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Building Debt Free MVP1

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MVP ConsiderationsDebt AvoidanceTechnical DebtOrganizational DebtProcess DebtInfrastructure Debt


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MVP Core Functionality

Ideal MVP


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Ideal MVP

Mini-Me is an Ideal MVPCore Functionality

Identical “DNA” Same Major Features Same Major Functionality Same Usability Not Up To Scale Not As Pretty


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Viable For What?7

Eric Ries defines MVP as “…that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort.”

MinimalProduct nobody

wants to use

ViableProduct built

by companiesthat have no

financial limitations


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Difficult Determinations

Prototype vs. MVP How Do I Distinguish?

MVP vs. Product At What Point Do I Stop?

Intent Matters You Will Get What You Are Aiming For

Do Not Make A Mermaid You Will Always Get a Wrong Half


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Defining MVP9

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Defining an MVP

MVP vs. Prototype


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MVP vs. Prototype

MVP Test Product Viability Test Assumptions Test the Market Test Product Usability Get User Feedback

Prototype Demonstrate the Concept Convince Others That You Are Serious Get Seed Money


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MVP vs. Prototype

Who Builds It?


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MVP vs. Prototype

MVP Built by a Minimal Viable Team Evolutionary in Its Development

Prototype Built by One Guy Usually Throwaway in Its Development


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Roger’s Adoption Curve

Who is MVP for?


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MVP Targeting

Prototype Targets InnovatorsMVP Targets Early AdoptersEarly Adopter Groups

Educators Influencers Opinion Makers Social Connectors


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MVP Features

Less Is Truly More


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MVP Features

Intelligent Design and Evolutionary Concepts Aim For Adjacent Possible

Irreducible Complexity Can’t Take Anything Away Can’t Be Simpler

Most Efficient For What It Does Most Efficient Wins


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Irreducible Complexity

Simplest Mousetrap


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Path To Intent

Straightforward Path To Intent


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Product Don’ts

Do Not Complicate ThingsDo Not Make Users ThinkDo Not Make Users WorkDo Not Defy User’s ExpectationsDo Not Confuse Yourself With UsersDo Not Assume You Know Everything


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Survey Bias

People Say One Thing and Do Another


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Rise of the Crowds


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Mechanical Turk

Microtasking Crowdsourcing Platform


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Usability Study Setup (cont.)25

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Usability Study Results26

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Was not sure what to do

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Usability Study Results28

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It Is All About Uncensored Feedback


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Feedback (cont.)30

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Usability Testing Tools31

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Technical Debt

Things Slow Down


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Everything you want to do “Later” is DEBT Let’s Document Later Let’s Test Later Let’s Architect Later Let’s Refactor Later

Debt Misconceptions All Debt is Bad No Debt is Great Taking on Debt Always Gets You There Faster


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Debt (Leverageable)34

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Debt Story

I Have not Seen Organs Like This


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Common Story

CEOs Tale We Were Very Productive We Kicked Ass We Became Complacent I Fired Them All I Hired a New Team They Are Not Productive Either Must Have Chosen Wrong I Fired Them All SAVE ME


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Common Story

CTOs Tale We Were Very Productive Through Debt Accumulation We Kicked Ass But Burned Out We Slowed Down Due to Debt We Got Fired New Team Got Hired It Does Not Know Where Skeletons Are Buried We Got Fired As Well I have Not Seem Organs Like These


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Support to Innovation Ratio

You Are in the Support Business








Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

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Broken Window Theory

One Broken Window Leads to Ruin


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Broken Window Theory

Do Sweat the Small Stuff


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Debt Tipping Point41

Product Death

Year 2

Year 1

Tipping Point

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Technical Debt Elements

Technical Debt Elements Lack of Architectural Blueprint Lack of Unit Testing Lack of Integration Testing Lack of Code Reviews Lack of Starting Platform Lack of Starting Framework Lack of Technical Design Lack of Development Recipes


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Decision Stack

Reverse Funnel


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Language Selection

Programming Language Is Irrelevant. It Only Matters in Terms of Resource and Starter Product Availability


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Organizational Debt

You Can’t Outsource What You Do Not Understand


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Minimal Viable Team Designer/UX/UI (part-time) Mobile/HTML5/Javascript SysAdmin/DBA/DevOPS Lead Developer 2 Engineers

MVT = 5.5 peopleCan We Afford It?Who is My Product Guy?

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Offshore Development

Do it for Right Reasons


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All The Wrong Reasons49

Wrong Expectations Solution to Ignorance (outsourcing what you do not understand) It Will Be Cheaper (min 30% overhead) We Can Achieve Instant Scalability (it takes time to hire) Poaching Is not a Problem (no difference) We Can Minimize Office Distractions (hallway magic)

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Right Reasons50

Right Expectations Somewhat Easier to Find Talent 24 h Dev/QA Cycle Improved Ramp Up/Ramp Down Cycles Specific Expertise

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90% Done Problem

What Do They Mean by That?


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90% Done Problem52

90 Done Offshore Team Did All the Work 90% of the Money is Spent No Business Documentation No Technical Documentation No Repeatable Process No Unit Tests Lead Developer Instead of CTO Performance Problems Right out of the Gate

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Buddy Program

Do it Right


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Buddy Paring54

Not Your Grandfather’s Pair Programming Get paired (your counterpart) Truman Show (my life on tv) 4 + 4 (overlap time + alone time) Joined work assignment (we are a unit) Circle of influence (product manager, project manager, qa,

development buddy)

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Congruent Culture

Pick a Congruent Culture


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Offshore Team Picking56

Congruent Culture (challenge authority)Working Hours Overlap (4+)Right Size (30+ large enough to have a bench)Right Size (100- small enough to care)Right Focus (we do everything)Do Not Let It Grow (micro-teams)

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Team Structure

Big Rocks First


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Separate Development Teams58

Rapid Development vs. Core


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Process Debt

How Do They Know?


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Process Complication

Do Not Make It Complicated


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Process Complication

Do Not Make It Complicated Complicated = Bad Complicated = Unsustainable Complicated = Not Followed Complicated = Edge Case Centric Complicated ! = Useful Complicated = Unintended Consequences


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Planned vs. Agile62


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Planned vs. Agile

Planned Process Exhaustive Planning (plan until you are exhausted) Prescriptive Document Centric

Agile Process Iterative Planning Non-prescriptive Practice Centric


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Agile Umbrella64

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Agile Process Phases65

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Process Debt Elements

Process Debt Elements Lack of Articulated Process Lack of Process Documentation Lack of Repeatability Lack of Clear Process Identification Presence of Numerous Process Exceptions Process Busters


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False Agile

Just Because You Call It Agile It Does Not Mean It Is


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You Are Not Agile If

Requirement FrontloadingQA BackloadingYou Move Dates Instead of Feature NegotiatingYou Extend Sprints/IterationsYou Are Not Producing Code by Third Week of the

ProjectYou Have No Business RepresentationYou Are Not Tracking RequirementsYou Do Not Keep Track of Velocity/Drumbeat


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Infrastructures Debt

Avoiding Infrastructure Debt


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IaaS + PaaS

Use As Much of the Stack as You Can


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Infrastructure Debt Elements

Infrastructure Debt Elements No Utilizing IaaS/Pass Lack of Monitoring Lack of Redundancy Lack of Disaster Recovery Lack of Environment Separation

Dev Ops Debt Elements Lack of Deployment Framework Lack of Continuous Integration Lack of Effective Source Control


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PaaS 72

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IaaS 73

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