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    Francois Fischer, Project Manager, ERTICO

    Sebastian Mϋller, Technical Coordinator, ETSI

  • Why Produce Test Specifications?

    A proven way to ensure interoperability and

    standard compliance of ITS implementations

    Their development provides a first validation

    of the base standard(s)of the base standard(s)

    Leads to significant improvements of base


    Provide a basis for certification of products or

    a test plan for an interoperability event

    BPI: Acheiving Interoperability2

  • Types of Testing

    Conformance testing

    • Testing a single part of a product for its compliance to a base standard

    • See Demo of Conformance Validation FrameworkInteroperability testingInteroperability testing

    • Checking end-to-end functionality between a collection of equipment or devices

    Interoperability testing with conformance checking

    • Testing interoperability while monitoring conformance parameters

    • This was applied for 1. ITS CMS PlugtestBPI: Acheiving Interoperability3

  • What is a Plugtests event?

    A test event organized and run by a neutral body

    • Scope, test infrastructure and test scenarios based on standard• Scheduling• Test Results and Feedback to Standards Development

    An opportunity for engineers

    • Evaluate the interoperability of their products• Evaluate the interoperability of their products• Validate their understanding of the base specification• Save time

    An opportunity for vendors

    • To demonstrate end 2 end interoperability to operators/end customers• Promote the technology and community

    An opportunity for Standards Development

    • Gaps, ambiguities, interpretations• A tool to validate and enhance the quality of standards


  • Interoperability Test Procedure

    Connect two or three devices from different vendors

    Check connectivity between devicesCheck connectivity between devices

    Perform tests according to Plugtest Guide

    • Check if devices can send/receive frames from each other• Check if data is handled correctly in the network and facility layers• Check if implemented algorithms work correctly

    Result determination and reporting

    • Result OK: run next test• Result NOK: check monitor tools to identify source of error• Report results in ETSI Test Reporting Tool


  • First ITS CMS Plugtest

    Jointly organized by ETSI and ERTICO

    Hosted by TNO

    Sponsored by EC

    Test specification produced by ETSITest specification produced by ETSI

    • Distributed 2 months prior to event• Total of 33 tests• Developed in cooperation with DRIVE-C2X and EcoMove

    ETSI – CTI Tools

    • WIKI• Scheduling Tool• Test Reporting Tool


  • Participants

    # Implementations

    1 Cohda /NXP

    2 CTAG

    3 DENSO

    4 Hitachi

    5 Honda

    # Tools

    1 Fokus

    2 TNO

    3 TestingTech

    4 Vector



    6 ITRI

    7 NEC

    8 NordSys

    9 Peek /TNO

    10 QUWIC

    11 Q-Free

    12 Siemens

    13 Vector

    14 VTT

  • Pictures

    Test session Test planning


    © 2010 – Proprietary Information of ETSI8



  • Benefit for DRIVE-C2X

    DRIVE-C2X designed a “Reference System” ITS station based on the ETSI TC ITS standards:• The “Reference System” will be then integrated in Vehicle or Roadside ITS

    stations by different project partners

    • DRIVE-C2X partners performed integration tests with “Reference System”. DRIVE-C2X specific challenges:• SW components developed by different partners, then ported to different HW

    platforms and deployed on roadside infrastructureplatforms and deployed on roadside infrastructure

    The interoperability tests performed during the Plugtests event made the project partners confident on the quality of the “Reference System”:• Successful test sessions executed between DRIVE-C2X partners – minor issues

    were solved

    • Test results confirmed that the DRIVE-C2X “Reference System” is compatible with other vendor implementations as well as the EcoMove project implementations

    • The results prove the good quality of the reference ETSI TC ITS base standards

    © ETSI 2011. All rights reserved9

  • The ITS interoperability


    Aimed to disseminate the experience and lessons learned during the Plugtests

    Presentations from:• DRIVE-C2X, ERTICO, ETSI, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Renault, SISCOGA,


    Round table about the “future steps”:Round table about the “future steps”:• With the participation of Honda, InnovITS, Renault and TNO

    • Why deployment requires Interoperability• How Plugtests events can accelerate standardization• Conformance testing and Plugtests event to pave the way for


    TNO demo on cooperative ITS network emulator

    © ETSI 2011. All rights reserved10

  • Pictures

  • 2nd ITS CMS Plugtests event

    11 – 15 June 2012

    Hosted at IFSTTAR, Versailles, France


    • optimized CAM, DENM• SAM• SAM• TOPO, SPAT• All optional tests from 1st ITS CMS Plugtest

    All facilities for lab test are available

    • Faraday cages• Test Network• Central Position Server for GPS feeds

    Anybody interested in this event please contact

    [email protected] and [email protected]


  • Links

    The Plugtests event:



    The Workshop


    © ETSI 2011. All rights reserved13

  • Other ITS domains

    Plugtests event are planned for other ITS


    • eCall• A Plugtests event is planned 21-25 May 2012 at • A Plugtests event is planned 21-25 May 2012 at

    InnovITS ADVANCE at Nuneaton (Birmingham, UK)

    • TPEG• A plugtests event is planned Q3 2012 at ERTICO in


    © ETSI 2011. All rights reserved14

  • 22 - 26 October 2012

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