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Advanced Power Amplifier Testing By Craig Vieira, Senior Applications Engineer, LTX-Credence Corporation Abstract This paper is intended to provide the extra edge in getting precise correlation and achieving excellent measurement repeatability in minimal test time with proven test techniques. A myriad of Power Amplifier test techniques and development guidelines are documented to achieve the above goals. Introduction For the customer requiring extreme measurement accuracy in the bare minimum test time, this application note is here to deliver on those lofty expectations. It is best to work these demands from the top down – don’t shred the test time before getting acceptance on correlation. By taking a logically sequenced approach to get that optimized program, efficient development will prevail. This application note is laid out in a similar top-down approach. The first section is intended to aid in correlation and determining the possible flaws in measurement. Once a measurement correlates well to the bench, it is required to make it as repeatable as deemed reasonable by customer goals. Section two covers a few techniques in hopes to realize great standard deviation without sacrificing test time. Section three covers test time optimization. Logical test flow, creating similar routines into procedures, implementing fast servos, and “interleaving” tests are some ways to trim the fat off the program. Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are Correlation procedures are very stringent processes requiring incredible precision and accuracy for all types of measurements. Whether it be DC or RF, it can be very difficult in uncovering the last error in measurement. Sweep to Uncover the Truth When comparing data based on a servoed output power, it is imperative to inspect all operating points to validate the target power. By ensuring that current draw and output power curves match up to the bench, the device can be shown to be at the same operating point. A small difference in the carrier level will have a large impact on harmonic and intermodulation distortion product levels. It is often useful to sweep the device with the gain control or the RF input power and plot output power and current draw. At a quick glance, the efficiency, if calculated, is a good indicator of operating point. A device with an efficiency measured higher on the tester is most likely at a lower output power than is being reported. The DC measurements, if using

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Kelvin connections properly, are generally not the source of error in measurement but should be scrutinized nonetheless.

Figure 1: Operating Point Comparison Sweep

A comparison of bench versus tester operating points swept versus AGC (automated gain control) voltage is shown above in Figure 1. By looking at the trends in the graph it can lead to where the difference in the test cells lie. The above graph shows that there is a clear delta between the output powers on each test cell. Since both curves (Icc, output power) have the same shape with just an offset, the efficiency curve also follows suit. By comparing output power versus Icc at a servo target, the applications engineer can determine with a sweep if the DUT is operating at too high or low of an output power. Loadboard: The Usual Suspects Finding the last 1.0dB in correlating to the bench can be a science experiment on its own. There are several suspect areas that can contribute to error in measurement: RF source and receiver, impedance matching, and tester contribution make up a partial list of broad culprits to that last dB of difference. It is worthwhile to scrutinize the bench hardware setup as well as test specifications. Hardware selection could play a factor in differences; consider a coupler used in place of a splitter or mux. Also, test implementation should be scrutinized; modulated waveforms may be different, timing stimulus or shape may differ, and datalog differences( PAE vs. efficiency, peak vs. RMS, etc.) may be present. One of the usual suspects is the loadboard, and what better place to start? With 50Ω impedances, SMA connections, and RF contactors, the question is what isn’t to blame?

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Contactor Contributions No device can be expected to operate the same when soldered down versus in a socket. Socket losses should be added into the program after characterizing them. Characterization is done by comparing the performance of a device in socket and then soldered down on the loadboard. This must be done in this order since the loadboard is typically sacrificed in order to do so. Offsets can be calculated and applied for future socketed devices. RF Network De-Embedding The RF trace, and components along it, should be accounted for such that their characteristics do not influence the measurement of the DUT. The term for adjusting the calibration plane is de-embedding. De-embedding can be extremely complex, but for Power Amplifiers is usually done via Open-Short-Load (OSL) calibration or simple return loss measurements from a bench VNA or directly on the tester. These losses should be added into both the tester’s source power and measured results. For the OSL calibration case, the one port response must be derived from the three measurements taken. It is left to the applications engineer to determine how to implement this (scalar loss only, one loss per frequency range, etc.) This method requires soldering, directly onto the loadboard and the RF trace, a short and termination or alternatively supplying packaged standards. An open trace should suffice for the open standard. The derivation of the loss factor for the subsequent trace is a mathematic computation with formulas readily available on the internet or microwaves literature. The response is derived based from signal flowgraph (see Figure 2.) analysis for the three standards, utilizing theoretical S11 response for the appropriate loads and some minor algebra.

Figure 2: One-port signal flowgraph with error terms. For a Return Loss measurement, use a VNA or the tester again and the resulting losses is half the reported Return Loss. This method is less accurate but typically good enough to estimate the S21 response of the trace. The added bonus with the return loss method of de-embedding is that is can be done during program load-time, so no extensive bench characterization is required. Note that this method is only useful when the round trip return loss of the open trace is high enough to measure (i.e. Antenna port of device with 40dB attenuation in the path would measure <-80dB which would very likely be in the noise floor.)

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Application Focused Calibrations Scalar Loss Adjustment via Power Sensor – Applicable for Soft Dock Solutions A source application calibration should be written to servo the RF input power and use the power sensor to make a measurement via USB or GPIB commands. This reports back a loss factor to be used in the test program. It can not be assumed that the scalar loss is the same for all levels and certainly not frequencies. The RF calibration should be specified to be within +/-0.1dB on both the source and measure ports. Thus it is highly recommended that all frequency and level pairs be calibrated for the cable loss factor. Level dependency can be attributed to the different paths in a source mux and thus slightly different match presented to the DUT. This results in an enhanced calibration plane to a very good 50Ω load in the NIST traceable power sensor. It is also recommended to use source pads wherever feasible. The match inside a test port can be improved by using good 50Ω attenuators (VSWR <1.1:1) at the PCB connection providing improved matching between the tester and the loadboard, minimizing the combination of the two VSWRs. 0dBm into the power sensor does not mean 0dBm into the DUT because of the mismatch, adding in source pads will alleviate the error. Typically this calibration is performed at least once per tester RF calibration and the cal factors are written to a file and read in during program load time. Measure Loss Adjustment via a Calibrated Source – Applicable for Soft Dock Solutions In adjusting for the measure loss of a cable and attenuator, it is necessary to use a calibrated RF source for reference. There are also application calibrations written for this that will make a measurement with the tester and determine the offset of the measurement versus the calibrated source. If the measure side has attenuation for level adjustment then the match between source and measure should once again absorb any VSWR effects. The higher the value of the attenuators, the more VSWR interaction is minimized, so choose attenuators wisely according to tester specification and RF ranges. Using a corrected source as a new calibration plane allows for the measure losses to be determined. Use the frequency and measure level pairs from the actual application to get the best results. Again, this calibration is performed at least once per tester RF calibration and the cal factors are written to a file and read in during program load time. Selecting External Attenuation for Optimal Measurement Accuracy The best practice for the RF measurement accuracy for high output power devices is to minimize front end distortion while maximizing dynamic range. These two goals allow minimizing tester contribution to error and yielding the best SNR for a measurement. Both of these best practice goals can be implemented by selecting the optimal measure range for the DUT. Since we are dealing with Power Amplifiers we can eliminate lower level ranges

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which greatly amplify (and thus distort) the signal. Maximizing dynamic range is best achieved by understanding the front end level matrix (prior to downconversion) and IF gain stages. Compare several “modes” of operation to witness the affects of added attenuation or gain. Arbitrary Waveforms Generator IQ Modulation Using an AWG to IQ modulate an RF generators is common ATE practice, allowing a seamless integration from Baseband to RF modulation. However, the AWG may not be fully calibrated up to the generator and therefore when being used to modulate the RF requires a layered calibration to null the DC component (carrier) and provide a flat response over the bandwidth for both magnitude and phase. I&Q Baseband De-skew For modulated waveforms, it is very important to have magnitude and phase balance between the I and Q channels. Any skew in waveforms results in an inaccurate device performance measurements when compared to the reference waveform. The de-skew calibration is especially important for EVM and transceiver testing. The baseband signal that comes through the AWG can be calibrated at the DUT plane level by using a SPDT relay controlled by one CBIT. The idea is to digitize both the I and Q waveforms serially, measuring in one UTP, thus keeping the phase between the two consistent. The magnitude and phase of one of these waveforms can be corrected versus the other to get two balanced and 90o offset waveforms. This applications calibration requires three connections to be made on the loadboard between the baseband I+ channel, baseband Q+ channel, and a DIG channel (see Figure 3.) I and Q are the throws to the relay and the DIG is the pole. A CBIT can be used to control the relay.

Figure 3: IQ Baseband De-Skew Circuit

This de-skewing in the baseband path allows for all testers to have the same baseline EVM source performance. This is extremely important when testing devices with excellent EVM performance. Pre-correction results should be in the proximity of bench measurements, but may be worse than actual DUT performance.

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It wasn’t me, it was the one-armed man. Blame it on the tester, that’s an applications engineer’s scapegoat. The tester will affect every measurement in some way, but when the tester contributes too much, this becomes unacceptable. From creating harmonics and IMOD products, to port mismatch, it is crucial to remove the tester’s influence on any measurement. The following items are the common tester contributions in measurement. VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio is a common term used in RF that is the ratio of voltage maximum to minimum along a transmission medium. A VSWR close to 1:1 is ideal indicating no waveform reflections, and a perfect 50Ω or 75Ω match. The RF port inside the tester has VSWR contributing to error in source, and the same is true of the measure port. Impedance Matching To compensate for the VSWR in the port, attenuators, couplers, isolators, and splitters are common RF components that can improve the match on both sides of the component. These components have typical VSWR 1.1:1 specs indicating a very good 50Ω match. When testing power amplifiers it is usually necessary to have external attenuation on the output of the amplifier to reduce the signal level feed into the RF port, so the attenuator adds matching benefits as well. Intermodulation Distortion One challenge in designing any tester in general is the availability of devices that have better specifications in the tester than those under test. An RF challenge for this occurs when measuring intermodulation distortion products. IMDs are created in an active device as second, third, fourth, fifth, and so on products of the multi-tone carrier signal present at the input of the device. They are a result of non-linearities in the device and have to be below a specified maximum value to not interfere with adjacent channels. The user must be cognizant of all tones being mixed down and have a general knowledge of DSP techniques to take advantage of what is at their fingertips. Receiver Compression The receiver in the test head needs to be ranged properly for the maximum expected signal level. This is easily forgotten when measuring harmonics and ranging for their expected level rather than the fundamental level. This will cause compression to occur in the RF receiver, creating harmonics of its own. The total spectral magnitude must be considered for all frequencies that may be present at the RF port. This should allow for significant dynamic range which in many times allows a low enough noise floor to distinguish the harmonic. Depending on the dBc specification of the harmonics, averaging may be required to drop the noise floor down and get a repeatable measurement.

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It is beneficial to use a high pass filter / splitter or mux combination if the design allows. This allows ranging the RF hardware for the harmonic level since the fundamental is filtered out. Filtering eliminates averaging thus saving test time, but requires additional RF components. Golden Unit Correction The absolute last step (read: don’t do this instead of correlating) to get repeatable test results station to station requires offsetting data points based off a Golden Unit, referred to as a transform. An offset or transform file is created on a per test basis containing data point offsets such that the measurement will closely match another test cell measuring the same device. These transform cal factors absorb the differences in tester, loadboard, and contactor. Offsets have been calculated during load time by running a Golden Unit with associated bench data. Alternatively, offsets have been calculated offline and stored in a text file containing correction factors for only loadboard and socket contributions. Sigma versus the Bottom Line The ability to make a measurement with great repeatability and short test time is every ATE Company’s dream. Typically, the two don’t walk hand in hand, and compromises on test time must be made. The next few pages contain a couple of the ways to get that great repeatability desired. Also discussed are some tips for averaging. Resolution Bandwidth The Resolution Bandwidth of a given measurement indicates how many frequencies fall into one DSP bin. Thus, the larger the resolution bandwidth the higher the noise floor. Since SNR dictates repeatability in most RF measurements, it can be concluded a lower the resolution bandwidth yields improved repeatability.

Figure 4: CW RF measurement with Resbw = 64kHz

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The RF subsystem has Cadence syntax that allows the user to select a pre-defined resolution bandwidth or to create one with the resbwuser option. CW tones that are significantly high above the noise floor (>30dBc) can get away with using one of the resbw_us options (under sampling), which allows for less data point collection and transfer in the same resolution bandwidth. Alternatively, lower signal measurements should use the smaller resolution bandwidths and hence longer UTP times to get to the required repeatability. If adjusting the resolution bandwidth does not get one to the goal, then there is also built-in syntax to allow averaging for CW signals.

Figure 5: CW RF measurement with Resbw = 1kHz

The two previous captures illustrate the change in the noise floor level with different resolution bandwidths. In the case of the very low resbw of 1kHz (Figure 5) the noise floor is around -85dBm whereas with a resbw of 64kHz (Figure 4) the noise floor raises to around -70dBm. Not Your Average Joe There are two types of averaging that can be used dependent on the intended purpose of averaging measurements. If a tone needs to be dug out of the noise floor, it is recommended to use time domain averaging which will lower the noise floor 20* log( √N ) for every N averages, due to the fact that the noise is not coherent. UTP averaging can only be used when signals are coherent, such as IMD testing or ACPR. However, if the signal isn’t coherent the power averaging is the only solution. Power Averaging Power averaging is used to reduce the measurement variance of a “noise-like” signal. It is similar to the technique applied by a Spectrum Analyzer and can be used with windowing or non-coherent techniques.

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Standard syntax exists to measure an RF tone with averages. It is also easy to implement with user defined syntax for the case of spectral power measurements. Just use a running sum of the FFT bins and calculate the average power. As always, average in Watts, never in dBm! Convert to dBm as the last step. Unit Test Period Rules for Averaging In order to average in the time domain it is required to keep the phase of the signal constant. Therefore, the DIG capture has to measure for the number of points * N continuously to preserve phase information. Real-time UTP averaging is a great feature of an ATE system digitizer. Time Domain Averaging As previously stated, the noise floor in the spectrum will drop by 20* log(√N ) for every N averages. When analyzing a spectrum or a very low level signal, this method helps for both repeatability and debug. Remember, average in Watts, never in dBm! Crosstalk in Multi-Site One of the drawbacks of multi-site testing is crosstalk between sites. This becomes very apparent in low level signal measurements being made in parallel. If crosstalk between sites is a concern, determine if the repeatability suffers when only one site is active versus all sites active. If repeatability worsens with multiple sites making parallel measurements there are options to alleviate such behavior. Selecting RF Ports There are restrictions on dedicating RF resources when testing in multi-site. These restrictions are due to hardware limitations in making parallel source/measure multi-site pairs. Such limitations cause execution errors when an invalid hardware pair is used in parallel. Execution errors are obvious, less obvious to the user are shared resources or ports within close proximity to one another. It is up to the user to digest system manuals to understand suggested port usage for the best limitation of crosstalk. Staggering Measurements Many amplifiers have enable and gain control pins governing the RF output. Due to high output power, crosstalk is often unavoidable. For tests with high output powers, staggered measurements are achieved by having the control pins active for the first site in test over one UTP, and then having only the second site control pins active over the second UTP. This only costs an extra UTP in test time.

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Figure 6: Crosstalk in Multi-Site – staggering sites time domain capture.

In Figure 6, the crosstalk is evident in the multi-site capture displayed. The capture displays the staggered measurements, and the potential effect of one measurement on the other if made in parallel. Crosstalk is best shown in the green capture, where the red time domain (site 1) measures a significantly higher level than when site 2 is off. If measured in parallel, this error in site 1, due to site 2, would contribute to repeatability issues or a mean shift. Flipping the Switch One final method to add onto staggering of site testing is to “flip the switch.” This means to switch the disabled device/site into either another mode (for dual / quad band devices) or from TX to RX path (for amplifiers incorporating the receive path.) With a terminated input, nothing but minimal noise will be transmitted, eliminating crosstalk interference even further. This can only be achieved on devices that have the above features, but becomes very useful when they do. It is left to the user to determine what stimuli yields the best isolation. Finding Those 1 Second Waits… This section is intended to help the reader find ways to improve the test time of the program. First, it must be determined where the test time hits are located in the program, and then they must be alleviated.

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Efficient Coding One of the simplest ways to examine test times is to add a few timing statements in the program which easily allows viewing of test times of the entire program or individual tests. Another option is optimizing test flow, creating common routines into procedures to re-use, and using previous data points to estimate servo points. Make It a Procedure or Function It is good practice to create any set of commands that will be re-used in a program into a procedure. This way a change in this procedure is a universal change across the program. In this structure, a change in a wait time or a measurement technique will reflect the changes throughout the code. Some good examples of such procedures would be a Power Up routine, a Power Down routine, a Device Setup routine, and possibly a measurement technique routine for common measurements. A 10ms saving in a Power Up routine could result in a 500ms savings across the program, and coded as a procedure or function, need only be changed in one place. Arguments can be input to each routine for different levels, pins, or results as in any procedure or function. Logical Test Flow Another way to save test time is to create a logical flow to the test program with the customer’s acceptance. If there is a modulated servo, perform the CW tests first to estimate the modulated servo Power Input (Pin). Perform all single tone tests first, and then apply two-tone or modulated waveforms to eliminate setting up instruments more than once if feasible. One time actions should be limited to load time. If modulating the RF generator, don’t enable and disable modulation for every test, just play a DC waveform during CW tests. If it can be avoided, use logical test groupings as described above rather than changing an instrument’s state. In RF testing, a large portion of the instrument’s wait times comes from the generator settling time. Therefore, try minimizing switching ports, levels, and frequencies wherever possible. Use Previous Results One of the best uses of data points that are already measured is to apply them to future tests. This would include using CW Gain measurements as the baseline for P1dB measurement as well as the starting point of a search in the case that a test is not Go/No-Go (described later in the application note.) Also, if a servo is required for a CW tone and a modulated tone, the RF input power simply changes by the waveform’s peak to average ratio (P.A.R.) which can be calculated or measured during load time. Using previous results allows the applications engineer to optimize the search ranges or eliminate duplicate measurements. RF Output Power Servos The need to test RF devices at certain output powers (referred to as servoing) can often be a test time “sink hole”. Each servo can take quite a while depending on search ranges and servo tolerances. There are several ways to optimize a servo including selecting the right search

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routine, using an AWG to control RF input power, using CW tones and adding in the P.A.R. to find modulated RF input powers, and using ramp servos. What’s Your Poison? Selecting an efficient search routine is very beneficial to finding the servo target. Linear searches are typically very long and potentially inefficient techniques. Binary searches and successive approximation searches make much better use of measured data points and can narrow in on the servo target much quicker. One key thing to first determine here is if the device will be able to recover once it goes into compression, because if not, a linear search is required. To determine if this is the case, compare an output power in the linear region before and after it is forced into compression (apply the max input power or control voltage.) A linear search simply looks at consecutive data points in a given step size from a starting input power up until either the target is passed or the stop input power is reached. Typically, there is a coarse and fine step used to find the servo target within its tolerance. The difference in the two is the step size. This search is very straightforward and tends to be inefficient. However, if one can assume linearity of the PA output power, a linear search can actually be reasonably fast. See Figure 7, where a gain calculation made at an input power of -20dBm could be applied anywhere up to +3dBm output power to find the servo target in the linear region. A linear search is very beneficial in debug and characterization exercises.

Figure 7: An example output power profile versus input power of a Power Amplifier.

A binary search can be used as well. A binary search checks against the mid point of the search points and determines from this data if the target is above or below the midpoint. It continues cutting the search range in half to determine where the target lies. The danger of a binary search is it loses its effectiveness if and when a curve changes slope. Thus, a servo target near compression could take many iterations to find within a tight tolerance.

Input Power v. Output Power Curve










-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10

Input Power (dBm)


put P




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A successive approximation search is also a very effective search. It compares previous data points with present ones and determines the slope of the curve to predict where the target will be. This is a very fast and efficient search and is in general, the search of choice for servoing. How May I Servo You? Devices being tested with modulated waveforms require the metrics of ACPR, EVM, PAE, etc. to be measured at the device’s operating output power during normal operation. For instance, an 802.11g device would be tested at +18dBm output power. However, when the modulated waveform is used, there is more mathematical analysis required to determine the power within the main lobe as well as requiring more samples to be taken. Therefore, the servo takes longer as well. The difference between a CW tone and a modulated waveform in terms of power is called the peak-to-average ratio (P.A.R.) and is also related to the crest factor. A CW tone can be thought of as being a modulated DC waveform, thus having a P.A.R. of 1:1 indicating a 0dB delta in peak versus average power. A modulated waveform does not have a P.A.R. of 1:1 and once calculating the waveform’s P.A.R. or measuring it on the tester this crest factor is very useful to our servo. This P.A.R. is the difference in input power going from a CW tone to a modulated waveform. Therefore, it is faster to servo a CW tone to get to that correct output power, and then increase the RF input power by the P.A.R. of the modulated waveform to get to the servo output power.

Figure 8: CW vs. OFDM Output Power Peak-to-Average Ratio Example

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A simple search can be inserted into the program to verify this with the modulated waveform, and this can greatly narrow in the search parameters per device. If there are concerns of main power versus broadband power, a comparison of the main lobe’s power versus the broadband power can be done during load time using loop back RF ports, or during first run, and a cal factor can be determined to add into the P.A.R. No one Likes Waiting Another popular technique for servoing RF output power is to use an AWG as a DC modulator controlling the RF input power. A reduction in the AWG’s gain by ½ will result in an RF input power drop of 6dB. Rather than waiting for the RF generator to settle every time the RF input power is changed, this can be kept constant and the AWG gain can be changed which has a quicker settling time. Servo searches use the AWG gain settings as the start and stop search points. The AWG gain setting can then be converted to RF input power if required by simply comparing the current gain setting to the baseline gain setting and converting this to dB. This number is then subtracted from the RF input power setting to determine the proper RF input power. RF input power : +3.0dBm AWG baseline gain : 0.5V AWG servo gain : 0.45V

Equivalent RF input power = +3.0dBm + 20.0 * log ( 0.45V / 0.5V ) = +2.085dBm If an AWG is already in use then this is a clear cut choice as the preferred servo technique, but if it is not in the system configuration it should warrant consideration based on the long-term test time savings it will provide. Some Pins are So Controlling In GSM Power Amplifiers, the RF output power is controlled via a gain control pin. Many devices use different nomenclature, but the pin has the same function. VPC, AGC, VSET, VRAMP, etc. all are analog gain control pins that determine the operating point of the output power for a given input power setting. For these devices, it is required to servo the AGC rather than the RF input power to get to the target output power. GSM devices have a strict duty cycle specification that it must be tested under, so the UTP is restricted by this duty cycle on-time. A ramp (or step) waveform can be built and loaded into the AWG. This ramp, provided it follows the timing restrictions of the duty cycle, can easily determine a servo target in just one UTP. If a waveform containing steps is constructed, individual FFTs on the steps can be performed to find the corresponding output power for a given AGC voltage. It is also possible to get power profile versus a ramp input using some DSP tricks involving quadrature sampling.

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Figure 9: Output Power vs. AGC over Time

In only one duty cycle of time, the data for the entire AGC sweep is obtained saving valuable test time. In the cases where SNR is not sufficient for the low end of the search, the steps for the low end can be made longer to get more points in the FFT, or the search can be broken up into two sections/UTPs, re-ranging the RF measure hardware for the expected max signal of each section. Ramp Servo – Don’t Run on the Steps Using fast servos such as stepped or linear ramps have huge test time benefits while sacrificing accuracy. A stepped ramp is beneficial because it allows the user to determine how many points to use in an FFT based on the measured step size, and subsequently the step size of the programmed stimulus. It can be used to determine servo search targets, but it is best used for AM-AM or AM-PM testing. Linear Ramp Servo A linear ramp servo is an excellent test time saver. Since it utilizes quadrature sampling, it is not math intensive and therefore faster than the stepped ramp approach. It does provide less repeatability, but provided the search target is at the high end of the digitized signal peak, the servo accuracy is still very good. Best of all, it requires just 1 capture as well to determine the servo target and corresponding required stimulus setting.

Output Power v. APC












0 200 400 600 800 1000

Time (us)


put P














C (V


Output Power AGC AGC_Steps

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Figure 10: Linear ramp servo showing gain control waveform in green and corresponding time domain capture in red. The time capture is offset and scaled for ease of viewing.

Figure 10 shows the time domain capture of a linear ramp, with a gain control voltage shown as the controlling stimulus. It can be seen that the stimulus contains a search point at the very end of the waveform. This is very useful to get exact time alignment between stimulus and response. This allows for accurate reference to response waveform comparison.

Figure 11: Time aligned capture (red) versus gain control stimulus (green.) The time capture is offset and scaled for ease of viewing.

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In Figure 11, the two waveforms are now time aligned and have a 1:1 relationship, such that the output power can be found and the corresponding gain control setting is at the same point in time (along X-axis, N points.)

Figure 12: Power profile (red) calculated with quadrature sampling techniques of the time domain waveform (green.) The time capture is offset and scaled for the ease of viewing.

Figure 12 reveals the last step in this fast ramp servo, converting the time aligned capture to power. Utilizing quadrature sampling on the measure side allows for IQ pairs (every two points) to be converted to magnitude (real to complex, magnitude only), then to Vrms, and finally dBm. Since IQ pairs in polar format constitute magnitude and phase, the power profile (magnitude only) results in half the number of points of the time domain capture. Alternatively, complex math could be performed to maintain a 1:1 relationship between power and time, but is unnecessary and actually longer to process since more data points are computed. All the information required to find the servo power and corresponding gain control or RF input power is found in one capture and some minor math. Go/No-Go In the early stages of lot testing for new devices, it is often desired to get recorded data points for continuity current draw or P1dB. However, once the device manufacturers work out the kinks, these parametric values aren’t particularly useful in sorting out good devices from the bad. In the ATE industry, we consider a method Go/No-Go if it tests the device against passing criterion only without an exact data point. For instance, in continuity Go/No-Go testing, the device can simply play a pattern to the continuity pins and compare the results with another set of digital pins. The exact current drawn or VOH levels need not be measured to determine a device’s passing or failing status. This saves test time by replacing the exact measurements with simple and quick comparisons of a logic high or low.

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Advanced Power Amplifier Testing LTX-Credence 18 Delivering Value Through Innovation

A more pertinent example of Go/No-Go for PA testing is P1dB. Typically, a maximum input power is tested, or the device is driven to a maximum output power, and if the compression at this point is less than 1dB from the baseline gain, the device is considered good. In Go/No-Go testing, only this point is checked, instead of finding the actual P1dB point, saving servo test time. Go/No-Go should be written into every program where it is appropriate. Once characterization testing is complete, a Boolean Cadence or enVision OpVar “switch” should be flipped to allow for test time savings. Undersampling In DSP, the term undersampling describes sampling a waveform at a rate of less than twice the highest frequency content of the waveform. This causes aliasing which is not always a bad thing. Aliasing allows us to collect fewer data points or avoid potential sampling frequency limitations. Typically, undersampling is acceptable provided no other frequencies will fall into the desired DSP frequency bins. Resolution Bandwidth Optimization As highlighted before, resolution bandwidth can greatly improve repeatability measurements for low level signals. For the signal with excellent SNR, the resolution bandwidth really won’t improve the repeatability. It is for these signals that high resolution bandwidths should be experimented with to see the effect on the standard deviations. A significant test time savings can be found by simply changing the resolution bandwidth of those RF measurements not requiring such a low noise floor. The RF syntax for the subsystem has UTP times for various resolution bandwidths ranging from as low as 20us up to 10ms! These savings really add up over an entire program. Conclusions This paper discussed various proven methods for getting precise correlation and achieving excellent measurement repeatability in minimal test time. Various Power Amplifier test techniques and development guidelines were discussed to help the reader achieve these goals.

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