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Encouraging MissionaryDisciplesAnnual Review 2009

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For the full Annual Report of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, please visit or contact us at [email protected] or 01235 517700 (Finance and Administration)

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Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Matthew 29:19-20 TNIV

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Welcome to our Baptist family photo album for 2009! It’s good to look back ... because it helps us to look forward! In 2009 we faced many specific challenges with the economic crisis and the horror of the war in Afghanistan. The economy and foreign military campaigns normally feel a long way from our personal lives, but during 2009 we couldn’t avoid them and they demanded our attention.

Following Jesus is never done in a vacuum. We have to serve him in the real world within which there are daily challenges to our discipleship. In February 2009 we started using the Baptist Union strap-line “Encouraging Missionary Disciples” as an integral part of our logo. We produce hundreds of thousands of documents every year and they now all bear those challenging words.

This Review seeks to look back on some of the work that we have done together. The Baptist Union of Great Britain is often described as a family. It’s a big family embracing over 2,000 churches, 13 Regional Associations and 6 colleges. Together we face immense pressures but also amazing opportunities. This Review will sketch out some of the important things that we have been able to do together, and point you to resources that will enable us to grow together in the coming days.

Jesus didn’t command us to be missionary disciples in isolation from one another. He placed us together within his church so that we could build one another up. In a society that is characterised by cynicism and criticism we have a vital role to play in being encouragers. This is no small task but it’s a wonderful one as we seek to go forward with the mission of God to his world.

Jonathan Edwards General Secretary

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2009 was a very special year as we celebrated 400 years since the Baptist movement, as we know it today, began in Holland in 1609. The celebrations began at the Baptist Assembly held in Bournemouth in May with the theme of Baptist identity today heavily influencing the programme. Baptists from the UK attended the Europe-wide celebration in Amsterdam in July organised by the European Baptist Federation and the subsequent meetings of the Baptist World Alliance.

As Baptists we continue to play our part in many different national and international gatherings. In July, the Conference of European Churches held its Assembly in Lyon, France where our representatives joined in celebrating 50 years of the churches working together across Europe for peace and reconciliation. It is remarkable to reflect on the changes that have taken place! And within our own country, the work of both Churches Together in England and Churches Together in Wales have taken new and significant steps forward.

A new version of Baptist Basics, a collection of leaflets on Baptist beliefs and practices, was published by BUGB Publications. Rewritten by the Principal of Spurgeon’s College Nigel Wright, it proved incredibly popular with Baptist churches.

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Prayer andWorshiP

PRAYER AND WORShIPPraying for revivalKingsley Appiagyei, Senior Pastor at Trinity Baptist Church in West Norwood, London, became President of the Baptist Union of Great Britain at the Baptist Assembly in May. He emphasised the importance of praying for revival in his monthly blog on the BUGB website and also through three prayer calls in July 2009, November 2009 and February 2010 that he invited Union churches to take part in. “It is only the Lord who determines revival. However, we can pray and prepare the way for revival,” he said.

Real Life WorshipDoes what happen at Sunday worship connect to life in the real world? For many people the answer to that question is often ‘no’. In 2009 BUGB published a series of worship files called Real Life Worship to help churches relate their worship to the realities of contemporary living.

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Prayer andWorshiP

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EvANGELISMCrossingplacesThroughout our week, there are many potential opportunities for us to carry out the great commission, to share Jesus by our words and actions with people who would not consider themselves as Christian. In 2009 BUGB’s Mission Department identified places where these opportunities could arise (schools, cafes, work etc) and gave them a new term: crossingplaces. The Crossingplaces initiative is now the focus of the department, so much so that with all the resources produced and events organised over the last year have been inspired by the aim of helping Baptist Christians and churches engage with others in a variety of crossingplaces.

Back to Church SundayHeld every September, Back to Church Sunday provides Christians with an opportunity to invite friends back to church who either may have not been for a while or never been. Supported by the Baptist Insurance Company, BUGB nationally endorsed the initiative in 2009 for a second time, with 550 churches taking part, an increase of 100 churches from 2008. It is estimated from all churches and denominations taking part that over 82,000 people came back to church on Back to Church Sunday 2009.

Get in the PictureThe Nativity scene came to life in communities across the UK in late 2009 through an exciting new initiative launched by the Mission Department. ‘Get in the Picture’ sought to involve all kinds of people in the Christmas story, by encouraging members of the public to dress up as one of the characters of the Christmas story and have their photograph taken in a nativity tableau. The photograph could then be downloaded for free from the ‘Get in the Picture’ website alongside information about local church carol services, a reading of the Christmas story from the bible and stories of what Christmas means to people today. Christians in over 40 towns took part in this initiative.


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DiversityDIvERSITYThe Journey Following the Baptist Union Council’s statement of apology for the Transatlantic Slave Trade in November 2007, various strands of work have begun to take shape. A DVD exploring the apology decision was produced in 2009 and sent to churches in early 2010. A plan of action has been developed called ‘The Journey’ which will set out clear and practical steps to assist BUGB to become a culturally integrated Union that is especially conscious of the communities that feel disenfranchised, and will seek to help in the development of ways of working that validate all cultures. We want to build a family to which all can say they belong.

The GatheringThe Gathering is a special annual event for all Baptists that seeks to encourage us to discover the richness that can be found in cultural diversity – and to discover culturally relevant ways of engaging with our local communities. Held at Edmonton Baptist Church in North London, the 2009 event explored the theme of how Jesus is revealed in other cultures, particularly looking at spiritualities from the Indian subcontinent. At the event awards were presented to Fred George and the late David Richardson in recognition of their significant contributions to promoting racial justice within BUGB.

Women in LeadershipOne of the strategic goals of the Encouraging Missionary Disciples strategy is to promote an increase in the number of women candidates for ministry. A working group has been seeking ways of addressing issues of gender discrimination, and this has included producing a ‘reader’ telling the story of women in leadership within BUGB. This ‘reader’ supports a resolution to Council in March 2010 outlining further steps to be taken on this issue.

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WORkING WITh OThERSCreation CareA goal of the Encouraging Missionary Disciples strategy is to develop clear theological principles to support ecological concern, and advise and resource churches in responding practically. In 2009 BUGB worked with others on producing two resources for churches that do just that. Future Shape? is a study resource on creation care developed with BMS World Mission, the BU of Scotland and the BU of Wales. Hope in God’s Future, a report and study guide on Christian discipleship in the context of climate change, was written by a working group made up of BUGB, the Methodist Church and United Reformed Church.

Citizens for SanctuaryAs a result of the resolution on asylum seekers passed at the 2008 Baptist Assembly, BUGB endorsed the ‘Citizens for Sanctuary’ campaign in 2009 and will continue to do so through the General Election in 2010. The campaign aims to secure justice for people who are fleeing persecution and to rebuild public support for providing sanctuary. A ‘Saving Sanctuary Pledge’ was taken to the conferences of all three major political parties, and the Joint Public Issues Team (the BUGB, Methodist and United Reformed Churches) ran an effective Christmas card campaign where people sent a Christmas card to Immigration Minister Phil Woolas calling on the Government to end the detention of children.

Bite the BulletThe issue of gangs and gang violence was the subject of a second Bite the Bullet conference organised by BUGB and the Ascension Trust at Westbury Avenue Baptist Church in North London in July. Professor John Pitts, criminologist and gang expert, explained some of the issues that had led gangs to flourish in some parts of the UK and suggested how churches could possibly help young people out of gang culture. There was also a panel discussion and workshops to help parents detect if their children are involved in knife or gun crime with a gospel concert ending the day. The event was also supported by a generous grant from the Baptist Insurance Company.

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Inter FaIthINTER FAIThOne of the main themes of the Encouraging Missionary Disciples strategy is ‘To engage with the challenges and opportunities which arise from living with diversity and especially in relation to living alongside people of other religions and cultures’. Following the endorsement of the Baptist Union Council in November of a report by the Inter Faith Task Group, the Mission Department is to continue to develop a cross-departmental strategy for inter faith work. The department also held a one-day conference on the issue in Leicester, featuring Baptist minister Andy Williams, who has been part of extensive inter faith work in Burnley.

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Inter FaIth

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DiscoveringDISCOvERINGIn 2009 the Mission Department undertook a detailed mapping exercise of England and Wales identifying places of Baptist presence and as a result revealing the gaps. Linking the findings with population density and areas of deprivation, they will use the findings to inform our distribution of Home Mission resources, church planting priorities and exploration of other models of church. It has also led to a new resource on the BUGB website where Baptist churches can now be found using the Google Maps application.

COMMUNICATIONSIn 2009 the Communications Department launched many resources to support the local church. In April Go!, the annual BUGB DVD, inspired by the Encouraging Missionary Disciples theme, was not only sent out to churches but was also made available on You Tube for the very first time. In July BUGB Magazine was revamped and released with a new name - Baptist Life. The department ran the Baptist family festival Leading Edge at Warwick School in August, a new Home Mission booklet was published and a new Association Home Mission Network was established. BUGB Publications rewritten and republished in 2009 included Baptist Basics and Discovering the Gifts of Church Members.

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Central (CBA)The CBA held seminars for the churches it serves on conflict resolution, welcoming Christians from ethnic backgrounds, and encouraging women in ministry. A new strategy for the association called ‘Walking Together in Ministry and Mission’ was launched.

East Midland (EMBA)The EMBA are committed to inspiring and resourcing churches in their Gospel mission. Many churches have developed their missionary vision and are reaching out to their communities in new and innovative ways. A series of roadshows were run by the new regional team exploring café style church.

Eastern (EBA)Good response was had from a questionnaire sent to ministers and churches of the EBA to help determine how the association could support churches better. This will inform much of the association’s future agenda as the Task Groups, whose leaders comprise the Council, continue their work in mission to the East.

Heart of England (HEBA)HEBA’s office moved to BMS World Mission’s International Mission Centre in Selly Oak. The association also launched a new website and logo, and developed fresh partnerships with BMS World Mission and some Baptist colleges to deliver a new learning programme for churches.

London (LBA)The LBA developed a new strategy for the next five years called ‘Making disciples – sharing the good news of Jesus’. The association shared the vision behind the strategy with churches through a series of roadshows visiting churches in early 2009.

North Western (NWBA)The NWBA underwent a strategic review of youth and children’s work across the association. Consultation evenings on the topic with ministers, churches and volunteers brought to light some encouraging stories.

Northern (NBA)‘Building together for Christ’s Kingdom’ is the NBA’s new strap line reflecting its newly adopted new vision and mission statements. Chris Bambrough has been appointed as Youth

Specialist. Its mission partnership with Tryon Evergreen Baptist Association in Texas has continued to develop and links are developing with Lithuania.

South Eastern (SEBA)Stuart Davison took over as Team Leader from Norman Tharby who left in March and Paul Kerley joined the team in October as second regional minister. An innovative and exciting partnership with The Baptist Times was developed, and training opportunities promoted in two strands ‘Enabling Mission’ and ‘Enabling Christian Living’.

South WalesMomentum, the first Baptist Assembly in Wales, was held in June and was regarded as an outstanding success. Leadership roadshows for deacons, elders and minister were held across the association in the Spring and Autumn.

South West (SWBA)The SWBA experienced some staffing changes which led to a review of how it operates. A number of District Ministers were recruited to help provide local pastoral care and several other key voluntary roles were created to oversee certain areas of work.

Southern Counties (SCBA)Many in the SCBA were involved in the planning and organisation of the Baptist Assembly which was held in Bournemouth at the beginning of May. The association held two pastoral care days to explore how experiences of abuse affect people within and beyond the church.

West of England (WEBA)WEBA was the focus of the 2009 BUGB DVD, and several new initiatives, including a new community in Wichelstowe, (part of a 10 year church planting strategy), the UK pilot of Partnership for Missional Church, our own ‘Fit 4 Purpose?’ mission audit, and a new website.

Yorkshire (YBA)The YBA continued with listening events and then reviewed its strategy for the future; this will be launched in 2010. Jane Day joined the association as Regional Minister for Mission in September. A Developing Leadership day led by Roy Searle and the Growing Women Leaders event were much appreciated.

Regional AssociationsColoured association names correspond with colours on the map opposite

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CollegesIn 2009 six UK Baptist Colleges were members of the Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB). The colleges liaise with each other through the Baptist College Joint Consultative Committee and meet up with the National Settlement Team (Ministry Department and regional associations) once a year. Many of the colleges have developed initiatives with regional associations. In November 2009 ministerial students from the Baptist colleges visited Baptist House to gain an understanding of how the National Resource could support their ministry.

National Settlement TeamThe National Settlement Team (NST) helps available ministers and ministers in training in their leaving year settle in churches and seeks to assist churches in filling a pastoral vacancy. The NST meets nine times a year and is composed of a Regional Minister from each Association, together with representatives of the Baptist Union of Scotland, the Baptist Union of Wales and the Ministry Department.

Ministers• 65% of ministers settled within 6 mths• 88% within 12 mths• 92% within 18 mths

Students• 73% of students settled within 6 mths • 93% within 12 mths• 98% within 18 mths

Overall - Ministers and Students combined• 68% settled within 6 mths• 92% within 12 mths• 94% within 18 mths


65% - 6 months88% - 12 months


73% - 6 monthsStudents

93% - 12 months98% - 18 months


68% - 6 months

92% - 12 months 94% - 18 months

As part of the wide range of courses and research the Baptist colleges provide, the following number of ministers in training began in 2009:

Bristol – 11Northern – 8Regents Park – 6Spurgeon’s College – 24Cardiff (South Wales) – 7Scottish – 5


92% - 18 months


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Annual Report figures 2009 2009 2008Income Home Mission Appeal 3,883,873 3,853,402 Legacies 409,086 343,235 Investment Income 350,933 531,920 Income from Charitable Activities 868,828 875,652 Other income 413,735 561,769Unrestricted Income 5,926,455 6,165,978 Restricted and Designated Income 2,421,789 2,842,828 Gains on Investments 891,049 0 Gains on Property 184,673 83,336 Total income £9,423,966 £9,092,142 Expenditure Grants to Churches and other organisations 1,922,865 1,877,503 Associations 1,736,893 1,686,984 Other Charitable expenditure 2,576,590 2,416,248 Restricted and Designated Charitable expenditure 763,037 652,629 Losses on Investments - 3,377,560 Direct Charitable expenditure 6,999,385 10,010,924 Cost of generating funds 183,342 201,606 Governance costs 290,281 203,338 Total expenditure £7,473,008 £10,415,868 Net surplus/(deficit) for the year on all funds £1,950,958 £( 1,323,726)

The principal working fund of the Union is the Home Mission Fund, and the deficit forthe year on that Fund is noted separately below. Net deficit on Home Mission Fund £( 628,717) £( 84,252)

Note: These figures are based on the audited Consolidated SORP accounts of the Union. Copies are available on request from the Finance Office at the National Resource in Didcot.

BUGB Stats

£5,023,100Lent to 18 churches

£686,500of this for 6 manses




268 Churches 22 Chaplains 27 Special Ministries 13 Ecumenical Officers 5 Associations



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BUGB Resources

To view all our 2009 resources, please visit

April 2009


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September 2009


Church secretaries: you are receiving two copies of Transform with this mailing. Please pass one copy to your treasurer.

Confidence in the Gospel

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