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Dadu Medical Centre
Acne breakouts are a common skin concern that many times never go
away completely. Especially the inflammatory acne types which usually
do not heal right and leave behind a variety of scars, always remind
people of the not-so-amazing episode of acne. Although some acne
marks may heal over time, there are several dermatologist-approved
approaches performed at Dadu Medical Centre by Dr. Nivedita
Dadu, Best Skin Specialist in Delhi to quickly clear acne scars.
Among them, one of the most popular methods and promising
solutions to acne scars which are highlighted in this blog is a chemical
A chemical peel is a non-surgical procedure involving the application
of chemical solutions or a mixture of acids to the facial skin. It is done
to remove the affected superficial skin layers to reveal an underlying
new, refreshing, clear skin and at the same time encourage collagen
growth to enhance the skin appearance. Chemical peels can address a
wide range of skin problems including acne and its scarring. The most
effective and immediate results are possible through professional
treatments offered by Dr. Nivedita Dadu, Best Doctor for Skin
Treatment in Delhi at Dadu Medical Centre.
What are acne scars and their types?
Acne scars are the result of inflamed acne blemishes that deeply
penetrate the skin, thereby causing damage to the skin and the tissue
underneath it. When the acne gets cleared from the skin, the body tries
to repair the damages by a natural healing process involving collagen
production. During healing, if there is less collagen produced than
normal, then there appear indented/depressed/atrophic scars and if
there is more collagen, then raised/hypertrophic scars appear.
Depending upon their appearance, atrophic scars can further belong to
three categories: Icepick, Roling, and Boxcar. Hypertrophic scars can
be of the most extreme form called keloid scars.
How do chemical peels work to get rid of acne scars?
A chemical peel is an FDA-approved skin exfoliating procedure that
treats only atrophic scars. When chemical peels are applied to the acne
scars, these can fade the scars by reducing hyperpigmentation and
smoothing the skin surface. The effectiveness of the chemical peels for
acne scar reduction depends upon the acne scar type and the type of
chemical peel being used.
During chemical peeling, when the acids come in contact with the skin
surface, the skin of that site gets injured at a cellular level. The level of
skin injury and the extent to which the top skin layers are peeled off
depends upon the strength of the acid used. After the affected skin
layers are removed, it allows the healthy, new skin to present itself. The
trauma that is intentionally inflicted by the chemical peel not only
removes the dead skin cells at the surface but also stimulates the
natural healing response of the body to produce collagen which helps
fill in the indented scars.
What types of chemical peels are best for treating acne scars?
The chemicals most commonly used to help fade away the acne scars
work differently. The type of chemical peel to be used for the treatment
is chosen by Dr. Nivedita Dadu, Dermatologist in Delhi depending
upon the kind and severity of the acne scars being treated. Other
factors on which the choice is made include skin tone and sensitivity.
Chemical peels are categorized into three types based on their strength
and how deeply they penetrate the skin. These are light or superficial
peels, medium peels, and deep peels. For acne scars reduction, the
preferred chemical peels are alpha-hydroxy acids (or light peels) like
glycolic acid, mandelic acid, and lactic acid; beta-hydroxy acids (or
medium peels) such as salicylic acid and trichloroacetic acid.
All chemical peels won’t be safe to use for dark-skinned people and
sensitive skin generally lower acid concentrations are required to avoid
skin irritation. At Dadu Medical Centre, for people with dark skin tone
other treatments are also offered for managing acne scar effectively
To know more about Acne Scar Removal Cost In
Delhi pay a visit now at Dadu Medical Centre.

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