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home address An der Eiche 7A, D. 50678 Köln Germany

email [email protected]



2007 PhD in Art History, Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, Germany 1999 Diploma in Fine Art Photography and Media Art (equivalent to MFA) with distinction, Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig, Germany

1994 Desktop-Publisher (Vocational Training), CIMdata Academy, Berlin, Germany

1993 Gesellenbrief(CertificateofApprenticeship)inPhotography,FreeUniversity Berlin, Germany



2010—2015 Professor: Practice and Theory of Photography, Department for Communication Design,BraunschweigUniversityofArt,Braunschweig,Germany

2009 —2010 Visiting Professor: Photography, Merz Akademie Stuttgart, Germany

2009 —2010 Adjunct Professor: Art Photography, Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, Germany

2007—2009 Adjunct Professor: Aesthetics and Theory of Art, Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, Germany

2008 Adjunct Professor: Art Photography, F+F School for Art and Media Design, Zurich, Switzerland

2007—2008 Adjunct Professor: Art Photography: Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig, Germany

2000—2004 Lecturer and Researcher (staff): Research Project Visuelle Kompetenz im Medienzeitalter (Visual Competence in the Media Age), Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, Germany

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Graphic Design

1999—2000 Graphic Designer, VIVA Fernsehen GmbH (German music television station), Cologne, Germany

1997—1999 Freelance Graphic Designer: Lambert and Lambert (formerly Lambert and Ott), Duesseldorf, Germany: exhibition catalogues, magazines, print and online

1995 Intern: Graphic Designer, Lambert and Ott, Düsseldorf, Germany

1994—1995 Desktop-Publishing Specialist, Druckplan, Leipzig, Germany


2010 Curator: On the localization of the private, Stuttgart Photography Summer 2010, Stuttgart, Germany (student exhibition)

2010 Curator: momentum, Stuttgart Photography Summer 2010, Stuttgart, Germany (student exhibition)

2007—2014 Founding Member of the producers’ gallery Loris in Berlin, Germany

2005 Assistant to the Curator (Inke Arns): Dispersed Moments of Concentration. Urban and Digital Spaces, Hartware Medienkunstverein, Dortmund, Germany

2004 Jury Member: Grant of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia for a Female Media Artist, Dortmund, Germany

2004 Lecturer and Supervisor: International Student Workshop: Heimatwechsel, in cooperation with Hartware Medienkunstverein and medien_kunst_netz Dortmund, Germany,collaborationwithAntoniMuntadas(NewYork,USA)andDaniel Garcia Andújar (Valencia, Spain)

2000—2010 Supervisor for Parkett (Swiss art magazine) at Art Cologne, Cologne, Germany

1997—1998 Intern and Co-Curator (Judy Lübke): Weimar Lab, Media Lab of Eigen + Art gallery, Leipzig, Germany

1997—1998 Student Organizer: National Student Workshop künstlich, vermutlich, Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig, Germany

1995—1997 Student Supervisor: Computer Lab, Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig, Germany

1995—1997 Student Instructor: Digital Image Processing (Photography Department) and Online Research for Art Historians (Media Art Department), Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig, Germany

1994—1996 Jury Member: German Youth Photography Award, Remscheid, Germany

1993—1994 Lecturer: Photography, Adult Education Center Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany

1993 Photographer,FreeUniversity,Berlin,Germany

1992 Assistant:PhotoArtistMichaelSchmidt(U-NI-TY;Waffenruhe)

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Artist Books and Magazines

2015 État d'Urgence. Paris, 14 novembre 2015, private publication, Cologne 2015.

2015 archivalien | documents, Blurb, books on demand, 2015.

2013 From the Periphery, Salzburg: Fotohof edition, 2013.

2011 Contact Zones, (monographic exhibition catalogue), ed. by Hans D. Christ/Iris Dressler,WürttembergischerKunstvereinStuttgart,Ostfildern,Germany2011, Hatje Cantz Verlag.

2008 EP/2006/K., Berlin:OfficeforImageAffairs,2008.

1999 Plan, (withElisabethNeudörfl),Leipzig:InstitutfürBuchkunst,1999.

Theory—Monographic Books

2008 Das Fremde sehen. Der europäische Blick auf Japan in der künstleri- schen Dokumentarfotografie, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2008.

2002 Sammeln: Erinnern – Erneuern – Transformieren, Werkstatt Wort Bd. 2, ed. by Christoph Türcke, Leipzig: Academy of Visual Arts, 2002.

Edited Books

2016 Ilka Becker/Bettina Lockemann et al. (eds.), Fotografisches Handeln/Agency in Photography, Marburg: Jonas Verlag, 2016 (in preparation).

2004 H.D. Huber/B. Lockemann/M. Scheibel, Visuelle Netze. Wissensräume in der Kunst,Ostfildern/Ruit:HatjeCantzVerlag,2004.

2002 H.D. Huber/B. Lockemann/M. Scheibel (eds.), Bild Medien Wissen, Munich: kopaed Verlag 2002.

1999 Bettina Lockemann and (eds.), künstlich, vermutlich, Leipzig: Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig, 1999.


2016 “The Power of Place,” in: Kerstin Schmidt und Julia Faisst (eds.), The Place of Photography, in: Spatial Practices, Brill/Rodopi (in preparation).

2016 “After Fukushima: Strategies of Photographic Visualization,” in: Bettina Gockel (ed.), Japan – Photography and Photographers, Berlin, de Gruyter (in preparation).

2016 “UnbestimmtheitsstelleninderdokumentarischenFotografie,”Let's Mix All Media Together & Hans Dieter Huber, ed.byHannelorePaflik-Huber,Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2015, 206-216 (June 2016).

2015 “Beyond the Decisive Moment: Temporality in Paul Graham's ‘A Shimmer of Possibility’,” Image [&] Narrative, ed. by Alexander Streitberger and Jan Baetens, Brussels, 17-30..

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2014 “The City as Contact Zone,” Visual Resources, Volume 30, Number 4, October 2014 (Taylor & Francis), 354-372.

2013 “A Phenomenological Approach to the Photobook,” Imprint. Visual Narratives in Books and Beyond, ed. by Hans Hedberg/Gunilla Knape/ Tyrone Martinsson/Louise Wolthers, Gothenburg: Art and Theory Publishing, 2013, 83-127.

2010 “MaskierungundDemaskierungvonMacht.PaulGrahamsfotografische Sicht auf Japan,” Kritische Berichte: The Phoenix of Hiroshima. Entwürfe einer neuen Identität im Bild, 2/2010, 63-72.

2008 “Dokumentarfotografie.ZurEntwicklungeinesBegriffs,”Rundbrief Fotografie, Vol. 15, No. 4 (2008), 14-17.

2007 “ConstructingtheWorld.DocumentaryPhotographyinArtisticUse,” Visual Culture Revisited. German and American Perspectives on Visual Culture(s), ed. by R. Adelmann et al., Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag, 2007, 141-152.

2004 “Das Fremde sehen. Der Blick auf Japan in Paul Grahams Künstlerbuch ‘Empty Heaven’,” Printed Matter: Fotografie im/und Buch, ed. by Barbara Lange, Leipzig:LeipzigUniversityPress,2004,125-135.

2004 “Netzkunst als Konzeptkunst,” Visuelle Netze. Wissensräume in der Kunst, H.D. Huber/B.Lockemann/M.Scheibel,Ostfildern/Ruit:HatjeCantzVerlag,2004, 39-51.

2004 “Vom Grenzraum zur Grenzüberschreitung. Grenzen und Globalisierung im künstlerischen Diskurs,” Visuelle Netze. Wissensräume in der Kunst, H.D. Huber/B.Lockemann/M.Scheibel,Ostfildern/Ruit:HatjeCantzVerlag,2004, 145-163.

2004 “Bedingungen der Integration von Online-Medien in die Ausbildung von KunsterzieherInnen,”

2002 “Jenseits der Netzkunst,” Bild Medien Wissen, ed. by H.D. Huber/B. Lockemann/M. Scheibel, Munich: kopaed Verlag 2002, 257 - 272.

2002 Methodisch-didaktische Ansätze in der Ausbildung von KunststudentIn- nen im Bereich Online-Medien,

2001 “Saying Goodbye to the Wild West. Thoughts about on the Threshold of Institutionalisation,”

2000 “objects in this mirror may be closer than they appear,” Vom Realismus der Bilder, ed. by K. Sachs-Hombach and K. Rehkämper, Magdeburg: Scriptum Verlag, 2000, 185-192.

1996 “Medien, Bilder,” European Media Arts Festival Osnabrück 1996 (catalogue), ed. by H. Nöring/A. Rotert/R. Sausmikat, Osnabrück: EMAF, 1996, 254-257.

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Reviews and Miscellaneous Texts

2014 “UenoPark”,Klasse. Buch. 64 Positionen aus der Klasse Eißfeldt, ed. by BraunschweigUniversityofArt,Heidelberg:Kehrer,2014.

2012 “An Almost Casual Gaze. On Lara Almarcegui's ‘Guide to the Waste- lands of Lea Valley. 12 Empty Spaces Await the London Olympics’,” Status. 24 Contemporary Documents (catalogue), ed. by Daniela Janser/Thomas Seelig, Winterthur: Fotomuseum Winterthur, 2012, 78-79.

2009 “Shinkichi Tajiri: The Berlin Wall,”

2008 “Robert Frank: The Americans,”

2008 “Judith Joy Ross: Living with War,”

2008 “HelenLevitt:Fotografien1937–1991,”

2007 “ElisabethNeudörfl:SuperPussyBangkok,”

2007 “Dorothea Lange: Impounded,”

2007 “Paul Graham: American Night,”

2006 “Seeing the Other,”

2005 “Die Welt ist nicht genug,”

2004 “Code Orange: Washington im Krieg,” spector cut+paste 3, 158-160.

2002 “schon mal hier gewesen,”


2013 Deutscher Fotobuchpreis, Germany, “Nominated 2014”-Predicate for the publication From the Periphery 2013 ResearchCommissionofBraunschweigUniversityofArt,Germany, Publication Grant

2013 Arts Foundation North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Publication Grant

2010 Arts Foundation North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Exhibition Grant

2005 Arts Foundation North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Exhibition Grant

2000 International Bauhaus Award 2000, Honorable Mention, Bauhaus Dessau, Germany

1998 West German Public Broadcasting Company (WDR) and the Academy of Media Arts Cologne 1st prize: kurz + schön contest (cooperation with Caroline Hake)

1997 Institut für Buchkunst Leipzig, Germany, Publication Grant for the artist book Plan(cooperationwithElisabethNeudörfl)

1997 Koerber-Foundation, Germany, German Study Award, 3rd prize

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1993 Photographers’ Guild Berlin, Germany, 1st prize, Competition of Apprenticeship Exams

1991 and 92 Deutscher Jugendfotopreis (German Youth Photography Competition), awardee in multiple categories


2009 Arts Foundation North Rhine Westphalia, Germany, Young Talent Fellowship

2008 BerlinUniversityoftheArts,Germany,admissiontotheMentoring-Programfor female artists/researchers

2007 Federal State of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, admission to the Mathilde-Planck-Lehrauftragsprogramm for female artists/researchers

2006 German Institute for Japanese Studies Tokyo, Japan, Dissertation Fellowship

2005—2007 Federal State of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Postgraduate Scholarship

2003 German-American Fulbright-Commission, Visual Culture Tertiary Fellowship, Amherst College in Amherst/MA, USA

2001 Minstry of Culture, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Fellowship for a Female Media Artist

1993 Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany, admission to the Education Program for Gifted Youth


2013 From the Periphery,galleryoftheBraunschweigUniversityofArt, Braunschweig, Germany (artist book)

2013 From the Periphery,Loris–galleryforcontemporaryart,Berlin,Germany (artist book)

2012 Eden Olympia(withJensLüstraeten),Loris–galleryforcontemporaryart,Berlin, Germany

2011 undocumented,Loris–galleryforcontemporaryart,Berlin,Germany

2010 Contact Zones, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany (catalogue)

2009 Undetermined Terrain, Loris - gallery for contemporary art, Berlin, Germany

2008 Contact Zone, Loris - gallery for contemporary art, Berlin, Germany

2003 Code Orange, GEDOK-Galerie Stuttgart, Germany

2003 Fringes of Utopia, Büro Spors, Berlin, Germany

2002 been here before, Kunstverein Oberwelt, Stuttgart, Germany

1999 objects in this mirror may be closer than they appear, Kunstverein Leipzig, Projektgalerie Elsterpark, Leipzig, Germany

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2016 Fotografia Europea 2016. La via Emilia. Strade, viaggi, confini, Bologna, Italy (May-July 2016)

2015 Under Surveillance, RicusAschemann–GalleryforPhotography,Hanover, Germany (catalogue)

2014 Unterwegs nach dem Mehr, Fotofestival f/stop, D21 Kunstraum Leipzig, Germany

2014 Land in Sight,Loris–galleryforcontemporaryart,Berlin;Germany

2013 The Way Things Are,UnionGallery,London,GreatBritain

2013 Nach Lage der Dinge,Loris–galleryforcontemporaryart,Berlin,Germany

2013 Spiegelnde Kulissen, ARD Hauptstadtstudio, Berlin, Germany

2012 Cairo: Open City. Testimonies of an Ongoing Revolution, Museum for Photography, Braunschweig, Germany

2012 Research – Reality as Material, Ratskeller, Lichtenberg, Berlin, Germany

2011 The Best of All Possible Worlds, Carpe Diem Art & Research, Lisbon, Portugal

2010 Diamonds & Pearls, Loris–gallery for contemporary art, Berlin, Germany

2010 Interior Views, Gallery of the International Culture Center Cracow, Poland (catalogue)

2009 Under Cover I – special editions in books, boxes & rolls, Gallery Barbara Wien, Berlin, Germany

2009 Art Dialogue: Moving Ahead Together, Wuhan, China (catalogue)

2009 Interior Views, San Juan, Mendoza, Cordoba: Argentina (catalogue)

2008 Heterotopias of the Mundane. Young Berlin Artists Seeing Space, video screening at Scala cinema, Berlin, Germany

2008 Interior Views, Goethe-InstituteWashingtonDC,USA(catalogue)

2007 The Best of All Possible Worlds,Loris–gallery for contemporary art, Berlin

2007 Interior Views, Ex-Convento del Carmen, Guadalajara, Mexico (catalogue)

2006 Annual Contributions, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany

2005 2005 Pingyao International Photography Show, Pingyao, China (catalogue)

2005 Trial of Power, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany (catalogue)

2005 Dispersed Moments of Concentration. Urban and Digital Spaces, hartware medien kunst verein, Dortmund, Germany (catalogue)

2005 Expanded Media, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany

2004 Research – discovered! Picture archives of the invisibilities, International Photography Triennial Esslingen, Villa Merkel, Esslingen, Germany (catalogue)

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2002 not far away from reality, Kunstverein hartware, Dortmund, Germany (catalogue)

2002 Trade. Commodities, Communication, and Consciousness in World Trade Today, Nederlands Foto Instituut, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (catalogue)

2001 Trade. Commodities, Communication, and Consciousness in World Trade Today, Fotomuseum Winterthur Switzerland (catalogue)

2001 new ideas – old tricks, Kunstverein hartware, Dortmund, Germany (catalogue)

2000 Sublime, Künstlerhaus Duende, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

2000 Positions, Attitudes, Actions, International Photography Biennial Rotterdam, The Netherlands (catalogue)

1999 Arte & Communicazione‚ 99. Forum Internazionale della TV, dell‘Audiovisivo e dell‘Editoria multimediale di qualita, Musei D‘Arte Contemporanea, Rome, Italy

1998 sub fiction, 3. Werkleitz Biennial, Saxony-Anhalt, Werkleitz, Germany (catalogue)

1997 Labland, medialab of Eigen+Art gallery, Leipzig, Germany (catalogue)

1996 Videonale Bonn (catalogue)

1996 European Media Arts Festival Osnabrück (catalogue)


Artist Presentations2015 Constructing the Urban Landscape, Good Children Gallery, New Orleans, Louisiana,USA

2013 Artist Talk with Dr. Barbara Könches/Arts Foundation North Rhine Westphalia, Germany, Düsseldorf Photo-Weekend

2011 undocumented, “Studio Real—Kunst und Dokument,” ACC Galerie/Bauhaus UniversityWeimar,Germany

2010 The World is not Enough, ZurichUniversityoftheArts,Zurich,Switzerland

2010 Encounters in the Contact Zone, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany

2009 Exploring Places, Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig, Germany

2009 Documentary Projects, FacultyofArchitecture,MiddleEastTechnicalUniversity, Ankara, Turkey

2009 Exploring Territories, PIST art space, Istanbul, Turkey

2008 Encounters in the Contact Zone. European Influences in Japan in the photography project ‘Contact Zone’, “ContactZone,”Loris–galleryfor contemporary art, Berlin

2005 The World is not Enough, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin, Germany

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2002 been here before, Kunstverein Oberwelt e.V., Stuttgart, Germany

2000 The International City, “Event City,” Bauhaus Dessau

Invited Talks (Academic)

2015 From the Periphery, BauhausUniversityWeimar

2015 Conceptual Documentary: Constructing the World in Images, Southeastern LouisianaUniversity,DepartmentforFineandPerformingArts,Hammond, Louisiana,USA

2014 From the Periphery. Housing Estates and the Car-Oriented City, departmentformediastudies,UniversityofAppliedSciences,Potsdam,Germany

2014 After Fukushima. Strategies of Photographic Visualization, “Geography of Photography:Japan–PhotographyandPhotographers,”ZurichUniversity, Switzerland

2012 Phenomenology and the Photobook, Hasselblad Foundation, Gothenburg, Sweden

2010 Seeing the Other. The European View of Japan, 3rd International Photobook Festival, Kassel, Germany

2009 Seeing the Other, “Pictorial Flows. Visuality and Mediality in a Global Context,” interdisciplinary excellence cluster ”Asia and Europe in a Global Context,” HeidelbergUniversity,Heidelberg,Germany

2009 Encounters Within the Contact Zone, “Cultural Memory and Border Identities Between Narrative Construction and ‘iconic turn’,” Faculty of Philosophy, UniversityMadrid,Spain

2007 Seeing the Other. The European View on Japan in artistic Documentary Photography, “Japanese Photography,” Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig in cooperationwiththeInstituteofJapanology,LeipzigUniversity,Germany

2005 Constructing the World. Documentary Photography in Artistic Practice, “Visual Culture Revisited. German and American Perspectives on Visual Culture(s),”JFK-Forum,FreeUniversity,Berlin,Germany

2001 Using Media in the Arts, IGMedien,BadUrach,Germany

2001 Saying Goodbye to the Wild West. Thoughts about on the Threshold of Institutionalisation, “ under construction,” hartware medien kunst verein, Dortmund, Germany

Conference Activity/Other

2016 Agency in Photography. Exploring Photography as Performative, Helsinki Photomedia Conference 2016, AaltoUniversity,Helsinki,Finnland(March2016)

2015 Panel Member: Past is Wow, Fotodoks, Festival für aktuelle Dokumentarfotografie, Maximiliansforum München

2014 The Power of Place. Photographing the Holocaust Today, Helsinki Photomedia Conference2014,AaltoUniversity,Helsinki,Finnland

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2014 Panel Member: Herausforderungen der Architekturfotografie, Gallery for Photography, Hanover, Germany

2014 Beyond the Decisive Moment. Temporality in Paul Graham’s ’Shimmer of Possibility’, “PhotofilmicImages,”Brussels,Belgium

2013 The City as Contact Zone, CollegeArtAssociation(CAA),NewYork,USA

2012 Panel Member: Fotografie ist mehr als Kunst. Zur Vielfalt fotografischer Weisen in Bezug auf ihren Status in der Kunst, Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, Stuttgart, Germany

2012 A Phenomenological Approach to Photography, Helsinki Photomedia Conference“ImagesinCirculation,”AaltoUniversity,Helsinki,Finnland

2010 Undetermined Terrain. The Urban Experience between Europe and Asia, “CityscapesinHistory.CreatingtheUrbanExperience,”CenterforAdvanced Studies,Ludwig-Maximilians-University,Munich,Germany

2007 Thinking Non-Linear – Working Cross-Linked, “KunstinBewegung–Das Flüchtige in der Kunst,” Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Schulentwicklung Hamburg, Germany

2005 Moderator: Veränderte Berufsprofile im Medienzeitalter, “Kulturelle Bildung im Medienzeitalter. Projekte Praxis Perspektiven,” Munich, Germany

2003 Seeing the Other. Seeing Japan in Paul Graham's Artist Book ‘Empty Heaven’, “FotografieimBuchII,”DepartmentofArtHistory,LeipzigUniversity,Germany

2003 The Internet as Extension of Artistic Practice, Bad Emser Medienkunsttage 2003: “VirtuelleUtopien–GrenzenloseMöglichkeiten?DieRelevanzneuerTechnolo- gien in Kunst und Gesellschaft,” Bad Ems, Germany

2003 Panel Member: Interdisziplin Medienkunst, Transmediale Media Festival, Berlin, Germany

Campus Talks and Conferences

2014 Agency in Photography: Concept, organization, and realization of the conference atBraunschweigUniversityofArt,Braunschweig,Germany(July10/112014), in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Ilka Becker. speakers:UlrikeBergermann(Braunschweig),KerstinBrandes(Oldenburg), Florian Ebner (Essen), Peter Geimer (Berlin), Hilde Van Gelder (Leuven), Lilian Haberer (Cologne), Susanne Holschbach (Berlin), Marco Poloni (Berlin/ Lausanne), Jens Schröter (Siegen), Alexander Streitberger (Louvain)

2014 Critical Documentary, “DieKunstzukritisieren,”BraunschweigUniversityofArt

2013 Considerations on a Phenomenology of the Photographic Image, “The PhotographicDispositif,”BraunschweigUniversityofArt

2009 Seeing the Other. Views of Japan, Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, Stuttgart, Germany

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2008 Begegnungen in der Kontaktzone. Europäische Einflüsse in Japan im Fotoprojekt ‘Contact Zone’, “PositionenderFotografie,”F+FSchulefürKunstund Mediendesign Zurich, Switzerland

2006 Seeing the Other. The European View on Japan in Contemporary Artistic Documentary Photography, History & Humanities Study Group, German Institute for Japanese Studies, Tokyo, Japan

2004 Visuelle Kompetenz im Medienzeitalter (Abschlussveranstaltung): Concept, organization and realization of the conference, Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Hans Dieter Huber and Michael Scheibel speakers: Hans Dieter Huber (Stuttgart), Gabriele Lieber (Bonn), Bettina Lockemann (Stuttgart), Wilfried Matanovic (Berlin), Andreas Opiolka (Stuttgart), Hartmut Preuß (Stuttgart), Hans Peter Radolko (Stuttgart), Michael Scheibel (Stuttgart)

2004 How to Integrate Online Media in Art Education, “Visuelle Kompetenz im Medienzeitalter,” Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, Stuttgart, Germany

2003 Visual Competence in the Media Age,“Edutain,” Karlsruhe, Germany

2002 Online-Medien in der Kunstausbildung: Concept, Organization and realization of conference/workshop, Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Hans Dieter Huber and Michael Scheibel speakers: Kirsa Geiser (Berlin), Hans Dieter Huber (Stuttgart), Bettina Lockemann (Stuttgart), Michael Scheibel (Stuttgart), Michael Wetz (Tübingen)

2002 Methodological-didactic Approaches in using Online Media in Art Education, “Online-Medien in der Kunstausbildung,” Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, Stuttgart, Germany

2001 Bildkompetenz und Wissensvernetzung: Concept, organization and realization of the conference, Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Hans Dieter Huber and Michael Scheibel speakers: Kunibert Bering (Düsseldorf), Sigmar-Olaf Tergan (Tübingen), Dragan Espenschied/AlvarC.Freude(Stuttgart),GuiBonsiepe(Cologne),Kai-Uwe Hemken (Bochum), Karl R. Gegenfurtner (Gießen), Christiane Heibach (Erfurt), Holger Friese (Berlin), Gabi Reinmann-Rothmeier/Frank Vohle (Augsburg), StefanRömer(Cologne),UrsHirschberg(Cambridge/Massachusetts)


Braunschweig University of Art, BA and MA (Winter 2010/11 —Summer 2015)

every semester Studio Art (photographic practice)

Braunschweig University of Art, PhD

Summer 2015 Doctoral Colloquium (graduate program “The photographic Dispositif”) in cooperation with: Prof. Dr. Katarina Sykora, Prof. Dr. Victoria von Flemming, Prof. Dr. Ilka Becker, Prof. Dr. Linda Hentschel, Prof. Dr. Heike Klippel et al.

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Summer 2014 Doctoral Colloquium (graduate program “The photographic Dispositif”) in cooperation with: Prof. Dr. Katarina Sykora, Prof. Dr. Victoria von Flemming, Prof. Dr. Ilka Becker, Prof. Dr. Linda Hentschel, Prof. Dr. Heike Klippel et al.Winter 2013/14 Doctoral Colloquium (graduate program “The photographic Dispositif”): Theories of the Dispositif, in cooperation with: Prof. Dr. Katarina Sykora, Prof. Dr. Victoria von Flemming, Prof. Dr. Ilka Becker, Prof. Dr. Linda Hentschel, Prof. Dr. Heike Klippel et al.

Braunschweig University of Art, MA

Summer 2015 Bilder der Erinnerung/Images of Memory (photographic practice and theory)Summer 2014 Evidence. Fotografie als/und Beweis/Evidence. Photography as/and Proof (photographic practice and theory)Winter 2013/14 Störbilder. Scheitern als produktives Verfahren/Residual Images. Failure as Failure as Effective Method (photographic practice and theory), team teaching with Prof. Dr. Ilka BeckerSummer 2013 Bilder des Krieges/Images of War (theory)Winter 2012/13 Strategien des Dokumentarischen. Eine kritische Betrachtung des Dokumentarbegriffs/Strategies of the Documentary. A Critical Review of the Term ‘Documentary’ (theory)Summer 2012 Von Orten und Nicht-Orten/Of Places and Non-Places (theory)Winter 2011/12 Fremdes Sehen/Seeing the Other (photographic practice and theory), team teaching with Prof. Dr. Katharina SykoraSummer 2011 Amerikanische Landschaften. Der fotografische Blick auf die USA vom 19. bis ins 21. Jahrhundert/American Landscapes. The Photographic View on the USA from the 19th through the 21st Centuries (theory)Winter 2010/11 Mehr als ein Foto? Betrachtungen Konzeptioneller Fotografie/More than a Photograph? Examinations of Conceptual Photography (theory)

Braunschweig University of Art, BA

every summer Einführung in die Geschichte und Theorie der Fotografie/Introduction to the History and Theory of Photography (theory)Summer 2014 Sehen – analysieren – schreiben/Seeing—Analyzing—Writing (theory)Winter 2013/14 Die Welt vor meiner Tür. Erzählungen des Alltags/The World on my Doorstep. Narratives of Everyday Life (photographic practice)Summer 2013 Zwischen Wildnis und Wasteland. Zum Verhältnis zwischen uns und der Welt, die uns umgibt/Between Wilderness and Wasteland. On the Relation Between Us and the Surrounding World (photographic practice)Winter 2012/13 Die Stadt, in der ich lebe/The City I Live In (photographic practice)Summer 2012 Zur Verortung des Privaten/On the Contextualization of the Private (photographic practice)Winter 2011/12 Aesthetic Journalism. Fotografische Erkundungen gesellschaftlicher Zustände/Aesthetic Journalism. Photographic Explorations into Social Conditions (photographic practice)Summer 2011 Stadt und Stadtrand. Fotografische Erkundungen des urbanen Raumes/City and Suburb. Photographic Explorations of Urban Space (photographic practice)Winter 2010/11 Der Mensch und die Menge/The Man in the Crowd (photographic practice)

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Merz Akademie Stuttgart, BA (Winter 2009/10—Summer 2010)

two semesters Strategien des Dokumentarischen/Strategies of the Documentary (theory)Summer 2010 Zwischen Wildnis und Wasteland. Zum Verhältnis zwischen uns und der Welt, die uns umgibt/ Between Wilderness and Wasteland. On the Relation Between Us and the Surrounding World (photographic practice)Winter 2009/10 Mein Zimmer, mein Haus, meine Straße. Zur Verortung des Privaten/My Room, My House, My Street. On the Contextualization of the Private (photographic practice) Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, all levels (Winter 2007/08—Summer 2010)

three semesters Studio Art (photographic practice)Summer 2009 Die andere deutsche Fotografie-Schule: Kreuzberger Werkstatt für Fotografie/ The Other German Photography School: Kreuzberg Workshop for Photography (theory)Winter 2008/09 Angewandte Bildwissenschaften/Applied Image Studies (theory)Summer 2008 Dokumentarfotografie von den Anfängen bis zu aktuellen künstlerischen Positionen/Documentary Photography from the Beginning to Contemporary Positions in the Arts (theory)Winter 2007/08 Ästhetik als Ästhetik. Ästhetik im Spannungsfeld von Wahrnehmung und Kunst/ Aesthetics as Aesthetics. Aesthetics Between Perception and Art (theory)

F+F Schule für Kunst und Mediendesign Zürich, all levels

Summer 2008 Identität/Identity (photographic practice)

Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig, first year

Winter 2007/08 Von An- und Abwesenheit. Bilder über Menschen/On Presence and Absence. Pictures about People (photographic practice)

Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, all levels, Research Project: Visual Competence in the Media Age (Winter 2000/01—Winter 2003/04)

three semesters Grundlagen der Online-Medien/Online-Media Basics (web practice/net art)Summer 2003 Bedingungen der Grenze/Conditions of the Border (web practice/net art)Winter 2002/03 Hypertextstrukturen: Auf der Suche nach Schnittstellen zwischen dem analogen und dem digitalen Bilduniversum/Hypertext Structures. Searching for Interfaces Between the Analogue and the Digital Picture-Universe (web practice/net art)Winter 2001/02 Website für das Fach Kunstgeschichte/Wesite for the Art History Department (web practice/net art)


Braunschweig University of Art

Grant: Digital Image Production/Digital Photo-Studio, German Research Foundation (DFG) (320.000 Euro), 2013/2014

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Co-applicant and cooperator in the graduate school The Photographic Dispositif, funded by DFG under the direction of Prof. Dr. Katharina Sykora, 2013—ongoing

Advancement of BA and MA degree programs, Department of Communication Design

Cooperationwithseveraldegreeprogramsoftheuniversity(finearts,arttheory,mediastudies) Cooperation with the Braunschweig Photography Museum

Excursions to destinations in Germany and abraod (e.g. Cairo/Egypt, Tokyo/Japan, Kassel/Germany)

Expert reviewer for the German Academic Exchange Service and in university appointment procedures

Braunschweig University of Art: University Committees

Expert Commission Communication Design UniversitySenateAdmission Commission Communication Design (chair)Research Commission Planning Commission Teachings

Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design (Research Project Visual Competence in the Media Age)

Conception and coordination of new content for art education study programs

Development of curricular structures for teaching content in art education programs

Planning, organization, and realization/edition of symposia and publications



2015 Under Surveillance, ed. by Maik Schlüter/Ricus Aschemann, Berlin: Revolver Publishing, 2015 (in press).

2011 Contact Zones, (monographic exhibition catalogue), ed. by Hans D. Christ/Iris Dressler,WürttembergischerKunstvereinStuttgart,Ostfildern:HatjeCantz Verlag, 2011.

2007 “EP/2006/K.,” Interior Views. Photographic Explorations in the European Parliament, Munich: Goethe-Institute, 2007, 106-117.

2007 “Code Orange, Trial of Power, ed. by Maik Schlüter, Frankfurt/Main: Revolver Publishing, 2005, 8-9.

2004 “FringesofUtopia,”Research – discovered! Picture archives of the invisibilities. 6th International Photography Triennial Esslingen 2004, ed. by Andreas Baur with Ludwig Seyfarth, Frankfurt/Main: Revolver Publishing, 2004, 116-127.

2002 “PositionIⅈBorderPatrol,”hartware 2002, ed. by H.D. Christ and I. Dressler, Dortmund: hartware medien kunst verein, 2002.

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2001 “International City,” Trade. Commodities, Communication, and Consciousness in World Trade Today,ed.byT.Seelig/U.Stahel/M.Jaeggi,Zurich:Fotomuseum Winterthur, 2001, 136-139.

2001 “Plan,” Positions, Attitudes, Actions. Social and political commitment in photography. Foto Biennale Rotterdam 2000, ed by F. Gierstberg, Rotterdam: Nederlands Foto Instituut, 2000, 166-169.

1998 “1. Livesource Ostdeutschlands,” sub fiction. 3. Werkleitz Biennale, Bd. 1, ed. by Werkleitz Gesellschaft e.V., Tornitz: Werkleitz Biennale, 1998, 198-201.


2015 KatharinaSykora:“AndenRändernEuropas—FotografischeGrenzgänge. UnbestimmtesTerrain,”Europa: Entgrenzungen, ed. by Gregor Maria Hoff, Innsbruck:Tyrolia,2015,137–156.

2015 Maria Böhme: “Die Asse wird Kunst,” Braunschweiger Zeitung, 15.01.2015.

2013 Harald Duin: “Asphalt, Poller, Leere—Fotos aus dem Auto,” Braunschweiger Zeitung, 7.6.2013.

2011 Thomas Wiegand: “Plan,” Deutschland im Fotobuch, ed. by Manfred Heiting, Göttingen: Steidl, 2011, 278-279.

2010 ThomasWiegand:“DokumentarfotografiealsKunst.DereuropäischeBlickauf Japan,” Rundbrief Fotografie, Vol. 17 (2010), Nr. 2, 30-31.

2010 Georg Leisten: “Ansichten der urbanen Einöde,” Stuttgarter Zeitung, 1.2.2010.

2007 Sara Burkhardt: Netz Kunst Unterricht, Munich: kopaed, 2007, (chapter1;chapter4).

2004 JohannesMeinhardt:“Rechercheentdeckt!BildarchivederUnsichtbarkeit. 6. Internationale Foto-Triennale Esslingen,” Kunstforum International, Bd. 173, 379.

2002 Matthias Weiß: “ Vom Museum zur Community und zurück,” Borderline: Strategien und Taktiken für Kunst und soziale Praxis, ed. by AG Borderline-Kongress, Wiesbaden: Books on Demand, 2002, 223-230.

2002 “UnsichtbareGrenzenerkunden.NRW-Medienkunst-StipendiatinBettina Lockemann stellt Arbeiten vor,” WAZ, 23.1.2002.

2000 “Landschaft der Erinnerung”, NRZ, Mülheim/Ruhr, 21.9.2000.

2000 Hans Dieter Huber: “Digging the Net - Materialien zu einer Geschichte der Kunst im Netz,” Bilder in Bewegung. Traditionen digitaler Ästhetik, ed.byKai-Uwe Hemken, Cologne: Dumont, 2000, 158-174.

2000 Beatrice Tobler: “Blicken und Angeblickt werden. Live-Kameras im Internet,” TSANTSA 5/2000, 68-75.

1999 “Virtuelle Stadt,” Edit. Papier für neue Texte, No. 21.

1996 “Revolution Nr. 3,” Camera Austria No. 54 (1996).

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Website Publications

2015 “A Conversation with Bettina Lockemann,” Mommy, ed. by Susan Silas and Chrysanne Stathacos, a-conversation-with-bettina-lockemann/

2008 ThomasWiegand:“WasisteinFotobuch?”

2008 Cathy Munroe Hotes: “Bettina Lockemann,” (Blog),

2003 Meike Niepelt & Claudia Tillmann: “ is what you make it. Ein kulturwissenschaftlicher Blick auf Webcam-Kunst,”

1999 Hans Dieter Huber: “Orte des Missverständnisses. Die Grenzen des Visuellen bei Bettina Lockemann,”


11|2014—02|2015 ResearchSabbatical:NewOrleans,USA,researchandphotographyproject: New Orleans: Post-Shrinking City (working title)

02|2009—03|2009 Residency: Istanbul and Ankara, Turkey, photography project: Undetermined Terrain, Arts Foundation of North Rhine Westphalia

04|2006—06|2006 Postgraduate Researcher: German Institute for Japanese Studies Tokyo, Japan

06|2003 Visual Culture Tertiary: Amherst College, Amherst/Massachusetts, USA, German-American Fulbright-Commission

03|2003—04|2003 Residency:WashingtonDCandNewYorkCity,USA,photographyproject: Code Orange

12|2001—01|2002 Residency:LosAngeles,LasVegas,SanDiego,USA,photographyproject: Fringes of Utopia

02|1998—03|1998 Residency:Denver/ColoradoandArizona,USA,photographyandvideo projects: Landscape and Open Space

08|1994—09|1994 Study Period: Nice, France, Alpha B Language School, Education Program for Gifted Youth, Federal Ministry of Education and Research

06|1993—07|1993 Residency:NewEnglandandNewYorkCity,USA,photographyproject: Street Photography

07|1990 Residency: Republic of Ireland, photography project: Landscape Photography

09|1987—06|1988 ExchangeStudent:PortlandHighSchool,Portland/Maine,USA, USHighSchoolDiploma

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LANGUAGESGerman (native)English (excellent command, spoken and written)French (elementary level, can read with dictionary)Italian (beginner level)Turkish (beginner level)Japanese (beginner level)Chinese (beginner level)


2007—2014 Founding Member: Producers' Gallery Loris, Berlin: planning and organization;programmingandsupervisionofgallerywebsite

1995 Founding Member: Artist Collaborative Büro für Bildangelegenheiten (Office for Image Affairs) with ElisabethNeudörfl

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