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Page 1: Black Holes


HOLES Raúl Díaz Gómez

Daniel Hirsch Marina

Carlos Ruiz Aquino

4º ESO A

Page 2: Black Holes


A black hole is a region of spacetime whose gravitational fields are too strong for light and any mass known to escape.

Black holes don’t emit electromagnetic radiation (photons) but the objects they absorb do, thats why we can see are shiny.

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Structure of Black Holes

• The Singularity:  This is the region of the black hole where all the mass of the black hole has been compressed down to nearly zero volume.  As a result the singularity has almost infinite density and creates an enormous gravitational force.

• The Event Horizon:  This is the "point of no return".  Any object, even light, that is within this radius cannot escape the gravitational pull of the black hole

• The Schwarzschild Radius: This is the event horizon's radius.  It is the radius at which the escape velocity is equal to the speed of light, R = 2GM/c2

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Structure of Black Holes • The Accretion Disk:  This is a disk

composed of stellar material that is spiraling towards that black hole

• The Ergosphere:  If the black hole is rotating, then as it spins, its mass causes the space time around the black hole to rotate as well.  This region is called the ergosphere. 

• Jets of Gas: For some black holes high intensity magnetic fields are emitted perpendicular to the accretion disk.  This causes charged particles to circle these magnetic field lines and creates jets of gas perpendicular to the acceleration disk.

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Most things known about black holes are only theories that usually are not true:

• The Einstein-Rosen Bridge Theory-> it says that if a human goes through a black hole, he will be suck down in a tunnel and shot out in a “white hole” in a parallel universe.

• Collapsed stars-> it says that black holes is simply a massive, dead star whose gravity is so intense that even light cannot escape.

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•Russian Dolls Universe Theory-> It says that the Universe is an infinite dark void with infinite number of planets, stars, galaxies and intergalactic spaces floating inside and governed by the same physical laws and constants. Like part of a cosmic Russian doll, our universe may be nested inside a black hole that is itself part of a larger universe.

•How black holes are created-> A common type of black hole is produced by certain dying stars. A star with a mass greater than about 20 times the mass of our Sun may produce a black hole at the end of its life. But most of the stars cannot become a black hole because they don’t have the mass to become it so when they die, they become white dwarf star which will sink due to its own weight.

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How to detect Black Holes

The black holes don’t emit electromagnetic radiaton (photons) so it’s quite difficult to detect their effects. His gravitatory effects can be noticed in near objects which movement is influenced by the black holes.

As they don’t emmit light they are impossible to see but the objects they absorb do so thats why black holes can be seen.

They also are detected through the gravitational lens effect which refers to the distance between the and an observer, that it is capable to the light from the source, as it travels through the observer. This effect is known as gravitational lensing and is one of the predictions of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity.

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Sagitario A

It is the closest black hole to the Earth. Astronomers are confident that these observations of Sagittarius A* provide good evidence that our own Milky Way galaxy has a supermassive black hole at its center.

In Chile, they show how the cloud is so hot that her front has already passed the point of maximum approach and away from the black hole of more than ten million miles per hour, while the tail is still falling towards him.

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Sagitario ALocation It is located at the center of the

Milky Way.Discovery It was discovered on February 13th

1974 by the astronomers Bruce Ballick and Robert Brown using the interferometer of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.

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Cygnus X-1

It is a well-known galactic X-ray source and black hole candidate in the constellation Cygnus galaxy. Cygnus X-1 was the first and brightest source of x-rays discovered in Cygnus galaxy due to the objects he absorbs (X-rays are a form of electramagnetic radiation (particles of light) that carry more energy than the light we can see). It is now estimated to have a mass about 14.8 times the mass of the Sun and has been shown that is too compact to be any known kind of normal star or other likely object besides a black hole. If so, the radius of its event horizon is only about 44 km.

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Cygnus X-1


It is located in the Cygnus Galaxy.


It was discovered by the Uhuru satellite in 1791.