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Page 1: Brunswick Reformed Church Welcome to Brunswick Reformed ... › 511779-2148 › ... · Brunswick Reformed Church 3535 Grafton Road Brunswick, Ohio 44212 (330) 225-5475 Ministers:

Brunswick Reformed Church3535 Grafton Road Brunswick, Ohio 44212

(330) 225-5475

Ministers: Worship & Christian EducationThe Congregation Sunday 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.

Pastors:Dan Toot www.b-r-c.orgJay Carroll

Welcome to Brunswick Reformed Church’s worship celebrations. To make our mutual experience more enjoyable today please:

1. Relax - At BRC you can rest assured that you will not be embarrassed,singled out, or put on the spot.

2. Fill Out a Welcome Card - These can be dropped in the offering plate later.The information won’t be misused, and will help us know who’s been here. It’salso a great way to drop a note to, or request a contact from, a staff member.

3. Ask for Prayer - If you have a prayer concern to share, pick up a prayerrequest form from the cart in back. Give completed forms to an usher or thepastor before the service begins.

4. Know There Are Options for Children - - The small room in the right rear corner has rocking chairs where little ones canbe rocked, quieted or nursed.- We have an excellent nursery for ages 0-3 at the far end of our education wing.

5. Join Us for Fellowship - Coffee and juice are served in the fellowship areaafter each service. Join us and get acquainted. We do ask that you not takedrinks into worship with you.

6. Do Not Feel Obligated to Give - If you are a first-time guest, please do notfeel obligated to participate in the offering. This is a time when members andregular attendees honor God by giving to his work through this church. Lettoday be our gift to you.

7. Give by Text is available. Simply send a text to 330-239-8652 with the amount you would like to contribute.

8. Stop by our Welcome Center for more information aboutBrunswick Reformed Church!

9. BRC is on the web

Who Is BRC?We are a member of the Reformed Church in America, a Protestant

denomination that goes back to the Reformation period in Europe when theChurch was “reformed” according to the Word of God.

We are a mixture of Christians from many denominationalbackgrounds, all seeking to grow in our spiritual maturity as we live by faithwith Jesus as our forgiver and leader. You will find our calling, mission andcore value statements on the back of this bulletin.

Page 2: Brunswick Reformed Church Welcome to Brunswick Reformed ... › 511779-2148 › ... · Brunswick Reformed Church 3535 Grafton Road Brunswick, Ohio 44212 (330) 225-5475 Ministers:

February 26, 2017

Welcome to worship. At the 9 am Shannon and Tom McDonoughpresent their daughter Parker Elise for the sacrament of HolyBaptism.

Thank you to the worship team for leading us in worship throughmusic.

Sunday: 9:00 a.m. Worship service

9:00 a.m.: Exodus taught by Phil Carroll, Room 4.

9:00 a.m.: Christianity’s Family Tree taught by Jay Carroll, Rm 8

Blood pressure checks will be available between services.

10:30 a.m.: Worship Service

10:45 a.m.: Sunday School classes for Pre-K through 5th Grade

6:00-8:00 p.m.: What Did You Expect?, a class on redeeming therealities of marriage.

REACT Student Ministries......

9:00 a.m.: Middle School & High School Sundayschool class meets in Room 10.

6:00-8:00 p.m.: REACT Youth Group meets. We’ll be packing“goodie boxes” for our college students.

This Saturday, Mar 4th, our youth group event is a service projectat the Medina personal care pantry. We will be meeting at BRC at7 am, working until 9:30 am and then returning around 11am aftergoing out to eat breakfast! Please write on your welcome card, orcontact David Morgan if you plan to go.


Monday: Campus Life, 6:30 p.m.

Monday: Grief Share will resume on March 6.

Tuesday: Potter’s Workshop at Carol Rounds’ home, 6:30 pm

Wednesday: Women of Wisdom & Men’s Bible study, 10 am-noon, Room 8, Christianity’s Family Tree

Wednesday: Passion Pursuit - a Women's Bible Study at BRC,studying sexual intimacy in marriage from Authentic IntimacyMinistries; begins this week @ 9:30am and 6:30pm

You are invited to join us on Ash Wednesday,March 1, for a time of food and fellowship,from 5:30-7:00 p.m.

We’ll have soup, salad and dessert!Please sign up on your welcome card if you’llmake soup, or bring dessert.

Our regular Wednesday Connectionsstudy and Kids Club will meet from 7-8 p.m.

Thursday: God’s Friends Forever, 6:30-8 p.m.

Thursday: Worship Team rehearsal, 7:15-8:30 p.m.

Friday: Shining Stars meet at 1:30 p.m., studying Genesis

We will not have REFIT® class on March 4 because some of uswill be in Columbus training with the REFIT® founders. Classescan resume March 11

Page 3: Brunswick Reformed Church Welcome to Brunswick Reformed ... › 511779-2148 › ... · Brunswick Reformed Church 3535 Grafton Road Brunswick, Ohio 44212 (330) 225-5475 Ministers:

The Heidelberg Catechism Question 86

We have been delivered from our misery by God’s grace alone throughChrist and not because we have earned it: why then must we still dogood?

To be sure, Christ has redeemed us with his blood. But we do goodbecause Christ by his Spirit is also renewing us to be like himself, sothat in all our living we may show that we are thankful to God for all hehas done for us, and so that he may be praised through us. And we dogood so that we may be assured of our faith by its fruits, and so that byour godly living our neighbors may be won over to Christ.

A Children’s Communion class, which is designed to helpelementary-aged children understand the meaning of thissacrament, will be offered again this spring, March 12 & 19. Those interested should write their name and contact info on theirWelcome Card.

We are looking for donations of individuallywrapped candy for the egg hunt that will be onPalm Sunday, April 9. There will be a labeledbox or tote by the secret sister shelf fordonations. Any questions, contact MichelleMorgan 440-537-0772.

Prayer Concerns: Susan Rogers is recovering from successfulspinal surgery. Continue faithful in prayer for those with ongoinghealth concerns: Wendell Blauser, Marie Buser, Rick Demeter,Margie Draiss, Jeanette Fagan, Nancy & Bob Hanwell, ZachHarbaugh, Flora Kostyak, Rose & Bob Murray, Eileen Raich, GiniReinke, Dick Read, Gene Shuster, Milly Sutherland, Nancy Sutton,Ted Szenger, Mary Trzop and Dave Toom. Continue to pray forour military personnel.

Dear friends,Last August at our Celebration Event you gave us the

wonderfully generous gift of a trip of our choosing. We’ve madeour choice! From Nov 12-22 we will be on African Safari itTanzania. We’re excited, and grateful, and wanted you to know.Love, Don and Cathy

Page 4: Brunswick Reformed Church Welcome to Brunswick Reformed ... › 511779-2148 › ... · Brunswick Reformed Church 3535 Grafton Road Brunswick, Ohio 44212 (330) 225-5475 Ministers:

Serving at BRC

Sunday, Feb 26Greeters (9) - Dennis Parker

(10:30) - Ilze FultzNursery (9) - Steph Beck/Krista Caruth

(10:30) -Renee Garapic, Madison HaynesUshers (9) -Nick Virzi, Eric Raich Assisting - Rick Meyer, Paul Morgan

(10:30) - Steve Dickens, Pete Nixon Assisting - Bob Besida, Eric KramerHospitality Team - Bill & Nancy Sutton

-Sheryl Feeney, Patti Walker, Kerri Reichenbach

Sunday, March 5Greeters (9) - Guy & Candice Lenart

(10:30) - Carol RoundsNursery (9) - Steph Beck/Krista Caruth

(10:30) -Cheryl Wright, Maddie CookUshers (9) - Rick Meyer, Paul Morgan Assisting - Nick Virzi, Mel Wilk

(10:30) - Bob Besida, Eric Kramer Assisting - Gary Brualdi, Scott EppersonHospitality Team - Bill & Nancy Sutton

-Audrey Nixon, LuAnn Sweet

Sunday, March 12Greeters (9) - Bob & Nancy Hanwell

(10:30) - Patty WalkerNursery (9)-Steph Beck/Krista Caruth

(10:30) - Kristin Toot, Alexis MetcalfUshers (9) - Nick Virzi, Mel Wilk Assisting - Dick Sensiba, Earl Gentile

(10:30) - Gary Brualdi, Scott Epperson Assisting - Ilze Fultz, Patty WalkerHospitality Team - Bill & Nancy Sutton

-Patty Carroll, Donna Cook

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