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Page 1: By Jennifer  Shoumate and Miranda Camp

By Jennifer Shoumate andMiranda Camp

Land of the lost

Page 2: By Jennifer  Shoumate and Miranda Camp

READ BEFORE YOU START YOUR ADVENTURE When you come to a choice you click on one of

the choices and when you don’t have a choice then you just click on the computer screen or you can press the arrow on the key board. Now you can click on the big text. Have a good adventure and choose wisely.


Page 3: By Jennifer  Shoumate and Miranda Camp

Your walking and looking up at the summer sky. You trip into a big black damp hole. You wake to find yourself in stinky dark

green goop. You hear a voice say, if you wiggle you will sink faster.

You look around you don't see anything.

GO against his comands and flail your arms wildly

You don’t move at all


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You are waving your arms you peer up. You see a branch you grab the branch and you pull yourself up the voice says owwwww that’s my tail. The creature says what.

Was that for It turns around and it shows his face. It turns out to be a cute little cretuer it says hi I am a bobble and my name is AXZ139 but they call me zee for short.


Should you introduce yourself

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You introduce yourself you say hi I am a. person

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You say you are a person zee says we don’t allow people here because they have been very rude the past 300 years.

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You runaway then you see a house

Should you walk in and look around slide7

Should you run away from the house#9. Slide 9

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You see a house you go in the house there is nothing interesting you go in the back yard and there is a pool. You decide to go in. You are swimming then you see a women behind you and she jumps in and…… You drown she pushes you down to the bottom of the pool. And you don’t come back up.

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You run away from the house should you. Then you run into the woods you see a path.

You go down the path slide 10

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You go into the woods you see a light. you follow the light then it gets dark you don’t know what to do. you walk a little farther then you fall into a big dirty hole.

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Then you notice that the whole led you to a sunny warm beach. You walk around

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Then you pest out because it was so hot then you wake up and you arrive……..

Should you see where you are

Or should you back to the beginning and go on to another path

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You are now home in Illinois you think it was all a dream but it wasn't you run outside and you see


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And you see your mom and dad on the porch and you run up and you hug them and you say I am glad to see you and I'm glad to be home.

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You fall onto grass. And a small horse thing falls after you.

‘They really need to fix the sewer system.”


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“Who are you?” you ask the thing. It now appears to be a horse about 6 inches tall but in this place you aren’t taking any chances.

“That is none of your concern.” he answers mystically suddenly you remember what he is. You have no idea how it came to. He is a Eohippus, a horse just 10x smaller.

The Eohippus starts talking again, “There’s no food here. Even though no grass can look healthier, it isn’t safe. Huge birds come here night and day. They feed on my kind as you feed on a drop of chocolate.” (next slide)

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After a long moment of staring at each other, none of you blinking, he says “F.Y.I you wouldn’t last 24 hours here so if you want to live to see another day… follow me.” why should you trust it? Why shouldn’t you? You finally decide to:


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After 2 days of no food and no water the landscape changes, instead of lush, green grass as far as the eye can see, there are

rocks and patches of sand. The grass is now drooping and your stomach is growling with

every step. You’re starting to think you shouldn’t have followed the Eohippus.

(next slide)

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Suddenly the Eohippus stops in his tracks.

“Get down” he hisses. You look around and suddenly you spot them. They look like rhinoceros without the armor plates. They have a skin flab neck and 2 HUGE horns sticking out of their foreheads.

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“What are they?” you ask.

“Arsinotherium, they made a pact with the lions a hundred blue moons ago. Ever since then they have become the most feared animal of my time, even more feared then the Saber tooth lion. And that’s saying something.”

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After a long time of silence your legs are getting cramped. Finally when you can’t stand it any longer, you stand up. What you see makes you gasp.

“What? What is it?” asks the Eohippus. His curiosity getting the better of him he hops on the rock you were hiding behind.

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Right in the middle of a clearing is a apple tree rich with big, juicy plums.

You run towards the apple tree with your arms out stretched

You wait a while longer

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You wait a while longer

You wait a little longer. But you don’t see anything. So…

You run towards the plum tree your arms outstretched

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“Ahh, ya know.” Julius replied.

You can’t help but wonder how Pip and Julius Know each other, you say this aloud and they decide to tell you. This wasn’t exactly what you meant, but you decide to go a long with it.

“When Julius and I were cubs,” started Pip, “there wasn’t a time when we weren’t causing trouble. Either it was: see what the Saber Tooth lion would do when we wake it up. Or how long we could stalk the mammoths without them knowing. But there were times when we went to far. The time that has to do with you… ha, well that’s a long story.”

ASK ABOUT The story

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“Julius and I were of on our most dangerous yet. We were going to see were the heart of the Piranha kingdom was. Now this was the Stupidest, most dangerous thing anyone, anyone could do. But we thought of it and ever sense then it was nagging at the end of our minds for a logon time (okay 2 days) before we could stand it no longer.

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“ We went to the last rumored place to have a swarm of piranhas. On the bay of what you ‘futures’ call Hawaii. So anyways, all was going according to plan until…” you see Pip look away guiltily.

“What, what?” You ask.

Pip sighed heavily before going on, “Well, a piranha came out and bit at me, I knew we were close so I gave Julius a few pulls on the rope I was holding. See, I was holding the rope (opposable thumbs) and Julius was looking under the water for short periods of time. But what happened next was possibly the worst thing that happened to me in my lifetime. Julius didn’t respond. You need to understand we made up signals. Danger was one pull, found something was three and ‘pull me up’ was two.”

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I don’t know what happened next, all I know is Julius didn’t respond.” Pip looked at Julius, “so if you want to find out the rest of the story ask Julius, or not, it’s all right with me.”

Ask Julius about the story

Tell them to just get to the point

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Just as you’re reaching for a apple on the apple tree a snout comes out of nowhere and nips at you. “Oh sorry!” it exclaims. You can feel anger swelling up inside of you. What right does this primate have to nip you then say “Oh, sorry!” It scrambles out of the thick leaves and onto a branch with no apples (the only one on the tree). The Eohippus comes up and bows his head respectfully.“Ahh… Julius.” The thing says looking straight at the Eohippus. He continued on dramatically, “Long time no see… what’s up?”

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“Well I didn’t respond to Julius because a group of piranhas were coming towards me. I knew I couldn’t out swim them so I went an hid in a cave. I was too late, they had already seen me, and I was running out of breath. They came into the cave slowly, they knew I posed no threat to them so they were taking there time. But besides the no air problem, and a bunch of piranhas coming out to tear me apart and eat me my mind was on something else. The cave wasn’t stopping yet, so there must be a way out of here I thought. Well half thought really, I didn’t actually get to think it all through because I had just fallen into a hole, quit like the one you fell into. Anyways don’t ask me the rest, I still haven’t gotten over what I went through.”

Pip bowed his head in Julius’s direction “After that happened I devoted half of my life to finding out what happened to you. My friend a ‘dolphin’ told me Julius had just fell into a hole and didn’t come out. She said they were common under water. Though obviously they aren’t in you time, seeing as to how confused you were when you saw us. But any way I found out quite a lot.”

Ask about the “Pothole Business”

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You look around at them and notice them staring at you expectantly.

“You want me to make a choice, don’t you?” you ask them.

“Kind a, I mean it’s going to be hard but you can’t just do nothing.” Pip answers. He sounds truly sincere.

The ultimate choice:Stay in this time period until you get caught up with your own timeline

ORGo looking for a “pothole” to get back home

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You have chosen to stay here until you get caught up with your timeline. You will experience many things and it will be hard to settle back in your own timeline, but it will be worth it. Good luck!

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“Well first of all, you can’t go into the future, only the past,” Pip began “And you can’t get injured, or worse. There are always ways to get back to your present time, but they’re 10X harder to find. Is there anything else? Oh! Yes, yes, yes, if you decide to stay here you will not be effected by time. You can still get hurt or killed, but you will not get old. But eventually you’ll catch up with your own time and then be able to live the life you were living before this pothole business.”

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You have chosen to go, immediately, back home. You wake up where you were walking before this “pothole business” now it is Fall, and you have a lot of explaining to do. Considering the fact that you spent 2 years of your life looking for the ‘pothole’, you will live a *semi-normal life. Good Luck!

*That’s a little bit of an under statement, but good luck anyway!

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THE ENDPictures from

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I got my inspiration from the nameless forest and pictures from morgue file


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