) her on the ankle while she (try) to catch it.

5. He (lean) against the door and (listen) to the radio when I first (try) to speak to him.

6. Scenes from the whole of his past life (flash) through his mind as the plane (crash) .

7. She (remember) the day she first (go) to school.

8. When he had left school and (look) for a job, he (meet) a school-friend of his.

9. The director of the prison (discover) that he was expected to treat prisoners equally.

10. The child (take) another cake when its parents (not look) .


When I was in Turkey last year, I (have) my first experience of an earthquake. It (be) about 11 o'clock at night. I (be) in my hotel room and (take) off my clothes when I (think) I (hear) someone banging in the room below. Suddenly the whole room (begin) to shake. It wasn't the person underneath! The hotel (shake) because of an earthquake! My first thought was to get out, but I (stay) on the 3rd floor! So I (run) out of the room and started to go down the stairs.


Suddenly all the lights (go) out. While I (go) down the stairs, I (meet) someone who (shout) "Get down to the bottom of the stairs as fast as you can, and hide underneath." I (do) as he (say) . When I (get) there, there were several other people. They (tell) me to stay under the stairs and we (not come) out until we (think) the earthquake was over.

Page 42: Chers élèves,

Put the verbs in the present perfect

1. She (to stop) smoking since the birth of her baby.

2. He (to be) in the Army for two years.

3. She (to become) more jealous since the birth of her brother.

4. They (never / tell) the truth.

5. My teacher (always / help) me to improve my level.

6. I (just / receive) a new message.

7. He (already / finish) reading the novel.

8. The plane (not / land) yet.

9. She (always / respect) his point of view

10. He (just / find) a title for his new book.

11. We (never / come) late.

12. (you / finish) eating yet?

13. I (just / see) a meteor.

Put the verbs in the present perfect

1. I (visit) London

2. Ron (never/ride) a motorbike.

3. Ted (write) a play.

4. I (not/eat) this Chinese food.

5. (you/make) a cake ?

6. (you /be) to Paris?

7. She (never/make) a cake.

8. (you/meet) a V.I.P ?

9. What (you /do) ?

10. I (not/visit) Rome.

Page 43: Chers élèves,

Exercises : Simple Past

A. Put the verbs in the simple past

1. ……………………………….. (you/go) to London yesterday?

2. Yes, I ……………………………….. (réponse courte),

3. I ……………………………….. (not take) the Eurostar

4. and I ……………………………….. (arrive) at Waterloo Station.

5. I ……………………………….. (meet) old friends there.

6. They ……………………………….. (not be) all very happy to see me.

7. I ……………………………….. (visit) the town with them.

8. I even ……………………………….. (see) Prince Charles!

9. I ……………………………….. (go) to Buckingham Palace too!

10. It ……………………………….. (be) a wonderful journey!

B. Same exercise 1. She ……………………………….. (to come) to school later than I did.

2. He told me that he ……………………………….. (may) come today.

3. I ……………………………….. (not to make) a mistake.

4. He ……………………………….. (to be) in another school last year.

5. Many years ago, China ……………………………….. (to be) a poor country.

6. It's high time you ……………………………….. (to work) hard.

7. She wishes she ……………………………….. (to become) rich.

8. When I was a child I often ……………………………….. (to play) with Kelly.

9. She ……………………………….. (not to leave) two days ago.

C. Same exercise 1. I ……………………………….. (go) to Brighton last year.

2. She ……………………………….. (write) to her friend Kevin.

3. Yesterday, he ……………………………….. (play) football with Julien.

4. I ……………………………….. (speak) to my uncle on the phone.

5. Mary ……………………………….. (buy) a present for Camilla 2 days ago.

6. My mother ……………………………….. (be) there yesterday.

7. You ……………………………….. (see) Maeva too when you went shopping.

8. Did your mother ……………………………….. (drive) you to school?

9. He ……………………………….. (bring) sweets for the pupils.

10. I ……………………………….. (work) in this supermarket when I was 16.

11. He ……………………………….. (leave) five minutes ago.

12. Sylvia ……………………………….. (teach) Spanish some years ago.

Page 44: Chers élèves,

Exercise about the FUTURE LE FUTUR - ( WILL / ‘LL + INFINITIF )

1. A: Did you water the plants? B: No, I forgot. I (water) them now. Æ I’ll water

2. A: Can you help me with this report? B: Not now, I’m afraid. I (meet) the CEO in five minutes.

3. A: Would you like red or white wine? B: I (have) red, please.

4. A: Would you like to join us for dinner, Mr Myoto? B: That’s very kind of you but my wife and I (leave) for Geneva at 5pm .

5. A: The ink cartridge in the printer has run out. Hmm, how do you change it? B: I (do) it for you. It’s the same model as mine.

6. Travel agent: There’s a morning flight at 7.50 which gets you there at 9.35, or there’s a later one at 12.05 arriving at 14.25. Customer: I (take) the 7.50.

7. A: What about meeting on Tuesday morning at 10. B: I (show) some visitors around the factory at 8.30, but 10 o’clock is fine.

8. A: Jack and I (go) for a drink after work. Would you like to come? B: OK, yes, I’ d like that.

9. A: Can you help me with this report? B: Not now, I’m afraid – important meeting with the boss! But I (help) you later.

10. A: It’s very stuffy in this room. B: Yes, you’re right. I (open) the window.

Simple past and present perfect


Write down the correct form (pronoun + verb).

Simple Past Present Perfect Simple

I / open

he / write

they / do

you / swim

she / give

Positive Sentences

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

1. Mary (win) the lottery last year.

2. We (prepare / already) dinner.

Page 45: Chers élèves,

3. James (find) your ring in the garden yesterday.

4. He (come / just) home.

5. They (buy) their car two years ago.

Negative Sentences

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

1. I (see / not) anyone yet.

2. Phil (go / not) to the cinema last night.

3. We (be / not) to the zoo so far.

4. She (arrive / not) yet.

5. Emily (visit / not) me last week.


Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

1. (you / read) the book yet?

2. How many letters (they / write) so far?

3. When (he / tell) you that?

4. (you / be) at home last night?

5. How often (you / travel) abroad till now?


Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

1. A: (you / taste / ever) sushi?

2. B: Yes, I (eat) sushi at least five times so far.

3. A: When (you / eat) sushi for the first time?

4. B: I (eat) sushi for the first time on my dad's 50th birthday. He (invite) the whole family to a Japanese restaurant.

5. A: (you / like) it?

6. B: Absolutely. In fact, it (be) so good that we (be) to that restaurant three times yet. And on

my mum's birthday, we (order) some sushi and (have) it at home.


Write down the correct form (pronoun + verb).

Simple Past Present Perfect Simple

Page 46: Chers élèves,

he / listen

they / speak

I / watch

she / grow

you / fall

Positive Sentences

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

1. He (leave / just) his house.

2. We (build) a tree house last week.

3. Two years ago, Fiona (break) her leg.

4. I (wash / already) the dishes.

5. The other day, our cat (bring) home a mouse.

Negative Sentences

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

1. We (empty / not) the bin last week.

2. She (be / not) there an hour ago.

3. He (lose / not) any game so far.

4. My brother (pick / not) me up at 8 o'clock.

5. I (make / not) up my mind yet.


Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

1. (you / see) Bob recently?

2. Who (switch) off the lights a minute ago?

3. When (she / become) a teacher?

4. (you / ride / ever) an elephant?

5. (you / hurt) your knee when you were playing football?


Page 47: Chers élèves,

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

1. Last week I (be) very busy and I (have not) the time to do a lot in the household.

2. On Monday I (work) three hours overtime and (come) home very late in the evening.

3. From Tuesday to Thursday I (be) on a business trip.

4. On Friday I (go) to a friend's birthday party and at the weekend I (visit) my grandparents.

5. Tomorrow some friends are coming over. I (see / not) them for ages and they (be / never) at my place before.

6. I (clean / just) my house so I can show them around. Now everything is perfect.


1. He (sit) was sitting in a pub when I (see) saw him. 2. The boy (fall) fell down while he (run) was running. 3. The light (go) went out while I (have) was having tea. 4. My neighbours (sing) were singing when I (go) went into their house. 5. When I (be) was at school I (learn) learnt Greek. 6. I (wash) was washing the van when I (receive) received the bad news. 7. When the phone (ring) rang, I (have) was having a bath. 8. Large crowds (wait) were waiting at the station when the pop singer (arrive) arrived. 9. When I (have) had a dog I always (take) took him out for a walk in the evening. 10. We (drink) drank wine every day when we (be) were in France


1. He (eat) was eating his supper when I (go) went to see him. 2. When I (go) went out the sun (not shine) wasn't shining. 3. I (have) was having coffee when the light in the house (go) went out. 4. When I (see) saw her, she (speak) was speaking to the waiter. 5. When their teacher of German (ask) asked them a question, they (not know) didn't know the answer because

they (talk) were talking. 6. The moment he (hear) heard the good news, he (phone) phoned me. 7. When the bell (ring) rang we (do) were doing a test. 8. I (do) did my homework before I (go) went to bed. 9. When we (arrive) arrived at the theatre, some other people (sit) were sitting in our seats. 10. Every day I (catch) caught the number 15 bus to work.


1. They (arrive) arrived while we (have) were having lunch. 2. Who (tell) told you to come and see me here in my office? 3. They (talk) were talking about him when he (come) came in. 4. The housewife (find) found EUR 10 when she (sweep) was sweeping her house. 5. He (come) came in while I (work) was working. 6. He (smoke) was smoking his usual Burmese cheroot when I (enter) entered. 7. I (read) was reading the newspaper when he (ring) rang. 8. The postman (come) came as I (leave) was leaving the house. 9. The family (seem) seemed very busy. They (collect) were collecting shells along the riverbank. 10. The clock (strike) struck midnight while the guests (dance) were dancing.


Page 48: Chers élèves,

1. I (have) was having supper when the robbers (break) broke into my house. 2. When I (come in) came in, the cat (sleep) was sleeping in the armchair. 3. We (swim) were swimming down at the beach when they (arrive) arrived. 4. My friends (come) came to see me at 6 o'clock. 5. What (you, do) were you doing yesterday at this time? 6. On our holiday this summer, we (swim) swam every day. 7. Where (you, go) were you going when I (see) saw you yesterday? 8. He (ask) asked me who I (wait) was waiting for. 9. He (lose) lost the keys of his car while he (see) was seeing the sights of the city. 10. Sandra (cook) was cooking vegetables when I first (ask) asked her to marry me.


1. My father (drop) dropped 4 plates while he (wash up) was washing up last night; none of them (break) broke. 2. He (think) was thinking of something else all the time you (talk) were talking to him. 3. When I (see) saw him, he (sing) was singing and (smoke) was smoking a cigar at the same time. 4. The dog (bite) bit her on the ankle while she (try) was trying to catch it. 5. He (lean) was leaning against the door and (listen) was listening to the radio when I first (try) tried to speak to

him. 6. Scenes from the whole of his past life (flash) flashed through his mind as the plane (crash) crashed. 7. She (remember) remembered the day she first (go) went to school. 8. When he had left school and (look) was looking for a job, he (meet) met a school-friend of his. 9. The director of the prison (discover) discovered that he was expected to treat prisoners equally. 10. The child (take) took another cake when its parents (not look) were not looking.


When I was in Turkey last year, I (have) had my first experience of an earthquake. It (be) was about 11 o'clock at night. I (be) was in my hotel room and (take) was taking off my clothes when I (think) thought I (hear) heard someone banging in the room below. Suddenly the whole room (begin) began to shake. It wasn't the person underneath! The hotel (shake) was shaking because of an earthquake! My first thought was to get out, but I (stay) was staying on the 3rd floor! So I (run) ran out of the room and started to go down the stairs.


Suddenly all the lights (go) went out. While I (go) was going down the stairs, I (meet) met someone who (shout) shouted "Get down to the bottom of the stairs as fast as you can, and hide underneath." I (do) did as he (say) said. When I (get) got there, there were several other people. They (tell) told me to stay under the stairs and we (not come) didn't come out until we (think) thought the earthquake was over.



1. A: Did you water the plants? B: No, I forgot. I’ll water them now.

2. A: Can you help me with this report? B: Not now, I’m afraid. I’m meeting the CEO in five minutes.

3. A: Would you like red or white wine? B: I’ll have red, please.

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4. A: Would you like to join us for dinner, Mr Myoto? B: That’s very kind of you but my wife and I are leaving for Geneva at 5pm .

5. A: The ink cartridge in the printer has run out. Hmm, how do you change it? B: I’ll do it for you. It’s the same model as mine.

6. Travel agent: There’s a morning flight at 7.50 which gets you there at 9.35, or there’s a later one at 12.05 arriving at 14.25. Customer: I’ll take the 7.50.

7. A: What about meeting on Tuesday morning at 10. B: I’m showing some visitors around the factory at 8.30, but 10 o’clock is fine.

8. A: Jack and I are going for a drink after work. Would you like to come? B: OK, yes, I’ d like that.

9. A: Can you help me with this report? B: Not now, I’m afraid – important meeting with the boss! But I’ll help you later.

10. A: It’s very stuffy in this room. B: Yes, you’re right. I’ll open the window.

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Page 51: Chers élèves,
Page 52: Chers élèves,

CL : A long story 3 to 5 Read the 3 parts of the story and answer the questions in English

1. How is Judy's flat ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. What's Judy doing ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

3. Why is she worried ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

4. Who does she call ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

5. Where are Judy and Dr Wagner going to ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

6. What does Dr Wagner say about Sam ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

7. What does Judy say about Sam ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Page 53: Chers élèves,

CL : A long story 6-7

Answer these questions in English 1. What does Judy buy at the airport ?



2. Where does she go through in the airport ?



3. What’s the man like ? Describe him precisely !





True, false or not mentioned ? ……………1. The man offers her a soft drink.

……………2. He’s a doctor.

……………3. Judy thought he was nice.

……………4. The time was 3.25.

……………5. Judy walked to the front of the plane.

……………6. The man was armed.

……………7. He wanted to kill someone.

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Page 55: Chers élèves,


Answer these questions in English

Page 56: Chers élèves,

Reading Comprehension Level 6

Read the passage. Then answer the questions below. When we are young, we learn that tigers and sharks are dangerous animals. We might be scared of them because they are big and powerful. As we get older, however, we learn that sometimes the most dangerous animals are also the smallest animals. In fact, the animal that kills the most people every year is one that you have probably killed yourself many times: the mosquito. While it may seem that all mosquitoes are biters, this is not actually the case. Male mosquitoes eat plant nectar. On the other hand, female mosquitoes feed on animal blood. They need this blood to live and produce eggs. When a female mosquito bites a human being, it transmits a small amount of saliva into the blood. This saliva may or may not contain a deadly disease. The result of the bite can be as minor as an itchy bump or as serious as death. Because a mosquito can bite many people in the course of its life, it can carry diseases from one person to another very easily. Two of the most deadly diseases carried by mosquitoes are malaria and yellow fever. More than 700 million people become sick from these diseases every year. At least 2 million of these people will die from these diseases. Many scientists are working on safer and better ways to kill mosquitoes, but so far, there is no sure way to protect everyone in the world from their deadly bites. Mosquito nets can be placed over beds to protect people against being bitten. These nets help people stay safe at night, but they do not kill any mosquitoes. Mosquitoes have many natural enemies like bats, birds, dragonflies, and certain kinds of fish. Bringing more of these animals into places where mosquitoes live might help to cut down the amount of mosquitoes in that area. This is a natural solution, but it does not always work very well. Mosquitoes can also be killed with poisons or sprays. Even though these sprays kill mosquitoes, they may also harm other plants or animals. Although mosquitoes may not seem as scary as larger, more powerful animals, they are far more dangerous to human beings. But things are changing. It is highly likely that one day scientists will find a way to keep everyone safe from mosquitoes and the diseases they carry. Questions 1) According to the author, some people are more afraid of tigers and sharks than mosquitoes because tigers and sharks A. kill more people than mosquitoes B. are big and powerful C. are found all over the world D. have no natural enemies 2) Based on the information in paragraph 2, we can understand that I. male mosquitoes and female mosquitoes have different eating habits II. male mosquitoes are harmless to humans III. female mosquitoes are responsible for transmitting diseases to humans A. I only B. I and II only C. II and III only D. I, II, and III 3) In paragraph 2 the author writes, "This saliva may or may not contain a deadly disease." The purpose of this statement is to A. oppose a previous argument B. question an upcoming conclusion C. confirm a hypothesis D. support a later statement 4) As used in paragraph 2, minor most nearly means

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A. insignificant B. deadly C. frustrating D. dangerous 5) Based on information in paragraph 3, it can be understood that if you get sick with malaria or yellow fever, your chances of survival are A. terrible B. mediocre C. good D. excellent 6) It can be understood that the introduction of dragonflies might reduce the number of flies in a given area because dragonflies A. work together with mosquitoes B. kill mosquitoes C. cannot be killed by poisons or sprays D. attract bats 7) Which of the following best summarizes the information in paragraph 4? A. Mosquito nets provide adequate protection from deadly mosquitoes. B. Poisons and sprays provide adequate protection from deadly mosquitoes. C. The introduction of the mosquito's natural enemies provides adequate protection from deadly mosquitoes. D. There is no perfect solution to the mosquito problem. 8) Which of the following words best describes the author's overall attitude towards the prospect of solving the mosquito problem? A. despondent, meaning hopeless or dejected B. exasperated, meaning extremely irritated or annoyed C. equivocal, meaning doubtful or uncertain D. optimistic, meaning hopeful or taking a favorable view

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Page 59: Chers élèves,

Answers and Explanations 1) B In the first paragraph the author says, "We might be scared of them because they are big and powerful." In the last paragraph, the author says that we might be more afraid of tigers and sharks than we are of mosquitoes because tigers and sharks are "larger, and more powerful." This lets us know that (B) is correct. In paragraph 1, the author tells us that of all animals, the mosquito "kills the most people every year." This eliminates (A). The passage does not contain information to support choices (C) and (D). Therefore they are incorrect. 2) D In paragraph 2 the author writes, "Male mosquitoes eat plant nectar. On the other hand, female mosquitoes feed on animal blood." Using this information, we can understand that male mosquitoes and female mosquitoes have different eating habits. This supports option (I). In paragraph 2 the author writes, "Male mosquitoes eat plant nectar. On the other hand, female mosquitoes feed on animal blood. They need this blood to live and produce eggs. When a female mosquito bites a human being, it transmits a small amount of saliva into the blood. This saliva may or may not contain a deadly disease." Since male mosquitoes eat plant nectar (and not animal blood), and it is the bite that causes the transmission of diseases, we can understand that male mosquitoes do not bite humans. Therefore they are harmless to humans. This supports option (II). In paragraph 2 the author writes, "Male mosquitoes eat plant nectar. On the other hand, female mosquitoes feed on animal blood. They need this blood to live and produce eggs. When a female mosquito bites a human being, it transmits a small amount of saliva into the blood. This saliva may or may not contain a deadly disease." Since male mosquitoes eat plant nectar (and not animal blood), and it is the bite that causes the transmission of diseases, we can understand that female mosquitoes are responsible for transmitting diseases to humans. This supports option (III). Therefore (D) is correct. 3) D To answer this question correctly, it helps to use context. At the end of paragraph 2 the author writes, "This saliva may or may not contain a deadly disease." In the next sentence the author writes, "The result of the bite can be as minor as an itchy bump or as serious as death." Using this information, we can understand that the reason why the result of the bite can be as minor as an itchy bump or as serious as death is because the mosquito's saliva may or may not contain a deadly disease. This lets us know that the purpose of the statement in question is to support a later statement, which, in this case, is the next sentence. Choice (D) is correct. The passage does not provide information to support choices (A), (B). and (C). Therefore they are incorrect. 4) A minor (adjective): relatively small in size, quantity, or degree. In paragraph 2, the author says that when a mosquito bites a person, “The result of the bite can be as minor as an itchy bump or as serious as death.” Here, the author contrasts an itchy bump with death. An itchy bump is not very serious when compared to death. An itchy bump is a small, insignificant problem, while death is aptly described as "serious." This makes (A) the correct choice. Although itchy bumps can be frustrating, this is not as good a contrast for "serious" as insignificant. Therefore (C) is incorrect. (B) and (D) are incorrect because the author contrasts the itchy bumps with deadly ones. The author means to show that an itchy bump is harmless, not deadly or dangerous. 5) D At the end of paragraph 3 the author writes, "More than 700 million people become sick from these diseases every year. At least 2 million of these people will die from these diseases." This lets us know that of the 700 million people who become sick, only around 2 million do not survive. Because 2 million is an extremely small percentage of 700 million (2/700 or .002%), we can understand that if you get sick with malaria or yellow fever, your chances of survival are excellent. This means (D) is correct. The passage does not provide information to support choices (A), (B). and (C). Therefore they are incorrect. 6) B In paragraph 4, the author says that, “Mosquitoes have many natural enemies like bats, birds, dragonflies, and certain kinds of fish. Bringing more of these animals into places where mosquitoes live might help to cut down the amount of mosquitoes in that area.” (B) is the only choice that uses information supported by the passage to provide a reason why dragonflies would reduce (or make less) the number of mosquitoes in a given area. Therefore it is correct. The passage does not provide information to support choices (A), (C), and (D). Therefore they are incorrect. 7) D In paragraph 4, the author writes, "Many scientists are working on safer and better ways to kill mosquitoes, but so far, there is no sure way to protect everyone in the world from their deadly bites." The author continues to discuss possible solutions and their respective drawbacks. This lets us know there is not perfect solution to the mosquito problem. Choice (D) is correct. The passage does not provide information to support choices (A), (B), and (C). Therefore they are incorrect. 8) D In the final paragraph the author concludes the passage by saying, "But things are changing. It is highly likely that one day scientists will find a way to keep everyone safe from mosquitoes and the diseases they carry." This lets us know that although the problem may look grim now, there is a good chance that scientists will be able to solve it in the future. Thus, the author's attitude towards the prospect of solving the mosquito problem can best be described as optimistic. Therefore (D) is correct. Despondent and exasperated are too negative to accurately describe the author's attitude. Therefore choices (A) and (B) are incorrect. The author does not express uncertainty about the prospect of solving the mosquito problem. Therefore the author is not equivocal. Choice (C) is incorrect.

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