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Chana Charitable Trust Registered UK Charity Number 10701 | 23 Ravenhurst Avenue, London NW4 4EE

Helpline: 020 8201 5774 (24 Hour Answerphone) | 020 8203 8455 | [email protected] |

in aid of


Gala Dinner 12th May 2015KEY LARGO, MONACO

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Dear Co Rally Drivers,

Welcome to our tenth car rally in aid of Chana, this year in Monte Carlo.

Having driven these routes before I know you will enjoy the magnificent scenery and I hope you enjoy this rally as much as the previous ones. It was my passion for sports cars and driving that gave me the idea to create the Chana Car Rally in 2004 as a fundraising event, but it is your continued support that has made them so successful.

Lissie and I have been involved with Chana for twelve years and have been privileged to contribute our part to the amazing work Chana does. The indefatigable trustees together with Carolyn and her entire team have created an organisation which supports and cares for couples living with the devastating effects of infertility, helping them financially and emotionally.

Aside from financial assistance for treatments, Chana offers a helpline and counselling Services, as well as the Chana Well Woman, Chana Well Teen and Chana Well Man Services, which offer information and support on reproductive health.

I am continuing my involvement this year and implore you to join me in supporting this vital cause. Chana makes a difference to people’s lives in so many ways and I know that they can do more with even more resources.

I thank you for joining us and hope you enjoy yourselves.

Moshe MorrisMoshe Morris

moshe morrisrally founder

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Dear Friends

We are delighted to welcome you once again to our annual Car Rally, this time, in Monte Carlo celebrating our tenth anniversary rally.

Eleven years ago Moshe Morris had an extraordinary and unique idea for a fundraising event but more importantly he had the tenacity and determination to see it through and make it an enormous success. Now in its tenth outing the Chana Rally is eagerly anticipated by its regular participants and attracts new and various participants from around the world. This year we welcome ‘drivers’ from New York and California, South Africa, Canada, Switzerland and of course the UK.

For over 20 years now Chana has managed to raise enough money to continue to develop its activities and assist couples facing the devastating effects of infertility. However, fundraising is becoming harder and harder. The National Health Service continues to implement their cutbacks in fertility treatments and couples undergoing investigations and treatments are suffering more than ever. At Chana it is our aim to help alleviate the financial strain as well as to help the couple navigate through the difficult challenges they have to deal with.

Chana has worked tirelessly over the years to address the needs of our growing community and cater for all types of fertility related problems and we continuously strive to provide the best help and advice with care and

sensitivity. With the development of specialist areas in sexual dysfunction and psychological problems Chana’s expert therapists and counsellors have also managed to help many couples without the need to resort to expensive and invasive treatment.

I am in awe of the number of people attending this year and the interest it has generated around the world. I am also overwhelmed by the support shown by our advertisers in this brochure. Your generosity is extremely encouraging and I am most grateful.

The creation of a child does not just alleviate the pain and suffering of an individual couple, it is the creation of generations of an entire family and beyond. A couple struggling with infertility fear for the loss of their dream of continuing their chain.

By supporting Chana you are taking part in this enormous mitzvah and becoming partners in the continuity of Klal Yisroel.

We all pray and hope that Chana’s services should no longer be needed but until such time our dreams and aspirations are to be able to assist every couple that turns to Chana.

I hope you enjoy yourselves in the knowledge that your generosity does make a difference.

Warmest Wishes

Benny Groszman

On behalf of the Trustees

Benny Groszmanchana trustee

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1 in 6 couples experience infertility...

with Chana, no one is alone.

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1 in 6 couples experience infertility and couples in the Jewish community are no different. Chana, a registered UK charity, supports these couples and ensures that no one is left to deal with their situation alone without any support. Chana was founded 20 years ago and has since helped hundreds of couples cope with the challenges of primary and secondary infertility and has supported them every step of the way. In today’s climate of reduced and sometimes non-existent treatments available on the NHS, more and more people are turning to Chana for help and whilst we are a small charity, we have a big dream… With your help we are hoping to help many more couples in their quest to have the family they long for.

Chana is reliant on private donations.

About Chana...

To date, we are delighted that:

→ 595 babies have been born to couples supported by Chana

→ Chana has provided funding for 1065 medical treatments, otherwise unavailable under the NHS

→ Chana has helped 4,250 people; both service users and service providers

→ 85 new couples approached Chana last year alone

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Chana Provides... → Funding to help meet the cost of fertility investigation,

treatments and counselling → Confidential counselling for individuals and couples → A confidential telephone helpline manned by experienced

male and female Chana support workers → An in-house scientific advisor offering specialist medical

support and information based on the latest research and treatment options

→ An expert medical advisory panel comprised of specialists in all fields of reproductive health

→ Educational sessions for the community, medical professionals and communal leaders including Rabbis and Rebbetzins.

→ Well Services offering men, women and teenagers a comprehensive service dealing with issues before they have an impact on one’s reproductive health. Often it is Chana’s unique therapeutic range of services, non-invasive and simply implemented, that can make the world of difference towards positive results.

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“Chana is not about savinglives; it is about making them...”

- Bertie Goldbergsupporter of Chana

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Each Chana client who is given financial assistance will receive between £2,000 - £10,000

towards their treatment.

A couple will have on average 32 sessions of professional and emotional support throughout

their fertility treatment; costing up to £1,900.

This year it will cost Chana £400,000 in direct costs supporting clients.

On average each couple requires 3 rounds of IVF treatment to fall pregnant;

costing approx £8,000 each.

Chana is the only organisation of its kind

in Europe to offer these services.10

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The average cost to a couple who require fertility treatment


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“Thank you Chana for showing me that I had immeasurable

strengths of which I was previously unaware”

“It was helpful – my wife and I both had someone we could talk to privately”

“Thank you Chana for providing me with an outlet to express my

feelings, especially when sometimes no one else


“Fertility treatment is hard; sharing

my feelings with an understanding support

worker made all the difference to me”

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“I was in despair. Talking to another man made me feel

that it was ok to feel as I did.”

“My wife was so miserable after our treatment failed. I spoke to a male support

worker who helped me understand how to

support my wife.”

“The world of infertility is a lonely one… thank

you Chana for helping us face this challenge head

on every day”

“It’s not easy to ask for help but Chana made it a positive


“Thank you for reminding me that I am not alone in

my situation”

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From our

post bag....

Words cannot describe how grateful my husband

and I are for the gift of our precious daughter. Without

Chana’s help to support us through 2 treatments we

would not have been able to start the family that we

have longed for for the last 6 years. Your sensitivity at

every stage has been so appreciated. Thank you for

being there for us.

We would like to thank you sincerely

for your help and support. Baruch

Hashem we had a baby boy last week.

We really feel that your understanding

and sending us for tests helped us

not to worry and trust that everything

was healthy. This is only a small

gesture for tzedaka/ repayment. We

hope you continue to help couples

have simchas. We will support the

charity in our own small way as best

we can.

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Every erev shabbos I placed some

money into my tzedaka box as a

segula for healthy pregnancy. I

have now Baruch Hashem given

birth to a beautiful baby girl and

I have much pleasure in donating

the enclosed money to your charity to enable others not as

fortunate as me.

Dear all staff at Chana

We would like to thank you for all the support and

advice that we have been given from Chana. I

always look forward to my weekly appointment

with ‘X’ as she helps me to look at the bigger

picture and be positive. We would also like to say a

huge thank you to everyone who made it possible

for Chana to give us the Duo Fertility monitor.

This machine combined with the counselling and

nutritionist appointments have given us hope,

when the NHS has taken our hope away. Thank you

for the continued care and support.

Love from

A & B

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Rabbinical Patron

Dayan Ch. Ehrentreu provides us with insight and guidance in Jewish law and is a tremendous support to couples facing infertility challenges

Rabbinical Consultant

Rabbi S F Zimmermansupports Chana on many sensitive issues Chana clients face

Medical Patrons

Dr M Abrahammb chb

Dr J AdlerMB B S

Dr J SpitzerMB BS, MRCGP


Esti GrosskopfBenny GroszmanShelley GroszmanShani Lisser

The trustees are all members of the

Chana Management Committee

which also includes:

Debbie Kramar Rachel Romer

Ladies’ Fundraising Committee

Lissie Morrischairman

Rebecca GoldbergEsti GrosskopfShelley GroszmanChaya Suri HusDenise KormanSharon KreditorJudith StimlerLeah Werjuka

The Chana Team

Patrons And Consultants

Chana is honoured to have both Rabbinical and Medical Patrons and Consultants

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Rae Adlermsw social work (yeshiva university, new york)

Carolyn Cohenbsc econ soc pol (lse), msc social work studies (lse), cqsw, ambica, mbacp

Nomy Cohenmsc systemic and family therapy (inst family therapy, london; kensington consultation centre), mbacp

Richard Flaxcounselling psychotherapy mbacp (accred) bscpc (fm), cis, dip.

Lily Galandauerba, (univ of cape town, sa), dip couns & guidance (middlesex university)

Devorah Gelleyadvanced diploma in therapeutic counselling (mst), mbacp, adcpcad

David Goldbergba (hons) counselling, dip nmgc

Shimon SchwabPsychotherapist

Malki Teitelbaumadvanced diploma counselling, mbacp reg.

Abigail Wolffpgdip mbacp in psychotherapy & counselling

Clinical Supervisor

Helena Cowenma child and adolescent psychotherapist

Jenny Sandelsonbed. cantab, pg.dip psych. pg. dip sup. cosrt acc. ukcp reg.


Rae Adlercommunity develpoment

Veronique Bermanscientific advisor

Carolyn CohenPrincipal Social Worker

Ben Robbinsoperations manager


Louisa Goottfundraising & community development coordinator

Debbie Hallegua-Roseaccounts manager

Clare Patergraphic designer

Jessica Rosenpa / secretary

Ruthie Wyszynskisecretary and administrative assistant

Yocheved Zimmelsgraphic designer and administrator

Financial Advisors

Yitschok Cymerman Uri GoldbergAryeh Melinek


Cohen Arnold & Co

The Team

Chana’s Support Workers

Chana’s Support Workers are a team of accredited counsellors, social workers and therapists trained in fertility issues.

They provide face-to-face counselling to couples or individuals. This is available in North West London and in Stamford Hill. Support Workers also offer telephone counselling.

Support Workers provide emotional and practical guidance on a range of issues regarding reproductive health as well as fertility concerns through the Chana Helpline and the Well Services Helpline - both of which are strictly confidential.

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Dr Miranda Abrahamgp

Mrs Rae Adlercommunity development, chana

Dr Yossi Adlergp

Dr Veronique Bermanscientific advisor, chana

Mrs Carolyn Cohenprincipal social worker chana

Dr Anthony Cohnconsultant paediatrician, watford general hospital

Dr Gerard Conway, (Associate Member)specialistin reproductive endocrinology, ucl hospital

Dr Simon Fishel, (Associate Member)specialist in the field of fertility treatment, care, nottingham

Mrs Devorah Gelleysupport worker, chana

Mr Andy Glewmanaging director, simply fertility

Dr David Goldmeier (Associate Member)consultant physician in sexual medicine, st mary’s hospital

Dr Lyann Grossgp

Mr Anthony Hirsh (Associate Member)consultant in andrology

Dr Sheryl Homaclinical scientist, andrology solutions

Mr Arjun Jeyarajahconsultant, gynaecological oncology, bart’s hospital

Dr Rezan Kadirconsultant obstetrician and gynecologist, royal free hospital

Mr Chaim Eli Kernkrautadvisor, patient liaison

Mrs Guida Kurzergynaecological oncology, st bartholomew’s hospital

Ms Sara Levenegenetic counsellor, guys hospital

Mr Gidon Liebermanconsultant gynaecologist, the whittington hospital

Mr Suks Minhasconsultant uro-andrologist, ucl hospital

Dr Jeremy Nathangp & medical acupuncturist

Mrs Geeta Nargundconsultant in reproductive medicine, st george’s hospital

Mr Nick Panay (Associate Member)consultant gynaecologist, queen charlotte’s & chelsea hospital

Mr David John Ralph (Associate Member)clinical professor obstetrics & gynaecology, ucl hospital

Professor Lesley Regan, (Associate Member)clinical professor obstetrics & gynaecology, st mary’s hospital

Mr Bill Smithtechnical director & ultrsound practitioner, clinical diagnostic services

Dr Andrew Solomonconsultant physician in diabetes & endocrinology at east & north hertfordshire nhs trust, honorary consultant physician royal free nhs foundation trust

Dr Davinia Whiteassociate specialist in reproductive medicine, guy’s & st thomas’ hospital

Chana’s Medical Advisory Panel of specialist consultants and medical practitioners

is sensitive to the centrality of Halocho (Jewish law) in treatment choices. They offer expert guidance on second opinions and identifying

the top relevant specialists in specific cases, as well as advising Chana on medical matters relating to financial assistance.

Medical Advisory Panel

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4281864v1 Page 1

We’re proud to be sponsors ofLe Rallye de Monte Carlo

Chana’s 10th Anniversary Rally

19Rally Sponsor

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Paul FeldmanPartner

Tel: 020 7933 2454Mob: 07771 838 914Email: [email protected]

David MendelsohnBusiness Development Executive

Tel: 020 7933 2019Mob: 07963 770 451Email: [email protected]

Over 41,000 clients Exceptional clientretention rate (96%)

Over £640 millionrevenues

90% reinvestment due to our private ownership

Over £11.5 billionpremiums placed

Clients in over100 countries

Over 10% annual organic growth since 2000

Over 5,300Associates

80+ skilled Associates within the team

One of the largest combined real estate & construction team

97% Client Retention

95% Associate Retention Rate

12 Associates who have worked together for over 15 years

Arranged insurance for in excess of £110 billion of client assets

Specialist real estate and construction sector experience

Experience stretching back over 35 years& construction team

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LOCKTON IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST PRIVATELY OWNED GLOBAL INSURANCE BROKERAs a privately owned company our focus is on our clients and our people rather than external analysts and institutional shareholders. This enables us to make long term decisions that will provide benefit and improved service delivery to our clients.

The Real Estate & Construction division specialises in the provision of insurance products, services and risk management advice to the global real estate and construction sectors. REAC has a strong and well-established presence in the insurance market and this experience and influence is employed effectively for the benefit of all our clients.

The benefit of our dedicated teams means we continuously provide industry expertise and: • A team that will partner with you throughout our business relationship • Individual cost-effective solutions specifically designed for your business • Optimising risk financing insurance programme structures for your unique needs and objectives • An understanding of the insurance marketplace, advising how it will affect your specific programme • Negotiating on your behalf, providing a cost-effective programme, with a high level of service which we believe is

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For all your property and construction requirements, please contact:

COMMUNITY AND CHARITY FOCUSIn addition to our support for CHANA Lockton actively sponsors over 20 charities in the wider Jewish Community including being Patrons of Jewish Care. Paul and David also both sit on the Norwood Property Lunch Committee.




Paul FeldmanPartner

Tel: 020 7933 2454Mob: 07771 838 914Email: [email protected]

David MendelsohnBusiness Development Executive

Tel: 020 7933 2019Mob: 07963 770 451Email: [email protected]

Over 41,000 clients Exceptional clientretention rate (96%)

Over £640 millionrevenues

90% reinvestment due to our private ownership

Over £11.5 billionpremiums placed

Clients in over100 countries

Over 10% annual organic growth since 2000

Over 5,300Associates

80+ skilled Associates within the team

One of the largest combined real estate & construction team

97% Client Retention

95% Associate Retention Rate

12 Associates who have worked together for over 15 years

Arranged insurance for in excess of £110 billion of client assets

Specialist real estate and construction sector experience

Experience stretching back over 35 years

IT systems that work for you

Bespoke ‘Asset’ wording – providing one of the widest wordings in the market at no extra cost

LOCKTON IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST PRIVATELY OWNED GLOBAL INSURANCE BROKERAs a privately owned company our focus is on our clients and our people rather than external analysts and institutional shareholders. This enables us to make long term decisions that will provide benefit and improved service delivery to our clients.

The Real Estate & Construction division specialises in the provision of insurance products, services and risk management advice to the global real estate and construction sectors. REAC has a strong and well-established presence in the insurance market and this experience and influence is employed effectively for the benefit of all our clients.

The benefit of our dedicated teams means we continuously provide industry expertise and: • A team that will partner with you throughout our business relationship • Individual cost-effective solutions specifically designed for your business • Optimising risk financing insurance programme structures for your unique needs and objectives • An understanding of the insurance marketplace, advising how it will affect your specific programme • Negotiating on your behalf, providing a cost-effective programme, with a high level of service which we believe is

unmatched in the industry

For all your property and construction requirements, please contact:

COMMUNITY AND CHARITY FOCUSIn addition to our support for CHANA Lockton actively sponsors over 20 charities in the wider Jewish Community including being Patrons of Jewish Care. Paul and David also both sit on the Norwood Property Lunch Committee.

20 Rally Sponsor

Page 21: Chana Rally Brochure 2015

Stamford Hill Branch:90 Oldhill StreetLondon N16 6NAT 020 8880 8080

Hendon Branch:20 Bell LaneLondon NW4 2ADT 020 8202 2631

We stock the largest selection of kosher wines and spirits in the UK, boasting a supreme internationally imported variety with an unbeatable price range, so that anyone can indulge in

a hearty toast.

Our comprehensive range of wines is sourced from vineyards worldwide, including Australia, California, Israel and New Zealand. Step into our stores to reveal a breathtaking collection of over 500 single-malt whiskies, among them a delightful array of miniatures, as well as a variety of magnum and double magnum bottles, with price tags starting from £18 and topping the twenty-six-thousand-pound mark, really leaving customers simply spoilt for choice. And ever-growing demand.

Our wine and chocolate gift arrangements are the perfectly gracious way to share someone’s celebration. Say ‘thank you’,’congratulations’, ‘happy birthday’, or…’just because’, by choosing from an exquisite range, online or in-store, or having it designed to your specifications. Prices ranges from as little as £12.

Take a trip to one of our North London stores, in Hendon or Stamford Hill, where you can actually inhale the tempting scents and taste delectable samplings of the prized wine and whisky collection lining the

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Don’t hesitate. Just ask. Grapevine stores employ helpful, courteous staff who are always happy to help you and advise you in any way, so that choosing a drink becomes an experience to savour.

Sneak a quiet slice of your coffee break to treat yourself to a visit at our easy-to-remember website, where you can scroll through our huge selection in the comfort of your swivel chair. With its suave design, straightforward, user-friendly layout and exclusive special offers, you will soon enough start viewing

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And no one has to know about your new pastime; it’ll be remain just between you ‘n’ us!

Our customers mean the world to us. That’s why we offer an attractive supermarket price-match service on the entire wine and whisk(e)y range, so you can be assured you are getting

great value purchases all year round…not just during the festive seasons!

Tnumber of guests, which is why we offer hassle-free returns on all unopened goods. Fill up freely and let your guests indulge.

Get the best of both worlds. Shop in store for a delightfully pleasant & relaxing shopping experience, enhanced by convenient wine tasters, and enjoy the convenience of strolling out empty-handed and

having us deliver your purchases. And for online orders too, of course.

We offer same-day delivery, where possible, and to the venue of your choice.

We look forward to welcoming you personally at our stores!

21Rally Sponsor

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22 Rally Sponsor

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23Brochure Sponsor

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We welcome a very dear friend of CHANA all the way from New York


to address us as our guest speaker tonight.

We look forward to laughing at your unique wit and crying at your heartfelt words of inspiration.

May you be זוכה together with your wife Judy to continue making such a difference to כלל ישראל and only have נחת and שמחות from your dear children.


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A very special thank you to a dear friend of Chana


for your ongoing generosity and for making tonight’s pit stop as real as it gets.

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The Trustees would like to express their gratitude to all the




for your constant devotion, care and superb efforts on behalf of CHANA

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Your invaluable input has played a major part in the success of this event thereby allowing

us at Chana to continue helping those couples who turn to us for help

With much appreciation for your dedication and commitment always


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It has given us such a חיזוק to have a wonderful team of talented and dedicated youngsters that have joined our fundraising committee this year




We thank you so much and look forward to working together in the future on many more

Chana projects


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A special farewell to


from Jam Events.

Your dedication has gone beyond the call of duty. We wish you continued hatzlocho up north.


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The highest form of wisdom is kindness and you

MOSHEare the kindest man we know. Over 10 years ago your

dream, your vision and your initiative created this unique special fundraising event. The lives that have

changed as a result are immeasurable. We salute you, we thank you and we honour you

at this momentous occasion – may you be זוכה together with Lissie to only have נחת and שמחות in good health and be able to continue showering

so many with your incredible kindnessand wisdom.


Chana would also like to thank the following companies and individuals for their commitment

and support in helping to make this event possible

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The highest form of wisdom is kindness and you

MOSHEare the kindest man we know. Over 10 years ago your

dream, your vision and your initiative created this unique special fundraising event. The lives that have

changed as a result are immeasurable. We salute you, we thank you and we honour you

at this momentous occasion – may you be זוכה together with Lissie to only have נחת and שמחות in good health and be able to continue showering

so many with your incredible kindnessand wisdom.


Page 32: Chana Rally Brochure 2015

Thank you toMoshe Morris,Melly Lifshitz

and the entire committee and staff of Chana

Jona Rechnitz

Chana Patron

32 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

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Sue and Leo Noéare delighted to support

the amazing team at Chana.

May you go from strength to strength.

Chana Patron

11-13 May 2015 33

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Zelda Pomsontogether with

Families Cohen, Pomson and Provisor

wish Chana every success

34 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary diamond

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We are honoured to supportthis important cause

Yossi & Etti Gurvits

diamond 11-13 May 2015 35

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May this wonderful organisation go מחיל אל חיל in all they do

for the community

Shloime and Miriam StimlerMotti and Pnina Stimler

36 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary diamond

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It is a privilege to support Chana

Samie and Yael Monderer

gold 11-13 May 2015 37

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Honoured to be able to support such a worthy charity

for our community

We pay tribute to the indefatigable Rally Committee and salute the

“brave” 2015 drivers

Hershy & Rina

38 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary gold

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Life happens,Get covered

M&N INSURANCE SERVICE LTD | 248 Hendon Way, London, NW4 3NL | T: 020 8202 4474 | WWW.MNINSURE.COM



With best wishes from

Leonard & Michele OrmondeShmaya & Abigail OrmondeJerome & Shira OrmondeDoniel & Elora Ormonde

gold 11-13 May 2015 39

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Wishing this great cause

continued success.

Alex and Gila Lazarus

40 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary gold

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gold 11-13 May 2015 41

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42 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary silver

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Margaret & Pinchas Rothem


silver 11-13 May 2015 43

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The Trustees of theSchreiber Charitable Trust

congratulate theRally Committee

on ten years of stunning success

44 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary silver

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fromFamilies Schimmel

silver 11-13 May 2015 45

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MARBLE ARCH 29-31 Edgware RoadLondon W2 2JE

TEL: +44 (0)20 7724 3100FAX: +44 (0)20 7258 3090

KNIGHTSBRIDGE51 Beauchamp PlaceLondon SW3 1NY

TEL: +44 (0)20 7581 7646FAX: +44 (0)20 7581 7005

We are grateful forthe wonderful work

of Chana

46 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary silver

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Moga & Titi Kahnwish this car rally

all the success it truly deserves

silver 11-13 May 2015 47

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James Levy QC CBEand the Partners of

International Law Firmare delighted to be able

to support this worthy cause

48 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary silver

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Capital Energy Certi�cates020 8458 [email protected]




020 8458 7444 [email protected]


Wishing CHANA Hatzlocha Rabba




020 8458 [email protected]

silver 11-13 May 2015 49

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Henry & Sara Lastand

David & Leah Last salute

Benny & Moshefor their sterling efforts

on behalf of Chanaand this Car Rally

50 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary silver

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Wishing Chanathe tremendous success

it so richly deservesin the wonderful work that it does

and continues to do

Best WishesJ Stimler Ltd

silver 11-13 May 2015 51

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הצלחה רבה

Meyer & Elisheva Maslo

52 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary silver

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The Directors of Xexecare delighted to support

this outstanding organisation

silver 11-13 May 2015 53

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Congratulationsand enormous gratitude to

Moshe, Danny, Benny and team

Nina and David

54 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary silver

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Wishing all the driversand Chana supportersan amazing 10th Rally!

silver 11-13 May 2015 55

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Wishing you much Brocho Vehazlocho Family S Lerner

56 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

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לעלוי נשמת

ר‘ אברהם יעקב בן פסח פייוול ז“ל

ולעלוי נשמת

מרת חוה בתלה יהודית בת ר‘ יוסף ע“ה


With best wishesfrom

The Kreditor Family

11-13 May 2015 57

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Best Wishes

Family Goldbergof

Northern & Midland Holdings

58 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

Page 59: Chana Rally Brochure 2015

Hatzlocho Rabbo

Harvey and Tovah Shapiro

11-13 May 2015 59

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Wishing this Rallyand the work of Chana

every success

Suzanne & Matthew Weiniger

60 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

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10 years of hard work & planning,well worth it!

Keep going, Team Chana

הצלחה רבה

Andrew & Barbara

11-13 May 2015 61

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לז‘‘נ רכל סימא בת ר‘ זלמן פיינגאלד

Wishing Shelley and Bennymuch hatzlocha

Keep up the good work

Stuart, Judy, children and grandchildren

62 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

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To Benny & Shelley

For all those that you helpin your wonderful selfless ways

יש תקוה

Shmulik & Channi

11-13 May 2015 63

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Wishing Chana all the successthat it richly deserves


Chana is lucky to have you on their teamתלכו מחיל אל חיל

Shea Oizer Halpern

64 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

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31 Princes Park Avenue, London NW11 0JR T 020 8458 9911 E [email protected] W

11-13 May 2015 65

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Wishing all those involvedwith the Rally

הצלחה רבה

Family Yossi Cope

66 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

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11-13 May 2015 67

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Joe Kornfein - your luxury travel expert+41 78 847 63 32 [email protected]

68 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

Page 69: Chana Rally Brochure 2015


you put the Va Va Voominto everything you do

All my best wishesKuki

11-13 May 2015 69

Page 70: Chana Rally Brochure 2015

Aryeh Melinek and Danny Fineare delighted to supportthis wonderful cause.Benny and Dovid,keep up the good work.

70 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

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11-13 May 2015 71

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Wishing Chanaand all its Askonimcontinued הצלחה

in all their endeavours

With ComplimentsMaurice Wiesenfeld & Co

Property Consultants020 8455 1754

72 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

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11-13 May 2015 73

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In Tribute to:Trustees Patrons Support Workers Counsellors Buddies Medical Advisory Panel Halachic Advisory Panel Dinner Committee Rally Organisers Supporters

Ephraim & Miriam Josovic


בת חיים יעקב

Ephraim & Miriam Josovic

74 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

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Wishing all rally participants good luck

Michael and Suzy Rosenthal

11-13 May 2015 75

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Wishing this wonderful charityevery success.

And to a remarkablebrother and brother in law

who is the “driving force” behind it all.

Best WishesFiona and Brian

76 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

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Best Wishes

The Bordon Charitable Trust

11-13 May 2015 77

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Have the drive of your life!

78 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

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Benny & Shelley

Wishing you continued הצלחה in your fantastic work

Moishe & Susan

11-13 May 2015 79

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Wishing this functionall the success it deserves

80 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

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covering every eventuality

Lower Ground Floor

314 Regents Park Road

London N3 2JX

+44 (0)208 371 9080

[email protected]

The Jam Events team are proud to have managed and produced this rally and are honoured to be associated with Chana

Benny, Danny, Moshe and Uri

As always it has been a pleasure working with you all!


w u

s its




11-13 May 2015 81

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Wishing Chanaהצלחה רבה

in all its endeavours

Moishe and Channi Stern

82 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

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Helen Conwayand family

wish this functionevery success

11-13 May 2015 83

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The Kasner Charitable Trust

Best Wishes

CN Trust

84 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

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Wishing Chana every success!

Ari, Laura, David and Aaron Birnbaum

Best wishes for your continued success

Nusi & Sorele Teitelbaum

11-13 May 2015 85

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David & Dassy Fortaare proud to be associated with Chana

Good luck to all the driverssupporting this very worthy cause

Best wishesFamily Berchole

86 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

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With all best wishes and safe driving!

Ruth and Martin Dunitz

Wishing this organisation הצלחה רבה

Dov & Chaya | 0208 455 0036

11-13 May 2015 87

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A LAW FIRM YOU CAN FEELCOMFORTABLE WITH OGR Stock Denton Solicitors is a full service law firm.

Combining City expertise with a truly attentive service, we work with you to identify the best legal solution for your needs.

To speak with one of our solicitors, please contact us by telephone on 020 8349 0321


88 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

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With best wishes

Moishe & Miriam Frankel

Benny and Danny נ‘‘י

Just never give up!!

Shloime & Rochelle Steinberg

11-13 May 2015 89

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Wishing חנה much הצלחה and ברכה

Families Y&R and O&D Weissbraun

90 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

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Wishing this function every success you should be successful אי“ה

in all the good work you do

Best wishes from Mr & Mrs P Aisenthal

Best wishes to anamazing organisation

הצלחה רבה

Leiby and Chana Friedlander

11-13 May 2015 91

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Wishing this wonderful organisationmuch Hatzlocho

Chana - so much more than raising funds

Raising awarenessRaising confidenceRaising hopeand PGRaising the next generation!

Raising our glasses to your efforts & your future successes!

With admirationBerele & Tammy

92 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

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Wishing this event much success

Danny Brodie, Dovid Freifeld & Yomi Cohen

Keep up all your good work,you’re an inspiration to all of us

If you’re unsure...we can insure!

11-13 May 2015 93

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Dovid Kol hakavod for all the amazing work

you are doing for Chana.May Hashem give you backברכה והצלחה בכל מעשה ידך

From the Leil Shishi - Tshulent Chabura

Dear Benny

You light up homes with your warmthYou light up נשמות with your music and care

and you light up our Kehillo with your very presence

May הקב“ה repay you with much נחת, health and ימים אריכת

Daniel & Freidi Klein

94 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

Page 95: Chana Rally Brochure 2015

Best Wishes from Harvey & Harvey Ltd

First Floor, 19 Highfi eld RoadLondon NW11 9LSTel: 020 8209 0070Fax: 020 8209 0071

Best WishesR Gutwirth & I Rockmill

Isara Jewellery Ltd

11-13 May 2015 95

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Wishing this function the success it deserves

Mr & Mrs E FeldmanMr & Mrs Y Freifeld

With our very best wishesfor continued הצלחה in

your עבודת הקודש

Monty & Geraldine Frankel

and family

96 Chana Le Rallye De Monte Carlo 10th Anniversary

Page 97: Chana Rally Brochure 2015

Wishing This Charity Every Success

Cresthall PropertiesThe White Swan,

243 Golders Green Road NW11 9PNTelephone: 07792412235

Email: [email protected] : Commercial : Garage

11-13 May 2015 97

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Admittedly we know very little about what is involved in arranging an event like this.

That’s why we use the car rally specialists and event company extraordinaire

JAM EVENTSheaded by the unassuming but cool & super-efficient


along with

DESI ORMONDEwho is on the job around the clock, with her constant smile, nothing is ever a problem


RAFI “THE ROUTEMASTER” GRUNHUTIf you take a wrong turn, you know who to call.

Thank you to


for your assistance.

It is a pleasure working with you all.


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