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BUZZWORDS!Iron CurtainThe political, military, and ideological barrier erected by the Soviet Union after WWII to seal itself off from the West and other non-communist areas.

An act or policy of restricting the territorial growth or ideological influence of another, especially a hostile nation.Containment

Domino TheoryIf one country is taken over by communism, the near by nations will be taken over one after another.

DMZDemilitarized Zone. A strip of land running across the Korean Peninsula that serves as a buffer zone between North and South Korea

NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization. United States and other Western European countries.

Warsaw PactAn organization Formed in Warsaw, Poland. Collective defense under a joint military command.

McCarthyismThe practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence.

Red ScareThe promotion of fear of a potential rise of communism or radical leftism, used by anti-leftist proponents.

BrinkmanshipThe technique or practice of maneuvering a dangerous situation to the limits of tolerance or safety in order to secure the greatest advantage.

Massive RetaliationThe doctrine that the best way to deter aggression is to threaten a potential aggressor with devastation by atomic bombs.

Arms RaceA competition between two or more parties to have the best armed forces.

Flexible ResponseGave U.S. the capability to respond to aggression across the spectrum of warfare, not limited only to nuclear arms.


What is the Iron Curtain and who coined the phrase? How does this idea relate to the idea of containment?Yalta ConferenceFebruary 1945Joseph StalinWinston ChurchillFranklin Roosevelt

Potsdam ConferenceJuly 1945Joseph StalinWinston ChurchillHarry TrumanGermany?

Joseph StalinWanted Germany to pay for rebuilding of USSR

Expand Soviet influence in the world

Friend governments in Eastern Europe

United StatesHealthy economy depended on opportunity abroadForeign policy: Preserve national security and bring freedom, democracy, and capitalism to the world

GoalsUnited StatesSpread democracy and free trade across the worldRebuild EuropeSell goods in Eastern EuropeSovietsSpread communism in Eastern EuropeKeep Germany weakBuffer zoneSatellite Nations-countries dependent upon and dominated by the SovietsSoviet UnionSocialismGovernment ownership of industryCreated as reaction to capitalismGoal is to bring economic equality to peopleClassless societyCommunismState controlled all property and economic activityNo opposing parties were to existCapitalism/DemocracyPrivate ownership of industryFreedom from competitionSurvival of the fittestLaissez-faireDifferent economic classesFor people by peopleRight to vote


What is containment? What document did the phrase first come to attention and who wrote it?Truman DoctrineThe United States would provide political, military, and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external or internal authoritarian forces.

Marshall PlanThe American initiative to aid Europe, in which the United States gave economic support to help rebuild European economies after the end of WWII in order to prevent the spread of the Soviet Union.

OpenerAfter World War One, the U.S. retreated into a policy of "Isolationism". After World War Two this did not happen. Why do you think this was?

2.Turn your Truman Doctrine/Marshall Plan worksheets into the basket! Korean WarAlmost 40,000 American deathsNearly 5 million people diedRate of civilian casualties more than WWII and Vietnams

Korean War1950-1953First conflict of Cold WarRhee, Sung, Truman, and McArthur

Syngman RheeFirst President of S. KoreaWell known in AmericaPh.D. from Princeton

Kim IL SungLeader of North Korea from 1948-1994Joined communist youth groupTrained by Soviets in military and politics

Douglas McArthurCommander of Unified U.N. forcesInchon invasionLater replaced for threats and comments made on foreign policy

Exit SlipTo most, the Korean War is known as the Forgotten War. On a small scale the war is viewed as the U.S. aiding the South Koreans, but what is on the line for the U.S. by joining the war?Opener

To most, the Korean War is known as the Forgotten War. On a small scale the war is viewed as the U.S. aiding the South Koreans, but what is on the line for the U.S. by joining the war?

Red ScarePost WWII to the mid-1950sHouse Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)Senator Joseph McCarthy (WI)FBI director J. Edgar Hoover

Trumans Executive Order 9835Prove you are anti-communistEvery employee analyzedCIALoyalty!

Government Hollywood tenAdding to the Red Scare Extremely right-wing

Softcore Propaganda The Soviet cultural ThawArtistically revolutionary picturesSoviet PropagandistsAmerican pursuit of happinessCIA and British animation

Exit SlipHow did the Red Scare impact the United States? What were some of the benefits of the Scare and some of the negatives?Turn in WorksheetsQuiz on Buzzwords Tomorrow!

The Eisenhower Years 1953-61

New Look Foreign PolicyMaintaining the vitality of the U.S. economy while still building sufficient strength to prosecute the Cold War.Relying on nuclear weapons to deter communist aggression or, if necessary, to fight a war.Using the CIA to carry out secret or covert actions against government or leaders directly or indirectly responsive to soviet control.Strengthening allies and winning the friendship of nonaligned governments.SpendingCut spending on conventional forcesAir ForceNuclear weaponsMilitary building for national security

Peaceful Coexistence Geneva, Switz, 55Kruschev rejects Open Skies Ike uses CIA and U-2 reconnaissance planes

U-2 Spy plane goes BOOM!The Spirit of Camp David in 59Agree to meet in Paris, May 1960Kruschev learns of plane crash

...Not so peaceful existence Tensions increase

Ikes foreign affairs fall to his predecessors

Domino Theory

John FitzgeraldKennedy1961-63

JFK to office!Get back on track1960s debate The symbol of hopeBay of Pigs,1961Berlin Wall, 1961

Television Vs. Radio

Media at its FinestBay of Pigs, 1961April, 17th 1961Overthrow of Fidel Castro in CubaKennedy looks badOperation Mongoose

Berlin Wall, 1961August 13,1961.Result of fleeing from the East. Nuclear threats towards U.S. and other western countries.


Operation MongooseSneak Attack?Invasion!Later Mr. CastroPlease Work!Im scaredHold me!October, 1962Operation MongooseKhrushchev and Castro

Of Course Youre Friends!

OpenerWould you say that the Berlin Wall was the literal Iron Curtain? What did the wall represent?BERLIN WALLBERLIN WALL HISTORYAugust 13, 1961 November 9, 1989Meant to keep East Berliners out of West BerlinPotsdam Conference split Germany in four zonesGermany turns competitive and aggressiveFederal Republic of Germany VS. German Democratic Republic18yr old Peter Feschter is killed on the wallWest Germany Eastern GermanyEconomic MiracleLive well in capitalismFreedom was restrictedShipment of factory equipment and valuables back to USSR

THE WALLOver 200 miles around all of BerlinFour major constructions300ft No-Mans-Land

FALL OF THE WALLCommunism faltering in Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia in 1988 and 1989November 9, 1989 East German Govt Official Schabowski Permanent relocations can be done through all border checks between GDR and FRG or West BerlinOctober 3, 1990 Germany is unified

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