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Page 1: CALIFORNIA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD · PDF fileRegional Organizing: Implementing the Regional Plans Why: Assist in building momentum and strengthening regional leadership by identifying




Thursday, November 02, 2017 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

California Workforce Development Board 800 Capitol Mall, Suite 1022

Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 657-1440

Alternate Meeting Locations

Worker Education and Resource Center 1545 Wilshire Blvd., 5th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017

Riverside County Workforce Development Center 1325 Spruce Street Riverside, CA 92507

JVS - Work Transforms Lives 225 Bush St. Suite 400 - West Lobby San Francisco, CA 94104

Center for Labor Research and Education 2521 Channing Way Berkeley, CA 94720


1. Welcome and Opening Remarks2. Public Comment3. Action Items

a. Approve Meeting Summary of August 15, 2017 (Pages 2-4)

4. Discussion/Updatesa. State Partner Working Groupb. State Plan Updatec. Regional Plan Implementation (Pages 6-12)d. Workforce Accelerator Fund (Pages 13-20)e. WIOA Implementation and State Updates (Pages 21-23)

5. Other Business

Meeting conclusion time is an estimate; meeting may end earlier subject to completion of agenda items and/or approved motion to adjourn. In order for the State Board to provide an opportunity for interested parties to speak at the public meetings, public comment may be limited. Written comments provided to the Committee must be made available to the public, in compliance with the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act, §11125.1, with copies available in sufficient supply. Individuals who require accommodations for their disabilities (including interpreters and alternate formats) are requested to contact the California Workforce Development Board staff at (916) 657-1440 at least ten days prior to the meeting. TTY line: (916) 324-6523. Please visit the California Workforce Development Board website at or contact Carlos Bravo (916) 651-6392 for additional information. Meeting materials for the public will be available at the meeting location.

Tim Rainey Executive Director

Michael Rossi Chair

Edmund G. Brown, Jr. Governor

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Item 1. Welcome and Opening Remarks

Item 2. Public Comment

Item 3. Action Items

a. Approve Meeting Summary of August 15, 2017

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1. Welcome and Opening RemarksMr. Rainey welcomed the members and reviewed the agenda items.

Alma Salazar Joseph Williams Amy Wilson for Secretary Lanier Abby Snay Patrick Henning, Jr. Mike Gallo

Members Present: Jamil Dada Mike Rossi Diane Factor Bill Camp Bob Redlo Jeremy Smith

Members Absent: Carol Zabin John Brauer

2. Public CommentThere was no public comment.

3. Action Item

a. Approve Meeting Summaries for April 27, 2017.A motion to approve the meeting summary was offered by Mr. Camp and seconded by Mr. Henning, Jr. No comments. Item unanimously approved.

b. Approve WIOA Local and Regional PlansA motion to approve the item was offered by Mr. Dada and seconded by Mr. Gallo. No comments. Item unanimously approved.

c. Approve Local Area Modification Application adding Mendocino to the WorkforceAlliance of the North Bay (Counties of Napa, Lake, Marin)

Steve Levy

Javier Romero for Chancellor Oakley (Van Ton-Quinlivan)

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A motion to approve the item was offered by Mr. Camp and seconded by Mr. Rossi. No comments. Item unanimously approved.

4. Discussion / Updatesa. Regional Plan ImplementationTim briefed this item. A complete write-up is included in the agenda packet

b. Memorandum of Understanding Process / State Funding MechanismTim briefed this item. A complete write-up is included in the agenda packet

c. Update on AJCC Operator and Career Services ProcurementTim briefed this item. A complete write-up is included in the agenda packet

d. Update on AJCC CertificationTim briefed this item. A complete write-up is included in the agenda packet

5. Other BusinessMr. Redlo spoke of the establishment of the State Healthcare Commission “CaliforniaFuture Workforce Commission”. First meeting in September. Can contact Bob Redlo orAbby Snay for more information. Mr. Rainey thanked Ms. Snay and Mr. Redlo.

There was no further business. A motion to adjourn was offered by Mr. Camp and seconded by Mr. Smith. All agree. Meeting adjourned.

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Item 4. Update \ Discussion

a. State Partner Working Group b. State Plan Update c. Regional Plan Implementation d. Workforce Accelerator Fund e. WIOA Implementation and State Updates

Item 5. Other Business

Page 6: CALIFORNIA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD · PDF fileRegional Organizing: Implementing the Regional Plans Why: Assist in building momentum and strengthening regional leadership by identifying

Regional Organizing: Implementing the Regional Plans

Why: Assistinbuildingmomentumandstrengtheningregionalleadershipbyidentifyingandenhancingpartnershipswithleadersinthesystemwhovalueregionalcollaboration,maintainingongoingcollaborationtoaccomplishregionalplansgoals,andenhancingcommunicationbetweenregionsandthestate.

Whatdoestheregionalworklooklikeinayear?• LocalWorkforceDevelopmentBoards(LWDB)’sandworkforcepartnersestablishandwork

strategicallyfromthesameplaybooktoimplementandaccomplishtheirWorkforceRegionalPlan• Astructured/strategicapproachandagendaisdevelopedtoengageindustry–eachregionis


• Regionalprogramdesignanddefinedfundingstrategieshavebeenidentifiedtosupportregionalworkandsustainability–(LocalBoardinvestmentsarematchedbystateinvestments)

• Identificationofeffectiveregionalbestpracticesinproductivity,efficienciesofscale,andleadership• AlignmentofregionaleffortsincludingRegionalOrganizing,RegionalTrainingCoordinators,


Who: • StateBoardstaff(ledbytheexecteam,StewartKnox,andRobinPurdytheRegionalOrganizing

Coordinator)• Stateboardmembers• TheRegion’sselectedRegionalTrainingCoordinator• TheRegion’sselectedRegionalOrganizer(s)thatisconnectedtoeachofthe14regionsand45LWDB• LocalWorkforceBoardDirectors–45LWDBDirectors• TechnicalAssistanceProvider:CaliforniaWorkforceAssociation(CWA)andFoundationforCalifornia


What & How: RegionalOrganizingsupportsongoingeffortstoenhanceregionalworkforceleadershipcollaborationandimplementtheRegionalPlansbybuildingontheeffortsoftheSlingShotCoalitionsthatareoperationalinCalifornia.TheLWDB’sineachRegionalPlanningUnit(RPU):

• SelectedaLocalBoardtoactasdesignatedregionalfiscalagent.• ProvideoversightandguidancetotheregionsselectedRegionalOrganizer.• WorkcollaborativelywiththeregionsLWDBstostrengthentheregionalcoalition(s)andinclude

workforce,education,economicdevelopment,andemployerandindustryengagementpartnerships.• Befullyvestedpartnersintheworkforcesystem.• SupporttheimplementationoftheregionalandStateplan.


Discussion:Regional Plan Implementation
Item 4c
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1. ActingastheliaisonbetweentheStateBoardandregionalleadersandthecommunicationpipelinebetweentheStateBoardandLWDBDirectors.

2. Encouragingalignmentofworkforcedevelopment,educationandeconomicdevelopmentineffortstoengageemployer/industrychampionsandpromoteservicestoindividualswithbarrierstoemploymentbysupportingongoingdialoguebetweenlabor,business,education,community,andthepublicworkforcesystem

3. SupportingLWDBDirectorsinconnectingStateBoardmembersandTechnicalAssistance(TA)providerswithregionalpartnerstoassistinimplementationopportunities,barriersandchallenges,includingidentifyingandovercomingpolicyobstacles.

4. Supportingimplementationoftheirregion‘sRegionalPlan5. Identifyingpromisingpracticesandsuccessfulconveningeffortsthatlinkpolicyandpractice.6. Identifyingrelatedandrelevantstateandfederalgrantprojectsthatshouldbealigned/coordinated

withtheregionaleffort.7. AttendingmeetingswiththeStateBoardandTAstaff,participatinginregional/statewide

convening(s),andconferencecallswithotherRegionalOrganizers.8. Workingwithregionalcoalitions,CWA,andStateBoardtobuildcapacityoflocalboardstaffand


RolesandResponsibilitiesofLocalBoardFiscalAgent:1. Actasfiscalagentforfunds,acceptingfunds,ensuringfiscalaccountability,andcompletingfiscal

reporting.2. ProcurementandcontractingfundsasagreedtobylocalWorkforceBoardsintheRPU.3. QuarterlyReportingandReportingOutcomes(tostateandotherLocalBoardDirectors)4. ScheduleandcoordinatemeetingsbetweenthelocalWorkforceBoardsintheregion5. WorkingwiththeRegionalOrganizertocoordinatethelocalBoardefforttoalignregional


Outcomes: 1. Developmentanddeliveryofaunifiedregionalbusinessoutreach/engagementapproachtoboost


2. Increasedcapacitytoincorporatestrategiesforsystemalignment,betterjobsandbetterwagesforallCalifornians,anddemanddrivenskillattainment.

3. Increasedcapacitybuildingoflocalboardandpartneringstaff.4. Increaseefficiencies,identifyandreduceduplicationthroughregionalcooperation.


Item 4c
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Development Board (CWDB) &

Employment Development Department (EDD)

CWDB Workforce Innovation

Branch & EDD Regional Advisor

SlingShot Regions x Continue efforts toward accomplishing regional SlingShot

compact goals. x Coordinate/collaborate SS regional goals/efforts with

RPU/RO/RTC toward accomplishing RPU goals.

RPU - Regional Training Coordinator x Coordinate with RPU RO toward accomplishing RPU

capacity building and professional development goals with LWDB staff and partners.

RPU - Regional Organizer x Assist LWDB Directors with implementation of RPU goals. x Collaborate/Coordinate other state initiatives to assist

with accomplishing RPU goals. x Maintain RPU momentum toward accomplishing RPU


REGIONAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN x RPU works collaboratively with RO and RTC toward

implementing and accomplishing RPU goals as outlined in awarded RPU contract and CWDB Strategic Plan.


Communicate Contract, Fiscal and Quarterly Reporting

Communicate Contract, Fiscal and Quarterly Reporting

45 Local Workforce Development Boards

(LWDB) Consisting of: 14 Regional Planning Units (RPU) & 12

SlingShot (SS) Regions

RPU Regional Organizer (RO) & Regional Training Coordinator (RTC)

RPU Designated

LWDB Fiscal


RPU SlingShot Region / Leads

Communicate RPU victories,

milestones, challenges,

barriers, and lessons learned.


Item 4c
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Item 4c

Roles & Responsibilities – Regional Organizers, Regional Training Coordinators, Regional Advisors

Regional Organizers Regional Training Coordinator Regional Advisors 1. Selected by local workforceboards, employed by fiscal agent 2. Liaison and communicationpipeline between the State Board and local workforce development boards directors/regional leaders. 3. Encourages alignment ofworkforce development, education and economic development in efforts to engage employer champions and promote services to individuals with barriers to employment by supporting ongoing dialogue with labor, business, education, community, and the public workforce system 4. Supports LWDB Directors inconnecting State Board members and Technical Assistance providers with regional partners to assist in regional plan implementation 5. Supporting implementation ofthe regional plan. 6. Identifies promising practicesand successful convening efforts that link policy and practice. 7. Identifies related and relevantstate and federal grant projects that should be coordinated in a common regional effort 8. Attends meetings with StateBoard and technical assistance staff and participates in regional and statewide convening and conference calls with other regional organizers. 9. Works with regional coalitions,CWA, and State Board to build capacity of local board staff and partners.

1. Selected by local workforceboards, employed by fiscal agent 2. Conduct a training needsassessment for their region to provide an understanding of strengths and gaps in capacity and training offerings. 3. Advise the CaliforniaWorkforce Association in developing and implementing the statewide training plan, which will include recognized best practices and strategies for building service delivery capacity. 4. Advise CWA on provision ofTraining and Technical Assistance and Learning Communities on specialized topics, 5. Coordinate logistics fortrainings conducted in their region. 6. Participate in two statewidemeetings per year and organize regional conference calls and meetings of local boards and partners. 7. Provide Advice to CWA ontools that will measure the effectiveness of the regional/statewide training and TA plan,

1. Employed by State ofCalifornia, EDD 2. Liaison between EDD andlocal boards. 3. Collaborate with State Boardto effectively communicate state policy. 4. Provide technical assistanceto local boards and partners on Federal Law (i.e., WIOA and Uniform Guidance) and State Law (i.e., EDD Directives and Information Notices). 5. Review applications forRegional Plan Implementation 6. Provide oversight andtechnical assistance to administer regional funding (i.e., WIOA 15% Discretionary and other funding) 7. Manage Regional Planning,Regional Training Coordinator, and Regional Organizing subgrant agreements. 8. Facilitate grantees access toCalJOBS MIS and fiscal training. 9. Participate in RegionalOrganizing Exchanges and Community of Practice. 10. Review and evaluaterequests for prior written approval of equipment purchases over $5,000. 11. Assist in establishing andimproving relationships amongst partners in achieving targeted goals. 12. Provide fiscal guidance onsub-grant expenditures. 13. Identify paths to elevatelocal area concerns or issues to reach resolution. This may include mediation, drawing in state level partners, or other solutions.

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Item 4c

Roles & Responsibilities – Regional Organizers, Regional Training Coordinators, Regional Advisors

Regional Organizers Regional Training Coordinators Regional Advisors Deliverables and Outcomes

1. Unified regional business outreach/engagement and employers as leaders and champions 2. Increased capacity to incorporate strategies for system alignment, upward mobility for all Californians and demand driven skill attainment 3. Increased capacity of local board staff and partners 4. Increase efficiencies and reduced duplication through regional cooperation.

1. Assessment of training needs of each region 2. State and Regional Training Plans 3. Capacity Building and Training tailored to the needs of workforce staff and partners.

1. Technical Assistance 2. Compliance with WIOA 3. Provide key link to the state for the Regional Organizer and Regional Training Coordinator to assist in implementing the regional/state plans.

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Tuesday, November 14, 20179:00am – 4:30pmKimpton Sawyer Hotel Sacramento, CA

Implementation Check Up MeetingThe meeting will provide a forum to discuss the implementation of the various parallel Regional Plans, where we see more opportunities for alignment, and how we might continue to move toward the creation of a unified workforce system, i.e. one system for all.

Specifically, participants will discuss:

1. What we mean by system alignment, sector strategies, and career pathways (using CLASP Policy Statement and some promising practices underway in the regions);

2. How to better support system alignment - breaking down silos, identifying challenges and ensuring all stakeholders partner to develop successful talent pipelines;

3. Different ways to take the conversation to the regional level, perhaps as Phase 2 of Partnerships that Unlock Social Mobility;

InviteesWorkforce Development Board Directors, Community College Consortium Chairs, Adult Education Block Grant Consortium Leads, Regional Organizers, Deputy Sector Navigators, Regional Training Coordinators, Slingshot Leads, and selected Economic Development representatives.

Regional Community of Practice for Workforce Leaders

Item 4c
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AGENDA9:00 Welcome and Introductions

Purpose of the Meeting

The State and Regional PieHow large is the investment in skilling up the workforce and addressing worker and skill shortages?

Who in California is Being Left Behind?Who has been left out”

Speaking the Same LanguageWhat are common definitions for career pathways, system alignment and sector strat-egies?

The End GameWhat’s the intention of regional planning and regional work from each system’s per-spective? What are the major goals and anticipated accomplishments of our collective efforts? What do you hope happens?

Check InWhat’s going well? What have been some selective successes to date?What’s having a rough go? What’s going nowhere and where are the major gaps?


Course Corrections What pivots or shifts might we need to make to maintain momentum? What do those look like?Where might these efforts end up given the current trajectory by this time next year? What happens if we keep doing the same thing?

Improving Communications Why should we work together and how are we communicating now? What are key items we should be talking about with each other? How can we support each other even more to accomplish our shared goals?

Mission Critical Actions What clearly requires our collective commitment in moving forward?

Meeting Reflection

4:30 Adjourn

Item 4c
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Item 4d

Discussion: Workforce Accelerator Fund

Workforce Accelerator Fund Projects funded through the Workforce Accelerator test innovative solutions to specific challenges that inhibit career opportunity an employment success for target populations and improve access to the workforce development pipeline – education, training, support services, placement, retention, etc. These efforts do not create or reinforce service delivery or funding silos, but rather aim to result in strategies that take a new or unique approach to addressing workforce pipeline gaps specific to these populations, which can be applied, replicated or scaled to create broader impact and system improvement. Target populations include: Long term unemployed, returning veterans, individuals with disabilities, low income workers, CalWORKS participants, disconnected youth, ex-offenders, and immigrant job seekers. Accelerator 6.0 Update

• Funding categories were primarily focused on replication and scale – with the exception of the New category, all other project types build off of previous Accelerator projects

o 36 - New o 07 - Innovation Impact (1:1 project replication) o 11 - Accelerator2 (Creating space for innovation in workforce) o 06 - New Business as Usual (Influencing system change) o 07 - Innovation Impact Network (Replication in two or more locations)

• Applications were due 10/16 (a few 10-day extensions granted to those effected by the fires – due by 10/26)

• We received 69 applications so far (including 2 TA) TOTAL ASK $13,231,764 TOTAL MATCH $18,066,092

• $2.8 of the $4.8 available is targeted for ex-offender population Ask Match Applications with ex-offenders as a target population

$5,067,727.00 $6,228,568.51

• Goal is to be able to make recommendations to LWDA and Mr. Rossi the week of 11/6 with

award announcements early December • Grant period is January 1, 2018-June 30, 2019

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Workforce Accelerator Fund Projects

Applicant Cohort/Project NameCW DY EO ID LTU LIW RV IJS

Bay Area Resource Center 1/Career Hub X X XNew Door Ventures 1/New Desk Pilot XNOVA 1/Technology Solutions for California's LTU XNOVA 2E/Scaling Tech Internship Model XBay Area Resource Center 2E/Career Hub X X XUnited Way of the Bay Area 2/SparkPoint Plus X X X XBay Area Coalition 2/Bay Area Tech Training Referral Program X X X X X X XJVS SF 2/SNAP E&T Integration & BankWork$ X X X X X XBay Area Council 3/Work Aggregator Heat Map Tool X X X X X X XCommunity Housing Partner3/Community Housing Partnership Service Corps X X XJVS SF 3/JVS & BAYWORK – Water and Wastewater

Management Utilities Regional Pipeline Project


Mission EDA 3/Two-Generation Workforce X X XNOVA 3/Bay Area Networking Catalyst Initiative X XUpwardly Global 3/Career Mapping Initiative (C-Map) X XUpwardly Global 4/ScaleUp X X XBay Area Council 4/Bay Area Young Men of Color Employment

PartnershipX X X

Bay Area Resource Center 4/Construction Resource Center X X X XJVS SF 4/RVT Apprenticeship: Pathways to Licensed

OccupationsX X X

San Jose City College 4/Technest X X X X X X X

Applicant Cohort/ProjectCW DY EO ID LTU LIW RV IJS

Foundation for Community Colleges

1/LaunchPath X

SETA 1/Capital Region Accelerator X X XSETA 2E/Capital Region Accelerator X X XFoundation for Community Colleges

2E/LaunchPath Employer Engagement X

SEIU Education & Support Fu2/Early Care & Education Apprenticeships XFoundation for Community Colleges

2/Accelerating WIB Work Based Learning Services X X X

Institute for Local Governme3/Governments Engaging Youth (GEY): Public Service Careers and Civic Engagement Project


Meristem, Inc.3/A Disability Vocational Training Demonstration Project: Innovation, Collaboration, and System Change


California Conservation Corps Foundation

4/CA Conservation Corps Welcomes Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities


USNRG, Inc. 4/Healthier Homes Workforce XInstitute for Local Government

5/Governments Engaging Youth: Pipeline to Public Service (NET)


SEIU Education & Support Fund

5/SEIU Early Educator (A2) X X



KeyCW - CalWORKS LTU - Long Term UnemployedLIW - Low Income Workers DY - Disconnected YouthRV - Returning Veterans EO - Ex-OffendersIJS - Immigrant Job Seekers ID - Individuals with

Item 4d
Item 4c
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Applicant Cohort/ProjectCW DY EO ID LTU LIW RV IJS

Monterey WIB 1/Ambassadors for Peace XMonterey WIB 2E/Youth Ambassadors for Peace Magnet Program X

Applicant Cohort/ProjectCW DY EO ID LTU LIW RV IJS

Center for Media Chan1/Hack the Hood XOpportunity Junction 1/Job-Seeker Designed Pathway X XShirley Ware Educatio 1/Partnership for Healthcare Apprenticeships X XOpportunity Junction 2E/Job-Seeker Designed Pathway X XShirley Ware Educatio 2E/Piloting Healthcare Apprenticships X XCenter for Media Chan2E/Hack the Hood 2.0: Level Up XRising Sun Energy Cen2/Women Build:Union Career Pathways for Wo X X X XAlameda WIB 2/Engineering Technologist Career Pathway X XEast Bay Community L 2/Fair Chance Licensure Employment Project X

Automotive Industry Apprenticeship Trust Fund

3/AMTAC Veteran/Youth Initiative X X

Opportunity Junction 3/College and Career Concierge XRichmond WDB 3/RichmondBUILD Contractors Resource Cent X X X X XRichmondWORKS 4/Project ACES X X X X X X X X

Alameda WDB4/Measuring Customer Service from a Human Centered Design Perspective


Center for Media Chan4/"New School" Professional Development for Workforce Providers


California Labor Fede4/MOBILE UP: English & Career Education & Coaching by Cell Phone


Automotive Industry Apprenticeship Trust Fund

5/AMTAC Veterans/Youth Initiative (A2) X X

Opportunity Junction5/Institutionalizing CBO-College Support Partnerships (NBAU)


Richmond WDB5/RichmondBUILD Contractors Resource Center (NBAU)



EAST BAYPopulation

KeyCW - CalWORKS LTU - Long Term UnemployedLIW - Low Income Workers DY - Disconnected YouthRV - Returning Veterans EO - Ex-Offenders

Item 4d
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Applicant Cohort/ProjectCW DY EO ID LTU LIW RV IJS

Chaffey College 1/Shared Prosperity Stakeholders X X X XChaffey College 2E/SPS 2.0 X X X X

Center for Employment Opportunities2/Advanced skills training for the formerly incarcerated seeking employment


Applicant Cohort/ProjectCW DY EO ID LTU LIW RV IJS



KeyCW - CalWORKS LTU - Long Term UnemployedLIW - Low Income Workers DY - Disconnected YouthRV - Returning Veterans EO - Ex-OffendersIJS - Immigrant Job Seekers ID - Individuals with Disabilities

Item 4d
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Applicant Cohort/ProjectCW DY EO ID LTU LIW RV IJS

Foothill WIB 1/Vets-to-Nurses XPacific Gateway 1/Employer Engagement for Foster Youth XUCLA Regents 1/Transition to Work XVerdugo WIB 1/Female Vets: Getting Employment Help XJVSLA 2/JVSLA BankWork$ X X X X X XCommunity Career Development, Inc

2/Transportation Works: Truck Driver/Bus Operator Accelerator Project

LA Valley College Foundatio 2/Bridging the Gap X

Hospitality Training Academ3/Expanding the Hospitality Industry Pipelinefor Under-Resourced Populations X X

JVSLA 3/Next Level Careers X

Leaders UP3/The Future at Work: Utilizing On-the-Job Training to Connect Businesses to Disconnected Youth


LA Valley College 3/Strengthening Working Families X X X X X X

South Bay WDB3/Aerospace Engineering Apprenticeship Program (AEAP) X X

Translatina Coalition 3/California Trans Work Place Project (CTWP) X X XJVSLA 4/Youth as Mentors X X XWorker Education & Resource Center 4/South LA EMT Apprenticeship Project X X X

LA Valley College 5/Strengthening Working Families (A2) X X X X X X X XSouth Bay WDB 5/Aero-Flex Pre-Apprenticeship (A2) X X X

Translatina Coalition5/TRANS LA (Training and Resources to AdvanceNeeded Services in Los Angeles) (NBAU)


Applicant Cohort/ProjectCW DY EO ID LTU LIW RV IJS

Mother Lode WDB 3/Water Resource Management Training X X X X





KeyCW - CalWORKS LTU - Long Term UnemployedLIW - Low Income Workers DY - Disconnected YouthRV - Returning Veterans EO - Ex-OffendersIJS - Immigrant Job Seekers ID - Individuals with Disabilities

Item 4d
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Applicant Cohort/ProjectCW DY EO ID LTU LIW RV IJS

NoRTEC 1/Court Involved Youth Employment Services X XNoRTEC 2E/Court Involved Youth Employment Services X XNORTEC 4/Deferred Entry of Judgment Program X X

Applicant Cohort/ProjectCW DY EO ID LTU LIW RV IJS

Marin WDB 3/Inspiring the Future pilot X

Solano WDB3/Community of Practice - Supply and Demand Project






KeyCW - CalWORKS LTU - Long Term UnemployedLIW - Low Income Workers DY - Disconnected YouthRV - Returning Veterans EO - Ex-OffendersIJS - Immigrant Job Seekers ID - Individuals with Disabilities

Item 4d
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Applicant Cohort/ProjectCW DY EO ID LTU LIW RV IJS

Applicant Cohort/ProjectCW DY EO ID LTU LIW RV IJS

Fresno WIB 1/503 Innvovation Project XTulare WIB 1/RESET XMerced WIB 2/Medical Assistant & LVN Career Pathway X XFresno WDB 3/Job Placement Accelerator X XLivingston Community Health

4/Merced County Health Coaching & Behavioral Health Career Ladder Project


Employers' Training Resource

4/Kern Workforce Engagement X X X X





KeyCW - CalWORKS LTU - Long Term UnemployedLIW - Low Income Workers DY - Disconnected YouthRV - Returning Veterans EO - Ex-OffendersIJS - Immigrant Job Seekers ID - Individuals with Disabilities

Item 4d
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Applicant Cohort/ProjectCW DY EO ID LTU LIW RV IJS

International Rescue Committee

2/WorkReady X X

Able-Disabled Advocacy 2/VetWORKS XSan Diego Workforce Partnership

3/Veterans Individual Placement and Support Project (VIPS Project)


San Diego Workforce Partnership

4/JobTriage X X X X X X X X

Applicant Cohort/ProjectCW DY EO ID LTU LIW RV IJS

Ventura WIB 1/STEPS X

Economic Development Collaborative

3/Project for Improving the Efficiency of Identifying At-risk Firms for Layoff Aversion Services






KeyCW - CalWORKS LTU - Long Term UnemployedLIW - Low Income Workers DY - Disconnected YouthRV - Returning Veterans EO - Ex-OffendersIJS - Immigrant Job Seekers ID - Individuals with Disabilities

Item 4d
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Item 4e

Discussion: WIOA Implementation and State Updates

WIOA Implementation and State Update AJCC Certification

• All 45 Local Boards submitted their proposed certification process • The State Board approved and notified all Local Boards of the decision on their certification

process MOU Phase II

• All 45 Local Boards submitted their MOU Phase II Infrastructure Agreement for collocated partners in comprehensive AJCCs

• Several Local Boards still have their CLEO signatures outstanding (pending their Board meetings):

o Mother Lode o Contra Costa o Workforce Alliance of North Bay o Imperial o Pacific Gateway o Anaheim

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Item 4e

2017 Signed Workforce Bills

AB 398 added Section 38591.3 to the Health and Safety Code and requires the California Workforce Development Board (State Workforce Board), in consultation with CARB, to submit a report to the Legislature, no later than January 1, 2019, on the need for increased education, career technical education, job training, and workforce development resources or capacity to help industry, workers, and communities transition to economic and labor-market changes related to specified statewide greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals.

AB 462. This bill would allow the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission to receive quarterly wage data collected by the Employment Development Department in order to monitor employment outcomes for individuals with mental health needs.

AB 868. WIOA funded training providers must either be exempt from the Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) Act (the Act) or be approved to operate by BPPE in order to appear on the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Eligible Training Provider list (ETPL). AB 868 exempts some training programs operated by Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) from these provisions of the law, if these programs have tax exempt nonprofit status and if they offer training that does not lead to degrees or to professional licensure.

AB 957. Existing law specifies agencies, program types, and individuals to be represented among the California Workforce Development Board's membership. The bill adds that representatives appointed to the Board may include organizations that serve transgender and gender nonconforming individuals. The bill also adds the California State University and University of California systems as education agencies eligible to be included among the State Board's membership. Furthermore, the bill requires the California State University and requests that the University of California participate in regional workforce development conversations currently conducted pursuant to federal law. AB 1111 creates the Breaking Barriers to Employment Initiative, a grant program that would fund education and work readiness programs operated jointly by community-based organizations and local workforce development boards. The California Workforce Development (State Board) would be responsible for the grant's administration, and funding would be subject to appropriation by the Legislature. The bill also identifies target populations to be served and types of programs eligible to receive funds, and outlines a system for monitoring the performance of funded programs. No money was appropriated for this program for the current fiscal year, in effect, making it a program on paper.

Page 23: CALIFORNIA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD · PDF fileRegional Organizing: Implementing the Regional Plans Why: Assist in building momentum and strengthening regional leadership by identifying


AB 1149, sponsored by the California Workforce Development Board (State Workforce Board) adds more flexibility to the current law (SB 734, DeSaulnier, Chapter 498, Statutes of 2011) that requires Local Workforce Development Boards to spend 30 percent of their federal workforce formula funds on training services. Specifically, it expands the types of funding sources that count toward meeting the mandated target and allows a portion of the mandated expenditures to be used to provide supportive services to individuals who may need additional assistance to complete a workforce training program. Additionally, it proposes to increase transparency and accountability by requiring that the types of expenditures that count under the mandate be reported in an existing annual legislative report prepared by the Employment Development Department.. AB 1336. Existing law requires the California Workforce Development Board (State Board) to develop an Internet-based workforce metrics dashboard, to be updated annually, that measures the state’s investments in workforce development. AB 1336 amends existing law to designate the State Board as the agency responsible for determining the approach used to measure the labor market impacts of relevant workforce education and training programs, provided that the methodologies used are statistically rigorous. The bill would also authorize the State Board, or its designee—provided that the designee has the technical and operational capability—to receive employment information already being collected by the Employment Development Department for the purpose of conducting program assessments. SB 1 is a comprehensive transportation funding legislation which provides for a variety of new revenues, primarily from motor fuel tax increases, revenue re-allocations and reforms. SB 1 addresses the state’s projected construction labor shortage by providing high-quality training and skills development to individuals entering the workforce through the creation and expansion of preapprenticeship programs funded with new transportation revenues. The legislation provides $25 million over five years for preapprenticeship. SB 85. SB 85 extended the authorizing legislation for the California Community Colleges Economic and Workforce Development Program (EWDP) through July 1, 2023. SB 106. Existing law requires the California Workforce Development Board (State Workforce Board) to develop and implement the Supervised Population Workforce Training Grant Program (SPWTGP). This state government budget trailer bill included provisions that modified the SPWTGP by expanding it to include the parole population. The legislation also now requires that the State Workforce Board ensure that grants are allocated equitably among the partners based on services and activities funded and establishes that nonprofit community-based organizations (CBOs) are competitive in applying for funds as the lead applicant. The 2017 budget contained a $2 million appropriation to carry out the objectives of the SPWTGP.

SB 396 makes two amendments to the California Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). First, it amends Unemployment Insurance (UI) code section 14005 to add transgender and gender non-conforming individuals to the list of populations with barriers to employment under the California WIOA. Second, it amends section 14012 to indicate that California Workforce Development Board (State Workforce Board) membership may include representatives from community-based organizations (CBOs) that serve transgender and gender non-conforming individuals.

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