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  • 8/11/2019 Breaking Dawn Quotes


  • 8/11/2019 Breaking Dawn Quotes


    1,. !ou ma$e your own $inds of mista$es" and Im sure youll have your share of regrets

    in life. But commitment was never your prolem" sweetie. !ou have a etter chance of

    ma$ing this wor$ than most forty-year-olds I $now. Cy little middle-aged child. :uc$ily"you seem to have found another old soul. (@enee)

    1/. 4o one dressed y me ever loo$s li$e an idiot. (#lice)

    13. Do to your happy place" Bella. It wont ta$e long. (#lice)

    15. !oud thin$ I was shoving amoo splinters under your nails. (#lice)

    17. . Bachelor parties are designed for those who are sad to see the passing of their single

    days. I couldnt e more eager to have mine ehind me. . +ont let me fall" +ad. (Bella)

  • 8/11/2019 Breaking Dawn Quotes


    *1. I tried to comprehend" through the film of tears linding me" the surreal fact that this

    amaEing person was mine. (Bella)

    *. Gne scorching hug stood out from all the others % . Id een so glad to see Faco here. I $new the sacrifice it had ta$en him. #nd then Id

    ruined it" turned his gift into a disaster. I should e Huarantined. (Bella)

    ,1. !oure monopoliEing the ride. :et me dance with my little sister. his could e my

    last chance to ma$e her lush. (=mmett)

    ,. !oure awfully small to e so hugely irritating. (=dward)

    ,*. Gh well" I thought to myself. 'e was a vampire" after all. Caye we were going to

    #tlantis. (Bella)

    ,,. Im sure youd li$e a human minute or two It was a long 0ourney. (=dward)

    ,/. +id my s$in urst into flames I had to loo$ down to chec$. 4ope" nothing was

    urning. #t least" not visily. (Bella)

  • 8/11/2019 Breaking Dawn Quotes


    ,3. I was frea$ing out ecause I had no idea how to do this" and I was afraid to wal$ out

    of this room and face the un$nown. =specially in rench lingerie. I $new I wasnt ready

    for that yet. (Bella)

    ,5. I wouldnt use the word eautiful. 4ot with you standing here in comparison.


    ,7. ire and ice" somehow existing together without destroying each other. Core proof

    that I elonged with him. (Bella)

    ,. . &hy am I covered in feathers (Bella)

    /1. !ou it a pillow &hy (Bella)

    /. +o not say the word fine. If you value my sanity" do not say that you are fine.(=dward)

    /*. I was perfectly happy. otally and completely lissed out. 4ow % well" Im sort ofpissed actually. (Bella)

    /,. hat. hat right there is why Im angry. !ou are $illing my uEE" =dward.(Bella)

    //. +id you expect this" Bella &ere you anticipating that I would hurt you &ere you

    thin$ing it would e worse +o you consider the experiment a success ecause you can

    wal$ away from it 4o ro$en ones % that eHuals a victory (=dward)

    /3. I cant ignore the evidence" Bella. Gr your history of trying to let me off the hoo$

    when I ma$e mista$es. (=dward)

    /5. &ere 0ust luc$y it was the pillows and not you. (=dward)

    /7. !ou are ma$ing me insane" Bella. (=dward)

    /. !ou are so human" Bella. @uled y your hormones. (=dward)

    3>. !ou havent said a word in your sleep since we got here. If it werent for the snoring"

    Id worry you were slipping into a coma. (=dward)

    31. In this dream that was oth new and old" I simply had to protect the un$nown child.

    here was no other option. #t the same time" I $new that I would fail. (Bella)

    3. +o you want me to sing to you Ill sing all night if it will $eep the ad dreams away.(=dward)

  • 8/11/2019 Breaking Dawn Quotes


    3*. 'ow much troule am I in (Bella)

    3,. he pillows all appear to have survived. (Bella)

    3/. !ou seem to e extraordinarily unoservant when your attention is otherwise

    involved. (=dward)

    33. !ou loo$ so guilty % li$e youve committed a crime. (=dward)


  • 8/11/2019 Breaking Dawn Quotes


    7>. !ou missed the party. rincess theme. . his was the face a man would have if he were urning at the sta$e. (Faco)

    1. FeeE" she was running true to form. Gf course" die for the monster spawn. It was soBella. (Faco)

    . +id you ever notice that shes exactly as strong as a normal hundred-and-ten-poundhuman girl 'ow stupid are you vamps 'old her down and $noc$ her out with drugs.


    *. Caye he should have thought aout all this efore he $noc$ed her up with the life-suc$ing monster. (Faco)

    ,. =ven you" Faco Blac$" cannot hate me as much as I hate myself. (=dward)

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    /. !ou $now her" Faco. !ou connect to her on a level that I dont even understand. !ou

    are part of her" and she is part of you. (=dward)

    3. I wondered if he was really going craEy. 2ould vampires lose their minds (Faco)

    5. I dont care aout anything ut $eeping her alive. If its a child she wants" she canhave it. . he moment Bellas heart stops eating" I will e egging for you to $ill me.


    1>*. I felt li$e % li$e I dont $now what. :i$e this wasnt real. :i$e I was in some Doth

    version of a ad sitcom. Instead of eing the #L6 dwee aout to as$ the headcheerleader to the prom" I was the finished-second-place werewolf aout to as$ the

    vampires wife to shac$ up and procreate. 4ice. (Faco)

    1>,. Gver my pile of ashes. (@osalie)

    1>/. Im not going to lie" Bells. !oure hideous. (Faco)

    1>3. +id you $now that MI told you so has a rother" Faco 'is name is M5. o tal$ some sense into you. heres a attle thats lost efore it starts. (Faco)

    1>7. I did $now this % every second I spent with her was only going to add to the pain I

    would have to suffer later. :i$e a 0un$ie with a limited supply" the day of rec$oning was

    coming for me. he more hits I too$ now" the harder it would e when my supply ran out.(Faco)

    1>. Is dementia one of your symptoms (Faco)

    11>. Im not saying things will wor$ out easily" Fa$e. But how could I have lived throughall that Ive lived through and not elieve in magic y this point (Bella)

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    111. If she hadnt loo$ed so fragile I wouldve een screaming. #s it was" I did growl at

    her. (Faco)

    11. If you thin$ that imprinting could ever ma$e sense of this insanity +o you reallythin$ that 0ust ecause I might someday imprint on some stranger it would ma$e this

    right ell me what the point was then" Bella? &hat was the point of me loving you&hat was the point of you loving him &hen you die" how is that ever right again

    &hats the point to all the pain Cine" yours" his? !oull $ill him" too" not that I careaout that. . I wish I could explain it to you right so that you would understand. I cant hurt him

    any more than I could pic$ up a gun and shoot you. I love him. (Bella)

    11. &hy do you always have to love the wrong things" Bella (Faco)

    1. Im not going to hang around and watch you die" Bella. (Faco)

    1*. I almost went ac$. I almost turned around and fell down on my $nees and started

    egging again. But I $new that I had to Huit Bella" Huit her cold tur$ey" efore she $illed

    me" li$e she was going to $ill him. (Faco)

    1,. !ou will not e cruel to him" :eah. Bellas sacrifice is a heavy price" and we will all

    recogniEe that. It is against everything we stand for to ta$e a human life. Ca$ing an

    exception to that code is a lea$ thing. &e will all mourn for what we do tonight. (

  • 8/11/2019 Breaking Dawn Quotes


    &hich minds would leave us forever &hich grieving families would we e consoling in

    the morning (Faco)

    13. 4o one could dispute the #lphas decision % except for me. I hadnt earnedanything. But there were things that had een orn in me" things that Id left unclaimed.

    Id never wanted to lead the pac$. I didnt want to do it now. I didnt want theresponsiility for all our fates resting on my shoulders.

  • 8/11/2019 Breaking Dawn Quotes


    1,*. Ive seen vampire venom wor$ miracles" ut there are conditions that even venom

    cannot overcome. 'er heart is wor$ing too hard now; if it should fail there wont e

    anything for me to do. (2arlisle)

    1,,. he girl loo$ed li$e she only had hours left" and she had to e in pain" ut she was

    ma$ing 0o$es.

  • 8/11/2019 Breaking Dawn Quotes


    1/7. hat is easily the frea$in grossest thing Ive heard in my life. !uc$. If there was

    anything in my stomach" it would e coming ac$. (:eah)

    1/. Com dropped him a lot when he was a ay. (:eah)

    13>. I too$ the clothes gingerly etween my teeth % ugh % and carried them ac$ to thetrees. Fust in case this was some 0o$e y the lond psychopath and I had a unch of girls

    stuff here. Bet shed love to see the loo$ on my human face as I stood there na$ed"

    holding a sundress. (Faco)

    131. =dward seemed to e in agreement with my thoughts % we were on the samewavelength so much lately it was craEy. (Faco)

    13. 'ow much lood would it ta$e to $eep her going #t some point" would they start

    trotting in the neighors (Faco)

    13*. &heres the flood" mutt (@osalie)

    13,. !ou $now how you drown a londe" @osalie Dlue a mirror to the ottom of a pool.(Faco)

    13/. I snorted. 6ampire mother hen % iEarre. (Faco)

    133. 6ampires get headaches (Faco)

    135. #out time. he chainsaw impersonation was getting a little tired. (@osalie)

    137. &hats for rea$fast G negative or #B positive (Faco)

    13. his was the prolem with hanging out with vampires % you got used to them. heystarted messing up the way you saw the world. hey started feeling li$e friends. (Faco)

    15>. #lice wants you" too.

  • 8/11/2019 Breaking Dawn Quotes


    Huic$ craftsmanship. #nd her attention to detail.

  • 8/11/2019 Breaking Dawn Quotes


    1>. I $now its going to e ad for you" Faco. I understand that % maye etter than you

    thin$. I dont li$e her" ut shes your ,. I want your permission to deviate from what we agreed to in our treaty with

    =phraim. I want you to grant us an exception. I want your permission to save her life.

  • 8/11/2019 Breaking Dawn Quotes


    !ou $now Ill do it anyway" ut I dont want to rea$ faith with you if there is any way

    to avoid it. &e never intended to go ac$ on our word" and we dont do it lightly now. I

    want your understanding" Faco" ecause you $now exactly why we do this. I want thealliance etween our families to survive when this is over. (=dward)

    >/. 2raEy how easy it was" wal$ing through the dar$ with a vampire right eside me. Itdidnt feel unsafe" or even uncomfortale" really. It felt li$e wal$ing next to anyody.

    &ell" anyody who smelled ad. (Faco)

    >3. @osell catch me if I trip over my feet. &hich could happen pretty easily" since I

    cant see them. (Bella)

    >5. !ou stay with me now" Bella? +o you hear me 7. #ll the $ings horses and all the $ings men But there was nothing there" 0ust me"

    0ust him. &or$ing over a corpse. Because thats all that was left of the girl we oth loved.his ro$en" led-out" mangled corpse. &e couldnt put Bella together again. (Faco)

    >. Gf course it would want lood. &hat else would you feed the $ind of monster thatwould rutally mutilate its own mother It might as well have een drin$ing Bellas

    lood. Caye itwas. (Faco)

    1>. &hy should I let him get away from what hed done &ouldnt it e more fair %

    more satisfying % to let him live with nothing" nothing at all (Faco)

    11. =verything inside me came undone as I stared at the tiny porcelain face of the half-

    vampire" half-human ay. #ll the lines that held me to my life were sliced apart in swiftcuts" li$e clipping the strings to a unch of alloons. =verything that made me who I was

    % my love for the dead girl upstairs" my love for my father" my loyalty to my new pac$"the love for my other rothers" my hatred for my enemies" my home" my name" my self %

    disconnected from me in that second % snip" snip" snip % and floated up into space. I was

    not left drifting. # new string held me where I was. (Faco)

    1. he gravity of the earth no longer tied me to the place where I stood. It was the aygirl in the lond vampires arms that held me here now. @enesmee. (Faco)

    1*. 'er tiny face was so asolutely perfect that it stunned me.

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    13. . 'e smiled the $ind of smile that would have stopped my heart if it were still eating.


    1. +ont panic" love. !oure 0ust a it stronger than I am for the moment. (=+ward)

    . I was stronger than =dward. Id made him say ow. (Bella)

    *. It was li$e hed never $issed me % li$e this was our first $iss. #nd" in truth" hed

    never $issed me this way efore. It almost made me feel guilty.

  • 8/11/2019 Breaking Dawn Quotes


    *. &e have all eternity" and youre worried aout the time it would ta$e to wal$ to the

    ac$ door (Bella)

    **. @ight. I was the monster now. I had to $eep away from scents that might trigger mywild side. rom the people that I loved in particular. =ven the ones I didnt really $now

    yet. (Bella)

    *,. #nd I was very conscious of my family ehind me" watching silently. Costly

    silently. =mmett had already chuc$led under his reath once. Gne mista$e" and hed erolling on the floor. hen the 0o$es aout the worlds only clumsy vampire would start.


    */. hat was Huite graceful % even for a vampire. (=dward)

    *3. It was the first time anyone had ever applied the word graceful to me in my entire

    life or" well" existence anyway. (Bella)

    *5. Im not laughing at you" Bella. Im laughing ecause I am in shoc$. #nd I am in

    shoc$ ecause I am completely amaEed. (=dward)

    *7. !ou shouldnt e ale to do any of this. !ou shouldnt e so so rational. !ou

    shouldnt e ale to stand here discussing this with me calmly and coolly. #nd" muchmore than any of that" you should not have een ale to rea$ off mid-hunt with the scent

    of human lood in the air. =ven mature vampires have difficulty with that % were always

    careful of where we hunt so as not to put ourselves in the path of temptation. Bella"youre ehaving li$e youre decades rather than days old. (=dward)

    *. &hat wouldnt I give to e ale to see into your mind for 0ust this one moment.(=dward)

    ,>. Gops. I didnt mean to tac$le you li$e that. #re you o$ay (Bella)

    ,1. he only parents in the world who dont need sleep" and our child already sleepsthrough the night. (=dward)

    ,. Faco isnt suffering. hough I might e willing to change his condition. (=dward)

    ,*. I gotta say it" Bells. !oure a frea$ show. (Faco)

    ,,. &ath yourself" mongrel. (=dward)

    ,/. Caye Im hoping shell get irritated and rip your head off. (=dward)

    ,3. 'uh. I can see what everyones een going on aout. !ou stin$" Faco. (Bella)

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  • 8/11/2019 Breaking Dawn Quotes


    3,. I tried to erase the anger from my system entirely" ut it was hard" $nowing that

    Faco was outside with @enesmee right now. Neeping her safe from me" the craEed

    neworn. (Bella)

    3/. I mean" at least you didnt ite me or anything. hat wouldve suc$ed. (

  • 8/11/2019 Breaking Dawn Quotes


    5. &ere going to tell #lice that I ran right to the clothes. &ere going to tell her I

    spent hours in there playing dress-up. &ere going to lie. (Bella)

    7>. 'e had the most eautiful" perfect ody in the world and I had him all to myself" andit didnt feel li$e I was every going to find a point where I would thin$" 4ow Ive had

    enough for one day. I was always going to want more. #nd the day was never going toend.

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    ,. #s far as 2harlie $nows" youre the most repulsive monster of us all. (=dward)

    /. !ou gonna ma$e me a grandpa so young (2harlie)

    3. MBout time someody scored around here. (=mmett)

    5. 1. !ou. Ce. #rm-wrestling. +ining room tale. 4ow. (Bella)

    *>. !ou gonna ac$ down so easy" little sister 4ot much wild aout you" is there I et

    that cottage doesnt have a scratch. +id =dward tell you how many houses @ose and I

    smashed (=mmett)

    *>*. ell me you didnt let go a it on your first run" dog. (=dward)

    *>,. rea$y Bella. (Faco)

    *>/. &hat an amaEing creature she is. (=dward)

    *>3. 'e was oth daEEling and daEEled. (Bella)

    *>5. Im not my pac$s nanny. (Faco)

    *>7. Faco was more a child than @enesmee sometimes. (Bella)

    *>. &hen I returned" I would ta$e Facos side. 'e should come with us. 'e had as ig asta$e in this as any of us % his entire life was at sta$e" 0ust li$e mine. (Bella)

    *1>. he #maEon offered a change from our normal Huarry. Faguars and panthers" forexample. =mmett had a whim to wrestle with an anaconda. (Bella)

    *11. Cy first illogical thought was that #lice was playing some 0o$e on us. Because therewas no way that #lice could have dropped the vase y accident. I could have darted

    across the room to catch the vase in plenty of time myself" if I hadnt assumed she would

    get it. #nd how would it fall through her fingers in the first place 'er perfectly sure

    fingers I had never seen a vampire drop anything y accident.

  • 8/11/2019 Breaking Dawn Quotes


    =ver. (Bella)

    *1. I felt not li$e stone ut ice. or the first time since Id een reorn a vampire" I felt

    cold. (Bella)

    *1*. #fter all" the 2ullens were in league with werewolves. rom Irinas point of view"

    maye this meant nothing was eyond us (Bella)

    *1,. &as this the limit" then Id had more happiness than most people ever experienced.

    &as there some natural law that demanded eHual shares of happiness and misery in theworld &as my 0oy overthrowing the alance (Bella)

    *1/. Its over. &eve all een sentenced to die. (Bella)

    *13. =mmett cussed loud enough that Faco lurched to his feet with a growl. In the yard"

    his growl was echoed y his pac$. Cy family was already a lur of action. (Bella)

    *15. +ont get your family slaughtered for pride. (2arlisle)

    *17. Im not going down without a fight. (=mmett)

    *1. &e would fight" they would fight" and we would all die. (Bella)

    *>. I was the only person in the world who could lie to =dward. &as that what #lice

    wanted from me 'er last reHuest (Bella)

    *1. he whole imprinted-werewolf-gives-the-o0ect-of-his-imprinting-whatever-she-

    wants thing was getting old pretty fast. (Bella)

    *. +id vampires ever do anything asentmindedly (Bella)

    **. =dward" will you teach me how to fight (Bella)

    *,. 'e froEe" and then his eyes swept over me with a deep significance" li$e he was

    loo$ing at me for the first or last time. (Bella)

    */. &ould you leave me unale to defend myself (Bella)

    *3. I will try to teach you what I can" ut please dont ma$e me thin$ aout you

    sacrificing yourself as a diversion (=dward)

    *5. I have to learn everything. #s much as you can possily cram into my head in the

    next month. (Bella)

    *7. or #lice. Its the only than$s I can give her now for the last fifty years. (=dward)

  • 8/11/2019 Breaking Dawn Quotes


    *. =dward" no matter how many friends you gather" we cant help you win. &e can

    only die with you. (anya)

    **>. # very talented family. # mind reader for a father" a shield for a mother" and thenwhatever magic this extraordinary child has ewitched us with. (=leaEar)

    **1. Ironic. #ro sent me all over the world searching for such anomalies" and you simply

    stumle across it y accident and dont even realiEe what you have. (=leaEar)

    **. #nyone who tries to touch me drops li$e a human thats een asered. It only downs

    him for a second" ut thats long enough. (Nate)

    **,. #staining from human lood ma$es us more civiliEed % lets us form true onds of

    love. (=leaEar)

    **/. rom what I saw of his thoughts last spring" #ros never wanted anything more than

    he wants #lice. (=dward)

    **3. If #ro wanted me to do something % anything % all he had to do was threaten=dward and I would comply. #nd vice versa. (Bella)

    **5. Gf course" Faco got more surly with each new addition. 'e $ept his distance when

    he could" and when he couldnt he grumled to @enesmee that someone was going to

    have to provide an index if anyone expected him to $eep all the new loodsuc$ers namesstraight. (Bella)

    **7. :oo$ing at you that way" analyEing you as a target. . 4ow my hands were free" and if Nate wanted to $eep her hands attached to her

    wrists" shed etter $eep her distance. (Bella)

    *,1. hey say you can put a vampire flat on his ac$. (Darrett)

    *,. &ell" well" 2arlisle. !ou have een naughty" havent you (

  • 8/11/2019 Breaking Dawn Quotes


    *,/. . I heard the music efore I was out of the car. =dward hadnt touched his piano sincethe night #lice left. 4ow" as I shut the car door" I heard the song morph through a ridge

    and change into my lullay. =dward was welcoming me home. (Bella)

    */1. !ou could always count on werewolves to e uEEed aout a coming fight" no

    matter how suicidal. (Bella)

    */. I gave you life. !oure wasting it. (#mun)

    */*. 4o matter the outcome" word will spread. Its time our world saw the 6olturi for

    what theyve ecome. heyll never fall if everyone elieves this nonsense aout them

    protecting our way of life. (. or one half second" I wondered what it would feel li$e to put my hand in the fire.&hat it would feel li$e when I urned (Bella)

  • 8/11/2019 Breaking Dawn Quotes


    *5>. =dward and I had not had a last grand scene of farewell" nor did I plan one. o spea$

    the word was to ma$e it final. It would e the same as typing the words he =nd on the

    last page of a manuscript.

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    *7,. I came to witness. I stay to fight. (Darrett)

    *7/. =dwards and Facos faces were almost identical mas$s of horror" despite the fact

    that one of them was an animal. (Bella)

    *73. I love you" too" Fa$e. !oull always e my est man. (Bella)

    *75. Doodye" Faco" my rother my son. (=dward)

    *77. =dward too$ my hand. 'e $new that he was included. &hen I said my fate" there

    was no Huestion that I meant the two of us. &e were 0ust halves of the whole. (Bella)

    *7. If we live through this" Ill follow you anywhere" woman. (Darrett)

    *>. 'is face glowed with an expression of triumph that I didnt understand % it was theexpression an angel of destruction might wear while the world urned. Beautiful and

    terrifying. (Bella)

    *1. #ro" would you as$ Fane to stop attac$ing my wife (=dward)

    *. I get to stay with you (@enesmee)

    **. 'appiness expanded li$e an explosion inside me % so extreme" so violent that Iwasnt sure Id survive it. (Bella)

    *,. I couldnt spea$ anymore. I lifted my head and $issed him with a passion that might

    possily set the forest on fire. I wouldnt have noticed. (Bella)

    */. heyve een seriously sha$en; their confidence is shattered. But" yet" Im sure

    theyll recover from the low someday. #nd then I imagine theyll try to pic$ us offseparately. (=dward)

    *3. ry to find #listair and tell him what happened. Id hate to thin$ of him hiding

    under a roc$ for the next decade. (2arlisle)

    *5. 'ard to feel confident when youre surrounded y horse-siEed wolves. (=mmett)

    *7. >. his was aout my acting s$ills (Bella)

    ,>1. I missed you" too" Bella.

  • 8/11/2019 Breaking Dawn Quotes


    ,>. I guess things are going to e $ind of oring now" arent they (Faco)

    ,>*. !ou are fairly ideal in every way. (Bella)

    ,>,. But most significant in this tidal wave of happiness was the surest fact of allA I was

    with =dward. orever. (Bella)

    ,>/. # night for celerations. (=dward)

    ,>3. 4ow you $now. 4o ones ever loved anyone as much as I love you. (Bella)

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