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LONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA 'VIET NAM Dkic lap - Tv do - 1411h ph&

Ha N0i, ngay 0 2 thang: 1 inarn 2015


So: 1 o 5 3DTD4-91:ips V/v de nghi tra lai cat eau hoi phut vu ra sok, anti gia hien tang mire dO tn. d,Ong hem, ding ngl*' thong tin trong thong



DEN s6:... .............. . -1.Q)19 ccc=9 Ity 44)c. 11.4-,62Aurl

tiet dien lire (DTDL) dang thuc hien du an ho to. ky thuat "Xay ung quy inh nang cao hien qua hoat &Ong, tich hop Luoi din thong minh va

nguon Nang luting tai tao phan tan — Enhance Technical Codes", trong do Cong ty Mercados &roc lira chon lam don vi tu van ho tro Cue DTDL thuc hiL du an. Hi'n nay, don vi tu van clang trien khai Nhie‘m vu so 3 ve danh gia, ra soat hien trang he thong co so' ha tang ky thu4t, danh gia mire do tu dOng boa va ap dung cong ngh'e' thong tin trong h thong

136114::.■ tro to van hoan thanh bao cao, Cuc DTDL de nghi QL47 don vi tra 16i cac cau hOi (trong Phu lye geri kern theo cong van nay) va giri bang van ban va thu dien tu' ye Cuc DTDL truck ngay 15 thang 11 narn 2015 theo dia chi sau:

Cue DiL ti& din hit, D10 KhuAt Duy TiL, Thanh Xuan, Ha Ni;O


Email: [email protected], [email protected];


Fax: 04.355432231.

Nmi nh"On: - Nhtr tren; - Cuc trutrng (a b/c); - Ltru: VT, QHGS.


Page 2: BO CONG THUONG LONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA 'VIET … CONG THUONG CUC DIEU TIET DIEN LIXC ... geri kern theo cong van nay) va giri

Phu luc

Danh sach can hoi phuc vu ra soat, dinh gia hien trang mCre d tu.deng hoa, ding nghe thong tin trong he thing dien (Kern theo cong van so 1053 /DTDL-QHGS ngay 02 thang 11 nam 2015 el:La Cue Didu ti -dt clien hie)

1. General Issues (Thong tin chung)

STT Question (Cau hoi) Answer (Tra kri)


How many substations are operated/control by PC? (Co bao nhieu TBA?) Please specify the number of substation classified by type and voltage levels. (So luting va cap dien dp cila cac TBA — Trung ap va 110 kV?)

2 How many of the above substations are automated? (Co bao nhieu TBA da duct to d6ng hoa?)

3 How many of the above substations are connected to PC Control Centre via SCADA communication? (Co bao nhieu TBA dal ket not SCADA vox Trung tam dieu khien?) (via RTU or GW) (RTU ho;dc Gateway)

4 How many supported feeders are equipped with tele-controlled switches? (Co bao nhieu ngan 16 c6 the thuc hien thao tac xa?)

5 Name / Type / Version SCADA/DMS of PC Distribution Control Centre. (Ten/Chimg loai/Phien ban oh he thOng SCADA/DMS)

6 Is there a redundancy configuration of SCADA/DMS as a whole? (Tong cong ty c6 he thong SCADA/DMS du phong IchOng?)

If yes, which kind of redundancy configuration (inside or external)? (Neu c6, mieu to so. be?)

8 Where is the control center located? (Trung tam dieu khien ducic &at a dau) If redundancy configuration, where are the control centers located (same place or other)? (Neu c6, trung tam dieu khien du phong data dau?)


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STT Question (Cau holt) Answer (Tra lei)

9 Please, describe the main functionalities available and used in the SCADA. (De nghi mieu to sa be cac chdc nang/module chinh dm N thong SCADA)

2. SCADA Architecture — Cau true he thong SCADA

STT Question (Can hoi) Answer (Tra lei)


How many servers are used to Administer/Operate the SCADA? If more than one, are they

configured in redundancy? (CO bao nhieu may chi' dupe sir sung de van hanh he thong SCADA? Neu nhieu hon met, do co phai la he thOng du phong khong?)


How many servers are used to Communicate with other dispatches or control centers? If more than one, are they configured in redundancy? (Co bao nhieu may chi' ducfc sir dung de ket not voli cac,Trung tam dial de khac hoc cac trung tam dieu khien? Neu nhieu han met, do co phai la he thong du phong khong?)


How many servers are used to store Real Time data? If more than one, are they configured in redundancy? (CO bao nhieu may chit dugc sir dung de luu tilt du lieu thei gian thut? Neu nhieu hon met, do c6 phai la he thOng du phong khong?)


How many servers are used to store Historical data? If more than one, are they configured in redundancy? (Co bao nhieu may chit &roc sir dung de ltru trit du lieu qua khir? Neu nhieu han met, do c6 phai la he thOng du phong khong?)


How many servers are used to Communicate with SMO? If more than one, are they configured in redundancy? (CO bao nhieu may chit dugc sir dung de ket not vol. Dan vi van hanh he thong dien va thi truong dien (SMO)? Neu nhieu han met, dO co phai la he thong du phOng khong?)

6 How many servers are used to Communicate with RTUs? If more than one, are they configured in redundancy?


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STT Question (Can hili) Answer (Tra loft)

(Co bao nhieu may chit dugc sir dung da kat not vai cac RTU? Neu nhiau hon met, do c6 phai la he thiing du phong khOng?) Is there any GPS element to allow the SCADA synchronization? (CO chuc nang lien quan den GPS de dOng b0 he thong SCADA khong?)

3. SCADA Communication Network / Protocol (Giao thtic k'k not SCADA)

STT Question (Can hoi) Answer (Tra loi)

1 If there is a redundancy configuration on PC SCADA as a whole? (TOng ding ty c6 he thong SCADA du phong khong?)

2 What kind of redundancy configuration? (MO to so b0 he thong du phong?)

3 What is the bandwidth and channel of the above communication network? (Bang thong va kenh truyan dm he thong thong tin?)


Is the PC SCADA connected to NLDC/RLDC SCADA? Which of them? Is the PC SCADA connected to more than one NLDC/RLDC SCADA? Which of them? (1-la thong SCADA oda Tong cong ty Dian luc c6 ket not voi he thO'ng SCADA dm Trung tam Dieu d0 khong?)


Is there a redundancy configuration on communication network between the PC SCADA and the NLDC/RLDC SCADA? Which of them? (Please list if connected to more than one NLDC/RLDC.) (Co he thong thong tin du phong ket not he thong SCADA ciia TOng ding ty Dian lite voi Trung tam Dieu (it) khOng?)

6 What kind of redundancy configuration for above? (Neu co, m8 to he thong du phOng tren?)


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STT Question (Cau hoi) Answer (Tra Uri)

7 Which protocols are being used to communicate withRLDC/NLDC? (List if different protocols are used at different connections). (Giao thirc ket not voi he thong SCADA dm Trung tam Die'u Os)

8 What is the bandwidth and channel of the above communication network (or networks, if different)? (Bang thong va kenh truyen dm he thong th8ng tin teen?)

9 Is the PC SCADA connected to other PC SCADAs? Which of them? (I-1' thong SCADA có k& not veil he th'Ong SCADA cila cac T8ng ding ty Dien luc khac khong)

4. RTU Communication Network / Protocol (Giao fink 1(64 RTU)

STT Question (Can Ithi) Answer (Tra Uri)

1 How many different RTUs are controlled by PC SCADA? (He th8ng SCADA dm Tong cong ty Dien luc dugc k& not \Teri bao nhieu RTU?)

2 Name / Type / Version of each type of RTU (Ten/Chang loai/Phien ban dm RTU)

3 Are there RTU Concentrators (collecting information from more than one substation)? (CO hay khong 1)8 thu thap du lieu tap trung cac RTU (thu thap du lieu tir nhieu tram bien ap)?)

4 Name / Type / Version of each type of RTU Concentrators (Ten/Chiing loai/Phien ban oda b8 thu thap du lieu tap trung cac RTU)

5 Which are the protocols used to communicate/control each RTU? (List if different protocols are used at different connections)., , (Giao thirc cluck sir dung de ket not cac RTU?)

6 What type of communication technologies are between the PC and RTUs? (Please list if different) (Loci cong nghe ket not giira cac PC va RTU? (liet ke neu co su khac biet))

7 Is there a redundancy configuration on communication lines from PC SCADA to RTUs or RTU Concentrators?


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STT Question (Cau hoi) Answer (Tra liri)

RTU) (C'Au hinh du phong kk not to he th6ng SCADA tai RTU hoc be thu dial) du lieu tap trung cac

8 Which kind of redundancy configuration? (MO to he thong du phong?)


In general terms, how many communication entries (RTUs + RTU Concentrators) have been configured on PC SCADA communication front end and database? (Co bao nhieu ke't not voi RTU hoc be thu thap du lieu tap trung cac RTU dugc cau hinh teen he th6ng SCADA cilaT6ng ding ty?)

10 What is the scan rate time on RTU/RTU Concentrators communication? (Th6i gian quet dill lieu ten RTU va cac 130 thu th4p du lieu tap trung cac RTU?)

11 Only for RTU Concentrators, is there a recording data functionality? (Cac be thu thap du lieu tap trung có chirc nang ghi so lieu khOng?)

5. DATA Exchanged (Trao dOi de lieu)

STT Question (Cau hoi) Answer (Tra Rd)

1 How many signals stored on PC SCADA Real-Time database, are gathered from field RTUs or RTU Concentrators? (Co bao nhieu tin hieu dugc luu tit teen ca so. du lieu theri gian thuc oh he thong SCADA)


How many signals are stored on PC SCADA historical database? (Please specify Analogue and Digital.) (Co bao nhieu tin hieu dugc luu tat ten ca soy du lieu qua khir dia he thong SCADA?) (Vui long ghi ro tin hieu so va tin hieu tuang tu)

3 How many signals are stored on PC SCADA database as a whole? (CO bao nhieu tin hieu dugc luu tit tren ca sg du lieu dm he thong SCADA)


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STT Question (Can hoi) Answer (Tra liri)


What types of signals are gathered from Distribution Grid RTUs? (Lodi tin hi8u &roc thu tha‘p tir cac RTU) Analogue Values (Tin hi8u tucmg tu) - Active power (I/0) (Cong suat,tac dung) - Reactive power (1-4) (Cong suat phan khang) - Mains frequency (Tan so) - Voltage (Di'8n ap) - ... Digital Values (Tin hi8u so) - Alarms from equipments (Tin hi8u canh bao tir thik bi) - Position of switches and breaker (Vi tri may cat va dao each ly) - Tap position (Nac phan ap) - ...


Which type of distribution network elements are controlled by PC SCADA? (Phan hrai din phan phOi dtroc di8u khia'n be'd he thOng SCADA dm TOng cong ty) - Lines and cables connectivity and flows (Lien ket dm cac gluing day, chremg cap va cong suat) - Transformer connectivity and flows (Lien ket cac tram Wen ap va cong suAt) - Transformer Tap position (Nac phan ap may bien ap) - Shunt devices connectivity and flows (Lien k6t cac thik bi shunt va cong sudt) - Switches (Dao each ly)

6 How many of each of them above are controlled by PC SCADA (by type)? (Bao nhieu thiet bi dtroc dieu khien boi h8 thong SCADA ciia Tong cong ty (theo timg loai)) What different events are recorded to the DB? (Su khac nhau cila cac su kin &roc ghi vao co so. du li8u?)


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STT Question (Cau MO Answer (Tra 1?ri)


Is there any information of any transmission grid received from SMO? Is it represented on SCADA displays for monitoring? (Co thong tin nao to 1u6i dien truyen tai nhan dugc dr don vi van hanh he thong dien va thi truskig dien (SMO)?) (Co hi& thi teen man hinh SCADA a phuc vu giarn sat khong?)

9 Is there any information of distribution grid on PC that is sent to the SMOs? Please list. (Co thong tin nao to luoi dien phan ph•5i dugc girl toi SMO? Vui long liet ke cu the)

6. SCADA/DMS Functionality (Chik 'fang he thOng SCADA/DMS)

STT Question (Can hoi) Answer (Tra to


Please, list and describe the main functionalities/modules existing on SCADA/DMS: (Vui long liet Ice va mo to nhang thong tin chinh ve cac chirc rang/module tren he thong SCADA/DMS) - Load Shedding (Sa thai phu tai) - Switching Procedure Management (Quin Vi quy trinh thao tic) - Study Case (Nghien ciru tinh hu6ng) - Training module (Dao tao) - Operation center (Trung tam van hank) - Diagrams and maps (Ban do va bieu do) - Fault location (Dinh vi su co) - Service restoration (Khoi phuc) - Circuit continuity analysis (Phan tich lath dien) - Power factor and voltage control (Di'eu khie'n dien ap va he so ding suit) - Customer load management (Quin 1$, phu tai) - Customer automated meter reading (Doc cong for to d'clog)


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Please, describe the main features at Graphical User Interface of the PC SCADA and their use. (MO to nhiing tinh nang dm man hinh giao dien cila he thong SCADA) (automatic unit regulation-dieu chinh to dOng to may, communication control with RTU-ket not yeti RTU, communication with PCs- kk not vai cac PC khac, ...)


Please, list the different type of reports existing and the final purpose for which they were created (historical data, information to SO as grouping data for generating companies under the special regime). (Vui long liet ke cac bao cao va muc dich cita cac bao cao (du lieu qua khtir, thong tin toi Don vi van hanh he th6ng dien (SO - AO/Ax) &roc tong hop theo cac yeu cau ac biet)

4 Please, list the main different types of information exchanged with the SO and the purpose of each one (Vui long mo to cac loai thong tin chinh duac trao doi vol SO va muc dich)

7. Other Issues (Cfic van de khac)

a) Please attach a SCADA architecture scheme of the PC Control Centre to the document, if available (Vui long dinh kern cfiu true he thong SCADA).

• Servers and databases (May chil va ca soy C111 lieu) • Connections between PC and RTUs / PC and other PCs / PC and NLDC-RLDC (Ke't not SCADA gifra T6'ng cong ty

vOi cac RTU va cac Trung tam dieu dO) • Connection Channel types / Redundancy / Protocol (Kenh truyen/Du phong/Giao thirc ket noi)

b) Please list and describe the on-going expansions of the PC (classified for Tele-control / Automation / communication),If possible, provide time-lines for each. (Vui Reg liet ke cac du an ma rOng dang thuc hien (Dieu khien xa/Tu dOng hoa/Thong tin. Neu có the, cung cap tien dO ctla timg du an)

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