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INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM PREPARED BY : Jona Dolorosa Amefel P. Sarmiento Gena Mae C. Tominez Cyndee Ruth Pendon Claudin Lee Septin Kathlyn Sombrea Johaira Marohom

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INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM-Is the organ system that protects the body from various kinds of damages such as loss of water or abrasion from outside.-this contain skin and its appendages( including hair, scales, feathers, hooves, and nails

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FUNCTIONS:- it may serve to waterproof, cusion and protect the deeper tissues, excrete wastes, and regulate temperature.- attachment site for sensory receptors to detect pain, sensation, pressure, and temperature.

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The Skin has an important job of protecting the body and acts as the body’s first line of defense against infection, temperature change, and other challenges to homeostasis.The upper layer of the skin is full of keratin, and cornified or hardened in order to prevent water loss from the body surface.

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Structure of the skin The skin is composed of two kinds of tissue. The outer epidermis, is made up of stratified squamous epithelium that is capable of keratizing or becoming hard and tough.The underlying dermis, is mostly made up of dense connective tissue.Subcutaneous tissue or hypodermis, it is deep to dermis which is essentially is adipose tissue.

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EpidermisThe epidermis is composed of up to five zones or layers called strata.Keratinocytes, produce keratin that fibrous protein that makes epidermis a tough protective layer. The deepest layer of the epidermis is the stratum basale, lies closest to the dermis contains epidermal cells that receive the most adequate nourishment via diffusion of the nutrients from the dermis.Stratum corneum, the outer most layer thick of 20-30 layers.Melanin, a pigment that ranges in color from yellow to brown to black, is produced by special cells called melanocytes, found in stratum basale.

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DermisThe dermis is your hide. It is strong, stretchy envelope that helps to hold the body together.

Dense major regions : Papillary layer – the uppermost dermal region. Reticular layer – deepest skin layer, consist of blood vessels, sweat and oil glands and deep pressure receptors called pacinian.

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Skin color :Three pigments contribute to skin color:1. The amount and kind ( yellow, reddish brown, or

black ) of melanin in the epidermis.2. The amount of carotene deposited in the stratum

corneum and subcutaneous tissue.3. The amount of oxygen- rich hemoglobin in the

dermal blood vessels.

Skin color signal certain disease states : Redness or erythema : reddened skin may

indicate embarassment (blushing ), fever, hypertension, inflammation, or allergy.

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Pallor or blanching : Under certain types of emotional stress ( fear, anger, and others), some people become pale. Pale skin may also signify anemia, low blood pressure, or impaired blood flow into the area.>Jaundice or a yellow cast: An abnormal yellow skin tone usually signifies liver disorder in which excess bile pigments are absorbed into the blood, circulated throughout the body, and deposited in the body tissues.> Bruises or black –and-blue marks : black and blue marks reveal sites where blood has escaped from the circulation and has clotted in the tissue spaces.

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Skin appendages : includes cutaneous glands, hair, and hair follicles, and nails.Cutaneous glands are all exocrine glands release their secretions to the skin surface via ducts.Fall in two groups :Sebaceous glands or oil glands, found all over the skin on the palms of the hands. Sebum, product of sebaceous glands.Sweat glands also called as sudoriferous , widely distributed in the skin. Apocrine glands, largely confined to the auxillary and genital areas of the body.

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HAIR AND HAIR FOLLICLESA hair that produce by a hair follicle is a flexible epithelelial structure. That hair

enclosed in the follicle is a root. The part that projecting from the surface of the scalp or a

skin is called the shaft.Hair follicles- are actually compound

structure. The inner epidermal shealth is composed of epithelial tissue and forms a hair. The outer dermal shealth is actually

dermal connective tissue.

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The arrector pili muscles are small muscles attached to hair follicles in mammals. Contraction of these muscles causes the hairs to stand on end - known colloquially as goose bumps.

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NailIs a scalelike modification of the epidermis that

corresponds to the hoof of claw of other animals. Each nail has a free edge, a body and a root.

Nail folds,borders of the nail that are overlapped by skin folds.

Cuticle, the thick proximal nail fold.Nail bed, stratum basale of the epidermis that extends

beneath the nail.Nail matrix, the thickened proximal area, responsible for

nail growth.Lunula, thickened nail matrix appear as a white crescent.

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FUNCTIONS:>Protect the body’s internal living tissues and organs.>Protect against invasion by infectious organisms>Protect the body from dehydration.>Protect the body against abrupt changes in temperature, maintain homeostasis.>Help excrete waste materials through perspiration.>Act as a receptor for touch, pressure, pain, heat, and cold.>Protect the body against sunburns by secreting melanin.>Generate vitamin D through exposure to ultraviolet light.>Store the water, fat, glucose,and vitamin D.>Maintenance of the body form.>Formation of new cells from stratum germinativum to repair minor injuries.

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POSSIBLE DISEASE AND INJURIES- Rash- Blister- Athletes foot-Infection-Sunburn- Skin cancer-Albinism-Acne-Herpes- Cold sores-Impetigo- Rubella- Cancer-Psoriasis

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Skin Cancer

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Sun burn

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Symptoms :Rubella: a red rash, usually starting on the head and neck. The rash doesn't appear until 14 to 21 days after infection, with most people developing their rash on Day 17 or Day 18 after exposure.

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Signs of Impetigo:small fluid-filled spots that are about 1 to 2cm in diameter. be itchy and may cause swelling in your lymph nodes (glands throughout your body that are part of your immune system) near the affected area.

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Signs of Herpes:Tingling, itching, or burning: Before the blisters appear, the skin may tingle, itch, or burn for a day or so.

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Symptoms ofAlbinism:· Skin problems, including: Little or no pigmentation (resulting in extremely light or white skin)Patches of low pigmentation (resulting in patches of extremely light or white skin)Extreme sensitivity to SunburnVery high susceptibility to skin cancer.

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· Hair problems, including: White hairPortions of the hair (often the forelock) being white

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