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Bellerive News

Welcome to our newsletter Specialising in the Sciences, Applied Learning, Maths and Computing

July 2015

For Parents, Carers, Parishes and Community

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On the 10th of June, we were given the opportunity to visit Leach Structural Steel Works in Preston, who are supplying the steel for our new sixth form building. We were welcomed by the managing director Eric Leach, the business development manager Cath Holland and the safety, health, environmental and quality managers Ian Park and Mark Rimmer from Morgan Sindall.

We were given a presentation on the company, which included the process and manufacturing facilities and also the steel erection on site. Along with constructing and designing Bellerive FCJ’s new sixth form they have also worked on many other schools in the area such as St Hildas and St John Bosco. They have travelled as far as Hertfordshire and Yorkshire to construct several sites.

After the presentation we went on a tour around the factories to see the laser cuttings of steel, the fabrication, welding, painting and we were also lucky enough to see their new extension of the factory.

During the tour around the factory, we had our photograph taken with a plaque of steel engraved with our FCJ values that has been etched into the steel beams. We also had the opportunity to sign our names on to a separate beam, both of these will be included in our school structure.

Next week we will also be on construction site to see the steel beams delivered to our school, which will be another great experience.

Emma Chauveau, Lauren Donnelly and Emily Earley.

Sixth Form built on FCJ values

For entry into Year 7 in 2016 - Tuesday 29th Sept 6pm - 8pm

Bellerive is a popular choice for girls from across Liverpool and beyond. Come and find out why it is such a unique and oversubscribed school.

Open Evening

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On a sunny Sunday afternoon in June a number of staff and about 40 pupils volunteered to help make some special guests to the school feel very welcome. A reunion was held for former Bellerive students and teachers in which ‘old girls’ from the 1930s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s 80’s 90’s and 00’s had gathered from as far away as the USA and Australia to meet up with one another as they walked around the school and reminisced about the best years of their lives.

Stories of life in Bellerive ‘in those days’ were shared, some humorous, some less so, but all with great sentiment. The corridors were filled with laughter and companionship as our guests re-lived their past, reminding one another of the bonds they shared and the memories of a place that has been kept very close to their hearts, in some cases, for well over half a century.

Year 9 Easter Fair

9R organised an Easter Fair just before the end of term. The pupils delivered a real variety of interesting activities and stalls like a beauty bazaar, 'Pick a chick' games, raffles, tombolas and homemade cakes. They raised £120 for The Good Shepherd. Well done 9R! Maddison Hornsby and Kiera Tann pictured.

While taking great delight in their memories being re-awoken as they entered familiar classrooms, many expressed openly their delight at seeing the new buildings that had sprung up since their own school days. Even more emphatic were their glowing accounts in their praise of the pupils they met who were such great ambassadors for the school as they acted as welcomers and guides to our guests.

The only slight concern on an otherwise perfect day was the fact that so many of our host pupils came into school the following day with stories of some of the antics and pranks that many of our guests had told them they had got up to, (presumably in the years before the introduction of school health and safety regulations!)

Rolling back the years

Ciara does her bit for asthma awarenessThe 5th of May was World Asthma Day and the Asthma Nurses had a stand at the front entrance of Alder Hey Hospital.The wonderful eye catching artwork on the Asthma Nurses Service banner was drawn by Ciara Chellew in 7A. This was drawn while Ciara was an inpatient with an exacerbation of her asthma and was selected for publicity purposes - well done Ciara.

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Breaking new ground at Bellerive

Work has begun in earnest on the new sixth form centre here at Bellerive. The new building, which will overlook Sefton Park, is scheduled for completion in 2016 and will house our sixth form and a number of other subject areas. Our contractors, Morgan Sindall, are now well established on site and at the time of writing, foundation and drainage works were almost completed with the expectation that the first delivery of steel for the frame of the building will arrive very soon. Staff and students alike are keeping a constant watch on the progress of the building and we will keep you up to speed as the project develops.


As you can see, Morgan Sindall are making great progress with the new building. The steel frame up to the first floor is in place and work now starts on the brickwork and floor, before moving onto the frame on the 2nd floor.

Upton FCJ VisitA group of Year 7 girls had the pleasure of joining Upton Hall FCJ school to share in part of their activities week. The girls were delighted to see another FCJ school in operation rather than just learning about them in class. The Year 7s at Upton looked after the Bellerive girls and they were delighted to show them around their school. During the afternoon, the girls participated in calligraphy, cricket, Tai Chi and Spanish activities. Year 7 were amazed to see the place where the FCJ foundress Marie Madeleine was once buried. We look forward to extending our links with Upton Hall in the future.

Year 12 General RE talk – The ethics of organ donation

As part of their NOCN General RE studies, the Year 12 cohort studied the topic of Medical Ethics. In this unit they covered the controversial subjects of Saviour Siblings and Organ Donation. The Year 12 General RE teaching team were lucky enough to be able to secure the help of Emma Thirlwall, a specialist organ donation nurse and her team, to aid the delivery of part of the unit.

Emma and her team came into Bellerive before half term to deliver a presentation about the facts, figures and ethics of organ donation in this country. The information they provided was incredibly interesting and thought-provoking especially that of team member Jo, who spoke openly about how her husband had sadly passed away but after death, went on to save the lives of 4 other people through donating his organs.The students were given the opportunity to pose questions to the team and it generated some fabulous discussion both during, and after, the presentation.

Both staff and students alike got a great deal from the presentation and we hope to continue to maintain these links for future activities so watch this space!

Year 8 trip to Silver Blades

30 Year 8 pupils thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon at Silver Blades in Widnes, trying out a new type of exercise and having fun! Exercise is an important part of healthy living, helping us to study harder and perform better class. Not only did we have plenty of time to have a go on our own, but we also had the advantage of tuition from two ice skating coaches. Some of us were nervous at first, but then we soon overcame our fears and had a great time. By the end of the afternoon, some of the girls were trying out spins and jumps!

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Dot Art competition - Year 9

Well done to all of the Year 9 girls who entered the 'Dot Art' competition recently. The three finalists Emily Wright, Weronika Wojdylak and Katy Whitfield were invited to St George's Hall to receive a certificate and to meet the Lord Mayor. Well done in particular to Emily Wright who was selected by the panel of judges and won first prize in the Bellerive FCJ entries. Emily's work was displayed in the Dot Art exhibition in St George's Hall for two weeks.

We are very proud of you - well done!

Bellerive welcomes our own Junior Lord Mayor

We will be delighted to welcome Evie Collier from St Christopher's Junior School in September 2015. Evie is the current Junior Lord Mayor with the current Lord Mayor Tony Concepcion.

Evie is a school councillor and was voted in by her class peers. She then had the chance to try to be elected for Junior Lord Mayor along with 3 other class members. She had to write a speech and Evie's speech was chosen to represent St Christopher's. She then had to read her speech in the Town Hall along with 40 other children and Evie was elected to be Junior Lord Mayor along with 11 others each taking on the role for a month, Evie's month being June.

She has attended various events throughout the month of June including Freedom of The City for Blackburn House, Mental Health Awareness Day at St George's Hall and Freedom of the City for Citizens Advice Bureau to name but a few. She has enjoyed the experience and has taken to the role with ease especially wearing the gold chain.

Well done Evie.

Singing the praises of our students

Staff, parents, governors and students gathered in the concert hall of St. George's Hall on Wednesday 24th June to celebrate another great year for our school. We were delighted to welcome Helen Ewen as guest of honour. Helen is a former Bellerive student who, after graduating from Cambridge, is now a senior civil servant in the Cabinet Office. Helen's example will inspire many of our students to believe in themselves and work hard to achieve the highest possible standards. On the evidence of the awards won, this has already begun! Students won awards for achievement and progress in a wide range of subjects. Latin and Ancient History have made a welcome reappearance on the awards list and it was wonderful to celebrate our GCSE Dance and Drama students as well. Sporting and attendance awards also figured as did the Margaret Bryce awards which recognise students who have achieved despite challenging personal circumstances. Our choir and orchestra provided a fitting soundtrack to the evening and we hope to gather again in 2015-16 to celebrate once again.

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On Wednesday 17th of June, twenty four Year 8 pupils went on a trip to Manchester. We went to the Metropolitan University to experience what it would be like to study languages at University. The aim was to encourage us to study languages when we go to university. We joined in with many activities throughout the day and I thought it was very enjoyable.

As an introduction, we listened to a presentation from the Head of the Language School about how important languages are, and why languages are needed. We discussed how many different languages there are. Did you know there are just under 7,000 different languages spoken all over the world?!

Next, we were involved in a Chinese cultural lesson where we made frogs (that jumped) out of folded paper! This was very fun and what was even funnier was that the teachers we went with found it hard and struggled to make them!

Before lunch we had an Arabic taster session. One billion people worldwide speak Arabic. We were taught many new things such as how their alphabet is different, and it has more letters than ours. I found this interesting because their language is so different and easier than English. For example, they don’t use capital letters and they don’t have the verb “to be” either! Also, they write in joined up writing all the time (except for a few letters that cannot be joined).

After lunch it was time for a Farsi taster session. Farsi is a language spoken in Iran. During this session we were told many English words sound and look similar to Farsi words. To prove this we did a task in groups to work out and match pictures to their words in Farsi.

We now know the numbers from 1 – 10 in Farsi! At the end of this session we had a competition, saying as many Farsi words as we could remember in 10 seconds. My group won! I had said 14 words in 10 seconds. This meant I had the highest score. My prize was a

Year 8 Language Enrichment Day to Manchester Metropolitan University

notebook and pen. For our final activity of the day we had an Arabic dance lesson. This was very entertaining! The dance was using scarves and a lot of curvy body movement. We stood in a circle and waved scarves while dancing to different music which involved a lot of giggling.

At the end of the day we were given mouse mats, badges, jelly beans, pens and a certificate.

I thoroughly enjoyed the day and found it very informative on different languages and cultures!

Now I realise why it is so important to not just speak English. Did you know only 25% of the world’s population speaks English? Also, only 16% of Europe speaks English. I will continue to work hard in my language lessons at Bellerive!

Written by Ella Hewitt 8J

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Year 12 History students have just returned from a 3 day visit to Belfast and Dublin. The trip was designed to enrich their understanding of Irish History which forms part of their A level studies.

Students visited the Stormont Assembly where they had the chance to hear from Barry McElduff from Sinn Fein as well as Roy Beggs from the Ulster Unionists. We then travelled to Crumlin Road Jail where many prisoners linked to the conflict were held.

Our Dublin tour started at the Irish Famine memorial and moved to the sites of the revolutionary period from 1916-22 including the GPO, headquarters of the 1916 rising. Students also had the chance to soak up the atmosphere around Trinity College before taking the train back to Belfast.

Our final day started with a tour of the political murals in Belfast and the Peaceline separating the Falls and Shankill Road. We then had the opportunity to see the Victorian splendour of the City Hall.

Year 12 trip to Ireland

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“I have come that you might have life- life in all its fullness” John 10:10

It has been an amazing final term in Chaplaincy at Bellerive FCJ Catholic College alongside our usual Chaplaincy activities, such as FCJ Club and Year 7 Friendship Club.

Mission Week 21st April – Friday 24th April

In the first week of term, Animate Youth Ministries led the school in a Mission based on our theme of “Growing in Faith”. It was a joyful start to the term as Animate worked with Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 in Marie Madeleine Hall with activities featuring games, role plays and reflections to spread the Gospel to our young people. The week was a great success and as we ended with Mass celebrated by Fr. Simon Gore on the Friday you felt the joy of the gospel as pupils sang wholeheartedly and took part in the Mass.

Chaplaincy NewsYear 13 Leavers' Mass 7th May

Year 13s gave thanks for their time at Bellerive FCJ Catholic College by celebrating Mass together with Fr. James in the Chapel. Our Head Girl Caitlin O’Connor gave a moving and inspiring speech. Afterwards photos were taken. It was a lovely way for the pupils to end their time in school together before they went on study leave.

Good Shepherd Mass 6th May

Year 7 visited the Cathedral for Nugent Care’s annual Good Shepherd Mass. We were able to present a cheque for the money we had raised to Archbishop Malcolm McMahon. The pupils always enjoy attending Mass at the Metropolitan Cathedral.

Year 9 Retreats 16th – 19th June ‘Love your Neighbour’

Year 9 were able to gather in form groups to reflect on the theme of 'Love your Neighbour' . A very spiritual experience.

Year 7 Schools' Mass 10th July

On Friday 10th July Year 7s from across Liverpool gathered in the Metropolitan Cathedral for Mass to end their first year in High School. The Mass was celebrated by Bishop Tom Williams and this was a lovely opportunity for all schools to give thanks for their year and to reflect on moving to Year 8. Bellerive pupils read the Liturgy of the Word and Jessica Pearson from Year 7 served at the Mass.

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Bellerive FCJ Catholic College, Windermere Terrace, Sefton Park, Liverpool, L8 3SB Tel: 0151 727 2064 Fax: 0151 727 8242

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Year 8 Citizenship Breakfast

Each half term, two pupils from each Year 8 form are nominated for a Citizenship Award; each pupil receives an invitation to the Citizenship Breakfast to celebrate their achievement. The girls are spoilt for choice with the selection of breakfast treats on offer!

The reasons for nominations so far have been varied, ranging from working hard as Events Coordinator, to being a source of support to other form members and being an excellent role model to others. Form Teachers have found it difficult to narrow their selections to two individuals, with so many girls demonstrating the FCJ Values we would expect from a good Year 8 Citizen.

Year 10 pupil Hollie Muse has moved one step closer to achieving her dream of being a professional golfer by winning the Allianz German Boys and Girls Open, which was held at the St. Leon-Rot Golf Club in Germany’s Rhine valley at the start of June.

Although Hollie has been part of the England U16 squad since 2012, she said the experience in Germany was like being part of a professional tour:

“It was amazing, just like a pro-tournament. German golf is much richer than the UK and the set-up was amazing. They had all sorts of events for us, like a big raffle where you could win iPads and Go-Pro cameras, and talks from some of the world’s top caddies. The whole thing was a great experience. It was just like being a professional golfer!”

Hollie struggled at the beginning of the tournament, getting a bogey on her very first hole, and she was five shots behind at the end of the first day. However, her many hours of training held her in good stead for what happened next.

“The weather changed and the wind got up, which I’m used to because I play such a lot here in the North West but I think it was difficult for a lot of the other girls. They weren’t sure how to weight their shots and the wind made it much harder for them.

“I felt really comfortable. I didn’t feel the need to prove myself as I was the second youngest player in the event.

Golfing success as Hollie wins German Open!It would have been a dream to get into the top three so to win was an amazing feeling, even if I did forget about the tradition of throwing the winner into the lake! It feels like I’ve reached that next level”

Combing training and schoolwork has required a lot of hard work from Hollie and the help and support of her friends, family and teachers. Hollie takes school work away with her when she travels and uses the Resource Base to study whenever she needs to.

“It is hard to practise and get your school work done but I’ve tried really hard this year and my teachers have been great about giving me work. I’m up to date with all my coursework and I’ve been doing really well in English.

“When you first start playing golf, you want to be just like everyone else but it requires a lot of hard work. You’re risking your friendships, you’re away from your family and you still need to find time to study. I know I’m lucky to have so much support from everyone.”

Hollie has more tournaments to come and we wish her all the very best as she continues on her chosen path. At the end of June, she will be one of six players (and the only one from the North West) representing Great Britain and Ireland against the Continent of Europe in the 3rd Junior Vagliano Trophy, which will be held at Malone Golf Club in Belfast.

Congratulations Hollie!

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