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Page 1: Ben Greenfield Podcast 211

Podcast from Episode #211



Introduction: In today’s podcast, why do I stink when I workout? Also, how to

get rid of skin tags, remedies for eczema, the correct ways to do a

single leg quad stretch, managing high blood pressure and high

cholesterol, how long should your long run be and even more

about muscle cramps.

Welcome to the podcast. We provide

you with free exercise, nutrition, weight loss, triathlon and

wellness advice from the top fitness experts in the nation. So

whether you’re an Ironman triathlete or you’re just trying to shed

a few pounds, get ready for non run of the mill cutting edge

content from

Brock: Hey everybody! Welcome to another episode of the Ben

Greenfield Fitness podcast. I’m Brock, your host or sidekick and

of course, Ben is here as well.

Ben: I am. I’m fresh off of my driveway where I managed for the first

time to teach my kids to ride without their training wheels.

Brock: Oh awesome!

Ben: I’m not in an ambulance right now, so I’m happy.

Brock: Wait. You’d be in the ambulance or the kids be in the ambulance?

Ben: Possibly both the way it was going. They still need to master the

breaking thing so any stationary objects including people are

kinda fair game as far as the stopping wall is concerned.

Brock: That’s fair enough. Actually, that’s how I learned how to skate too.

Ben: Yeah. That’s been the Ben Greenfield Fitness home this afternoon

and oh, speaking of which, at the inner circle this week, for any

listeners who are inner circle members or people who wanna

know what goes on over there, I just recently pulled out a video

camera and did a geeky health tour of my home, where I just

kinda walk through all the, you know, I talk about the earth pulls

for sleeping and my electro stimulation device and all these things

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I’ve gathered in my house, I just basically show people my home

gym and the way I put together my home gym and all these little

things I’ve got laying around the house. So, that was fun and

anybody who’s in the inner circle can grab that video off the bar

webinar section.

Brock: That’s exactly what I was gonna ask, if you need to be in the inner


Ben: Yeah, you do. And our upcoming webinar, another one that folks

will find interesting would be the, I’m doing a whole webinar with

my wife on self-testing. We’ve been doing a lot of these self-

testing protocols and I’ve kind of alluded to that in a few posts at We’re just gonna through some of the

cheap methods out there to take charge of your own medical


Brock: Okay. So, it’s self-testing in terms of like you go get a blood draw

or stool sample or saliva tests or something you mail it in


Ben: Yeah, you hit your knee with the hammer.

Brock: That’s my kind of self-test.


News flashes:

Brock: Okay. To get these and all the other interesting and hot off the

presses news flashes every week, make sure to follow Ben on and google+ and both of those things you can find at So, what’s exciting this week?

Ben: Well, guess what this is.

Brock: It’s something nasty, apparently. Cayenne pepper juice maybe.

Ben: Until I sucked it down the wrong tube, you were supposed to say


Brock: Wait a second. It’s like 3:30 in the afternoon, you’re having


Ben: Ah, but therein lies the rabbit’s snack coffee. It’s mid’s tea. But

the reason that I sipped and was going to do a pretty sexy segue

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into this next study until I turned into my coughing was that

caffeine prevents cognitive impairment induced by chronic

psychosocial stress and or a high fat or high carbohydrate diet.

Essentially, rich caloric foods as well as social stress and

psychological or emotional triggers for stress were shown to be

mediated by about the equivalent of a big cup of coffee in this

study. And so, we’ve mentioned this a few times before on the

show but caffeine kinda has this parabolic curve to it, right? It’s

got this stimulatory and slightly stress relieving effect up to a

certain amount and then you begin to reach that law of

diminishing returns or start to stress you out and over stimulate

your adrenals. But you know, more and more, as I see coffee in

these studies that come out on coffee, the more I like what I see

for the equivalent of a cup a day. And the advice that I’ve get it on

the podcast before still holds true if you’ve kind of beaten up your

adrenal glands, you’re over-trained, or perhaps, you’re extremely

sensitive to caffeine, this may not be for you. But for the average

person, starting off the day with a cup of coffee is a great idea as

long as you don’t choke yourself to death on it.


Brock: That is the key right there. I also saw a link the other day to a

study about how the coffee or caffeine can actually lower or

increase your pain tolerance for a short amount of time as well.

Ben: Yup! And that’s one of the reasons that it works as an ergogenic

aid and why I think it’s the equivalent of about 14 cups of coffee

or so that you banned from getting your Olympics gold medal or

any other national certifying body of sports achievement.

Brock: I can’t even imagine.

Ben: Yeah. Careful once you’re coming up on 13. So, a couple of other

things and by the way, we should mention to folks that we’re

kinda shortening the podcast to be closer to an hour so….

Brock: Fingers are crossed.

Ben: But we are answering as many questions per podcast. Anyways

though, there was this study that came out a few weeks ago, back

in August of 2012 at the time of this recording that eggs are bad

and in fact comparable to cigarettes. Well, I will put a link to this

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new study in the show notes but that other eggs study basically

looked at your total cholesterol, your low density lipoprotein, and

your high density lipoprotein or your LDL and your HDL. Now,

this new study, instead of relying on that relatively shallow

cholesterol information, also looked at cholesterol particle

number, the size which you can do with something called NMR

spectroscopy and some of the proteins and enzymes involved with

cholesterol metabolism. And these type of variables are far more

correlated to the potential for cholesterol to be atherogenic or

atheroschlerotic. Atherogenic be an issue in terms of its oxidation

or its inflammation in your vessels or you know, your potential for

cardiovascular risk from high cholesterol. And what this study

found was that eating the equivalent of 3 regular whole eggs per

day, that’s whole, that’s not egg whites, actually resulted in an

improvement in all these factors. So, not only were eggs shown to

be not as bad as cigarettes but up to 3 eggs per day led to pretty

favorable changes in basically that lipid profile. So, choc one up

for eggs.

Brock: Go eggs!

Ben: And of course, we may get some people wondering about me and

how I taught in a post over at, about

how I’m kinda stirring clear of eggs. That’s something totally

different. You can get, if you really wanna geek out on this, you

can get an immunoglobulin test and if what are called your IGA

and your IGG numbers tend to come out really really high for

eggs, it can mean that you’ve got a lot of immune antibodies

circulating in your bloodstream against the protein in certain

types of eggs and well, a little bit of that immunoglobulin is to be

expected in anyone who’s eating eggs. Mine were kinda off the

chart. So, that’s why I limit the amount of eggs that I eat and

technically, I’m supposed to be eating duck eggs but I just don’t

have a lot f ducks wandering in my backyard laying eggs so….

Brock: Duck eggs are delicious. They make really nice omelets cause they

get so fluffy.

Ben: I thought maybe if I dress a chicken up like a duck, I might be able

to get away with it.

Brock: I think so. Yeah.

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Ben: All right, we’ll see if we can get that one sponsored and out on pub

med. The last study that I want to mention was an interesting

note in the department of human biology or study from the

department of human biology that looked at meal frequency and

that kinda went off the charts on this one. They looked at people

who are eating 3 meals a day. That was what they call their low

meal frequency day. And then people who are eating 14 meals a

day, which is a lot. I have meal frequency and you actually do get

a lot of bodybuilders and some people who are totally going after

this elevate your metabolism through frequent snacking, getting

close up to that, I remember back in my body building days, I

used to think that I could keep my metabolism burning in my fat

burning super high the more I snack. So, you know, you take

whatever, 30 ohmens and just put them into ten 3-ohmen

portions throughout the day. You just basically graze and snack

all day long to keep that metabolic fire elevated. What was found,

interestingly, and this kinda come full circle to what a lot of

personal trainers are preaching is that the 14-meal-a day group

had a lower metabolism, significantly lower metabolism and lower

resting metabolic rate compared to the low frequency group.

Increased satiety and reduced hunger ratings compared with the

high frequency group. So, once again, better blood sugar control,

glycemic improvements and more fatty acid utilization when you

are not snacking multiple times a day. And I personally, kinda do

like a 3 square meal a day type of scenario with one extra

snack/meal thrown in that takes place typically somewhere pre or

post workout. That’s my gig.


Brock: That’s a good gig!

Ben: The last thing I wanted to mention before moving on to this

week’s Q and A was burning calories in bed. Not what you’re

thinking. Exercises that you can do while lying down in bed. I

came across a cool little video. Actually, some of the exercises,

aside from the pillow bench press in one which I thought was

dumb, just a jacked up pillow.

Brock: Yeah, I wanna see that pillow.

Ben: Yeah. Like try ways that you can do triceps extensions and chick

curls and all kinds of interesting things while lying in bed. So, if

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you happen to be in a horizontal position for some reason and you

want to burn calories and you don’t wanna do it the traditional

way that you might do it in bed if someone happen to be in bed

with you. Or in some cases, if you are in bed by yourself then you

can do some of these exercises that we’ll put in a video which is

squeaky clean, don’t worry. We’ll imbed that in the show notes to

this episode which is episode #211. So, we’ll put that in there at along with a list of all of the things that

we recommend in our responses to this week’s Q & A and those

will all be over at the Facebook page under MyList.

Brock: I’m doing my own study right now. I am running a marathon on

the weekend and I’m feeling sorely unprepared for it so I’m

drinking 500 ml. 0f beet root juice during the show and I’m gonna

do that for 2 more days before the race and see if it can get me

across the finish line.

Ben: Oh but that doesn’t get across the finish line, you’ll at least kinda

have fireworks in the toilet water.

Brock: Yeah, it’s already looking fun.


Listener Q and A:

Brock: Okay. In continuing effort to keep the show cruising along, let’s

jump in to our first audio question.

Greg: Yes, Ben. This is Greg. I just have a few questions. I’ve recently

lost some weight, about 40 pounds and I’m starting to notice skin

tags in my armpit areas. Could you furnish any quick tips or any

home remedy type things that you guys could think of or come up

with on how to get rid of those. Done some research and tried a

few things without much success and right now, the best thing I’m

hearing is to go seek a dermatologist and make him have that

removed but I’m looking for any ideas on how to get rid of that

myself. If you guys have anything, I want to hear about it.

Ben: Okay. Skin tags. Some people don’t know what these are because

a lot of folks don’t have them but you do tend to find these in

areas where skin forms creases and a lot of times you do see it in

folks who’ve lost a significant amount of weight. You can get

these skin tags in the neck or in the armpit, in the groin and

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sometimes, even in the face around the eyelids. The scientific

name for them is an acrochordon and basically they’re these little

tags of skin that are like the size of a grain of rice and essentially

when you look at it with the microscope, it’s kind of this fibrous

core that usually has some fat cells and a little bit of like

epidermal skin layering over top of it.

Brock: So, it’s those little things that sort of they almost look like a mole

but just a little bit longer and skinnier.


Ben: Yeah, that’s a skin tag.

Brock: Ah okay, now I know.

Ben: And basically, they come from skin rubbing up against skin.

That’s why you’d fine them in skin creases or in skin folds and not

only for some people they can be embarrassing or unsightly but

they also get irritated when you’re shaving or by some clothing or

especially by jewelry, for example, like necklaces and stuff can

catch on these. So, you can get them removed. We talked about

something last week, like the use of laser therapy for a keloid but

you can use cauterization or somewhat like a laser surgery or

excision by a dermatologist for something like this. There are

home remedies for these type of skin issues. If you’re looking at

like herbal remedies, some things that folks have found to be

helpful, one would be to dry out the skin tag and that would be

using something like tea tree oil. You can dab a little bit of tea

tree oil on the skin tag a few times a day and what they essentially

do in many situations is just shrill up and fall off. You know tea

tree oil, I get most of my essential oils, aside from oil of oregano

from mountain rose herbs, that’s a good website to go to for

something like tea tree oil. Baking soda, you can make a paste out

of baking soda and you can put a few drops of castor oil in there

and you can put that over skin tag and just cover it with a band aid

and _____[16:39.3] with a baking soda and castor oil does it,

cuts off the skin tag from its nutrition so, it dries out and falls off

somewhat like what the tea tree oil would do. Another home

remedy would be garlic which obviously is gonna make you pretty

stinky which I know that we’re gonna talk about a little bit in this

podcast is body odor…

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Brock: Deliciously stinky though.

Ben: …but deliciously stinky with a little Italian twist. So, basically, a

mashed garlic clove or some garlic oil, you know, some of the tea

tree oil, you can dab that over the skin tag and that might burn a

little bit but it can also have a similar effect as far as kinda

mitigating this issue in the first place you know, a lot of times, it

can be aggravated, the skin tags forming in skin folds can be

aggravated by excessive sweat and many times, depending on the

composition of the sweat, and particularly the amount of metal

that you may be almost like sweating out. There is some talk in

the alternative medical community about the presence of heavy

metals in your body and the body sweating out things like high

amounts of lead or mercury perhaps because of exposure to

pollutants or heavy metals in the food supply or lots of dental

work being done that that might aggravate this issue too. And

there are certainly compounds out there that are considered to be

like metal chelators. The one that I’m aware of that is made by

the same company that makes the master amino pattern

supplement, the body health that got one called metal-free and

that’s just this coral chelating agent you spread in your mouth and

it has a little bit of a detoxing effect. That was created by Dr.

David Minkoff, the same guy who created the master amino

pattern amino acid supplement that we recommended before in

the show and he has a lot of history helping people out specifically

with some heavy metal issues due to dental work and so that ‘d be

one that you could certainly look into. I’ll try and remember to

link that in the show notes but it’s basically like a heavy metal

detox type of supplement just to see if that can help you with not

forming these quite so much in the first place.

Brock: Yeah, I know Greg mentioned that he didn’t want to go to the

dermatologist but is there any reason why that would be

something you should avoid?

Ben: No, aside from your checkbook. I mean, you know, if you can put

a little tea tree oil which is gonna cost you 10, 15 bucks for a nice

little bottle of tea tree oil which is a good addition to your

medicine cabinet anyways versus whatever your co-pay or your

premium or your whatever else. You know, it kinda makes sense.

Brock: Or you can get Universal Health Care.

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Ben: Or you can move to Canada, exactly.

Brock: That was a little too smug, wasn’t it?

Carlos: Hi Ben! This is Carlos from Colombia. I’m calling you regarding a

problem I have after every workout, I got a very bad odor. I really

get a bad odor in my clothes and my skin after I do a 45 or an hour

run. I have been reading about it in the internet but I haven’t

found any solution to it. Thanks.

Brock: Okay. So, I know Carlos is definitely not the only listener with this



Ben: Yes. Stinky people are problems in gyms across the planet. And

there are people who are more susceptible to having body odor

and it can depend on your food. It can also depend on like certain

medical conditions like diabetes and the amount of fat cells that

you have so people who are overweight or obese are gonna tend to

struggle with this a little bit more too. The scientific term for this

is bromhidrosis which is just foul-smelling perspiration. So, the

thing is sweat itself doesn’t stink. Sweat is basically odorless at

least to humans. I think dogs can smell some of the components

of sweat a little bit but the humans and our inferior noses, we

really can’t smell sweat. But what we can smell are these bacteria

that rapidly multiply when sweat is broken down into acids and

that’s what causes this unpleasant smell. So, it’s going to be more

likely to occur in areas where you tend to have more of a type of

gland called the apocrine gland which is the sweat gland you’re

gonna find in your crotch and your armpits and in your breasts

and back behind your ear. Those are kind of the main places

where you’re gonna find apocrine glands.

Brock: So, crevices, mainly?

Ben: Crevices and caves, yes. Eccrine glands are the other type of sweat

glands and those are kind of all over the place like on your arms

and on your legs and they’re responsible primarily for regulating

your body’s temperature whereas those apocrine glands are more

or less responsible for signaling and giving off this scent when

those bacteria start to multiply. So, the 2 types of acid that you’re

gonna tend to find that these bacteria are gonna feed on is called

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propionic acid and basically you get a certain type of bacteria that

breaks down amino acids and the propionic acid and that’s gonna

give off like a vinegar type of smell like kind of this pungent sour

smell. And then you also get a different type of acid called

isovaleric acid and that tends to be basically a source of body odor

from a staph. Everybody has a little bit of staph bacteria on their

skin and that has more kinda like this fungal cheesy smell. So,

you can have different levels of these different types of bacteria

depending on the types of food that you eat as well as your

genetics. But those are kind of the two basic types of bacteria that

are gonna cause this type of scent. Now, there are things that you

can do as far as treatment options for body odor. We’ll talk about

diet but before we get to diet, first of all, the biggest concentration

of apocrine glands that are gonna cause this type of issue are in

your armpits. Armpits are pretty susceptible to body odor, a

really good reason to keep your armpits clean and just because

hair can aggravate this issue, because hair slows down the

evaporation of sweat so bacteria have more time to break down

the sweat into these smelly substances if you kinda stray from the

hippy route and shave your armpits especially if you look like Don

King in a headlock. So, I would keep the armpits relatively clean.

I’ve talked about antiperspirants at I’ve

written an article on some of the issues with the chemical cocktail

of compounds that are added to an antiperspirant. Baking soda, a

lot of times, is gonna be just as good in terms of just putting a

little bit of like a totally natural deodorant on there. And if you

got to, you do search for deodorant or

antiperspirant, you can find some of my recommendations for

deodorants that don’t really have a lot of the added ingredients to

them. If you really want to go all out, you can get botox injection

underneath your arms and that will really kill off those bacteria

but I wouldn’t recommend that you do botox injection at all.

Brock: I’d swear to find some other way out and that’s not good.

Ben: Yeah. Spicy foods are all going to have the potential to make your

sweat a lot more pungent. So, curry, garlic, just like about

anything that has cumin in it or capsaicin in it. And also,

interestingly, meat – red meat can also be a big issue when it

comes to body odor so if you’re relying on meat for example as

your primary source of protein, you may experience lots of these

issues if you go closer to something like fish just because the way

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that the body breaks down some of the proteins and the lipids in

meat can lead to some of these odorous byproducts. So, that’s

something that you may wanna experiment less. So you give up

like curries, onions, garlics, spicy foods and you limit the red meat

and that shall help out quite a bit, you know, even if it’s just a

couple of days before you know you’re gonna be doing a super

sweaty workout at the gym. As far as bacteria on the surface of

the skin, I personally, this was one thing that I showed off when I

did a little health tour of my home in the inner circle. I personally

use an antibacterial soap called Dr. Brommer’s and that is what I

use on my body to basically, ever since I had that staph issue, I

used that to kinda mitigate some of the effects that staphylococcus

epidermis can have on the body. So, what I do is get Dr.

Brommer’s soap and I add about half a bottle of the diluted oil of

oregano to it and shake that up and that’s basically what I use

daily as my soap and it works really really well. It’s gotten rid of

some skin issues that I have on my back. I don’t even wear

deodorant but I wash my armpits with that and I think it probably

just kills off a lot of the bacteria in the armpits.


Brock: And so you’re not worried about killing off the good bacterias

because obviously we have trillions of bacterias on us and we need

a lot of those.

Ben: Yeah. Primarily, most of that has to do with the gut. But even in

the gut, oil of oregano is, it doesn’t break down the bacterial cell

wall of your good bacteria. It only acts on a lot of the offensive


Brock: Smart!

Ben: That was something we geeked out on a podcast before was how it

actually does that but the carvacrol is the active ingredient in the

oil of oregano that actually is going to have really really nice

action against parasites, yeast fungus and bad bacteria. So, those

are all the things that you could do and then as far as the feet go

and the shoes, I use this product called cool feet from Hermon

Nutrition and I’ll that before races or use it after tough workouts.

I just literally sprinkle it inside of my shoes and I even sprinkle it

inside of my socks before I travel on an airplane to keep my socks

from getting too stinky and it’s basically just baking soda and

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arrow root and then some essential oils like clove and tea tree and

stuff like that. So, that works pretty well for like the feet and the

shoes and interestingly, if you really wanted to geek out on

making your own home deodorant like and aluminum-free

deodorant, baking soda and arrow root powder and essential oils

are kind of three of the main ingredients that you would add in to

something like that. So, the last thing you can put into that would

be something like coconut oil. But there’s actually really get

homemade deodorant recipe on the internet that I can link to in

the show notes if anybody wants to just make your own deodorant

at home.

Lisa: Hey Ben! This is Lisa calling and I just have a question regarding

eczema. I’ve had eczema for a number of years and it’s gotten

worse recently and I’m curious if you have any suggestions for

dietary changes that may help deal with it. Thanks so much! Bye.

Ben: Well, this really is the skin episode. We’ve got stinky people, we’ve

got skin tags and now we’ve got eczema. And eczema is

something that my wife has actually dealt with a little bit. It’s just

this inflammation on the outer layer of the skin and it’s kinda of a

catch-all term. There’s a bunch of different skin conditions. It

can be like skin rashes and a little bit of skin swelling and itching

and dryness and even bleeding in some cases. But it’s just

basically kind of an inflammation of the skin that can be related to

a variety of different conditions. We talked about how diet can

affect the activity of the sweat glands and your stinkiness or lack

thereof and the same thing can be said for something like eczema

specifically anything that causes an auto immune reaction or an

inflammatory reaction can trigger dermatitis or inflammatory

skin issues and the specific dietary elements that would cause

something like that are the basic things that folks tend to be

allergic to. That will be like gluten and dairy. That would be any

type of soybean product, eggs, nuts, and in some cases, corn can

be an issue and actually, coffee can be also be a little bit of an

allergic trigger in some cases and lots of people with eczema may

be sad but coffee can be an issue as well. So, those are some of the

things that you’d want to think about potentially working out of

your diet and doing kind of like an elimination diet to see how

that stuff clears up eczema. It’s typically about 10-12 days that

you got to have out your diet before you really notice whether or

not it’s affecting your skin as far as getting some of that

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information cleared up. That’s why doing something like cutting

bread out for a day to see how you feel isn’t quite as effective as

cutting it out for 2 weeks. So, as far as some of the things that you

can do at the same time, there is a couple of research studies that

show that probiotics basically just consuming oral probiotics may

help a little bit with some skin inflammatory conditions. Some

Chinese herbal medicines have been shown to have an effect to

that will be using something like Chinese adaptogenic herbs,

something like tea and chi or something of that nature would also

be helpful. And then as far as other elements that go over and

above diet, light therapy basically doing like tanning or sun

tanning, that may help a little bit with eczema, just getting the

skin exposed to some UV light. Of course, you be careful that you

don’t go overboard and increase your risk for skin cancer but

making sure that you get out in the sunlight and you expose that

skin to light. That can help out a little bit. Sometimes antigens in

your environment such as carpets in your house that can be an

issue too with inflammation if you’ve got like mold in your house

or if you’ve got even like mites and stuff like that in your carpet.

You may wanna look into whether or not moving into a new area

or adding carpet to your home or something like that is associated

with the onset of eczema. Those are some of the things that I

would do though. The biggest thing really and the thing that’s

helped out my wife the most cause I used to see that in her hands

and stuff all the time before we started to cut bread and gluten

and wheat out of our diets and we’re pretty clean now. You know,

our dairy is mostly from just like a raw source or raw milk from a

local farm. We’ve got no bread and no wheat and that seems to

have helped out tremendously and we barely even noticed it.

Occasionally, when we’re traveling when she’s kinda eating

cheating on her diet, she’ll notice that it pops up a little bit more

but I would say that I’m a big believer in the dietary element when

it comes to eczema.


_______: Hey Ben! I was reading your article about this stretching and one

of the last video here called single leg quad stretch side. And I’m

just wondering why is it that you’ll lean yourself forward because I

was thinking it’s rather unnecessary to do that and you’re kinda

like lose your balance. So, I just wanna know if there’s a benefit

that you can get out of it. Thanks.

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Brock: All right. The single leg quad stretch, so you’re standing up, you

kick one leg up so you’re holding on to it, you’re holding unto your

foot behind your butt and your pulling it to your quad gets already

gets stretched.

Ben: Yeah. We should link to the YouTube version of this because I

have this morning stretch routine that I do or maybe we can just

link to the episode where I’ll just walk

people through the exact morning stretch routine that I do. Cause

every morning, I go out typically outside where it’s cold so I can

kinda do the cold thermogenesis thing at the same time that I

stretch. I go through a series of stretches while I listen to typically

some kind of like spiritual learning or devotional and for me it’s

really relaxing, a way to start my day. It’s almost like my

meditation. I typically hold each stretch for anywhere from 3-5

breaths and I do it because of the stress mitigating and the blood

pressure lowering effects of yoga and stretching and things of that

nature. I don’t do it because I think it’s going to make me a better

athlete or decrease my risk of injury because there really isn’t a lot

of evidence behind that but it is very relaxing and one of the

stretches that I do is the stretch where you just crample your

ankle up to your butt. I’m sure any of the yogist listening in

probably has some special yogi term like the floating stork or

something like that.

Brock: Utthita Trikonasana.

Ben: Yeah, Utthita Trikonasana. That sounded good.

Brock: I think that’s actually triangle pose but that’s the only one I can

think of.

Ben: All right. So, anyways you pull your ankle towards your butt to

stretch out your hip flexor. Technically, whenever you’re doing

hip flexor stretch, leaning back is going to place a little bit greater

stretch on the hip flexor and a little bit on the piriformis and some

of the lower ab muscles. However, what I do is I pull my heel up

to my butt and I lean forward so that I’m basically getting a hip

flexor stretch on one leg and a hamstring stretch on the other.

That’s my tricky little way to kill two birds with one stone and if

you noticed in the video, we’ll put a link to that in the show notes,

I still kinda lean back, I arch my back a little bit so I am getting a

good hip flexor stretch and trust me, I really do feel the stretch

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deep in my hip flexor with that particular stretch which I think we

should now officially call the floating stork.

Brock: We’re the drowning stork really.

Ben: That’s right. But yeah, I mean for anybody listening in, I’m a big

big fan of starting off your day with a morning stretch routine and

as Brock knows, cause I coach him in write out his workouts on

training peaks. Always, every week, in the starting of the week is

“here’s your stretch routine, do this everyday this week preferably

in the morning” and most of the athletes that I coach have the

same rule.


Brock: You know, I actually throw and use of those killing two birds with

one stone. I’d throw in a third bird into there that you’re actually

working on your proprioception and your balance as well cause

when you throw yourself you throw your axis off by leaning

forward, you also have to work on balance and proprioception too.

Ben: Yeah. I totally forgot about that but you’re right. There’s

definitely a balance component and I try to do as many stretches

as I can standing on one leg for that reason just to make sure that

I get a bit of balance and kinda get my mind focused in the

morning. So that, combined with the breathing, combined with

the cold, I’m pretty much hooked that way to start my day. I think

my head would explode if I just had a kinda roll out a bed and go

into my day now without doing my morning stretch routine.

Brock: You know what I say to that?

Ben: Hmm.

Brock: Ohmmmm.

Kevin: Hey Ben! This is Kevin from Albany New York. I’ve been trying

to look into different ways to change my diet around to help beat

some blood pressure and cholesterol issues that kinda run with

my family. My mother has high blood pressure, my father has

high cholesterol, and from what I’ve come to understand, it’s

genetic from both sides of my family. Doctors have said that my

blood pressure right now runs a little bit on the high side but

hasn’t been as high as to put me on any medication but it’s very

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very borderline and I’d like to try and beat this out and get this

under control without going on any medication. I’ve been looking

into going to a ketogenic diet in order to try and beat this. Right

now, I’m 26 years old, my mother was diagnosed with high blood

pressure mid 20’s, my father high cholesterol on his mid 30’s and

I know both of them take medication for both those things and my

father follows a special diet for also a couple of conditions that he

has. Anything you could add would be fantastic also know am a

big triathlete, love doing the sport, and have used your Ironman

dominator to get me to my first time and finish one. So thank you

very much for that and any help you could give me on that would

be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.

Ben: In most cases, such as in a case like Kevin’s, I don’t want this to be

misconstrued as medical advice but you can, in most cases, really

do some good things with blood pressure without necessarily

turning to medication. Not only are some of the natural remedies

a little less expensive but some of these medications can have side

effects. So, rather than getting into a long list of side effects, let’s

just dwell on the good and go into some of the things that you can

naturally do to lower blood pressure. I’m just gonna tell you some

of the supplements that can help out. Coenzyme Q10 is a really

good one and there had been double blind placebo controlled

trials performed with people who were taking about a 120 mg. of

Coenzyme Q10 on a daily basis and that’s not a ton of Coenzyme

Q10. For example, I think I’ve mentioned the liquid antioxidant

supplement Nutra Rev before on the show. I’ll put a link to that in

the show notes but I think that’s around 50 mg. per serving so you

know, a couple of servings or something like that per day.

Coenzyme Q10 though has been shown not only in that study but

also in a few other studies to really have some good systolic and

diastolic blood pressure lowering effects. That’s one that has not

only good benefits for blood pressure but also for blood sugar

control and endurance performance as well. So, that’s a good one

to add in. One that my mom takes that she’s always taken to help

with blood pressure and that she automatically knows a difference

when she stops taking it is a garlic supplement. You gotta be a

little bit careful with garlic if you’re taking aspirin or coumadin or

some other blood thinning type of drugs because garlic can thin

the blood similarly. But garlic supplements can have a really

really good effect on blood pressure as well. So, you can get them

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in supplement form like garlic powder – that’s powder in a

capsule form, you can just cook with garlic a lot. The advantage of

the pill is just a lot of times, they’re a little bit less odorous than

the garlic cloves or whatever.

Brock: Yeah, Carlos, stay away from that.

Ben: Yeah. Fish oil is another really good one that not quite as much as

garlic and Coenzyme Q10 but it can have a modest effect on high

blood pressure. Fish oil is bad for you though if you are eating

oxidized fish oil. So, if you’re taking cod liver oil and it’s gotten

warm or you’re using fish oil that’s been packaged improperly,

that’s been exposed to a lot of oxygen and air, if it’s been exposed

to a lot of heat, whether in its packaging or in its delivery to your

home, it’s actually not good for you. I’ve got an interview in cue

with a guy named Brian Peskin that I’ll be releasing here in the

next few weeks on fish oil. It’s kinda scary in terms of the damage

that fish oil can do if you’re not careful. So, you wanna choose a

fish oil that is in its triglyceride form, fish oil that is pure, that is

packaged preferably with a little exposure to oxygen as possible

and that has some antioxidants added to it to mitigate some of the

effects of oxidation that are going to occur regardless when you

take an oil and you package it. I mean technically, best case

scenario, we get our fish oil from fish like pulled out of a nice cold

icy river or like in taken straight to our plate but for a lot of folks,

that’s not an option. So, fish oil is kinda second best but it does

have an effect on blood pressure. You just need to be careful that

you don’t get a fish oil that has been exposed to pressure and heat

and light and a lot of the things that can basically cause oxidation

of some of those oils which can lead to heart issues, brain issues

and a lot of the other issues with free radicals circulating in your

blood stream.


Brock: Would that be a danger with something like sardines?

Ben: Oh sure, if it’s been exposed to heat, yeah, absolutely. So, you just

need to be careful since it’s a little less concentrated than a fish

oil. But any fish be exposed to a lot of heat, anything that you’re

reading that’s packaged in oil, it does need to be taken care of. It’s

the reason that canola oil or other vegetable oils that have been

exposed to high amounts of heat and pressure are not a good idea.

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In addition to fish oil, hawthorn is an herb that is used in

traditional herbal medicine for high blood pressure. And there

was a randomized controlled trial over in the UK. That found that

hawthorn extract had a pretty good effect versus a placebo in

terms of significantly reducing blood pressure and the folks who

were engaged in that study were also taking a blood-pressure-

lowering medication and there were no dangerous interactions

between the hawthorn extract and blood pressure medication.

But the hawthorn lowered the blood pressure significantly

compared to a group who is taking a blood pressure medication

without the presence of hawthorn. So, hawthorn extract with the

herb hawthorn would be another one to look into. Minerals, when

they’re out of balance in the body, can have a pretty big effect in

terms of causing high blood pressure. Potassium

supplementation and calcium supplementation as well as

magnesium supplementation have all shown statistically

significant lowering in blood pressure whether systolic or diastolic

or in some cases, both. You could do something like simply take a

liquid trace mineral in the morning and that’d be an easy way to

kinda cover your mineral bases just because a lot of vegetables

and fruits and plants tend to be a little bit void in minerals just

because of the use of fertilizers and leeching from the soil and not

treating farmland properly. So, supplementing with a mineral can

help out quite a bit when it comes to blood pressure. And then,

when we go above and beyond popping pills and supplements as

far as lifestyle factors, biofeedback, which is basically a technique

where you learn how to gain control over your own internal body

processes, that’s something that can be helpful. There’s a bunch

of different ways to do biofeedback. A good way to get started and

just get exposed to biofeedback or to training for stress reduction

or stress relaxation would be to go over to Azumio. I’ll put a link

to it in the show notes or in the MyList for the episode over at It’s a phone app. There’s a phone app

called Stress Doctor. There’s another one called Stress Check. In

both of those, you just put your finger over the camera lens of

your phone and it takes your heart rate and also measures the

amount of time spent between each heart rate and the change in

that amount of time or your heart rate variability. And it trains

you how to basically cause changes in your heart rate and your

heart rate variability that are favorable when it comes to stress.

And that can have a really really significant effect on your blood

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pressure and your relaxation. And it’s just a kind of a poor man’s

form of biofeedback without you having to go to a fancy

biofeedback practitioner and get hooked up to computer monitor

with electrodes and all that jazz. And as I mentioned, stretching

and yoga has a blood pressure lowering effect so, you could, for

example, check out the link that I’ll put in the show notes to the

little yoga routine that I do every morning and just do something

like that along with some of these other lifestyle and

supplementation changes. So, as far as cholesterol is concerned,

as you may have heard on the show before this, it’s not necessarily

an issue if you have high cholesterol. Sometimes it can be a little

bit more of an issue if you do have familial hypercholesterolemia.


The big thing that you should go after is making sure that you

don’t have a chronic inflammatory state in your body. It’s not that

cholesterol is not able to be oxidized. Some of the things that can

oxidized cholesterol or cause you to become rancid the same way

that if you overcook scrambled egg, that can become rancid. You

can damage the cholesterol in those. You can do the same thing.

You can damage cholesterol in your blood streams same that you

can do in a saucepan. Eating lots of sugars and grains can make

that high cholesterol a lot bigger issue, eating foods that are

cooked at high temperatures, especially anything that has oils or

fats in it, that’s an issue. Eating foods that have transfats in them

and generally, that’s not as big an issue nowadays. You’re getting

less and less of those at restaurants and stuff but that can be an

issue as well. Transfats, processed fats, generally, most of the

packaged crackers and cookies and stuff like that, you wanna be

careful with. Healthy, preferably raw fats are fine. Olive oil and

coconut oil, organic raw dairy products like butter and cream and

cheese and stuff like that is okay for this, organic and raw form if

you’ve got access to something like that. Avocados, nut seeds, eggs

that are not overcooked and then just like organic, grass-fed

meats. All that stuff is stuff that is okay and would actually be

considered anti-inflammatory and not as damaging to naturally

high cholesterol levels as something like sugars and grains. You

can measure how much chronic inflammation you have in your

arteries with this C-recta protein test. The CRP test basically, if

you got levels that are under about I mg per liter of blood, that’s

good. If it’s much higher than that, and it’s combined with high

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cholesterol, that’s bad. So, I would measure CRP levels and see

where they’re at to see how concerned you need to be about

something like this. And again, I don’t want this to be

misconstrued as medical advice. You might want to work more

hand in hand with your physician on this but testing CRP is

definitely one thing that you should look into doing and I

mentioned that NMR test that you can have done for cholesterol

particle size. You could go to a company like Wellness FX, for

example, to do something like that and those spell all those

numbers at you and also hook you up with a qualified medical

practitioner. And most of the medical practitioners kinda think

along the same lines as I do in terms of what you really need to

worry about when it comes to cholesterol. So, mitigate some of

the potential for inflammation in your body and then as far as

supplements, I mentioned CoQ10. The nice is that’s also really

really good defense against low density lipoprotein oxidation or

oxidation of some of those cholesterol particles. A few other

things that can help in terms of high cholesterol would be vitamin

K and you get that from like grass-fed butter in some meats, in

liver but vitamin K is one of the things that can help protect

against the, basically it clears cell debris and that can really help

you out if you got a lot of cholesterol or you have a lot of oxidized

cholesterol. The other thing I mentioned that you’d wanna stay

away from if you have stinky sweat but that can help quite a bit

when it comes to basically increasing the expression of a specific

receptor that is your LDL receptor and so it can make sure you

don’t have a bunch of cholesterol spending a long time in your

blood stream would be curcumin which is just turmeric extract so

that’d be another thing that you can supplement with a dose of

curcumin. So, I know I threw a lot out at you there but those are

just some of the basics when it comes to the blood pressure and

cholesterol issues that keep you away from going to drug route.

Brock: And sounds like it’s something that Kevin could easily share with

his parents as well if they’ve obviously got these problems too. So

don’t keep it to yourself, Kevin.

Ben: Yeah. Spread the wealth.

Helpful Husband:

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Hey Ben and Brock! Great show! Love listening and I got cool

question helping my wife train for her “bucket list” marathon. It’s

in 15 weeks, this coming weekend, she’ll be up to a 10-mile long

run. I know the conventional way is to limit long runs to no

longer than 3 hours and you get into negative returns. Only issue

is she runs at a 15 minute per mile pace which obviously is gonna

cap her at 12 miles. She would like to do a 20 mile just for the

peace of mind and knowing she’s covered that distance long into

the actual marathon, that’s why I wanna get your take on that.

Would it be okay to go ahead and schedule her for 12, 14, 16, 18

and 20-milers? I’ll appreciate it. You guys have great one! . Bye.

Brock: Yeah. I know what Jack Daniels would answer if you ask him this

question. So, you wouldn’t ask an elite runner to go longer than 3

hours so why would you ask an amateur?


Ben: Yeah. Of course, the thought here is that the amateur runner

who’s taking longer than 3 hours run a marathon is going to be

spending a lot of time on his/her feet and of course, logic would

seem to imply that if you’re going to be taking 5 hours doing a

marathon but you’re never spending longer than 3 hours out

painting the pavement or on the asphalt, how the heck are you

going to be able to run the marathon? The issue here is that you

need to look at the advantages versus the disadvantages of these

super long trainings sessions that might have you out there longer

than 3 hours. As your run progresses, your hip flexors are going

to tighten up, that’s inevitable. It doesn’t matter how good the

soft tissue is or how flexible you are, in your hip flexors or you

know how much you form roll your piriformis, whatever. All

that’s gonna shorten up and as that shortens up, you begin to put

a lot more stress on your hips, not only your hip socket but also

your IT bend, which is going to attach to your knee and put a lot of

stress especially on the outside of your knees. Now of you have

poor quadriceps tone, it can also put quite a bit of stress on the

back of your patella and a lot of the cartilage on your knees. And

then, there can be a rubbing of your sacroiliac joint, kind of a

greasly surface of that joint that gives the smooth service and a

locking up of that SI joint that can lead to back pain. And so, you

have people arriving at the starting line of a marathon with IT

band friction syndrome, sacroiliac joints that are locked up or

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sacroiliac joint syndrome and then also the hip flexor issue that

leads to pain on the outsides of the hips and potentially arthritic

degeneration in the outside of the hips. So, you got all that stuff

and it makes a lot more sense to figure out creative ways to teach

your body how to spend time on its feet without going out for

those long runs. This sounds kinda silly but one of the things that

I do is I’ve got a standing workstation. And you can also do it. A

treadmill workstation but it puts you on your feet all day long and

it kinda used to spending time on your feet without that impact

component. And I swear that helps me out a lot.

Brock: Dean Karnazes says, I’ve heard him say exactly the same thing

and he’s like ultra runner extraordinaire.

Ben: Yeah. I think it helps out quite a bit to spend a lot of time on your

feet during the day. From ancestral health or hunter-gatherer

standpoint, you think about people who are out there on their feet

for long periods of time, it’s a good way to strengthen the core and

strengthen the lower body without impact. So, I like standing a

lot as a way to get the body ready for a long run without going for

these long long runs. I like long hikes, again, fairly low impact,

you’re still getting that cardiovascular effect, you’re getting some

nice exposure to nature, you’re strengthening the butt and the

hamstrings as you push off and go up the hill without a lot of

impact. And you can load up an MP3 player with a few good

podcasts or maybe grab your I-phone or your hunting license and

go for a long hike and that’s another way that you can get a long

session and some time on your feet without actually having to go

through the rigors of running a marathon. It’s gonna beat up your

body a little less. Granted long hike is a long hike, you’d still be

out there for a while, so from the time component, there’s still a

time investment but there’s not quite as much of a beating up the

body type of investment. And then the last thing you could

consider would just be like bricks. You go on a nice long bike ride

and then later on in the day or maybe afterwards, go you on a run

that’s much shorter than what you normally do if you hadn’t gone

that bike ride. So, bike ride free fatigue some of those muscles

you still get a little bit of running in but you’re not getting all of

that impact. And I guess the last thing I should mention would be

two-day running and this is something that I did quite a bit last

year when I was training for Ironman was, instead of doing a 90-

minute or 2-hour run, I do a two-day where I wake up in the

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morning and do 60 minutes pretty hard and in the evening, 60-

minute easy run, easy rob rick run. And I worked out really well

in terms of giving my body the same feel as though I’ve been

exposed to the rigors of a 2-hour training session without actually

going out and beating up the body and causing some of those

issues that I mentioned with the long run.

Brock: It comes down to that same old philosophy of you’d rather arrive

at the start line 10% undertrained than 1% overtrained. It’ll serve

you a lot better.

Ben: Yeah, exactly. Yup!

Brock: Okay! So, we actually have one more question and it’s not an

audio question so I’m gonna have to read it. It comes from Matt

and Matt says….

Ben: Do you remember how to do that? to read?

Brock: I’m gonna give it a shot. Matt says, “I recently attempted a 100-

mile run and had to drop out half way because of quad cramping

and blisters. I’ve run 50 miles at 8:36 pace and had good energy

during the race and had even splits for 2 of the 25-mile loops. In

fact, I was in first place in the 100 and would have been third if I

hadn’t dropped out. Was it lack of calories? I only had about 200

during the entire race. When I tried to run faster, when I start to

step up on a rock, both quads would cease up for several minutes.

This started during the last 10-15 miles of the run and I want to

add that none of these would have been possible if I wasn’t keto-

adapted.” I guess so ‘cause 200 calories during an entire 100-mile

run, not much.


Ben: Yeah. I actually asked Brock if we could talk about cramping on

the show because for a couple of reasons, I’ve been looking into

cramping and muscle spasms a little bit more recently. Just heard

some clans I’ve been working with and some of that rode into me

after I’d answered the cramping question on the show. You could

go to and do a search for cramps and

listen to some of the stuff that we ‘ve talked about as far as the

things that could cause cramps such as dehydration, lack of

electrolytes long term like a chronic lack of electrolytes not like an

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acute lack of taking salt pills, asking the muscles do more than

they’re used to doing it at training session. And yes, even

glycogen depletion. If you completely run out of carbs, no matter

how fat-adapted or keto-adapted you are, there can be some

issues if you are pushing your body up to an intensity here and

there where you are going will be called glycolytic. You’re asking

the muscles to contract with carbohydrate, no carbohydrate is

available so they cease up and they spasm. And that’s why even in

someone who’s fat-adapted, it makes pretty good sense to keep

some amount of carbohydrate calories slowly bleeding in. That’s

why I like to use the latest this UCAN super starch stuff. Granted

I use a lot less of it than I normally use, say like during Ironman, I

normally take 4 gels an hour, which is 400 calories an hour, and

then a little bit of solid food at the end of each hour, like a

champs or block or something like that. But now, I’m just using 2

servings of that UCAN super starch which is about 200 calories an

hour. But ultimately, short answer is, yeah, carbohydrate

depletion can cause cramping if you are carbohydrate depleted

and try to push yourself. The other thing that I wanted to

mention is something I haven’t talked about before in this show.

And that is that there is a syndrome that is fairly rare but it’s

basically kind of this hyper excitability issue with your peripheral

nerves. It’s called cramp fasciculation syndrome or CFS. And

people who have this are going to be much more prone to cramps

or spasms during exercise or even outside of exercise such as leg

cramps. And it’s something that I think can be an issue when

folks are trying all these other things that we’ve talked about in

terms of cramping and not really seeing results. The reason that I

bring this up is someone who had written in the show before and

was having all this cramp and they’re finally diagnosed with this

issue. They tried everything else and not been able to mitigate

this cramps. They finally got diagnosed and what they found was

that there is some stuff that really actually helped out this

cramping quite a bit, in particular, a supplement called taurine.

Here’s the deal. Basically, taurine stabilizes your cell membranes

which are the membrane that surrounds your muscle fibers and it

controls calcium entry into the muscle. So it promotes muscle

contraction and keeps calcium, too much or too high of a calcium

influx from precipitating a cramp. And that’s a lot of times how a

cramp can occur is too much calcium binding to the active

filaments in muscle and causing the spasm. So, taurine and

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taurine supplementation pre or post workout can actually help

with muscle cramps in some individuals and especially in

individuals who are prone to hyper excitability in terms of

nervous system hyper excitability when they’re exercising. The

interesting thing is that if you happen to be a more muscular

person who has more fast-twitch muscles, you may be someone

who is more prone to cramping in the absence of adequate

taurine. Slow-twitch muscles have naturally high levels of taurine

whereas fast-twitch muscles do not. Taurine supplementation,

especially in someone who’s naturally muscular, or naturally a

little bit more built, may actually help to mitigate cramping and

it’s something we haven’t talked about on the show before. And in

this case, the individual who wrote me, basically, completely

eliminated cramping, I shouldn’t say completely. I think she said

it was about she decreased it significantly with taurine

supplementation of about 5 grams per day. Now, what I should

mention is that taurine occurs naturally in food. You can get it

from seafood and from meat. And generally, you get a decent

amount form an omnivorous diet. People who are following a

strict vegan or vegetarian diet may be even more prone to taurine-

depleted-related cramping. And so, once again, that’s another

issue where taurine may come in to play even if you aren’t a really

built person with a lot of fast-twitch muscle. I thought this was a

really interesting thing and the last thing to be aware of is that, I

mentioned this before; I think that Red Bull is kind of an upper

and a downer because it’s got the upper – caffeine it in, and then,

the downer - taurine in it. Taurine can function in your brain as

an inhibitor in neuro transmitter. It can kinda have this

depressant function on the brain. So, you do need to know that

you might have a little bit more of a sleepy down feeling when you

supplement with taurine and you can mitigate that a little bit with

caffeine but if you’re dealing with cramps, this will be something

to experiment with. You can just get pure taurine from gnaw foods

mixed with taurine powder and a taurine capsule and I can throw

a link on the MyList to this episode and also on the show notes. It

could be an issue of taurine as well and so I really wanted to bring

this up because it was some new information that came my way.

Brock: Do you think after supplementing with taurine for a little while,

would you get sort of it after they’re used to it and you wouldn’t

get that down feeling?

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Ben: I don’t know. It’s tough to say. I know a lot of people would drink

Red Bull a lot and find that Red Bull seems to help them out quite

a bit and it never causes them to become sleepy. I’m still not a fan

of Red Bull because of lot of the other nervous system stimulants

that are in it and the sugar, the acid or the artificial sweeteners or

what not. But that could be, Brock, but I actually don’t know. It’s

one of those things where you have to use yourself as a case study

of one. But I’m throwing the information out there on the table

for anybody who is trying to mitigate cramps with a lot of

different stuff. You may wanna try doing something like taurine.

Brock: Very cool! Well, and that wraps it up for this week and I think,

fingers crossed, we may have made it under one hour.

Ben: Nice! That would be a miracle. Well, maybe we should banter for

like 10 minutes.

Brock: Yeah! So, what are doing this weekend?

Ben: I’m going to Kona. I actually am gonna be down in Hawaii. So,

those of you who wanna kinda get plugged in to the whole

Ironman Hawaii thing, who are triathletes, you should totally tune

in to the Endurance Planet podcast. We’ve got an on ground

reporter down there. I am gonna be doing special sports nutrition

episode live on the page. I’ll be

answering your nutrition questions about a race like Ironman

Hawaii live and talking about strategies there. Well, this will be

basically broadcasting probably from Lava java down there on the

big island and that’ll be next Friday, the day before the actual

race. For any listeners who are down in Kona, feel free to follow

me on and occasionally, when I’m

sitting in a coffee shop or tweet out and come over and say hi.

And then, of course, I should also mention that we’ll put, as I

mentioned before, links to everything that I talk about from

wellness effects to these stress control phone apps to some of my

recommendations for stinky people and for blood pressure and

cholesterol, all on the show notes and also on the MyList for this

episode, Episode#211. And you can find that MyList over at So, did I do a great job, Brock?


Brock: I think that was great! I just want to throw in…I’m actually…it’s

not quite as exciting as Kona, but I’m gonna be in Victoria, busy

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this weekend on October 7 doing the marathon there. So, if you

see me, say hi.

Ben: Get your rotten tomatoes ready for Brock and hack a few Adam as

he run.

Brock: Beets! Rotten beets please.

Ben: There you go. You won’t want anymore beets by the time that

race roves around. So, all right, folks, this has been Ben and

Brock, signing out from Have a great


For personal nutrition, fitness or triathlon consulting, supplements, books or

DVD’s from Ben Greenfield, please visit Pacific Elite Fitness at