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Page 1: Chapter 6 f4 Nutrition


SPM 2003 - Structure

Figure 3

2 Figure 3 shows several parts of the human digestive system P,Q,R ,S, T and U.

(a) Choose the letter tahat labels the part where each of the following hydrolysis reaction takes place.

(i) Protein peptides

(ii) Starch maltose

[2 marks]

(b) The structure T in Figure 4 has numerous projections.Draw and label a longitudinal section of one of these projections in the space below

[2 marks]

Page 2: Chapter 6 f4 Nutrition

(c) (i) State the process that occur in the projection drawn in ( b)

_____________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

(ii) State one characteristics of the structure T that will help the process (c)(i) to function efficiently.


_____________________________________________________________________[1 mark]


(i) What explanation would you give to the patient?

In your explanation state the effects of the removal of organs S on enzymes and hormones and how these affect the digestion and the level of glucose in the blood.





______________________________________________________________________[4 marks]

(ii) What advice can you give to that patient to help him handle health problems that may arise from the removal of organ S?



______________________________________________________________________[2 marks]

As doctor you have confirmed that a patient is suffering from a disease. Organ S of the patient has to be removed.

Page 3: Chapter 6 f4 Nutrition

SPM 2003 - Essay

3(a) Table 2 shows a breakfast menu for a adult.

(i) Does the breakfast menu in Table 2 provide a balanced diet for an adult ? Give reason for your answer.

[2 marks]

(ii) Describe what happen to the end products of digestion of the food eaten during breakfast in the body cells.

[8 mark]

(b) Table 3 shows the result of an analysis of meat-based fast food

A teenager frequently consumes meat-based fast food for a long time

Describe the effects of consuming the meat-based fast food for long periods as compared to consume a balanced diet for the same period of time.

[10 marks]

Breakfast menu

Bread - 2 slices Fried egg - 2 Jam - 1 teaspoon Margerine - 1 teaspoon Fresh milk - 1 glass Banana - 2

Page 4: Chapter 6 f4 Nutrition

SPM 2006 - Structure

2(a) Diagram 2.1 shows human digestive system.

Diagram 2.1

Structure Q in Diagram 2.1 is involved in the digestion of fat.

(i) Name the structure Q.

_____________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

(ii) Name the enzyme which digests fat in Q.

_____________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

(iii) Diagram 2.2 shows a mechanism of an enzyme reaction. Draw the diagram in spaces III and IV provided in Diagram 2.2 to complete the mechanism of the enzyme reaction.

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Diagram 2.2

(b) (i) Explain how starch is digested in the duodenum.



______________________________________________________________________[2 marks]

(ii) A student eats too many oranges Explain the effect of eating too many oranges on the digestion of starch in the duodenum. ______________________________________________________________________


______________________________________________________________________[2 marks]

(c) In food preparation process, a housewife carry out the following steps :Step 1 : Marinate pieces of meat with strips of unripe papaya in a basin.Step 2 : Immerse the basin in a container filled water at 400C for 30 minutes as in Diagram 2.3

Diagram 2.3

Explain why the housewife carries out Step 1 and Step 2

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________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


________________________________________________________________________ [4 marks]


2(a)(i) Ileum// Small intestine 2(a) (ii) Lipase 2(a) (iii)

2(b)(i) 1.Pancreas secretes amylase enzyme into duodenum// pancreatic juice in duodenum contains amylase 2. Amylase digest/ hydrolyse starch to maltose 2(b)(ii) F:Oranges contain much acid// oranges cause duodenum become acidic// Reduce the pH

value/ Increase acidity in the duodenum P:Acidic medium is less suitable for amylase action// less starch is digested

2(c) P1: Papaya contains papain// protease P2: Meat pieces and strips of papaya increases total surface area P3: To increase enzyme action in papaya (1) P4: To tender/ soften the meat (1) P5: Temperature at 400c is optimum / most suitable for enzyme action (1) (P5 + Any 3 Ps from P1 to P4)

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SPM 2006 - Essay

6(a) Diagram 6 shows three organisms, P, Q and R.

Diagram 6

(i) Describe the type of nutrition in P and Q.[4 marks]

(ii) Explain one similarity and four diffrerence between the alimentary canal of Q and R. [10 marks]

(b) Constipation, night blindness and anemia are three health problemsState the cause and suggest the ways to overcome these health problems from nutritional aspects.

[6 marks]


6(a)(i) ORGANISM P: F1: autotroph nutrition// fotosynthesis P1: synthsize/produce its own food/ glucose/ starch P2: from carbon dioxide and water using light energy

(F1 + Any P, Max.= 2 marks)

ORGANISM Q: F2: heterotroph/ holozoic nutrition P3: obtain its food source /organic substances from the surrounding // eat plants/ producer (F2 + Any P, Max. = 2 marks)


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Similarities:1. Alimentary canal of both Q and R contains bacteria/ protozoa // large surface area //

extracellular enzymes 2. To digest cellulose into glucose // increase the rate of diffusion/absorption // hydrolyse

large food molecules Max.= 2 marks

Differences 1. Organism R has 4 stomach chambers but organism Q has 1 stomach chamber

2. Organism R has a small/ short caecum but organism Q has a big/ long caecum 3. At the stomach chamber of organism R,most bacteria / protozoa are in the rumen and reticulum but at the stomach chamber of organism Q, most bacteria / protozoa are in the caecum

4. For organism R, the food passes through the stomach chamber twice but for organism Q, the food passes through the stomach chamber once

Max.= 8 marks

6(b) 1. Constipation:

Insufficient amount of fibrous food Eat more vegetables/fruits 2. Night blindness:

No/ Insufficient vitamin A Eat more redcarrots/ tomatoes

3. Anemia:Insufficient iron/ ferrum nutrient Eat more spinach/ chicken liver/ cow liver

Max.= 6 marks

SPM 2006 - Essay

Page 9: Chapter 6 f4 Nutrition



Green plant synthesize their food through the process of photosynthesis. The chemical process of photosynthesis can be summarized as in the schematic diagram in Diagram 8.

Diagram 8

State the meaning of photosynthesis based on the schematic diagram in Diagram 8.[2 marks]

(b) Starting with water and carbon dioxide as the raw materials, describe how a green plant produces starch molecules.

[8 marks]

(c) It is found that the process of photosynthesis contributes to the balance of nature.Explain how air pollution may have an effect on photosynthesis and the balance of nature.

[10 marks]


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8(a)F1: Produces glucose/ starch from carbon dioxide and water F2: In the presence of chlorophyll and sunlight Max.= 2 marks

8(b)P1: Chlorophyll absorbs /traps light energy to produce ATP and electrons P2: Photolysis of water produce H+ and OH- ions P3: H+ ion combines with electron to form hydrogen atom P4: Hydrogen and ATP will be used in the dark reaction P5: Light reaction occurs in the grana Max. = 4 marks

P6: The process takes place in the absence of light/ in dark condition P7: CO2 combines with hydrogen to form glucose and water P8: Glucose molecules undergo condensation/ converted to starch for storage P9: Formation of glucose and starch occur through a series of chemical reactions P10: Chemical reaction requires energy from ATP P11: Dark reaction occurs in the stroma Max.= 4marks

8(c)F1: Able to state the importance of photosynthesis to human and animals/ for the balance of nature correctlyP1: Absorbed CO2 from the atmosphereP2: Provides/ replaces oxygen in the atmosphere P3: Help maintaining percentage of CO2 / O2 in the atmosphere (Any 2, Max.= 2)F2: Able to state the source of pollutionP4: Motor vehicles/ burning of fossil fuels F5: Urbanisation / quary (Max. =2)F3: Able to explain the sources of pollutionP6: Liberates heavy smoke / acidic gas P7: Increases particles content in the air (Max.= 2)F4: Able to state the effect of airpollution correctlyP8: Particles accumulate on the leaf surface P9: Covers the stomata // reduces CO2 + O2 gas exchange P10: Forms heavy / thick smog in the air P11: Cuts/ reduces light intensity that reached the leaves (Any 2, max.= 2 marks)F5: Able to justify the problem of pollution on the rate of photosynthesis and production of food/ balance of natureP12: Rate of photosynthesis decreases (1)P13: Less CO2 is absorbed from atmosphere and less O2 is released (1)

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P14: Facilitates/promotes green house effect/ global warming/ acid rain (1)(Any 3, max. = 2 marks)

SPM 2008 - Essay

8(a) (i) After absorption of nutrient in the small intestine, the undigested substances in the colon result in the formation of faeces. Explain the formation of faeces in a human.

[4 marks]

(ii) Malnutrition is a condition due to the taking an balanced diet in which certain nutrients are lacking, in excess or in the wrong proportions. Explain the effect on a child who given insufficient amount of any two nutrients of food for along period of time.

[6 marks](b) Table 8 shows the food intake by a boy aged 15 years in daily menu. The daily energy

requirement for him is 12 500 k J.

Types of food Quantity taken/g Energy content/ kJRice 400 1600

Potato chips 500 1000Chicken curry 300 300

Boiled egg 150 630Butter 50 3000Milk 280 300

Sausage 300 500Sardine 150 900

(i) Based on table 8, state the value of energy contained in this daily food intake. Does the food intake satify his daily energy requirement?

[2 marks]

(ii) This boy takes the menu continuously for a long time Explain the consequences to his health.

[8 marks]

SPM 2003 - Structure

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