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What is Exclusive Pumping? Exclusive Pumping is expressing breast milk without

direct feeding using a breast pump or hand expression.

Benefits:“Mothers milk is best for babies even when direct feeding doesn’t work out.” (1)Mother’s milk cannot be manufactured in factories.Providing your child’s nutrition builds a bond that is irreplaceable.

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Being an Exclusive Pumper

Pumping is hard work whether you are doing it all the time or once a day.

A lot of time and energy is devoted to providing the best for our children.

Being an exclusive pumper is unique. We have different experiences and learn new things about ourselves. We do this challenging task for the ones we love with dedication.

We are exclusive pumpers and we have stories to tell. Each story is different, but one thing remains the same; our love for our pumplings, and ourselves.

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Beth and Amelia “My name is Beth, and my beautiful daughter

is Amelia. Ever since I found out I was pregnant with her, October 2012, I knew I wanted to breastfeed her. On the day of her birth, she inhaled some meconium and spent a short while in the NICU, and quickly developed a preference to receiving my milk via a bottle. Almost 11 months later, we are still going strong! The exclusive pumping journey is far from all rainbows and sunshine, but it worked for our family and I've come to peace with the fact that my daughter is still happy and thriving, despite our lack of traditional breastfeeding. I wouldn't have made it this far without a hands free pump bra, support from all the wonderful ladies on the EPing Facebook pages,  and my loving partner, Earl, who has stuck by my side and encouraged me to keep going.”

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Ariel and Lawson “My letdown was so slow that every

nursing session would turn into a battle with him kicking, hitting and screaming. We were both miserable and I was feeling like a failure and so helpless. I heard about exclusive pumping and decided to give it a try before just giving up all together. Through a lot of hard work (each pumping session took me between 60-90 minutes) and the support of these amazing ladies, I have made it to 6 months. Exclusive Pumping allowed me to give my baby something precious that otherwise I would have had to give up on. It has allowed my husband and family to enjoy the closeness of feeding him and bonding with him.”

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Melissa and Cody

“We have pumped for 11 months so far of pumping for this sweet little man. We started this journey because of latching problems due to low muscle tone. We are still going strong”

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Karen and Shane   “I'm now a retired EP'er. My little boy,

Shane, surprised us by deciding to come into the world at 37 weeks. When he was two days old, he was taken to the NICU, and a breast pump was brought to me. And I pumped everyday for the next year. I tried to nurse him. Many times. And with many tears. But there were just too many "little issues" that couldn't be overcome. However, I wanted MY son to have MY milk. I'd walk through the fires of Hell for him, so I felt that a year of pumping -- although a major pain in the butt -- was the least I could do for him. Shane turned 1 on February 22nd, and I hung up the horns that week. I feel so proud of myself and have no regrets.”

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Julia and Angelina

“I have been pumping for 14 months for Angelina. One of the most positive things about exclusive pumping is that everyone gets to share in the love that my daughter has to give. Because she is always around everyone and everyone was able to feed her and bond with her.”

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Lynn and Liam “Before my sweet boy (Liam) was born I

knew I wanted to breastfeed this baby he is my second and I FF my first one. I knew the benefits for both him and I and was determined to do this. While at the hospital I was unable to get him to latch I asked for help they came in and tried to help 24 hours later still no latch so I had my husband bring my pump to the hospital and so my journey began. I tried numerous times to get him to latch, it never worked. I knew would be headed back to work and would have to pump anyway so with the satisfaction that I could still provide him the best I became an exclusive pumper and continued to provide him the best for the first year”

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Denise and Sawyer

“It wasn't my first choice, but I have exclusively pumped for my son for over a year. He was born 8 weeks early. Though he's had some catching up to do, he is meeting or surpassing the majority of milestones. It's been a hard road for me, but one I would travel again for my guy.”

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Christine and Mikaela, Kaitlyn, and Dylan

“I tried nursing each of my children, but for one reason or another I ended up pumping for each of them. Pumping has worked out really well for our family and I continue to pump on for my youngest daughter”

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Ashley and Lily Grace

“When Lily was born she had a posterior tongue tie and an upper lip tie and was unable to latch or transfer milk effectively. I have been exclusively pumping for her for 10 months so far. During the course of our exclusive pumping journey we have donated 9,536 oz. of breast milk to 7 babies. We plan to continue this journey until she is two.”

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La Toya and Etta “I decided I wanted my 3rd child to have the

best! However, I knew I was not comfortable doing direct feeding (though I never even attempted it!) So, I read up as much as I could on Exclusive pumping. I began pumping day 1, but decided it was too painful/too much work/too hard and I quit for an entire week. Then I missed it and felt like I would be letting my baby down, so I tried again and didn't look back. We made it to 12 months and once I built my supply up, I never had an issue. We are weaned now but I don't regret being an EP'er by choice, AT ALL! Yes, it is hard and tedious in the beginning but once you learn all the "hacks" and short cuts, it's smooth sailing (for most) and well worth it!”

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Cassie and Evan “I started pumping after a very rough

delivery left Evan in the NICU for several days. When we also had latch issues because of my flat nipples. I tried for almost 3 weeks working with my hospital's LCs to get the breastfeeding thing to work. I was pumping that whole time and using my milk in bottles when I wasn't struggling with the SNS and a nipple shield that always slipped off and blisters and torn skin. I've now pumped exclusively for almost 10 1/2 of my son's 11 months.  Early on, I was also able to donate milk to 3 moms who had supply issues, and that was the thing that really made me proud to be a pumper. But I am proud that I found a way to feed my son my milk, even if it wasn't the traditional way.”

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Holly and Nathaniel “I am so grateful that I was

supported in pumping by my doula, NICU staff, husband and family. They say breast milk is linked to neuroplasticity and my son is living proof of that. This is him at birth, struggling to live. To live what life? We didn't know. We didn't know what the future held for our little warrior. But he fought, so we fought for him too. This is Nathaniel now at 9 months. Perfect. Everything right on track. I am so proud of my little smiley warrior”

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Stephanie and Noelle Grace “Rather than dwell on the reasons that

direct breastfeeding did not work out for us, I choose to be grateful that I have provided her with my milk for nearly a year now. I believe everything happens for a reason….we have shared countless ounces of milk with other babies, and met some of the most extraordinary women along our journey. She is healthy, strong, and full of joy, and I am blessed to be her mother.”

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Brandy and Solomon “Solomon was born 10

weeks premature and I wanted to give him the best medicine I could offer. He wouldn't latch for anything, so I started my pumping journey. It has not been smooth sailing but I have made it a year so far. He was 3lbs 5ozs and now at 1 year (10 months adjusted) he is 25lbs and 3ozs!”

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Amy and Kaelyn

“One positive that came out of exclusively pumping was "meeting" all my pumping sisters. I never would have made it to a year without them!”

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Fallon and Avery "We had many reasons why direct feeding didn't

work for us. After many attempts, I eventually had to pump to relieve engorgement and I've been pumping ever since. Despite having to exclusively pump and bottle-nurse, we have an amazing connection and bond in many other ways such as skin to skin, co-bathing, and baby wearing. I've met an amazing group of mamas who also EP and I have since decided that they were the real reason direct feeding failed for Avery and I - I was meant to meet these ladies. My husband and my new friends are to thank for me making it this far into my pumping journey and I plan to make it to least a year. The best advice I was given was to never quit on a bad day!"

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Dalinez and Lea

“One of many positive things: I feel like superwoman every morning as I pump and feed, change, talk to and nurture my little one all at the same time. When she weighs in at the doctors or hits any milestone, the feelings of awe and accomplishment are amazing! All on mommy's milk!”

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Marlenie and Brianna “Brianna was born 3 weeks early due

to my preeclampsia and gestational diabetes and for some reason she wanted to eat a lot and I had a very slow letdown so she would get desperate and cry every time I nursed her and then I would start crying also because I was so frustrated being a first time mom. I decided to use the manual pump that my insurance had provided me and tried bottle feeding! From there I invested in an electric pump and here I am 6 months latter providing the best milk for my sweet baby.”

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Angela and Daniel “Breast feeding was my one thing with our pregnancy. I

always had seen it as something natural, necessary and beneficiary for our son. But just as our pregnancy, delivery and plans -- it all changed. Daniel was born tongue tied and I had inverted nipples. I started pumping to check my supply and see how much I was getting vs how much he was getting. I had decided to breast feed for 9 months and I pumped for 10 and had supply until he was 14 months. I was blessed with an oversupply to save some for him and to be able to stop and have peace of mind he would be covered through his first year. I was blessed with an incredible husband who understood my drive and determination to make it happen. It wasn't easy to stop anything we planned to go pump - but we did it! Now a thriving 16 month old - Daniel is my bottle nursed baby and am proud of it.”

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Jantzen and Kessley

 ”Kessley was born at 5lbs 11oz and in three days dropped to 4lbs 4oz. I knew something had to give, she was not getting the milk whole nursing. So, I pumped. And pumped and pumped. Now, 9 months later we are going strong on nothing but mommy milk, and I have come to peace with not nursing. She is getting the best and that is all that matters to me!”

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Kathleen and Harleigh

“I have been exclusively pumping for Harleigh since day three. So far I have pumped for her for eight months and hope to make it to a year or more.”

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Amy and Nicholas “I started nursing Nicholas but within a

couple of weeks he became too aware of his surroundings and it became very difficult to keep him latched. At 6 weeks I went back to work and continued pumping for him and nursed when I was home. Once he was 3 months old I decided to exclusively pump for him. I was an over supplier and even donated regularly to a few moms. Once he was 19 months I decided to start to wean and pumped less. I pumped breast milk for Nicholas until he was 20 months old.”

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Crystal and Maxwell “We planned our second son

because we wanted a sibling for our older son. I formula fed my first son, because I simply gave up trying to breastfeed him. I knew with Maxwell (son #2) I wanted to breastfeed at all expenses. Yeah that went out the window after birth. Through many minor issues and not enough medical support, I resorted to pumping. I bought a pump just in case, but it became my lifeline. After 8 months of exclusively pumping, we are going strong. We are both happy, healthy, and have no regrets of this experience. I hope to continue until a year, unless I can make it longer.”

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1. 2. Bottle –Nursing Co-op https


3. Title Image created by Christine Inocelda 4. Slideshow created by Crystal Rothgeb 5. Photo images and accompanying stories provided by each

Bottle-Nursed with Love slideshow participant.

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