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Congratulations ...Congratulations are in order to the newly elected KCBS

Board Members and Officers for 1991.

Directors: Little Hatch, Pat Flemington, Monica Larson,

Larry Smith, John Stuerke, and Peter Horak; Roger Naber -

President; Kenny Taylor - Vice-President; Jon Lowe - Vice-

President; Bernie Pope - Treasurer; Suzi

Colbert - Secretary; and Shirley Owens -Chairperson.

At the first Board of Directors' meet-

ing, Roger Naber, set up and appointed

the following committees.

Membership & Volunteer Commit-

"!!'Ii~~" tee: Marcie Ryan - Chairperson, PatFlemington - Co-Chairperson, Kenny~.".lItJ1j"~.Taylor; Marketing & Public Relations:

Suzi Colbert - Chairperson, Peter Horak,

Monica Larson, Larry Smith, Pat

By Shirley Owens Flemington; Merchandise Committee:

-------_John Stuerke - Chairperson, Pat

Flemington, Larry Smith; Talent Com-

mittee: Roger Naber - Chairperson, Kenny Taylor, Little Hatch,Suzi Colbert, Monica Larson; Hospitality Committee: Shirley

Owens - Chairperson, Monica Larson, Larry Smith, Suzi Colbert



1991KeBS Officers and Directors.

Back row (left to right): Larry Smith, John Steurke, Roger Naber,Kenny Taylor, Shirley Owens, John Lowe. Front row: Liffle

Hatch, Monica Rae Larson, Suzi Colbert, and Pat Flemington.Not shown: Peter Horak and Bernie Pope.

KC Loves the Blues and JazzPaul Orta is from Port Arthur, Tx. The same place where

Clifton Chenier, Janis Joplin, and Clifford Antone started. It's a

Gulf Coast town bordering on the bayou swamps and the wide

open Texas range. Like many others, Orta moved to Austin, Tx.

in 1978 and found an

oasis of blues at


For the last ten years

Paul Orta and the

Kingpins have beenmaking their mark on

the Texas blues scene.

Like any blues harp

man, Orta has been in-

fluenced by the greats, ,

Little Walter Jacobs,

Big Walter Horton, and

Sonny Boy William-

son, and Rice Miller.

However, Orta's

style has been carved

through his real life ex-

periences. His back-

yard was the fertileblues grounds of "".Antone's where in the

last 15 or 16 years, on

any given weekend, the blues are on. It's rubbed off on Paul Orta

and he will get your motor running to the dance floor with his

tight backup band, the Kingpins.

Come tear it up on Valentine's Day at the Grand Emporium

and watch out for the mezcal- "a fiery tequila type spirit made

from the agave plant." 0

Shirley Owens

PaulOrts makes his KC debut in

PaulOrta,The Tex-Mex Bluesman,Don't Mess with Mezcal

RLCDOO82 Red Lightnin' The CD features originalsongs by Orta and traditional

favorites from Sonny Boy and

Magic Sam. The blues are always better live. You can come see

Paul Orta on February 14 and then you can decide for yourself

to get his new CD, Don't Mess with Mezcal. 0


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Big Time Sarah and the BTiSExpressby LareBear

Then Sarah took the stage, opening with "Everyday I Have

the Blues." Throughout the evening Sarah showed great control

of her vocals, across a wide range of styles. Her phrasing is sure

and her sense of dynamics is impeccable. "Everyday" turned into

a medley that included "I'd Rather Drink Muddy Water" and

"Meet Me with Your Black Drawers On." By the end the almost

full house was having a big time.

Sarah told a little fib to the audience. She said she and herband didn't play pop, rock or funk, just the real blues. They play

the real blues alright, but some of it has been touched by other

sources. For example, "The Thrill is Gone" had a lot of funk

associated with it. And a cover of Bill Wither's "When He's

Gone" had a quasi-reggae feel at times. It also had some nice

copycat solo work between Sarah and Agwada at the end.

Sarah showed she knows how to work a crowd, too. During

"Wang Dang Doodle" she got a mem ber of the audience to come

on stage and dance with her. Several times she requested the

audience to sing along, decrying some of the weaker responses.

And during "Little Red Rooster" she even brought Kenny Taylor

to the stage to howl like a hound dog. (He's never sounded


The performance was excellent, with a big time being had byall who attended. 0

BigTime Sarah made her Kansas City debut at Nightmoves

on Jan 12th. The large framed wailer displayed a voice

as big as she is .

with a growly, ener-

getic delivery.

The BTS Express

opened the show with

an instrumental numberthat displayed the

talents of bassist Oscar

Brown III, drummer

Aaron Turner and

guitarist Vincent Ag-

wada. Agwada is a fine

guitarist who displays a

number of influences,

similar to what Jimi

Hendrix might have

been if he had remained

an R&B player. Brown

and Turner provide a

solid rhythmic base forthe unit On a real funk

version of "I Just

Wanna Make Love to

You", Turner was flail-

ing away providing a

dense combination of drums and cymbals. At other times he

showed he knew how to keep the beat yet stay out of the way.

Brown's bass lines fit well with the band's driving approach.

Big Time Sara performed atNightmoves last month.

The Kansas City Blues News is published monthly by the

Kansas City Blues Society, Inc. Articles, reviews, band calendar

dates, and items of interest must be submitted by the 20th of each

month, and become the property of the Society.

Founding Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roger NaberEditor Shirley Owens

Contributing Writer/Photographer Larry Smith

Typesetting/Layout Matt Quinn

Board of Directors and Officers

President Roger Naber

Vice-President Jon Lowe

Vice-President Kenny Taylor

Secretary Suzanne Colbert

Treasurer . Bernie Pope

Director Patrick Flemington

Director Larry Smith

Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Provine Hatch

Director Monica Larson

Director John Stuerke

Director Peter Horak

KCBS Chairperson Shirley Owens

Membership Chairperson Marcie Ryan

The Kansas City Blues Society, a Missouri not-for-prof it corpora-

tion was formed for the sole purpose of promoting and preserving

various styles of blues music. Founded in December of 1980, the

Kansas City Blues Society presents: monthly jam sessions, various

local and national groups in concert, and our main presentation -

The Kansas City Blues and Heritage Festival. Members receive the

newslet ter, discounts on Society events and discounts on purchases

at certain partic ipating businesses. Annual dues are $10 per person

or $15 per family and $50 per Corporate Membership. To join the

Society send your name, address, phone number and dues to:

Kansas City Blues Society, P.O. Box 32131, Kansas City, Missouri


Chris Cain Cuts Looseby Shirley Owens

The optimal way of reviewing a new CD is having the band

perform cuts for you live in living color. For Cuttin'

Loose, I didjust that and received their CD after the show.

Since their January 1991 KC date, I've been "turning it loose"

on KKFI-FM 90.1 airwaves on

Monday, Wednesday, and

Thursday from 4 to 5 p.m.

I've been listening andwatching The Chris Cain Band

since I first heard about them

while at the San Francisco Blues

Fest in 1986 and got them to

play at the memorable KC Blues

Fest at the Uptown. It's great to

see them hooked in to a major

label, Blind Pig and finally get-

ting well deserved attention.

The Chris Cain sound can be

easily described as jump blues.

The liner notes by Sammy

Cohen puts it better: "Rock 'n'

roll is an art form, but the bluesis aspiritual community." Aptly


Chris Cain has created his own sound that many never do.

Cain's last effort, Late Night City Blues (Blues Rockit) is still

being applauded but now CUllin' Loose is even more honed and

is packing a big blues punch.

All of the songs are written and arranged by Cain. Also, you

don't see on the CD, the way Chris Cain can pick up almost any

instrument and do it. Chris Cain's talent will be a leader of the

blues scene following his mentors, B.B. King, Ray Charles, and

~an~d. 0


Cuttin'Loose,The Chris Cain Band,Blind Pig, BP74090

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"Chicago Soul tells the

of the soul entertainers

lived, worked, and recorded

Chicago and put the city on

map as an international record- .. _ ..

ing center during the 1960's r-------------,and early 1970's." - Robert


Pruter 's brilliantly writtenChicago Soul finally brings

recognition to his hometown's

heritage of an era's totally uni-

que sound. Chicago Soul

reveals in depth and important

historical link in the music in-

dustry that until now seemed to

have been virtually over-


I first experienced Chicago

soul over the AM airwaves as a

teenager driving my daddy's

shining convertible Electra

deuce-and-a-quarter. The rideand sounds were the sixties,

smooth and stylish. People

have been turning on to

Chicago soul since the first

1958 inspirational recording by

Pruter Tells Story of Sou I

UESthe Impressions, "Your Precious Love." Calvin Carter, founding

father of Chicago soul, produced this new sound and built up the

largest black recording label in Chicago soul's heyday, Vee Jay


Without the record men like Calvin Carter of Vee Jay, Carl

Davis of Okeh and Brunswick, Bunky Shephard of Constella-

tion, Billy Davis of Chess, and George Leoner of Onederful, the

soul era in Chicago may not have happened. Those record men

put on the charts unforgettable soul sensations like CurtisMayfield, Jerry Butler, Gene Chandler, The Dells, The Chilites,

Etta James, Otis Clay, Tyrone Davis, Jackie Wilson, and others.

Pruter's Chicago Soul entertains you with a factual inside

look into the record industry with behind-the-scenes views from

profiles of record companies, radio stations, distributors, clubs,

artists, and even the emergence of the Chicago Black dance fads

like the Watusi, the Bird, the Barracuda, and the Monkey.

Chicago Soul is a remarkable account of an era that hopefully

will finally get recognized and acclaimed, not only in Chicago,

but internationally. For music archivists, deejays, R & B and soul

lovers, Chicago Soul will give you new perspective of Chicago.

Read Chicago Soul and get hip to the soul trip. 0

R O eE R T P R U T E R

Chicago Soul,Robert Pruter,

University of Il linois Press

Keep the Blues Alive ...

Support the KC Blues Society.

See page 7for details.

: ' { : : : 1 : : : ; I : ; : : : : ' : : I 1 : : : : : : ; : 11. • • . : : . : : : . : : : :..::::. . . . :.:.:.:: ;: .:

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K A : A : : : I I S SAMAZINd; : : ! ) : l : : : I :RACE


Every Friday8 r . Saturday

pm until 77


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M & M 's B ig B lues Tim e

NOTES FROM MATTIE AND MAEDear all our Blues Valentines Day lovers,

Roses are red,We love the Blues.

All the stars talk to us'Cuz they love to give us the news.Love and Kisses, Mattie & Mae-Two too cool for school bip-pity, boppity Blues fools (Say that tlrreetimes in a row reeeeelfast ... M&M) .

MATTIE AND MAE HIT THE BIG TIMEYes, dear readers, we're doing it all the way. Live on the air,

Mattie and Mae's Blues Hour, Wednesdays from 4-Spm on

KKFI-90.1 FM!!!!!!!!!!(Tune in, tum on and groove out to the

Blues. We always do ... M&M)

We were inspired by Boss Jock LS 46 at his 5th anniversary

3-B Blast. We were live on his Kansas City Blues Show on

KCFX-lOI The Fox heard every Sunday from 7-lOp.m.,and we

could say anything we wanted right there at B.B. 's Lawnside

BBQ. No scripts for us, dear readers. We were all the way live!!!(Now we can say what we want for a whole hour every week

... M&M)

Well, Dave Creighton, program director for KKFI and key-

boardist for the Blues Notions came to us on bended knees after

hearing our debut on Boss Jock's Show, and with a few stipula-

tions (we can't tell you what ... M&M) we finally agreed to

broadcast the Blues. (put us in orbit, man ... M&M)

MATTIE AND MAE MEET THE BIG TIMEWell, looky there. There's Kenny Taylor, owner of

Nightmoves and KCBS Vice-Prez, sitting on the stage with Big

Time Sara. She's got him in a headlock. (Tum about's fair play

and we enjoyed your howling at the moon, K.T. Take it to the

bridge, Kenny ... M&M)

Sara Streeter aka Big Time Sara, born in Coldwater, Ms.

some thirty plus years ago, moved to Chi-town at the tender age

of seven.

Her uncle was a Bluesman, and when she was seventeen her

Auntie dragged her into a blues bar, Morgan's Liquors, to sing.

"And I was scared as s-- Big Time Sara reminisced between

sets at Nightmoves, the home of the Blues north of the river.

(Seems like we're always there ... M&M)Big Time Sara confessed that her reeeeelyfave Chicago

Blues club is Louie's Lounge, but current faves include

B.L.U.E.S., Blue Chicago and Wise Fools. (Is that what we

are??? Who will the next fool be??? ... M&M)

Her influences include. Big Mama Thornton, Aretha

Franklin, the Staple Singers, Koko Taylor and yes, dear

readers, us-Mattie and Mae. (We like her taste. Speaking of

taste, she sure seemed to like K.T. Tsk, tsk ... M&M)

While on stage at Nightmoves-hot, hot, hot, hot, hot-she

had all the men in the crowd gyrating first one way then another.

(We were in awe. Awe, shucks ... M&M) She gave a very" very,

very personable and up close performance for some of the hot,

sweaty men in the house. (Why were you sweating Lindsay,

Kenny, George, Larry, Joe and Geoffry? No more names. You

know who you are ... M&M)

Big Time Sara's been blasting the Blues for 19 years now,

and she thinks it time for a big break. (We always break out for

the Blues ... M&M)

CHRIS CAIN'S BIG TIME WITHMATTIE AND MAE"1haven't seen you two cool chick's since Dizzy Dean was

pitching. It's been a long time. Babes, whatever, you say. I'll doit," said that wild and crazy guy from the San Francisco Bay area.

(That's right, Chris Cain. Still a sucker ... M&M)

We remember when we picked you up late for the 1986 Blues

Festival after you missed you first flight.

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"The thing was so shook," said Chris Cain baby. "You two

too cool for school bippity, boppity Blues fools picked us up at

the airport and DROVE. Shirley Muldowney couldn't touch

you two wild women. (It's hard to drive with boxing gloves on

... M&M)."We were doing G-forces. I got big lips from when you two

took off at the airport. I was lookin' like I don't know - like

those guys with plates on their faces," Chris said. (We found out

how fast Roger Naber's car could go. Reeeeeel fast. Roger, maywe borrow your car again? ... M&M)

Chris's Blues idols besides us are, "My god! There's

Ray Charles. There's B.B. King, Freddie King, Albert

King, Larry King, Billie Jean King, T-Bone Walker, Louis

Jordan and Eddie "Cleanhead" Vinson. I.f I could name

everybody I really loved, it 'd take a roll of butcher paper. " (wrap

us up and cut us loose! You can cut loose, too, during M&M's

Blues Hour when we play Chris Cain's new Blind Pig CD

"Cutting Loose." ... M&M)

MATTIE & MAE TRAVEL BIG TIMEWell, dear readers. We've saved the best for last. Last month,

we jetted up to Banff, Alberta on a bippity, boppity Blues flight

to attend a benefit for an African wildlife association. (It was the

wild life and that's why we were invited ... M&M)Everybody who's anybody in Hollywood or the jungle was

there. Clint "Tarzan" Eastwood was excited to see us again

knowing we're from Kansas City, the same town as his fave

musician, Charlie Parker.

As Brooke "Jane" Shields and Ali "Cheetah" McGraw

7230 W . 75 th S t •• O verland Pa rk , KS( 913) 236·6211

E P e I U f ~9 - ~~ P « - - T-12 ","""'"e tN& 7& ~~ ~

'9 1 B lu es Ca le nda r

looked on, we were the first ones on and the last ones off the

dance floor with Ned "Boy" Beatty. (Do the monkey ... M&M)

Music was blasted by the William Clark Blues Band and the

event was organized by Marjo Gortner, ex-kid evangelist and

current star of Falcon Crest.

He said, "I understand the life of a Blues guy from tent

traveling through four generations of evangelists."

(We've done our time in tents. Pup tents. Walkin' the dog.

Twine time in the jungle. We felt like cave women deep into the

Blues. Light our fire...M&M)

This is it, dear Valentine love of our life readers. See you atthe Valentine's day dance at the Grand Emporium February 14

(Do we need to remind you ... M&M) with Paul Orta and Sam

Johnson. We'll be in red.

Love and Kisses,

Mattie and Mae

P.S. Look for Tinsley Ellis's new album with Double

Trouble's Tommy Shannon and Chris Layton and Chuck

Leavell former Allman Brother.

P.P.S More news coming up later on the River West Club in

Chicago where Professor Eddie Lusk is promotional director.

Professor said Buddy Guy's new record will be with Eric

Clapton, Phil Collins and the Professor on Silvertone records

to be released sometime this year.

P.P.P.S. Send all your Blues gossip, new tidbits, airline tick-ets, valentines and good karma to Mattie and Mae, KCBS,

P.O.Box 32131, Kansas City, MO 64111.

P.P.P.P.S. James "Gone For Good" Morgan called and said

when asked why he performs without a shirt, "It's uncomfortable

when I sing. I've been taking off my shirt for 32 years. I like to

give a part of me." (Read between the shirts ...M&M)

with theTraffic Jam Blue. Hour 4-5 pm

and on ruesdays & lJJursdayswitll file Breakfast Club

7:30 - 9:00 am


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Newsletter: Shirley Owens - Chairperson; Corporate Sponsor-

ship: Roger Naber & Kenny Taylor; Grants: Jon Lowe; and

Telephone Committee: John Stuerke & Peter Horak.

Any KCBS member who is interested in being on one of the

above committees should contact Roger Naber - 531-7557 or

Shirley Owens - 333-5462. They will refer you to the Commit-

tee Chairperson.

Big Plans for the New Year ...KCBS is looking forward to an exciting year. Plans are in the

works for the lith Annual KCBS Blues Fest which will join

forces with the Jazz Fest on July 27 & 28 at Penn Valley Park.

The combined Festival will be called the Kansas City Blues and

Jazz Fest. The blues stage will be in the same location as last

year ,on the lower concourse of Penn Valley Park. The jazz stage

will be on the upper level in front of Liberty Memorial. Last

year's blues fest was a success due to the enthusiasm of volun-

teers. This year even more volunteers will be needed to run

concessions,park cars,set up and tear down fencing,booths,and

signs. you can make a difference and drop a line to the KCBS to

let us know where and when you can help.

Kansas City Loves Blues & Jazz

On February 14, to celebrate the Kansas City Blues Society(KCBS) and Jazz Fest Committee's (JFC) new unity for one big

Blues and Jazz Festival, KCBS and JFC will host a Valentine's

Day Dance to be called KC Loves Blues & Jazz. KC's own Jazz

Band Sam Johnson & Co, will open the show for the blues debut

appearance of Paul Orta & the Kingpins. The cover charge is $3.

National Blues NewsKoko Taylor's Jump for Joy has been nominated for a

Grammy in the "Best Contemporary Blues Recording" category .

.Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown's Standing My Ground has ~

been' nominated in the "Best Traditional Blues Recording" ~

category. Good luck to both! ~ f fJimmie Vaughan will be performing in March at Eric V J .1..---

Clapton's annual Royal Albert Hall concerts. Plans for the

f 5 [ } : ~ ~concert is to reunite the musicians who played with his brother /

I nthe late Stevie Ray Vaughan at the tragic AlpineValley (Wis- \ I')~ Uconsin) concert. Vaughan is planning to begin working with Les \ \ " , A l l I f I~Paul to do a record in honor of Muddy Waters. Plus, Jimmie ~C!I \ r A I • . ( , I \ \ - -J(wants to go into the studio and work on his own recording. \ ~~!l\) .i.>

Black Top, paving the way to your soul, has been keeping \ l \\\# If1!:n

their usual busy pace with the recent release of Rod Piazza's ~ ~

and The Mighty Flyers' Blues in the Dark. To be released on ; r . . ~ ; ; : \ , \ ~~a ~February 15, 1991 is Robert Ward and the BlackTop All-Stars' d. ~~ ,~ '\\4 !J,,, ...__~---Fear No Evil. Also, Mike Morgan and the Crawl have been

working on their second Black Top record.

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees include Lavern Baker,

John Lee Hooker, The Impressions, Wilson Pickett, Jimmy

Reed, Ike &Tina Turner, Howlin' Wolf, Dave Bartholomew,

and Ralph Bass.

From the Antone label, Together Again aile More Time,

Memphis Slim and Matt Murphy, and Still Not Ready for

Eddie, Eddie Taylor are both being reissued on CD. Memphis

Slim and Matt Murphy played together in Chicago in the 50'sand were reunited on December 4,1985. Eddie Taylor, the "Big

Town Playboy," recorded for the historic VeeJay label in the

mid-Sfl's. Still Not Ready for Eddie is Taylor's last recordingLl

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F R I D A Y • 8 P M · · 1 2 M id n .

S A T U R D A Y • 9 P M · · 1 A M

6 • FEBRUARY 1991

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Robert Johnson-The Complete Recordingsby L.M. Smith

Imust have been at least a little good last year, because I

found one of the things I had asked for under the Saturnalia

bush. True, I didn't get the 22-disc set of the complete works

of J.S. Bach, but I did get Robert Johnson-The Complete

Recordings. Seems fair to me'


~Most of the facts of ~UES

Johnson's life, how he grew up .

in the Delta and died at an of paying too ",luc~ atten- .]~pI~"non to another man s WIfe, a re

fairly well known. So, too, are the myths; how he went to the

Crossroads and established a working relationship with the Ul-

timate Other. For greater detail, a 48-page booklet is included

that includes a long section on his life, his music, tributes by Eric

Clapton and Keith Richards and lyrics.

Clapton says he first heard Johnson when he was 16. "Up until

the time I was 25, if you didn't know who Robert Johnson was I

wouldn't talk to you." God can be so self-righteous at times.

Clapton adds that "it was as if I had been prepared to receive

Robert Johnson almost like a religious experience ...

I wouldn't say that Johnson is the next best thing to Satori,

but he certainly rates right up there with any blues experience.The liner notes probably only slightly overstate the case when

they say "Robert Johnson is the most influential bluesman of all

time and the person most responsible for the shape popular music

has taken in the last five decades!"

One thing is certain, Johnson was a master of the guitar, an

area where he has had tremendous influence. His status as a

singer is due more to how it fits with the whole of his perfor-

mance than to any truly unique quality to it. Not to denigrate his

vocals, he is a good singer. But there have been plenty of good

singers while there has been only one Robert Johnson.

One of the interesting aspects of this compilation is having

the alternate tracks available back-to-back with the released

versions. Some of the differences between the two versions are

rather striking in how much the takes change. For example, onCross Road Blues the version that was issued the guitar is a bit

thicker and the strumming more vigorous. The second version

has a slightly different tempo and the guitar features more of

Johnson's slide work.

Also included is a tune entitled They're Red Hot, a diddy

entirely different from the rest of the collection. It is closer to

being a pop song of the day. In some ways it is one of the best

pieces of Johnson's vocal work, as he uses a couple of different

sounds in various verses.

This is one of those things that critics always rant about as

being a must for the serious blues collector. It certainly has a

place in any serious collection. And it should be of interest to

even those who admire Johnson rather than being passionate

about him. D

February Blues Birthdays

3 Johnny "Guitar" Watson (1935)

7 Ear.King (1934)

9 Johnny Heartsman (1937)

11 PhillipWalker (1937)

Johnny Taylor (1943)

18 IrmaThomas (1941)

19 SamMyers (1936)

22 Ernie K·Doe(1936)

Stuerke's Blues Fest Picks-

"Oon"t Start MeTalking"by John Stuerke

I am relatively new to the blues, but hopefully my enthusiasm

can overcome my inexperience. To be honest, I am all fired up

over the blues. I was just elected to one of the board of directors

positions in the KC Blues Society. Here is my talent wish list for

the 1991 KC Blues Fest.

For headliners, it would be great to hear John Lee Hooker and

Bonnie Raitt sing their duet "I'm In The Mood". How aboutKoko Taylor for alittIe "Wang Dang Doodle" boogie. Blues Man

Bobby "Blue Bland" for some gritty screams and yells.

In my second set of bands I open up with my favorite A.C.

"I'm Full of?!?" Reed. I partied with A.C. at the Kingston mines

in Chicago last summer. A.C. and I drank some of his favorite

drinks "scotch and milk." If you saw his show at the Grand

Emporium recently, you know his act ifJine!

Ifyou want to really start me talking, the words Chris Cain

just set me off. I just bought his second LP "Curtin' Loose"

recorded on the Alligator label. This CD showcases Chris Cain's

guitar prowess and is great. But Cain's little known first album

Late Night City Blues is a masterpiece. His song writing ability

on Wake Up and Smell the Coffee and Late Night City Blues is

fantastic. Four stars for Cain.Another sultry gritty guitar master caught by yours truly in

Chicago is Son Seals. You're talking stage presence from this

guy. His show is 100% raw live blues.

Lil' Ed and Blues Imperials is a good starter in the morning

with their menu of jump starting blues. "Chicken Gravy and

Biscuits will get your body ready for some breakfast eats. How

bout a youngster Ifyou caught Ian Moore on Thursday the 24th

you know this guy plays beyond his years.

Local acts to be looked into the 1991 Blues Fest are Hatch,

39th Street Blues Band, Millie Edwards and other solid

hometown gems.

Like I said, I am fired up over the blues. Always remember

"Don't start me talking!"

r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~


ANNUAL DUES:Single-$10.00Family-$15.00






DATE D New D Renewal

Send Check orMoney Order to:


r P.O. BOX32131 • Kansas City •Missouri • 64111 IL ~


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8/7/2019 Blues News - February 1991 8/8


SUNDA Y JAMS • = JAMS - Bring your instruments• Audito rium Bar & G i ll, 2 17 W . 1 4th , 4 21 -8 4 83 , f ea tu ri ng

R i c k Hend ri c ks & T he H it & R un B an d

• E ip icu rea n L oun ge & Re sta u ra n t, 7 5 02 T r oo s t, 3 3 3- 83 8 3

• T he R ox y, 7 23 0 W . 7 5th S tr ee t, 2 36 -6 211, fe atu rin g

T he B lu es N otio ns , 8 :0 0 p .m . - 12 :0 0 p .m . ( s e e adve rt .)

MONDAYJAMS• B la yn ey 's , 415 W e stp ort R oa d, 5 61-3 74 7, 10 p .m .

• H urr ic ane , 40 48 B ro adw ay, 75 3-0 88 4, K C B lu es B and, 10 p m-2 am

TUESDA Y JAMS• B la yn ey 's , 4 15 W es tp ort R oa d, 5 61-3 747 , T he 3 9th S I. B lu es B an d

• T he Levee , 43rd & Ma in , 5 6 1- 2 821 ,S on ny K enn er B lue s B and, 8 :30 -12 :3 0 p m

• T he P oin t, 917 W est 44th, 53 1-9 800 , Lo nnie R ay B lu es B and,9 p m - 1:0 0 a m

WEDNESDA YJAMS• T he Levee , 43rd & M ain , 5 61-2 82 1, T he 12 34 B an d, 8 :3 0-12 :3 0 p m

• N ig htm oves, 5 110 N E V iv io n R d, 452-439 3, T he 39 th S I. B lues B an d, 8 -12 p m

THURSDA YJAMS• T he T uba, 3 33 S outhw est B lvd at B ro adw ay , 47 1-6 510 , M o P aul, 7 :3 0 p m

SA TURDA YJAMS• Cha te au L ou ng e, 59 34 P ro sp ec t, 523 -93 33, T he F reez e, 3 - 8 p .m .

• G rand Em po rium (see advert . ) , 3 8 32 Ma in , 5 3 1- 75 57 ,

G ilbe rt's S atu rd ay B lu es P ar ty , 4 -7 p m

• H arlin gs U ps ta ir s, 3 94 1 Ma in , 5 31-0 30 3, D ia na R ay & R ich V an S ant, 2 - 6 p .m .

• H & M B arbe cu e, 17 15 N . 13th, K ansa s City , K s, A bb Lo cke , 10 p m

• M C's L ou ng e, 5 70 9 T ro os t, 3 63 -9 37 6, S atu rda y & Sunday ,

T he G ou ch o B an d, 4:0 0 - 8 :0 0 p .m .

• N ig htm oves, 3 -7 p .m .

OTHER CLUBSo B ir dla n d, 1 60 0 E . 1 9th , 8 4 2- 84 63

o C ity L ig ht Ja zz C lu b, 47 49 P en ns ylv an ia , B lu e M on da y ja m 8 p m - m idn ig ht

o E blo n 's , 1 60 1 E . 1 8th S tr ee t, 2 2 1- 66 12

o E n gli sh 's , 1 10 1 Wa ln u t, 2 21 -8 8 70

o G ra nd E m p or iu m ,F rid ay s- Little H a tc h's H o us ep ar ty , E H Jp .m .

oJim m y 's Ji gg er 18 23 W . 3 9th S t, 7 53 -2 44 4

o K ik i's B o nto n M ais on , 1 515 W e stp o rt R o ad , 9 31-9 417

o T he P ho en ix , 3 02 W . 8 th S tr ee t, 4 72 -0 00 1oQ u a ff B u ff et & S a lo o n, 1 01 0 B r oa dw a y , 4 71 -1 91 8

o S id etr ac ks , 13 31 W . 4 0 H ig hw a y, 2 29 -9 45 5

o S tr ou ds R es ta ur an t, 4 54 -9 60 0, 3 33 -2 13 2, fe atu ri ng R o y S ea rc y

o Uptown-Down & D ir ty , 6 50 8 M ar tw a y, M is sio n, K s. 2 36 -5 30 0

oV is ito r's , 5 54 1 M er ria m D r, M er ria m , K s.

o Uptown-Down & D irty , 6 50 8 M artw ay , M is sio n, K s 2 36 -5 30 0, D an D o ra n B an d

o T he F abu lo us In fe rn o S ho w L ou ng e, 4 03 8 T ro os t A ve nu e, 9 31-4 00 0, S on ny

K en ne r's B lu es B an d

KANU·FM 91.5

KCUR·FM 89.3


KKFI·FM 90.1

Sa tu rday 8 p .m . - 'B lues in the N ight"

w ith K yle N eu er

Friday 8 p .m . - 'B lues S tage '

9 p .m . - "F rida y R sh F ry ' w ith Chu ck H addo ck

Sa turday 8 p .m . - "S aturday N ight F ish Fry '

w ith C hu ck H a dd oc k

12 M id nig ht - "L on es om e P in e S p ec ia l'

D a ily 4:00 p .m . - "T ra ffic Jam '

T uesday 7 :30 a.m . - "B reakfast Club'

w i th D a ve C re ig h to n

T hursday 7:30 a.m . - "B reakfast Club'

w i th D a ve C re ig h to n

Sunday 7 p .m . - 'K ansas City B lues Show '

w i th L in ds ay S h an no n

M on day -F ri. 12 no on - 'Lun ch at th e O ldies '

S aturday 3 p .m . - "B lues fo r Tw o' w ith J.S . Marshall

Da i ly

K CF X-F M 101

KPRS·FM 103 .3


KIDZ·AM 1510

G H A N D E M P O R I U M4ttIe ~4- ~ p~

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3 8 3 ~ M A I N f(t ~ 3 1 - 1 ~ 0 4

K a n s a s C i t v B lu e s S o c ie t veo. Box 32131. Kansas City, MO 64111

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Permit #3407Kansas City, MO

8 • FEBRUARY 1991

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