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  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION- BEng (Honours) Mechanical Engineering(E!en"e")

    #$ A%ar"ing Ins!i!u!ion&Bo"' Teesside University

    $ Teaching Ins!i!u!ion Teesside University

    $ Colla*ora!ing Organisa!ions(include type)


    +$ ,elier' .oca!ion(s)[if different from UoT]

    Teesside University

    /$ Progra00e E!ernall' Accre"i!e"*' (e$g$ PSB)

    To seek accreditation by the Institution of MechanicalEngineers

    1$ A%ar" Ti!le(s) BEng (Honours) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)

    2$ .ea" School chool of cience and Engineering

    3$ A""i!ional Con!ri*u!ing Schools None

    4$ FHE5 .eel[see guidance]


    #6$ Bologna C'cle[see guidance] "irst cycle (end of cycle) #ualifications

    ##$ 7ACS Co"e an" 7ACS ,escri8!ion H$%%BEng& Mechanical Engineering

    #$ Mo"e o9 A!!en"ance[full-time or part-time]

    "ull ti'e or artti'e

    #$ Relean! 5AA Su*:ec!

    Bench0ar;ing Grou8(s)

    Engineering (*%%!)

    #+$ Relean! A""i!ional E!ernalRe9erence Poin!s(e.g. National OccupationalStandards, PS Standards)

    U+ tandard for ,rofessional Engineering-o'etence (U+,E-) ( *%.%)Institution of Mechanical Engineers& U+

    #/$ ,a!e o9 Pro"uc!ion&Reision /uly *%..

    #1$ Cri!eria 9or A"0ission !o !heProgra00e(if different from standard Uni!ersity


  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    #2$ E"uca!ional Ai0s o9 !he Progra00eThe overall ai's of the rogra''e are0

    To roduce graduates 1ith an enthusias' for 'echanical

    engineering& an areciation of its alication in different contexts and to involve the'in an intellectually sti'ulating and satisfying exerience of learning and studying2

    To roduce graduates 1ith kno1ledge of the i'ortance of

    'echanical engineering in an industrial& environ'ental& acade'ic& econo'ic and socialcontext2

    To roduce graduates 1ith the ability to aly a variety of

    'ethods of study in the investigation and analysis of roble's in 'echanicalengineering2

    To roduce graduates 1ith the ability to aly their kno1ledge

    and understanding in order to be co'etitive and creative2

    To roduce graduates 1ith the 'echanical engineering

    kno1ledge and skills re#uired to critically evaluate infor'ation& assu'tions& argu'entsand concets for solving real engineering roble's2

    To roduce graduates 1ith the #ualities and skills for

    e'loyability enabling the' to either ursue rogra''es of further study and research&or to 'ove directly into their chosen e'loy'ent in industry and3or consulting3researchorganisation 1here they 1ill 'anage their o1n continuous rofessional develo'ent2

    To 'eet the educational re#uire'ents (in co'liance 1ith U+

    ,E-)& at degree level& together 1ith a eriod of further learning& to er'it rogressionto -hartered Me'bershi of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and registration1ith E-U+as a -hartered Engineer2 2 In this resect the rogra''e ai's to enable thestudents to de'onstrate0

    Their kno1ledge and understanding of the essential facts& concets& theoriesand rinciles of 'echanical engineering& have an areciation of the 1ider'ultidiscilinary engineering context& and areciate the social&environ'ental& ethical& and econo'ic considerations affecting the exercise of

    their engineering 4udge'ent2 Their ability to aly aroriate #uantitative and engineering tools to the

    analysis of roble's& be creative and innovative in the synthesis of solutionsand in for'ulating designs& and to 1ork 1ith an aroriate level of detail2

    Their ractical engineering skills through 1ork carried out in laboratories& inindividual and grou ro4ect 1ork& in design 1ork& and in the develo'ent anduse of co'uter soft1are2

    Transferable skills that 1ill be of value in a 1ide range of situations2 Includingroble' solving& co''unication& 1orking 1ith others& the effective use ofgeneral IT facilities& and the lanning of selflearning and i'rovingerfor'ance& as the foundation for lifelong learning3-,52

    #3$ .earning Ou!co0esThe rogra''e 1ill enable students to develo the kno1ledge and skills listed belo12Intended learning outco'es are identified for each category& together 1ith the key teachingand assess'ent 'ethods that 1ill be used to achieve and assess the learning outco'es2(see sections .6 and *%)2

    7n co'letion of the rogra''e students 1ill be able to do0

  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    P4 9ct autono'ously 1ith li'ited suervision or direction 1ithin agreed guidelines2

    irtual =earning Environ'ent site(Elearning?tees site)2

    =ecturesare used to convey substantial ele'ents of the sub4ect content& rovide corethe'es& exlanations of difficult concets and the develo'ent of theories and rinciles&and set the scene for students@ indeendent learning2

    Through lectures students are encouraged to develo the understanding of the concets andthe develo'ent of the theories and rinciles rior to the alication of the rocedure foranalysis2

    Through lectures students are encouraged to develo skills in listening and selective notetaking& and to areciate ho1 infor'ation is structured and resented2

    This traditional for'at of delivery is enhanced through the use of co'uterbased or otheraudiovisual aids and suorted by interactive >=Ebased rovision of lecture notes anddiscussion grous focused on 'a4or toics2

  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    Tutorials& 1orkshos and se'inars rovide a setting for interactive learning and allo1students to exlore asects of the sub4ect in so'e deth2

    +no1ledge and Understanding0 The teaching and learning 'ethods i'le'ented to engagestudents in develoing their kno1ledge and understanding of the course include for'allectures& case studies& tutorial exercises& ractical de'onstrations& directed learning andindividual 1ork2 This is assessed by 1ritten exa'ination and both analytical andexeri'ental course1ork2

    Intellectual kills0 The 'ethods i'le'ented in develoing students< intellectual skillsinclude engaging 1ith the' during tutorial exercises& case studies& ractical de'onstrationand suervised research or ro4ect 1ork2 It is assessed i'licitly in the 1ritten exa'inations&analytical and exeri'ental course1ork and 'ore articularly in the "inal Aear ,ro4ect 1ork2

    ,ractical kills0 The 'ethods i'le'ented in develoing students< ractical skills includede'onstrations and racticals linked 1ith the taught 'odules& for exa'le& "ngineeringS#ills& $anufacturing Processes& $ec%anics of $aterials && $ec%anics of $aterials '&

    ynamic nalysis&pplied ynamics,esign and uild& etc2 tudents 1ill also develoractical skills in their lace'ent2

    tudents 1ill also design and oerate e#ui'ent and3or rocedures under suervisionduring ro4ect 1ork2 The 'ethods of assess'ent of ractical skills include feedback onlaboratory 1ork linked 1ith the taught 'odules2 9lso a large art of the 'ark of the ,ro4ectreort 1ill be attributed to the Exeri'ental Method and E#ui'ent and the ,resentation and5iscussion of ;esults2

    ,rofessional and E'loy'ent0 The ne1ly structured course e'hasis exlicitly on thethe'e 1hich is develoed through the course2 rou 5esign0 7ne of the i'ortant skills isdesign and 1orking in grou2 To enhance the develo'ent of these skills& a the'e on this isdesigned and included through the four years of the course2

    Transferable kills0 The 'ethods i'le'ented in develoing the students< transferable skillsare exlicit in the 'odules such as i'licit in the rest of the rogra''e2


  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    oral resentations& technical intervie1s& court resentations

    essays& literature surveys& evaluations and su''aries

    collaborative ro4ect 1ork

    rearation and dislay of osters

    lanning& conduct and reorting of ro4ect 1ork

    reorts on external lace'ents (1here aroriate)

    eer assess'ent

    tudents on each year of the rogra''e are resented 1ith an 9ssess'ent cheduleroviding details of the sub'ission deadlines for su''ative assess'ents2

    In articular& the rofessional and e'loy'ent skills develo'ent 'odules(Communication and Laboratory Skills, Professional Skills, Engineering Managementand Leadership Skills and Employment Skills) 1ill be assessed using an a'alga'ation ofself& eer and tutor assess'ent 'ethods2 These 'odules 1ill not only assess the CroductDof the 1ork co'leted but& i'ortantly for reflective learning and ersonal develo'ent 1illalso assess the CrocessD 1hich has been undertaken2

  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    *. Progra00e Mo"ules


    *ode Title *redits StatusNon-

    *ompensata+le *ompensata+le

    -EN%%%*N -he'ical cience and the Environ'ent *% ,rogra''e -ore

    -EN%%%.N -o''unication and =aboratory kills *% ,rogra''e -ore

    E9-%%%N Electrical and Electronic Engineering cience *% ,rogra''e -ore

    E9-%%%.N "unda'entals of Mathe'atics for Engineering 9 *% ,rogra''e -ore

    E9-%%%%N "unda'entals of Mathe'atics for Engineering B *% ,rogra''e -ore -EN%%%%N Materials and Mechanics Engineering cience *% ,rogra''e -ore

    .eel +

    *ode Title *redits StatusNon-

    *ompensata+le *ompensata+le

    MM5.%%$N Engineering 5esign and -95 .% ,rogra''e -ore

    E9-.%%FN Engineering Mathe'atics *% ,rogra''e -ore

    E9-.%.$N Electrical ,rinciles .% ,rogra''e -ore

    -BE.%%GN Engineering Ther'odyna'ics and Heat Transfer *% ,rogra''e -ore

    MM5.%%N "luid Mechanics .% ,rogra''e -ore

    MM5.%%N rou 5esign ,ro4ect .% ,rogra''e -ore

    -BE.%%*N ,rofessional kills .% ,rogra''e -ore

    MM5.%%.N ,roerties of Materials .% ,rogra''e -ore

    -EN.%%.N tructural Mechanics *% ,rogra''e -ore

  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    .eel /

    *ode Title *redits StatusNon-

    *ompensata+le *ompensata+le

    MM5*%%.N 9nalytical Techni#ues for Engineers .% ,rogra''e -ore

    MM5*%%$N 5yna'ic 9nalysis .% ,rogra''e -ore

    MM5*%%*N rou 5esign and Build ,ro4ect *% ,rogra''e -ore

    MM5*%%N Internal -o'bustion Engines .% ,rogra''e -ore

    -EN*%%6N Engineering Manage'ent and =eadershi kills .% ,rogra''e -ore

    MM5*%%N Manufacturing ,rocesses *% ,rogra''e -ore MM5*%%!N Mechanics of Materials . *% ,rogra''e -ore

    MM5*%%FN ,roduct and 9sse'bly 5esign Modelling *% ,rogra''e -ore

    .eel 1

    *ode Title *redits StatusNon-

    *ompensata+le *ompensata+le

    ,M5$%%GN Mechanics of Materials * *% ,rogra''e -ore

    MM5$%%N 9lied 5yna'ics .% ,rogra''e -ore

    MM5$%%!N -o'uter 9ided 9nalysis *% ,rogra''e -ore

    -BE$%%%N E'loy'ent kills .% ,rogra''e -ore

    MM5$%..N Interdiscilinary rou ,ro4ect *% ,rogra''e -ore

    MM5$%%.N ,ro4ect $% ,rogra''e -ore

    ",=$%%.N Turbo'achinery and 9eroengines .% ,rogra''e -ore

  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    #$ Progra00e S!ruc!ure



    -he'ical cience andthe Environ'ent


    -o''unication and=aboratory kills


    Electrical and ElectronicEngineering cience


    "unda'entals ofMathe'atics forEngineering 9


    "unda'entals ofMathe'atics forEngineering B


    Materials andMechanics Engineering



    Engineering Mathe'atics


    ,roerties ofMaterials


    tructural Mechanics*%



    Engineering Ther'odyna'ics and Heat Transfer




    Engineering5esign and







    for Engineers.%

    Manufacturing ,rocesses*%

    Mechanics of Materials .*%





    ,roduct and 9sse'bly5esign Modelling


    rou 5esign and Build,ro4ect





    ,rofessional ,lace'ent (otional)


    $%Mechanics of Materials *







    -o'uter 9ided9nalysis


    Interdiscilinaryrou ,ro4ect




  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    ,art Ti'e (fro' level only)

    2. 9nalyticalTechni#ues



    Manufacturing ,rocesses*%

    Mechanics of Materials .*%




    2* 5yna'ic9nalysis




    ,roduct and 9sse'bly5esign Modelling


    rou 5esign and Build,ro4ect







    -o'uter 9ided9nalysis




    !2* ,ro4ect$%

    Mechanics of Materials **%

    Interdiscilinaryrou ,ro4ect


    The credit values for each 'odule are rovided belo1 the 'odule title2

    This a1ard is one of a nu'ber that 'ake u the "ra'e1ork of Undergraduate tudies in Engineering2 tudents study so'e sub4ects inco''on roviding a rich learning environ'ent 1ith disciline secific co'onents roviding a focus for secialised kno1ledge andresearch2 9ll 'odules run through the acade'ic year roviding the oortunity for indeth learning and exerience of the sub4ect 'aterial2

    tudents have the oortunity of sending a year on a ,rofessional ,lace'ent 1ith a relevant e'loyer

    9t level $& the rogra''e has been designed to rovide a broad introduction to the rinciles of engineering& 'athe'atics and science29ll 'odules run through the acade'ic year roviding the oortunity for indeth learning and exerience of the sub4ect 'aterial2 The yearcan be studied on a art ti'e basis in a 'ode free fashion2The 'odules undamentals of $at%ematics for "ngineering and undamentals of $at%ematics for "ngineering develo the basic'athe'atical skills necessary for the student to analyse and solve engineering roble's& and focus on the selection and use ofaroriate 'athe'atical techni#ues2

  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    The 'odules "lectrical and "lectronic "ngineering Scienceand $aterials and $ec%anics "ngineering Sciencerovide an introduction toElectrical and Electronic engineering rinciles& engineering 'aterials& and ther'al& fluid and 'echanical syste's in engineering& and thescientific la1s and rinciles that govern the'2 These 'odules include ractical 1ork to enhance the understanding of the rinciles2-he'istry underins 'any basic engineering rinciles& and is of articular relevance to the understanding of environ'ental issues2 The*%emical Science and t%e "n!ironment'odule rovides both an overvie1 of basic che'istry and the alication of scientific concets inthe context of the environ'ent2The *ommunication and a+oratory S#ills'odule develos a range of transferable and ractical skills2 It rovides the basics in 1ritten andverbal co''unication skills and the alication of infor'ation technology for engineering uroses2 It also develos safe engineeringlaboratory 1orking skills through a variety of engineering alications2

    "ollo1ing level $& this degree focuses on four key areas0 'echanics of 'aterials& dyna'ics& fluid 'echanic& and ther'odyna'ic2 Theseareas are brought together 1ithin the engineering analysis and design and co'uter aided design asects of the course& cul'inating in thefinal year in tea' design and individual ro4ects2 The first three years of the course rovide the necessary grounding in the core discilinesof 'echanical engineering& and the four 'echanical engineering sciences (fluid 'echanics& strength of 'aterials& dyna'ics& andther'odyna'ics)2 9n individual ro4ect for's an i'ortant art of the final year of the course2 Aou 1ill have access to 'odern co'utingand 'anufacturing facilities including a co'uter integrated 'anufacturing centre& -95 laboratories& together 1ith extensive engineeringlaboratories2 There is a continuing de'and for #ualified 'echanical engineering graduates2 7ur close links 1ith industry and the broadbasis of this degree ensures that our graduates 'eet the needs of a 1ide range of e'loyers2

    In order to e'bed the skills set e'loyers are seeking& general rofessional and transferable skills are continually develoed throughoutthe degree2 The 'odules *ommunication and a+oratory S#ills, Professional S#ills& "ngineeering $anagement and eaders%ip S#ills& and"mployment S#ills have been develoed to e#ui students the aroriate skills set to 'anage their future careers and rofessionaldevelo'ent2 9t each stage of the curriculu' the students also undertake a grou ro4ect 'odule2 By being delivered in 1eeklongblocks& the grou ro4ect 'odules have been designed to be an intensive and engaging 'ethod to enhance effective tea' 1orking skills2

    The final year ,ro4ect allo1s students to send a #uarter of their study ti'e concentrating on research in an area of interest in rearationfor graduation and their future career2 tudents 1ho have to exit the rogra''e rior to co'letion 'ay be a1arded a -ertificate or a5ilo'a of Higher Education (co'letion of level and resectively)2

    The degree can be studied on full ti'e or art ti'e basis2

  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    The degree focuses on a nu'ber of the'es in order to achieve the exected learning outco'es2

    Nu'eracy0 "ngineering mat%ematics&nalytical Tec%niues for "ngineers, computer aided analysis, etc

    Engineering cience and Engineering 9nalysis0 Structural $ec%anics& $ec%anics of $aterials && $ec%anics of $aterials '& luid

    $ec%anics& "ngineering T%ermodynamics and /eat Transfer& 0* "ngines& Tur+omac%inery and eroengines, etc.Engineering 5esign0 "ngineering esign and *& Product esign $odelling& 1roup Pro2ect& 1roup esign Pro2ect& 0* "ngines&Tur+omac%inery and eroengines, etc.

    ,rofessional and E'loyability0 *ommunication and a+oratory S#ills, Professional S#ills& "ngineering $anagement and

    eaders%ip S#ills& "mployment S#ills& inal 3ear Pro2ect.

    The Professional Placement Year(% credits at level five) is undertaken at a host co'any and is exected to be of .* 'onths duration&1ith a 'ini'u' re#uire'ent of $! 1eeks (excluding holidays)2 9 nu'ber of lace'ents 'ay be identified by the rogra''e tea'although students are encouraged to sho1 initiative by alying to organisations of their o1n choice2 These organisations are sub4ected toan assess'ent of their suitability2 Usually accetance on to a lace'ent is after a successful intervie12 The lace'ent year allo1s thestudents to gain relevant rofessional exerience& under suervision in a vocational environ'ent2 tudents can both aly and develotheir acade'ic kno1ledge in this environ'ent and enhance the relevant rofessional skills 1hich 1ill aug'ent their future e'loyability2tudent learning 1ill be 'onitored by acade'ic staff visiting the organisation2 The lace'ent year can contribute to1ards the final degreeclassification of the students as the assess'ent allo1s for a reflective analysis of learning and a revie1 fro' the e'loyer2 Both of thesecan be incororated by the student into their ersonal develo'ent lanning2

    ,rofessional Body 9ccreditation

    9n accredited degree 1ill either artly or fully 'eet the acade'ic re#uire'ents for registration as a -hartered Engineer or IncororatedEngineer2

    The current BEng (Honours) Mechanical Engineering is accredited by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers as fully 'eeting the

    acade'ic re#uire'ents for registration as an Incororated Engineer and artially 'eeting the acade'ic re#uire'ents for registration as a-hartered Engineer2 "urther learning in addition to the BEng degree 1ould be re#uired to fully 'eet the acade'ic re#uire'ents forregistration as a -hartered Engineer& i2e2 an accredited Mc rogra''e2

    :e intend to aly for accreditation& si'ilar to the above& for the ne1 rogra''e of the BEng (Honours) Mechanical Engineering(Extended)2

  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    $ Su88or! 9or S!u"en!s an" Their .earning

    tudents 1ill be inducted on to the course and guided thorough university facilities and courserocedures rior to co''encing acade'ic 1ork2

    tudents are encouraged to talk to staff and ask for hel& acade'ic or astoral& as and 1henre#uired& allo1ing the University 'echanis's to suort the'2 tudents are rovided suortthroughout their eriod of study and can access this 1henever re#uired fro' the varioussources noted belo12

    Progra00e Tea0,rogra''e =eader 1ith overall resonsibility for the rogra''eModule =eaders 1ith resonsibility for each of the individual 'odules

    Progra00e ,esign,rogra''e and Module Handbooks containing co'rehensive infor'ation

    Elearning?tees (a >irtual =earning Environ'ent) sites for each rogra''e and 'odule,rovision of assess'ent schedules to allo1 the students to 'anage their ti'e 'ore effectivelyand reare for sub'issiontudent learning and ersonal develo'ent is suorted through all four years of study at theUniversity via the ,5, 'odules,rofessional lace'ent coordination for students undertaking a rofessional lace'enttudent ,rogra''e ;eresentatives 1ho can raise issues on behalf of individuals or the 1holecohort-ontributions fro' external agencies and secialist ractitioners

    Schoolchool Handbook to give an overvie1 of the chool and its oeration

    tudent uort 7fficer to act as a oint of contact and cha'ion student issuestudent ;eresentatives 1ho sit on 'any of the chool

  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    $ ,is!inc!ie Fea!ures

    Mechanical engineering is both a challenging and re1arding rofession2 This innovative course1ill give you the skills and kno1ledge to beco'e a co'etent 'echanical engineer2

    This degree focuses on four key areas0 'echanics of 'aterials& dyna'ics& fluid 'echanic& andther'odyna'ic2 These areas are brought together 1ithin the engineering design and co'uteraided design asects of the course& cul'inating in the final year in tea' design and individualro4ects2 The first three years of the course rovide the necessary grounding in the corediscilines of 'echanical engineering& and the four 'echanical engineering sciences (fluid'echanics& strength of 'aterials& dyna'ics& and ther'odyna'ics)2 9n individual ro4ect for'san i'ortant art of the final year of the course2 Aou 1ill have access to 'odern lab andco'uting and 'anufacturing facilities including a co'uter integrated 'anufacturing centre&-95 laboratories& together 1ith extensive engineering laboratories2 There is a continuingde'and for #ualified 'echanical engineering graduates2 7ur close links 1ith industry and thebroad basis of this degree ensures that our graduates 'eet the needs of a 1ide range ofe'loyers2

    .2 IMech E U+ accredited BEng course*2 ;esearch infor'ed Teaching and =earning0 The ;9E outco'e for the Engineering0 G%J

    of the research outco'es is internationally3national excellence& and researchactive staffare leading in teaching (such as in the roles of course leaders and sub4ect grou leader&'odule leader& and ro4ect suervisor) and %J of core staff in the sub4ect grou areresearch active

    $2 trong links 1ith industries through research& kno1ledge transfer& and consultancy2 The course has long history and tradition of roducing graduates for local industries and

    international sonsors2 The oortunity to follo1 a sand1ich year in industry!2 The oortunity to articiate in the design& develo'ent& construction& testing and

    co'eting of a "or'ula tudent ;acing car2

    E!ernal recogni!ion9ccreditation is being sought fro' the Institution of Mechanical Engineers for the BEng(Honours) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)2The University ca'e to of the uardian =eague Table for 'echanical engineering in *%%G2

  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    PROR!MME RE"#E$ !%%#O'!L #'(ORM!O'


    ,lease outline the rocess for revie1ing3udating 'odules and their current status&e2g2 aroved or not aroved) and external involve'ent in this rocess (e2g2 throughcurrent External Exa'iners)0

    9ll 'odules have been through the chool of cience and Engineering

  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    S&!E O)&COMES

  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    T 5e'onstrate a develoing ability to identify ersonal skills& interests and 'otivations and articulate the effectof these on their engineering degree rogra''e2

    T 5e'onstrate a develoing ability to co''unicate in seech and 1riting in the context of their acade'icstudies2

    T+ 5e'onstrate a develoing ability to aly nu'erical and statistical skills in si'le contexts2

    T/ Use basic IT tools (e2g2 1ordrocessing sreadsheets) in si'le contexts2

    T1 Engage in tea' activities to enhance a cooerative aroach to learning and 1orking2

    NO S!age&.eel (/) S!age&.eel #(+)

  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    P/ ;ecognise #uality issues alicable to 'echanical engineering2

    P1 7erate effectively 1ithin the design rocess& roducing a1orkable solution to 'ore co'lexity 'echanical engineeringor related roble's2

    5e'onstrate an a1areness of the design rocess and oerate1ithin defined boundaries in the design of 'echanical engineeringor related syste's2

    P2 Take due regard of legal& ethical and rofessional issues2

    P3 5e'onstrate an a1areness of technical uncertainty and itsi'lications throughout associated rofessional discilines and

    redict their effect on rocesses2

    5e'onstrate an a1areness of the technical uncertainty of'echanical engineering ara'eters in a li'ited context2

    P4 9ct 1ith increasing autono'y and li'ited suervision on'echanical engineering roble's2

    9ct 1ith li'ited autono'y under direction or suervision 1ithindefined guidelines

    T# ;eflect syste'atically on erfor'ance to develo further skillsand learning2

    Identify o1n learning strengths and needs using feedback fro'assess'ents2

    T 5e'onstrate a realistic 'atch bet1een career asirations andersonal atitudes& interests and 'otivations2

    Identify and articulate ersonal skills& abilities& interests and'otivations and relate these to career oortunities25e'onstrate a1areness of the rofessional institutions andarticiate in local 'eetings2

    T elect and use a range of co''unication 'ethods aroriateto the context and reare& deliver and evaluate resentationsto an audience2

    Identify and use 1riting skills aroriate to the context2-o''unicate aroriately in seech in grou discussions andas an individual2

    T+ 9ly increasingly co'lex nu'erical analysis 1ith selection ofaroriate 'athe'atical techni#ues suitable to a definedroble'2

    9ly nu'erical analysis in si'le contexts at a foundation levelin 'echanical engineering2

    T/ Use a range of soft1are aroriate to 'echanicalengineering2

    elect and use aroriate soft1are for different secified tasks2

  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    T1 9dot a range of roles 1ithin a grou and evaluate those rolesand those of others2

    Engage in grou 1ork and recognise the i'act of the individualon the tea'2

    T2 Effectively carry out ractical and laboratory 1ork and reflectsyste'atically on erfor'ance and outco'es2

    :ork safely in a tea' in ractical and laboratory conditions2

  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)



    S!age 6 (.eel ) Ou!co0e

  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    Engineering5esign and -95

    9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

    rou 5esign,ro4ect 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

    =evel Ou!co0e

  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    =evel ! Ou!co0e

  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    !SSESSME'& C*!R&

    =evel $

    Mo"ule Na0eFor0a!ie Assess0en!

    T'8e an" ?ee; o9Co08le!ion

    Su00a!ie Assess0en!T'8e an" ?ee; o9

    Su*0ission-he'ical cience andthe Environ'ent(*% credits)

    Inclass exercises throughoutthe year

    :eek .0 -ourse1ork& (shortans1er and calculation#uestions& .*%% 1orde#uivalent) $%J:eek *. or **0 >erbal,resentation ( 'inutes) *%J:eek *0 Ti'econstrained incourse -he'istry test (.2hours) *J:eek *!0 Ti'econstrained in

    course Environ'ent test (.2hours) *J

    -o''unication and=aboratory kills(*% credits)

    Inclass ractical infor'ationtechnology tutorials throughoutthe 9utu'n ter'

    :eek ..0 IT ,ortfolio (F%% 1orde#uivalent) *%J:eek .$0 ,5, ,ortfolioreflective state'ent . (%%1ords) .%J:eeks .$ to *.0 "ive laboratory1ork inlab assess'ents& lus1eek ** reort (%% 1ords)!%J:eek *0 ,5, ,ortfolioreflective state'ent * (%%

    1ords) .%JElectrical and ElectronicEngineering cience(*% credits)

    Inclass exercises and=aboratory 1ork throughout theyear

    :eek .%0 Ti'econstrained incourse test . (.2 hours) $$J:eek *%0 Ti'econstrained incourse test * (.2 hours) $$J:eek *$0 9ssign'ent(calculation #uestions) $J

    "unda'entals of Mathe'aticsfor Engineering 9(*% credits)

    Inclass exercises throughoutthe year

    :eek 60 Ti'econstrained incourse test . (.2 hours) $%J:eek .F0 Ti'econstrained incourse test * (.2 hours) $%J:eek *63$%0 End of 'oduleexa' (* hours) %J

    "unda'entals of Mathe'aticsfor Engineering B(*% credits)

    Inclass exercises throughoutthe year

    :eek G0 Ti'econstrained incourse test . (.2 hours) $%J:eek .G0 Ti'econstrained incourse test * (.2 hours) $%J:eek *63$%0 End of 'oduleexa' (* hours) %J

    Materials and MechanicsEngineering cience(*% credits)

    Inclass exercises throughoutthe year

    :eeks ! to .0 Three laboratory1ork inlab assess'ents& lus1eek .60 one reort (.%%%1ords) %J:eek .0 Ti'econstrained incourse test . (.2 hours) $%J:eek *F0 Ti'econstrained in

    course test * (.2 hours) $%J


  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)



    Mo"ule Na0eFor0a!ie Assess0en!

    T'8e an" ?ee; o9Co08le!ion

    Su00a!ie Assess0en!T'8e an" ?ee; o9

    Su*0issionEngineering 5esign and -95(.% credits)

    :eek .$0Interi' ortfolio handin

    :eek *0 Individual designortfolio ($%%% 1ords& .%%J)2

    Engineering Mathe'atics(*% credits) ,roble' solving tutorialsthroughout the 'odule :eek .%0 7en book test (.2hrs& $$2$J):eek .G0 7en book test (.2hrs& $$2$J):eek *G0 7en book test (.2hrs& $$2$J)

    Electrical ,rinciles(.% credits)

    ,roble' solving tutorialsthroughout the 'odule

    :eek .*0 I-9& laboratory book(.%% 1ords& %J):eek .0 End of 'odule exa'(.2 hrs& %J)

    Engineering Ther'odyna'icsand Heat Transfer

    (*% credits)

    ,roble' solving tutorialsthroughout the 'odule

    :eek 60 Industrial reort (ages& *%J)

    :eek .$0 Ti'e constrained incourse assess'ent (.2 hrs&*%J):eek *63$%0 End of 'oduleexa' ($ hrs& !%J)

    "luid Mechanics(.% credits)

    ,roble' solving tutorialsthroughout the 'odule

    :eek .0 Incourse assess'entL laboratory reort (.%%% 1ords&$%J):eek *63$%0 End of 'oduleexa' (* hrs& F%J)

    rou 5esign ,ro4ect

    (.% credits)

    7bserved grou sessions and

    tutorial suort2

    :eek .60 ,ortfolio of evidence

    (.% ages& !%J):eek *%0 ;eflective su''ary( ages& 1eighting %J)

    ,rofessional kills(.% credits)

    "or'ative feedback givenfollo1ing each learning task2:eek F0 =earning task .:eek .!0 =earning task *:eek *0 =earning task $

    :eek *F0 ;eflective log (.%%J)

    ,roerties of Materials(.% credits)

    "eedback during tutorial andlaboratory sessions

    :eek .*0 Incourse assess'entL laboratory reorts (*%%%1ords& %J):eek *!0 Incourse assess'entL grou resentation (*% 'ins)

    and reort (.%% 1ords& %J)

    tructural Mechanics(*% credits)

    ,roble' solving tutorialsthroughout the 'odule

    :eek **0 Incourse assess'ent(calculations lus *% 1ords&%J):eek *63$%0 End of 'oduleexa' ($ hrs& %J)


  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    .eel /

    Mo"ule Na0eFor0a!ie Assess0en!

    T'8e an" ?ee; o9Co08le!ion

    Su00a!ie Assess0en!T'8e an" ?ee; o9

    Su*0issionEngineering Manage'ent and=eadershi kills(.% credits)

    tudents 1ill be given feedbackon their erfor'ance 1ithindiscussion grous and 'ock

    intervie1 sessions2

    :eek .G0 Ti'e constrained incourse test&(.2 hr& !%J):eek *!0 ;eflective state'ents

    (.%% 1ords& %J)9nalytical Techni#ues forEngineers(.% credits)

    ,roble' solving tutorialsthroughout the 'odule

    :eek **0 ortfolio (%J):eek *63$%0 End of 'oduleexa' (* hrs& %J)

    Internal -o'bustion Engines(.% credits)

    ,roble' solving tutorialsthroughout the 'odule

    :eek .F0 lab reort (.%%%1ords& $%J):eek *63$%0 End of 'oduleexa' (* hrs& F%J)

    Manufacturing ,rocesses(*% credits)

    tudents 1ill be given feedbackon their erfor'ance on the&hase test& logbook& lab reort&and grou exercise2

    :eek .!0 ortfolio of 1rittenreorts (one reort of .%%%1ords and short reorts& $%J):eek *$0 grou oster and

    reort (*%%% 1ords& *%J):eek *63$%0 End of 'oduleexa' ($ hrs& %J)

    ,roduct and 9sse'bly 5esignModelling(*% credits)

    -o'uter based tutorialsthroughout the 'odule

    :eek .$0 I-9 .& Modellingreort (*%%% 1ords& %J):eek *F0 I-9 *& 9sse'blyreort (*%%% 1ords& %J)

    rou 5esign and Build ,ro4ect(*% credits)

    7bserved grou sessions andtutorial suort2

    9ssess'ent .:eek G0 ,ortfolio of evidence&($%J):eek 60 ;eflective su''ary&(*%J)

    9ssess'ent *:eek .60 ,ortfolio of evidence&($%J):eek *%0 ;eflective su''ary&(*%J)

    5yna'ic 9nalysis(.% credits)

    ,roble' solving tutorialsthroughout the 'odule and onthe

    :eek .0 =aboratory ;eort(*%% 1ords& $%J):eek *63$%0 End of 'oduleexa' (* hrs& F%J)

    Mechanics of Materials .(*% credits)

    ,roble' solving tutorialsthroughout the 'odule and onthe 'ock exa'inations

    :eek *.0 =aboratory ;eort(*%% 1ords& $%J):eek *63$%0 End of 'oduleexa' ($ hrs& F%J)


  • 8/13/2019 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Extended)


    .eel 1

    Mo"ule Na0eFor0a!ie Assess0en!

    T'8e an" ?ee; o9Co08le!ion

    Su00a!ie Assess0en!T'8e an" ?ee; o9

    Su*0issionE'loy'ent kills(.% credits)

    tudents 1ill be given feedbackon their erfor'ance 1ithin

    discussion grous and 'ockintervie1 sessions2

    :eek *$0 olutions andsu''ary (%J %% 1ords)

    :eek *F0 ;eflective state'ent(!%J .%% 1ords)

    ,ro4ect($% credits)

    7ngoing feedback on ro4ectrogress and draft dissertationchaters 1ill be given2

    :eek *0 ,resentation (.'ins& .J):eek *0 ,ro4ect dissertation(.%%%% 1ords& GJ)

    Interdiscilinary rou ,ro4ect(*% credits)

    7bserved grou sessions andtutorial suort2

    :eek .60 ,ortfolio of evidence(!%J):eek *%0 ;eflective su''ary(%J)

    -o'uter 9ided 9nalysis(*% credits)

    -o'uter based tutorialsthroughout the 'odule2

    :eek .$0 Incourseassess'ent (*%% 1ords& %J):eek *!0 Incourseassess'ent (*%% 1ords& %J)

    Mechanics of Materials *(*% credits)

    ,roble' solving tutorialsthroughout the 'odule and onthe 'ock exa'inations

    :eek **0 lab reorts (*%%1ords& $%J):eek *63$%0 End of 'oduleexa' ($ hrs& F%J)

    9lied 5yna'ics(.% credits)

    ,roble' solving tutorialsthroughout the 'odule and onthe 'ock exa'inations

    :eek *.0 lab reort (*%%1ords& $%J):eek *63$%0 End of 'oduleexa' (* hrs& F%J)

    Turbo'achinery and

    9eroengines(.% credits)

    ,roble' solving tutorials and

    laboratory feedback

    :eek .%0 I-9 . (.%%% 1ords

    *J):eek .G0 I-9 * (*%%% 1ords&*J):eek *63$%0 End of 'oduleexa' (* hrs& %J)

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