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Page 1: Chapter 6. Manifest Destiny Chronological LandmarksLandmarks 6.1 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)(1803) 6.2 The War of 1812 (1812–1814)(1812–1814) 6.3 The.

Chapter 6. Manifest DestinyChronological Landmarks

6.1 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)

6.2 The War of 1812 (1812–1814)

6.3 The Missouri Compromise (1820)

6.4 The Monroe Doctrine (1823)

6.5 The Indian Removal Act (1830)

6.6 Transcendentalism (1836)

6.7 The Annexation of Texas (1845)

Page 2: Chapter 6. Manifest Destiny Chronological LandmarksLandmarks 6.1 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)(1803) 6.2 The War of 1812 (1812–1814)(1812–1814) 6.3 The.
Page 3: Chapter 6. Manifest Destiny Chronological LandmarksLandmarks 6.1 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)(1803) 6.2 The War of 1812 (1812–1814)(1812–1814) 6.3 The.

Chronological Landmarks • 1797–1801John Adams (1735–1826) as the Second President • 1801–1809Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826) as the Third President • 1803The Louisiana Purchase• 1809–1817James Madison (1751–1836) as the Fourth President • 1812–1814 The War of 1812 • 1814 The Treaty of Ghent• 1814Napoleon Abdicates• 1817–1825James Monroe (1758–1831) as the Fifth President • 1820The Missouri Compromise• 1821Independence of Mexico• 1823The Monroe Doctrine• 1825–1829John Quincy Adam (1767–1848) as the Sixth President • 1829–1837Andrew Jackson (1767–1845) as the Seventh President • 1830 Indian Removal Act• 1837–1841Martin Van Buren (1782–1862) as the Eighth President • 1838 The Trail of Tears• 1841–1841William Henry Harrison (1773–1841) as the Ninth President • 1841–1845John Tyler (1790 - 1862) as the Tenth President • 1845–1849James K. Polk (1795–1849) as the 11th President • 1845The Annexation of Texas

Page 4: Chapter 6. Manifest Destiny Chronological LandmarksLandmarks 6.1 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)(1803) 6.2 The War of 1812 (1812–1814)(1812–1814) 6.3 The.

6.1 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)

6.1.1   Right of Deposit   ▲6.1.2   Napoleon Bonaparte ▲

6.1.3   Thomas Jefferson ▲

6.1.4   all of Louisiana ▲

6.1.5   Louisiana Purchase ▲

Page 5: Chapter 6. Manifest Destiny Chronological LandmarksLandmarks 6.1 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)(1803) 6.2 The War of 1812 (1812–1814)(1812–1814) 6.3 The.

6.1.1   Right of Deposit   ▲• The Louisiana Territory encompassedencompassed 包括包括 a vast, largely u

nexplored tract of western land, and it defined the western border of the United States along the Mississippi from the Gulf of Mexico to present–day Minnesota. At the mouth of the Mississippi lay the territory’s most valuable property in terms of commerce, the port of New Orleans, known as “The Crescent City” ( 新月城 )because of its location within a bend of the river. Since American independence, Louisiana had held a special place in the young nation’s expansionist dream. Although Spain acquired it from France in 1763, hundreds of thousands of Americans in search of land kept swarming to this large unpopulated area. In a treaty of 1795, Spain agreed to give the United States the Right of DepositRight of Deposit at New Orleans, which allowed the American settlers to ship all of their surplus goods 盈余产品 by boat down the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico.

Page 6: Chapter 6. Manifest Destiny Chronological LandmarksLandmarks 6.1 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)(1803) 6.2 The War of 1812 (1812–1814)(1812–1814) 6.3 The.

6.1.2 Napoleon Bonaparte (1) (1) ▲▲• 1n 17891789, the French Revolution took place. To

stop the spread of revolution, European rulers of some other nations declared war on France. As France battled these nations, a young army officer Napoleon Bonaparte (1769–1821), rose to power and seized control of the French government in 17991799. Napoleon dreamed of building a great empire based on France’s West Indies colony of Santo Domingo( 多米尼加首都 ), and on the vast North American territory of Louisiana, using the Mississippi Valley as a food and trade center to feed the slaves on the sugar–rich island of Hispaniola ( 海地岛 ).

Page 7: Chapter 6. Manifest Destiny Chronological LandmarksLandmarks 6.1 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)(1803) 6.2 The War of 1812 (1812–1814)(1812–1814) 6.3 The.

6.1.2 Napoleon Bonaparte (2)(2) ▲▲

• In 1800 to 1801, Napoleon secretly forced the weak Spanish government to cedecede 割让割让 the great tract back to France in several pacts, and gave Spain a quid pro quo (交换物 ) in shape of support for Spanish ambitions in Italy. In 1802, the Spanish government suddenly suspended the American Right of Deposit at New Orleans, and Americans could no longer bring goods down the Mississippi to New Orleans and deposit them there for transshipment. Americans trembled with apprehensionapprehension 忧惧忧惧 and indignation indignation 愤怒愤怒 at the news. Every eye in the United States was then focused on the affairs of Louisiana.

Page 8: Chapter 6. Manifest Destiny Chronological LandmarksLandmarks 6.1 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)(1803) 6.2 The War of 1812 (1812–1814)(1812–1814) 6.3 The.

• Thomas Jefferson learned about the transfer of Louisiana Territory soon after coming into office in 18011801. He wanted to stay out of European affairs, but he could not ignore the concerns of the West. Nevertheless, Jefferson remained sereneserene 平平静的静的 and imperturbableimperturbable 沉着冷静沉着冷静 and was not to be rushed into precipitateprecipitate 贸然轻率贸然轻率 action. His annual report in the congress breathed platitudesplatitudes 陈词滥调陈词滥调 of peace, friendship, and economy. Yet he immediately began strengthening fortificationsfortifications 防御防御 in the West and preparing for the worst. He asked and obtained from Congress an appropriation of $2 million and sent James Monroe (1758–1831) as envoy extraordinary to help Robert R. Livingston (1746–1813), American Minister in Paris, to buy New Orleans and Florida from Napoleon.

6.1.3 Thomas Jefferson (1) (1) ▲▲

Robert Livingston (1746–1813)

James Monroe (1758–1831)

Page 9: Chapter 6. Manifest Destiny Chronological LandmarksLandmarks 6.1 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)(1803) 6.2 The War of 1812 (1812–1814)(1812–1814) 6.3 The.

6.1.3 Thomas Jefferson (2)(2) ▲▲• If the purchase was impossible, they would try to obtain a

guarantee of the Right of Deposit; if France would grant nothing and retained clearly hostile intentions toward the United States, they would cross the Channel to seek a defensive alliance with Great Britain, marrying the United States to the British fleet and nation. In the meantime, however, NNapoleon apoleon lost his interest in Louisiana, since the prospect of an an American–British allianceAmerican–British alliance might well mean British conquest of Louisiana. Besides, Napoleon’s ambition to re–establish the French empire in the western hemisphere was greatly discouraged by a military disastera military disaster in French–rule in French–ruled Haitid Haiti, where a great insurgencyinsurgency 叛乱 and yellow feveryellow fever 黄黄热病热病 together decimateddecimated 毁灭毁灭 a French force of 24,000 men. He therefore resolved to fill his treasury by selling the rselling the regionegion to the Americans to prepare for the war looming again in Europe, to put Louisiana beyond the reach of the British, and to bid forbid for 投标投标 the friendship of the United States.

Page 10: Chapter 6. Manifest Destiny Chronological LandmarksLandmarks 6.1 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)(1803) 6.2 The War of 1812 (1812–1814)(1812–1814) 6.3 The.

6.1.4   all of Louisiana (1)(1) ▲• In April 1803, Napoleon offered to sell not just New Or

leans, but all of Louisianaall of Louisiana, to the United States. This proposal flabbergastedflabbergasted 使目瞪口呆 Livingston and Monroe. On the one hand, their instructions from Washington said nothing about acquiring all of Louisiana; and they certainly had not been authorized to spend what the French demanded. On the other, here was an unprecedented opportunity to expand the boundaries of the United States dramatically. When a letter arrived from Livingston urging immediate ratificationratification 批准批准 of a treaty for the purchase before Napoleon might withdraw the offer as suddenly as he had made it, Jefferson found the legality of the act deeply troubling.

Page 11: Chapter 6. Manifest Destiny Chronological LandmarksLandmarks 6.1 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)(1803) 6.2 The War of 1812 (1812–1814)(1812–1814) 6.3 The.

6.1.4   all of Louisiana (2)(2) ▲• According to his Strict–Constructionist doctrine, the tr

eaty itself was unconstitutional, because, if the federal government possessed no power not expresslyexpressly清楚地清楚地 granted, the President had no power to increase the national domain by treaty. Indeed, Jefferson began drawing up constitutional amendment authorizing the acquisition of Louisiana, but ratification would take time and Livingston urged haste. In the endIn the end, Jefferson’s constitutional scruscruplesples审慎审慎 vanished, pragmatismpragmatism实用主义实用主义 triumphed over theory, and he furnished himself with Hamilton’s Broad–Constructionist interpretation of the Constitution and sent the treaty to the Senate for ratification. Approved by the Senate, the American ministers haggledhaggled讨价还价讨价还价 over a few details, took a deep breath, and agreed to purchase Louisiana for approximately $15 million$15 million.

Page 12: Chapter 6. Manifest Destiny Chronological LandmarksLandmarks 6.1 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)(1803) 6.2 The War of 1812 (1812–1814)(1812–1814) 6.3 The.

6.1.5   Louisiana Purchase (1) ▲

• In 18031803, it seemed likely that the United States was paying $15 million for a scrap of paper. The boundary was not specified, the province was still in the hands of Spain, NapoleonNapoleon had previously promised to Spain never to dispose of处置 Louisiana to a third power, and the French Constitution allowed no alienation of national territory without a vote of the legislature立法机关 . However, the Louisiana Purchase turned out to be the most popular and momentous event of Jefferson’s presidency. It more than doubled the size of the United States by adding 827,0827,000 square miles00 square miles at one strokeat one stroke 一举一举 . Not only could western commerce flow down the Mississippi unimpededunimpeded 未受未受阻止阻止 to the sea, but it also freed America from Europe’s colonial entanglementsentanglements 纠缠纠缠 and prepared the way for the eventual dominance of the United States in the Western Hemisphere.

•[1 英亩 ( 相当于 6 亩 ) 只合 44 美分美分 ,, 这块土地相当于 44 个个法国法国 ]

Page 13: Chapter 6. Manifest Destiny Chronological LandmarksLandmarks 6.1 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)(1803) 6.2 The War of 1812 (1812–1814)(1812–1814) 6.3 The.

6.1.5   Louisiana Purchase (2) ▲

• Jefferson was jubilant jubilant 欢呼欢呼 about this brilliant deal, as the purchase would certainly guarantee the prosperity of his agrarian republic. He persuaded Congress to fund a scientific exploration of the trans–Mississippi west to be led by Captain Meriwether Lewis (1774–1809) and Lieutenant William Clark (1774–1851). Lewis and Clark set out from St. Louis in 18041804, crossed the Rockies, reached the Oregon coast on the Pacific Ocean, then turned back and completed the return journey in 18061806. Their expedition increased geographic and scientific knowledge of previously unexplored country, strengthened U.S. claims to the Oregon Territory, improved relations with Native American tribes, and developed maps and land routes for fur trappers and future settlers. As an American historian once remarked, “If the Civil War is our Iliad伊利亚特 , then this expedition is our Odyssey奥德修斯 .”

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