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Page 1: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Chemistry Chapter 4Chemistry Chapter 4• Arrangement of Electrons in Arrangement of Electrons in


The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery of a new form of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations." At the left is a computer graphic of this kind of state.

Page 2: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Pop Quiz1. List one part of Dalton’s Atomic Theory that has

been disproven and explain the Modern Atomic Theory for that part.

2. Thompson and Millikan’s experiments led to conclusions about the electron. List one conclusion and why they made that conclusion.

3. How many protons, neutrons, and electrons does a neutral atom of Hydrogen-3 have?

Page 3: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

The Puzzle of the AtomThe Puzzle of the Atom

  The Rutherford model of the atom was an improvement over previous models, but it was incomplete.

Protons and electrons are attracted to each other because of opposite charges

  Atoms have a positive center and negative surrounding

  Despite these facts, atoms don’t collapse.


Page 4: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

• In the early 1900’s, a new atomic model evolved as a result of investigations into the absorption and emission of light by matter.

• The study revealed an intimate relationship between light and atom’s electrons and began to explain how atom’s are organized.

• Visible light–A kind of electromagnetic

radiation.• Electromagnetic radiation is a form

of energy that exhibits wavelike behavior as it travels through space.

• A wave is a repetitive disturbance that propagates through space.

Page 5: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Electromagnetic Waves

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Page 7: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.
Page 8: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Amplitude is the distance from the baseline to a trough or a crest.

Page 9: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Wavelength () is the distance between corresponding points on adjacent waves.

Page 10: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Frequency () is defined as the number of waves that pass a given point in a specific

time, usually one second.

Page 11: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Electromagnetic radiation propagates through space as a wave moving at the speed of light.Therefore frequency, wavelength and the speed of light are mathematically related.

c = C = speed of light, a constant (3.00 x 108 m/s)

= frequency, in units of hertz (hz, sec-1)

= wavelength, in meters

Page 12: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Practice Problem

Determine the frequency of light with a wavelength of 4.257 × 10-7 cm.

Page 13: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Prism analysis of the visible Prism analysis of the visible spectrum pspectrum produces all of the

colors in a continuous spectrum

Visible Light is a form a Visible Light is a form a electromagnetic radiation.electromagnetic radiation.

Between 400 nanometers to 700 nanometers

Page 14: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Refraction of White Light

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Page 15: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Types of electromagnetic radiation:The Electromagnetic Spectrum.

Page 16: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

The Photoelectric Effect

• Observed in the early 1900’s and explained light as a particle.

• Refers to the emission of electrons from a metal when light shines on the metal.– For a given metal, no electrons were

emitted if the light’s frequency was below a certain minimum.

Page 17: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Photoelectric Effect

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Page 18: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

The Photoelectric Effect

• Max Planck proposed that a hot object does not emit electromagnetic energy continuously, but in packets called quanta.– Quanta is the minimum quantity of energy

that can be lost or gained by an atom.– Later Albert Einstein called these particles

photons.• A photon is a particle of electromagnetic

radiation having zero mass and carrying a quantum of energy.

Page 19: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

E = h E = Energy, in units of Joules (kg·m2/s2)

h = Plank’s constant (6.626 x 10-34 J·s)

= frequency, in units of hertz (hz, sec-1)

Through experiment Plank determined that the energy (E ) of electromagnetic radiation is directly proportional to the frequency () of the radiation.

Page 20: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Quick Review

• Wavelength is inversely proportional to frequency.

• Frequency is directly proportional to Energy.

Page 21: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Long Wavelength

= Low Frequency


Short Wavelength

= High Frequency


Wavelength TableWavelength Table

Page 22: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Practice Problem

Determine the energy in joules of a photon whose frequency is 3.55 × 1017 Hz.

Page 23: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

The Hydrogen-Atom Line-The Hydrogen-Atom Line-Emission SpectrumEmission Spectrum

• When current is passed through gas at low pressure, the potential energy of some of the gas atoms increases. • Atoms increased from the ground state (the lowest energy state level of an atom) to an excited state (a state in which the atom has a higher potential energy than the ground state).

Page 24: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

The Hydrogen-Atom Line-The Hydrogen-Atom Line-Emission SpectrumEmission Spectrum

• When an excited atom returns to its ground state, it gives off the energy it gained in the form of light.–Neon Signs.

Page 25: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

…produces a line-emission spectrum

Prism analysis of the hydrogen spectrum…

Page 26: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.
Page 27: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

…produces a line-emission spectrum

Prism analysis of the hydrogen spectrum…

Page 28: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom

Page 29: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.
Page 30: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Pop Quiz1. Isotopes of the same element have the same

number of _________ and different numbers of ________.

2. If a wave has a long wavelength, how would you describe the frequency and energy?

3. How many protons, neutrons, and electrons does a neutral atom of Hydrogen-1 have?

4. Describe either Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle or Pauli Exclusion Principle.

Page 31: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

The Bohr Model of the AtomThe Bohr Model of the Atom

Neils Bohr

I pictured electrons orbiting the nucleus much like planets orbiting the sun.But I was wrong! They’re more like bees around a hive.


Page 32: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Heisenberg Uncertainty Heisenberg Uncertainty PrinciplePrinciple

You can find out where the electron is, but not where it is going.OR…You can find out where the electron is going, but not where it is!

“One cannot simultaneously determine both the position and momentum of an electron.”

Werner Heisenberg

Page 33: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Quantum NumbersQuantum Numbers

Each electron in an atom has a unique set of 4 quantum numbers which describe it.

Principal quantum number Angular momentum quantum number Magnetic quantum number Spin quantum number

Page 34: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Pauli Exclusion PrinciplePauli Exclusion Principle

No two electrons in an atom can have the same four quantum numbers.

Wolfgang Pauli

Page 35: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Principal Quantum NumberPrincipal Quantum Number

Generally symbolized by n, it denotes the shell (energy level) in which the electron is located. Number of electrons that can fit in a shell:


Energy level 2 = 2(2)2 = 8 electrons

Page 36: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Angular Momentum Angular Momentum Quantum NumberQuantum Number

The angular momentum quantum

number, generally symbolized by l, denotes the orbital shape (subshell) in which the electron is located.

l Letter0 s1 p2 d3 f

Page 37: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Schrodinger Wave EquationSchrodinger Wave Equation


2 2

8dh EV

m dx

Equation for probabilityprobability of a single electron being found along a single axis (x-axis)

Erwin Schrodinger

Page 38: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Orbital shapes are defined as the surface that contains 90% of the total electron probability.

An orbital is a region within an atom where there is a probability of finding an electron.

Page 39: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Magnetic Quantum NumberMagnetic Quantum Number

The magnetic quantum number, generally symbolized by m, denotes the orientation of the electron’s orbital with respect to the three axes in space.

Page 40: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

s orbital shape

Page 41: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

PP orbital shape orbital shape

Page 42: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

d orbital shapes

Page 43: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Shape of f orbitalsShape of f orbitals

Page 44: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Assigning the NumbersAssigning the Numbers The three quantum numbers (n, l, and m) are integers. The principal quantum number (n) cannot be zero. n must be 1, 2, 3, etc. The angular momentum quantum number (l) can be any integer between 0 and n - 1. For n = 3, l can be either 0, 1, or 2. The magnetic quantum number (m) can be any integer between -l and +l. For l = 2, m can be either -2, -1, 0, +1, or +2.

Page 45: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Principle, angular momentum, and Principle, angular momentum, and magnetic quantum numbers: magnetic quantum numbers: nn, , ll, ,

and and mmll

Page 46: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Spin Quantum NumberSpin Quantum Number

Spin quantum number denotes the behavior (direction of spin) of an electron within a magnetic field.Possibilities for electron

spin: 1




Page 47: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.





Page 48: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Electron Configurations

• The arrangement of electrons in an atom.

• Since atoms of different elements have different numbers of electrons, a distinct electron configuration exists for the atoms of each element.

Page 49: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Electron Configurations

• Three Rules for adding electrons to orbitals:– Aufbau principle – an electron occupies the

lowest-energy orbital available.– Pauli exclusion principle – no two electrons

in the same atom can have the same set of four quantum numbers.

– Hund’s rule- One electron enters each orbital of equal energy until all orbitals contain one electron & all electrons in singly occupied orbitals must have the same spin.

Page 50: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Electron Configurations

• There are 3 ways to write electron configurations:–Orbital Notation

–Electron-Configuration Notation

–Nobel-Gas Notation

Page 51: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Aufbau principle

• an electron occupies the lowest-energy orbital available.

Page 52: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Orbital filling tableOrbital filling table

Page 53: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Pauli exclusion principle

• no two electrons in the same atom can have the same set of four quantum numbers




1s Whichorbital?

Orbital Notation

Page 54: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Electron-Configuration Notation

• Eliminates the lines and arrows.

• The number of e- in a sublevel is shown by adding a superscript to the sublevel designation.

• So for He…… He


We rewrite He as 1s2 where 1 represents the energy level, s represents the orbital shape and 2 represents the number of electrons


Page 55: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Hund’s Rule

• One electron enters each orbital of equal energy until all orbitals contain one electron & all electrons in singly occupied orbitals must have the same spin.

N1s 2s 2p

Orbital Notation

Electron-Configuration Notation: 1s 2s 2p2 2 3

Page 56: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.





1s 2s 2p 3s 3p

1s 2s

1s 2s 2p 3s 3p

1s 3p2s 2p 3s


2 2 26 2

2s2 2

1s 3p2s 3s2 2 26 3


Page 57: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.


Kr1s 2s 2p 3s





1s 3p2s 3s2 2 26 6

2p 4s 3d 4p2 10 6

Page 58: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Irregular confirmations of Cr and CuIrregular confirmations of Cr and Cu

Chromium steals a 4s electron to half fill its 3d sublevel

Copper steals a 4s electron to FILL its 3d sublevel

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1s 2s 2p 3s 4s




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Cu1s 2s 2p 3s 4s



Page 61: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Pop Quiz

• Please write the orbital notation and electron configuration for Gold.

• Define the four quantum numbers and describe how to find the first three.

Page 62: Chemistry Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in AtomsArrangement of Electrons in Atoms The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded "for the discovery.

Nobel-Gas Notation

• Simplifies electron-configuration notation

• For example: P

1s 3p2s 3s2 2 26 3


Ne 1s 2s2 2 6


[Ne] 3s23p3