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Page 1: CCAMLR Licence notification Information required … · CCAMLR Licence notification Information required Vessel

CCAMLR Licence notification

Information required Vessel details

Name of fishing vessel Chio Maru No. 3

Time periods authorised for fishing (start and end dates) 01 December 2011 – 30 November 2012

Area(s) of fishing 48.6

Species targetted TOT

Gear used Longline

Previous names (if known)

Registration number П-1370

IMO number 8717207

External markings Г 0904

Port of registry Nevelsk

Previous flag (if any) Japan

International Radio Call Sign UBRF9

Name of vessel’s owner(s) "АNТЕI" Сo.Ltd

Address of vessel owner 690091, Vladivostok, ul. Uborevycha 17, 1st floor,

office no. 1. Russia

tel. (4232) 302-603, fax (4232) 43-13-32

Beneficial owners (if known) "АNТЕI" Сo.Ltd

Name of licence owner (if different from owner(s));

Address of licence owner (operator)

690091, Vladivostok, ul. Uborevycha 17, 1st floor,

office no. 1. Russia

Type of vessel; Medium fishing troller freezer

Where built Nagata, Japan

When built 1987

Length (m) 49.15

Starboard photograph Yes

Port photograph Yes

Stern photograph Yes

VMS implementation details No. 004569 approved by Murmansk Center of

Communications and Monitoring, valid until 31

December 2012. Sealed unit Inmarsat-C

(manufactured by Furuno model Felcom 15). VMS

data is encrypted and arrived at automatic mode with

software installed to Russian National Monitoring

Centre excluding the manual data entry.

Name of operator, if different from vessel owners; JSC “Sea Raven”

Address of operator, if different from vessel owners 683032g Petropavlovsk-Matchatsky, ul.

Pogranichnaya 75-A

Names and nationality of master and, where relevant, of

fishing master

Finenko Sergey Victorovich (Russia)

Hilkewitch Gennadiy Vladimirovich (Russia)

Type of fishing method or methods Bottom fishing

Beam (m) 8.9

Gross registered tonnage 743

Vessel communication types and numbers (INMARSAT

A, B and C numbers);

Inmarsat-C 427 302 585

Normal crew complement; 32

Power of main engine or engines (kW); 700

Carrying capacity (tonnes) 436

No. of fish holds 4

Capacity of all holds (t) 777.9m³

Any other information in respect of each licensed vessel

as appropriate for the purposes of the implementation of

conservation measures adopted by the Commission. For

example, ice-classification, authorisation to participate in

bottom fishing activities in accordance with Conservation

Measure 22-06, paragraph 7

Page 2: CCAMLR Licence notification Information required … · CCAMLR Licence notification Information required Vessel

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lll.fim~EJti(lnon user "AlIi~citl L..lC, i~c:~(!!dI at tfH Uborcvic;f1 St., 1"'"Hoo/', Offiee No, 1.VIBdl,IIOStO:k, Rl\.Jsslca~rlN 27040D799o., KP.P 272.1(101)1, OKATO 08401000(00).

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Page 3: CCAMLR Licence notification Information required … · CCAMLR Licence notification Information required Vessel

N{JIt:e1: A mandilltmy condmon ~5 ttle obs13rvall'C:C of ~II requirem13M1; during. U,e harvest[c;atcli) of AQuatic Bio[·cgic:aE RC$oml'ces wi1h respe:ci: to cl"I\Iiromnental PTOtect~OIi'i,fi:!;hC1fie$ reguJa.tioll1s and fis'ih ing r1;!smcltiofils. establish(9:ct in current CCA'llLRconS(lNatlQfl meaSUFaS_

Note 2: The vesse>l C'.ilFJtain has been fartflUiariZEMil with anti ntUS't Qb~rve cull1"BntCCAML.R conservation m'flU$u/'e$.

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•Slgnmr,'t'('] [It?panmant Of Con.SupenUSton and! Fish CIJ11:5lJrvalit.)n

Page 4: CCAMLR Licence notification Information required … · CCAMLR Licence notification Information required Vessel

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Page 5: CCAMLR Licence notification Information required … · CCAMLR Licence notification Information required Vessel

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Page 6: CCAMLR Licence notification Information required … · CCAMLR Licence notification Information required Vessel
Page 7: CCAMLR Licence notification Information required … · CCAMLR Licence notification Information required Vessel


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