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Page 1: Carroll's pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility
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Page 3: Carroll's pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility

Csr is the process of continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large.

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Economic responsibility in Carroll’s CSR Pyramid

A company's first responsibility is its economic responsibility. A business of producing goods and

services needed by society and selling them making a profit. Companies have shareholders who demand a reasonable return on their investments, they have

employees who want safe and fairly paid jobs, and they have customers who demand good quality products at a fair price. This is for the simple fact that if a company does not make money, it won't last, employees will lose jobs and the company won't even be able to think about

taking care of its social responsibilities. Before a company thinks about being a good corporate citizen, it first needs to make sure that it can be profitable. And

this is the base of the pyramid, where all the other layers rest on.

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Legal responsibility in Carroll’s CSR Pyramid

Responsibility - Legal Definition.The liability for an act and the obligation to repair any damage caused by that act; in criminal law, a person's mental capacity to understand and answer in court for her or his actions; guilt.

See also competent and capacity.1.It is important to perform in a manner consistent with

expectations of government and law.2. It is important to comply with various federal, state, and local

regulations.3. It is important to be a law-abiding corporate citizen.4. It is important that a successful firm be defined as one that

fulfills its legal obligations.5. It is important to provide goods and services that at least

meet minimal legal requirements.

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Ethical Responsibility in Carroll’s CSR Pyramid

Social responsibility is an Ethical framework which suggests that an entity, be it an organization or individual, has an

obligation to act for the benefit of society at large. Social responsibility is a duty every individual has to perform

so as to maintain a balance between the economy and the ecosystems.

1.It is important to perform in a manner consistent with maximizing earnings per share.

2. It is important to be committed to being as profitable as possible.

3. It is important to maintain a strong competitive position.4. It is important to maintain a high level of operating efficiency.5. It is important that a successful firm be defined as one that is

consistently profitable.

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Philanthropic responsibility in Carroll’s CSR Pyramid

As it is in the top of the pyramid, it focuses on more luxurious things such as improving the quality of life of employees, local communities and ultimately society in

general. Philanthropic responsibility is additional behaviors and activities that society finds desirable and

that the values of the business supports. Like giving support to charities or community projects.

It is important to perform in a manner consistent with the philanthropic and charitable expectations of society.

It is important to provide assistance to private and public educational institutions.

This includes actively engaging in acts or programs to promote human welfare or goodwill

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