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Page 1: Building Bridges . . . Creating Connections...Linda Dodson, John Jones 10:40 a.m. Greeters: Narthex – Joel Ramsey Parish Hall – Sharon Martin Atrium - John Inman 10:40 a.m. Welcome

AUGUST 2019Brandenburg United Methodist Church

Building Bridges . . . Creating ConnectionsConnect with JesusConnect in CommunityConnect to Your Purpose and Mission in Life

Inside this issue:• Love Thy Neighbor• Fall Session Dinner Clubs• Halftime Kickoff August 14• Mountain Mission Pickup August 7• Kids and Youth Schedules

August marks the beginning of a new school year and really the start of a new church year in many ways. Halftime on Wednesday nights will resume, and many people will be back reg-ularly with us after having been away traveling this summer. It will be an exciting time for our church. We will be planning and training teams for our upcoming capital campaign and devel-oping plans for a future building project. Beginning in August I’m going to start a new sermon series entitled Renovate. As we get closer and closer to launching into a capital campaign to support our upcoming building program, I want us to do all we can to be spir-itually prepared. When all is said and done, when we’ve moved past the financial support phase and even the building and renovating phase, I want us all to be able to say, “That was a spiritual experience; I’m closer in my walk with Jesus now than I was before.” That may sound strange, but I believe a building program is so much more than brick and mortar. It’s about ministry, and it is about growing as disciples, and ultimately about growing God’s Kingdom. As Pastor Jacob Armstrong says in his book Renovate, “Reno-vating a house can be an exciting and reward-ing experience. But the act of renovation can often leave the house in a state of disarray, causing stress and frustration. In the same way, God wants to renovate your life by alter-ing the “old you” and creating a “new you” with

an improved heart. It’s not going to be easy, and your life might experience some disarray, but renovating with God is the opportunity of a lifetime.” In this sermon series we will explore the book of Nehemiah and the physical and spir-itual renovation experienced by the nation of Judah. Nehemiah knew that his plan for reno-vating the wall and gates of Jerusalem would be hard work. But equally hard would be the spiritual renovation of the Jewish people as they returned to their homeland. Spiritual reno-vation is not a do-it-yourself project. We need God’s great power working through us to reno-vate our lives by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lord, begin a great work in our church and in each of our lives!

Jeff Carter

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Contemporary Service (9 a.m.)Ushers: Josh & Kelly Wilson, Robin Harper, Jean Walls, Ben & Maggie WilsonCommunion: Gail & Greg Dreitzler, Mary Plemmons, Cynthia Swanson8:40 a.m. Greeters: FLC Entrance – Jessie Trotter Atrium – T. Parker Welcome Center: Robin Harper9:40 a.m. Greeter: Robyn Proctor

Traditional Service (11 a.m.)Tellers: Ron Barger, Jennifer MillerUshers: Ron Barger (Lead Usher), Joel Ramsey, Sharon Martin, Adam Papp, David ReesorCommunion: Mike & Jackie Bruington, Linda Dodson, John Jones

10:40 a.m. Greeters: Narthex – Joel Ramsey Parish Hall – Sharon Martin Atrium - John Inman10:40 a.m. Welcome Center: Sheila Smith

Children’s Moment August 4 Roxanne Miles, 9; Jon Miller, 11August 11 Lesley WilsonAugust 18 Bill AdamsAugust 25 Maggie WilsonChildren’s Church 9:00 11:00August 11 Lesley Wilson Lesley WilsonAugust 18 Melissa Vowels Trenya BovaAugust 25 Maggie Wilson MaryBeth McQuary

If you are unable to serve on the day you are sched-uled, please make arrangements to switch days with another member. Please also notify secretary at 270-422-2810 or e-mail [email protected].


Evangelism Volunteers for first time guests: Alec & Judy StoneAssisted Living & Rehab Visitation: Jackie Bruington, Mary Lee Ernst Shut-in Food Preparation & Delivery August 1 Lesley WilsonAugust 8 Sue Mitcham, prep; Ron & Martha Pile, deliverAugust 15 Gordon & Betty PowellAugust 22 Joan Wilson & Robyn ProctorAugust 29 Jessie Moore & Karen Ilario

If you are unable to serve on the day you are sched-uled, please make arrangements to switch days with another member. Please also notify secretary at 270-422-2810 or e-mail [email protected].

Halftime Kickoff! Please join us on Wednesday, August 14, as we kick off our Fall 2019 Halftime Session. Church family dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m. with assistance from The Locals Food Truck and Sunny & 75 Ice Cream Truck, followed by our kickoff at 6:30 p.m. Youth Parent Meeting at 7:30 p.m. in Family Life Center. Chancel Choir practice, 7:30 p.m., sanctuary. Classes and groups will begin Wednesday, August 21.

Mountain Mission Pickup August 7

The United Methodist Mountain Mission will pick up at our church Wednesday, August 7. Please bring your items in beginning Sunday, August 4, after 1 p.m. and before 6 a.m. on Wednesday. Leave items in the hall by the nursery. The current needs list includes children’s back-to-school clothes (both summer and winter) and back-to-school supplies: backpacks, paper, pencils, notebooks, folders, etc. Also needed for the Mission stores/customers are men’s and children’s summer clothes, good pots and pans, men’s shoes, good used furniture, and socks and underwear. The processing plant is always in need of the following items: coffee, sugar, paper towels, 20 oz. coffee cups, 33-gallon black garbage bags, Pinesol, dust mops, toilet bowl cleaner, and toilet paper. Thank you for all the wonderful good and us-able items donated to the Mission.

Page 3: Building Bridges . . . Creating Connections...Linda Dodson, John Jones 10:40 a.m. Greeters: Narthex – Joel Ramsey Parish Hall – Sharon Martin Atrium - John Inman 10:40 a.m. Welcome

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Our spring Dinner Clubs were a HUGE success! I’ve heard great feedback from lots of folks who par-ticipated. All adults are invited to join the fun as we begin forming new fall Dinner Clubs. Fall clubs will meet September-November with December being optional since it is such a busy month. What a great opportunity to connect in community!

What is a dinner club? It is a group of six people (not just couples) who meet together for a meal four months in a row.What is the purpose? The purpose is to allow us an opportunity to get to know one another better outside the church building. Each Dinner Club invites two other people to join them each time they meet as a means of out-reach. This means there will be eight people who are dining together at each meeting, allowing the club the opportunity to invite persons who are new to BUMC or someone who is an active prospect.Where do you meet for meals? The group decides where they will meet. Some groups may meet on a Saturday for breakfast or

Sunday after worship. There are lots of options. It can be at the home of one of the group members, or it can be at a restaurant if the group chooses.Who decides where/when to meet? One person from each group will be asked to make the initial contact with other group members to arrange the first meeting date, time and location. The group can decide the next three meeting dates/locations during their first meeting, or group mem-bers may decide to rotate who plans the next three Dinner Club meetings. What if I don’t have space to host 6-8 people? That is not a problem. If it is your turn to host the dinner, you can choose a restaurant where the group will meet Everyone will pay for their own meal.Do I have to prepare food for the entire group when I am the host/hostess? It is up to each group to decide how they will do this. Some options are: • The meal can be potluck with everyone bring-ing a dish • The host volunteers to do the entire meal. • The group eats at a restaurant and everyone pays for their own meal

A sign-up sheet will be located near the informa-tion booths at each service. Deadline to sign up for the fall groups is August 18. If you have any ques-tions, please contact Denise Carter ([email protected]) or call the church office (270-422-2810).

Fall Session Dinner Clubs


For the past two years we’ve sought to make Lov-ing Our Neighbors a high priority for our church. Hopefully this happens year round, but we’ve had a special day of serv-ing the past two years.

Love Thy Neighbor 2019 will look a little differ-ent. This fall, your outreach team is asking every group, class, Sunday School class, small group, etc. to find way to serve our community in one or


multiple ways and times during September. Your group would choose and organize your own way of loving our neighbors on your own timeframe and project scale. Sunday, September 29, will be our Love Thy Neighbor Celebration Day. At our worship services that day we will celebrate and share stories of how we experienced God at work through our serving and loving. If you have ad-ditional questions or need help, please contact Outreach Team leader Cindy Swanson at [email protected]

Page 4: Building Bridges . . . Creating Connections...Linda Dodson, John Jones 10:40 a.m. Greeters: Narthex – Joel Ramsey Parish Hall – Sharon Martin Atrium - John Inman 10:40 a.m. Welcome

4 BrandenBurg united Methodist ChurCh august 2019

Regular Weekly Events:Sunday, August 4, 11, 18, 25 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday School/Small Groups 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship ServiceMonday, August 12, 26 9:30 a.m. Sisters in Christ, members’ homes Contact Pat Carlson, 270-422-5700Monday, August 5, 12, 19, 26 6:00 p.m. Cub Scouts 6:30 p.m. Boy ScoutsTuesday, August 6, 13, 20, 27 10:00 a.m. Sisters in Christ (BUMC Library) 12:00 p.m. Rooms 203/204 Reserved 6:00 p.m. Boy ScoutsWednesday, August 14, 21, 28 9:15 a.m. Ladies’ Bible Study 5:00 p.m. Young Mothers’ Group 5:30 p.m. Halftime Supper 6:30 p.m. Halftime Groups/Programs, all ages 7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir RehearsalThursday, August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 5:30 p.m. Love in Action Meal 6:00 p.m. Prayer Group 6:00 p.m. Cub ScoutsSaturday, August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 7:00 a.m. Brothers in Christ (FLC)

AUGUST CALENDAR Current Events:Sunday, August 4 10:00 a.m. Tribe - Holiday WorldWednesday, August 7 6:00 a.m. Mountain Mission Truck Meade County Schools in sessionWednesday, August 14 Halftime Kick-off!Thursday, August 15 6:00 p.m. Under The Son Open HouseSunday, August 18 6:00 p.m. Leadership Council 6:30 p.m. Tribe - Pool Party, Vowels’ homeSunday, August 25 12:00 p.m. Depart from BUMC for Lauren Daigle ConcertTuesday, August 27 12:00 p.m. United Methodist Women

Chancel Choir members, please remem-ber the upcoming important dates:Wednesday, August 14, 2019, at 7:30 p.m. will be the first choir practice of the fall season. Sunday, August 25, the choir will return to the 11 a.m. service in the sanctuary. I look forward to seeing each of you as we return to the choir loft in August, and I ask for God’s blessings as we make a joyful noise unto the Lord.

John Trotter

John Trotter

The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renew-al program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Chris-tian disciples and leaders. The program’s approach seriously considers the model of Christ’s servanthood and encourages Christ’s disciples to act in ways appropriate to being “a servant of all.” For those interested in participating in the Walk to Emmaus, the next opportunity is coming soon. The Men’s Walk is October 10-13 (Thursday evening to Sunday after-noon). The Women’s Walk is the following weekend, October 17-20. We hope to have a very strong presence at these walks. For the youth, the next Chrysalis Flight is No-vember 2-4. Kelly Wilson has information for those interested. Sandy Horan is our church’s liaison for the Elizabethtown Emmaus Community. If you have already been on the Walk to Em-maus and would like to become more deeply involved by being a sponsor, assisting with elements of the Walks or pariticipating in a reunion group, please contact her at 270-422-2810 or [email protected].

Take Time for Spiritual Renewal

Page 5: Building Bridges . . . Creating Connections...Linda Dodson, John Jones 10:40 a.m. Greeters: Narthex – Joel Ramsey Parish Hall – Sharon Martin Atrium - John Inman 10:40 a.m. Welcome

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It’s almost time to get back to school, and with that comes a busy season at Brandenburg United Methodist Church. Blessing of the Backpacks Sunday, August 11, during Children’s Moment at both 9 and 11 a.m. services. All kiddos are encouraged to bring their backpacks to church. Back to School Pool Party Sunday, August 11, 4-6 p.m. at the MAC pool; $5.00 per person; BUMC Kids get in free. Snacks will be served. Bring a friend, and join us for a fun time! Inclement weath-er will cancel Wednesday Night activities start back August 14. Join us for a great time of fellowship! We’re looking for someone to lead a Preschool Choir on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:00 p.m.. Please see me if you’re interested in volun-teering for this ministry. Shout Out to everyone who helped with our Wacky Wednesday Ministry. It was a great time of food, fun and fellowship! In His Name, Lesley


Lesley Wilson

Thank you, church family, for an amazing Mission Sunday! Mission work is truly a joint venture, and each speaker expressed their gratitude for our partnership. A special thank you goes out to those attending the early service for being patient and just flow-ing with the service. I encourage each of you to continue

supporting Missions through any means possible. Remember, sometimes the most important com-ponent is your time! If you feel inspired or led to begin a mission journey, the Mission team will be meeting Tuesday, August 13, at 5 p.m. Please feel free to join us!

Charlotte Shepard Mission Team Lead

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

Luke 10:2


JoelRamseywilljointhestaffasourchurchcustodian.HewillreplaceSalliGillespie,whoisvacatingthepositioninearlyAugusttotakecareoffamilymatters. Ourchurchcontinuestobeblessedbyhavingdedicatedchurchmembersonourstaff.JoelisalifelongmemberofBrandenburgUnitedMethod-istChurch,andSalliandherhusband,John,havebeenmembersfornearlyadecade. WhenyouseeJoel,pleasewishhimwellinthisnewendeavor.AndwhenyouseeSalli,pleasethankherforajobwelldone.

Brandenburg United Methodist Church’s Par-ents’ Day Out Program – Under The Son – will go back into session with an open house on Thursday, August 15. The program continues to grow. There

currently a waiting list for 3- and 4-year-olds, but there is space available for babies and toddlers. The program is always in need of people willing to volunteer or substitute. Anyone interest-ed in rocking babies or assisting in any other way may contact Under the Son Director Lynne Trotter at [email protected].

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Prayer is one of those things that is easy to say you’ll do, but is easy to forget about. Life gets busy, and a lot of times we may think we can only pray or talk to God if we are in a certain place in a certain position and speaking howsoever we think the Spirit doth so lead us to pray. In real-ity we don’t have to speak in the Queen’s English, we don’t have to renovate a room in our house, we don’t have to stay on our knees, and we don’t have to wait to pray. We can pray to God anywhere, at any time about anything. Being intentional about praying daily will draw you into a closer relationship with God. As you draw closer to God, He grows closer to you. That intimate relationship with our Creator brings peace and joy. Beginning August 21, we will be starting our small groups for the fall and I will be leading a class on prayer. We will be using a book called Love to Pray. It is sort of an interactive devotional that leads you in prayer. The material isn’t lengthy, as it is meant for you to do more time praying than reading. My hope is that at the end of the class your prayer life will lead you to experience a more personal, intimate relation-ship with your Creator and that will bring a peace that surpasses all understanding and joy unspeakable. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in eve-rything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philip-pians 4:6-7). “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints” (Ephesians 6:18). “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

Father God, I pray that you will help us to feel your presence inviting us into a personal relationship with You. I pray that we learn to love our time spent in prayer with You. I pray that each and every one that reads this devel-ops a deeper, more personal relationship with You.


Stephanie Johnson

The Charles Wesley Singers

Dear Friends,


With love and gratitude, Polly Baldridge The Charles Wesley Singers

COMMUNION OFFERING for AUGUSTThe Hands of Christ ThecommunionofferingforAugustisTheHandsofChrist,Inc.,foundedbyJohnandDr.AnaLamon.TheHandsofChrist(ManosdeCristo)existstoshareGod’slovebyofferinglow-costmedicalcarewithdignityandgentlenesstothepoorofHonduras. Thehighcostoffoodiscontributingtofamineamongthepoorofthiswonderfulcountry.Withnoextraresourcestodependon,theeconomicallydisadvantagedlivedaytodaywithoutgovernmentassistanceandjustenoughmoneyfromtheirjobstobarelysurvive.YourofferingcanhelptheLamonsprovidemedicalcareandmedicinesforthesechildrenofGodwhohavenootherresources. FormoreinformationaboutTheHandsofChrist,visittheirWebsite:www/

Page 7: Building Bridges . . . Creating Connections...Linda Dodson, John Jones 10:40 a.m. Greeters: Narthex – Joel Ramsey Parish Hall – Sharon Martin Atrium - John Inman 10:40 a.m. Welcome

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The TRIBE wrapped up July with our Cardboard Village, Feeding America volunteer work, and pass-ing out bottled water at the Meade County Fair Pa-rade (pictured below – more photos in electronic version). What a blessing each of these minstries are to our community. Thank you so much to the youth and families who dedicate their time and energy to get our kids there and support our youth group. Watching our youth live out our church mission and vision this summer through Alaska, the Card-board Village, Feeding America, and even passing out water during our fair parade gives me great hope in our youth, our church, our community, and our na-tion! They have boldly stepped out of their comfort zones to go and do things and serve in ways they never have many adverse environments! They have shown proof of Romans 1:16: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who be-lieves.” They have not been ashamed to boldly stand and represent Jesus – and our church – this summer.

BUMC TribeYouth Ministry at

Brandenburg United Methodist Church

Kelly Wilson

I pray you are as proud of them as I am. Tell them if you get the chance – they love your assurance and affirma-tion! As we move forward and wrap up the summer, we have many exciting events coming up! Please note the following important dates, with more details to come soon: Sunday, August 4 – Holiday World (we will leave right after the 9 am service) Wednesday, August 7 – School starts! Wednesday, August 14 – Half Time Kick-off and YOUTH PARENT MEETING to follow in FLC. Sunday, August 18 – Youth Pool Party at the home of Doug and Melissa Vowels, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 21 – Youth will meet at The Daily Grind after halftime meal from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Sunday, August 25 – Lauren Daigle concert. Leaving church at noon, concert at 4 p.m. Wednesday, August 28 – Begin regular youth sched-ule: Wednesdays and Sundays, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Summer is over and with that comes school, new rou-tines, and new schedules! Please add youth to your fam-ily schedule and bring/send your child with encourage-ment! Let’s fill them up with Jesus and positivity and pour into them His love so they can be His disciples in a world where they can quickly find SO much negativity. Help me equip them!

Love In Christ, Kelly

Fair Parade

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Cardboard Village

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Feeding America

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(1) Ashley Stull (2) Bobbye Fisher, Tatum Parker, Rogene Wilson (4) Alan Brookes, Erin King (5) Elizabeth Miller (6) Victoria Aikin, John Trotter (7) Denise Ellis, Bennett Hobbs (8) Robin Harper (9) Owen Honaker, Cameron Sydnor, Emily Jackey (11) George Crosier, Beth Greer, Jennifer Miller (12) Cassidy Adams (13) Jay Greer, Joey Pike (14) Kole Allen (15) Melissa Wardrip, Debra Webb (16) Karen Ilario (17) Jennifer Saylor (18) Joy Adams, Kate Dailey, (19) Melissa Pipes, Kasi Schoenbaechler (20) Carson Crump (23) Allison Bogard,

Steven Cook, Allison Doutaz, Lyla Stiff (24) Levi Stff (25) Elizabeth Burns, James Taylor, Caleb Wilson, JD Wilson (26) Kelsey Adams, Jody Young (27) Madelyn Collard, Natalie Nelson, Steve Ward, Luke Wilson (28) Christine Ramsey (29) Savannah Sipes, Bethany Wilson (30) Heather Wilson (31) Lori Collard, Sarah Cox, Donna Funk, Tammi Joyner, David Miles

THE STEEPLE BELLBrandenburg United Methodist Church215 BroadwayBrandenburg, KY 40108



SUNDAY SCHOOL: 10:00 A.M.SUNDAY WORSHIP: 9:00 and 11:00 A.M.

PASTOR’S E-MAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]’S E-MAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.brandenburgumc.comCHURCH PHONE NUMBER: (270) 422-2810

CHURCH FAX NUMBER: 270-422-5771

Brandenburg United Methodist Church

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Happy August


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