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Cats Meow presents...

Debut Issue - Sept./Oct 2010






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Cats Meow presents...from the publisher’s desk...Hello and welcome;Thank you for taking time to open up this magazine. This is a special project that you are sharing with me. It is an culmination of various inspirations and ideas that have been brewing inside my head for nearly 20 years. Even as I typed that last statement, I began to reflect on the journey that has led to me here. I would like to share some of my history with you. This will be the longest “Letter From The Publisher,” you will ever see in Cats Meow presents…, but it is a story that I would like to lay out once and hope you’ll understand more fully why this publication is truly a labor of love for me.

I grew up with a passion for writing and felt that God blessed me with an ability to tell a written story. It is something that I have put a lot of time and creative energy into. At the same time, as a younger man I divided my attention on other things and have not always harnessed my focus. There was chasing girls, watching movies, performing in school and community theatre, and after I graduated high school, I added partying to that same mix.

When I moved to Georgia in 1992, I was 19 years old and my wild ways led to not having my theatre scholarship renewed at Casper College in Wyoming. That was not the given reason, but I could read between the lines. That essentially became the end of a chapter as far as theatre was concerned. At that point, I decided that I would get my credits transferred to Kennesaw State College (as it was known then), not declare a major yet and get my core classes out of the way. I spent 1½ years going to school part- and full-time depending on my finances and work schedule before choosing to declare Journalism as my major and just before my 21st birthday began writing for the school newspaper.

Then in May 1994, I decided to change jobs and do something that was actually of interest to me. I went to work for Camelot Music and absolutely LOVED IT. Six months later, I dropped

out of school because I felt that I could pursue a music industry job without a degree. Another six months later, I went to work in the warehouse for WEA Distribution

(they are the distribution channel for Warner, Elektra & Atlantic Records). My goal was to earn a position as a merchandiser, because I loved that it seemed like a creative job doing in-store displays.

While it turned out that was not God’s plan for me, I did get back into writing after being inspired during a meeting with Gerald Levert. I was a fan of his music, and after we spent a brief time talking, I had so many questions pop into my head

that I wished I had asked him. It was the same feeling I got when I wrote feature articles at the school paper. It led me to talk to one of the label reps about what I

needed to do to set-up any interviews. Thus began a new chapter in my life.

After some inquiry letters were sent out, I landed the opportunity to begin writing for a small Atlanta-based entertainment magazine called Profiles Entertainment. My first professional article was a feature interview


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welcomewith The Braxtons, and I went on to do other interviews including with Eric Benét and Countess Vaughn. I later became editor for another small entertainment magazine based out of East Point called Black Market Magazine.

Unfortunately, in that time I made some very poor decisions and got myself fired from WEA. I do not want to go into details, but I will share that it was the beginning of a dark time in my life. It is also a time that I discovered what a beacon of light and rock of support that the woman in my life was. Carrie and I were not officially dating, at least I did not call it that, but we were best friends who spent a large amount of time together. As she has said, “I was just patiently waiting for you to realize what you had.” That one sentence really gives you an insight to why I love her so much, and it is also why we celebrated our 10-Year Wedding Anniversary this past March.

So to get back on track, I lost my job at WEA, picked up hours at my P/T job with QT, and continued to pursue writing for Black Market Magazine. Eventually another guy at Black Market Magazine and I decided to strike out on our own and start a new publication called Untouchable. This was the first time that I really began to see the difference between love and support. Everybody loved the concept, they were willing and wanted to participate, and they had nothing but praise and love for the idea of Untouchable, but when we asked people to buy ad space or invest in the concept, all we ever heard were crickets in the night. Not long after striking out to create our own publication, we realized that we had just struck out. It was definitely a difficult thing to accept, and at the time I felt like maybe it was me trying to decide my path instead of trusting God to lead me down the correct path. Needless to say, when I pulled up stakes from the failed venture, I put writing on a back burner and focused on figuring out what I needed to do.

For the next several years, I worked temporary office jobs working in various accounting departments; because that was a marketable skill I had gained while I was at WEA. In late 1999, I accepted my father’s offer to pay for school if I would just go back and get a degree. I was about to get married to Carrie, so I decided that I would get a business management degree and look to land a corporate management job somewhere. Thus began another new chapter in my life – going back to college. Going back was a challenge, not only because of time-management, but because of the business degree program at Kennesaw State University (the name changed not long after I had dropped out in 1994). Once we sorted out exactly what credit hours I had (not only had they changed names, they also converted from a quarterly schedule to a semester schedule), I was limited in what I could and could not take prior to starting my upper-level courses. This means that for three semesters, I was trapped in a p/t schedule.

In August 2001, I decided to take a semester off, because I was starting a LP/merchandising job at Best Buy and I knew there was no way I wanted to work a retail Christmas at a new job and try to focus on school. Then on September 11, 2001 my life got put into perspective in the same way that I am sure many other people experienced it. I was on my way to work when I first heard about the first plane flying into the World Trade Center on the radio. Initially there were not a whole lot of details, so I just shook my head and wondered how a pilot could miss such a large building. Then as I was at work getting the store ready to open and watching on live TV as they discussed the first plane, I saw the second one slam into the opposite tower and my heart nearly stopped.

Later that night, I questioned my entire life’s focus and realized that life is too short not to pursue things that fulfill us. In the nine years that followed that fateful day, I have earned my Bachelor degree in Communication (with a focus on Media Studies and PR); I have had a variety of jobs (as well as long periods of unemployment); I have discovered a love


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Cats Meow presents...for graphic design and visual communication; I have taken a leap of faith and started my own freelance graphic design business; been involved with some great projects including the Saving Our Daughters book series (as editor, writer and designer); and now I am creating my own electronic publication to share with the masses.

So once again, I thank you for taking the time to open this magazine. Hopefully you finished reading my letter, and I look forward to where this part of my journey will take me. If you have any comments, questions or would like to inquire about participating in this project with me: you can email me at [email protected].

In closing, I just want to recognize that there are so many people that have had a direct and indirect influence on my journey. There are too many names to list, so please know that from the deepest part of my heart I thank you.

There a few that I must thank and recognize out loud. First, I want to thank God for the gift of life that He gave us all, as well as all the people that He has brought into my life through all the various seasons and reasons. Next, I want to thank my beautiful wife, muse and amazing supporter through it all – Carrie. I love you and am excited to see what the next 10 years will bring. Finally, I want to thank all of my family, my extended family and the family connected by spirit if not blood. Each and every one of you is a part of the tapestry that is Eric M. Croas. I love and thank you.

Until the next issue…meow, meow, meow and good-bye.

Eric M. Croas

Working with some of my furry little muses and proofreading companions (Rufus is on my shoulder and Maddox is reading my screen intently).


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table of contents












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Cats Meow presents...

Chad coleman


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5 random questions

1) If you could choose what your very last meal on Earth will be, what would it be?

Though eating would probably be the last thing on my mind. I’d go surf and turf. A juicy steak and hand size prawns with spinach and mash potatoes.

2) You’re stranded on a deserted island paradise with all basic living necessities. What is the one item you would absolutely want to have?

A cappucino maker

3) Are you a dog or cat person?

Both-got love for both. We have Rockie our Shepherd and Alley The Cat.

4) What color would you use to describe yourself and why?

Brown because I’m down-to-earth. Also as much as brown goes with everything, I would say to the same degree I get along with everybody.

5) American Idol or America’s Got Talent?

I’m a huge fan of celebrating each person’s talent no matter what it is.

Chad coleman


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Cats Meow presents...

Me w/Hobbes


Animals are such a big part of my life that I wanted to incorporate a section that would allow me to pay tribute to them. I also wanted to give others an opportunity to share their own animal stories. Life is full of stressful moments, and I am also amazed at how my animals (whether it be a

dog, cat or even ferret) seem to take things in stride and often help me to relax. That is why I have named this section Paws and Reflect. So this month, I am proud to introduce you to my cat Hobbes, as well as my friend and mentor Curtis J. Benjamin’s puppy Faith who is posing with his daughters Niyah and Illis.

1) What is your cat’s name? Hobbes

2) How did they come into your life? We adopted him from a family that was ready to take him to the pound.

3) Do you have nicknames for them? Hobberino, Cat-Chi, Hobbers

4) What is one of your favorite stories involving your pet? One that comes to mind is the story behind my sister’s struggles to pick him up for us to bring him to the house. Hobbes was not a big cat at that time, but man, he certainly had all kinds of ways NOT to go into the cat carrier. She tried all kind of things. When was she finally on the verge of giving up and telling me that I would just have to come over and just get him myself, Hobbes decided that he would go in on his own. That did not stop him from making horrible noises all the way to his new home, but he did concede that a new home was better than going to the pound.

5) What is one characteristic that you or others would say that you share in common with your cat? See the above story about stubbornness, though I may be more likely to compromise at time than Hobbes is.

6) Does your cat tend to favor one person in the house more than others? Not really, he tends to give both my wife Carrie and I equal levels of affection.


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Paws and Reflect

Curtis J. Benjamin is the Executive Director of the non-profit organization “It’s Cool To Be Smart,” and author of the Saving Our Daughters book series. These are his daughters posing with their puppy Faith.

More About It’s Cool To Be SmartFounded in 2000, IT’S COOL TO BE SMART is a mentoring program for teenage girls that has touched the lives of more 3000 youth across the country, including cities such as Atlanta, Los Angeles, New York, DC, Philadelphia, New Orleans and Chicago. The program’s mission is to empower young girls to become future business leaders by creating mentorship opportunities with influential young women in the entertainment industry throughout the nation.

Visit to find out more About the Saving Our Daughters book series

Niyah & Illis Benjamin w/Faith

1) What is your dog’s name? Faith

2) How did they come into your life? Since our daughter was diagnosed with brain cancer, we wanted her to have a special companion to keep her happy at all times.

3) Do you have nicknames for them? Fay Fay

4) What is one of your favorite stories involving your pet? We took her out for her walk in one evening, and as we were going down the steps, our neighbor’s two cats jumped out of nowhere and tried to pounce on to Faith. Faith looked up at me as if to say “are you really going to let these cats beat me down” and then she leaped into my arms. It was right then that I knew then we did not have a watch dog. :o)

5) What is one characteristic that you or others would say that you share in common with your dog? She gets very angry when she does not get her food on time.

6) Does your dog tend to favor one person in the house more than others? Of course, Faith loves my youngest daughter Illis.



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Cats Meow presents...

atlanta falconscombined practice

with the new england patriots


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in the zone

atlanta falconscombined practice

with the new england patriots


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Cats Meow presents...

“It is great. Nothing against Jacksonville, or any other team, but when you go against the New England Patriots you are going against one of the best teams in the NFL. It is good to see where you stack up. It is nice and it is a luxury. It is

something that the players look forward to, and it gets their juices flowing. It gets us out of that straight routine we have been doing every single day. It is good to go against another

team and get a good look.”

- Tony Gonzalez - Atlanta Falcons Tight End



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in the zone

“This year working with Jacksonville, in our second week, and now two practices with New England have been of great

value to our organization.”

- Mike Smith, Atlanta Falcons Head Coach


“We had a good morning worth of work against New England’s defense. We saw some different things. We had

some good work against the 3-4 scheme. It was a productive morning and a good change of pace.”

- Matt Ryan, Atlanta Falcons Quarterback


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Cats Meow presents...“WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE NFL


“I really believe that if the NFL goes to an 18-game regular season, and it goes back to two preseason games that you will see more teams working with one another. You must have a way to evaluate your young players”

- Mike Smith, Atlanta Falcons Head Coach

“I think it’s a interesting concept. Too many players are getting hurt in four game preseason, and the extra two games may help lesser teams get in playoffs. The bigger question is when will the city with the largest television market get a team? Los Angeles has been boxed out of NFL too long.”

- Gary Sturgis, Actor/Director/Producer/Writer

“I feel that it’s a money making opportunity for the league, but it will be harder for younger bubble guys (free agent and late round draft picks) to make the team.”

- Stevie “Shakespeare” Baggs, CFL Hamilton Tiger-Cats Defensive End

“I think it’s a win-win all around.”

- Bob Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots

“I would vote to eliminate two preseason games and then keep it at a 16-game season because the longer you’re out there playing, the more your body breaks down.”

- Desmond Clark, Chicago Bears Tight End

“I don’t see anything wrong with it. I am definitely an advocate for the move if that’s possible. I definitely think it would be exciting for the fans.”

- Terrell Owens, Cincinnati Bengals Wide Receiver

“If it was a two-game preseason, then the starters are going to see most of that time because they’ve got to get ready for the season, so if you’re third string, good luck.”

- Gary Brackett Indianapolis Colts Linebacker and Team Defensive Captain


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in the zone



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2. Charlotte is this NFL team’s home7. This team lost to the Pittsburgh Steelers in Super Bowl XL8. They drafted Alex Smith in the 2005 NFL Draft9. Howie Long played 13 seasons for them10. Donovan McNabb and Terrell Owens used to play together for them16. Before Indianapolis, the Colts were from here17. The team Terrell Owens is playing for in 201019. Washington D.C. is this NFL team’s home22. Adrian Peterson is their starting RB24. They picked CJ Spiller with the 9th pick of the 2010 NFL Draft26. Which NFL team lost their mascot in the film Ace Ventura28. Famous Mikes from this team include Singletary and Ditka29. Defensive Coordinator for the Kansas City Chiefs30. Took Jason Pierre-Paul with the 15th Pick of the 2010 NFL Draft31. Last year’s Super Bowl Champion


1. Moved from St. Louis to Phoenix in 1988.3. Head Coach of the Patriots4. TE for the Chargers who was also a basketball player at Kent State5. NFL city was originally known as the Oilers6. 1st pick of the 2010 NFL Draft11. The Super Bowl trophy is named after this famous Green Bay Packers coach12. Home city of the Jaguars13. Terry Bradshaw and Ben Rothlisberger were both a QB of this team14. Eli Manning’s brother15. 7th pick of the 2010 NFL Draft by the Cleveland Browns18. This team drafted Jevon Kerse in the 1999 NFL Draft20. Owner of the Dallas Cowboys21. Ndamukong Suh was this team’s first round pick for 201023. Buddy Ryan’s son is Head Coach of this team25. Matt Ryan is their QB27. Tampa Bay RB Carnell Williams nickname28. Beat the Atlanta Falcons in Super Bowl XXXIII


For the answer key, email [email protected] and it will be sent it out to you.


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Cats Meow presents...Ed Hartwell is well-known among two distinct

audiences. The first would be fans of NFL football, the Baltimore Ravens and the Atlanta Falcons. The

second would be those who recognize him as the husband of Lisa Wu-Hartwell from the Bravo TV show “The Real Housewives of Atlanta.” I must admit that I am one of those people who come from both audiences. That is why I was excited when we met through a mutual associate a few years ago. It’s also why it is my pleasure and honor to share our recent interview.

CM: Ed, I want to thank you for being part of the debut issue. I know that you have a busy schedule, especially now as you are getting ready to head out for training camp with the Las Vegas Locos of the UFL. So tell me please how you feel about going to play for a new team in a new league.

EH: I’m excited because football is always something I love doing, and there is nothing like playing in my home town. This is the first time that family and friends are going to get to see me play in person since I played at Cheyenne High School in Las Vegas, so it’s very exciting! (Publishers note: Ed was an Honor Roll Student on the Dean’s list with a 3.67 GPA who graduated with the class of ‘96. A three-sport letterman for football, basketball, & track, Hartwell received several

awards and accolades including academic and athletic All-American; Nevada High School Football Hall of Fame

Recipient; and the 1996 Nevada State Athlete of the year.)

CM: Are you hoping that playing in the UFL will lead to another chance to play for an NFL team?

EH: My thing is that I never look farther than the present, but you know that there have been 43 players that have that actually made it back into the NFL. I just have to give it up to the man upstairs, especially as my acting career is starting to take off including several stage shows.

CM: You’re certainly handling this with an awesome attitude indeed. As you are getting prepared for training camp, I want to know in terms of game speed, intensity and overall experience, how different do you anticipate playing in the UFL will be from playing in the NFL?


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ED HARTWELLEH: I think the biggest difference will be that more veteran players start in the NFL. There is experience and the little tricks and efficiencies that players (former NFL veterans) like me are bringing to the UFL. This league has A LOT of young talent, which really impresses me. I want to be on a defense that your offense loves, and opposing offenses fear. I don’t believe in 100-yard rushers. Good defenses do not believe in 100-yard rushers. I am an in-your-face downhill guy that will leave a ball carrier not wanting to see you again. I look forward to bringing that into this league.

CM: Ed, I am just curious how often are you recognized as being the husband of a “Real Housewife of Atlanta” vs. a professional football player and former Atlanta Falcon?

EH: It’s probably 50/50. A lot of fans still remember me from playing either for Baltimore or Atlanta, and then are a lot of women/fans who watch the show and recognize me from that. I can usually tell the difference by the way they address me when I meet them. The football fans usually call be my last name or call me Mr. Hartwell, and fans of the show usually just call me Ed.

CM: How intrusive did you find it to be when the Bravo camera crews were following you and Lisa around while filming “The Real Housewives of Atlanta”?

EH: In the beginning, it was really intrusive, because you don’t know what to expect. It gets easier with time, but of course when you put your life on camera, you are going to get people who like, love or dislike you for no real reason other than they saw you on the show. It has been actually great for us when we have had people come up that have said we inspired them or helped them out. We are people-oriented so it has been fun for us to be part of it, but there are certainly people who will shy away from it.

CM: ¬¬¬ I see that you have been preparing for the transition of life after football, as witnessed with the recent release of your calendar and the theater shows you have been in. What do you see the majority of your focus being on over the next 3-5 years?

EH: The calendar was something that I just put out, but it was really a stepping stone into something else. I am planning on releasing a series of work-out DVD applications. They will show


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Cats Meow presents...what I do in the gym, at home, or on the road that doesn’t have gym facilities. It is more than just working out. It is about making a lifestyle change, and I am showing people by example how I am living what I am teaching.Acting is another I am going to continue to pursue. I just like going out on stage doing my thing. On stage, you cannot stop if a mistake happens so you just improvise and move on. I like the stage, but I definitely want to get into film and who knows, maybe win an award or two.

CMC: Ed, I would like to know about a hobby or talent that you have that would surprise most people?

EH: A lot of people would be or are surprised that I am a dog trainer. There are a lot of tricks of the trade that I learned from my cousin Ira Hartfield. In fact, he taught me most of what I know while I was still playing in Baltimore and had a Tosa Inu, which is also known as a Japanese Mastiff. This dog was HUGE, but I really loved him a lot and was grateful that Ira was able to teach me what he did. (Publishers note: Ed now has a German Sheppard that he got a few after his Tosa Inu passed away. Ed and his German Sheppard have agreed to appear in a future issue of “Cats Meow Communications presents…”, so be on the lookout.)

CMC: Well as we wrap this up, is there anything that you would like to share with readers?

EH: I want to share that I am really passionate about the Big Hart Foundation. A lot of the extra things I do to earn money go back into funding the foundation. A big part of the foundation is about educating people about health and good choices for the body. I would also like people to know that they can visit to find out more about what I am up to.


1 FLORIDA vs. LAS VEGAS HDNET 9/18/2010 11:00 PM EST2 BYE3 LAS VEGAS vs. FLORIDA VERSUS 9/30/2010 6:00 PM EST4 OMAHA vs. LAS VEGAS HDNET 10/8/2010 10:00 PM EST5 LAS VEGAS vs. SACRAMENTO HDNET 10/15/2010 11:00 PM EST6 HARTFORD vs. LAS VEGAS VERSUS 10/23/2010 3:30 PM EST7 LAS VEGAS vs. OMAHA HDNET 10/28/2010 8:00 PM EST8 SACRAMENTO vs. LAS VEGAS VERSUS 11/6/2010 11:00 PM EST9 BYE



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Big Hart Foundation

The Edgerton Hartwell Big Hart Foundation, further recognized as The Big Hart Foundation (BHF), was founded in 2002 by Edgerton Hartwell II. The Big Hart Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization designed to enhance the hunger drive and passion in today’s youth. The foundation has represented

a collaborative effort between youth serving organizations, schools, and local business communities to prepare students for success by instilling the idea of becoming lifelong learners. Established in Las Vegas, NV, the organization has successfully serviced and assisted youth communities in Las Vegas, NV, Baltimore, Maryland and Atlanta, Georgia. A narrative list of the services offered is as follows:

Las Vegas, The Summer Youth Football Camp 2003: 2 day • summer campBaltimore, The Football Enrichment Camp June 2004: 3 day • summer campLas Vegas, The Football Enrichment Camp July 2004: 3 day • summer campLas Vegas, The Football Academic and Enrichment Camp July • 2005: 1 week full contact campLas Vegas, School site presentation visits 2003-2005• Las Vegas, Community workshops and trainings 2003-2005• Atlanta, NFL Game Day sponsorships: 25 students were awarded • free tickets to the Atlanta Falcons Games 2006-2007Atlanta, Adopt a school: 1 school chosen to assist students with • academics as well as mentoring workshops 2006

Mr. Hartwell, Founder/CEO, was awarded the City of Las Vegas, Citizen of the Month award in July 2003. This prestigious honor was presented by the Mayor of Las Vegas and the City Councilmen and woman for the generous contributions and assistance to the Vegas Valley youth. In 2004, The Foundation was awarded a Proclamation of Achievement in Las Vegas, NV, reserving July 9th as the Big Hart Foundation Day. Since its inception in 2002, The Big Hart Foundation has committed their organization to providing programs and activities to youth to sustain long-term development and academic excellence. The Foundation’s continued efforts will produce a systemic change within youth, thus creating successful members of a diverse and ever changing society.


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Cats Meow presents... selfserve @ Broad Street Station

The Broad Street Station, located in Rome, GA, has only been open a few months, and while the restaurant part of the business is growing slow and steady, it has proven to be a GREAT venue for live music. They usually have a live band on Fridays and Saturdays, with different cover charges for 18 - 20 and 21-up. The night I visited, I had the opportunity to catch Selfserve playing and the crowd enjoyed themselves as much as I did. They offer a basic bar menu, which I ordered cheese sticks and a basket of fries from. I heard a lot of people commenting on the BLT with a fried green tomato and “The Stuffed” which is a stuffed hamburger with blue cheese which I definitely found to be unique offerings. I also found out that they do Karoke and Trivia at the Broad Street Station during the week, and in fact that night they had three winners from a karoke contest up onstage to each sing a song with the band. If you’re a fan of roller derby, there is always a chance of catching the Rome Roller Derby Girls, because they are friends of the Broad Street Station and were there the night I came by.

The Broad Street Station is located at 425 Broad Street, Rome, GA. They have a Facebook page (, a MySpace page (, and their phone number is: 706-233-8240.

Hours of operation:Monday & Tuedsday 11:00 am - 3:00 pm & 5:00 pm - 9:30 pmWednesday - Saturday 11:00 am - 2:00 am


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selfserve @ Broad Street Station


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Cats Meow presents...


Luckie Lounge - August 29, 2010

Atlanta, Georgia—August 30, 2010— The Culinary Fight Night®, hosted by Andrew Hammond and Cali Franklin, delivered another successful event to culinary culture last night at Luckie Food

Lounge, a multi-million dollar restaurant and events facility, conveniently located in the heart of downtown directly across the street from the Georgia Aquarium. CFN® August benefitted the Georgia Chapter of the Alzheimer Association ( and with the help of this months competitors, Chef Brandon Peterson, Executive Chef of Agave in the Cotton Mill District and this months winner, Chef Chris Fletcher, personal chef and owner of, we were able to raise well deserved attention and revenue. The secret ingredients for August were Status Vodka, turkey bacon, and Mentos candy. Chef Fletchers menu consisted of smoked salmon crustinis and tuna tartar tacos, turkey bacon, roasted garlic and rosemary rubbed filet with garlic oil infused potato au gratin, and a vanilla bean pana cotta with a mango vodka sauce and macerated pineapples with a kiwi and Mentos au jus. Via, guests are asked to RSVP, purchase their ticket, and then vote for their favorite chef, cooking style, and 3 secret ingredients. The 2 chefs, cooking style, and 3 ingredients with the most votes will take to the kitchen to fight it out! VioDoug Solutions, a local event planning firm, produced this event and were proudly sponsored by Luckie Food Lounge, Status Vodka, TC Publishing & Consulting Group, and The Klein Group, Inc. for this months installment of Culinary Fight Night®, “Where Cooking and Competition Collide!” For more information about Culinary Fight Night® and their efforts or if you are interested in becoming a sponsor or contender, visit or contact Walt Henderson via email: [email protected] or directly: 877.625.9292 x 104.




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culinary fight night


Luckie Lounge - August 29, 2010





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Cats Meow presents...






As a professional creative, I love looking at people’s tattoos. I even took the dive a few years ago and got a tattoo of my own and have been eager to get some more work done. In tribute to my fascination of skin art and the people who wear it, I will be providing the Skin Art Gallery in every issue.

For the debut, I hit the street looking for tattoos to showcase, and I was moved by how willing people who did not know me were to let me take photos. I am especially appreciative of the lady I approached with my business card at a Target after a brief glimpse of what was obviously a large piece across her shoulders. She was so gracious and said that she would be happy to email me a photo since I did not have my camera, nor did I realize that the work covered her entire back. So a special shout-out goes to Delores for emailing me and to her husband for taking the photos for me to choose from. I also want to thank my friends who allowed me to take photos, or that have agreed to do it for future issues. Some of those tattoos made it in this issue, and others will appear in the next installment.

Now I want to extend an invite to my readers with skin art of their own to share it with Cats Meow presents... to email me at [email protected]. We can either make arrangements to meet for an informal photo shoot, or if you have a nice digital picture to email to me, I will look at including it in a future issue. In the meantime, enjoy the views until our next installment.


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skin art gallery









A - Delores Culbertson / photo sent via email H - Josh Akery / photo taken in Dallas, GA

B - Kat Schweng / photo taken in Rome, GA I - Sherry Akery / photo taken in Dallas, GA

C - Justin Ketchum / photo taken in Dallas, GA J - Justin Ketchum / photo taken in Dallas, GA

D - Greg Akery / photo taken in Dallas, GA K - Greg Akery / photo taken in Dallas, GA

E - Ryan Clough / photo taken in Rome, GA L - Kat Schweng / photo taken in Rome, GA

F - Josh Akery / photo taken in Dallas, GA M - Jimmy Blaney / photo taken in Dallas, GA

G - Eric Croas / photo taken in Dallas, GA

As a professional creative, I love looking at people’s tattoos. I even took the dive a few years ago and got a tattoo of my own and have been eager to get some more work done. In tribute to my fascination of skin art and the people who wear it, I will be providing the Skin Art Gallery in every issue.

For the debut, I hit the street looking for tattoos to showcase, and I was moved by how willing people who did not know me were to let me take photos. I am especially appreciative of the lady I approached with my business card at a Target after a brief glimpse of what was obviously a large piece across her shoulders. She was so gracious and said that she would be happy to email me a photo since I did not have my camera, nor did I realize that the work covered her entire back. So a special shout-out goes to Delores for emailing me and to her husband for taking the photos for me to choose from. I also want to thank my friends who allowed me to take photos, or that have agreed to do it for future issues. Some of those tattoos made it in this issue, and others will appear in the next installment.

Now I want to extend an invite to my readers with skin art of their own to share it with Cats Meow presents... to email me at [email protected]. We can either make arrangements to meet for an informal photo shoot, or if you have a nice digital picture to email to me, I will look at including it in a future issue. In the meantime, enjoy the views until our next installment.


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Cats Meow presents...

Thank you and see you next issue!

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