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Blue Beret/March 20132

BLUE BERET is the official publication of the Wally Byam Caravan Club International, Inc. (WBCCI), the recreational vehicle club of Airstream owners. BLUE BERET welcomes contributions of articles, photographs, news items and advertising. However, their publica-tion in the BLUE BERET does not constitute endorsement. The opinions of the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of either the BLUE BERET or WBCCI. The products and claims of advertisers are their own and, too, do not necessarily represent endorsement by either BLUE BERET or WBCCI. BLUE BERET (USPS 669-270; ISSN 0744-5601) is published monthly except December and July. Periodical mail postage paid at Jackson Center, OH and additional mailing offices. Canada Publications Mail Agreement #41295545. Canada Post Returns: 7289 Torbram Road,

Mississauga, ON L4T 1G8. Notification of address change is the responsibility of the member or recipient and should be received at least two months in advance to avoid delays in forwarding. Re-mailing of back issues is at recipient expense. Address corrections, suggestions, stories, art, photos, advertising and paid mail subscriptions ($25/year, included in members’ dues) may be mailed to: BLUE BERET/WBCCI, P.O. Box 612, 803 E. Pike Street, Jackson Center, OH 45334, Phone 937/596-5211, Fax 937/596-5542, email: [email protected] POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: BLUE BERET/WBCCI, P.O. Box 612, 803 E. Pike Street, Jackson Center, OH 45334.

Last month it was clear skies, bright sun and snow on the mountains. This month it is cool, overcast and about to rain but the beauty of our surroundings can always be seen if we look carefully. The travel and adventure year of 2013 is well underway with several special and national events, cara-vans and the Mid-Winter International Board of Trustees (IBT) meeting behind us. Many members ventured west to gather on the shore of the Colorado River in Blythe, CA for our mid year business meeting to renew friendships and continue working together. In typical fashion following the rally, we headed out in all directions on our travel adventures. Some traveled to the West Coast, some to Death Valley and some returned home while others moved on to their next adventure.

The International Convention/Rally in Huron, SD, which once seemed far away, is rapidly ap-proaching, although the weather in South Dakota doesn’t seem quite right just yet. Plans are being made for a great time in this new venue and the town of Huron is anxious to see the stream of Airstreams enter their city and build our “silver city” at the South Dakota State Fairgrounds. I

would like to encourage those of you who have not registered but plan to attend to send your registrations to Headquarters or give them to an International Officer at a National or Special event rally. All of you who have hosted any event know that having an accurate account of the number that will be attending greatly aids the planning effort. All members are welcome regardless of when they arrive but pre-registration is a significant benefit to the planning.

Thanks to the combined efforts of everyone working in both new member recruitment and retention, we are in a positive membership growth status at present. New members are joining both through Units and directly online at an increased rate over past years. This is truly good news and I want to complement each of you for your part in this effort.

Continue to travel safely and enjoy as much of our beautiful countries as possible this year. We all trust the fuel cost situ-ation will stabilize and we can each determine our budget requirements. Sandie and I will be visiting rallies between now and the International Convention/Rally in Huron, SD, and look forward to seeing many of you at those events.

Blessings, John and Sandie Boutwell

The “Great River Road Caravan” participants at the Headwaters of the Mississippi River. -submitted by Linda Andrzejewski, #811

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Copy Deadline for the May issue is March 15.

Wally Byam Caravan Club International, Inc.803 E. Pike Street • Jackson Center, OH 45334-0612

Phone 937-596-5211 • FAX


President ................................................John Boutwell1st Vice President .................................... John Stumpf2nd Vice President .................................Joe Perryman3rd Vice President ........................... Jim SchwerdfegerRecording Secretary .......................Cecelia StansburyTreasurer ................................................Kathy HampelPast President ............................... Barry Heckenswiler

REGION PRESIDENTSRegion 1 ................................................... Ray RichardRegion 2 ...............................................Kathy ForsytheRegion 3 ................................................Jay ThompsonRegion 4 ............................................. Karin KurkowskiRegion 5 ........................................................Barry BellRegion 6 ...................................... Kathleen HedgepethRegion 7 ......................................................Linda AgreRegion 8 ...................................................Fred SteurerRegion 9 ................................................. Linda KnezekRegion 10 ..................................................Adolf KnoppRegion 11 ..............................................Richard GirardRegion 12 .............................................Judy Bechthold

Parliamentarian ..................................... Bonnie Nester

COMMITTEESBlue Beret ................................................. Anne WerthBudget ................................................. Ralph ForresterCaravan .....................................................Chuck KipleCommunity Service ................................. Janet KendigConstitution & Bylaws ................................Don ShaferElectronic Communications .....................Damon BealsEthics & Grievance ................................. Betty SullivanFamily & Youth ......................................... Linda AmmeHistorian ....................................................Marla BradyInt’l. Relations ..........................................Jim ElmlingerLegislative ............................................... Richard JirusLifetime Membership ................................ John StumpfMarketing ...........................................Fred RichardsonMembership ..........................................Don McKelvayNational/Special Events ....................Carolyn FlorenceNominating .................................... Barry Heckenswiler Planning Guides & Merit Awards .........Roy MacDonaldRV Parks ................................................... Jean HelkerTechnical ..........................................Howard Lefkowitz

WBCCI STAFFCorporate Manager and Blue Beret Managing Editor Cindy Reed ............................. [email protected] Beret Copy Editor Deb Sailor [email protected] Director Deb Mann [email protected] Services Julie Rethman [email protected]

CONTRIBUTING EDITORSRegion 1 ................................................... J. Rick CipotRegion 2 ...................................................Steve NehligRegion 3 ............................................... Joan AndersonRegion 4 .................................................... Nancy BrettRegion 5 ................................................ Patsy MarstonRegion 6 .................................................Lonnie CarverRegion 7 .........................................Region 7 MembersRegion 8 ...........................................Pat & Dave ShawRegion 9 ..................................................... Joan ErmisRegion 10 .................................................. Tobe GreenRegion 11 .....................................................L. LawsonRegion 12 .............................................Connie Squires

“AIRSTREAM” is a registered trademark used under license.

Vol. 49 March 2013 Issue No. 3

What’s Inside...President’s Corner ..............2Club News ............................6

Welcome New Members ............................................ 6-7Letters to the Editor .......................................................8Membership ..................................................................11Inspiration 101..............................................................13Community Service ......................................................13 North Dakota Peace Garden Unit...............................14Airstream Tech Help Group ........................................17Headquarters Notes .....................................................19Iowa-North Iowa “Racing with the Wind” ................20A Balloon Ride to Cloud 9 ...........................................21Airstream Women Want to Know ..............................22YES, England Does Have Airstreams ........................23Our First Trailer...Our First Adventure .....................24To Drive Or Not To Drive . . . . That Is the Question .................................................25WBCCI Kids Page .......................................................26Our Trailer Photo Shoot ..............................................27In Memoriam ................................................................39

International/Rally .............28Caravans ............................32

The Time Will Soon Be Here Again ............................32

National Rallies ..................33Texas Vintage Airstream Rally....................................33National Potlatch and Salmon Rally ..........................33

Special Event Rally............34Storytelling Special Event Rally .................................34

Intra Clubs ..........................34Free Wheelers Intra Club ............................................34Vintage Airstream Club ...............................................34

Region News ......................35Airstream • 937-596-6111 ..40

From the Vice President ..............................................40Schu’s News ..................................................................41

Event Schedule ..................45Classifieds..........................52Coupons .............................56

on the cover...Pictures from the Door County Wisconsin Unit Caravan-submitted by Jane Elgin Bartlett, #4544(see article about this caravan under the Caravan Section)

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Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor:

Please keep the Letters coming to [email protected] is your opportunity to have your voice heard. The Letters to the Editor Committee will respond as needed. Be sure

to include your full name and WBCCI number.DISCLAIMER: The Letters to the Editor Committee reserves the right to edit or withhold any letter received and will only

publish those that are considered beneficial to the club as a whole and as space is available. Letters may be addressed to [email protected] and must include writer’s full name and WBCCI number to be considered noteworthy for publication.

Mr. Coil’s letter that follows is in response to an article in the “Tech Help” column in the Blue Beret. Howard Lefkowitz, Chairman of the Tech Help Committee, suggested I go ahead and print this reply here.

Dear Editor:I, too, had the problem of the propane tank cover wearing through the insulation of the wires

going to the breakaway switch.My solution was: Drill two 1/4” holes about 1” away from the tank, put 1” X 1/4” rubber tub-

ing (from auto supply) in the holes, and pass the wires through the tubing. Of course, the wires have to be disconnected in order to pass them through the tubing.

William H. Coil, WBCCI #2737Lawrence, KS

Retention of members is necessary to keep the WBCCI a viable organization. This article will list some helpful tips we have gleaned from WBCCI units and members.

Welcoming: When the officers are notified by our WBCCI staff about a new Airstream owner in your area, the unit presi-dent and the membership chairman should send a letter and make a telephone call to a new unit member.

New-member Mentoring: We have a high loss of members after their first year of membership. Tom Collier, WBCCI In-ternational President 2009-2010, wrote that his North Texas Unit has a new-member mentoring program with a chairman to aid in the retention of new members. New members are visited, helped with travel preparations, explained the details about caravans, rallies and luncheons. The program also advocates introducing new members to the unit.

Maintenance Help Sessions: I met Howard Lefkowitz and I was impressed with his technical background and skills. Howard, a member of the Blue Beret’s Airstream Tech Help Group, has suggested that we have a maintenance rally each year. Howard’s unit has been doing this rally for over five years. Howard reports that multiple units in Region 2 are conduct-ing these seminars on a yearly basis.

Rally Locations: Conduct a survey of the unit members for their input to find interesting locations for future rallies in Airstream parks, state parks, federal facilities, private campgrounds and property owned by members.

Keep Rallies Enjoyable: Offer a variety of activities at the unit rally. Biking, hiking, fishing, outdoor and indoor games, park ranger tours, canoeing, cast-iron primitive cooking, Bocce Ball games, classic movies, historic tours are a few interest-ing things to spark attendance.

Rally Themes: Rally hosts might wish to have a special theme for a rally i.e. western, island, pioneer, Halloween, a craft seminar, or Oktoberfest. A theme might add some fun to your next rally.

Unit Caravans: Many members have commitments which may prevent them from taking part in a full length caravan of-fered by WBCCI. However, these members may be able to participate in a week long unit caravan.

Off Season Events: When adverse weather prevents a unit rally, gather for a unit luncheon.Inclusiveness: New members might be asked to join unit committees. Avoid cliques within the unit. Welcome new mem-

bers into the unit like you would welcome a guest into your home with introductions to conversations and activities.A single idea may not be panacea, but I hope we can all be open to new ideas and be willing to utilize them to retain


Jim Weilhammer, WBCCI #1003, Big Bend Florida Unit 153, Membership

Dear Editor:

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1 9 3 6 0 S E M c l o u g h l i n B l v dG l a d s t o n e , O R 9 7 0 2 7

5 0 3 . 4 8 7 . 0 2 2 9

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Don McKelvay Chairman

Club News


To my knowledge, the first formal-ized ‘Mentoring Concept’ was produced by Tom Collier #145,

from the Texas Unit, back in the 1990’s and has been strongly encouraged ever since as it works! Mentoring is a term meaning someone who imparts wisdom to and shares knowledge with a less experienced colleague. Many new Air-stream owners join the Club so they can socialize with experienced Airstreamers and learn the skills of Airstream travelling. A mentoring program can help improve member satisfaction, increase partici-pation, reinforce safe RV practices and retain members. Mentoring is designed to help new members rapidly become a comfortable part of our group assisted by some-one who has been in the Unit for awhile by helping them in their first few days, especially at their first Unit rally so they know what happens as they start their time in our Club. We can all remember our first days where perhaps we felt like a ‘fish out of water’ when we heard ‘BYOB’, ‘BYOT’ or ‘BYOD’, or found everyone else waiting for us and yet we arrived before the an-nounced start time, or did not know some of the ways WBCCI members do things.

It is absolutely critical that we members make those that are joining us for the first time (and perhaps a few more rallies or gathering for lunches, etc.) feel most wel-come and an important part of our Unit. This is not only common courtesy and the way each of us would want to be treated, but it is also important so that they renew their membership and continue to enjoy the ‘Airstream Life’. The more members retained means fewer new members have to be recruited to maintain an acceptable membership level – it is to everyone’s benefit – both the new member and the current members. Our biggest problem with membership is the number of mem-bers who do not renew after their first year – a good mentoring program can go a long way in solving that problem. Every new member needs a mentor.

OK, so how do we arrange this mentor-ing and what do we do? First, each Unit should establish a mentoring program, inform their members on how it works and later follow up to see how it can be improved. The Unit Executives need to sit down and discuss how to implement their program, appoint a Mentor Chairman, then determine who will be the mentors for each new member and assist the mentor where they can. The Chairman works in conjunction with the Membership Chairman. When a new member joins the Unit, the Membership Chairman notifies the Mentor Chairman, who then arranges for a current member as the mentor with all the information and help needed to

get the new member involved in WBCCI. Who should be the mentor? Some Units have their directors or trustees paired with the new member as soon as they join the Unit, and the earlier this is done the better. Other Units will either ask the new member if they know someone in the Unit they would like to help them in their first few days, or arrange for someone in the same area, or it could be the person who convinced them to join or if the new members have younger children another couple who also have children. The key is to have someone who is friendly, has been in the Unit for awhile and can show the new member ‘the ropes’. We all know that having someone to turn to and ask questions or know they are there to help you is so very important to learn-ing. It needs to be a relaxed and friendly transition from being just an owner of an Airstream to a happy Unit and Club member – the mentor can really assist in making that happen. One great way is for the mentor to contact the new member, introduce themselves and explain they are there to help them, answer questions and explain some things about the Unit

that will make them feel much more comfort-able. Listening to the new mem-ber is also very necessary to find out their interests, expectations of the Unit and what their past RV experience is. This will provide the cue for how much mentoring they will want or need. Offering to travel to the rally site together is another great way to help and if they do not have a lot of experience with their rig, offer to help hitch-up, load-up, or anything else to prepare for travel.

Arrange while at the rally to be parked next to them and assist them in parking

and brief them the Unit policy on ‘wash water’, the use of generators and if they have a pet where they can be taken to at the rally. Guiding them to the various activities and letting them

know what they need to bring to meals, what a ‘potluck’ is and how much they should bring is important. Did you ever show up at a happy hour or meal only to learn you were supposed to bring a snack or a ‘covered dish’? If there are tours at the rally offer to take them with you in your vehicle or arrange for another member to take them. This time together can be a great opportunity for them to meet and get to know other members.

Perhaps the Executive can consider holding a special ‘Happy Hour’ or a ‘Wine and Cheese Party’ when there are several new members who will be inducted. This way the new members can be introduced to the President and Membership Chair-man, relax with other new members in asking questions and particularly if their mentor is there with them. Talk to them about the induction ceremony, something about our Airstream lifestyle, how the Unit handles rallies with hosts, costs and helpers, hand them the list of equipment or any other useful information such as the Unit and Club websites, courtesy parking, maintenance of their rig, service

continued on page 12

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dealers, etc. as well as who to contact in the Unit including the Treasurer, Caravan Chairman, etc. Having the induction ceremony near the start of the rally then makes the new member feel they are important and now can relax and enjoy all the activities. Some Units when they introduce the new member have the men-tor talk with them before the induction ceremony so there are no surprises like I wonder if there is a ‘secret handshake’ and have the mentor introduce the new member at the ceremony. Allow each couple/member to say something about themselves, maybe how they came to buy an Airstream and what they hope to do in the future – overall make them feel really needed. If the new members are not going to be coming to their first rally for awhile, then get their badges to them so they know they are part of our Club, are not embarrassed when travelling, go on a caravan or attend another Unit’s rallies and do not have a badge – this happens far too often. Many Units present new members with a special ribbon or a small ‘dot’ to go on their badge for the first year so others will know they are new

members and can make a special effort to say hello and introduce themselves. I have heard of many cases where at the end of the year they do not want to take off the ‘new member identification’ as they really enjoy everyone saying hello – like we do at the International Rally with the ‘First Timers’ introduction and ribbon – we ALL need to feel wanted. The minute they feel ‘alienated’ or that they do not ‘fit in’ they will leave – we have to make sure they know they are wanted and avoid cliques where others are left on their own. In essence, treat them as your friend and help them settle into your Unit. The mentor does not have to be always with the new member as they need to have some time on their own, but assisting them so they are not left wandering around and not knowing what to do. Taking the time to introduce them to the other members is also an important thing to do.

At some point discuss the upcoming rallies, how they register for them as well as the importance of reservation deadlines. A few days after their first rally contact them to learn how they enjoyed

Club News


themselves and if they then have any questions as a result of the rally. Offer to be there in the future to answer questions on any technical manner such as how to winterize their rig, RVing in general and any other aspect about our Club.

However, it is not a one person job to be a mentor, but everyone needs to be friendly with the new member and be helpful. Sometimes we tend to sit with our circle of friends at meals, evening entertainment etc. and that is fine but we are all friends in the Club and you and I need to ‘share ourselves’ with oth-ers as well. It is also very difficult for a new member to join in with an already established group of friends unless we reach out to them with a sincere smile, a friendly hello and invite them to join us. This will also give you an excellent opportunity to learn more about the new member.

But don’t simply forget them after their first few rallies. Have someone determine which members have not been to a rally for awhile and arrange for someone to contact them and let them know they have been missed. Be a long time friend which is what we are about.




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Club News

Dr. Harold Kingdon, WBCCI #14383 International Chaplain

My grandson’s eighth-grade Science Project last fall was to collect and classify twenty rock specimens. To differentiate the rocks in each of the three main categories he used pink 3x5 cards to identify and describe igneous, orange cards for sedimentary, and green cards for metamorphic rocks. It was a lot work – I know, because I helped – but in the end, quite satisfying. We both learned a lot.

That got me to thinking about rocks, stones, boulders, pebbles, and their impact on our lives. For example, one of nature’s wonders that many of us Airstreamers have experi-enced firsthand in our mobile meanderings is the impressive and magnificent Rocky Mountain Range strung out through Canada and the U.S. Then we could add what is perhaps the most remarkable man-made rock formation: the sculptures of four U.S. presidents on Mount Rushmore in Rapid City, South Dakota. Some of us have also toured the indescrib-able House on the Rock in Wisconsin. It houses the world’s largest carousel among hundreds of other amazing displays. Isn’t Airstreaming great?

Growing up in North Bay, Ontario Canada, my family enjoyed taking day trips to various locations within driving distance of the city. Along the roadways the landscape is lit-tered with large, bulging boulders, some partially covered with grass or moss. There are outcroppings of hills strewn with massive, rugged rocks with vegetation clinging for dear life. My mother occasionally would comment, “Look at those rocks! Aren’t they beautiful?” Unfortunately, the rest of us didn’t seem to have the same eye of appreciation, and we teased her. But, she was right. Rocks are beautiful, in case you haven’t noticed!

Anyone who has been to Israel knows that the “land flowing with milk and honey” also has an undue proportion of stones. Legend has it – as told tongue-in-cheek by my guide on one of my trips to Israel - that when God created the earth he sent out three angels, each with a bag of stones to distribute throughout the earth. But, when one of the angels was flying over the Land of Israel his bag broke. And you think you have a lot of stones on your property?

Well, here in Houghton, New York, we like having a lot of stones. In fact, a distinguishing motif of the buildings on our college campus (and on my house) is field stone extracted from the local creek bed. But, when constructing one of the campus buildings in the 1950s, creek stones on college property were scarce. Consequently a farmer who lived up-stream was approached about buying stone from him. He would sell, but his price was unreasonably high. Along came a gully-washer rain storm and washed a huge batch of stones downstream onto college property. Coincidence? Or, divine providence? Your call.

Then there is this: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words (or names) will never hurt me.” I suppose we all said it, or had it said to us as youngsters, in a brave attempt to fend off a verbal attack. There is a grain of truth in this old English proverb. Fact of the matter is, however, words can leave far deeper wounds and longer lasting scars than sticks or stones. Physical objects can cause physical wounds, but words can create emotional scars which may last a lifetime. The lesson? Well stated in the Chinese proverb: “The swiftest horse cannot overtake the word once spoken.”

Many find comfort in the well-known hymn, “Rock of Ages, cleft for me; Let me hide myself in Thee.” The author, an Englishman by the name of Augustus Toplady, was overtaken one day by a severe thunderstorm. Nearby was a precipitous crag of limestone rock a hundred feet high, and right down its center was a deep recess in which he took shelter. There, protected by the rock, he penned the words of the hymn. Serenity, in spite of the storms of life.

Finally, a reminder of how generous God is in his desire to give us what is best: “Ask and it will be given to you… Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone?... If you…know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” (Matthew 7:7-11, NIV).

Janet Kendig Chairman

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The International Peace Garden (IPC) is a 501(c)(3) organization (45-0368420) in North Dakota and a registered charity (127250181RR0001) in Manitoba. Donations, with checks payable to "International Peace Garden Inc." in either US Funds or Canadian Funds can be mailed to the addresses shown below, OR by direct deposit into the IPC Bank Account. Please contact the IPC CEO, Mr. Doug Hevenor for more information on direct deposits. Identify "WBCCI Project" on checks.

Club News

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Family Owned and Operated Since 1964America’s Most Experienced Airstream Dealer

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Howard Lefkowitz, #6077 ChairmanChuck Helwig, #2868 Safety OfficerPhil Broomall, #2654Jim Cooper, #3056Jamie King, #804

This group, part of the WBCCI Technical Standing Committee, has been established to help the membership with any of their technical RV problems. Examples of questions that might be of interest to many members will be published in the Blue Beret. We will respond directly to you, in response to your email or letter describing a problem you are having. We hope you will find this new service of value in the care and feeding of your RV. You may contact us as follows: [email protected] or by mail: Howard Lefkowitz, 11508 Colt Terrace, Silver Spring, MD 20902


Club News

PROBLEM: I purchased a 1964 Gobetrotter 19’ recently. Wanting to check out brakes and shocks, I jacked the trailer up and was surprised to see that the tire was barely removable between the fender and the brake shoe. The tires turned out to be 225X75-15 Marathons rated at max load of 2500 pounds each. I think that they are bigger than the original 7.00-15 tires. The trailer is spec’d at about 2900 lbs. dry. So it appears that the tires are somewhat oversized.

One of the reasons the tires were hard to remove is that the axle swing arms were hanging below the axle at about 10 degrees. I thought I might install air shocks to replace the originals, but was surprised to see that the swing arms could not be moved at all, even with a pry bar. It appears that the rubber has set up in the one position.

Is there any way to free up those swing arms? For example, would heating the axle with a blow torch soften the rubber inside or is that a waste of time. If I can’t get them to move, the air shocks will be of no use. Ultimately, I’m thinking a new axle might be in order. If possible, I would like to hold off on that investment.

Since the tires are oversized, could I pick up some cushioning by lowering the tire pressure from 60 psi to say 50 psi? Thanks Larry

ANSWER: Let me start with tires, then I’ll get to the axle issues. The proper size tire is ST225/75R15. I run them on a 1967 Globe Trotter and Trade Wind, both with new axles. The tire pressure can be reduced below maximum. A 1964 Globe Trotter, in Denver, weighs 3500 pounds fully loaded. That is 1750 pounds per tire. Running 45 PSI will give a 15% margin to allow for unequal weight distribution. Note, maximum pressure in a C rated tire is 50 PSI, and 65 in a D.

PSI 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65Load, # 1600 1760 1880 2020 2150 (C) 2270 2380 2540 (D)

Monitor both the tire pressure and temperature. Check the temperature of the tires with an infrared gauge (inexpensive at the Shack). Mine run between 102 and 112 degrees F on the shady side and hotter on the sunny side. A change from typical will tell you something is wrong. Check inflation pressure when tires are cold.

Now about axles, over time the rubber in the axle loses its flexibility and becomes ridged. You cannot fix it by heating the axle. Heating will damage the rubber when new, it won’t fix it when old. The inner square shaft shown in Figure 1, of a cut off axle, rotates with the swing arm by compressing the four rubber rods. The rubber rods in an old axle cannot be compressed. By the way, axle rating in pounds is increased at the factory by increasing the length of the rods, which applies more force against compressing.

How do you know if your axle needs to be replaced? Here are the common symptoms:• Swing arm is horizontal and won’t drop down more than an inch at the spindle if

trailer is jacked up.• Rivets pop loose inside, or seams open in and around cabinets.• Hangers and clothes bounce off rods.• Age of trailer axle: Over 25 years old, think about a new axle. Over 30 years old, can you justify not replacing the axle? Over 40 years, replace the axle.

continued on page 18Figure 1

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Club News

One last point, small trailers (Caravels, Bambi, and others) in the early sixties had five lug wheels and a smaller wheel spindle. They have broken as seen in Figure 2. Don’t take the risk. Replace the axle if it has a five lug wheel.

Guidelines above are based on my experience and that of Luke Bernander, #11965 (970-222-4065). Luke has replaced many axles in Colorado, and knows the details of ordering.

When ordering an axle, weigh your trailer. For dry weight, add 500 pounds to a short trailer to get loaded weight, or 1000 pounds to a medium length. Increase the loaded weight by 15% to get maximum axle rating. If you overrate an axle too much, the suspension will be too stiff. Modern axles have many options including: swing arm down angle, mounting to raise the trailer, shock absorber brackets, self-adjusting brakes, and others. Be sure you understand the options, and most importantly, the critical dimensions, see Figure 3.

Good luck Jim.

Figure 3

continued from page 17

Figure 2

Figure 3

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Cindy Reed, Corporate Manager

h qHeadQuarters NotesCourtesy Parking

Please add the following members to Courtesy Parking in the 2013 Membership Directory.

COLORADOEVERGREEN....Davis, #1824 (303)523-9409

MASSACHUSETTSMONUMENT BEACH....Sterns, #1495 (508)280-5070NORTHBOROUGH....Bleakney, #5432 (508)922-6291

MICHIGANMILLERSBURG....Presnell, #17350 (989)448-9183

VIRGINIAWAKE....Sherwood, #1362 (804)776-6591

WISCONSINWAUKESHA....Brisk, #10306 (262)547-4143

Club News

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•Grey Tanks •Previously Owned Airstreams

•Metal Damage •Free Overnight Parking While Your Airstream is Repaired

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Club News

Eighteen units and 4 drive-ins of the Iowa and North Iowa Units, WBCCI, gathered at the KOA Campground in Newton, Iowa, for their joint rally on August 16-19. This was also a “Buddy Rally”. Special tours on Friday and Saturday high-lighted the weekend. After gathering on Thursday afternoon and enjoying a sandwich and salad-dessert supper, everyone was ready for the Friday tours to begin.

The first stop on Friday morning was Trinity Structural Tow-ers, where steel sheets (some as thick as 7/8”) are rolled and welded into tubular sections which will ultimately be erected as the tall towers one sees at “wind farms” sprouting up through-out the Midwest. The facility, housed in a portion of what was once a huge Maytag appliance factory, fab-ricates and ships tower sections up to 90 feet, or more, in length which, when erected, result in towers reaching up to 270 feet (or more) above the ground. The bending of the steel sheets, the welding of joints and the finished painted product, ready for shipment, was extremely interesting.

Then, it was on to TPI, a company that manufactures the fiberglass blades required for power generation by wind. After watching a video showing the blade fabrication, it was out to the fabrication area to see blades actually being made. The blades are in excess of 160 feet in length. That is more than one-half the length of a football field. When completed and ready for shipment, each blade weighs in excess of 7 tons and three blades are required on each tower. Before leaving

TPI, the group gathered in the shipping yard where they were photographed near several finished blades.

After a quick lunch, the group caravanned about 15 miles NE from Newton to an operating wind farm near Laurel, IA, where 53 units had been erected. Once there, a representative from Mid-American Energy met the group and led the caravan out to one of the operating towers. He then ex-plained the anchoring system for each tower, which consisted of con-structing a concrete base 50 feet in diam-eter and 10 feet thick. Each base required 395 cubic yards of concrete and 63,400 lbs. of reinforcing steel. He also pointed out that, in addition to the three blades, the nacelle (generating unit) atop the tower weighed another 181,000 lbs. Blades rotated anywhere from 6 to 16 revolutions per minute and generated 2.3 megawatts of electricity at optimum generation. Mid-America operates 14 wind farms, generates 2,284.8 megawatts of power in Iowa alone and is the No. 1 owner of wind-powered electric generation in the US. It was also pointed out that Iowa is second only to Texas in the amount of electricity generated by

wind. Following the information and question-answer period, the door at the base of the tow-er was unlocked and opened and everyone had an opportunity to see the con-trol panel inside each tower, as

well as look up the inside of the tower itself. A stop at the Maytag Dairy Farm on the way back to the campground provided everyone an opportunity to view a video explaining how world-renown Maytag bleu cheese is made and to buy cheese for their own consumption.

Saturday morning, following a pancake and ham breakfast, the attendees caravanned to the Iowa Speedway for a tour. The 7/8-mile paved track is the only auto racing track in the US that was designed by an actual race driver. Racing great

By Charles Cabalka, Jr., #6464

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Club News

Rusty Wallace played an integral part in the overall design and layout. The track is considered “top of the line” by all drivers who have raced there and it is not uncommon to see vehicles racing three or four abreast all the way around the track. On the day of the tour, it was a “ride-drive” day where the general public could pay to ride for several laps around the track with a professional driver or, after a short indoctri-nation, drive a race car themselves. Rides entailed speeds of up to 135-150 mph, while those driving themselves drove considerably slower. The tour included visits to the owner’s box, the infield garage and the pit area. None of the group availed themselves of the ride or drive opportunity, but all got to see and hear the cars as they sped around the track. After the visit to the speedway, the final tour stop was the Jasper County Courthouse. This magnificent, 4-story structure, on the National Register of Historical Places, was completed in 1912 and has been restored to its original appearance, both inside and out. The huge stained-glass panel on the underside of the dome was considered by all to be a highlight. It was also explained that the county had just completed construction of a

geothermal heating and cooling system that promises to save the county great amounts of money in future years.

A free afternoon, an evening meal in a restaurant, a busi-ness meeting and a Sunday morning breakfast completed the rally. Everyone attending the rally agreed that the variety and types of tours provided a lot of interesting information and that they truly “Raced With The Wind”.

Submitted by Karen Meredith, #2010

The first annual WBCCI WA Unit Prosser Fall Harvest & Balloon Rally was held September 27-30. The Rally was hosted by Emily & Nick Fisher and Harold & Carrol Campbell. This rally looks to be a winning destination for years to come.

Some Airstreams arrived early to en-joy the warm sunny weather many of us in western Washington miss. Our home for the weekend was the Wine Country RV Park in Prosser, WA. As the name would suggest Prosser, is the home to many wineries. Daily 4:00 PM “cocktail hour” is never without a table full of hors d’oeuvres, conversations and fish stories.

People have been participating in the Great Prosser Bal-loon Rally for a quarter of a century now. The drill starts at

6:15 AM just before the sun rises at the local air-port. There, the balloons t r a n s f o r m from large piles of ny-lon fabric to s e e m i n g l y warm living

things. As they come to “life”, they show their colors as the balloons grace-fully float towards the river and make a delicate splash, then off to the sky. One of our attendees, Fred Harmier, was at the right place at the right time, when he asked one of the crews if he could help. As it happened, they were short of help and said that they could use his assistance. Fred was then asked if he wished to accompany them in the bal-loon. Up, up and away, Fred was clearly

seen on cloud 9.We had three mornings to watch this beautiful ballet. Dress,

optional. Several of us were seen in our night clothes. Saturday night as the sun went down the balloons came to life again as their fire radiated against the bright nylon fabric to the rhythm of the music.

The Wash-ington Uni t agrees, this was a wonder-ful weekend, and we are all grateful for how WBCCI adds to our life-style.

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Club News

Airstream Women Want to Know…

SIDRA SPIES, [email protected]

Note: Daylight Savings Time begins the Second Sunday of March 10 at 2:00 a.m. Remember to Spring Forward.

Winter Over??? It won’t be long that it will be time to get the trailer ready for warm weather camping, rallies, and caravans. Here are some good easy recipes to share at happy hours or holiday parties.

Gentle Thoughts… --- The Easiest Way to Find Something Lost Around the House, is to Buy a Replacement. Never Fails!!! --- Did You Ever Notice: The Roman Numerals for forty (40) is ‘XL’. --- Did You Ever Notice: When You Put the Two Words, ‘The’ and ‘IRS’ Together, it spells ‘Theirs’…! --- When You are Dissatisfied and Would Like to Go Back to your Youth, Just remember ‘Algebra.’ --- Eventually You Will Reach a Point When You Stop Lying About your Age And Start Bragging About It.

One of the many Things that NoOne Tells You About Aging IsThat It Is Such a Nice ChangeFrom Being Young. Ah, Being

Young is Beautiful, but Being Old is Comfortable.

March 2013

Tomato Bread

1 loaf French Bread, cut lengthwise ½-1tsp garlic powder 3 Tbsp butter 3-4 thinly sliced tomatoes 1 tsp salt 2 Tbsp olive oil 2 tsp oregano 8 oz sliced mozzarella cheese Preheat oven to 500°. Spread each slice of bread evenly with butter. Sprinkle with garlic powder. Line tomato slices down the center of the bread. Sprinkle with salt, olive oil and oregano. Top with cheese and place on foil-lined baking sheet. Bake until the cheese melts and bread begins to toast – about 10-15 min. Slice into 4 inch sections and serve. Serves 8

Cheese Ball

2-8 oz cream cheese, softened 1 sm. Can crushed/drained pineapple 2 c chopped pecans ¼ c finely chopped green pepper 2 T chopped onion 1 T seasoned salt Soften cream cheese. Add rest of the ingredients, except 1 c nuts. Put in the refrigerator overnight. Shape into a ball and roll it in the chopped pecan. Serve with crackers of choice.

Grilled Cheese With

a Twist…Pepper Jelly

Preheat oven at 375°. Grate 6 oz. Sharp Cheddar Cheese and divide among 4 slices of whole-wheat sandwich bread. Spread 2 Tbsp pepper jelly on 4 more slices of bread. Spray large skillet with non-stick cooking spray and heat over medium. Cook until bread is golden and toasted. Flip. Transfer sandwiches to a baking sheet and bake until cheese is melted (3-5 min). To serve, cut into sticks or triangles. Serves 8

Note: I want to apologize for omitting the amount of lime juice in the Key Lime Cake in last month’s Blue Beret. Please add ½ c of key lime juice. Enjoy!

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By Marie Efira, #5495

Our first trailer was a 19’ Bambi. For 3 years we used it from time to time on the weekends, usually camping an hour away from home and relying for parking on the help of our campsite neighbors. Still, one day in the fall of 2004, we decided to take the step and hit the road for a BIG trip: Arizona! Armed with a pile of AAA maps, and a campground directory, I decided on an itinerary and made reservations. And there we were...sleepless night next to a small airport in Bakersfield but great philosophical con-versation with a “fifth-wheeler” neighbor in Las Vegas, the cat and the dog were pretty good travelers, we were on schedule and it felt like it was going to be so much easier than we imagined. Our next stop was Bryce Canyon and according to my calculations we were go-ing to make it on time for dinner after visiting Zion National Park. High expectations! Crossing Zion, as magnificent as the park was, was not as easy as it seemed. A ranger stopped us at the entrance of the tunnel. We had a large vehicle and we needed to pay a fee, then they had to make sure that the tunnel was empty before we could go through. As soon as we started driving in the darkness of the tunnel, the headlights went off and triggered the breaks on the trailer. So we had to travel without headlights. Still we managed to make it out of the tunnel. Those red rocks looked so amazing with the sun sinking down, but we realized that we would never make it to Bryce Canyon before nightfall. We called to cancel our reser-vation and learned of a closer campground. It was pitch dark and surreal when we got there. We didn’t really know where we were and the campground office looked like a bar, quite

strange because we were in Utah! Our first peek at our sur-roundings in the morning was delightful though: we were in a meadow at the bottom of a red rock cliff and a bunch of friendly ducks were waiting for us at our door. The grass was green, cows and horses were grazing by and it was the most peaceful pastoral scene we ever got to watch at break-fast time. After a short trip, we reached Bryce Canyon and we settled down. The temperature was nice so, for the first time, we opened our awning. The view was gorgeous and even the cat was enjoying it.

Proud of our accomplish-ment, we fell asleep in our little corner bed, just to be awak-ened by a big jolt and a tremendous noise. A flash of lightning in the immense darkness revealed the problem. The awning had rolled back in place. Our incompetence was saving us! Had the awning been secured properly, it would have been torn apart by the wind.

The next morning, on our way to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, we were filling up at a gas station when I overheard part of a conversation between the attendant and a customer: “Colorado City…tornado.” I thought tornadoes only happened in the Midwest, not in Utah! Still I checked if there was a Colorado City in Utah or Arizona: yes, about 30 miles southwest from where we were. Ed said not to worry, the weather looked fine and we proceeded on US 89. Ed had found a good country music station and we were enjoying the music and the scenery when the program was interrupted by a weather alert warning motorists of very severe thunderstorms: “If you are traveling on 89 East, take shelter immediately, stay away from the windows…” It was our first “not a test” weather alert. We were in the desert, not a single house, not a soul, just mesas of all colors, lining up as far as the eye could see. The system was traveling at 45 miles per hour so Ed decided to outrun the storm. Speeding at 65 on that narrow empty road, the landscape looked more and more dramatic, and, behind us, the sky had that dark green color that we saw on a few other occasions, later in our travels, when we had close encounters with tornadoes. The wind was pushing us and we were going faster and faster. There were patches of snow on the sides of the road but not on the road itself. We intended to take shelter in Page, AZ but we missed the turn and were driving south toward the Navajo Reservation. In Tuba City, there was - and there still is - a campground with full hook-ups owned by the Navajo Nation, next to a Qual-ity Inn. Coming from the wild wild southwest, it was almost not exotic enough for us, but we ate our first sopapillas in a

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TO DRIVE OR NOT TO DRIVE ……THAT IS THE QUESTIONby Terry and Sally Thompson, #3182

My wife and I returned last week from the 50th Annual WBCCI Swiss Festival Rally at Sugarcreek, Ohio. It was fan-tastic! This rally has been run by the Land-O-Lakes of Ohio WBBCI Unit for the past 50 years and they do an exceptional job of the entire rally. We were busy from morning to night with tours, food and entertainment. Of course, we tried to make time for our usual 4 PM happy hour. One of the topics that arose during one of those happy hours was the role of the non-driver in our RV lifestyle. Some felt that each partner in the rig should be able to drive the rig while others felt that the roles could be more gender specifically defined as “his and her” roles (he drives…I cook).

As Sally and I were making our way home from the rally, on the final day we were having a relaxing drive as it was Sunday and the traffic was less than would’ve been during a weekday. We discussed the fact that Sally had never driven our rig since we moved from Saskatchewan to Ontario four years ago. Her earlier experience pulling a trailer had been driving across the broad expanse of Montana where traffic was very sparse and our trailer was much smaller than the current one. We decided that today was the day to turn driving over to Sally once we hit the less traveled highway between Hamilton and Woodstock, Ontario. As such, I pulled off the Highway 403 near Brantford and parked in a truck stop where exit would be easy.

As is my habit, when I got out of the driver’s side I walked slowly around the trailer to check tire temperatures by touching them with the back of my hand. The tires on the driver side were cool and I continued on around the rear of the trailer to the passenger side where I again stooped over to touch my

hand on the tires. As I did so, however, I tripped on a large piece of broken concrete and stumbled forward a couple of fast steps before crashing to the ground breaking my fall with my left hand, my head and my left knee. I felt my head bounce on the pavement but the real pain came from my left hand and I thought I had probably broken my wrist. A trucker came running over to me while I was on the ground and Sally exited the driver seat and came around the unit to see what was going on. They helped me back on my feet and supported me while I proceeded to pass out briefly.

At this point, several other truckers had gathered around and one of them had called 911 and was in the process of giving location directions to an ambulance. I convinced him to cancel the ambulance and place me in the passenger seat and that my wife would drive the unit home. Sally handled the unit like a pro with a little (probably unnecessary) coaching from me, especially regarding turning corners. She drove through the city of Woodstock and parked the unit in front of our house. What a relief to be home! I won’t bore you with the details of the hospital emergency room visit, the brain scan (as I take a blood thinner), and the “all clear” test result.

We had intended this exercise to be a simulation of an in-capacitated driver problem, however, I think WE MADE THE SIMULATION FAR TOO REALISTIC!

The moral of the story is: IF IT IS AT ALL POSSIBLE, TEACH (OR LET) YOUR SPOUSE TO DRIVE YOUR UNIT. And guys, get over the feeling that traffic is too heavy, I wouldn’t feel safe, I can drive much better, etc. I got over those feelings very quickly! You gals, YOU CAN DO IT!

small restaurant and visited the trading post. Everybody was so nice, I vowed to come back some day and to visit also the Hopis of Old Orabi, a village implanted since 1150, “probably the oldest continuously inhabited community in the United States.”(

We woke up the next day with our heads filled with incredible memories of tormented skies, red rock and mustangs fleeing in the wind, and from that moment on, like if the spell had been lifted, we were blessed each day till the end of that three week trip, with wonderful discoveries and the most pleasant encounters. In Kayenta, I shopped at the grocery store with Navajo ladies in black velvet skirts and turquoise jewelry, and we reached Monument Valley. Wow! Camping with a view! Goulding’s is one of the most scenic campgrounds in the country but the vision that was going to change our traveling life was that of a group of people outside the office of the campground. They were the first Airstreamers that we ever met. They invited us to join their caravan. We drove with them up to the Four Corners, at the intersection of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado, and arrived with a dozen of silver trailers

on the fairgrounds in Cortez, Colorado. We attended our first rally, became WBCCI members, visited Mesa Verde, ate some Anasazi beans and Ed met his now longtime music partner, Denny, from the Arizona unit, that some of you got a chance to meet at a couple of region rallies.

Both Ed and I had vivid memories of that first trip and it was great to remember the good times and even the scary moments. When you have time, sit in front of your computer and dig into your photo libraries, and share your adventures with your friends. We can all learn from each other.

First published in the November 2012 issue of the San Diego California Unit Newsletter

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Blue Beret/March 2013 27© Copyright September 2012 by The San Diego’Streamer.

Our Trailer Photo shootBy Dan and Marcy Smith

Marcy and I were representing our club last month with a magazine called Pacific San Diego.  They contacted a few of us via our website looking for an Airstream to use in a photo shoot in their September issue. It was short notice, only 3 days, but we decided to go for it and have a neat experience. The place was a parking lot at the Glider port in La Jolla.  It was on dirt and not very level, but you can do wonders with a camera and the trailer was just used in the background.

The theme was fashion and autos for the Sept issue. The model was Karina Smirnoff. She arrived in a large black limo bus with about 5 helpers. Makeup, clothes, accessories and such.  She is an Ukrainian Ballroom dancer and has been on the show “Dancing with the Stars”. I parked the rig and they put a 1970 Ford 350 Shelby Mustang in front of it. We were there about 5 hours on a Friday watching all the things that go on. Then we had to head to work.  We are hoping to get a few copies from them in the mail so we can show members at the rallies. But keep your eye out for the Sept issue. The San Diego Unit is supposed to be mentioned in the article for our willingness to help.  

Photos and text by Dan & Marcy Smith, Membership Chair, from the San Diego California Unit.First published in “The San Diego’Streamer,” September 2012 issue of unit newsletter.

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International Convention/Rally

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Someone to provide the streaming of audio to the internet and recording the archive file for our IBT meet-ings. This person would be needed to stream both the summer meetings and the winter meetings. The WBCCI Club has all the equipment except one or two laptops, which you will provide. Software will be provided for PC’s as the service we use is Windows Media. Training will be provided. You will be shown how to actually setup and operate the streaming electronics with supervision at the summer meetings in Huron, SD. Contact Fred Steurer #4025 at [email protected] or 314-853-6229.

International Convention/Rally


The International Rally Committees need volunteers. Early parking is available for most persons who are accepted for service. Please mark your prefer-ence (1,2,3) in the first column. Enter “M” for man and “W” for woman in the second column. The Committee Chairman will contact you later if selected.

Choice Man/Woman Name of Committee ______ ______ Bands, Concert & Stage Instrument____________________________ ______ ______ Building Security ______ ______ Bulletin Boards ______ ______ Cargo ______ ______ Carpenter ______ ______ Community Service ______ ______ Electric Installation ______ ______ Grounds after Rally ______ ______ Information/Lost & Found ______ ______ Medical Information ______ ______ Message Center/Scooters ______ ______ Parade ______ ______ Parking ______ ______ Registration ______ ______ Sanitation ______ ______ Tables and Chairs ______ ______ Traffic Control ______ ______ Transportation, Buses ______ ______ Wally Byam Control ______ ______ Water

Name __________________________ Spouse _________________

Address ________________________________________________

City ______________________ State/Prov______Zip ____________

WBCCI # __________________ Phone ________________________

E-mail __________________________________________________

Mail to: WBCCI, PO Box 612, Jackson Center, OH 45334


Last Name ______________________ WBCCI No. ______________

First ____________________________ Age ____________________

Address ________________________________________________

City ______________________ State/Prov______Zip ____________..............................................................................................................


Diagnosis: _________________________________ _____________

Degree of Disability: ______________________________________

________________________________________________________ Check if applicable:Permanent Disability? Wheelchair?

Mechanical Assists Utilized:________________________________It is my opinion that the above named should be provided special parking privileges.


Address ________________________________________________

City ______________________ State/Prov______Zip ____________

Mail to: WBCCI, PO Box 612, Jackson Center, OH 45334


Carpenters wanted for the Huron, SD International Convention/Rally. Supplies needed: power drill, nail apron, tape measure. If you are interested, please contact Bob Werth at 505-331-7226 or email: [email protected].

Come and join us. Tentative parking date is June 12, 2013.

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International Convention/Rally

Photo Print ContestShyrlAnn Olinger, #2959, Chairman

[email protected], Ph. 740-447-8188The Photo Print contest is a judged contest open to all

WBCCI members and their families attending the International Rally. The 2012 judges included business and professional community members with photography and art backgrounds from Sedalia, MO. These judges took their job of judging the entered photographs very seriously selecting winners in each category and a BEST of SHOW. Photo prints are judged on composition, technical excellence, eye appeal and technique. Linda Polk #2705 from Central Coast California won the Best of Show with her Airstream photograph. Twenty-nine WBCCI members pre-registered 127 photographs for this contest.

2013 Photo Print Contest Rules

Entrants must PRE-REGISTER their photographs for this contest

1. Open to all WBCCI members and their families ATTEND-ING the International Rally in Huron, SD

2. Professional photographers are NOT eligible, but are welcome to display their work

3. Previous winning photographs are not eligible4. Contestants may enter 2 prints in each of the 7 catego-

ries (maximum of 14 prints)5. Photos must be a minimum of 5” x 7” and no larger than

12” x 15”6. Mats are permitted as long as the maximum size of 12” x

15” is observed7. NO frames and NO writing on the front of the prints8. Each photo must include on the back: Name, WBCCI #,

Unit Name & #, Region #

7 NEW CATEGORIES1. “It’s a New Approach” - use the 2013 International

Rally theme to challenge your photography skills2. Color Wonderful Green – observe and capture the

International Rally color of green3. Airstreaming - celebrate Airstream and the Airstream

way of life4. Spontaneous Moment - an unexpected event or action5. Americana - scenes or objects representing the history

or culture of the Americas6. Travel Portraits – individual people of all ages7. Animals – all critters great and small

4” x 6” Snap Shot ContestShyrlAnn Olinger, #2959, Chairman

[email protected], Ph. 740-447-8188The 2012 Snap Shot Contest was a big hit at the Interna-

tional Convention/Rally in Sedalia, MO with over 300 photos entered by 55 WBCCI members. This popular contest is for all the camera buffs in WBCCI attending the International Convention/Rally, with winners selected by popular vote. Just snap, print and enter.

AIRSTREAMERS get ready for 2013 in Huron, SD!


1. “It’s a New Approach” - use the 2013 International Rally theme to challenge your photography skills

2. Color Wonderful Green - observe and capture the Inter-national Rally color of green

3. Airstreaming - celebrate Airstream and the Airstream way of life

4. Spontaneous Moment - an unexpected event or action5. Americana - scenes or objects representing the history

or culture of the Americas6. Travel Portraits - individual people of all ages7. Animals - all critters great and small


1. All WBCCI members and their families ATTENDING the rally are eligible

2. 4” x 6” prints ONLY may be entered (no mats or frames)3. 2 prints per category per person (14 total)4. No writing on the front of the print5. Photographer’s name, Region, Unit and WBCCI mem-

bership # written on the back of each print

Sedalia, MO judges at work Linda Polk #2705 Best of Show pho-tograph & trophy

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International Convention/Rally

Band Musicians WantedBarbara Lambrecht, Director

ATTENTION ALL AIRSTREAMERS! Did you play an instrument in high school or college? Well you certainly have not forgotten how to play. You might be a little rusty, but be-lieve me you never really forget how to play an instrument. Our Festival of Music Concert will be presented on Sunday, June 30, featuring the WBCCI Concert Band. Therefore, if you read music and play a standard band instrument, we want you to join us to share in the excitement of playing in a great band with great musicians and the reward of hard work in a fun filled atmosphere. Each year our members, spouses and friends make new and lasting friendships, I would also encourage you to bring your grandchild if they are currently in a middle or high school band program to participate with us in the WBCCI Band. The band instruments include: Woodwinds, Brass and Percussion. Your needs besides your instrument would include a music stand and necessities for your instrument needs. A uniform consisting of black trousers or skirt, white short sleeve shirt, red tie, black socks and shoes. In addition, you will need to purchase a Red Golf Shirt before arriving or from the vendor on site. If this would be your first time in

The Quilting ExperienceLynell Elmlinger #4527Avis Stapleton #18043


Please join us in Huron, SD for another great Quilting Experience! We will have space available for several days before the Rally officially begins as well as during the Rally. The Quilting Experience offers the opportunity to get together with others who love to quilt (or who are interested in learning), time to work on your own projects

and learn a few new ones.We will staff our space from 8:00 to 5:00 during the Rally.

We are hoping for something similar to last year, but we can make anything workable. The nearest fabric shop is about 50 miles away so bring extra fat quarters in light, medium and dark shades.

If you plan on joining us or have any questions, we can be contacted at: elmling@union-tel .com or [email protected].

We are looking forward to seeing you in Huron!

applying, you need to call me at 915-433-6678 or email [email protected] with a summary of your music experience.

Now is the time to mail your rally registration and vol-unteer coupon to WBCCI Headquarters. In accordance with Rally Committee Policy, to be authorized for early parking you must be preregistered. Look for both the volunteer coupon registration and rally registration in the Blue Beret. Let’s all get together and make this another outstanding musical year of FUN, FELLOWSHIP AND ADVENTURE.

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And what, you might ask, is the time which will soon be here again? Why time for spring and summer travels in your Airstream RV. I know, I know, some of you are traveling at this time of the year also, or if not traveling at least snow-birding. What I’m speaking about are those unit, regional and national caravans and rallies. Now we get to the heart of the matter. What I really want to remind you about is the fun in SHORT CARAVANS. There are a lot of short caravans that can be a lot of fun. Don’t worry about whether they are numbered or not, numbers don’t make them more fun. Do be sure they are approved at some level of WBCCI leadership. One of the sad things about many short caravans is that many of them go un-filled, and travel with fewer units than could be accommodated. What makes it double sad is we are always hearing comments from people that there aren’t enough short caravans.

So, here is my request to those of you out there who have something to do with planning a short caravan. Let me know the name, dates of the caravan, a contact person with e-mail and/or phone numbers, and I will see that it gets on the SHORT CARAVAN list on the WBCCI official web site. Giving me the

The name of the caravan was “Door County Wisconsin,” and ran from September 8-18, 2012. It was a unit caravan led by Ed Knernschield. Ed is not a newcomer to leading short caravans and has a reputation for good short caravans. The caravan started in Rockton, Illi-nois, and ended in Egg Harbour, Wisconsin.

Campgrounds mentioned were the Riverside Camp-ground in Rockton, Illinois, KOA in Fond Du Lac, Wis-consin, Wade House Historic Site, Wisconsin, and the Door County Camping Retreat in Egg Harbor, Wisconsin. The campgrounds were considered to be good facilities and well suited for the caravan. Wade House

provides special activities and events throughout its open time of the year. If you like history this would be a good stop for you.

Wade House is also listed as one of the significant stops on the caravan. Other significant events included a Washington Island Ferry tour, a caravan breakfast, and a farewell dinner and cruise. Some hardy souls even took advantage of a salmon fishing trip on Lake Michigan.

For a favorite activity Wade House again invades the narra-tive. Everyone participated in preparation of a dinner 1850s style. The caravaners cooked on

wood stoves and fireplace; then set tables for 18 people, ate the food, then washed the dishes and put the kitchen back in order. This was deemed to be an outstanding get acquainted event and took place early in the caravan.

What would it take you to go on this caravan - or any short caravan? Participants said the weather was excellent (sorry, that is not a guarantee on any caravan). If you like a variety of activities and limited driving distances, beautiful scenery and great campgrounds, you might enjoy something like this. The biggest draw is meeting new friends, having great fellowship, and having lots of fun. Remember what caravanning is, FUN, FELLOWSHIP and…no, I didn’t forget…those who provided this information were experiencing their FIRST caravan. That is ADVENTURE!

information means you are willing to let Airstreamers from outside your unit or regions join you. You may want to give your unit or region members first chance, and that is OK. You can contact me when you are ready to take on others. Don’t wait too long, people need time to make plans.

Now something for all of you who say we need short caravans because you don’t have time to go on a long one. Already there are some short caravans listed on the WBCCI official website. Take a look, something might appeal to you. Keep watching the site, hopefully as we get further along in the year I will be getting new information to post. This is a fairly new endeavor. We hope it will catch on and provide more short caravans and also provide more travelers for the short caravans. You can help make it happen.

No, I haven’t forgotten to let you know how to contact me. Email me at [email protected], or call me at 913-915-6721.

I have talked about short caravans, and now I want to highlight one from last year. It gives a good description of a fun time. The information was provided by Bill and Judy Cody, and Philip Shearrer. The photos were provided by Jane Elgin Bartlett.


WBCCI Caravan Promotion

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National Rallies

34th National Potlatch and Salmon Rally

Lacey, Washington August 7 - 11, 2013

Tours Aug. 5 & 6 Rally Hosts: Larry & Charon Alvar

360-413-7539 Co-Host: Carol Ortiz

A famous author once wrote “The Loveliest Spring I ever experienced was the Summer I spent in Washington State.” That is because it is seldom too hot and seldom too cold. The sky is always blue, the trees are tall and beautiful and the

mountains still contain snows from the winter past. In short, it is a perfect summer destination so come join your Airstream brothers and sisters for our 34th Annual National Potlatch & Salmon Rally here at Land Yacht Harbor, Lacey, Washington.

There will be friendship, good food topped by our famous Alder Smoked Salmon Barbeque. Enjoy the many planned tours as well as the educational speakers, games and so very much more. Daily parking is only $18.00 a day.

Come early, stay late. There is so much to see and do in Washington State.

Airstream History to Join Early Texas History Celebration

Texas Vintage Airstream Rally Gonzales, TX

October 3 - 7, 2013Co-chairs: Fred and Judy Hazen

[email protected] or 512-261-0122Texas Highland Lakes Unit of

WBCCI, sponsor of the National Texas Vintage Airstream Rally, is excited about holding its 8th such event in conjunction with the City of Gonzales, Texas’ annual

“Come and Take It!” historical festival weekend on October 3-7, 2013.

Gonzales, located off I-10 midway between Houston and San Antonio, holds a unique place in Texas history as the site of the firing of the first shot for Texas independence on October 2, 1835. Eighteen townsmen, forever linked with heroes of the revolution, stood on the bank of the Gua-dalupe River and refused to give up their small cannon to the Mexican Army, while the women hurriedly fashioned a flag holding a black replica of the cannon on a white back-ground, emblazoned with the words that would echo through the years: Come & Take It!

In 1836, Gonzales further carved out its niche in history when 32 of her men rode to mar-tyrdom at the Alamo in answer to William Barrett Travis’s poignant call for help against overwhelm-ing odds. After the Battle of San Jacinto, many of the soldiers

returned to their frontier settlement determined to rebuild the town of Gonzales and continue their dream of a better life in a new land for their families.

Each year on the first full weekend in October, Gonzales commemorates the firing of the first shot for Texas freedom. The town comes alive for a three-day “Come & Take It!” event with a giant parade, carnival, street dances, food booths, bier-garten, special music and entertainment, battle reenactment, arts and crafts booths, photography and art shows.

The 2013 National Texas Vintage Airstream Rally will be held at the city-owned J.B. Wells Park Arena facility located south of the Guadalupe River bridge at the intersection of US 183 South and TX 97. The facilities at the park include a large-event covered pavilion, horse barn, and a multi-purpose show barn arena, and 486 full hook-up RV sites. The Texas Vintage Airstream Rally will be held in the multi-purpose show

barn arena at J.B. Wells Park. New and vintage Airstreams will be parked on the floor of the arena for seminar workshops, open house and other activities. The rally will include camp-ing for 4 nights, a potluck supper, two catered dinners and fresh morning coffee. Class scheduling is incomplete at this time but is sure to include something on vintage restoration, system repairs and usually “something for the ladies.” The highlight will be the Vintage Open House on Sunday which is also open to the public.

All owners of Airstreams – both vintage and newer models - are invited to join Texas Highland Lakes Unit to celebrate the history of Airstream and the history of Texas at Gonzales the first weekend of October in 2013. Additional information and a registration form will be provided through in the near future. For further informa-tion contact co-chairs: Fred and Judy Hazen at [email protected] or 512-261-0122.

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Special Event Rally

Storytelling Special Event Rally

Jonesborough, TN October 3 - 7, 2013

We hope that your travel plans will bring you to east Tennes-see in October for the 41st International Storytelling Festival, which takes place in Tennessee’s oldest town, Jonesborough. Considered the premier storytelling event in America, the Jonesborough National Storytelling Festival is the flagship for a national movement that celebrates the rich history of American storytelling and those who share their stories. It is the largest and oldest event of its kind in America and attracts an audience of nearly 10,000 from all over the United States and several foreign countries. From inside large circus type tents, some of the world’s most gifted and wonderful storytellers paint experiences and tales with words and music that bring this art to life. As many of our past attendees have said “It is something you have to experience, you cannot adequately describe it.”

The Smithsonian said, “From all over America, people come to Jonesborough just to hear stories. Some stories seem to be made out of whole cloth. Others are like the Tennessee quilts on sale in Jonesborough’s many craft shops. They weave together past, present, fact and fiction in a tight design both dazzling and unforgettable”.

This year we are offering only parking, which allows you to come in your Airstream and enjoy this great event without having to worry about a good spot to park. We hope you will take advantage of early parking, which allows you to come early and enjoy the many sites this area has to offer. Also, most of our folks like to come early to attend the Donald Davis performance on Wednesday evening, October 2. Donald Davis is a favorite of most all storyteller followers.

Everyone is responsible for ordering their tickets to the festival. There is a small discount if you order before March 15 and be sure and tell them if you are a senior. You can call 800-952-8392 (ext 221) or go online to

See coupon section for registration form.

Intra Clubs

Free Wheelers Intra ClubBarbara Carney, President

President: Barbara Carney ([email protected]) First Vice President: Monte Barksdale ([email protected])Second Vice President: Pat Badgero ([email protected])Third Vice President: Mary Kulish ([email protected])Corresponding Secretary: Pat Badgero ([email protected])Recording Secretary: Mary Potter Treasurer: Carolyn Hoglin ([email protected])

Our club of single WBCCI members is spread out from coast to coast, and from north to south, all points of the compass. This is both our weakness and our strength. While we can’t all get together frequently, we have a good chance of some of our members being present at rallies in most parts of the country. Our members try to place a signup sheet for any and all singles to congregate for Happy Hours, impromptu lunches, or sightseeing trips, etc. While most of us enjoy our indepen-dence, it’s nice to meet “birds of a feather” when we travel.

If you find yourself recently alone, through any of life’s tragedies, please consider our club as a place where you can find kindred spirits who will have much support and insight into single travel.

Our Post-Rally following the Huron International Convention/Rally is in the planning stages for a short caravan (about 320 miles) west to Lead, South Dakota, in the historic Black Hills Region. Our first overnight stop will be at Pierre, SD at the town’s Griffin Park. After two nights there, we will move 220 miles farther west to Lead’s Recreational Springs RV Resort. You may call me at 407-506-3761 if you plan to be with us at this post rally. Time is of the essence, as campsites in this summer recreational region fill up fast.

Vintage Airstream Club

Bob Herman Contributing Editor

WBCCI 2013 INTERNATIONAL RALLY: June 28-July 4, 2013, Huron, South Dakota. See application in Blue Beret or VAC website for VAC details at International.

Bob Herman, 407-810-5579 or email: [email protected]

An elderly Florida lady did her shopping and, upon returning to her car, found four males in the act of leaving with her vehicle. She dropped her shopping bags and drew her handgun, proceeding to scream at the top of her lungs, “I have a gun and I know how to use it! Get out of the car!”

The four men didn’t wait for a second threat. They got out and ran like mad. The lady, somewhat shaken, then proceeded to load her shopping bags into the back of the car and got into the driver’s seat. She was so shaken that she could not get her key into the ignition. She tried and tried, and then she realized why. It was for the same reason she had wondered why there was a

football, a Frisbee and two 12 packs of beer in the front seat.

A few minutes later, she found her own car parked four or five spaces farther down. She loaded her bags into the car and drove to the police station to report her mistake.

The Sergeant to whom she told the story couldn’t stop laughing. He pointed to the other end of the counter, where four pale men were reporting a carjacking by a mad, elderly woman described as white, less than five feet tall, glasses, curly white hair and carrying a large handgun.

No charges were filed. Moral of the story? If you’re going to have a senior moment….Make it memorable.

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Region News

Region 1J. Rick Cipot, Contributing Editor it is only March and our rally schedule for 2013 is

almost full! I am sure that many of our WBCCI friends in the southern and western states don’t quite understand the ailment “Cabin Fever”. I know several of our Canadian members do. Also members of the upper midwest suffer from this terrible condition. It has been a strange winter at best and I for one look forward to getting on the road. I will be honest, right now it is early morning, dark and 6F outside. Not a happy place. Spring is on its way.

One of the things that has kept me busy this past winter season is spending time checking up on units in other regions. Just one of the many new ways we as WBCCI members com-municate is through the website. Checking in on what other units are doing has opened up a treasure chest of new ideas. Let’s be honest, we all have a tendency to “get stuck in a rut.” OK, for you youngsters out there a rut is what a wagon wheel leaves in the soft road bed while being pulled to market. After several trips the crevice gets so deep and hard that you just can’t go anywhere except where you have been before. In other words, you keep showing up to happy hour with a bowl of Chex Mix. How about we make it a goal this year in Region One to spice it up a bit? I know it has been done before in different ways but wouldn’t it be fun to compile for the coming months your best happy hour treat and potluck dinner recipes for publication? If I receive enough recipes we could put them all together and publish into a fine book for just a few bucks a piece. By the way, what if we make it open to all regions? Let me know your thoughts and see where this project takes us. Keep safe and I look forward to seeing you down the road.

Region 2Steve Nehlig, Contributing Editor

http://region2.wbcci.netSince my last editorial was quite a bit downbeat, fortunately,

as we all know, time has a way of curing “most” ills.Kathy has spent a lot of time at the hospital with weekly

procedures that have increased her energy level and left her feeling much better. As of this writing she has four more treat-ments and will then be in the care of a new physician specialist. Still unable to attend, Kathy received daily briefings from the mid-winter IBT meetings.

Reporting on the damage to Region 2 from hurricane Sandy, recovery has come slowly but surely, with many neighbor-hoods back to normal and many still in the throws of repair and rebuilding.

Hopefully we will be back to some semblance of order by Memorial Day and we will have a good attendance at the Region 2 rally this year. The three New Jersey Units are responsible for the Region 2 rally site. The three presidents are working hard to find a venue for this rally. Please stay tuned for that announcement, and until then mark your calendar and save the dates.

Some of you have been in warmer climates with your Airstream this past winter. We hope your travels were excit-ing. Now as spring arrives this month in Region 2, it is time to unbutton your Airstream, inspect and ready it for the coming rally season.

Easter falls on March 31 and Passover begins on the 25th. And don’t forget St. Patty’s Day on the 17th.

Happy Trails

Region 3Joan Anderson, Contributing Editor

http://region3.wbcci.netRegion 3’s Rally Round the Rock is coming to Atlanta’s Stone

Mountain! Stone Mountain Park ( is a wonderful family park for all ages located to the east of Atlanta off of I-285. Some of the exciting park adventures include: the Summit Skyride - a high speed cable car that provides the rider with a stunning view of the Confederate Memorial Carving as it climbs to the top of Stone Mountain; the Scenic Railroad is a five mile excursion around the mountain in 1940’s open air rail cars; Ride the Ducks are 1940’s Army DUKWs converted into comfortable open air vehicles that will take you from land to water to land without getting your feet wet! Wandering around the grounds can lead to the grist mill, the covered bridge and the carillon that had been exhibited in the 1964 World’s Fair in New York City!

Make sure that April 23 to 28 is on your calendar to come to Region 3’s Rally. There are so many activities and attrac-tions included in the registration fee for the entire family – duck boat ride; laser show with popcorn and soda; an Antebellum Plantation tour; an extra special ice cream social; fishing; and a live magician show! An optional event is the full day guided bus tour of Atlanta’s landmarks (Carter Library, Fox Theater, Margaret Mitchell House, High Museum) including a studio tour at CNN and a tour of the World of Coca-Cola. There will be City Passes available for admission to 5 additional attrac-tions at a savings of 45% from the standard admission fees.

Discussions and seminars, Region business meeting, and GAMs to meet and greet old and new friends are all scheduled to inform and entertain. Because of all the daytime activities that will be available, there will not be any nighttime entertainment. Instead, there will be GAMs around grills in the evenings or the opportunity to visit Atlanta’s fine restaurants on your own.

There are some very important decisions you must make before making reservations for one of the 150 sites that have been reserved for the Region 3 Rally. Please read the fee notes carefully.

Dates: April 23 – 28Fees: Rally Fee $55 per person over 15 years of ageSite with three point hookups: $49 per day for first three

days, $45 for each additional day (If you are only coming for 2 days, the fee will be $45 each day but will not include the Premium Rally Package – duck boat tour, laser show seating, plantation tour.)

When calling the reservation line (1-800-385-9807 or 1-770-498-5710) you will need to have the following information available: 1) the dates you wish to attend, 2) any handicap

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Region Newsprovisions you require and 3) whether you are choosing to purchase tickets for the bus tour of Atlanta ($60 per person).

Rally registration will close on April 2, 2013, but those need-ing handicapped spaces need to call by March 19, 2013. If you need to register after April 2, you will be put in unassigned locations closest to our rally facilities. All sites in the park have three point hookups.

In the event you must cancel: your request must be reviewed and approved by a member of the Region leadership team. The Park will not honor cancellations without Region 3 approval.

See you at the Rally Round the Rock!

Region 4Nancy Brett, Contributing Editor

http://region4.wbcci.netGreetings from Region 4! Mother Nature has given us

a glimpse of spring and we will take it. It is time to prepare your rig for the Region 4 Computer Rally at Van Wert, Ohio. The Greenways are great hosts; there is plenty of computer knowledge to be shared, excellent pie and lots of fellowship. Email [email protected] for more information. This would be a great starting place to caravan to the Region 4 Rally in Lewisburg.

Located in the Allegheny Mountains, Lewisburg, WV is a “221-year-old town with many 18th and 19th-century buildings, where the steeple clock still tolls the hour and the church bells ring out on Sunday mornings.” The camping sites are in the state fairgrounds, the buildings are air-conditioned and the atmosphere is relaxing. Have you sent in your reservation for the 37th Annual Region Rally? See for the registration form or call our Region President Karin Kurkowski and First Mate Larry at 586-210-1777.

Many units have already started Community Service projects. Janet Kendig reminds us that knit hats of all sizes, gently used children’s books, lap blankets for nursing homes and assorted items for women’s shelters and the food pantry will be collected in South Dakota.

When you attend the International Convention/Rally June 28 - July 4 in Huron, South Dakota, plan to attend the Region 4 Luncheon. It is a great chance to visit with your Region 4 friends, watch for the date.

“Little Bavaria Second Time Around” is the theme of this year’s Michigan State Rally. The Rally will be held August 7-11, 2013. Please contact David Brendel at 248-887-4687 for more information.

Dates to Remember:May 13-17 - Region 4 Computer Rally, Van Wert, OhioMay 20-26 - 37th Annual Region 4 Rally, Lewisburg, WV June 28- July 4 - International Rally at Huron, South Dakota August 7-11 - Michigan State Rally, Frankenmuth, MichiganSept 21-29 - Swiss Festival National Rally, Sugarcreek,

Ohio - [email protected] See you down the road!

Region 5Patsy Marston, Contributing Editor

Is anyone “beware-ing the Ides of March”? No one is ever very sure just what that is. I think it’s a certain period of time during March that we should beware. Personally I think March is generally a super month. SPRING is almost here. In Re-gion 5 that means another season of Fun - Fellowship - and Adventure with our WBCCI friends. March, in Region 5, can also bring snow storms and bitter cold, but it never lasts very long and really, SPRING is almost here. I’m writing this sitting in the sunshine of Florida, and looking forward to our Region 5 luncheon at the Florida State Rally at Sarasota. (Which will be long over by the time you read this.) The next Region event will be at the International Rally at Huron, SD. We will have a luncheon on June 30 in the Huron Event Center. Tickets will be available at the registration tables at the rally.

I hope all of you are keeping the dates of September 11 - 15 open for our special Region 5 Rally at General Butler State Park near Carrollton, Kentucky, and immediately preceding it from September 8 – 10, for the Region 5 Computer Rally. General Butler is a beautiful park with an outstanding campground. There is a nine hole golf course that is especially challenging with hills and trees. The lodge is situated with a view of the Ohio River, and the dining is really first class. Carrollton is an historic old river town with lots of shops to explore and the General Butler family home is open for tours. Madison, Indiana is just across the bridge and it certainly is fun to explore, too. President Barry Bell and First Lady Karen have been work-ing hard to insure that we all have a memorable time. The Kentucky Unit has been invaluable in providing assistance in rally scheduling and on-site planning. You just can’t replace that volunteer spirit and dedication.

This Region Rally will also set an important precedent. You will be able to register and pay the rally fee online. Just go to and click on the link to the Region 5 Rally. The online form will appear. It will look like the regular coupon that used to be cut out and mailed to the region trea-surer. You can pay by your credit card, or if you’re a member, you can use Pay Pal. It’s just that easy. No checks to write or postage stamps to buy. Just a few clicks and you’re all set for a beautiful time in Kentucky.

While you are making your plans for the coming season’s events, take time to consider what you can volunteer to do to help out with your unit’s plans. Our wonderful club can only prosper if the members continue to help when needed and to accept the responsibilities of filling offices that are vacant. Being an officer of your unit or your region is just a small way of thanking those that have done it before you. And it’s also a lot of fun!

Point to ponder: Volunteers are not paid because they are worthless - but because they are priceless.

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Region 6Lonnie Carver, Contributing Editor

Happy Spring Everybody! Hope that everyone survived the cold winter months.

Kathleen Hedgepeth, Region President and Lonnie Carver, 1st Vice President, traveled to Blythe, CA for the 2013 Winter IBT meeting. Thanks to Region 12 for sponsoring the IBT. It was well planned! It’s a lot of work to put together the Mid-Winter IBT. Thanks again!

Charles and Helen Bourgeois, 2nd Vice President attended the Florida State Rally and represented Region 6. Charles and Helen enjoyed their time at the Rally.

The 49th National Mardi Gras Rally was held in New Or-leans, LA and a good time was had by all that attended. The rally was sold out this year…let’s hope we can continue to sell out our National and Special Event Rallies.

The Region 6 officers invite all of the members of Region 6 that will be attending the International Rally to join them for the annual Region 6 luncheon that will be held on July 1, 2013 in Huron, SD. Region 6 will host the annual luncheon in the Dakota Flavors Building on the Fairgrounds…11:30 AM – 2:00 PM. Be sure to sign up and purchase your tickets at the Region 6 table during registration at International.

Region 7Pete Yanke, Contributing Editor

http://region7.wbcci.netTRADITIONS…It’s a great song title. “Fiddler on the Roof” is one of the

great theater pieces ever done. It takes place in Tsarist Russia. Tevye, the title character, has five daughters. He is worried about how he will ever get these girls married. Three of the girls are planning to get married. He expects them to follow the family faith and TRADITIONS when they marry. Now these young ladies have their own ideas as to the who, where, and how of the weddings. It seems there is a little bit of a rub between the generations. They come to an under-standing and all is well.

What is the take away from the story? The only constant in our life is change. Change is going to happen. TRADITIONS are going to change. Let’s make the most of it and embrace it. I think Region 7 is on the way. It started when Linda Agre embraced the “New Approach.” We had our region installation around a campfire. Some rallies in Region 7 and the other regions are laid back “just camping” rallies. It’s not what you do, it is the fact you do it. Get out there and generate your own TRADITIONS. Check the newsletters and websites for scheduled luncheons, dinners and rallies. Check the schedules of your neighboring units. If you are travelling, check the units where you will be staying. Kathy and I have had great times joining in with other units and regions.

I know this piece is scheduled for the March issue. We are all thinking about getting the trailers and motorhomes ready

for the camping season. I started putting this piece together on New Year’s Day (minus 18 degrees). It is a good thing I believe in change or… Oh Well

Travel Safe****************************************P.S. from Linda Agre - Update on the ‘Traveling Girdle’ - It

has returned home.

Region 8Dave & Pat Shaw, Contributing Editors March is here and we will soon be saying “hello” to the first

day of spring in 2013. We are happy to welcome our snowbird members back home to Region 8. Those of us who survived the winter in the north are anxious to get our Airstreams out of hibernation and on the road. We are digging out from the snow, eliminating the antifreeze, and filling our rigs with wa-ter and propane. Thoughts of heading towards Hutchinson, Kansas are first and foremost on our minds!

And...with Caravanning being our middle name, our Region 8 Caravan Leader Ed Knernschield has a caravan route planned to Hutchinson. Is a caravan in your planning? Have you considered “tagging in” with Ed and his crew as he makes stops at Independence, MO and/or at Lyndon, Kansas? If interested contact Ed at 573-480-5441 or email to [email protected].

Whether you join in on the regional caravan, follow along with your unit caravan, or travel alone, do join us for another enjoyable Region 8 Rally. President Fred and First Mate Dottie have been very busy putting the final touches on “LET THE GAMES BEGIN!” They have planned a full schedule of fun activities at the rally as well as many interesting places to tour while in Hutchinson.

There is a Cosmosphere and Space Center that displays a SR-71 Blackbird spy plane and a space shuttle replica. While at the Center you will also discover a museum, an IMAX theater, and a planetarium. Another must-stop is the Kansas Underground Salt Museum. An educational and historical guided tour of the salt located under the Kansas prairie is available on the “Dark Ride.” Other sites to visit include an Amish Community, an historic Fox Theatre, and an Art Center. If you take a short drive about 30 miles away to the town of Ellinwood, there are underground tunnels to view that were used to protect the settlers from the harsh winters.

We are so anxious to see the “Hutch” area and enjoy an-other Region 8 Rally. Until then, we are...

Looking forward to seeing you down the road!

Region 9Joan Ermis, 1st Vice President

http://www.wbregion9.orgIn like a lion and out like a lamb is the way the month of

March is usually described. Spring is fast approaching and the Airstreams are rolling the highways and byways. March also

Region News

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Region Newsmeans it is time for the Region 9 Rally. The agenda had been redesigned so hopefully everyone who desires can participate in the various activities. Volunteers from our region arrived early and once again they did a fantastic job making this rally one to remember. The food, fun, fellowship and activities were definitely what everyone expects at a rally. We were delighted with the vendors and their wares.

When the mid-winter IBT was held in Robstown a few years ago, the weather averaged ten degrees cooler than normal. Last year in Hattiesburg, Mississippi it was cold and I mean cold. One thing I have learned since joining the WBCCI is that the weather does not bother Airstreamers. Neither heat nor cold or the dust, or the wind stops the fun - it just adds to the adventure.

In speaking of volunteers, our WBCCI President John Bout-well said it best. “As an organization of volunteers everything we do for each other is a labor of love.” Your officers greatly appreciate everything our units are doing to make our jobs easier. Thank you all for the great job you did as Committee Chairmen at the Region Rally.

January and February were busy months. The mid-winter IBT in Blythe was quite successful. The weather was much cooler than anticipated. The Hobo Rally was definitely a lot of fun and quite an adventure. The highlight of the rally was the parade and crowning of the king and queen. Region 12 volunteers did an outstanding job. Sightseeing included Quartzsite, Joshua Tree National Monument, Salton Sea, and the London Bridge. Thank you to the Region 12 units who did an outstanding job of hosting.

Our unit officers have already completed three months of their term and the rallies have been so varied in themes, locales, menus, and sightseeing excursions. It is always great to read the newsletters and I regret that I cannot attend each and every rally. Smiling faces and interesting locales make for great adventure.

Dave Schumann in SCHU’s News back in October 2009 recommended using Pledge to easily clean smudges and film build up on the aluminum interior skin. It really does the trick - spray it on and wipe it off. It works also on stainless steel, metal and chrome. It smells good too. Happy spring cleaning.

Trivia answer for February: Vern Goodwin.

Region 10Tobe Green, Contributing Editor

http://www.wbcci10.orgIn Region 10 we are looking forward to Spring and also

our returning members from the southland. We can’t wait to share our winter experiences over the campfire. That’s always the best fun at a rally.

Speaking of fun, Region 10 has two National Rallies - POT-LATCH & SALMON RALLY at Lacey, Washington in August and PENDLETON ROUNDUP at Pendleton, Oregon in September. There is a new Special Events rally in Montana, THE WILD WEST FEST located in East Helena, Montana, in August and October brings us the SUN VALLEY JAZZ FESTIVAL in Ket-chum, Idaho. All of these rallies are sure to meet the criteria for Fun, Fellowship and Adventure.

Do you have any suggestions for a community service project that worked for your Unit? I have two to share. We made up baskets and sold tickets for a drawing to benefit a children’s hospital. There were 5 baskets each with a differ-ent theme. Our theme choices were: wine, chocolate, men’s, ladies, and cheese.

There is an American Legion Free RV park in Wisdom, Montana that got a free paint job on all the tables and benches, even the outhouses got spruced up! It was fun and the town’s people loved it. We used red, white and blue paint!!

Share your ideas with us, it helps to hear what others are doing for their communities. Contact Tobe at [email protected], or 406-586-0892.

Travel Safe!!

Region 11L. Lawson, Contributing Editor

“The March wind roarsLike a lion in the sky,And makes us shiver

As he passes by. When winds are soft,

And the days are warm and clear,Just like a gentle lamb,Then spring is here.”- Author Unknown

St. Patrick’s Day Rally II, Phoenix, AZ March 14 - 18, 2013

The second St. Pat’s Rally is jointly hosted by the 4CU and the Arizona Units. Held once again in the beautiful McDowell Mountains Regional Park, just north of Fountains Hills, AZ, the Rally is held in the Group Camping Area, which has a ramada, flush toilets with showers, & a big campfire pit. Electricity in the group ramada only; water available to fill tanks on way in; dump station available on way out. Pay your camping fee of $15 per night at the ranger station on check-in. There is a $20 Rally Fee per rig; send your payment to: Paul Ward, 300 Mission Rd., Sedona, AZ 86336, along with your name, contact info, any special food considerations, & number in your party. Bring firewood & food & Irish drink to share for Friday potluck; Saturday Irish Feast will be provided!

For more info, contact hosts Paul & Ronnie Ward [email protected] 630-235-9644 or Pat & Babs Cahalan [email protected] 480-221-8447

If you are hosting an upcoming Airstream rally or event in Region 11 that you would like to promote in the Blue Beret, please send details to [email protected] 55 days before the first of that month’s issue!

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Region 12Connie Squires, Contributing Editor

The 124th Rose Parade’s theme, borrowed from Dr. Se-uss’s popular book, “Oh, The Places You’ll Go!,” stirred the imagination of many. Are you dreaming of new adventures, imagining exploration of some new territory, anxious to get behind the wheel and hit the road with your Airstream? As Dr. Seuss stated, “You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” Why not steer yourself to Huron, South Dakota, and participate in a WBCCI International Rally?

In addition to the fun and fellowship you will experience at the rally, you will uncover places to explore in South Dakota, some with unique natural beauty; others being quirky man-made attractions.

Badlands National Park, 75 miles east of Rapid City, has a landscape which has been sculpted by millions of years of erosion and sedimentation. The Badlands Wall has been compared to an enormous stage set - colorful and dramatic, crammed with ridges, buttes, cones, pinnacles, etc. It is a breathtakingly bewitching landscape. The great architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, described The Badlands with an artist’s eye: “an indescribable sense of mysterious elsewhere...end-less supernatural world more spiritual than earth but created out of it.”

South Dakota boasts another national park, Wind Cave, which is located 75 miles southwest of Rapid City. Wind Cave lies below ground where more than 104 miles of explored passages make it one of the world’s longest caves. It has an unparalleled collection of boxwork, a calcite formation appearing like irregular honeycombs. Above the amazing underground mazelike complex lies mixed-grass prairie and ponderosa pine forests of the Black Hills. As a result, the park hosts plant and animal species from several distinct geographical regions.

The Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse Monuments, also not far from Rapid City, are well worth a visit. And, a less noted corny attraction is The Corn Palace located in Mitchell where corn is king. Mitchell is about 53 miles south of Huron. The Palace is a multipurpose arena which has huge murals around its exterior composed of corn, grains, and local grasses. Created by South Dakota artists, the murals become a huge bird feeder the moment of creation and new ones have to be made each year. The mural designs display the state’s history and life.

A kitschy drug store, packed to the rafters with everything from camping gear to horse liniment, is located 52 miles southeast of Rapid City. Wall Drug Store is a big tourist at-traction where you can listen to a cowboy orchestra while eating a buffalo burger.

“Oh, The Places You’ll Go.” Send in your registration for the 56th International Convention/Rally to be held at Huron, SD. Forms can be located in the Blue Beret or at

Region News

Airstream Dealer UpdateNew Dealers

Horizon Lussier1155 Rang De L’EgliseMarieville, QC Canada

J3M 1N9 Ph. 450-460-3666

Haydocy Airstream and RV3895 W. Broad St.

Columbus, OH 43228Ph. 614-279-8880

Desert Autoplex RV MarineSales: 3110 E. Main St.

Mesa, AZ 85213Ph. 480-924-2628

Service: 3335 E. Main St.Mesa, AZ 85213

Ph. 480-964-2277

Watson Benzie, LLC3938 Rennie School Rd.Traverse City, MI 49684

Ph. 231-943-5858

Nomad Airstream167 Willow Dr.

Plattsburgh, NY 12903Ph. 518-324-6225

North Trail RV Center5270 Orange River Blvd.

Ft. Myers, FL 33905Ph. 239-693-8200

North Trail RV Center4300 Ravenswood Rd.

Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312Ph. 239-693-8200

Vision RV CorporationZone 1, 26301A Town-

ship Rd. 531AAcheson, AB Canada

T7X 5A3Ph. 780-962-0012

In MemoriamThe officers and members of

Wally Byam Caravan Club International, their sympathy to the families and

friends of these departed members.

Black, Harold (133-MS)................................#7835 PP Greater New Orleans Louisiana UnitCain, Donald (103-TX) ...............................#18230Cotton, William D. “Dale” (088-OK) ..........#23948 Pres. Oklahoma UnitDieter, Red (009-TX)...................................#19042Dobbins, Paul (071-NY) ............................. #11112Hendricks, Mary (104-TX)............................#7641 PFL Texas Hill Country UnitJames, Sally (169-NC) .................................#5324 PFL Western North Carolina UnitJehnzen, Dale (169-NC) .............................#19131 PP Western North Carolina UnitMcGuire, Salty (088-OK)................................#241 PP Region 9Parrish, Opal (040-IN) ..................................#3044 PP Indiana UnitRunyan, Maurice (137-MI) ...........................#6018 PP Metro Detroit Michigan UnitSandy, Marilyn (036-NJ) ..............................#4159Weis, Ina (136-OH) .........................................#278 PFL Region 4Williams, Juanita (058-MO) .........................#5198

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Airstream • 937-596-6111

Justin Humphreys

Greetings from your extended Airstream family here in Jackson Center, OH! I hope

everyone is enjoying their Airstream somewhere south, as it has been a brutal winter so far this year in the north!

I was able to attend the IBT meet-ing in Blythe, CA, a few weeks ago and had a great time catching up with many members during the two days I was there. I enjoyed the conversation and discussion on how to increase membership and grow the club’s effectiveness. I am blown away with the amount of work your leadership folks do for the club without receiving a paycheck. The amount of hours of work from the national leadership team to the regional and unit level means a lot to us here at Airstream. This dedication to supporting the Airstream lifestyle is appreciated by everyone at the factory. I’d like to thank the board for making me feel so welcome during the meeting.

During the IBT meeting and then afterwards during the Hobo Rally, Dave Morse from Toscano RV was supporting both events with new and used inven-tory for sale. I’d like to personally thank Dave for taking time away from his family to spend so much time at both events. Thanks Dave!

So far the show season has been a huge success this year. Windish RV had a great show in Denver, Colorado and Bates RV doubled last year sales at the Tampa Supershow. In addition, we had a very strong show in Grand Rapids with Woodland Travel Center, and Shorewood RV Center had a strong RV show in Minneapolis this past weekend despite a snow storm! We have several more shows to at-tend, but if the early shows are any indication, the coming year should be a great one for Airstream!

As I mentioned during my last Blue Beret article, we recently made the decision to take our Inter-state product to Canada. Mercedes Benz requires a special chassis for those units sold into Canada, so we are now selling the Canadian Interstate into our neighboring country. The first units will arrive some time in April. So far, we have signed five dealers in

the country- Midtown RV in Pentic-ton, BC, Can AM in London, ON, RV Canada in Ottawa, ON, Horizon Lus-sier in Marieville, QC and Vision RV in Edmonton, AB. Please join me in welcoming these new dealers!

In addition to the new dealers in Canada, we recently signed two new Airstream exclusive dealers in the United States. The first is Nomad Airstream in Plattsburgh, NY. For-merly known as GSM Vehicles, No-mad has been known for Airstream renovations in the vintage market. In the process of restoring so many used Airstreams, they often got the request for new. We are excited to

add them to our dealer network and are especially excited to know they will be an exclusive, Airstream only dealer. In addition to Nomad, we recently signed Haydocy RV and Airstream Center in Colum-bus, OH. The majority of their inventory will arrive in April of this year. Haydocy has been a long time GMC and Buick dealer in Columbus, having served the market since 1954. This tenured company with a sterling record for customer service will be a great partner for us here at Airstream!

There is a lot going on here at Airstream. We are keeping very busy these days and have planned an increase in trailer production later this month. This will require us to hire approximately 20 more people which we are very excited about. In addition, we continue to get a ton of press as we are often the “darling” of the RV industry. Just last week the Wall Street Journal visited the plant to learn more about the iconic American company. Everyone here in Jackson Center is humbled each time we receive such attention. I am certain it is due to the wonderful foundation Wally Byam laid here that would endure long after he left us. It is good to see for both Air-stream and the WBCCI!

On behalf of 300 hard working families in Jackson Center, OH, we appreciate your passion for our products and hope to see you soon. Maybe I will see some of you at the Sarasota Rally this coming week!

Safe travels-


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Airstream • 937-596-6111

Dave Schumann, General Manager Customer Relations Group

March is here already and things are starting to pick up speed here at the Factory as we move toward Spring. Warm weather is just around the corner!Here are some of the things we are working on:

Airstream Abroad Airstream has appointed five new International Dealers, three in China, one in South Korea and one in Australia as part of a global expansion strategy. Airstream will manufacture and assemble the trailers at the company’s factory in Jackson Center, Ohio, but redesign the units to “fit the unique specifications of each country.” Once completed, the units will be shipped abroad to independent dealers in each market. Airstream said its three new dealers in China, located in Beijing, Shanghai and Xiamen, will service a “burgeoning population of consumers that are discovering the RV lifestyle.” As China continues to grow its campground infrastructure, Airstream expects to be a brand in demand by both traditional RV’ers and collectors because of its iconic American design. Airstream’s retail expansion into South Korea and Australia allows the brand to “tap into existing RV markets and reach outdoor adventure enthusiasts looking for a well-built RV that represents the highest of quality and design.” I believe Wally would be proud!

A Reminder-Windows StickingA question that gets asked quite often is the question of window gaskets sticking and what can I do to prevent this from happening. Several months of having your windows in the closed and locked position can lead to dirt and the resins from the rubber building up around the edge of the glass causing the glass to stick to the rubber.When trying to open a window that is stuck, never pry around the edge of the window with hard objects such as knives or screw drivers. If it won’t open, take something like a credit card and insert between glass and frame starting at corner and slide along bottom towards other corner.

. To prevent window gaskets from sticking, wash the window gasket with dishwasher soap to remove the dirt and resins. Once clean and dry, apply a thin coat of a product such as 303® Aerospace Protectant. This, when performed on a regular basis, should solve the problem.

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Blue Beret/March 201342

Airstream • 937-596-6111

303® Aerospace Protectant also works well on main door, access compartment and Fantastic fan gaskets.

303® Aerospace Protectant. Use Information by Specific Materials, for example it works great on: Vinyl---Rubber---Outdoor Fabrics---Plastic---Leather

Does the cap on your Black Tank Flush keep coming out of inlet?If it does, you may want to contact your Airstream Dealer and order an upgraded screw in plug to replace the original press fit cap.

Replacementcapforblacktankflushinlet Oldstylepressfitcap screwincap

Airstream Part Number 601392-01Flying Cloud Repair KitHere is a kit we recently put together for the Flying Cloud Trailers.It contains pop rivets, screw caps, putty for panels as well as a tube of Seam Fil for nicks in laminates. It also comes with an acrylic touch up pencil for touch up nicks in clear coated metal. We plan on having repair kits for other model lines in the near future.

Airstream PN: 28431W-200

Proof you can’t always be funny• There are two rules for success: (1) Don’t tell everything that you know.• “Everyone that believes in telekinesis, raise my hand.”• She criticized my apartment, so I knocked her flat.Oh well, I’ll give it another shot next month!Have a great month and I will see you on down the road.

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Blue Beret/March 2013 43

March 2013Let’s Get Ready To Travel!!!

Airstream Service Center in Jackson Center, Ohio wants to help you make sure your unit is ready for the up and coming traveling season!Let us give your unit a look over with our 27 Point Inspection. This is an inspection that includes water, LP, electrical and other systems. It also includes inspecting sealants, air conditioners, refrigerators and a host of other items. For only $436.00* we will do the inspection and give you an estimate of any repairs/parts needed so that when that first warm and sunny day comes, you can make sure your trailer is ready to go.

We also offer the following for your trailer:

Trailer Brake Inspection Single, Double or Triple Axle

Trailer Wheel Bearings Packed Single, Double or Triple Axle

Goodyear Marathon Trailer Tires ST 225/75 R15 Load Range DTowmax Trailer Tires ST 225/75 R15 Load Range E

Michelin LTX M/S LT 225/75 R16 Load Range E Tire/Rim Assembly

Call the Airstream Service Center today to schedule your appointment@ 937-596-6111

*Tax and necessary parts not included

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Airstream • 937-596-6111

Held In Jackson Center OH at the Airstream Held in Canyonville Oregon at the Seven Factory from May 28th to June 2nd 2013 Feathers RV Resort and Casino

From August 6th to 11th 2013 Trailer with one adult (3 nights) $195.00 _____________ Trailer with one adult (5 nights) $335.00 _____________ 3 Nights (Arrival on May 30, 2013, or later) 5 Nights Arriving on August 6th Additional Adult in same trailer $70.00 _____________ Additional Adult in same trailer $130.00 _____________ Number of kids under 15 year of age $FREE _____________ Number of kids #________ X $40.00 _____________ For seminars, entertainment and meals only (No Campsite): For seminars, entertainment and meals only (No Campsite):

Walk in attendance, per person $70.00 _____________ Walk in attendance, per person $130.00 ____________

ADDITIONAL NIGHTS (COME IN EARLY!) Alumafandango Mens T-Shirt 4 Nights (Arrival on May 29, or later) $30.00 ______________ S M L XL XXL $20.00 ______________ 5 Nights (Arrival on May 28, or later) $60.00 ______________ Alumafandango Womens T Shirt Generator Section Y N S M L XL $20.00 ______________ Want more than one? Just note it here and do the math! COME IN REALLY EARLY! FYI Kids registration includes free pass to Wildlife Safari! With 5 nights only! (L imited spaces) Early boondock parking (NO hookups) with Memorial day Holiday Picnic

(Per trailer, Arrive May 24-27) $30.00 _____________ Alumapalooza Mens T-Shirt S M L XL XXL $20.00 _____________ Alumapalooza Womens T-Shirt S M L XL $20.00 _____________ Want more than one? Just note it here and do the math! Alumapalooza Alumafandango TOTAL DUE Check or Credit Card _____________ TOTAL DUE Check or Credit Card ______________

First Attendee Name _____________________________Second Attendee Name _____________________________________ Kid Name(s) ______________________________ _____________________________________ ________________________ Cardholder Name ______________________________________ Card Number ______________________________________ Security Code ____________ Expiration Date ________________ The address below is your billing address; if mailing address is different please let us know, email address is important for updates!

Address______________________________________________ City/State/ZIP __________________________________ Home Phone _________________________________________ Cell Phone _____________________________________ Email Address________________________________________ Trailer or Motorhome Model _______________________

Mail it to: R&B Events LLC, 3959 Van Dyke Road #295, Lutz FL 33558 Checks made payable to R&B Events. Or you can register on line at or A few things you should know: Taking photography or video for commercial purposes at the event is prohibited without express written permission of Airstream Inc. and R&B Events LLC. No refunds (whole or part) for late arrival. If you must cancel, please note that refunds are limited by our published refund policy on our web sites for the event. We strongly recommend investigating trip cancellation insurance if you might have to cancel at a late date. Refunds will be made to the credit card or PayPal account that was originally used to make the payment. Please note that t-shirts and other merchandise orders are not returnable or refundable. Alumapalooza Four and Alumafandango are productions of R&B Events LLC. By registering for and attending this event you agree to hold R&B Events LLC, Airstream Inc., Church Street Publishing Inc., organizers, volunteers, and sponsors of the event harmless for any damages, losses, or injuries that you may incur while attending the event. Please check our website for insurance recommendations.

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Blue Beret/March 2013 45

INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION/RALLYJun 28-Jul 4 2013 International Convention/Rally, Huron, South Dakota


Mar None in 2013, will return in 2014 Natchez Pilgrimage, Vidalia, LAJun None in 2013, may resume in 2014 Spirit of Cleveland, Cleveland, OHAug 7-11 Potlatch & Salmon, Lacey, WASep 9-15 Pendleton Roundup, Pendleton, ORSep 21-29 Swiss Festival, Sugarcreek, OHSep 23-27 Antelope, Medicine Bow, WYOct 3-7 TX Vintage Rally, Gonzales, TX


Apr None in 2013, will return in 2014 San Antonio Fiesta Rally, San Antonio, TXJul 24-28 Santa Fe Experience, Santa Fe, NMAug 4-10 Galax Fiddlers Convention, Galax, VAAug 8-12 Montana Wild West Fest, East Helena, MTSep 5-8 Old Threshers, Yuma, COOct No Tall Stacks & Turkey till 2014 Cincinnati, OH & Brookville, INOct 3-7 Storytelling Festival Rally, Jonesborough, TNOct 10-14 Canadian Thanksgiving & Columbus Day Rally Provincetown, MAOct 12-20 Sun Valley Jazz Festival, Ketchum, IDDec 28-Jan 1, 2014 Rose Parade Rally, Pasadena, CA


2013Mar 5-18 N-42-G1 Lousiana Cajun Heritage - Leader: Solera Ph.

504-733-1582Mar 26-Apr 8 N-42-G2 Lousiana Cajun Heritage - Leader: Solera Ph. 504-733-1582Apr 8-22 N-42-L Golf-N-Around - Leader: Skipper Ph. 850-528-

0437Apr 9-May 14 N-42-A The Civil War - Part 3 - Leader: Jones Ph.

703-780-6597Jun 3-22 N-42-J FILLED - ACCEPTING STANDBYS ONLY Taste of the Blue Ridge - Leaders: King Ph.

252-514-7497/Bennett 919-467-3681Jul 8-Aug 23 N-42-F FILLED - ACCEPTING STANDBYS The Maple Leaf Trail Caravan - Leader: Leach

Ph. 281-536-6185Jul 11-Sep 6 N-42-B FILLED - ACCEPTING STANDBYS ONLY

The Viking Trail - Leader: Carnein Ph. 623-974-4762

Aug 1-15 N-42-K Fly, Drive Alaska - Leader: Matkovich Ph. 708- 567-4686

Aug 22-Oct 13 N-42-E1 FILLED - ACCEPTING STANDBYS ONLY, Southwest Adventure - Leaders: Thompson Ph. 850-766-0036 / Montague Ph. 850-212- 3726

Aug 26-Oct 20 N-42-E2 FILLED-ACCEPTING STANDBYS Southwest Adventure - Leader: Glassey Ph.

206-605-2986Oct 20-Nov 15 N-42-I FILLED - ACCEPTING STANDBYS ONLY,

Where Da Heck is Chokoloskee? Leader: Courtney Ph. 513-325-0219

2014N-43-A Springtime in Kentucky - Leader: Wilson Ph. 270-782-6554N-43-B The Great River Road - Leader: Andrzejewski Ph. 603-770-

1609N-43-C Landmarks West - Leader: Glassey 206-605-2986N-43-D Southeast Coast Spectacular - Leader: Carnien Ph. 623-

974-4762N-43-G Alyeska, the Great Land - Leader: Johnjulio Ph. 216-533-

1752N-43-I Watch it Made in the USA - Leader: Hilton Ph. 352-205-9928

or 352-430-5834N-43-J Southwest Adventure - Leader: Glassey Ph. 206-605-2986N-43-K Florida Fantasy - Leader: Skipper Ph. 850-528-0437N-43-L Gone to Texas - Leaders: Snow Ph. 281-251-7566/Kindle

Ph. 713-907-4624N-43-M Georgia Plantations - Leaders: Thompson Ph. 850-766-

0036/Montague Ph. 850-212-3726

Event Schedule

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Region 1 ActivitiesRegion 1 Website:

Aug 8-11 Region 1 Rally “Puttin’ on the Airs”, Berlin, CTOct 10-14 Canadian Thanksgiving & Columbus Day Rally Provincetown, MA

Canadian Atlantic Unit - www.canadianatlantic.wbcci.netTBA Mid-Winter Lunch 11:30 AM, Tony Grange 902-521-3423,

email: [email protected]

Cape Cod Massachusetts Unit -

Charter Oak Connecticut Unit - www.connecticut.wbcci.netMar 3 Luncheon 11:30 AM, Pond House Grill, 2935 Main St.,

Glastonbury, CT, Charlotte LaRocca 860-633-8157, email: [email protected]

Apr 7 Luncheon Noon, Tower Ridge Country Club, 140 Nod Rd., Simsbury, CT, Juanita Pestretto 860-658-1222, email: [email protected]

New England Unit - 19-21 Go Fly a Kite Rally, Coastal Acres CG, Provincetown, MA,

New Rte. 6 all the way to end, Rick Cipot 203-743-7664, email: [email protected]

Apr 26-28 Business Meeting/Rally, Charlie Brown’s CG, Eastford, CT, Earl Duesel 508-485-2087, email: [email protected]

Quebec Canada Unit - 21 Luncheon Noon, La Casa Grecque, 1565 Daniel-Johnson,

Laval, QC, intersection boul. St-Martin (BYOB) (Apportez votre vin), Gabriel Massicotte 450-834-8293/514-400-4816, email: [email protected]

White Mountains New Hampshire Unit - wmu0065.wbcci.netMar 16 Luncheon Noon, Sarducci’s Rest., 3 Main St., Montpelier,

VT, Jerry Carruba 802-485-3792, email: [email protected]

Region 2 ActivitiesRegion 2 Website:

Jul 31-Aug 4 PA State Rally, Limestone, PA

Al-Mon-O Pennsylvania Unit – 16 Luncheon 11:30 AM, Rodney’s Rest., 557 Wendel Rd., Irwin,

PA, I-76 (PA Turnpike) to Exit 67 (Irwin), keep R and merge onto Lincoln Hwy, .3 mi. to R onto Arona Rd., take 2nd R onto Wendel Rd., rest. on L, Jim Turner 724-733-2079, email: [email protected]

Apr 26-28 Rally, Nelson’s Farm, 8 Highland Ave., West Alexander, PA, I-70 to Exit 1, West Alexander, PA, then follow signs to farm, Gene Nelson 724-825-2558, email: [email protected]

Central Maryland Unit – 23 Luncheon 12:30 PM, Tall Oaks Rest., Pasadena, MD, Lilo

Kaiser 410-315-9721Apr 13 Luncheon 12:30 PM, Silver Mining Co. Rest., Bel Air, MD,

Jan Hartig 301-464-2632

Central Pennsylvania Unit –

Delaware Valley New Jersey Unit – TBA St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon, 98 Erial Rd., Clementon, NJ,

Pat Berkey 856-816-5469, email: [email protected] 26-28 Community Service Rally, Parvin State Park, parking lot, dry

camp, Jean Jacques Rasanda #30473

Delmarva Unit - 14 St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon Noon, Michael’s Rest., Newark,

DE, John Chromy 302-994-7412, email: [email protected] 26-28 Maintenance Rally, 4H Park, Centreville, MD, Clyde Warden

410-708-0558, email: [email protected]

Hudson-Mohawk New York Unit - http://hudmo.wbcci.netMar 21 Dinner TBA, Bob Stark 518-365-8510, email: bob.claudias@

gmail.comApr TBA Luncheon, Gerry Schulitz 518-863-2335, email: gschulitz@

Keystone Pennsylvania Unit - http://keystone.wbcci.netMar 16 St. Patrick’s Luncheon Noon, TBAApr 26-28 Joint Maintenance Rally w/Delmarva Unit, 4-H Park,

Centreville, MD, from Rt. 95, Exit 1-A, Rt. 896 S Delaware, follow to 301 S, follow past Centreville to R on Perlee Rd., L on Main St., L on Dunlin Clark Rd., Clyde Warden 410-708-0558, email: [email protected]/ Barry Heckenswiler 215-257-3712, email: [email protected]

Metropolitan New York Unit - http://metrony.covvo.comApr 25-28 Spring to Life Rally, Battle Row CG, Old Bethpage, NY, 495

to Exit 48 S, go about 1 mi. to Bethpage-Sweet Hollow Rd., make L, make R onto Claremont St., entrance on R, Mark Hammer 516-330-3644, email: [email protected]

Mid-Atlantic Unit - http://midatlantic.wbcci.netMar 8-10 Maple Festival Rally, Monterey, VA, Robert Blom 410-643-

8550Apr TBA Maintenance Rally, Queen Anne’s 4-H Park, Centreville,

MD, Howard Lefkowitz 301-649-3373

New Jersey Unit 16 St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon Noon, TBA, Judy Coupe 267-

261-1392, email: [email protected] 16-18 Rally, TBA, Judy Coupe 267-261-1392, email: judycoupe@

New York Finger Lakes Unit - 7 Luncheon 11:30 AM, The Golden Corral, Palm Bay, FL, Ron


Ontario Canada Unit - www.ontarioairstream.orgMar 1 Airstreamers in the Valley Luncheon 11:30 AM, Tip O’Texas

Resort (Main Hall), 101 E. Sioux Rd., Pharr, TX, Don McKelvay 919-723-7661, email: [email protected]

Penn Lehigh Unit – TBAApr TBA

Pennsylvania Unit -

Washington DC Unit - http://wdcu.wbcci.netApr 25-28 Kick-Off Rally, Washington DC/Capitol KOA KG, Millersville,

MD, see web for details, RJ Marquette, email: [email protected]

Watchung New Jersey Unit - www.watchungunit.orgMar TBA Luncheon, Joe Fodor 732-287-1179, email: TT14516@aol.

comApr TBA Unbutton Your Rig Rally, Dave Morrison 973-627-8949

Region 3 ActivitiesRegion 3 Website:

Apr 23-28 Region 3 Rally, Stone Mountain, GAAug 4-10 Galax Fiddlers Convention, Galax, VASep 20-22 Virginia Commonwealth Rally, Natural Bridge, VAOct 16-20 Carolinas State Rally, Cleveland, SC

Event Schedule

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Blue Beret/March 2013 47

Event ScheduleBig Bend Florida Unit - http://bigbendfl.wbcci.netMar 22-24 Rally, Meaher State Park, Spanish Fort, AL, Chip Adams

334-222-2917Mar 24-30 Louisiana Spring Fling Caravan, Gary Anderson 850-896-

0567Apr 19-21 Rally, Georgia Veterans State Park, Cordele, GA, Bill

Worthington 850-643-2502Apr 22-23 Caravan to Region 3 Rally, High Falls State Park, Jackson,

GA, Gayle Duncan 850-638-4908Apr 23-28 Region 3 Rally, Stone Mountain Park, Stone Mountain, GA,

Gayle Duncan 850-638-4908

Carolinas Unit of North Carolina - http://carolinasnc.wbcci.netMar 3 Luncheon Noon, Fat Boys Rest., 114 Days Inn Dr.,

Mooresville, NC 704-663-7089, Kenneth Dorn 919-630-6999, email: [email protected]

Apr 23-28 Region 3 Rally, Stone Mountain, GA

Coastal Georgia - 20-24 Rally, Blythe Island, Brunswick, GAApr 23-28 Region 3 Rally, Stone Mountain, GA

Eastern North Carolina Unit - 15-17 Rally, Resort at Carolina Crossroads, Roanoke Rapids, NC,

I-95 exit 171, Ernie Venable 252-332-4323Apr 23-28 Region 3 Rally, Stone Mountain Park CG, Stone Mountain,

GA, I-285 Exit 39B E 7.5 mi. US-78

Everglades Florida Unit - TBA Orotona South 18 thru 22 Camping

Florida Unit 13-18 Bluegrass Festival, Fort Christmas, Christmas, FL, Frank

Carson 321-704-2568, email: [email protected] 4-11 Key West Rally, Marathon, FL, Frank Carson 321-704-2568,

email: [email protected] 23-28 Region 3 Rally, Stone Mountain, GA, Jay Thompson 850-

212-4719, email: [email protected]

Florida Springs Unit - http://floridasprings.wbcci.netMar 7-10 Spring Fling Rally, Ocala North RV, Ocala, FL, call for

directions, deadline 3/1/13, Bill Shay 352-746-5124, email: [email protected]

TBA Springtime at the Ranch Rally, Stone’s Ranch, call for directions, deadline 4/1/13, Bill Shay 352-746-5124, email: [email protected]

Florida Suncoast Unit - 8-10 Rodeo & Bluegrass Family Gathering, Craigs RV Park, 7895

NE Cubitis Ave., Arcadia, FL, N Rte. 17, 7 mi. Craigs RV Park on L, Dave Sowder 941-323-7104, email: [email protected]

Apr 25-28 Rally, W.P. Franklin Locks CG (U.S. Corps of Engineers), North Ft. Meyers, FL, Rt. 75 Exit 143, go E. Bayshore Blvd. to SR 31N to SR 78E, 6 mi. to CG ( for reservations), Don Oberg 239-281-7324, email: [email protected]

Florida Treasure Coast Unit - http://ftcu.wbcci.netApr TBA Dave Wendt 561-625-4307, email: [email protected]

Georgia Unit - www.topofgeorgia.netApr 15-16 Work Days, Top of GA Airstream Park, Helen, GA, Steve

Rosenthal 770-842-4652, email: [email protected] 17-21 Spring Rally, Top of GA Airstream Park, Helen, GA, Steve

Rosenthal 770-842-4652, email: [email protected] 23-28 Region 3 Rally, Stone Mountain, GA, Steve Rosenthal 770-

842-4652, email: [email protected]

Northern Virginia Unit - 21-24 Joint Rally w/Virginia Unit 109, Clover Hill Village,

Appomattox, VA, from US 460 in Appomattox, take SR 24 E, drive past Appomattox National Historic Park entrance, turn R on SR 627 to Clover Hill Village, Richard Bartelt 434-352-8936, email: [email protected]

Apr 23-28 Region 3 Rally, Stone Mountain CG, outside Atlanta, GA

Palmetto State South Carolina Unithttp://palmettostate.wbcci.netMar 7-10 Anticipating Spring Rally, The Barnyard RV Park, 201 Oak

Dr., Lexington, SC toll free 800-633-6351, Ken Whitman 864-415-5944, email: [email protected]

Apr 23-28 Region 3 Rally, Stone Mountain, GA, Ken Whitman 864-415-5944, email: [email protected]

Piedmont North Carolina Unit - http://piedmontunit.wbcci.netApr 23-28 Region 3 Rally, Stone Mountain, GA, Bob Bennett 919-467-

3681, email: [email protected]

Shenandoah Valley of Virginia Unit http://shenandoahvalleyofva.wbcci.netApr 19-21 Break-Out Rally, Shenandoah River State Park, Devin

Bowman 540-433-9584Apr 23-28 Region 3 Rally, Stone Mountain, GA

South Carolina Coastal Unit - www.sccoastalunit.comMar 1-3 Buddy Rally/Civil War Reenactment, Broxton Bridge

Plantation, Earnhardt, SC,, make reservations w/the CG, this completely fills up so plan ahead, tell them you are with the Airstream group, Kate Tyminski 843-757-9210, email: [email protected]

Apr 5-7 Rally, Givhans Ferry State Park, Ridgeville, SC, [email protected] or reserve America website; make reservations with the CG, small CG so make reservations early, Kate Tyminski 843-757-9210, email: [email protected]

South Florida Unit 7-11 Strawberry Festival & Model Jet Rally, Happy Traveler RV

Park, 9401 E. Fowler Ave., Thonotosassa, FL, I-75 (exit 265) E 0.5 mi. SR 582, Max Joseph 954-295-3413, email: [email protected]

Tidewater Virginia Unit - www.tidewaterwbcci.comMar 15-17 Rally, Newport News Park, Newport News, VA, Joyce

Werner 757-877-0889/757-268-1876, email: [email protected]

Apr 23-28 Region 3 Rally, Stone Mountain, GA

Virginia Unit - http://virginia.wbcci.netMar 21-24 Clover Hill Spruce-Up Rally, Clover Hill Village, Appomattox,

VA, from US 460 Appomattox Bypass, take Rte. 24 E to Appomattox NHP, just pass the NHP entrance on L, turn R onto Rte. 627 to Clover Hill Village, Richard Bartelt, 434-352-8936, email: [email protected]

Apr 23-28 Region 3 Rally, Stone Mountain, GA

Western North Carolina Unit - http://wnc.wbcci.netApr 25 Dinner 6 PM, TBA, during Region 3 Rally at Stone Mountain,

GA, Dan McIntyre 828-712-3298

Region 4 Activities Region 4 Website:

May 13-17 Region 4 Computer Rally, Van Wert, OH, email: [email protected]

May 20-26 Region 4 Rally, Lewisburg, WVAug 7-11 Michigan State Rally, Frankenmuth, MISep 21-29 Swiss Festival National Rally, Sugarcreek, OH

Akron Ohio Unit - www.akronwbcci.comMar 16 St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon 11:30 AM, Main Street Grille,

125 S. Main St., North Canton, OH, Vern Ketchum 330-488-0462, email: [email protected]

Apr 20 Luncheon 11:30 AM, Erie Station Grille, 70 East Ave., Tallmadge, OH, Mike Pastva 330-352-0344, email: [email protected]

Appalachian Unit of West VirginiaMar 17 Luncheon 1:30 PM, 736 Wandering Ln., Beckley, WV, I-77 to

Beckley to 736 Wandering Ln., Jim Simpkins 304-763-5267

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Event ScheduleApr 24-28 Noah’s Ark, Strasburg, PA, Rt. 30 from Lancaster to

Strasburg, PA, Wayne Barth 304-425-6939, email: [email protected]

Auglaize Valley Ohio UnitApr 18 Luncheon 11 AM, The Inn at ONU, 401 W. College Ave, Ada,

OH, and tour of Wilson Football Factory, Tom Richardson 419-221-2626

Cincinnati Ohio Unit - 16 St. Patrick’s Day Brunch 9 AM, Golden Corral, Fairfield,

OH, take I-275 exit 39, turn R onto Winton Rd., then R onto Kolb Rd., rest. is on L, Steve Grawe 513-777-2652, email: [email protected]

Apr 25-28 Joint/Buddy Rally w/Columbus OH & Miami Valley of OH Units, Greene Cty. FG, Xenia, OH, take US 68 to W. Ankeney Mill Rd., which turns into Fairground Rd., FG will be on R, Sonny Thompson 937-545-8356, email: [email protected]

Cleveland Ohio Unit -

Columbus Ohio Unit - email: [email protected] 16 St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon Noon, TBA, Ruth Cook 614-846-

6433, email: [email protected] 18-21 Joint Rally w/Cincinnati OH & Miami Valley of OH Units,

Greene Cty. FG, Xenia, OH

Land-O-Lakes of Ohio UnitApr TBA Luncheon, Dick Watson 740-453-5233, email: watsonrp@

Mahoning Valley Ohio Unit - www.mvou.wbcci.netMar 10 Luncheon 2 PM, Willoughby Brewery, Ada Harris 440-942-

2067, email: [email protected] 28 Luncheon 2 PM, Midge Anderson’s then El Puente Rest.,

Midge Anderson 440-997-7062

Metro Detroit Michigan UnitApr TBA Dinner, Jim Maddick 734-394-0886

Miami Valley Unit of Ohio 1st Wed each month Breakfast 9 AM, Roush’s Rest., 405 W. Main St., Fairborn,

OH, Ralph Reboulet 937-433-0632, email: [email protected]

Mohican Valley Ohio UnitMar 15 Fish Fry 5:30 PM, St. Joseph Activity Ctr., 115 N Liberty

St., Galion, OH, Nancy Findling 419-468-7304, email: [email protected]

Apr 20 Luncheon 11:30 AM, Varsity Grill, 451 Portland Way N., Galion, OH, Donald Berry 419-462-5786, email: [email protected]

Northern Ohio Virtual Airstream Unit -

Region 5 ActivitiesRegion 5 Website:

Sep 9-15 Region 5 Rally & Computer Rally, Carrollton, KY Barry Bell 317-965-6400

Central Indiana Unit - www.centralind.wbcci.netApr 20 Luncheon 11 AM, Lafayette, IN, Darlene Gordy 765-474-

5618, email: [email protected]

Illinois Lincolnland Unit - http://Lincolnland.wbcci.netMar 17 Join Me for St. Patties Day Luncheon 2 PM, Irish Circle, 405

N. Walnut St., Wapella, IL, Monte Barksdale 815-458-3895, email: [email protected]

May 1 Caravan, leaving from Peoria, IL, and ending in Pella, IA, limit of 25 units, $100 deposit due with registration, Leader John Green 309-657-3102

Indiana Unit - Mon each month except December Dinner 5 PM, Ponderosa Steakhouse, 2006 S. Scatterfield

Rd., Anderson, IN, N of int. exit 26 on Scatterfield Rd. across from Mounds Mall, Robert Green 765-644-5289, email: [email protected]

1st Thur each month except December Luncheon 11:30 AM, Golden Corral, Lima Rd., Ft. Wayne,

IN, S from I-69 on Lima Rd. approx. 2 blocks, Fred Bennett 260-244-4507

Apr 27 Luncheon 11:30 AM, Back Forty, Decatur, IN, Bob Green 765-644-5289, email: [email protected]

Kentucky Unit - http://kentucky.wbcci.net2nd Tues each month except December Dinner, 6 PM, Jane Miller, 502-777-4363, email:

[email protected] Northern Illinois Unit - http://northernillinois.wbcci.netMar 16 Luncheon Noon, Golden Corral, 601 S. Randall Rd., Elgin,

IL 847-531-7277,, Brian McFarland 773-248-3735, email: [email protected]

Apr 19-21 Coming Home Rally, Lee Cty. 4-H FG, 1100 Franklin Rd., Amboy, IL, Brian McFarland 773-248-3735, email: [email protected]

Southern Illinois Unit - http://southernillinois.wbcci.netMar 17 Luncheon 1:30 PM, Ryan’s Steakhouse, Mt. Vernon, IL,

From I-57, take exit 95 to top of ramp, at top of ramp go W to Davidson St., turn L, Danny Nugteren 618-531-6698, email: [email protected]

Apr 19-21 Spring Rally, Monroe Cty. FG, 3180 Hanover Rd., Waterloo, IL, from intersection of IL 3 and IL 156, 1/2 mi., Jim Hutchens 618-528-3009, email: [email protected]

Southern Indiana Unit - http://southind.wbcci.netApr 13 Luncheon 11:30 AM, Cannelton Patio Steakhouse, 5750 E.

State Rte. 66, Cannelton, IN, Ishmal Miller 270-521-7591

Region 6 ActivitiesApr 18-21 Tennessee State Rally, Crossville, TNOct 3-7 Storytelling Festival, Jonesborough, TN, Harry & Teresa

HerrmannOct 22-27 Region 6 Rally, Gadsden, ALNov 14-17 Alabama State Rally, Foley, AL

Alabama Unit1st Sat each month Luncheon 1 PM, TBA, Birmingham, AL, call for directions,

Maxine Fikes 205-798-1735

2nd Sat each month Luncheon 11:30 AM, TBA, Tuscaloosa, AL, call for

directions, Ruth Hollingsworth 205-345-6077, email: [email protected]

2nd Mon each month Dinner 6 PM, TBA, Montgomery, AL, call for directions, Paul

Aehnlich 334-277-9647, email: [email protected]

Arkansas Razorback Unit 1st Thurs bi-monthly Starting Feb-Luncheon 11:30 AM, David Gulley 501-868-

1859, email: [email protected]

TBA Spring Buddy Rally, Carole Barton 479-890-6116, email: [email protected]

East Tennessee UnitMar 2 Luncheon Noon, Puelo’s, 110 Cedar Ln., Knoxville, TN, Kelly

Frere 865-694-0373, email: [email protected] 18-21 State Rally, TCPC

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Event ScheduleGreater New Orleans Louisiana UnitFeb 6-13 National Mardi Gras Rally Rally, UNO Lakefront Arena, New

Orleans, LA, Lonnie Carver 504-957-9362, email: [email protected]

Apr 18-21 Buddy/Angola Prison Rodeo Rally, Mary Schmitt 504-831-2909

Louisiana Acadiana UnitApr 11-14 Crawfish/Buddy Rally, A&M CG, Lyons Point, LA, from I-10

take exit #82 to LA Hwy. 1111, then S on US Hwy. 90 W into Crowley, then take LA Hwy. 13 S to 1st blacktop road (Henry Rd.) past Hwy. 1115 at A&M sign, turn L on 1st gravel road to CG, John Landry 337-643-8078, email: [email protected]

Memphis Tennessee Unit - 22-24 Boon Dock Rally, Piney CG (LBTL), Dover, TN, from

Memphis take I-40E toward Nashville, take Exit 80B (US 45 bypass) N toward Humboldt, merge onto US 45 N bypass/Keith Short bypass (becomes US 45N/TN 5N), merge onto US 45E N/TN 43 N toward Milan @ 13 mi., turn R onto E. Van Hook St./US 70 Alt/US 79/TN 76/TN 77 (continue following US 79 N/TN 76 N) @ 37 mi., turn right onto E. Wood St./US 79/TN 76 (continue following US 79 N/TN 76 N) @ 20 mi. (you pass Paris Landing State Park, cross the bridge and turn L at top of hill), Buddy Bonner 901-377-1405, email: [email protected]

Apr 18-21 Tennessee All-State Rally, TN Cumberland Plateau CG, Crossville, TN, I-40 to Exit 322, Peavine Rd. (Hwy. 392), follow Peavine Rd. (392 S) 3.3 mi. to US 127 S, turn L on US 127 S and go 9.7 mi. to Vandever Rd. (look for small green Airstream CG sign), turn R onto Vandever Rd. and drive 4.5 mi. to Blue-White Airstream sign at Blaylock Rd., turn L and go S for 2 mi. to the TCPS archway, go thru the TCPS archway and follow road to 4-way stop,, Nashville Music City Unit 615-876-5927, email: [email protected]

Mississippi Unit 1st Tue of each month Luncheon 11:30 AM, Sal and Phil’s, 6600 Old Canton Rd., Jackson, MS, J.C. Prather 662-210-0458 /Evelyn Hitt

601-992-1405, email: [email protected]

Mar 13-17 Spring Fling Rally, Grand Gulf State Park, Port Gibson, MS, from jct of US 61 & SR 462, N 7 mi. on SR 462, follow signs (R), Harriet Warren 601-856-7549/601-942-3085, email: [email protected]

Nashville Music City Tennessee UnitMar 16 Trailer Gating Open House 11:30 AM, LP Field, Nashville,

TN, Bill Martin 615-833-7036, email: [email protected] 18-21 Tennessee State Rally, TN Cumberland Plateau CG,

Crossville, TN, Fred Lieb 615-876-5927, email: [email protected]

Pensacola Florida UnitMar 15-17 Past Presidents Rally, Mystic Springs Cove, 591 Mystic

Springs Rd., McDavid, FL, located approx. 27 mi. N of Pensacola, FL, Henry Foster 850-266-4665, email: [email protected]

Apr 19-21 Vintage/Buddy Rally, Mystic Springs Cove, 591 Mystic Springs Rd., McDavid, FL, located approx. 27 mi. N of Pensacola, FL, Henry Foster 850-266-4665, email: [email protected]

Tennessee UnitApr 18-21 Tennessee State Rally, TCPC, Crossville, TN, Nashville

Music City UnitApr 25-28 Rally, TCPC, Crossville, TN, Howard Hodges 931-946-2914,

email: [email protected]

Region 7 ActivitiesRegion 7 Website:

Jun 28 Region 7 Luncheon 11:30 AM, Huron Event Center, 100 4th St. SW, Huron, SD, Linda Agre 320-295-1117

Jul 24-30 Region 7 Rally, “Festival of the Tall Ships”, Duluth, MN, Linda Agre 320-295-1117, email: [email protected]

Minnesota Unit - http://minnesota.wbcci.netMar 16 St. Patrick’s Day Party, David Piehl/Robert Quene/Paul

MunroApr 26-28 Spring Rally/Business Mtg., Airstream Park, Pete Yanke

North Dakota Peace Garden Unit -

Wisconsin Unit - http://wisc.wbcci.netMar 16 Luncheon Noon, Revere’s Wells Street Tavern, 505 Wells

St., Delafield, WI, take exit 285 for Co. Rd. C toward Delafield, turn L onto Genesee St./Waukesha C, turn L onto Wells St., George Boehmer 262-646-8697, email: [email protected]

Mar 29-31 Easter Campout, Peninsula State Park, 9462 Shore Rd., Gibraltar, WI, take State Hwy. 42 through Fish Creek in Door County, turn into park at marked entrance, Ed Emerick 920-475-7893, email: [email protected]

Apr 26-28 Spring Campout, KOA KG, S235A Stand Rock Rd., Wisconsin Dells, WI, take Hwy. 13 towards downtown WI Dells, turn L just before bridge on Stand Rock Rd., go one mi. to CG, Bob Manak, 262-524-6151, email: [email protected]

Apr 27 Meeting Noon, Moosejaw Lodge, 110 Wisconsin Dells Pkwy. S, Wisconsin Dells, WI, take WI Dells Pkwy. S (Hwy. 23) to Lodge, Bob Manak, 262-524-6151, email: [email protected]

Region 8 ActivitiesRegion 8 Website:

Apr 18-22 Region 8 Caravan to Hutchinson, KS, Ed KnernschieldApr 24-28 Region 8 Rally, “Let the Games Begin”, Hutchinson, KS,

Fred Steurer 314-853-6229, email: [email protected] 28 Region 8 Breakfast 7:30 AM, Dakota Flavor Bldg. on FG,

Fred Steurer, email: [email protected], contact Len Sullivan email: [email protected] for breakfast tickets - $10 ea.

Greater Kansas Unit -

Greater St. Louis Missouri Unit - http://gslunit.wbcci.netMar TBA St. Patrick’s Luncheon, Brian Hogue 618-462-3478Apr 12-15 Springtime Tune Up Rally, Bill Thomas Camper Sales,

Wentzville, MO, Ed Knernshield 573-480-5441, email: [email protected]

Apr 15-19 Caravan to Independence, MO (to meet Caravan to Region 8 Rally), rendezvous at Binder Park CG, Jefferson, MO, Ed Knernshield 573-480-5441, email: [email protected]

Apr 19-22/23 Region 8 Caravan to Region 8 Rally, Independence, MO, Ed Knernshield 573-480-5441, email: [email protected]

Apr 24-28 Region 8 Rally “Let the Games Begin”, Kansas State FG, Hutchinson, KS, Fred Steurer 314-853-6229, email: [email protected]

Iowa Unit - http://iowaunit.wbcci.net1st Thurs each month Nov-Apr Luncheon 11:45 AM, Golden Corral Rest., 1868 N. Power Rd., Mesa, AZ, Doris Jean Cabalka 480-216-8096

Mar 16 Luncheon 11:30 AM, Calvin Rockett, 2013 S. Center St., Marshalltown, Mark Kvidera 641-752-3688

Apr 20 Luncheon 11:30 AM, Pizza Ranch, Vinton, Chuck Helle 319-472-4520, email: [email protected]

Kansas City Missouri Unit - http://kansascityunit.wbcci.netMar 2 Luncheon 11 AM, Golden Corral, 13440 Blackbob Rd.,

Olathe, KS, Don Sutton 913-631-4237, email: [email protected]

Apr 6 Luncheon 11 AM, Home Town Buffet, 8350 N. Broadway, Kansas City, MO, 816-436-5336, Frank Melton 816-781-0033, email: [email protected]

Apr 18-20 It’s Spring Fever Rally, Topeka/Capital City KOA, 1949 SW 49th, Topeka, KS, 800-562-4793, Larry Poage 816-628-5064, email: [email protected]/Frank Melton 816-781-0033

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Event ScheduleApr 24-28 Region 8 Rally, Kansas State FG, 2000 N. Poplar St.,

Hutchinson, KS, Fred Steurer 314-853-6229, email: [email protected]

Missouri Delta Unit - 24-28 Region 8 Rally “Let the Games Begin”, Kansas State

FG, Hutchinson, KS, Jim Mesko 573-364-8873, email: [email protected]

Missouri Greater Ozark Unit http://mogreaterozarkunit.wbcci.netApr 18-21 Dogwood Festival Rally, Osage Beach RV Park, Osage

Beach, MO, Allen 417-569-5262, email: [email protected]

Nebraska Unit - http://nebraskaunit.wbcci.net2nd Mon each month Luncheon Noon, Old Country Buffet, 144th & West Center

Rd., Omaha, NE, Dan Hoyt 712-642-2927, email: [email protected]

Apr 18-21 Rally, Nebraska Recreational Complex, Auburn, NE, Dan Hoyt 402-630-3414, email: [email protected]

Apr 21-23 Caravan from Auburn, NE to Red Cloud, NE and on to Hutchinson, KS, for Region 8 Rally, Roscoe Shields 402-489-1515

North Iowa Unit - http://northiowaunit.wbcci.netApr 24-28 Region 8 Rally, Hutchinson, KS

Region 9 Activities Region 9 Website:

Mar 4-9 Region 9 Rally Steppin’ Out, Robstown, TXOct 3-7 National Texas Vintage Rally, Gonzales, TX

East Texas Lakes UnitApr 5-7 Rally, North TX Airstream Community, 200 Walnut Hill Ave.,

Hillsboro, TX, Paula Boyd 972-287-5690, email: [email protected]

Heart of Texas Camping Unit Monthly Activities TBA, please visit our website

North Texas Unit - 5-7 Rally, Texoma Lake, Kathy Gustafson 817-929-8621, email:

[email protected]

Oklahoma UnitMar 18-22 Spring Rally, Citizen’s Potawatomi Nation, 1601 S. Gordon

Cooper, in Shawnee from I-40 take Hwy. 177 S to Hardesty Rd., turn L to RV sight, Bill Cotton, 918-465-2878/405-301-0966

Texas Alamo Unit - http://texasalamo.wbcci.net1st Sat each month Dinner 5 PM, Las Carretas Rest., 3975 Perrin Central, San Antonio, TX, call for directions, Larry Smith 210-857-3287,

email: [email protected]

Mar 3-4 Pre-Region 9 Rally, Lake Mathis area - RV Park TBA, call for directions, Larry Smith 210-857-3287, email: [email protected]

Mar 4-9 Region 9 Rally - Steppin’ Out, Richard M. Borchard Regional FG, 1213 Terry Shamsie Blvd., Robstown, TX, call for directions, Larry Smith 210-857-3287, email: [email protected]

Apr 25-28 Spring at the Beach/Annual Bus. Mtg/Election of Officers/Buddy Rally, Lagoons RV Resort, 600 Enterprise Blvd., Rockport, TX, call for directions, Larry Smith 210-857-3287, email: [email protected]

Texas Coastal Plains Unit - http://tcpu155.wbcci.netFeb 28-Mar 3 Pre-Region Rally, Coushatte Rec. Ranch, 2812 Nelius Rd.,

Bellville, TX, Tom Bundy 281-679-6319, email: [email protected]

Apr 11-14 Kite Rally, Jamaica Beach RV Resort, 17200 FM 3005, Galveston Island, TX, Tom Bundy, 281-679-6319, email: [email protected]

Texas Gulf Coast Unit - www.texasairstreamharbor.comMar 14-17 Looking for Green Rally, Texas Airstream Harbor, 5 mi. E

of Zavalla, TX, on Hwy. 147, Paul Bevering, 936-465-6458, email: [email protected]

Apr 11-14 Spring is Here Rally, Texas Airstream Harbor, 5 mi. E of Zavalla, TX, on Hwy. 147, Paul Bevering, 936-465-6458, email: [email protected]

Texas Highland Lakes Unit - http://thlu.orgMar 1-4 Region 9 Pre-Rally and Caravan, TBA, Marty Berdan 512-

608-9244, email: [email protected] 4-9 Region 9 Rally, Richard M. Borchard Regional FG,

Robstown, TX, Jimmy Mooney 254-967-5689, email: [email protected]

Mar 12 Luncheon 12:45 PM, Luby’s, 13817 US Hwy. 183 N, Austin, TX, Jimmy Mooney 254-967-5689, email: [email protected]

Apr 2 Luncheon 12:45 PM, Luby’s, 13817 US Hwy. 183 N, Austin, TX, Jimmy Mooney 254-967-5689, email: [email protected]

Apr 5-8 “Hill Country Camp-Out” Rally, Fleming’s Ranch near Cherokee, TX, Shirley Fleming 207-793-2940, email: [email protected]

Texas Hill Country Unit - 4-9 Region 9 Rally Steppin’ Out, Richard M. Borchard Regional

FG, Robstown, TX, Gayle Ketchum 210-865-8136, email: [email protected]

Apr TBA TBA Meet in Junction, TX, Don Croft 817-939-3949, email: [email protected]

Texas Plains Unit - http://www.txplainsrv.com1st Sat each month Luncheon 11:30 AM, Furr’s Family Dining, 6001 Slide Rd., Lubbock, TX, Ellene Osburn 806-829-2165, email:

[email protected]

1st Wed each month Luncheon 1 PM, Cattle Baron Steaks & Seafood, 418 W. Wadley Ave., Midland,TX, Georgia Summers 432-413-4191

1st Sat each month Luncheon 11 AM, Wonderland RV Resort, US 87 & 24th St., Amarillo, TX, Don Goforth 806-356-0077

ea Thur Balloon Volleyball 1 PM, (meal follows at various locations) 2001 19th St., Lubbock, TX, Sam Spence 806-773-6863

Mar 4-9 Region 9 Rally Steppin’ Out, Richard M. Borchard Regional FG, Robstown, TX, Rayburn Clark 806-829-2165

Apr 11-14 “Texas Grand Canyon” Rally, Palo Duro Canyon, Canyon, TX, Dick Lanham 806-383-8219/Lorren Hallmark 806-359-4252

Region 10 ActivitiesRegion 10 Website:

No Region 10 Rally in 2013, will be back in 2014Aug 7-11 National Potlatch & Salmon, Lacey, WAAug 8-12 Montana Wild West Fest, East Helena, MTSep 9-15 National Pendleton Roundup, Pendleton, OROct 12-20 Sun Valley Jazz Festival, Ketchum, ID

Alberta-Saskatchewan Unit 16 Spring Luncheon 11:45 AM Whitespot Rest., Leduc, Alta

(same location as last year), Gloria Hodgetts 780-662-2077Apr 13 Spring Luncheon 11:45 AM, TBA

British Columbia Unit - www.airstreambc.comMar TBA St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon, Vancouver Island, Doug McGill

250-338-6813, email: [email protected] 13 Airstream Dealer Luncheon 11 AM, Traveland RV, Langley,

BC, Tom Akam 604-538-4149, email:

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Idaho Unit - Sat each month Breakfast 8:30 AM, Golden Corral, 8460 W. Emerald St., Boise, ID, Peggy Campbell 208-853-6243

Apr 19-22 Spring Rally Wake Up Those Airstreams, TwinFall/Jerome KOA, 5431 US 93, Jerome, ID, TBA

Montana Unit - http://www.montanaairstreamclub.comApr 19-21 Rally, First Campout of 2013, Greybear Fishing Access,

Big Timber, MT, west on frontage road to Greybear fishing access turn off, Ron Green 406-586-0892, email: [email protected]

North Cascade Washington Unitwww.ncascadewaairstreamclub.comMar 9 Early St. Patrick’s Day Celebration/Luncheon 1:30 PM,

Denny’s Rest., I-5, Exit 208, Arlington, WA, Marilynn Sams 360-319-5516, email: [email protected]

Apr 26-28 Holland Happening Celebration Rally, North Whidbey RV Park, 565 W. Cornet Bay Rd., Oak Harbor, WA, Marilynn Sams 360-319-5516, email: [email protected]

Oregon Unit - www.wbcci-or.org1st Sat each month Breakfast 9 AM, Mark Rest., 9900 SW Canyon Rd., Portland, OR, Bill Leppo 503-647-5710, email: Bill@Leppo.


Mar 15-17 Let’s Get this Party Started/Shakedown Rally, Timberlake CG, Home Valley, WA, located just 50 miles from Portland, OR and Vancouver, WA on the WA side of Columbia River Gorge, Mona Heath 971-409-9048, email: [email protected]

Apr 19-21 Birthday Party Rally, River Bend Resort, Harrisburg, OR, Jim Bash 541-967-7703, email: [email protected]

Washington Unit www.washingtonunitwbcci.orgMar 15-17 St. Patrick’s Day Rally, Harmony Lake RV Resort, Nancy

Morman 360-350-2755, email: [email protected] 6 April Tulip Event, TBA, Bob Legg 360-259-8153, email:

[email protected]

Region 11 ActivitiesRegion 11 Website:

Jul 24-28 Santa Fe Experience, Santa Fe, NMSep 5-8 Old Thresher Days, Yuma, COSep 23-27 Antelope Rally, Medicine Bow, WYOct 10-13 Region 11 Rally, Camp Verde, AZ

Arizona Unit - http://arizona.wbcci.netFeb 28-Mar 3 Rally, Wickenburg, AZ, Pat Cahalan 480-221-8447, email:

[email protected] 14-18 St. Patrick’s Day Joint Rally w/Four Corners Unit, McDowell

Mtn. Regional Park, Fountain Hills, AZ, Pat Cahalan 480-221-8447, email: [email protected]

Apr 19-21 Rally, Picacho, AZ, Pat Cahalan 480-221-8447, email: [email protected]

Denver Colorado Unit - www.wbcci-denco.orgMar 16 Luncheon 11:30 AM, Ptarmigan Country Club, 5416 Vardon

Way, Fort Collins, CO, Von Campbell 970-226-6689, email: [email protected]

Apr 20 Luncheon 11:30 AM, Edelweiss German Rest., 34 E. Ramona Ave., Colorado Springs, CO, tour US Olympic Training Center following lunch, Carl Russell 719-531-9282, email: [email protected]

Four Corners Unit of New Mexicohttp://fourcorners.wbcci.netMar 14-18 St. Patrick’s Rally II Joint w/Arizona Unit, McDowell Mtn.

Regional Park, Fountain Hills, AZ, 5 mi. N of Fountain Hills, AZ, enter park and follow signs to CG, Paul Ward 630-235-9644, email: [email protected]

Event ScheduleNew Mexico Unit - http://newmexico.wbcci.netMar 9 Luncheon 11:30 AM, Monroe’s Rest., San Mateo/Osuna

(6051 Rd NE), Albuquerque, NM, Dan Friedman 505-823-9689, email: [email protected]

Apr 25-28 Spring Time Camping Launch Rally, Pancho Villa State Park, Columbus, NM, Route 11 (S) Deming to Columbus, NM, Andy Richers 505-350-5489, email: [email protected]

Wyoming Unit -

Region 12 Activities Region 12 Website:

Oct 10-15 Region 12 Rally, Lodi, CADec 28, 2013-Jan 1, 2014 Annual Rose Parade Special Event Rally, Pasadena, CA

Central Coast California Unitwww.CentralCoastAirstream.orgMar 8-10 Rally/Business Meeting, Refugio Group CG, Bouchard (15

spots), John Thornton 805-226-9990, email: [email protected]

Apr 3-7 Rally, Lazy Arrow Ranch, dry camping, John Thornton 805-226-9990, email: [email protected]

El Camino Real California Unit - http://elcaminoreal.wbcci.netFeb 27-Mar 3 Buddy Rally, Wine Country RV Park, Paso Robles, CA, Mark

Carr 805-693-0418, email: [email protected] 24-28 Rally, Tucalota Springs, CA, Jack Laughlin 760-767-

4068/619-840-4068, email: [email protected]

Golden West California Unit - 21-25 Rally, Rio Viento RV Park, 4460 W. Sherman Island Rd.,

Rio Vista, CA, LaVerne McHenry, email: [email protected]

Apr 18-22 Rally, Bass Lake RV Resort, 39744 Rd. 274, Bass Lake, CA, Larry Oelze, email: [email protected]

Long Beach California Unit - 14-18 Rally, Emerald Desert RV Park, Palm Desert, CA, Marlene

Bowman 760-249-5753, email: [email protected] 18-22 Rally, The Springs at Borago, Borago Springs, CA, Marlene

Bowman 760-249-5753, email: [email protected]

Nevada Unit - http://nevada.wbcci.net1st Sat each month Breakfast 8 AM, Egg Works, 2490 E. Sunset Rd., Las Vegas, NV, 702-873-3447, Diane Hancock

702-521-4720, email: [email protected]

Mar 7-10 Rally, Stovepipe Wells Village, CA Hwy. 190, Death Valley, CA, Ted Nolan 503-703-8633, email: [email protected]

Apr 11-14 Wine Country Rally, Temecula, CA, Dale Musser 702-433-2857, email: [email protected]

Northern California Unit - 6-10 Rally, Sugar Barge RV, Bethel Island, CA, Larry Larsen 925-

944-4739, email: [email protected] 3-7 Rally, Almond Tree RV, Chico, CA, Larry Larsen 925-944-

4739, email: [email protected]

San Diego California Unit - www.airstreamsandiego.comMar 15-17 Joint Rally w/San Fernando Valley CA Unit, Stagecoach

Trails RV CG, Shelter Valley, CA (E of Julian) 760-765-3765, junction Hwy. 78 & Hwy. S2 E of Julian, S 4 mi. on Hwy. S2, Richard Rozendal 760-788-9709/760-504-7688, email: [email protected]

Apr 19-21 Rally, Anza Borrego Desert State Park, from junction CR-S3 & CR-S22 (in town) W 2 mi. on CR-S22 (Palm Canyon Dr.), look for signs to Borrego Palm Canyon, Joe Thomas 949-233-0743, email: [email protected]

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San Fernando Valley California Unit 15-17 Joint Rally w/San Diego CA Unit, Stagecoach Trails RV

Resort, 7878 Great Southern Overland Stage Route of 1849, Julian, CA, Bobbi Kingsland 949-689-4378, email: [email protected]

Apr 19-22 Rally, Ventura Ranch KOA, 7400 Pine Grove Rd., Santa Paula, CA, Bobbi Kingsland 949-689-4378, email: [email protected]

San Joaquin California Unit - http://sanjoaquin.wbcci.netApr 18-22 Joint Rally w/Santa Clara & Golden West CA Units, Bass

Lake RV Resort, 39744 Rd. 274, Bass Lake, CA, Larry Oelze 559-642-3944

Santa Clara California Unit - 21-25 Rally, Rio Viento RV Park, 4460 W. Sherman Island Rd.,

Rio Vista, CA, Eric McHenry, email: [email protected]

Event Schedule (continued from page 51)




FLAG POLE HOLDER All aluminum with 2 machined brackets for quick, easy installa-tion. 3 pole holder $150, 5 pole holder $175. Includes shipping in U.S. Contact: [email protected] or call 803-684-5651 for more information. WBCCI #3892

AIRSTREAM EARRINGS Hand-made, sterling silver filled, 3 dimensional, 2-sided, 4 custom designs available. See pictures on website: $25 per pair including shipping. VISA/MasterCard/Paypal, 702-249-7875, Email: [email protected]

Airstream Parks

RETIRED? FULL TIMER? SNOW BIRD? RALLY PLANNER? CARAVAN LEADER? The North Texas Airstream Community can meet all your needs. We are located on I-35 exit 368A, in the heart of the Dallas/Ft. Worth/Waco triangle in historic Hillsboro, Texas. Stay “For a Night or a Lifetime.” Our clubhouse seats 200 for dinner, new laundry facilities, free WiFi, mail forwarding service. 100% Airstream community. Call 254-582-5566 or visit

TAHI, TEXAS AIRSTREAM HARBOR, INC. Is located in NE Texas on beautiful Lake Sam Rayburn is known for Bass fishing. A haven for bird watchers. Daily $15. Come visit or stay with us. 5 miles NE Zavalla on

Hwy. 147. Contact: TAHI, 714 Angelina, Zavalla, TX 75980, Ph. 936-897-3686.

PENN WOOD AIRSTREAM PARK - Travel-ing I-80 thru western Pennsylvania or looking for a quiet, all Airstream, summer home for a few weeks or all season? We’re the perfect stop! Full hookups with cable TV & WI-FI. Reasonable rates, area attractions and site of Autumn Leaf National Rally. Near Clarion, PA - four miles south of I-80, Exit 64 on SR 66; Ph. 814-764-8963; Open 5/1 to 10/15.

MYSTIC SPRINGS COVE is an Airstream only park located 25 mi. N of Pensacola, FL, on US 29, between I-10 and I-65 on the banks of the Escambia River. Just 30 minutes to white sand beaches, shopping, museums and a casino. Owned and operated by Unit 29. Open all year with full hookups at $11per day 30 amp/$13 per day 50 amp. Pets welcome and washer/dryer are available. Host oppor-tunities. Now have Wi-Fi. Ph. 850-256-3280.

LAND YACHT HARBOR: Florida’s Best Kept Secret!!! Located off I-95 between Exits 183 & 180, miles to Disney 65, beach 10, Cape 30, leases available to Airstreams, overnight rentals available. Visit us at or phone 321-254-6398. NO PETS.

TOP OF GEORGIA, 7 miles north of Helen, GA on State Road 75 in beautiful North Georgia mountains. Full hookups, cable TV. Free Limited Wi-Fi. $8.00/night, $210.00 monthly. During Rally weeks Rally fees will be an additional charge. Open year around. No reservations. WBCCI members only. No dry camping. Ph. 706-878-3590.

STAY IN THE BEAUTIFUL PACIFIC NORTHWEST AT WASHINGTON LAND YACHT HARBOR. Open year round. All WBCCI members and guests welcome. Ideal for rallies/caravans. 163 FHU sites.

Large meeting hall with well-equipped kitchen. Free WiFi. Reservations accepted. Visit Seattle, Pacific Ocean, 4 National Parks, Canada, Alaska. Residential mobile homes for sale to Regular and Affiliate members of Washington Unit, WBCCI. 9101 Steilacoom Rd. SE, Olympia (Lacey), Washington 98513; phone 360-491-3750. website:

ENJOY THE SOUNDS OF NATURE AT JERSEY SHORE HAVEN. Located mid-way between Atlantic City and Cape May, JSH is a quaint Airstream park with wooded sites, 4-point hook-ups, and more. Convenient to beautiful beaches, casinos with shows, amusements, boardwalks, shopping, etc. Lots to do and see in this area. Jersey Shore Haven, 728 Dennisville Rd., P.O. Box 99, S. Seaville, NJ 08246. Ph. 609-861-2293, website:

LOOKING FOR RELAXATION WITH PEACE AND QUIET? VIRGINIA HIGHLAND HAVEN AIRSTREAM PARK is the place. We boast beautiful sunsets in a mountain setting just 5 miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway. Bluegrass music every Friday night at the Floyd country store. Full hookups with free WiFi throughout the park. Located at 6517 Highland Haven Road, NE, Copper Hill, VA, just 23 miles South of Roanoke, VA. Open 5-1 until 10-15. 541-651-9050

For Sale Trailers/ Motorhomes

2005 - 30 FT. AIRSTREAM LAND YACHT MOTORHOME, excellent condition, 1 slide out, 2 Fantastic fans, backup camera, CB radio, 30 amp service, all NEW Michelin tires, no pets, non-smoking, stored under shelter, two 11,000 BTU A/C, 5500 watt generator, 34,685 mi. $56,000, [email protected], (804) 375-3191 (Cartersville, VA)

Apr 18-22 Joint Rally (hosted by San Joaquin CA Unit), Bass Lake RV Resort, 39744 Rd. 274, Bass Lake, CA, Larry Oelze

Sierra Nevada Unit - 21-24 Rally, Nevada State Park, Lahontan, Silver Springs, NV,

near Silver Springs, NV off Alt. 95 S, Diane Leipper, 775-972-5011, email: [email protected]

Apr 18-21 Rally, BLM CG, near Ft. Sage, Doyle, CA, off US 395 N, Diane Leipper, 775-972-5011, email: [email protected]

South Coast California Unit - http://southcoastcal.wbcci.netMar 1-3 Rally, Del Mar Beach, Camp Pendleton, Scott Weddle 714-

323-9368, email: [email protected] 5-7 Rally, Woods Valley Oaks, Scott Weddle 714-323-9368,

email: [email protected]

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BLUE BERET reserves the right to reject advertising not suitable for inclusion. The publisher reserves the right of approval of all advertising.BLUE BERET is not responsible for advertiser’s representations or performance. For more information on display ad costs, contact WBCCI. For your convenience, you may use the coupon below. Please type ad. Count words and determine cost as indicated above.

Make check payable to “WBCCI” and mail with completed coupon to: WBCCI, P.O. Box 612, Jackson Center, OH 45334

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Deadline: Classified Ads for May must be received with payment no later than April 1.

NOTICE: Advertisement should be typewritten. The Blue Beret is not responsible for the accuracy of handwritten submissions. Refund Policy: No refund after the 7th of month prior to publication.


Payment for a classified ad in the “Blue Beret” includes an ad on the WBCCI website ( ) ...with as many as 30,000 visits per month!

FOR INFORMATION, CALL 937/596-5211 or email [email protected]. Rates for Classified Advertising are $50 up to 35 words, $60 for 36-65 words.

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$9.50 per set, includes front and back; $10.25 for Ohio residents.

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I Need a: five year additional set or complete replacement set .

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see.Taking the roads less traveled you will visit Indian pueblos, festivals, cultural centers and museums. Native American guides will help you to understand their language, customs, and ancient rituals. You will enjoy touring Albuquerque then Santa Fe by trolley finding wonderful shopping and dining in both. A half-day boat trip on Lake Powell takes you to Rain-bow Bridge while a narrow gauge railway delivers you to Silverton from Durango. In Arizona, splash through Canyon de Chelly, then stroll through Antelope Canyon. Keep that camera handy for around every bend there is a new picture opportunity. Raft down the Colorado River and tour Monu-ment Valley, then proceed to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Come prepared for all kinds of weather as you travel at high and lower altitudes – cold to warmer temperatures. America the Beautiful passes – formerly called the Golden Age Pass will save you money for entrances into the many parks we explore including Zion, Bryce, North Rim of the Grand Can-yon, Arches, Canyonlands and Capitol Reef. Plans are to attend the Bal-loon Festival near Albuquerque and conclude with a final banquet in Santa Fe. Come prepared to have fun with your fellow caravanners and leaders. Co-Leaders: Jay & Elna Thompson WBCCI #7293, Ph. 850-766-0036, Email: [email protected], Address: 9163 McDougal Ct, Tallahassee, FL 32312. Co-Leaders: Winston & Carol Montague WBCCI #5274, Ph. 850- 212-3726, Email: [email protected], Address: 3958 Me-andering Lane,Tallahassee, FL 32308. Kitty Fee w/2 $3850, Kitty Fee w/1 $2600, Guests: $1200, Deposit: $200, Payments due: 2/1/13 (50%), 4/1/13 (50%), Cancellation fee: At the discretion of the leaders. Max. RV’s - 32Southwest Adventure Caravan has added a second section under the leadership of Margie & Phil Glassey. Traveling a few days behind Section One, you will see and enjoy the same sights, meeting with us at intervals. We are excited the Glasseys have agreed to lead this and know you will enjoy being with them.

N-42-F THE MAPLE LEAF TRAIL - FILLED 7/8-8/23/2013START: COCHRANE, AB, CAN STOP: WHISTLER, BC, CANCome experience the majestic Canadian Rockies, Alberta prairies, and the Canadian playground British Columbia. On this caravan you will experi-ence the world famous Calgary Stampede and Rodeo, discover million year old dinosaur bones, tour coal mines, and visit a buffalo ranch. Travel-ing the back country there will be secluded camping, cookouts, and Indian lore. Over 100 glaciers line the spectacular Icefields Parkway where you will ride a snow coach at Athabasca Glacier, hike trails at Jasper National Park, dine at the Banff Springs Hotel, and tour Lake Louise, Lake Moraine, and Johnson Canyon Falls. Western heritage lives on at Bar U Ranch, Canadian Barn Dance, and Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump- all included in your itinerary. You will cruise the waterway, cross the border, and create memories in Waterton Lake Nat’l. Park and be aboard the Red Jammer buses in Glacier National Park for a sunset photo opportunity. Taking the Crow’s Nest Pass will deliver you into British Columbia for rafting, biking, golfing, fishing, horseback riding, and bird watching. Tribal tours with the First Nations People, voyageur canoe trips through fur trapping country, and hot springs enhance the journey. While in the wine country of Kelowna, you will visit orchards and vineyards, wine and dine, bike and swim. There are trolley, ferry, and train tours of Vancouver. Whistler pro-vides us with lasting memories of fresh mountain air and the lush tropical rain forest. Your camera, your adventurous spirit and your love for laughter are a must for this caravan! Total Number of Nights: 47, Number of Stops: 18. Leaders: Carlos and Rosemary Leach WBCCI #7712, Address: 2617C W. Holcombe Blvd. #512, Houston, TX 77025-1601, Cell Ph. 281-536-6185, Email: [email protected]. Maximum RVs w/ Leader: 21 RVs, Kitty Fee w/2: $5650, Kitty Fee w/1: $4100, Guest: $1500, Deposit: $500, Cancellation: $50 before April 1, 2012, Leaders discretion after 4/1/12. Only standby is available- the caravan is currently filled.

N-42-G1 LOUISIANA CAJUN HERITAGE 3/5-18/2013N-42-G2 LOUISIANA CAJUN HERITAGE 3/26-4/8/2013START: FRENCHMAN WILDERNESS, LA STOP: CARENCRO, LACome and go with us to Louisiana and see the tallest State Capitol in the U.S. and old plantation home. Take a boat ride into the swamp, tour a realoil drilling rig. We will go into the Cajun Country and experience the sound of a unique music and language, taste Cajun food and listen to accordionmusic. Tour rice and sugar cane farms and learn how they harvest craw-fish. See live alligators, eagles, blue heron and more. Come and learn about the Cajun culture. Some of the tours are walking tours. On the oil rig there are some easy stairs to climb. Leaders: Rick & Marilyn Solera, WBCCI #252, Address: 725 Newman Ave, Jefferson, LA 70121-1234, Ph. 504-733-1582, Cell: 504-450-6486, Email: [email protected], Limit 26 RVs, Kitty fee with/2: $840; Kitty fee w/1 $610, Guest TBD, Deposit:

2013 WBCCI National CaravansN-42-A THE CIVIL WAR PART III “WAR IN VIRGINIA” 4/9-5/14/2013START: CHESTERFIELD, VA STOP: NEWPORT NEWS, VAThe third and last part of our American Civil War series focuses primarily on, and thus assumes the title of, the “War in Virginia”, as nearly 50% of the war’s battles were fought and often re-fought in Virginia. We begin with a two-day bus tour of Richmond, touring the Virginia Historical Society, the Avenue of Monuments, Chimborazo Hospital, The Confederate Museum and White House, Tredegar Iron Works and the American Civil War Cen-ter. We’ll tour the battlefields, National Military Parks and/or Visitor’s Cen-ters at Petersburg, Sailor’s Creek, High Bridge, Cedar Creek, New Market, Antietam, Gettysburg, Bull Run/Manassas, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Chancellorsville, and Wilderness. Among other things, we’ll enjoy a horse-drawn carriage ride around Lexington and see the Cadet Parade at VMI. Appomattox Courthouse where Lee surrendered and Fort Monroe where Jefferson Davis was imprisoned are also our itinerary. While in the Hampton area, we’ll take a harbor cruise, visit the Hampton History Museum, and tour the Mariner’s Museum. We’ll take a shuttle to Harper’s Ferry one day and later charter a bus into DC to tour Ford’s Theatre and Lincoln’s Cottage where Lincoln and his family spent one quarter of his Presidency. Prominent throughout the caravan are tours of beautiful plan-tations like Belle Grove and Shirley and historic homes such as Stonewall Jackson’s home and End View. We will tour lovely churches including Old Blandford Church in Petersburg that houses 15 priceless Tiffany windows as well as famous cemeteries like Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond. We will observe reenactors conducting maneuvers at Secret Passage Ranch and hear special lectures from Civil War experts. Our caravanners will also savor delectable cookouts, breakfasts, picnics, lunches and dinners – some in historic sites. No hard tack for us! Join us as we honor the ses-quicentennial of the Civil War by revisiting the places memorialized during this perpetually intriguing chapter of our history known as the Civil War, or The War Between the States, or The War of Northern Aggression, or The Late Unpleasantness, etc. Leaders: Ed & Beth Jones WBCCI #1515, Ph. 703-780-6597, email: [email protected], Address: 4200 Ferry Landing Road, Alexandria, VA 22309-3063. Limit: 25 RVs, Kitty Fee w/2: $3650. Kitty Fee w/1: $2900. Deposit: $350. Cancellation policy: Full refund before 10/1/12. $50 until 1/1/13. Leader’s discretion after.

N-42-B FILLED - ACCEPTING STANDBYS ONLYTHE VIKING TRAIL 7/11-9/6/2013START: ST. ANDREW BY THE SEA, NB STOP: N. SYDNEY, NSThe 2013 “Viking Trail Caravan” will travel quickly through New Brunswick and Nova Scotia to Newfoundland/Labrador spending 51 of the 57 days in the Province of Newfoundland/Labrador. This caravan highlights the his-tory of the Province and provides an opportunity to meet and experience the warm hospitality of the wonderful people who live on Newfoundland. We will spend overnight at the Woody Island Resort, so bring an overnight bag. Here we will experience the way of living in Newfoundland prior to 1960 when the Canadian government transported all Newfoundlanders to the mainland, so they could provide medical and educational service. While visiting Newfoundland/Labrador, we will enjoy many activities, such as whale watching in the north sea, attend a playhouse in Stephenville, visit Saint Johns, the oldest city in North America (bus tour), and travel throughout the many peninsulas of Newfoundland. Included in the kitty fee are more than 30 paid activities, more campsites with electric than ever before, boat tours, bus tours, cookouts, dinners, entertainment and all ferry costs to and from Newfoundland. Leaders: Ron & Cyndi Carnein WBCCI #9424, Ph. 623-974-4762, Cell Ph. 614-519-0054, Email: [email protected]. Address: 3700 S Westport Ave. #1704, Sioux Falls, SD 57106. Co-leaders: George & Sharon Hilton WBCCI #7009. Limit 30 RVs.


N-42-E 1 FILLED - ACCEPTING STANDBYSSW ADVENTURE CARAVAN 8/22-10/13/2013START: DURANGO, CO STOP: SANTA FE, NMN-42-E 2 FILLED - ACCEPTING STANDBYS 8/26-10/20/2013START: DURANGO, CO STOP: GALLUP, NMThe 2013 Southwest Adventure Caravan will be in August, September and October capturing the awesome beauty of the fall landscapes. Begin-ing in Durango, you will visit the higher vistas first, before traveling on to lower altitudes hoping to escape early snow. You will discover regions of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Colorado that the casual tourist doesn’t


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$200.00. Cancellation fees after 11/1/2012 is at the Leaders discretion. Some tours and bus rides have been paid.

N-42-I WHERE DA HECK FILLED - ACCEPTING STANDBYS ONLY IS CHOKOLOSKEE? 10/20-11/15/2013START: McDAVID, FL STOP: EVERGLADES CITY/CHOKOLOSKEE, FLWe begin in McDavid, Florida, where we will visit the Battleship Alabama in Mobile, Alabama, and the Naval Museum in Pensacola, Florida. We will start our travels by visiting the white sand beaches of Panama City Beach. Then travel the”Forgotten Coast” of Old Florida to Apalachicola and Carrabelle where we will camp just a few yards from the beach. We will see how oysters are harvested--plus eat a few--cruise scenic rivers; kayak & hike. We will take a walking tour of historic Apalachicola. You will see manatees in the wild and maybe an optional horseback ride on the beach. On we will go to Cedar Key for clams and eat the Two-Year-In-A-Row-International-Award-Winning- Champion Clam Chowder. When we get to Homosassa Spring/Tarpon Springs there will be more wildlife, great meals, sponge harvesting tour and some of the best shrimp ever. Moving on to Ft. Myers Beach for the Edison/Ford Tour and a high speed catamaran boat trip to KEY WEST for the day. While in Key West, you will be able to visit Hemingway’s favorite spot for beverage at Sloppy Joes. We will take a guided Conch Train tour of the island with some time left for you to explore the island on your own. We’ll move to Bonita Springs and explore Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary a gentle pristine wilderness that dates back more than 500 years. Here we will walk a 2.25 mile boardwalk meandering through pine flatwoods, open prairie, and into the largest forest of ancient bald cypress in North America. Nearly 200 bird species are permanent or temporary residents and Corkscrew is world renowned for supporting the largest colony of nesting Woodstorks in the U.S. We will travel on to Everglades City and Chokoloskee seeing lots of alligators, a boat trip through the 10,000 islands, kayak the Everglades, eat stone crab. How about an airboat ride? Ok! You got it. There will be more boardwalks with incredible views and wildlife in Shark Valley. Of course, our final banquet that will be followed by a sunset cruise to the 10,000 islands in Everglades National Park. We hope you will join us for this action packed caravan. How else could you see the World’s Smallest Police Station and the World’s Smallest Post office in one trip; or get to the southern most point in the continental US and the southern most point of paved road on the west coast of Florida? This caravan is active and has some long days away from your rig. Leaders: Jim & Vickie Courtney WBCCI #2804, Ph. 513-325-0219, Email: [email protected], Address: 200 Walnut Hill Avenue #62, Hillsboro,TX 76645, Limit 20 RVs, Kitty Fee w/2 $3600; Kitty fee w/1 $2650; Guest $950. Due to vendor payment requirements, we must receive your $500 deposit no later than October 2012. Cancella-tion: Leaders discretion. Total Number of Nights: 26, Number of Stops: 9. Maximum RVs W/Leaders: 21, Balance Due: $3100.

N-42-J TASTE OF THE BLUE RIDGE - FILLED 6/3-6/22/2013START: CHEROKEE, NC STOP: NEAR STAUNTON, VACome with us as we travel the Blue Ridge Parkway from end to end. It will be a 500 mile adventure as we explore the history of the area enjoy the scenery, listen to the mountain music, and soak up the beauty of this unique roadway and the surrounding area. The driving route will cover the entire Parkway and our stops will allow us to experience things like train excursions, Early American history, the biggest private home in the USA, some Civil War history, a Winery or two, mountain crafts, and much, much more. A word of Caution: The Blue Ridge Parkway is a winding 2 lane scenic road with a speed limit of 45 mph (you should drive slower than that to take maximum advantage of the scenery). It extends for about 500 miles through the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina and Virginia. The road goes up and down and around the mountains -often- and the elevation varies from 650 to 4900 ft. Our longest travel day will be about 140 miles. If this kind of travel bothers you, you should not consider this adventure. If you think this adventure is for you, your equipment should be in top shape. Registrar: Jamie King, P.O. Box 268, Oriental, NC 28571, Home Ph. 252-249-1549, cell 252-514-7497, Email: [email protected]. Contact the Registrar for more information or if you wish to register for this caravan. Total number of nights: 19; Number of stops: 6; NOTE: Only standby status is available - the caravan is filled. Co-Leaders: Jamie & Su-san King WBCCI #804, Bob & Marge Bennett WBCCI #701, Limit: 20, Kitty Fee w/2: $1900; Kitty Fee w/1: TBD; Guest: TBD; Deposit: $250, Cancella-tion: $100 before January 4, 2013. Leaders discretion after 1/4/13

2013 WBCCI National CaravansN-42-K FLY, DRIVE ALASKA 8/1-15/2013Start: ANCHORAGE, AK Stop: ANCHORAGE, AKFly to Anchorage, AK. Come a few days early and tour Anchorage on your own. Come and Fly to Alaska, and then drive it with us, Jim & Bobbie Matkovich. Alaska is the last Frontier State. Nothing can fully describe the beauty of the Alaskan landscape. Visiting this beautiful state by RV is the best way to do it. I have traveled there twice with my RV. And there is no other way to see Alaska. And you would be traveling in a Class “C” motorhome. You won’t have to drive for days getting to the heart of Alaska with your own rig. There are approximately 586,000 square miles to travel in Alaska. We are just giving you a nice touch of that 586,000 miles in some of the Alaskan wilderness. It is better than any zoo for viewing wildlife. You can view sea life such as humpback whales, blue whales, and orcas on a day cruise or kayaking. On land, you can view grizzly bears, wolves, lynx, moose, and bald eagles in their natural habitats. Alaska also offers the best fishing in the world! You can’t ask for better fly-fishing & saltwater fishing. You can charter a boat, seaplane, helicopter, or pull off the side of the road and cast your line! There are 3 million lakes, 3,000 rivers and 627 species of fish in the Alaskan waters. Mount McKinley is the highest mountain in North America. Denali National Park offers day hiking, mountain biking, and much more. This is an experience of a lifetime. You will have memories forever that you will never forget. You will also have the fun and fellowship with many WBCCI members. Traveling with the WBCCI club has been one of my greatest life experiences. We will do dinners to-gether, trips together and we will all be in the same campgrounds together every night, unless you take a side trip on your own. We will go to Seward, Homer, Palmer, Denali Park, Talkeetna, and back to Anchorage. Your kitty fee will include campsites, boat trips, musk oxen farm, Iditarod sled teams, bus ride into Denali park, several meals, plus our final a banquet. You are encouraged to come early and tour Anchorage. You will be on your own and it is not part of the caravan. There is a lot to see and do in Anchorage. KITTY FEE DOES NOT INCLUDE AIR FARE OR MOTORHOME RENTAL. Leaders: Jim & Bobbie Matkovich WBCCI #1790, those interested please Email: [email protected] or call, Cell 708-567-4686, Ph. 708-246-8329. Address: 5823 Harvey Ave., LaGrange, IL 60525. Kitty Fee: $2,000, Kitty Fee w/1: $1,000, Guest $600. Total Number of Nights: 14, Number of Stops: 6, Maximum RV Units W/Leaders: 20, Deposit: $500, Balance Due: 5/15/2013

N-42-L GOLF-N-AROUND 4/8-22/2013START: REIDSVILLE, GA STOP: MADISON, GALove to Golf? We will play golf for two days at each stop as we travel across the State of Georgia. Come join your Airstream friends in a friendly game of golf. We begin this caravan in Reidsville at the Gordonia – Alatamaha State Park. Reidsville is near Claxton, GA, home of the famous Claxton Fruitcake. Next we travel to Little Ocmulgee State Park near McRae, GA. Little Ocmulgee is a short drive to the town of Vidalia. Vidalia Onions are grown only in this area and you may tour the Vidalia Onion Museum. Then we travel on to the Brickyard Plantation Golf Club south of Americas, GA. Americus offers a nice quaint town with lots of antiques. While in Americus, make time to visit the historic, Windsor Hotel, built in 1892 and located in the heart of downtown. A short drive West of Americas is Plains, GA, and hometown of President Jimmy Carter. On to the Georgia Veterans Memorial State Park located on the shores of Lake Blackshear near Cordele. Our final stop will be Hard Labor Creek State Park located in Madison, GA. Madison is East of Atlanta, GA. Note: Region III Rally at Stone Mountain begins April 23, 2013 in Atlanta, GA. Leaders: Jim & Sheila Skipper WBCCI #3178, Ph: 850-877-1729 (Home), 850-528-0437 (cell), 850-519-1976 (cell), Email: [email protected], Address: 9150 Seafair Lane, Tallahassee, FL 32317. Total Number of Nights:15, Number of Stops: 5, Kitty Fee w/2:TBD, Kitty Fee w/1: TBD, Guest: TBD, Deposit: $250.00, 1st Payment: October 1, 2012, Balance due: December 1, 2012, Cancellation: $50 plus non-refundable deposits prior to December 1, 2012. Leaders Discretion after December 1, 2012. Limit: 16 RVs w/leader.

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NATIONAL CARAVAN APPLICATION(please type or print clearly - every blank must be filled in)

Caravan # _________________ Caravan Name _________________________________________________________________________

Last Name _______________________ First______________________Spouse_____________________WBCCI# ____________________

Summer Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Phone # _______________________________EMail __________

Winter Address: From: _______ To: _____________________________________________________________________________


Phone #________________________________Email ____________________________________________________________________

# of Adults__________Children_________Pets_________Ham #___________________MH/T_________ft. Handicapped?

Amount Enclosed: (US$) _______________________Check #________________

Make checks payable to: WBCCI National CaravanMail to: Caravan Leader

REGION 8 RALLYLet the Games Begin!Hutchinson, Kansas

April 24 - 28, 2013

WBCCI # _________________ Unit _____________ Region ______

Name ___________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________

City_________________State/Prov_________Code _____________

Phone_________________ Email ____________________________


Type of Airstream TT _____________ MH ___________________

Handicap____________ Vintage_____________

Rally Fee: Before 4/1 After 4/1 AmountAirstream w/2 adults $220.00 $240.00 $ _____________Airstream w/1 adult $180.00 $190.00 $ _____________Off site 2 adults $140.00 $160.00 $ _____________Off site 1 adult $100.00 $110.00 $ _____________Guest (16+) $100.00 $110.00 $ _____________

TOTAL RALLY FEE $ _____________

Make check payable to: WBCCI Region 8 AFTER APRIL 1 BEFORE APRIL 1 Send your check to: Send your check to: June Ryan June Ryan P.O. Box 232 11313 E. Boise #48 Birmingham IA 52535 Apache Junction, AZ 85120

REGION 7 RALLYFestival of the Tall Ships

Duluth, MinnesotaJuly 24 - 30, 2013

WBCCI # _________________ Unit __________________________

Name ___________________________ Spouse _________________

Address ________________________________________________

City_________________State/Prov_________Code _____________

Phone_________________ Email: ___________________________

Rally Fee: (Camping Extra) Airstream w/2 adults $ 340.00 $ Airstream w/1 adult $ 170.00 $ Children #______ x $ 60.00 = $

Total Enclosed $

Forms due July 1, 2013

Questions: Linda Agre, cell 320-295-1117, email: [email protected]

NOTE: Rally fee does NOT include camping

Call 218-590-8774, Buffalo Valley Campground

Rally limited to 55 units

Make checks payable to: Region 7, WBCCIMail to: Carolyn Grandstrand

1862 N. Budd Ave., Maple Plain, MN 55359

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August 7 - 11, 2013 (Tours Aug. 5 & 6)

Name(s) ________________________________________________

Guest(s) ________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________

City_________________State/Prov_________Code _____________

WBCCI # __________ Unit _________________________________

Phone ____________________ Cell _________________________

Email ___________________________________________________

Disabled_______ Need Wheelchair accessibility ______________

Rally Fee:Adults # x $60.00 $ Children # x $60.00 (10 yrs & older) $ Children # (9 yrs & under - free)Fashion Show Luncheon # ________ included in rally registration


Monday Tour (Aug. 5) Chihuly Glass Garden and Space Needle # touring Tuesday Tours (Aug. 6) Museum of Flight # touring Safeco and/or Century Link Fields # touring



Cancellation Fee: $2 Parking Fee: $18 per night or $108 per week, including tax, is payable upon arrival at the gatehouse

Make check payable to: WA Unit, WBCCIMail to: Gwen Huffman, Potlatch Registrar

9101 Steilacoom Rd. SE #175, Olympia, WA 98513Ph. 360-459-5968

STORYTELLING SPECIAL EVENT RALLY Camping at Appalachian Fairgrounds

Gray, Tennessee for the National Storytelling Festival

Jonesborough, TennesseeOctober 3 - 7, 2013

WBCCI # _________________ Unit __________________________

Names __________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________

City ______________________ State/Prov_____Code ___________

Phone ____________________ Cell _________________________

Email __________________________________________________

Handicapped______________Amount enclosed _______________

Emergency Ph._______________________ ____________________

Please circle type: MH TR Slideouts Length________

Fee: $90 for 4 nights parking w/full hookups for first 30 trailers. (This year we offer only parking.) Early parking begins Sunday, Sept. 29 at $22 per night, so come visit the area. Each person is responsible for obtaining their own tickets to the Storytelling Festival. Brochures and direc-tions will be mailed when you register. (Refund minus $5 cancellation fee.) For further info contact: Harry Herrmann, Ph. 865-300-7551 or email [email protected]

Make checks payable to: Harry HerrmannMail to: Harry Herrmann

12176 Brookstone Dr., Knoxville, TN 37934-4779


October 3 - 7, 2013

WBCCI #_____________ Name ______________________________

Spouse/Friend/Children - staying in same rig _________________

Address ________________________________________________

City ______________________ State ____________ Zip _________

Cell ______________________ Email ________________________

Airstream Model _________________ Year Built ______________

Length ___________________ Age of Rig ____________________

Rally Fee:Adult (3-4 nights) # x $38.00 = $ Adult (1-2 nights) # x $28.00 = $ Child (5-15 yrs) # x $15.00 = $ Parking @ $20/night x ______ nights = $



Make checks payable to: Texas Vintage Airstream RallyMail to: Fred Hazen

102 Snipe Ct., Lakeway, TX 78734Ph. 512-261-0122 or 512-922-4053

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Welcome to the Airstream Owners Association

Jo in Today!AffordableAdventureisnowyours!AffordableAdventureisnowyours!To join, contact Deb Mann,

Membership Director,or go to www.wbcci.organd join online!

2013 International Dues - $65.00 plus unit dues

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If you have pictures depicting WBCCI caravans and rallies, please share them with us. These pictures may be used for promotional material, the Membership Directory, “Blue Beret” cover, or published in “Club Scenes”. Pictures should be of rally/caravan activities. When choosing a photo, consider the potential member and what would entice him/her to join the club. Please include a description of the picture, member names, specific rally/caravan, dates, etc. and send to [email protected] or WBCCI, PO Box 612, Jackson Center, OH 45334. NOTE: Original photos or .jpg file formats are preferred.

Northern Virginia Unit Caravan “In the Footsteps of Robert E. Lee” at Little Round Top -submitted by Richard Arnold, #17953

Spirit of Cleveland Rally - downtown Cleveland in the background-submitted by Dennis Ober, #2590

The joint Region 4 and Region 5 Youth Rally with Miami Valley Unit of Ohio and Central Indiana Unit at New Paris, Ohio-submitted by Karen Bell, #227

Ripple Rock Park on Vancouver Island in BC, Canada-submitted by Ron and Carolyn Wills, #16015

Participants in the Virginia Unit Tall Ships Rally at Virginia Beach, VA-submitted by Bob Lee, #16898

Louisiana Acadiana Unit members at the International Rally-submitted by Patty Fontenot, #7557

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