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Page 1: Cancer awareness by Mary Joyce S. Teoxon; M.D

By: azhari mustafa sadig

Rex Karl S. Teoxon, RN, MD, MANGeneral SurgeryBulacan Provincial Medical Center

Page 2: Cancer awareness by Mary Joyce S. Teoxon; M.D

What i s CANCER? Is a disease characterized

by cells that : Grow and divide without

respect to normal limits, Invade and destroy

adjacent tissues, and may Spread to distant

sites by metastasis

Page 3: Cancer awareness by Mary Joyce S. Teoxon; M.D

Common cause o f death




1.5 Ischemic Heart Disease

Stroke and other CVD

Trachea, Bronchus andLung Cancer

Alzheimer and otherdementia

Lower RespiratoryInfection

Chronic ObstructivePulmonary disease

* Based on WHO 2008

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Prostate Breast

Lung & Bronchus Lung & Bronchus

Source: [Reprinted with permission of Jemal A, Siegal R, Ward E, et al. Cancer statistics, 2009. CA Cancer J Clin. 2009;50:225-249.]

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Cancers are primarily an environmental disease with 90-95% of cases due to lifestyle and environmental factors and 5-10% due to genetics

- American Cancer Society

Cancer is a preventable

disease !

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Causes Growing Older

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Causes Tobacco

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Causes Sunlight

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Causes Ionizing Radiation

Radon gas X-rays Radiation therapy

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Causes Some viruses and

bacteria HPV EBV HTLV HHV-8 HBV and HCV H. pylori

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Causes Certain Hormones

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Causes Family History of


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Causes Alcohol

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Causes Poor diet Poor physical activity Overweight

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S igns and Symptoms Persistent cough Change in bowel habits Blood in the stool Unexplained anemia Breast lump or discharge Lumps in the testicles

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S igns and Symptoms Change in urination Blood in the urine Hoarseness of voice Persistent Lump or swollen glands Obvious change in a wart or a mole Difficulty swallowing/ Indigestion

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Diagnos i s Medical History and Physical examination Tumor Markers (Blood test) Imaging studies

X-rays CT scans MRI Ultrasound

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Diagnos i s Medical History and Physical examination Tumor Markers (Blood test) Imaging studies

X-rays CT scans MRI Ultrasound Endoscopy


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Epidermoid cyst

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Breast cancer

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Modifiable Lifestyle Risk


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Prevention Screening Recommendation *

Mammography - Women 40-49: every 1-2 years; ≥ 50: every year

Sigmoidoscopy – ≥ 50 : every 3-5 years Fecal occult blood – ≥ 50 : every year Digital rectal exam - ≥ 40: every year Prostate specific antigen test – Men age > 50:

every year PAP smear - > 18: once a year for 3 years;

thereafter at physician’s discretion * Based on ACS

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Prevention Screening Recommendation *

Pelvic Exam – Women 18-40: every 1-3 years with PAP smear; > 40 : every year

Breast self exam – Women ≥ 20: monthly Clinical breast exam – Women 20-40: every 3

years; over 40: yearly Complete skin exam - Ages 20-39: every 3 years

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TreatmentCancer can be treated by surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, other methods.

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Prognos i s Cancer has a reputation for

being a DEADLY disease.

With modern treatment the prognosis is improving and actually much better than heart attack or stroke in some cases.

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