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on Davenport, P.E.

County Engineer

Nathaniel Pan

Senior Transportation

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Bay Street ImprovementProjet

•!ppro"imately # mile roa$%ay safety projet thinlu$es onstruting &, #'(foot lanes separateme$ian.

• Constrution inlu$es a *(foot !D! ompliantsi$e%al+.

• Constrution inlu$es -y)ri$ Pe$estrian Bea-.!./.0.1.

• 2D3T a%ar$e$ Constrution Contrat to 4eeveConstrution in the amount of 5#6,67#,**8.

• Notie to Proee$ issue$ on #'9''9'8#:.

• Estimate$ onstrution ompletion $ate is #89#9'8

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Bay Street ImprovementProjet

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Islan$;s E"press%ay Bri$ge4eplaement

Projet %ill replae e"isting, funtionally o)sole)asule )ri$ges.

• <e$eral !44! fun$s in the amount of 567*,*88majority of Preliminary Engineering osts. Coupaying remaining 5&&&,888.

• 4ight of /ay !=uisition >n$er%ay.• ?inimal a=uisition nee$e$ for onstrution.

• Estimate$ 43/ ost is 5##8,888 an$ %ill )e pai$ )yChatham County.

• 2D3T <un$ing Constrution in <@ '8#6.

• Estimate$ onstrution ost is 5&,'6,A88.

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 immy DeLoah Par+%ay, Pha

Projet %ill onstrut & travel lanes separate$ )y a me$ianprovi$e limite$ aess from Interstate #: to -igh%ay 78 !miles1.

• 4ight of /ay !=uisition >n$er%ay.• !=uire$ 7 of '' Parels.

• County is fun$ing upfront 43/ osts.

• County %ill )e reim)urse$ up to 5&,888,888 )y 2D3T.

• E"pet 43/ !=uisition to )e omplete anuary '8#6.

• Constrution oor$inate$ %ith immy DeLoah Interhange• 2D3T fun$ing Constrution in <@ '8#7.

• Estimate$ onstrution ost is 5'#,&&,6&.

• Estimated Return on Investment = $3.4 for every $1 spen

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 immy DeLoah Par+%ay at -igh%78 Interhange

Projet %ill onstrut a gra$e separate$, limite$ aesinterhange at -igh%ay 78 an$ immy DeLoah Par+%a

• 4ight of /ay !=uisition >n$er%ay.• !=uire$ * of :# Parels.

• County is fun$ing upfront 43/ osts.

• County %ill )e reim)urse$ up to 5:,888,888 )y 2D3T.

• E"pet 43/ a=uisition to )e omplete anuary '8#6.

• Constrution ours %ith immy DeLoah Par+%ay, Pha• 2D3T fun$ing Constrution in <@ '8#7.

• Estimate$ onstrution ost is 5'8,7:,6A.

• Estimated Return on Investment = $4.5 for every $1 s

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I(#: at S.4. 86 Interhange3perational Improvements

Projet %ill provi$e 3perational Improvements Interhange.

• <ailitates improve$ tra operations to the ?Site, 2eorgia Ports !uthority an$ Interstate #:.

• Chatham County paying for Preliminary Engine

• 2D3T paying for 43/, >tilities an$ Construtio

• Conept $evelopment un$er%ay.

• Estimated Return on Investment = $7 for $1 spent.

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S.4. '* over Pipema+ers Canal B4eplaement

Projet %ill replae e"isting )ri$ge over Pipema+ers Cainrease apaity of the anal.

• Notie to Proee$ %ith Design issue$ to ?oatt Nih

• Survey, Tra Counts an$ Data)ase preparation un$e

• C34E ?P3 provi$ing partial fun$ing 5'&8,8881 for PreEngineering.

• County %ill pay resi$ual Preliminary Engineering Cost5*#7,8881

• Sta loo+ing at opportunities to ost share 43/ an$ C2eorgia Ports !uthority an$ 2eorgia Department of Transportation.

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S.4. '# over Pipema+ers CanalImprovements

Projet %ill inrease apaity of Pipema+ers Carossing at S4 '#.

• Conept %ill onsi$er replaing e"isting )o" u%ith a )ri$ge or a$$ing a$$itional )o" ulvertsinrease apaity.

•Survey, Tra Counts an$ Data)ase preparatioun$er%ay )y ?oatt an$ Nihol.

• C34E ?P3 provi$ing partial fun$ing 5'&8,888Preliminary Engineering.

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Fuao 4oa$ Improvemen

Conept $evelopment omplete.• Projet %ill provi$e one lane in eah $iretion, enter turn lane an$ right turn lanes at majorintersetions.

• Projet %ill inlu$e si$e%al+s an$ multi(use tra

• Improvements %ill )e ma$e from -igh%ay #6 tInterstate A*.

•   !ntiipate a%ar$ing onstrution ontrat Su'8#6.

• Coor$inating %ith 2D3T for ost share forimprovements at Fuao 4oa$ an$ -igh%ay #6

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Fuao 4oa$ Improvemen

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Benton Boulevar$ E"tension from-ighlan$s Boulevar$ to S.4. 8

Projet %ill e"ten$ t%o lanes north from its e"isterminus at -ighlan$s Boulevar$ to S.4. 8.

• Projet proposes t%o roun$a)outs• Intersetion of Benton Boulevar$ an$ ?einhar$ 4oa

• Intersetion of Benton Boulevar$ an$ S.4 8

• Preliminary plans un$er revie% )y sta.• Estimate$ onstrution ost is 5:.: million.

• !ntiipate onstrution to )egin late '8#: or e'8#6.

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4egional Tra ?anagement Ce

City of Savannah operates a Tra ?anagemeCenter T?C1 to ommuniate %ith an$ managtra signals.

• City an$ County sta are %or+ing together to $a master plan an$ i$entify feasi)le loations fo

om)ine$ T?C.• <uture partners inlu$e other muniipalities, t2eorgia Department of Transportation, 2eorgia!uthority an$ the !irport.

• ! T?C not only allo%s signal monitoring )ut vi$

i$entify ongestion areas an$ hange messagealon ma or orri$ors.

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4oa$ 4esurfaing

Sta is utiliGing CoP!CES Soft%are to rate all C4oa$s.

• Soft%are $evelope$ )y 2eorgia Teh researhelose oor$ination %ith the 2eorgia Departmen Transportation.

Chatham County %as one of t%o ounties in 2eto )eta(test the soft%are.

• Sta %or+ing on a %e)page %here roa$ ratingsshe$ule for resurfaing an )e vie%e$ )y the

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4oa$ 4esurfaing

In '8#&, Chatham County resurfae$ 2.5 miles of roa$s• In '8#*, Chatham County resurfae$ 8.6 miles of roa$s

• In '8#:, Chatham County programme$ fun$ing for 18.5roa$s.

• Chatham County is utiliGing L?I2 fun$s from 2D3T to pportion of the resurfaing, an$ mathing these %ith SPL

fun$s.• E"pet a 8H inrease in L?I2 fun$s for future grants %

#68. !)out 5#,888,888 a year in L?I2 fun$ing )eginnin

• !ntiipate resurfaing appro"imately : to 7 miles of roayear )ase$ on projete$ fun$ing.

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4oa$ 4esurfaing

Diana Drive Before Diana Drive !fter

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Si$e%al+ Projets

Projets un$er Design• Bra$ley Point 4oa$ Improvements

• Si$e%al+ from ?arsh Drive to Commo$ore Drive

•  Tra Signal at ohnny ?erer an$ Bra$ley Point 4oa$.

• Complete$ Projets•

Penn /aller Si$e%al+ Projet• Si$e%al+ from Conor$ 4oa$ to /althour 4oa$

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 Trail Projets

Projets >n$er Design• Truman Linear Par+ Trail, Phase '(!

• Cane)ra+e 4oa$ Improvements Coastal 2eorgia 2r

• Projets >n$er Constrution• ?Fueen;s Trail Improvements

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