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Curriculum Guide 2014-20156-11 YEARS

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Bogaerts International School

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• Mother Tongue

• Social Studies

• Science

• Mathematics

• Creative Arts

• Physical Education


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Bogaerts International School is an exciting bilingual School situated in the stunning

Domaine d’Argenteuil in Waterloo, Belgium. Instructing in English and in French,

the School takes students from Primary to Middle School.

Located on the same campus, the Scandinavian School of Brussels offers a Pre-

school service and the possibility to take the International Baccalaureate Diploma

Programme. Over three thousand schools around the world offer the internationally

recognised IB diploma. The Scandinavian School of Brussels currently has a 97%

success rate.

Bogaerts International School stems from the Brussels School, founded in 1970 by

Rodolphe Bogaerts.

Our student population is drawn from both Brussels’ local and international com-

munity – including children of expatriates and other professionals. We strive to make

our students perfectly fluent in both English and in French by the end of their time

at the School, so naturally Bogaerts International School offers a strong language

programme. Languages of instruction at the school are both English and French,

with a possibility of support for other languages. Students joining Bogaerts Interna-

tional School from abroad throughout the school year and are instinctively welcomed

and included.

Located in some of the most desirable residential locations around Brussels, Bogaerts

International School is an attractive, purpose-built school situated on the premises

of the Chateau d’Argenteuil in Waterloo, Belgium.


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Bogaerts International School’s classes are organised slightly differently from some national school systems. See the table below for comparisons. If you would like information about other systems, our Admissions staff will be happy to provide this.

Age (on 1 Sept)

B.I.S. UK USA France Belgium

Primary School

3 years 2 months

Preschool 1 Nursery Nursery Petite Section

1ere maternelle

4+ Preschool 2 Reception Pre – K Moyenne Section

2e maternelle

5+ Preschool 3 Year 1 Kindergarten Grande Section

3e maternelle

6+ Year 1 Year 2 Grade 1 CP 1e

7+ Year 2 Year 3 Grade 2 CE1 2e

8+ Year 3 Year 4 Grade 3 CE2 3e

9+ Year 4 Year 5 Grade 4 CM1 4e

10+ Year 5 Year 6 Grade 5 CM2 5e

11+ Year 6 Year 7 Grade 6 6e 6e

Middle Years


12+ Year 7 Year 8 Grade 7 5e 1e

13+ Year 8 Year 9 Grade 8 4e 2e

14+ Year 9 Year 10 Grade 9 3e 3e

15+ Year 10 Year 11 Grade 10 2nde 4e

Diploma Programme

16+ Year 11 Year 12 Grade 11 1ere 5e

17+ Year 12 Year 13 Grade 12 Terminale 6e


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The Cambridge Primary Programme develops learner skills and understanding

through the primary years in English, mathematics and science.

Cambridge Primary provides teachers with a flexible framework which they use to

tailor the curriculum to students needs. We provide assessment tools to help teach-

ers identify what children are learning, monitor their progress and report to parents.

Cambridge Primary is an excellent preparation for progression to other educational


The Cambridge curriculum: • sets clear learning objectives in English, mathematics and science for each year

of primary education

• focuses on developing knowledge and skills in core subjects which form an excel-

lent foundation for future study

• focuses on learners’ development in each year

• provides a natural progression throughout the years of primary education

• is compatible with other curricula, internationally relevant and sensitive to differ-

ent needs and cultures

• is suitable for learners whose first language is not English, with an optional English

as a Second Language curriculum

• gives teachers optional routes to use sections that suit learners’ needs best

• provides schools with international benchmarks.


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THE CAMBRIDGE PRIMARY PROGRAMMEBogaerts International School is committed to developing students who are internationally minded, independent, and enthusiastic about life and learning. Our school strives for excellence in a happy, caring community founded on integrity and respect.


Bogaerts International School aims to be: an international school that:

• respects every individual

• has a curriculum that reflects the international nature of the school

• provides a language rich environment

• promotes active service to the wider community an open, inclusive community


• treats everyone with fairness

• listens to and treats with respect those with different points of view

• empowers its members to be proactive a school that:

• is open to the outside world

• encourages and supports innovation

• is a community in which all of its members see themselves as learners a school

meeting the individual needs of its students that:

• has high expectations in all areas

• believes that everyone can succeed.

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A wide range of sporting, music, creative and performing arts and other extracurricular activities are available to Bogaerts International School students, utilising the extensive facilities and grounds of our 10-hectare campus.

SPORTOur Sports Club offers a multitude of sports for all ages, every day of the week. On

the school premises there is a large, newly built Sports Hall with facilities for every

possible indoor sport. Our close cooperation with local sports clubs makes it possi-

ble for us to offer supervised coaching in many activities. Our students, their parents

and teachers are welcome to use the Sports Hall and on weekends can get together

for common sports activities. This is greatly appreciated by everyone!

There are numerous sports to choose from: tennis, swimming, badminton, basket-

ball, climbing, soccer, judo, fitness, mountain biking, and much more.

MUSICThere are many opportunities for students to perform both within school and in the

wider community. At the School, students can participate in individual music les-

sons, rock groups, and jam sessions. There are many singers and instrumentalists

learning and performing in the community and students often bring in their own in-

struments to class. The music of many genres and from many cultures is an integral

part of the music programme.


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LANGUAGES FOR NATIVE SPEAKERS(mother tongue support for languages other than English or French)

At the School, we believe that it is most important for students to maintain and de-

velop their mother tongue through a formal programme of instruction. The reasons

for this are:

• as well as reaching competence in an additional language, maintaining a mother

tongue leads to “additive trilingualism”: when students acquire a third language

with no detriment to development in the first and second language.

• it increases intercultural awareness and understanding.

• it enables students to remain in touch with the language, literature and culture of

their home country.

Classes can be organised as an extracurricular activity to develop students’ language

and literacy skills. They enable students to express themselves appropriately and

creatively in a wide range of situations, both in writing and orally.

These classes are subject to an additional charge.

LANGUAGE SUPPORTBogaerts International School offers language support in accordance with the aims

of the International Baccalaureate that “all students should be allowed to demon-

strate their academic ability.” The goal of language support classes is to assist stu-

dents with language difficulties in any subject within the Middle Years Programme.

The support teacher works closely with students, parents and teachers to support

students as they work towards their academic goals.


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The Primary Language curriculum is presented in five content areas. The framework

promotes an enquiry-based approach to learning to develop thinking skills and en-

courage intellectual engagement. Phonics, spelling and vocabulary and Grammar

and punctuation are about use of English/French. Grammar and punctuation is fur-

ther divided into Reading and Writing to reflect the different ways in which grammar

and punctuation are applied in each of these skills.




are about developing thinking skills and encouraging intellectual engagement.

This curriculum aims to enable learners to communicate confidently and effectively

and to develop critical skills in order to respond to a range of information, media and

texts with enjoyment and understanding. Learners who follow this framework will

develop a first language competency in English or French based on a curriculum de-

signed to be successful in any culture and to promote cross-cultural understanding.

The Primary Language curriculum framework provides a solid foundation on which

the later stages of education can be built.


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Year 1 The course in this year develops the study of the language with the development of

the students’ reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Students spend time

on phonics, spelling and vocabulary (identifying separate sounds), and grammar &

punctuation (identifying sentences in a text, sentence-like structures). Students join

in with reading familiar simple stories, write simple storybooks and learn to speak

clearly and choose words carefully to express feelings.

Year 2Similarly to Year 1, the approach in Year 2 continues to integrate phonics, spell-

ing and vocabulary skills. Students begin to read with fluency and expressions and

learn to use past and present tenses accurately. Students further their reading skills

through fiction and poetry and learn to develop stories with a setting, characters and

a sequence of events. Speaking and listening skills are extended.

Year 3The course in Year 3 acknowledges the students’ development and uses effective

strategies to tackle unfamiliar words and verbs. Students apply their knowledge of

grammar and punctuation to read age-appropriated texts with fluency, understand-

ing and expression. Writing skills are further developed through descriptions of set-

tings in stories, and speaking abilities developed.

Year 4Similarly to Year 3, the approach in Year 4 continues to extend phonics, spelling and

vocabulary skills. Students extend knowledge and use of spelling patterns, such as

vowel phonemes, double consonants, silent letters, common prefixes and suffixes.

Students extend their range of reading and explore different ways of planning sto-

ries, and write longer stories from plans.

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Year 5Students in this year study texts of increasing sophistication and different fiction

genres. Emphasis is placed on developing their range of critical concepts and vo-

cabulary. Written and oral work is perfected. Students learn to Map out writing to

plan structure, e.g. paragraphs, sections, chapters.

Year 6Students in Year 6 continue to learn words, apply patterns and improve accuracy in

spelling, they begin to fully understand the conventions of standard language usage

in different forms of writing. Students also develop grammatical control of complex

sentences in this Year, manipulating them for effect. Students develop familiarity

with the work of established authors and poets, identifying features which are com-

mon to more than one text.

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The Social Studies course focuses on how people think, feel and act, how they in-

teract with others, their beliefs and aspirations, the problems they have to face, how

and where they live (or lived), and how they interact with their environment and their

society. Students look at human systems and economic activity, social organisation

and culture, continuity and change through time, human and natural environments,

resources and the environment. Students will think about human behaviour realisti-

cally, objectively and with sensitivity. They will develop a deeper understanding of

themselves and others and of their place in an increasingly global society. The So-

cial Studies course aims to promote a sense of responsibility towards caring for and

protecting the environment.

In Primary School, Social Studies is viewed as the study of people in relation to

their past, their present and their future. Social studies helps students develop

their sense of identity as well as help them understand themselves in relation to the

community and to the world. The aim of social studies within the programme is to

promote intercultural understanding and respect for individuals and their values and


Students aim to develop the following skills in the area of social studies:

1. Formulate and ask questions about the past, the future, places and society

2. Use and analyse evidence from a variety of historical, geographical and societal


3. Orientate in relation to place and time

4. Identify roles, rights and responsibilities in society

5. Assess the accuracy, validity and possible bias of sources

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Three main Geography themes are explored accross the Primary years:

1. Exploring, measuring and representing geographic space, and

2. Analysing, investigating, comparing the natural factors of climate, topography,

and hydrography.

3. Establishing human social links.

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The Cambridge Primary Science curriculum is presented in four content areas: Scien-

tific enquiry, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Scientific enquiry is about considering

ideas, evaluating evidence, planning investigative work and recording and analysing

data. The Scientific enquiry objectives underpin Biology, Chemistry and Physics,

which are focused on developing confidence and interest in scientific knowledge.

Environmental awareness and some history of science are also incorporated. The

Cambridge Primary Science curriculum framework provides a solid foundation upon

which the later stages of education can be built.

Year 1The Science curriculum for Year 1 uses scientific skills to explore the world of chem-

istry, physics, and biology. The course is focused scientific enquiry, with collect-

ing evidence and asking questions a large part of the curriculum. Students study

the nature of plants, humans, and animals, identify the characteristics of different

materials, describe the movement of familiar things and identify many sources of


Year 2The curriculum for Year 2 focuses on observations and first hand experiences. Stu-

dents study the living things in their environment, study material properties and

changes as well as identify the various light and electricity sources.

Year 3The Science curriculum for Year 3 uses scientific skills to collect evidence and draw

conclusions. Students begin a more in-depth study of the nature of plants, humans,

and animals during the year, and explore different material properties, forces and


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Year 4The Science curriculum for Year 4 uses scientific skills to explore the world of chem-

istry, physics, and biology. The course is focused scientific enquiry, with testing

ideas and identifying trends and patterns in results a large part of the curriculum.

Students study the human body and explore the different states of matter. They

investigate how sound travels, and further the study of electricity and magnetism

Year 5The course in this year is focused scientific enquiry, with suggesting new ideas and

making predictions a large part of the curriculum. Students further their study of

plants and are introduced to energy and evaporation. Students end the year with a

study of the Earth and beyond.

Year 6The Science curriculum for Year 6 uses scientific skills to explore the world of chem-

istry, physics, and biology. The course is focused scientific enquiry, with discussion

and the presentation of results a large part of the curriculum. The course in Year

10 explores the world of biology (major organs of the body, human effect on the

environment), chemistry (material changes), and physics (forces, motion, electricity

and magnetism.).

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The Cambridge Primary Mathematics curriculum is presented in five content areas:

Number, Geometry, Measure, Handling data and Problem solving. The first four con-

tent areas are all underpinned by Problem solving, which describes using techniques

and skills and the application of understanding and strategies in solving problems.

Mental strategies are also a key part of the Number content. This curriculum focuses

on principles, patterns, systems, functions and relationships so that learners can

apply their mathematical knowledge and develop a holistic understanding of the

subject. The Cambridge Primary Mathematics curriculum framework provides a solid

foundation upon which the later stages of education can be built.

Year 1The aim of the course in Year 1 is to develop the skills needed throughout the six

years of Primary school. Students learn to recite numbers and count objects, and

understand addition subtraction. Students name and sort common shapes and start

organising data in a variety of ways.

Year 2Students in Year 2 learn to count, read and write numbers, understand even and odd

numbers and are initiated to division. Students sort, name, describe, visualise and

draw shapes, and follow instructions involving position, direction and movement.

Year 3In Year 3, students begin to develop their geometry skills, using their knowledge to

identify, describe and draw regular and irregular shapes. Students learn problem

solving and choose appropriate mental strategies to carry out calculations. Students

learn how to handle data and answer real-life questions by collecting, organising and

interpreting data such as investigating the population of mini-beasts in different en-

vironments. Topics in this year include numbers, geometry, measurements, handling

data, and problem solving.

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Year 4Similarly to Year 3, the approach in Year 4 continues to extend numbers, geometry,

measurements, handling data, and problem solving. Emphasis is placed on develop-

ing problem solving skills.

Years 5 & 6This class prepares students for the Cambridge Checkpoint tests. All basics required

for the test are studied including the use of calculators. The use of a calculator ef-

fectively requires a secure knowledge of number, which is the prime aim. Students

in these final two years perfect their knowledge of numbers extending beyond zero,

fractions, various calculations, geometric reasoning, length, mass, capacity, organis-

ing data and problem solving.

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CREATIVE ARTS(Visual Arts, Music, Drama)

The visual arts, music and drama courses serve as powerful means of communica-

tion and expression. Through the arts, students construct a sense of self, and engage

in a creative cycle of experimentation, action and reflection. Students will be stimu-

lated to think and articulate their thoughts in new ways.

The Visual Arts course allows students to explore, learn and express themselves visu-

ally and orally. Students have opportunities for both independent and co-operative

activity and are encouraged to create.

Through our Culture School, students have the option to explore a wide variety of

music from different time periods and cultures. Students get the opportunity to cre-

ate as well as respond to music in their music lessons. They build their music skills

as explore rhythm, pitch, beats, patterns, and form an appropriate music vocabulary

through various genres of music. Students are given opportunities to enjoy and to

perform throughout the year during various musical functions which may include

assemblies, concerts, celebrations and musicals.

The purpose of the drama course is to give the opportunity to students to develop

their communication skills. As well as developing individual skills, drama gives stu-

dents extensive practise at working co-operatively. Because of its interactive nature,

drama helps students develop eloquence in communication and social and physi-

cal confidence. Through various activities, students are taught how to develop their

body language, movement, and voice.

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The aim of physical education in the Primary Programme is to facilitate, physical,

intellectual, emotional, and social development. The aim of this course is to culti-

vate an active lifestyle for students.

The Physical Education course offers students the opportunity to discover the ca-

pabilities of their bodies. Students will look at different ways they are able to use

their bodies to solve problems, address physical challenges, function as part of a

group, manipulate equipment or apparatus, and express themselves in a range of


Students will take part in a number of activities that will include individual pursuits,

movement composition, games, adventure challenges and health-related fitness.

Students will develop skills including the use of proper safety precautions when

engaging in physical activities, recognition of the importance of “fair play”, use of

co-operative behaviours and the ability to function as part of a group or team.

Five themes are addressed accross the six years of Primary:1. WATER





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BOGAERTS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLDirector, David-Ian Bogaerts5 Square d’Argenteuil 1410 Waterloo - BelgiumTel +32 (0)2 352 65 bischool com

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