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It’s no secret that CBD has become a hot commodity.
Short for cannabidiol, CBD is a unique compound found in cannabis plants. And while it’s related to THC, it doesn’t get the user high because it’s not
Available in gummies, vapes, and topical creams, there’s an option to fit the preference of every individual.
But what about CBD oil ?
CBD oils, sometimes called tincture oils, are plant-based oils, typically coconut or hemp seed, which suspend CBD in either an isolate or full-spectrum form .
Compared to most CBD products, they’re quite simple.
When made from reputable companies with an attention to detail, CBD oils are made through CO2 extraction, include a premeasured stopper for easier
dosing, and offer a certificate of analysis from a third party lab.
But what does CBD oil do? How does CBD oil work?
Let’s talk about why sometimes, simpler is better.
What Do CBD Oils Do?
Without getting into the benefits of CBD itself, CBD oils offer a ton of versatility; perhaps more so than any other type of CBD product.
CBD oils are simple, straightforward, and easy to measure with their built-in stoppers.
CBD oils can be as streamlined or as elaborate as you want them to be: if you want your CBD as quickly as possible, all it takes is a few drops under the
tongue. However, CBD oils are just as viable for your very own CBD edibles, whether it’s baked goods, homemade gummies, or a quick batch of CBD
almond butter for your afternoon snack.
But let’s talk about the benefits of CBD, in and of itself.
How CBD Oil Works
So how does CBD oil work? And more importantly, what are the benefits of CBD oil?
While it’s still not fully understood, CBD seems to have a fascinating relationship with our endocannabinoid systems.
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a series of receptors throughout the body, working together to help regulate mood, stress response, and inflammation.
The ECS sends signals throughout the nervous system with receptors known as endocannabinoids, which are cannabinoids created by the body.
What does this have to do with CBD?
CBD is a cannabinoid as well; specifically, it’s a phyto cannabinoid, which is a type of cannabinoid made by plants.
CBD is actually just 1 of 113 cannabinoids, and all of which are present in full spectrum oils . That being said, CBD’s gotten attention because it’s theorized that
when it enters the bloodstream, it somehow interacts with CB1 receptors, thereby influencing its functions.
Side Effects of CBD Oil
New consumers often ask: “what are the side effects of CBD oil?”
Generally speaking, side effects in CBD oil appear to be quite rare, and CBD is well-tolerated by most people.
However, side effects do sometimes occur, particularly when someone takes too much. Typically, side effects include:
CBD oil may also have interactions with certain drugs, and may create a neutralizing effect, so talk to your doctor before taking CBD if you’re currently on any
kind of medication.
That being said, potential side effects are just one reason why proper dosing is key to success with CBD.
How to Dose CBD Oil
The amount of CBD that’s taken is going to play a huge role in how it performs: take too little, and you might not feel any different from before. Take too much,
and you may experience mild side effects like the ones listed above.
Plus, you want to be at a dosage that you’re comfortable sticking with, since building a tolerance can occur, so you may need to gradually scale up over time.
So, how much CBD oil should you take?
Unfortunately, there is no simple answer, because the right dosage is different for everyone, depending on factors like body weight, the reason for taking
CBD oil, your body chemistry, and the concentration of the CBD oil.
Before taking CBD oil, talking to a medical professional is always recommended, since they can go over potential risks and help determine an appropriate
If a recommendation isn’t provided though, the rule of thumb with CBD oil is to always start at a smaller dosage. Generally speaking, 20-40 mg may be a
viable starting dosage, though plenty of individuals may start with even less.
If after a week, the dosage still feels too low, try increasing the dosage by 3-5 mg, and continue this increment on a weekly basis until the dosage feels right.
For this process, a journal can be extremely helpful.
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