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www.nkokleinbrabant.beCarl Van Laer

Jorn Potvin

Page 2: Carl Van Laer
Page 3: Carl Van Laer
Page 4: Carl Van Laer

Multidisciplinair en complex


Page 5: Carl Van Laer
Page 6: Carl Van Laer

Vertigo vs duizeligheid, ijlhoofdigheid, instabiliteit, nausea,…

Synoniemen (draailoos?)



Page 7: Carl Van Laer

Klassieke - maar niet zo praktische - indeling: perifeer vs centraal

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Page 9: Carl Van Laer

Eén enkele episode van verlengde vertigo

Neuritis vestibularis

Hersenstam en cerebellaire laesies (CVA, TIA,..)

Eerste aanval van vestibulaire migraine

Eerste aanval van Menière

Praktische – maar niet zo gekende indeling - : obv symptomatologie

Page 10: Carl Van Laer

Recurrente vertigo en duizeligheid

Recurrente vertigo

Vestibulaire migraine

Benigne recurrente vertigo


Vertebrobasilaire TIA

Vestibulaire paroxysmie of recurrente vestibulopathie (neurovasculaire compressie)

Perilymfe fistel

Recurrente duizeligheid

Orthostatische hypotensie


Psychogene duizeligheid

Medicatie geïnduceerde duizeligheid

Page 11: Carl Van Laer

Chronische duizeligheid

Patienten met voorgeschiedenis van vertigo

Psychogene vertigo

Visuele vertigo

Chronische migraineuze vertigo

Eind stadium Meniere

Patienten met progressieve onevenwicht

Bilateraal verlies vestibulaire functie

Neurologische oorzaken

Page 12: Carl Van Laer

Orthostatisch hypotensie

“maar mijn bloeddruk is normaal dokter ! “

-> orthostatische hypotensie kan evengoed bij perfect normale of goed gecontroleerde bloeddruk

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Page 14: Carl Van Laer

Vertigo: anamneseanamnese

• SO STONED Mnemonic:

• Symptoms: Describe the symptoms. (vertigo, instability, dizziness, drunken sensation, tendency to fall, falling over, etc.)

• Occurrence: How often do the symptoms occur? (Daily, weekly, monthly, irregular, etc.)

• Since: When did the symptoms occur? (Several weeks ago, several months ago, after a flu, after a fall, fifteen years ago, etc.)

• Triggers: What causes symptoms or aggravates them? (Head movements, bending over, looking up, laying down, turning over in bed, walking down the isles of a supermarket, watching vigorous movement, nothing in particular/spontaneously.)

• Otological symptoms: Are there any ear related symptoms possibly accompanied by head symptoms? (E.g. tinnitus, hearing loss, a sensation of fullness in the ear, ear pressure, hyperacusis or sensitivity to sound.)

• Neurological symptoms: Are there any neurological symptoms, possibly accompanied by head symptoms? (E.g. headache, migraine, light flashes, photophobia, phonophobia, difficulties in speech, loss of consciousness, syncope, tingling.)

• Evolution: How did and how do the symptoms evolve? (E.g. worse in the beginning then better, worsening, constant, ups and downs.)

• Duration: How long does the dizziness last? (Seconds, minutes, hours, days, continuously.)

Prof F Wuyts

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Vertigo: klinisch onderzoekKlinisch onderzoek

Klinisch perifeer vestibulair onderzoek (Frenzelonderzoek)spontane of blikrichtingsnystagmusoogvolgbewegingenDix-Hallpike

Page 16: Carl Van Laer

Vertigo: klinisch onderzoekKlinisch onderzoek

VOR = Vestibulo Oculaire Reflex-> te testen via HIT (head impuls test)

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Vertigo: klinisch onderzoekKlinisch onderzoek

Klinisch perifeer vestibulair onderzoek (Frenzelonderzoek)spontane of blikrichtingsnystagmusoogvolgbewegingenHIT (head impulse test): correctiesaccade?

Page 18: Carl Van Laer

HIT (head impulse test): correctiesaccade?= head thrust test-> aangedane kant = kant met correctiesaccade

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Vertigo: klinisch onderzoekKlinisch onderzoek

Nystagmus: complex !!

Page 20: Carl Van Laer

Vertigo: spoed vertigo: sneltestAcuut?? Cerebellair CVA (PICA)

MRI >>> CT

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Impulse Normal

Fast-phase Alternating

Refixation on Cover Test

Kattah JC • Talkad AV • Wang DZ • Hsieh YH • Newman-Toker DEHINTS to diagnose stroke in acute vestibular syndrome: bedside oculomotor examination more sensitive than early MRI DWI

Stroke. 2009 Nov;40(11):3504-10

Page 22: Carl Van Laer

Vertigo: ENG (electronystagmografie) is nu VNG (videonystagmografie)ENG

VOR? Nystagmi? Oogvolgbewegingen? Dix Hallpike? Opto- en oculometrie? +Calorische testen: hypofunctie?

Page 23: Carl Van Laer

Vertigo: Beeldvorming: MRI (> CT), indicatiestelling

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Vertigo: ziektebeelden

Acuut?? Cerebellair CVA (PICA)

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Vertigo type

Spell duration

Spell frequency


Associated symptoms

Rotational vertigo or dizziness

Minutes to hours

Daily, weekly

Spontaneous, visual

Photofobia, phonophobia, scotoma, photopsia, …Headache doesn’t have to occur simultaneouslyPersonal or family history of migraine

Vestibular migraine

Thomas Brandt • Michael Strupp • Marianne DieterichFive keys for diagnosing most vertigo, dizziness, and imbalance syndromes: an expert opinion

J Neurol (2014) 261:229–231

Page 26: Carl Van Laer

Vestibulaire migraineVertigo: vestibulaire migraine

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• Vestibular migraine• A. At least 5 episodes with vestibular symptoms of moderate to severe intensity, lasting 5 minutes to 72 hours

• B. Current or previous history of migraine with or without aura according to the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD).

• C. One or more migraine features symptoms with at least 50% of the vestibular episodes: (1) headache with at least two of the following characteristics: one sided location, pulsating quality, moderate or severe pain intensity, aggravation by routine physical activity; (2) photophobia and phonophobia; (3) visual aura

• D. Not better accounted for by another vestibular or ICHD diagnosis.

• Probable vestibular migraine• A. At least 5 episodes with vestibular symptoms of moderate or severe intensity, lasting 5 min to 72 hours.

• B. Only one of the criteria B and C for vestibular migraine is fulfilled (migraine history or migraine features during the episode).

• C. Not better accounted for by another vestibular or ICHD diagnosis.

Vestibular Migraine (VM) criteria

Lempert T et al. Vestibular migraine: diagnostic criteria. J Vestib Res. 2012;22(4):167-72.

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Vertigo type

Spell duration

Spell frequency


Associated symptoms

Rotational vertigo

< 1 minute

Only when triggered

Head movements

Thomas Brandt • Michael Strupp • Marianne DieterichFive keys for diagnosing most vertigo, dizziness, and imbalance syndromes: an expert opinion

J Neurol (2014) 261:229–231

Positionele vertigo: canalo- of cupulolithiasisBPPV

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BPPV: Benigne Paroxismale Positie Vertigo

BPPV is een vorm van positionele vertigo en wordt gekenmerkt door acute draaiduizeligheid die ontstaat bij bewegingen, bijvoorbeeld bij omhoog kijken (hyperextensie van de nek) en omdraaien in bed.

De draaiduizeligheid kan heftig zijn, maar duurt gewoonlijk maar een tiental seconden.

De klachten zijn uitputbaar, dat wil zeggen dat herhaling van de hoofdbewegingen de klachten doet verminderen of verdwijnen. Van dit laatste wordt gebruik gemaakt voor de behandeling.

Deze positionele klachten moeten onderscheiden worden van orthostatische hypotensie (orthostatisme) en cervicogene vertigo.

Eerste aanval kan zich presenteren als een acuut vestibulair syndroom (acute vertigo - tot en met zelfs braken soms -duurt kort maar patiënten voelen zich nog 1 à 2 dagen ongemakkelijk)

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Thomas Brandt • Michael Strupp • Marianne DieterichFive keys for diagnosing most vertigo, dizziness, and imbalance syndromes: an expert opinion

J Neurol (2014) 261:229–231

BPPV: Benigne Paroxismale Positie Vertigo Praktische info

Nuttige documenten Positionele vertigo type BPPV

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Vertigo type

Spell duration

Spell frequency


Associated symptoms

Rarely rotational vertigo

Minutes to hours


Head movements not related to SCC axis

Cervicalgia, tension in the neck, headache

Proprioceptive cervicogenic vertigo

Dario Yacovino • Timothy C. HainClinical Characteristics of Cervicogenic-Related Dizziness and Vertigo

Semin Neurol 2013;33:244–255

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Proprioceptive cervicogenic dizziness

Dario Yacovino • Timothy C. HainClinical Characteristics of Cervicogenic-Related Dizziness and Vertigo

Semin Neurol 2013;33:244–255

Cervicogene duizeligheid

Er zijn vele synoniemen voor deze ‘cervicogenic dizziness’, waarbij duizeligheid of andere evenwichtsklachten gerelateerd is bij nekbewegingen bij patiënten met klachten van de nek (bv bij artrose van de nek, na whiplash trauma,…). Het is een uitsluitingsdiagnose: eerst moeten alle andere diagnoses uitgesloten worden. Er zijn verschillende theorieën, waarvan de meest bekende de veranderde proprioceptieve input van de nekspieren naar het evenwichtsorgaan is. Cervicogeneduizeligheid moet gedifferentieerd worden van vertebrobasilaire insufficiëntie (VBI), waarbij er bij VBI meestal andere klachten zijn zoals visusproblemen (minder zicht, dubbelzicht), hoofdpijn, vallen

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Orthostatische hypotensie

Bij orthostatische hypotensie is er meestal enkele seconden na opstaan (van zit naar staan of van lig naar staan) een licht, instabiel, duizelig gevoel (soms met zwarte vlekken). Bij (snel) opstaan gaat het bloed met zwaartekracht naar de benen en is er een reflex van de spieren rond de bloedvaten van de benen om het bloed snel terug naar het hoofd te duwen om alert te blijven. Bij orthostatisme is deze reflex wat vertraagd, vaak gewoon door wat ouder te worden. Het is belangrijk om te weten dat dit even goed kan voorkomen bij patiënten met een normale bloeddruk.

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Vertigo type

Spell duration

Spell frequency


Associated symptoms

Rotational vertigo

> 20 minutes to 12 hours

Weekly, monthly


Unilateral SNHL, feeling of pressure, tinnitus

Ménière’s disease

Thomas Brandt • Michael Strupp • Marianne DieterichFive keys for diagnosing most vertigo, dizziness, and imbalance syndromes: an expert opinion

J Neurol (2014) 261:229–231

Page 35: Carl Van Laer

• Certain• Definite Ménière’s disease + histopathologic confirmation

• Definite• ≥ 2 definitive spontaneous episodes of vertigo ≥ 20 minutes to 12 h

• audiometrically documented low- to medium-frequency sensorineural hearing loss at least one occasion before, during or after one of the episodes of vertigo

• fluctuating aural symptoms (hearing, tinnitus or fullness) in the affected ear

• Probable• two or more episodes of vertigo or dizziness, each lasting 20 minutes to 24 hours

• audiometrically documented hearing loss at least one occasion

• fluctuating aural symptoms (hearing, tinnitus or fullness) in the affected ear

• Possible• episodic vertigo of the Ménière type without documented hearing loss and/or

• sensorineural hearing loss, fluctuating or fixed, with disequilibrium but without definitive episodes

Ménière’s Disease (MD) criteria

Lopez-Escamez JA et al. Diagnostic criteria for Menière's disease. J Vestib Res. 2015;25(1):1-7.

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Vertigo type

Spell duration

Spell frequency


Associated symptoms

Vertigo, nausea, vomitus

Uren tot een dag hele zieke patient, nadien elke dag stap per stap beter


Geen (stress?, viraal?)

Erg zieke (anders gezonde) patient zonder enige neurologische uitval enhorizontale nystagmus altijd naar dezelfde kant

Thomas Brandt • Michael Strupp • Marianne DieterichFive keys for diagnosing most vertigo, dizziness, and imbalance syndromes: an expert opinion

J Neurol (2014) 261:229–231

Vestibular neuritis (neuritis vestibularis)

Page 37: Carl Van Laer

neuritis vestibularis

Neuritis vestibularis RECHTS


Valneiging (lateropulsie) naar RECHTS


Nystagmus naar LINKS (omdat ‘de richting’ van een nystagmus per conventie wordt benoemd naar zijn ‘snelle kan’)

Page 38: Carl Van Laer

Stroke or neuritis?

anterior inferior cerebellar artery


posterior inferior cerebellar artery


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Acuut vestibulair syndroom (AVS)

Stroke or neuritis?

7.4% AICA infarction presents like a labyrinthitis

17% PICA infarction without associated neurological symptoms

Brain CT has 16% sensitivity to detect posterior circulation stroke

Nut CT ??? Medicolegaal, uitsluiten bloeding,…

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Vertigo type

Spell duration

Spell frequency


Associated symptoms

Nausea, presyncopal sensation

2 transient episodes (1st 5 minutes, 2nd 15 minutes)


BP 220 mmHg systolic

Transient hearing loss, tinnitusHistory of hypertension and hyperlipidemiaOccipital headache

Thomas Brandt • Michael Strupp • Marianne DieterichFive keys for diagnosing most vertigo, dizziness, and imbalance syndromes: an expert opinion

J Neurol (2014) 261:229–231

Posterior circulation occlusion

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Posterior circulation ischemic events incl. approx. 20% to 25% of all strokes and TIAs

TIAs can present with isolated vertigo episodes weeks-months prior to a completed infarction

Approximately 5% of TIA patients suffer a stroke within 48 hours and rapid treatment reduces stroke risk by up to 80%

Patients with posterior circulation TIA have an even higher stroke risk than those with anterior circulation spells

Dizziness is the most common presenting symptom of vertebral artery dissection which affects younger patients, mimics migraine, and is easily misdiagnosed.

Posterior circulation occlusion

Newman-Toker DE et al. TiTrATE - A Novel, Evidence-Based Approach to Diagnosing Acute Dizziness and Vertigo.

J Neurol (2014) 261:229–231

Page 43: Carl Van Laer

How much of AVS is caused by non-vestibular and non-cerebrovascular causes? 50%

• Alcohol, opiates

• Phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbital, benzodiazepines, lithium

• SSRI withdrawal

• Volatile hydrocarbons (toluene, pesticides, etc.)

• CO

• Electrolyte abnormalities

• Hypoglycaemia

• Thiamine (vit. B1) insuff

Stroke or neuritis?

Page 44: Carl Van Laer

Frequent dizziness and instability spellsFrequent duizelig en instabiel-> “ de NKO-speciallekes”

- vestibulaire paroxysmie- superior semicirculair kanaal dehiscentie- vestibulair schwannoom (acousticusneurinoom)

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Vertigo type

Spell duration

Spell frequency


Associated symptoms

Rotational vertigo or ataxia

Seconds to minutes

Up to 30 episodes each day

Spontaneous, hyperventilation, head and body position

Hearing loss, tinnitus

Vestibular paroxysmia

Thomas Brandt • Michael Strupp • Marianne DieterichFive keys for diagnosing most vertigo, dizziness, and imbalance syndromes: an expert opinion

J Neurol (2014) 261:229–231

Page 46: Carl Van Laer

Vestibulaire paroxysmie: neurovasculair conflictVestibulaire paroxysmie

Overkruisend bloedvat in de inwendige gehoorgang over de nervus vestibulocochlearis

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Vestibulaire paroxysmie

A. Short vertiginous spells

B. One or several of the next triggers: • Rest, head position or changes in position

C. One or several of the following characteristics:• No other symptoms, disturbance of stance, disturbance of gait,

unilateral tinnitus, unilateral aural fullness, unilateral reduced hearing

D. One or several of the following additional criteria:• Neurovascular conflict with the VIII cranial nerve, hyperventilation-

induced nystagmus, increase of vestibular deficit measured by ENG, treatment response to anti-epileptics

E. Symptoms can not be explained by other diseases

1 Jannetta et al. Surg. Forum, 1975. 2 Hufner et al. Neurology 2013.

1 Jannetta et al. Surg. Forum, 1975. 2 Hufner et al. Neurology 2013.

Page 48: Carl Van Laer

Superior semicircular canal dehiscenceSymptoms at baseline• Autophony

present 10/10• Pulsatile tinnitus

present 8/10• Hyperacusis of bone conducted sounds present 7/10• Tullio phenomenon present 4/10• Pressure-induced vertigo present 3/10• C-VEMP (verlaagde drempels, verhoogde amplitude

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Symptom at baseline• SSCD

• Autophonypresent 9/9

• Pulsatile tinnitus present 7/9

• Hyperacusis of bone conducted sounds present 6/9• Tullio phenomenon

present 4/9• Pressure-induced vertigo

present 3/9

fat plug

bone paté

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Vestibular schwannoma

A vestibular schwannoma is a benign primary intracranial tumor of the myelin-forming cells of the vestibulocochlear nerve (8th cranial nerve). A type of schwannoma, this tumor arises from the Schwann cells responsible for the myelin sheath that helps keep peripheral nerves insulated.[1]

Although it is commonly called an acoustic neuroma, this a misnomer for two reasons. First, the tumor usually arises from the vestibular division of the vestibulocochlear nerve, rather than the cochlear division.

Second, it is derived from the schwann cells of the associated nerve, rather than the actual neurons (neuromas)

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Small (1-10 mm)

Medium (11-20 mm)

Moderate (21-30 mm)

Large (31-40 mm)

Giant (>40 mm)

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vestibular schwannoma

cochlear nerve

vestibular nerve

caudal cranial

facial nerve

Page 53: Carl Van Laer

Ménière’s disease + vestibular migraine

Vestibular migraine + vestibular paroxysmia

Ménière’s disease + vestibular migraine + vestibular paroxysmia

Superior semicircular canal dehiscence + vestibular paroxysmia

Superior semicircular canal dehiscence + vestibular migraine

Bilateral areflexia + proprioceptive cervicogenic dizziness

Vestibular schwannoma + vestibular migraine

Vallen buiten beschouwing: duizeligheid bij de geriatrische patiënt en cardiale problematiek (aritmieën,...)


Page 54: Carl Van Laer

Vestibular migraineonderhoudsmedicatie: flunarizine 10mg voor slapen (<6maanden, gewichtstoename), propranolol,

amitriptyline (redomex), pizotifen, topiramaatacuut: sumatriptan, dimenhydrinate, diazepam,..,


Ménière’s diseaseAcuut: vestibulaire suppresiva (bv aggyrax), Onderhoudsmedicatie: betahistine en diuretica (co-amiloride, dytenzide is uit de handel), low-salt diet,

caffeine-restriction, intratympanale gentamycine of corticosteroïdenVestibular paroxysmia

(ox)carbamazepine, neurovasculaire decompressie (weinig evidentie)

Superior semicircular canal dehiscenceheelkunde

proprioceptive cervicogenic dizzinessfysiotherapie, kine, osteopathie, fysische geneeskunde, NSAID,…

Vestibular schwannoma wait and scan, heelkunde, gammaknife radiotherapie

Posterior circulation occlusion: neurologie

TLC, psychologische behandeling,


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www.nkokleinbrabant.beCarl Van Laer

Jorn Potvin

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