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  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Provider Best Practicesfor Complex Liability Claims

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  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims




    Industry Dynamics

    Action steps to take beginning at the point of registration on

    employment injury claims

    The impact of state and federal laws

    Why facilities and providers may not be maximizing recoveries on

    liability claims

    Training opportunities for liability claim handling





  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims



    Liability claim processing boils down to the following elements:

    Training up-front data acquisition staff

    Classifying accounts correctly upon point of service

    Identifying administrative inefficiencies with insurance claim handling practices that

    create financial loss

    Garnering insurance details of each injury encounter

    Using forensic analysisin an administrative wayto resolve open claims for

    injured patient

    Working with patients, next-of-kin, employers, insurance companies, and

    attorneys to take a medical claim and do all the legwork to get it paid by

    a liability-based insurer



  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Industry Dynamics



  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Industry Conditions

    High Self-Pay = Growing Trend for Facilities

    Self-pay and bad debt are often difficult classificationshospitals genuinely

    want to avoid these areas. They often become default zones for patients who

    present with no coverage at time of encounter.

    Hospitals often have multiple collections vendors on boardwith only an

    8-25% rate of return(high-end estimate).

    Self-pay percentages of overall revenue should not go beyond 20% of

    overall hospital A/R, but often does

    Increased education of liability claim handling assists facilities

    across the board


  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    State Negligence Rules: Motor Vehicle Accidents

    No-Fault States: Advantages

    Personal Injury Protection provision

    exists on policies, in addition to

    MedPayprovision as purchased by


    Florida, Hawaii

    Kansas, Kentucky

    Massachusetts, Michigan

    Minnesota, North Dakota

    New Jersey, New York



    Tort States: Advantages

    Comprises the remainder of the country

    aside from true no-fault states

    Individual must be found at fault in

    an accident = multiple avenues ofinsurability (either patients own policy,

    or at-fault policy, with insurance

    subrogation to occur behind the


    More investigation; more coordination;but with skilled follow-up, the

    hospital can achieve strong




  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Overall Conditions for WC Policies

    Reimbursement Rates Each state WC Board determines

    reimbursement rates

    Outpatient Fee Schedules are

    around 60-65% reimbursement


    Inpatient payment structures are

    often reasonable and achievable --

    with appeals and close follow-up

    between hospital and payer

    Escalating to the state WC Board

    works to the hospitals advantage

    Timeliness rules vary state to state

    Employment Rates

    Researching top employers and safety

    statistics in each region is helpful to

    understand local WC demographics and


    Employability is a big factor; for example,

    Florida may have more MVAs than

    Workers Comp. However, large

    employers in FL will very often have more

    WC accidents:


    Publix Grocery

    Home Depot




  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Macroeconomic Environment

    United States Injury/

    Fatality Rate

    Total uninsured: 16.7% = 50.7 mmpeople

    MVA injuries: 2.22 mm injuries (2011)

    MVA fatalities: 32,367 (2011)

    WC injuries: 2.9 mm injuries (2011)

    WC fatalities: 4,609 (2011)

    Personal injuries

    Dog bites: 800,000 med visits

    Falls: 200,000 children

    Falls: 2.3 mm older adults (2010)

    Hospital Outlook

    Reduced reimbursements: CMS

    Expanded future coverage through PPACA

    Aging population increasing

    Declining birth rate; future generations

    bearing increased CMS costs

    Immigrant population showing trends of

    declining birth rate

    Commercial health payers increasing

    deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses



  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    The Present and Future


  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Times Have Changed

    Insurance companies want to know the thought processes physicians use to

    reach medical decisions.

    Payments for liability injuries, such as Workers Compensation injuries, are

    rarely paid without medical justification.

    Clinical documentation and well-completed forms can assist providers in

    meeting complex insurance and state-driven requirements.

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Lifecycle of a Liability Claim



  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    1. Patient presents to physician with chief complaint

    2. The collection of data for a medical claim begins at this

    time during check-in

    3. Frontline representatives collect and document

    insurance information

    4. The most important aspects of the medical claim cycle

    occur between the time the patient arrives at the

    provider and the time the medical claim is generated. It

    can be the shortest part of the entire revenue lifecycle,

    but also the most important.

    Lifecycle of a Liability Claim

    Note:Many points

    exist in the

    cycle for a

    claim to get

    lost or goawry.

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    5. During the patients evaluation, the physician isresponsible for documenting the details of the


    6. Coders assign numeric codes for chief complaint,

    other diagnoses, external forces if applicable, and

    procedures rendered. (Example: 847.0 for neck

    sprain; E812.0 for motor vehicle accident that

    may occur.) Note: MVAs may occur in the course

    and scope of an individuals employment.

    7. Billers identify payer, speak with claims adjuster,

    and ship bill and records to correct address.

    Lifecycle of a Medical Claim, Briefly

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    The quality and accuracy of billing information and clinical documentation

    (as it flows through each department) has the single greatest impact on

    the quality of the claim.

    Payer follow-up is critical to reimbursement

    Receipt of claim and accompanying records


    Payment determination

    Exceptions escalated

    Denials explained clearly and justified by payer

    Lifecycle of a Medical Claim, cont inued

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Best PracticesOverview on Claim Handling to Achieve Greater Performance


  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Data elements to garner:

    Employer name pertinent to injury

    Employer address and main phone number

    Date of Accident

    Basic Injury, Body Part(s) affected

    Employer HR/Manager/Foreman name and number

    Patient unable to communicate:

    If patient was brought in with coworkers or supervisor, gather same data Employer must file accident report with insurance carrier and state industrial

    accident board

    Do not default financial class to Self Pay


    On-the-Job Injuries

    NOTE:If insurance

    carrier is known atpatient encounter,

    call insurancefor service

    authorization assoon as possible

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Data elements to garner:

    Policyholder of vehicle

    Role of patient (driver, passenger, cyclist,pedestrian)

    Patient address and main phone number

    Date of Accident

    Where/How injury occurred

    Insurance company known?

    Drivers auto insurance company name

    Other partys auto insurance name

    Own health insurance as secondary plan

    Attorney data if applicable


    Registration: MVAs

    Patient unable to communicate:

    Gather data from next of kin as


    Request police report post-discharge

    Place call/send questionnaire to

    patients home for accident and

    insurance details

    Do not default financial class to Self


  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    MVA: Secret Coverage to Obtain


  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Registration:Personal Injuries

    Data elements to garner:

    Geographic location of injury (address ofwhere injury occurred) -the key to liability isif the injury occurred NOTat patients own

    home; although sometimesthere could beliability propensity on leased property.

    How injury occurredExamples: neighborspitbull bit patient, or slip/fall at grocery store

    Patient address and main phone number

    Owner/Entity Contact Data

    Date of Accident

    Health plan as secondary (Plan B option)

    Attorney data if patient has hiredrepresentation

    Patient unable to communicate:

    Gather data from next of kin asappropriate

    Request ambulance or police report (iffirst responders were on the scene)post-discharge

    Place call/send questionnaire topatients home for accident and

    insurance details

    Do not default financial class to Self


  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Tricky ExamplesShout Out Your Answers

    Elderly woman suffers a herniated disc while liftinga bag of soup cans at her church food pantry.

    Liability or Medicare? Both? Neither?

    A man riding a dune buggy flips over and suffersa broken rib and collarbone.

    Motor Vehicle or Health plan? Both? Neither?

    A woman riding a motorcycle oversteers and grazes the side of her body, andsuffers road rash.

    Motor Vehicle or Health plan? Both? Neither?

    A man transferred from another facility has MS and old orthopedic injuriesfrom his job as a postal worker.

    Workers Compensation or Health plan? Both? Neither?


  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    The Significance of Clinical Documentation

    Substantiates services

    Charges will be understood at the insurancecompany

    Validates necessity of treatment

    Speeds up bill payment when packagedtogether particularly for WC claims

    Nurses notes

    Physicians report

    History and Physical

    Lab reports

    Radiology reports

    * Denotes Where allowed by state/county law;

    ensure signed authorization on file by patient

    Tips:1. Marry medical records with bills for WC claims 100%of the time at first submission

    2. Send liens, lien letters, or request Letters ofProtection to attorneys that request medical records toensure they are aware of medical charges in advance offinal settlements*3. Issue your invoice for medical records where allowedby state law and hospital policy





    Durable Medical Equipment

    Implantable Device Invoices

    Itemization of all services rendered

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    At the Insurance CompanyBehind the Curtain:

    What Happens to the Bill Form and Records




  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Electronic submission (secure 837-5010 format)

    Mandated/encouraged states:





    New York

    Dependent on payer capability

    Some are set up to accept electronic submissions

    Paper Submission

    Red 1500s or UBs

    Black and White forms acceptable; sometimes rejected forreadabilityensure legibility

    Fax Directly to Insurance Adjuster

    Note:Always indicate

    in your host

    system the

    submission date

    and location ofwhere the bill

    and records were

    sent. This

    includes the


    adjusters name.

    Work Comp Claim Submission Methods

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Many major Property and Casualty insurers have

    standalone data centers

    Central mailing point

    Mail opened and categorized by type

    All mail is scanned into their system

    Claim numbers found if not on documents

    Document sent electronically to each appropriate adjuster

    across the country

    Employer must file accident report.

    Sometimes data centers are within the US or off-shored

    It is not customary to contact data centers directly for claim status

    Insurance Company Data Centers

    Critical tips:

    1. Having claimnumbers ondocuments beforemailing saves anaverage of 21 days ofprocessing at theinsurance company(really!)

    2. If no claim numberwas opened or found,claim will be rejectedas such.


  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Medical bills (claim forms)

    Red paper is scanned

    Red lines are dropped out by scanners

    pixel interpretation

    Raw data is automatically fed to billreview systems

    Less errors, but still imperfect

    Black and white bills are manually dataentered

    Slower processing time

    Prone to more errors in data entry

    Always double check EOBS forinsurance- rep errors.

    Data Centers, continued

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Example UB

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Resulting EOB with errors

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims



    Adjuster Reviewand/or

    Automated Rules Engine

    Based on accident report and

    severity of injury, adjuster will set up

    rules that will automatically OK to

    Pay certain services, taking the

    human element out of manual


    Usually done with lower balance,

    less complex claims

    The role of the adjuster is


    Own claim from start to finish

    Examine claim validity and

    any evidence of fraud

    Reduce insurance loss by

    predicting value of overall



  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Managed Care departments exist

    in the Property/Casualtyinsurance environment!

    Line-by-line re-pricing of billsoccurs using various methods

    PPO contracts

    Fee schedule

    Usual and Customaryguidelines

    Nurse case management

    DRG (not line-by-lineanalysis; rather a fixedcode)

    Many other methodologies

    A Few Words on Silent PPOs

    When a claim is paid, anExplanation of Benefits (EOB)is issued with the check

    The rationale of paymentshould indicate if a contractual

    agreement was accessed fordiscounts

    Does your facility have acontract in place with thepayer mentioned on the EOB?

    Challenge the insurer if not!

    Bill Review and Pricing

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Reimbursement MethodsHow a Claim is Paid (or Not)




  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Types of Reimbursement: National Overview



    Case rate


    Day Differentials

    Service Differentials

    Fee Schedule and

    Timely Pay FeeSchedules

    All methodologiesoperate under

    various contracts,policies, and

    guidelines, that alldepend on stateand federal laws.

    Flat Rate

    Per Diem

    Managed Care stop loss

    outliers Case based outliers

    Reinsurance stop loss

    Percentage stop loss

    At Charges Sliding scale


  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Diagnosis-related groups: A classification system that categorizes patients who

    are medically related, with respect to diagnosis and treatment. They are statisticallysimilar in length of hospital stay. Its a lump-sum, fixed-fee based on diagnoses. Fees aremade by a research team, which determine national averages. DRG numbers go from001 to 900. Variables in DRG classification:

    Principal Diagnosis; Secondary diagnosis (up to eight)

    Surgical procedures (up to six)

    Comorbidity (pre-existing conditions) and complications

    Age and sex

    Discharge status

    Number of hospital days for a specific diagnosis

    Day Differential: First day paid at higher rate, cascading down each following day.

    Service Differential: Hospital receives a flat per-admission reimbursementfor the service. A prorated payment can be made (e.g., 50% ICU, 50%medical services) Services are defined in the contract

    Courtesy: Marilyn Fordney; Medical Administrative Procedures

    Breaking the Methodologies Down

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APCs): Based on PROCEDURES, not

    diagnoses. Services are assigned a group code:


    Significant procedures



    Note: Modifiers are important to clarify multiple services!

    Capitation/Percent of Revenue: Reimbursement to the hospital on a per-member, per-

    month basis regardless of hospitalization. Percent of Revenue is a fixed rate of payment.

    Case Rate: Averaging after a flat rate for a service has been given to certain categoriesof procedures. Specialty procedures may be given a case rate (e.g., graft surgery).

    Bundled case rate is an all-inclusive rate for institutional and professional

    services connected with the procedure.

    Breaking the Methodologies Down

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Fee schedule: list of charges based on procedure codes. Fee-for-service basis.

    Flat rate: A set amount per hospital admission regardless of cost of actual services

    Per diem: single charge for a day in the hospital, regardless of actual charges or costs

    Managed Care stop loss outliers:

    Case-based stop loss: A mechanism of hospital and insurance carrier sharing loss. It is

    a payment of a percentage over a certain dollar threshold (e.g., 65% of excess billing

    over $100,000.)

    Reinsurance stop loss: The hospital buys insurance to protect against lost revenue

    and receives less of a cap fee. The amount they dont receive helps pay for the

    reinsurance. Example: A case reaches $100,000. The plan may allow 80% of expenses

    in excess of that figure for the rest of the year.

    Percentage stop loss: A percentage paid of charges when a certain

    threshold is met.

    Breaking the Methodologies Down

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    A percentile is defined as a value

    on a scale of 100 that indicates

    the percent of a distribution that is

    equal to or below it. For example,

    the 75th percentile means that 75

    percent of all fees for CPT code

    99203 fall at or below $136. It also

    means that 25 percent of all fees

    for CPT code 99203 fall at or

    above $136. Data is analyzed

    by ZIP code by the


    99203 = $136 by XYZ Insurer

    Office or other outpatient visit for

    the evaluation and management

    of a new patient, which requires

    these three key components: adetailed history; a detailed

    examination; and medical decision

    making of low complexity.

    Physicians typically spend 30minutes face-to-face with the

    patient and/or family.


    Usual and Customary Explanation

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Workers Compensation DetailsAnalyzing the Process



  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Workers in the late 1800s had it tough. For injuries and deaths, the legal processes were

    uncertain. Negligence had to be proven by the employee, and very often there was little


    In 1911, the first workers compensation laws were adopted by several states. The laws allowed

    injured workers to receive medical care without first taking employers to court.

    All states currently have workers compensation laws. They vary from state to state.

    This coverage is the most important coverage written to insure workplace accidents.

    A Very, Very Brief History

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Two types of coverage:

    Federal compensation lawspaid by US Department of Labor

    Applies to miners, maritime workers, postal workers, and

    government workers

    State compensation lawspaid by self-insured businesses, insured

    employers, or state insurance funds

    State and private business employees

    Types of Coverage

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Employers pay for medical expenses directly instead of insurance premiums

    Precertification is importantthe self-insured employer is very mindful of treatment


    Self-insured employers are covered by ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security


    Mandates reporting

    Not state regulatedis under federal jurisdiction

    90-day payment timeline. Employers may violate thisthere are no

    penalties for violation. Courteous but aggressive pursuit is a must.

    Self-Insured Employers

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    The Beginnings ofWorkers Compensation Reform

    By 1994, dysfunction Work Comp systems were costing companies more

    than $65 billion annually in many US cities.

    Insurers began denying coverage to businesses.

    Some businesses began relocating to states allowing lower premiums.

    Widespread legal and medical corruption and abuse evolved throughout

    the system.

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Antifraud legislation and increased penalties for fraud.

    Anti-referrals that restricted physicians referring patients for diagnostic

    studies to sites where the physician has financial interest.

    Proof of medical necessity for treatments, as well as appropriate medical

    documentation arose. Payers may refuse to pay the entire bill without

    medical documentation.

    What Workers Compensation Reform Did

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Preauthorization for major operations and expensive tests

    Caps on vocational rehabilitation

    Development of fee schedules

    Medical bill reviewpayer examination of duplicate claims and billing


    More Reform Measures

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Employee has an accident occurring within the course and scope ofemployment. Accidents can result in physical or mental injuries, but again, mustbe within the scope of employment.

    Employee is treated at a healthcare provider.

    The accident must be reported by the employers HR/administrator to both the

    state and insurance company. Failure to report may be against state law.

    The healthcare provider must supply comprehensive information, and they alsomay have to report information to the state, depending on the law. (For instance,New York has a very involved state reporting process.)

    The insurance company must receive accident reports, medicalrecords, and bills in order to make judgment and pay the claim.

    The ProcessIn Brief

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Out-of-State Claims

    Follow all regulations from the jurisdiction in which the injured was hired, andnot the state where the injury occurred

    Companies with employees that travel must have policies that cover out ofstate injuries

    If a patient seeks treatment out of state, referralrequirements must be met

    Unauthorized care holds the patient responsible inthese states:

    Note:Maritime employeesdo not fall under state

    workers compensation

    laws. Example: Cruise shipemployees injured at seaoften have their medical

    bills paid in full, ornegotiated with a maritimecompany that works with

    the cruise line.


    Alabama Alaska Arkansas

    New Jersey North Dakota Ohio Washington West Virginia Wisconsin

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Billing ProblemsSolutions to Common Issues,

    and Avoiding Underpayments and Denials



  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Billing Problems

    Lack of medical records

    Incorrect patient name

    Duplicate statements

    Illogical dates

    Date of service prior to date

    of accident

    Birthdate in the future

    Facility Name & Address incorrectly or

    not linked to facility Tax ID

    Send documentation

    Investigate patients name as it is on

    valid ID and insurance cards

    Send corrected claims and appeals to thecorrect addresseeit can get lost in the

    shuffle at any point

    Correct dates

    Send W-9 to Insurance

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Gender error

    Missing principal diagnosis code

    Missing revenue codes on UB

    Missing CPTs on 1500 or outpatient UB

    Missing Physician name and ID

    Type of bill third digit (billing sequence)

    doesnt correspond to statement coverage


    Correct gender

    Add diagnosis

    Add revenue codes

    Add CPTs

    Add Physician name

    Correct Type of Bill to correspond

    with dates

    Note: Resubmit corrected claims

    with new Type of Bill

    Billing Problems

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Number of hospital days for room

    charges must match number of

    inpatient days

    Missing unitsmany times defaulted

    to 1 at insurance company if missing

    on claim!

    Always match inpatient days

    Add value codes wherever applicable

    Always, always input units. Insurance

    companies pay by units. Anesthesia is

    paid by minutes. (Surgical time is


    Billing Problems

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Undocumented workers

    Incarcerated individuals

    Municipal workers

    Burn liability claims

    Discuss with employer how claim will be paid

    Is a contract in place with local Department ofCorrections? Will Medicaid pay?

    Is the municipality self-insured, or insured bya carrier?

    How did the burn occur? Source is importantto determine payment!

    Industrial Accident



    Crime Victims Compensation

    Unique Situations

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Coordination of BenefitsWhos on First, Second, Third




  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    All Workers Compensation plans are

    inherently no-fault

    The injured worker is not responsible for


    The workers compensation carrier that

    insures the employer will absorb liability and


    If the employer is self-insured, they will pay

    Workers Compensation COB

    Note:ONLY if a claim

    ultimately ends upNOT being a true

    workers compensation

    situation, then it willbe: A health planresponsibility, or

    A self-pay claim, if nohealth plan is active

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Sometimes, a patient will opt out of the Workers Compensation

    plan entirely, and outright sue their employer for damages

    Settlement money will be owed to the hospital

    Conduct regular follow-up with the attorney representing the


    Workers Compensation Tort Cases

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Motor Vehicle COB

    In a No-Fault state, COB looks likethis:

    PIP (Personal Injury Protection)

    pays first

    Patients health plan payssecond

    At-fault third party pays third

    Co-pays and deductibles can

    kick into patients MedPayif

    funds are available

    At-fault settlement reimburses

    health plans; satisfies

    outstanding provider residuals

    In a Tort state, COB looks like this:

    - Patients MedPay pays first OR

    at-fault Bodily Injury plan can

    also be pursued

    - Patients health plan pays second- At-fault settlement reimburses

    health plans; satisfies

    outstanding provider



    Note: Governmental payers are the payersof last resort

    Note: Double check your health contractsfor any specific COB language with lien

    filing and liability settlement pursuit

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Challenging InsurersMaximizing Reimbursement and Speeding up Payments




  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Affirm with the carrier that a cleanclaim was sent

    Precert/Preauth done

    Documentation received

    Follow up in a timely manner (every 28


    Send in written tracer forms that ask

    where the claim is at in the

    adjudication process

    Track all denials to learn what servicesare being denied, and which insurance

    companies are doing the denying

    Send all high-dollar claims by certified


    Open a grievance with the State

    Insurance Department if you dont get


    Delinquent or Slow Pay Claims

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    An Explanation of Benefits (EOB) is sent either electronically or by mail to thehealthcare provider for each claim.

    Payment is enclosed with the EOB.

    The remarks on the EOB are the first indication of whether follow-up procedures

    are required for the claim.

    In many underpaid/unpaid cases, the next action is to correct the claim information

    and either re-bill the claim, or file an appeal.

    Payer Response

    Example of Appeal Letter:

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Example of Appeal Letter:Contractual Reduction

    Dear Director of Claims,

    It is our understanding that your company has released a partial payment on the referenced claim. It is ourposition that this claim has still not been reimbursed correctly and that additional benefits are due.

    Please be advised, it is our position that contractual provisions stipulate a higher level of payment for thistreatment. As a participating provider, we feel the following contractual language or fee schedule reference isapplicable to this claim and justifies additional payment:

    {Insert potentially applicable contractual language. Reference the page number or attach copy from contractto add as an attachment to appeal.}

    Our review of the provider contract does not reveal any language justifying the current level of payment. Inorder to assess the accuracy of payment, we request your response regarding how the payment wascalculated ,and what portion of the fee schedule was utilized. It is our position that if terms of the contract arein direct conflict, the higher reimbursement should be allowed. As you are likely aware, many courts haveruled that managed care contracts are contracts of adhesion and that the organization responsible for draftingthe contract wording can be responsible for unclear and ambiguous terms.

    Based on this information, we ask that this claim be reviewed. We appreciate your prompt attention to thismatter.

    Sincerely,Appeals Specialist

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Summary & Training OpportunitiesWhat Weve Learned Today and Steps for the Future




  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    Always educate the patient and take the stance of


    Have the patient fill out Assignment of Benefits

    forms consistently

    Basic coding training includes locale (industrial

    premises; highway) of injuries, which will help

    identify accidents

    Keep a paperless paper trail by notating every

    detail of the claim cycle. Every detail helps.

    Terms to Remember:



    Utilization Review

    Silent PPO


    Training Opportunities

  • 8/13/2019 Best Practices for Complex Liability Claims


    FeedbackClaudine Nesheiwat

    Director of Operations, Liability Services

    Phone: 804-272-6001 x227

    E-mail: [email protected]

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