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Page 1: Biochemistry notes - Manatee School for the Arts · 2016-10-20 · Biochemistry Notes 16 | Page Note: the macromolecule chart is going to be your best study tool! Use it to your advantage!

B i o c h e m i s t r y N o t e s

14 | P a g e

Page 2: Biochemistry notes - Manatee School for the Arts · 2016-10-20 · Biochemistry Notes 16 | Page Note: the macromolecule chart is going to be your best study tool! Use it to your advantage!

B i o c h e m i s t r y N o t e s

15 | P a g e

Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen Phosphorus Sulfur

~Major structural

atom in all organic


~Key component

in ____________,






~CO2 is the major

nonliving source

of carbon in the



component of all



~Most common

atom in the


~Enters biological

systems largely

bonded to

____________ in


~Returned to the

environment by


and water


~Found in all



~Major nonliving

source is N2 in the


~Makes its way

into the food

chain via




which convert it

into a usable form



that can be used



and passed on to


in the food chain.

~Returned back to

the environment






(convert nitrates

in the soil into



~Found in most



~Oxygen is in our

atmosphere, as

well as in our



into the food

chain through



and returned back

to the




~Found in all


~Used quickly to

store and release

free energy in



returns it back to

the environment.

~Found in all


~Major nonliving

source is found in



releases it back

into the soil,

where it

producers absorb

it and pass it

through the food



returns it back to

the environment.

Page 3: Biochemistry notes - Manatee School for the Arts · 2016-10-20 · Biochemistry Notes 16 | Page Note: the macromolecule chart is going to be your best study tool! Use it to your advantage!

B i o c h e m i s t r y N o t e s

16 | P a g e

Note: the macromolecule chart is going to be your best study tool! Use it to your advantage!

Molecular Shape

______________________ _______________________ __________________________

The building blocks of life!

All contain the element ____________!

Also known as ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Unique atomic structure because it has ___________________________________

On the outer most energy level, carbon can form ____________________________ with

up to __________ other atoms!

There are four!






Page 4: Biochemistry notes - Manatee School for the Arts · 2016-10-20 · Biochemistry Notes 16 | Page Note: the macromolecule chart is going to be your best study tool! Use it to your advantage!

B i o c h e m i s t r y N o t e s

17 | P a g e

Making and Breaking Polymers

1. How do we make a polymer from a monomer? _______________________________

2. How do we break down a polymer? __________________________________

3. ________________________________: a chemical process where two smaller molecules are combined to

make a larger molecule. Water is released and energy is stored in the newly formed chemical bonds.

4. _______________________________: A chemical process where a large molecule is broken down into

smaller molecules. Water is required and energy is released. Digestion is a series of hydrolytic reactions.

Page 5: Biochemistry notes - Manatee School for the Arts · 2016-10-20 · Biochemistry Notes 16 | Page Note: the macromolecule chart is going to be your best study tool! Use it to your advantage!

B i o c h e m i s t r y N o t e s

18 | P a g e


Match the Monomer on the left to the macromolecules on the right.

Fatty acids and glycerol _________ A. Protein

Monosaccharide _________ B. Lipid

Nucleotide _________ C. Nucleic acid

Amino acid _________ D. Carbohydrate

Match the Polymer on the left to the macromolecules on the right.

DNA _________ A. Protein

Enzyme _________ B. Lipid

Triglyceride _________ C. Nucleic acid

Polysaccharide _________ D. Carbohydrate

Match the Monomer on the left to the Polymer on the right.

Fatty acids and glycerol _________ A. Polysaccharide

Monosaccharide _________ B. RNA

Nucleotide _________ C. Enzyme

Amino acid _________ D. Phospholipid

Match the Monomer on the left to the Polymer on the right.

Fatty acids and glycerol _________ A. Enzyme

Glucose _________ B. Triglyceride

Nucleotide _________ C. Starch

Amino acid _________ D. DNA

Match the Monomer on the left to the Polymer on the right.

Amino acid _________ A. Glycogen

Nucleotide _________ B. Phospholipid

Monosaccharide _________ C. Protein

Fatty acids and glycerol _________ D. DNA

Match the Polymer on the left to the macromolecules on the right.

Cholesterol _________ A. Protein

Enzyme _________ B. Nucleic Acid

RNA _________ C. Carbohydrate

Cellulose _________ D. Lipid

Page 6: Biochemistry notes - Manatee School for the Arts · 2016-10-20 · Biochemistry Notes 16 | Page Note: the macromolecule chart is going to be your best study tool! Use it to your advantage!

B i o c h e m i s t r y N o t e s

19 | P a g e

What if glucose is needed now?

We make a polymer called __________________ (similar to starch, but only

found in animals), which are repeating units or

___________________________________________ with lots of branches.

_________________________________ and makes a BIG


Globby and branched=


Enzymes attach to the ends and break down the glycogen

into glucose= ________________________

Where is glycogen found and where do you need it the most?



• Form the bilayer of

the cell membrane.

• First line of defense

for the cell.

• One glycerol, two

fatty acids, and a


• Hydrophobic tails-

made up of fatty

acids and are afraid

of water (non-


• Hydrophilic heads-

made up of glycerol

and phosphate and

Page 7: Biochemistry notes - Manatee School for the Arts · 2016-10-20 · Biochemistry Notes 16 | Page Note: the macromolecule chart is going to be your best study tool! Use it to your advantage!

B i o c h e m i s t r y N o t e s

20 | P a g e

Functions of Proteins

1. Catalyzing Enzymes

� ______________________________________________________________________________


� Lowers activation energy: the amount of energy needed to get a reaction started.

� On-going. Never stop.

� ______________________________________________________________________________


� Human enzymes work best at 98.6 F / 37C. Above 104 F enzymes can start to denature / fall


2. Defensive Proteins-




� Ex- Antibodies attack viruses and bacteria.

� Ex- Fibrinogen is a protein that helps your blood to clot.

3. Storage Proteins- Bind with iron and calcium to provide nourishment for an organism.

4. Transport Proteins-


� Ex-___________________________________________________________________

� Ex-___________________________________________________________________

5. Support Proteins _________________________________________________________________

• Ex- Keratin in your hair, skin, and nails.

• Ex-Fibrin- allows your blood to clot.

• Ex- Collagen and elastin are major components of connective tissue.

6. Motion Proteins



7. Messenger Proteins- Allow different cells to communicate.

• Examples: hormones (regulate body functions) such as Insulin (regulates glucose levels)

Page 8: Biochemistry notes - Manatee School for the Arts · 2016-10-20 · Biochemistry Notes 16 | Page Note: the macromolecule chart is going to be your best study tool! Use it to your advantage!

B i o c h e m i s t r y N o t e s

21 | P a g e

Nucleic Acids

• Deoxyribonucleic Acid

• ____________________________,



• Sugar-______________________

• Location-____________________

• Function-




• Base Pairs-






• Process- _______________________

• Ribonucleic Acid

• _______________________________

• Sugar-_________________________

• Location-



• Function-









• Base Pairs-




• Process-



Answer the questions

1. What is the monomer of a nucleic acid made up of? ________________________________________

2. What type of bond holds together the nitrogenous bases? _________________________________

3. What type of bond holds together the sugars and phosphates? _____________________________

4. Which base pairs match up in DNA? __________________________________

5. Which base pairs match up in RNA? __________________________________

6. In RNA, thymine is replaced with _________________________

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B i o c h e m i s t r y N o t e s

22 | P a g e



Color the A’s- green

Color the T’s- Orange

Color the C’s- Yellow

Color the G’s- Purple

Color the U’s- Brown

Color the phosphates- pink

Color deoxyribose- dark


Color ribose- light blue

Color the hydrogen bonds-


Label the covalent bonds.

Page 10: Biochemistry notes - Manatee School for the Arts · 2016-10-20 · Biochemistry Notes 16 | Page Note: the macromolecule chart is going to be your best study tool! Use it to your advantage!

B i o c h e m i s t r y N o t e s

23 | P a g e

Four Macromolecules / Carbon Based Molecules

1.________________________________ 2.______________________________

3.________________________________ 4.______________________________

Directions: Using the four macromolecules above, write which one is represented by the description. Use


Stores and transmits genetic information________

Makes Enzymes ________________

Insulin ______________

Sucrose ______________

Saturated ________________

Fatty Acids _____________

Glucose ______________

Antibodies _______________

Enzyme Substrate Complex _____________

Phospholipid Bilayer ________________

Contains nitrogenous bases __________

Amino acids ___________________

Monosaccharides _____________

Main component of the cell membrane ___________

The only one that contains phosphorus (sugar,

phosphate, nitrogenous base) _______________

Glycerol _________________

Collagen _________________

Polyunsaturated ________________

Long term energy storage _______________

Main source of energy _____________

Cholesterol ________________

Hemoglobin _____________

Disaccharides _______________

Starches __________________


Unsaturated fats ________________

Deoxyribonucleic Acid_________________

Ribonucleic Acid _________________

Steroids _________________

Lactose __________________

Ends in “ose” __________________

Olive oil __________________

Cellulose _________________

Triglycerides _________________

Has an “R” group _________________

Monomers are nucleotides _________________

Hormones ____________________

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