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  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 2 Bar Organization

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 2 Bar Organization


    Bar ManagerIn charge of the overall operation of

    the bar.

    BartenderIn charge of

    preparing andpouring/servingthe drinks of the


    Bar ServerIn charge ofserving thedrinks and

    foods on tables

    of guests.

    Wine Steward /SommelierIn charge of

    suggesting, selling,and serving the

    wines to the guests.

    Bar ReceptionistIn charge of

    receiving andentertaining the


    CashierIn charge


    of theguests.

    Bar BackAssists the bartender in the

    maintenance of cleanliness and the

    preparations in the bar. Also known asbar helper, bar boy/girl.

    Bar Captain / SupervisorIn charge of monitoring the staff and

    the operation.

    BaristaIn charge of preparing coffee

    beverages in a coffee shop. Baristais the Italian term for bartender.

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    Requirements to Become a Bartender:

    Physical requirements: Height

    Pleasing Personality

    Physically Fit

    Knowledge and Skills

    Mental Ability and Product Knowledge

    Practical Skills

    Bartending the art and science of mixing and serving drinks. Flairbartending/Flairtending the art of mixing and serving

    with showmanship or flair.

    Working flair

    Show flair

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 2 Bar Organization


    Organizing the ability to put things in order.

    Mixology the art and science of creating a concoction or mixeddrink.


    Social Skill the ability to deal properly with other people.

    Emotional Skill the ability to control your temper or emotion or the

    ability to handle pressure.

    Communication Skills the ability to deliver and receiveinformation or messages efficiently.

    Behavioral / Attitudinal Skills the ability to follow rules,policies, command, or order properly. Bartenders must havethe right attitude. Right attitude means doing the right thing.

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    Qualities of a Good Bartender: Great personality, easy going person, a people person

    Good memory

    Knowledge of liquors, cocktails, wines and beers

    Knowledge of preparing and serving beverages

    Team player

    Physically fit

    Able to work under pressure


    Cleanliness/ Good Grooming

    Good judgment

    Service oriented


  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 2 Bar Organization


    Service Steps

    in Serving Guest(s) in the Bar:Greeting the guest(s) and preparing them to

    orderOffering services of the bar to the guest(s)

    Preparing order(s) of the guest(s)

    Complete the transactionChecking back the guest in a timely manner

    Say farewell and thank you to the guest(s)

    and welcome them back.

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    Greeting the Guest(s) and Preparing

    them to order: The first thing the bartender should do is to make the

    guests feel welcome in the same way the bartendermake an old friend feel welcome at home. Smile whenguests arrive to the bar and make sure they know youhave pleasingly recognized their presence. If possible,suggest a seat close to others sitting at the bar. If tablesare an option and there are no reservations give them achoice. The overall focus is to make guests feel as ifthey are not strangers and should not act as such.

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    Offering Services of the Bar to the Guest(s):

    If guest is now ready to order, smile and ask what he orshe or the group would like to order.

    In this part, the skill of the bartender is often put to

    the test. Some of the guest will deliberately try to testthe bartender by requesting a drink that a guest thinksthe bartender dont know yet. In this case the bestthing a bartender can do is to happily tell the guest

    that the drink shall be made if he or she is glad toinstruct in its creation.

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    Preparing Order(s) of the Guest(s): The bartender should prepare all drink orders as fast as

    he could with focus on sanitation, precision, andexcellent presentation. If in case there is somedifficulty, the bartender should in his bestacknowledge the problem and attempt again. If theguest is dissatisfied with the result, the bartendershould smilingly offer to prepare again the drink to theguests specifications free of charge (depending uponthe policy of the establishment)

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    Completing Transaction: In most cash bars, its common practice that payment

    is due upon deliver of service or pay as you order. Inthis instance, the bartender should tell the guest the

    amount of the drink while presenting it an do thetransaction by accepting the cash and establishing eyecontact with the guest and making changes as fast aspossible so as to reduce the amount of time thebartenders attention is away from the guests. Changeshould be placed at the hand of the guest if possiblewhile establishing again an eye contact and declaringhow much is the change.

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    In the instance that a guest wishes to keep a tab/list of

    orders or guest will pay or settle the bill after servingthem or before they leave. There are two ways ofhandling this. The first is to keep a cash tab for thepatron. Usually this is done by recording each drink on

    a slip of paper by hand and asking the guest to sign it.

    The second way is to run a guests credit card andcharge each drink separately to the electronically

    stored card number.

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    Checking Back on Guest(s) in a

    Timely Manner: Checking on the guest is a key to bartender success. Several

    guests may require more than one instance of service and aprofessional bartender knows this. Most bartenders use arounds approach where they keep mental track of theorder of guests they have served and repeat that sequencein their follow-up.

    The most simple and effective technique is to simply lookat the glasses on the bar table. The guest with the least inhis or her glass will probably require service first. But thebartender should also consider the number of drinks thatguest already have before offering another drink for its hisresponsibility to make sure guests are not intoxicated.

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    Say farewell and thank you the guests and

    welcome them back: Farewell to the guests is one of the most important

    part of good bartending. Just as every guest should beacknowledged upon their arrival, they should also bewell acknowledged upon departure. The guest shouldbe acknowledged not because they are good tipper butits how a professional bartender should do his job.Good or bad tipper, guest must be given the same

    treatment. The guest knows when to tip and howmuch tip to give depending upon their satisfaction ofthe service they get.

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    The most successful professional bartenders learn the

    names of all their guests and are certain to use themwhen said guest leave. Doing this will make the guestfeel very important.

    A sincere thank you to the guest is required on her orhis departure along with an indication that she or he isalways welcome to come again to the bar.

    Professional bartenders never display money to a well-tipping guest. Doing this is an act ofunprofessionalism.

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    Bartender Job Description: Before opening a bar

    Get the keys and sign the logbook for reference later on ifthere is something wrong that happened.

    Clean bar counter, tables, and chair and service area inspotless condition.

    Clean ash trays, and spaced properly on counters and tables

    with tent card beside.

    Bar tools are cleaned and placed in proper areas.

    Ice bins are cleaned and filled up, the same with bar sinks.

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    Be sure a bottles displayed on the mirror at the back of

    the bar are wiped clean.

    Empty bottles are removed from the under bar.

    Waste receptacles are emptied and cleaned, contents aredisposed properly.

    Juice containers are cleaned and filled.

    Supply of linens or cocktail napkins, coasters, andmatches or stirrers is in proper display area.

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    Fruits and garnishes are prepared for the day for fast


    Bulbs are checked and extra must be on hand to changedefective ones.

    During day time lights must be adjusted.

    Ten to fifteen minutes prior to the opening, everything

    must be ready and in proper place.

    To insure nothing is left unattended. General inspectionshould be done.

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    Work flow

    Greet the guest when they approach the bar and usetheir name if you know it. Place a beverage napkin/coaster on the counter in preparation for serving thedrink of the guest. Always acknowledge guest regardlessof how busy you are. If you are busy, say something likeIll be with you in just a moment sir/mam.

    Take guests drink orders.

    Prepare drinks of the guest.

    Input/encode drink orders in the system.

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    Before closing the bar

    Doors and shelves should be locked to prevent losses.

    Glasses, bar tools and equipment are washed and placed

    in the proper place or area.

    Restrooms/washroom areas must be cleaned.

    Perishable items must be placed under refrigeration.

    Dirty linens and cocktail napkins are counted by tens forevery bundle place in proper area.

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  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 2 Bar Organization


    Bartenders Responsibilities:

    Check Identification of the Guest

    If a person looks below 30 years old, you should checkhis/her I.D. for proper identification.

    When checking an I.D. ask the person to hand it to you.Some people show their I.D. in their wallet; ask them totake it out. You have to touch the I.D. to find out itsauthentication.

    Make sure its a valid I.D. It should be a state I.D. or aDrivers License, a passport or a military I.D. notstudents I.D.

    Make sure you look at everything on the I.D. Look forpicture, date of birth, height, weight, sex, hair and

    expiration date.

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    Use the F.E.A.R. Method

    F Feel the identification for evidence of tampering.

    E Examine the information, such as :picture, date ofbirth, height, expiration date, etc.

    A Ask questions, such as birth date, zip code, address,etc.

    R Return the identification card.

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    Never Serve Minors

    Never serve minors and always check IDs foridentification. In the United States, a person has to be 21

    years old to purchase alcoholic beverages. Selling to a

    minor is a misdemeanor. In the Philippines, the legal agein serving alcoholic beverage is 18 years old.

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  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 2 Bar Organization


    Dont Serve Intoxicated People / Guests

    In the US, it is illegal to serve alcohol to intoxicatedpeople and to those known to be alcoholics. If youintoxicate somebody and that person gets into anaccident, you could get criminal charges and you might

    go to jail. In the Philippines, there is no legal implication in

    serving intoxicated or intoxicating guest. It is on thedecision of the bartender when to stop serving theguests that are intoxicated .

    Always look at everybody that comes to your bar. Checkfor signs of intoxication like loss of coordination, slurredor irregular speech, violent or difficult behavior anddisorientation,

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    Prevent Intoxication Preventing intoxication is a bartenders responsibility.

    Slowing Down Someones Drinking Remove empty glasses before replacing them with fresh


    Serve water. Avoid serving pitchers.

    Do not pass the tables as often to avoid guest making orders.

    Do not bring a drink for one person at anothers request.

    Divert attention away from drinking to dancing, pool,watching the TV screen, etc.

    Serve food high in protein and fat. They slow the absorptionof alcohol.

    Dont serve high salt content foods. They increase thirst and

    customers desire for more drinks.

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    Refuse Service to Intoxicated People

    If an intoxicated person comes to your bar and wants adrink, dont serve him/her. You have the right to refuse

    service to an intoxicated person. Be non-judgmental and non-threatening. Say something

    like Im sorry. Ive served you as much as Im allowed.or Im sorry but if I serve you another drink, I could lose

    my job. Inform other bartenders not to serve that person.

    Never change your mind when you cut somebody off.

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    Hands and Nails wash hands and nails frequently and

    always before leaving the restroom or before and afterpreparation.

    Teeth brush teeth carefully at least twice a day, in themorning and in the evening.

    Feet keep the feet clean and toenails trimmed.

    Shoes shoes are attractive, carefully fitted, have plenty oftoe room to take the foot in motion.

    Socks and stockings wear clean socks and stockings daily.

    Uniform uniform must be well fit, not too loose or too

    tight, clean and well pressed. Jewelry dont wear jewelry with uniform except, watch or

    wedding ring.

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    Hand washing steps

    Wet hands with warm water to melt the soap.

    Apply soap to produce lather.

    Rub for 10-20 seconds to remove 80% of germs.

    Rinse away germs.

    Dry hands with paper towel.

    Turn off tap with paper towel.

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  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 2 Bar Organization


    Rules Bartenders Should Consider and

    Apply:After serving drink, step backward or move away

    instead of listening to their conversation unlessdirectly addressed to you. Its very unprofessional to

    participate in guests conversation unless you are askedto in a particular topic.

    Have a good memory for the faces, names and tastes ofyour guests and greet them pleasantly from the timethey arrive up to the time they leave the place.

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  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 2 Bar Organization


    General Instructions for Bartenders:A bartender should always use a jigger when pouring

    and serving the drinks. It depends also on the policy orstandard practice in a particular bar. Some are using

    free pouring, but bartender must be able to master thetechnique on how to do free pouring withoutsacrificing the quality of the drink.

    He always punched the bill after serving the drinks toensure proper control.

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    Bar counter bill must be made as soon as the drink has beenserved and faced down or hang on the counter in front of the


    The guest must always be served with the brands he likes best.

    For order of the guest which brand is not specified, the bartender

    should always use the pouring or well brands.

    Full bottle sales should be reported with bottle slips andforwarded to the sales control to the following day for properrecording and inventory.

    He always empties the bottle entirely to avoid any shortageduring inventory taking.

    Par stock should always be maintained at all times by thebartender.

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