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Page 1: Branching and Enumeration - · try-except costs more than if-else 4 Recursive Problem Solving enumerating

Branching and Enumeration

1 Location of Moduleswhere does Python find its modules?

2 Booleans and Branchingcomputing logical expressionscomputing truth tables with Sageif, else, and elif

3 Timing Python Codetry-except costs more than if-else

4 Recursive Problem Solvingenumerating all letter combinations

MCS 507 Lecture 8Mathematical, Statistical and Scientific Software

Jan Verschelde, 14 September 2012

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Branching and Enumeration

1 Location of Moduleswhere does Python find its modules?

2 Booleans and Branchingcomputing logical expressionscomputing truth tables with Sageif, else, and elif

3 Timing Python Codetry-except costs more than if-else

4 Recursive Problem Solvingenumerating all letter combinations

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Page 3: Branching and Enumeration - · try-except costs more than if-else 4 Recursive Problem Solving enumerating

the module search path

The module sys exports the module search pathas the dynamic object path.

>>> import sys>>> sys.path[’’, ’...’, ...]

sys.path[0] is the script directory, or ’’.

The order of the directories in the list returned by sys.pathdetermines the order in which Python searches for modules to import.

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my math module

def test():print "This is my math module!"

if __name__=="__main__": test()

If we save the code above as in the current directory wherewe call the python interpreter, then:

>>> import math>>> math.test()This is my math module!>> from math import cosTraceback (most recent call last):File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

ImportError: cannot import name cos

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doing an “un-import”What if we want to import the right math module?

>>> import math>>> math.test()This is my math module!>>> import sys>>> sys.modules[’math’]<module ’math’ from ’’>>>> del sys.modules[’math’]

modules is a dictionary of loaded modules, removing path[0]:

>>> sys.path = sys.path[1:]>>> from math import cos>>> cos(3)-0.9899924966004454

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Branching and Enumeration

1 Location of Moduleswhere does Python find its modules?

2 Booleans and Branchingcomputing logical expressionscomputing truth tables with Sageif, else, and elif

3 Timing Python Codetry-except costs more than if-else

4 Recursive Problem Solvingenumerating all letter combinations

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Type bool is another elementary data type:

>>> type(True)<type ’bool’>

Although True is 1 and False is 0:

>>> ’%d’ % True’1’>>> ’%d’ % False’0’

Printing booleans as strings:

>>> str(True)’True’>>> ’%s’ % True’True’

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comparison operators

The outcome of a comparison is True or False:

>>> 1 < 7True>>> 1 >= 7False

The comparison operators:

== x == y is equal?!= or <> x != y not equal?< x < y less than?> x > y greater than?<= x <= y less or equal?>= x >= y greater or equal?

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boolean operators

>>> x = 3>>> (x > 0) and (x < 10)True>>> (x < 0) or (x < 5)True>>> not (x < 0)True

The brackets are not needed.

and x and y both True?or x or y is one True?not not x is False?

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Branching and Enumeration

1 Location of Moduleswhere does Python find its modules?

2 Booleans and Branchingcomputing logical expressionscomputing truth tables with Sageif, else, and elif

3 Timing Python Codetry-except costs more than if-else

4 Recursive Problem Solvingenumerating all letter combinations

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truth tables in Sage

sage: logic = SymbolicLogic()sage: s = logic.statement("a&b")

Instead of and, use the & operator.

sage: t = logic.truthtable(s)sage: logic.print_table(t)

a | b | value |------------------------False | False | False |False | True | False |True | False | False |True | True | True |

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the or operation

Sage session continued...

sage: s = logic.statement("a|b")

Instead of or, use the | operator.

sage: logic.print_table(logic.truthtable(s))a | b | value |------------------------False | False | False |False | True | True |True | False | True |True | True | True |

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the not operation

Sage session continued...

sage: s = logic.statement("!a")

Instead of not, use the ! operator.

sage: t = logic.truthtable(s)sage: logic.print_table(t)a | value |----------------False | True |True | False |

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proving De Morgan’s Law

The first law of De Morgan:

not (( not x ) or ( not y )) = x and y

Sage session continued ...

sage: law = ’!((!x)|(!y))’sage: s = logic.statement(law)sage: logic.print_table(t)x | y | value |------------------------False | False | False |False | True | False |True | False | False |True | True | True |

We recognize the truth table for x and y.

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Branching and Enumeration

1 Location of Moduleswhere does Python find its modules?

2 Booleans and Branchingcomputing logical expressionscomputing truth tables with Sageif, else, and elif

3 Timing Python Codetry-except costs more than if-else

4 Recursive Problem Solvingenumerating all letter combinations

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the if statement

The syntax of the if:

if < condition >:< statements when condition is True >

All statements to be executed only if the condition is true must bepreceded by the right intendations!

Suppose we want to print the ’+’ for positive numbers.

With an if we could do it as follows:

if x > 0: if x > 0:print ’+’ print ’+’print x print x

Only the second one works correctly for all x.

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the if else statement

The syntax of the if else:

if < condition >:< statements when condition is True >

else:< statements when condition is False >

Printing the absolute value of a number:

if x < 0:print -x

else:print x

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the elif statement

The grade for a course is represented by a letter.We compute the grade along a scale.

n = input(’Enter your number : ’)if n >= 90:

grade = ’A’elif n >= 80:

grade = ’B’elif n >= 70:

grade = ’C’elif n >= 60:

grade = ’D’else:

grade = ’F’print ’Your grade is ’ + grade + ’.’

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Branching and Enumeration

1 Location of Moduleswhere does Python find its modules?

2 Booleans and Branchingcomputing logical expressionscomputing truth tables with Sageif, else, and elif

3 Timing Python Codetry-except costs more than if-else

4 Recursive Problem Solvingenumerating all letter combinations

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cost of exception handlers

Exception handlers cost more than a regular conditions.

Rule: reserve exceptions for exceptional situations.

Let us try to test this rule on a simple case.

Computational experiment: repeated division.

for i in range(0,n):p = random.randint(-1,+1)q = random.randint(0,1)r = p/q

50% chance that q is zero

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handling division by zero

Executing the division r = p/q.Count number of times q is zero.Using if-else statement:

if q != 0:r = p/q

else:cnt = cnt + 1

Using try-except statement:

try:r = p/q

except:cnt = cnt + 1

Claim: try-except costs more.

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timing Python code

import time

starttime = time.clock()

< code to be timed >

stoptime = time.clock()

elapsed = stoptime - starttime

print ’elapsed time: %.2f seconds’ % elapsed

Replace < code to be timed > by a function call.

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the function ifelse

def ifelse(n):"""Does n divisions of p by q,checks first if q is zero."""cnt = 0for i in range(0,n):

p = randint(-1,1)q = randint(0,1)if q != 0:

r = p/qelse:

cnt = cnt + 1print ’#divisions by zero :’, cnt

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the function tryexcept

def tryexcept(n):"""Does n divisions of p by q,treats zero q as exception."""cnt = 0for i in range(0,n):

p = randint(-1,1)q = randint(0,1)try:

r = p/qexcept:

cnt = cnt + 1print ’#divisions by zero :’, cnt

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the main program

def main():"""Compares the efficiency of if-else withthe try-except to avoid division by zero."""import timen = 1000000seed(2) # same sequence of random numbersstarttime = time.clock()ifelse(n)stoptime = time.clock()elapsed = stoptime - starttimeprint ’if-else: %.2f seconds’ % elapsedseed(2) # same sequence of random numbersstarttime = time.clock()tryexcept(n)stoptime = time.clock()elapsed = stoptime - starttimeprint ’try-except: %.2f seconds’ % elapsed

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running time_iftry

on a MacBook 2.26 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo

$ python by zero : 499586if-else: 5.37 seconds

#divisions by zero : 499586try-except: 6.24 seconds$

Conclusion: try-except costs more.

But then: 50% of cases is not exceptional.→ improper use of try-except

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Branching and Enumeration

1 Location of Moduleswhere does Python find its modules?

2 Booleans and Branchingcomputing logical expressionscomputing truth tables with Sageif, else, and elif

3 Timing Python Codetry-except costs more than if-else

4 Recursive Problem Solvingenumerating all letter combinations

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enumeration to solve problems

Consider the following problem:

given are three lists of letters,

print all three letter words, using the given lists:the k-th letter in each word comes from the k-th list.

The number of words printed equals the product of the length of thelists.

E.g., let A = [’b’,’c’,’d’], B = [’a’,’e’,’u’], and C =[’d’,’p’], the script will print

bad bap bed bep bud bupcad cap ced cep cud cupdad dap ded dep dud dup

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solving the enumeration problem

To solve the enumeration, observe:

The k-th character in each word that is printedis taken from the k-th list of letters.

We add characters to the current wordand k indicates the position in that word.

⇒ k is a control parameter for the recursion

Denote by n the length of the printed word.

If k = n, then we print the current word;otherwise, let c be the i-th character of list k

1 c is added to the current word; and2 we make a recursive call for k + 1.

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A = [’b’,’c’,’d’]; B = [’a’,’e’,’u’]; C = [’d’,’p’]

def enumwords(k,L,accu):"""Prints all words of length len(L), accumulatingin accu, choosing the k-th letter from L[k].In the first call, take 0 for k and "" for accu."""if(k >= len(L)):

print accuelse:

for i in xrange(len(L[k])):enumwords(k+1,L,accu+L[k][i])


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using the module itertools

The module itertools helps to create and use iterators.

To enumerate 3-letter words:

A = [’b’,’c’,’d’]; B = [’a’,’e’,’u’]; C = [’d’,’p’]

from itertools import productp = product(A,B,C)L = [ for i in xrange(len(A)*len(B)*len(C))]print L

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enumerating indices

The binary expansions of i in for i in range(7):

000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

If a bit is an index, then this corresponds to enumerating all 3-letterwords with two choices for each letter.

Packing a knapsack with 3 objects: 0 means leave object out, 1 meanstake object in knapsack.

The knapsack problem: every object has a value and a weight.Keeping the weight below a threshold value, optimize the value of theknapsack.

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Summary + Exercises

Recursive is a powerful problem solving technique.

Exercises:1 We once stated that xrange is more efficient than range. Setup

an experiment to verify this claim.For which dimensions is the difference significant?

2 Write a script that prompts the user for a number n and that thenprints all sublists of range(n).

3 Consider the problem of the previous exercise and explore theSage documentation on combinatorics.Can you solve the previous exercise faster with the tools Sage hasto offer?

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more exercises

4 Give code for a Python program that asks the user for a logicalexpression (valid Python) in a string and a tuple of variables thatoccur in the expression. The program prints the truth table for theexpression.

5 The nth Fibonacci number Fn is defined for n ≥ 2 asFn = Fn−1 + Fn−2 and F0 = 0, F1 = 1. Write two Python functionsto compute Fn: one recursively and the other one withoutrecursion. Which function will be most efficient? Explain why.

The second homework is due on Friday 21 September, at 10AM:solve exercises 1 and 3 of Lecture 4; exercises 4 and 5 of Lecture 5;exercises 1, 2 and 5 of Lecture 6; exercises 1, 2, and 4 of Lecture 7.

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