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Page 1: Because of Jesus - · 2018-02-14 · Because of Jesus A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families Because of Jesus: A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families
Page 2: Because of Jesus - · 2018-02-14 · Because of Jesus A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families Because of Jesus: A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families

Because of Jesus A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families

Because of Jesus: A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families -©2018 Gather & Grow/ Jess Wolstenholm

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Page 3: Because of Jesus - · 2018-02-14 · Because of Jesus A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families Because of Jesus: A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families

At Gather and Grow we believe Bible study doesn't have to be complicated to be effective. We use this simple method to make family

devotions easy.

These 5 steps (or seeds, as we like to call them) can take as little as 5

minutes and fit easily into your busy schedule. Simple faith seeds, planted and cultivated over time, will grow into a beautiful family faith that thrives.

Our Lent/Easter Season devotional follows this quick outline which you can use at the dinner table, at bedtime

or in the car when you are on the go.

P - prepare your heart (put away distractions, gather, pray, consider the topic you'll explore)

L - learn from the Word (read the Bible verse + a bit about its meaning)

A - ask questions (discuss the verse + faith concept together as a family)

N - name the truth (discover the truth God wants you to take away)

T - take action (think of ways you can put God's truth into action)

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Page 4: Because of Jesus - · 2018-02-14 · Because of Jesus A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families Because of Jesus: A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families

Because of Jesus A Lent & Easter Season Devotional for Families 

 Our faith journey is all about being connected to God. Our Heavenly Father loves us; he knows us and he                                       wants us to know him. But a long time ago when Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the garden, sin entered                                         the world and that sin separated us from God. That is, until God sent his Son, Jesus, to die on the cross                                           and take the punishment for our sins. Now, because of Jesus, we can be reunited with God through our                                     relationship with his Son. When we make a decision to accept God's gift of salvation and become a Jesus                                     follower, we reconnect with God and enjoy the abundant life he gives.  In a few weeks, we're going to celebrate Easter. We'll probably get dressed up in fancy clothes and go to                                       church. Maybe we'll enjoy a special dinner as a family. Easter is a very special holiday with lots of special                                       meaning. It's a time to remember that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again on the third day.                                           It's a time to thank him and celebrate the new life we enjoy when we accept his gift of salvation.  What is Lent? There is another special season we can celebrate even before Easter. It's called the season of Lent. Lent                                   is a time set aside to help us prepare our hearts for Easter through prayer, repentance, sharing and                                   sacrifice. The Lenten season begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter Sunday. When not counting                               Sundays, this equals 40 days. The 40 days of Lent represent the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the desert                                       (Matthew 4:1-11).  What is fasting? Fasting is the sacrifice of something (usually food or drink) for a period of time (a meal, a day, a week, etc)                                           in order to focus more on God. When we try to give up something we enjoy, it can be hard. But it's an                                             opportunity to become closer to God as we pray and rely on him for strength. Growing closer to God is                                       about more than being strong enough to give something up for him. So besides just fasting our favorite                                   food or drink, we can observe Lent by giving up something we enjoy (treats, video games, TV shows) or                                     adding a new habit (Bible reading, prayer, serving others) to change our life and grow with God. This is                                     how Jesus prepared himself for his biggest test. And it's a good way for us to grow in faith as well.  PARENTS Gather together as a family and pray about/discuss what you can add or subtract in your daily                                   lives during this time as a way to focus more on God. Ideas for addition might include: a family devotion                                       (like this one), an act of service or a daily practice of gratitude. Ideas for subtraction might include: a                                     favorite food, toy, TV show or electronic device. You can also add or subtract something different on a                                   weekly basis throughout Lent. It's not about how much you add or give up. It's about the willingness to                                     alter your life in an effort to grow with God.  What is Ash Wednesday? Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent - the 40 days of prayer and fasting that represent Jesus' time in                                         the desert prior to his public ministry. Its name comes from the practice of placing ashes on the forehead                                     as a sign that we need God and of the sacrifice Jesus would become on our behalf.   

© 2018 Jess Wolstenholm/Gather & Grow, LLC 

Page 5: Because of Jesus - · 2018-02-14 · Because of Jesus A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families Because of Jesus: A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families

Ash Wednesday Get together as a family and discuss what you will add or subtract over the next 40 days. Talk and pray                                         about the journey ahead. These six, simple family devotions can be completed on any day of the week.                                   Do your best to set aside a regular time to learn about God's love and focus on the gift of Jesus we                                           celebrate at Easter.  PARENTS If you have not yet introduced your young children to the story of Easter consider reading it                                   to them now in a children's Bible so they will be familiar with Jesus' death and resurrection. Explain to                                     your children that although this story includes many hard moments, it has a very happy ending.  

Abundant Love -An Ash Wednesday Devotional for Parents  For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named,                                         that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in                                         your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith - that you, being rooted and grounded in                                         love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth,                                       and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now                                           to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work                                             within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.                                       Ephesians 3:14-21(ESV)  Before you lead your family through this season of reflection, I hope you can find time to stop and soak in                                         the truth of God's love for you. This passage from Ephesians sums up the Gospel so beautifully. Every                                   family on earth (including yours), has been named by the Father. He offers us strength through the Spirit                                   to abide as Christ dwells within us by faith. And because of this strength, which comes through the                                   sacrifice of Jesus and our relationship with him, we have the capacity to understand the depth and                                 breadth of God's great love. That's the Good News, friends. It's good news for our children and it's good                                     news for us. It's the hope by which we live our lives. It's the power that gives us strength daily.   Over the next 40 days as you add or subtract something from your own life to enhance your walk with                                       Jesus, consider the deep love God has for you that he would allow his son to suffer in your place. May his                                           love, fully realized in your heart and mind, propel you to go deeper in your relationship with him this                                     season.  PARENTS Throughout this devotional we will focus on what it means to have a friendship with Jesus and                                   be his follower. If your child has not yet made a decision to follow Christ, there is a prompt at the end of                                             this guide to lead them in a prayer of salvation. If they are not ready to take this step, pray and ask God                                             to guide your conversations and trust him to move in their hearts in his perfect timing.        

© 2018 Jess Wolstenholm/Gather & Grow, LLC 

Page 6: Because of Jesus - · 2018-02-14 · Because of Jesus A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families Because of Jesus: A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families


PREPARE - Let's talk about God's love for us. Put away distractions and pray, "God, show us something                                   new today. " 

LEARN - May you understand because of Jesus, God's love for you is big! Ephesians 3:18 (adapted) 

Remember when Adam and Eve first sinned in the garden? Their disobedience separated them (and all                               people that came after) from God. But God loves his children too much to be apart from us. So he sent his                                           son, Jesus, to die in our place as a sacrifice for our sins. We'll talk more about Jesus' sacrifice in the next                                           few weeks. For now, let's pause and think about how much God must love us. He sent his son to show us                                           his big love in real life. 

ASK -  1. Why did Jesus come to earth? 2. What are some ways we feel God's love through Jesus?3. How can understanding God's big love change the way we act and treat others?

NAME the Truth - Jesus came to show us God's love. 

TAKE Action - Use a piece of construction paper to cut out a big heart. Decorate the heart and write on it, "God's Love for Me is BIG!" Hang your heart in a place you will see it everyday. Each time you look at it, let it remind you to share God's big love with others. 


PREPARE - Let's talk about being connected to God through Jesus. Put away distractions and pray, "God, show us something new today. " 

LEARN  -  I  am  the  way.  And I am the truth and the life. The only way to the Father is through me. John 14:6  (ICB)

Last  week  we  learned  that  our  sin  separates  us  from God. But because he loves us so much, God sent  Jesus to become a bridge that connects us back to him. The Bible tells us that being a friend of Jesus is the only way to be connected to God. When we follow Jesus, we grow closer to God and this leads to a joy-filled, abundant life. 

ASK -  1. Who is the bridge that connects us back to God? 

2. What does it mean to follow Jesus?3. How will our lives be changed if we decide to follow Jesus?

NAME the Truth - Our friendship with Jesus connects us to God. 

TAKE Action - Start a blessings jar or gratitude journal. Record your blessings together as a family.                                 Because of Jesus, we have so much to be thankful for (like being connected to God). Next month on                                     Easter, we will celebrate Jesus' life and our friendship with him; the greatest blessing of all! 

© 2018 Jess Wolstenholm/Gather & Grow, LLC 

Page 7: Because of Jesus - · 2018-02-14 · Because of Jesus A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families Because of Jesus: A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families


PREPARE - Let's talk about the joy of Jesus' love. Put away distractions and pray, "God, show us                                   something new today."  

LEARN - I have loved you even as the Father loved me. Remain in my love ... I have told you these things so that                                                 you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow. John 15:9,11 (NLT)  

The Bible uses a really cool picture to explain what it means to be connected to God through Jesus. In                                       the Book of John, Jesus says that he is the vine and we are the branches. He asks us to stay connected to                                             him; to remain in his love. Just like a branch removed from a tree would wither and die, we can't                                       experience true life unless we stay connected to Jesus. He promises that if we remain connected to him,                                   we will have joy overflowing!  

ASK -  1. What are some ways we can stay connected to Jesus? 2. What brings true, overflowing joy? 3. How can we share the joy of Jesus' love with others? 


NAME the Truth - Jesus' love gives us joy.  

TAKE Action - Gather together and do something that brings you joy. Have a dance party or a family                                     game night. Consider inviting friends over to join in your joy. The best way to share Jesus's love is by                                       inviting others to experience the true joy he brings.  


PREPARE - Let's talk about Jesus' sacrifice. Put away distractions and pray, "God, show us something new                                 today."  

LEARN - I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10b (ESV)  

The Bible says in Romans 5:8, "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (NIV) God sent Jesus to show                                         us his big love by dying on the cross for our sins. When we understand what Jesus did for us and choose                                           to accept his gift and follow him, we grow closer to God which brings joy and blessings beyond anything                                     we can imagine. But God doesn't offer us abundant life so we can keep it all to ourselves. Just like Jesus                                         gave his life away, we can give our lives away by serving others and sharing our abundant blessings.  

ASK -  1. Why did Jesus die on the cross for our sins? 2. What are some of the abundant blessings we enjoy because of Jesus?  3. How can we share our blessings or serve others this Easter season? 


NAME the Truth - Jesus died so we can live an abundant life.  

TAKE Action - Look for ways to serve others and share your blessings as a family. Consider setting aside                                     a day this month to collect donations for a local charity or serve at a food pantry. Jesus died so we can                                           live an abundant life - not only for our own pleasure but also to share his goodness with others!  

© 2018 Jess Wolstenholm/Gather & Grow, LLC 

Page 8: Because of Jesus - · 2018-02-14 · Because of Jesus A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families Because of Jesus: A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families


PREPARE - Let's talk about being rescued because of Jesus. Put away distractions and pray, "God, show                                 us something new today."  

LEARN - For God loved the world so much that he gave his only son. God gave his son so that whoever believes                                             in him may not be lost, but have eternal life. John 3:16 (ICB)  

By dying on the cross, Jesus rescued us from our sin and offered us a joy-filled, abundant life. But his                                       promise of life goes beyond what we experience here on earth. Because of Jesus' sacrifice, we are saved                                   for eternity. That means one day we'll get to live with him in heaven! In the meantime, we can share our                                         eternal hope with others and trust Jesus to rescue our loved ones as well.  

ASK -  1. What does it mean to have eternal life? 2. What do you think heaven will be like? 3. How does it feel to know Jesus loves us enough to be our rescuer? 


NAME the Truth - Jesus rescued us so we can have eternal life.  

TAKE Action - Maybe someone in your life needs to be rescued by Jesus. Make a list or draw pictures of                                         people you would like to pray for. Pray together for these loved ones. Jesus wants us to talk with him                                       through prayer and trust him to help our friends and family in need.  



PREPARE - Let's talk about showing the world Jesus lives. Put away distractions and pray, "God, show us                                   something new today."  

LEARN - It's news I am most proud to proclaim, this extraordinary message of God's powerful plan to rescue                                     everyone who trusts him. Romans 1:16 (MSG)  

Jesus said, "Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples." John 13:35 (NLT) We                                         have the great opportunity to be an example to others of what it means to follow Jesus. Every day at                                       school, in the neighborhood and at home, we can be a messenger of God by being an example of his love.                                         Jesus lives through us as we carry the Good News into the world. The way we act and the things we say                                           will show others what it means to be rescued by Jesus, follow him and experience the abundant joy he                                     brings.  

ASK -  1. What are some ways to be an example of following Jesus? 2. Who can you be an example to this week? 3. How can we show the world our love for Jesus and for others? 


NAME the Truth - Our kind actions and words will show the world that Jesus lives!  

TAKE Action - Write a note or draw a picture for someone in your life who needs the message of Jesus.                                         Think about other ways you can show them Jesus' love. Pray about how to put your ideas into action this                                       week. When we follow Jesus he will show us how to love others like he does. 

© 2018 Jess Wolstenholm/Gather & Grow, LLC 

Page 9: Because of Jesus - · 2018-02-14 · Because of Jesus A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families Because of Jesus: A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families

EASTER SUNDAY  Complete this journey by sharing the Good News!  Jesus died on the cross to rescue us from our sins. It can be hard to think about Jesus suffering this way.                                           But he agreed to die and to be buried in a tomb because he loves us so much. He trusted God's rescue                                           plan. Because Jesus died for us, we can receive grace and forgiveness every day of our lives. Our                                   friendship with Jesus connects us to God and he helps us live a completely blessed, fully forgiven,                                 abundant life.  This is the Good News we've been talking about and it's the message of hope God wants us to share with                                         others. And the best news of all? Jesus didn't stay in the tomb. By the power of God, he rose again and is                                             now in heaven with his Father, God. When we follow Jesus, we have this same power and it helps us                                       trust God and live the way he wants us to live.  Let's share the amazing end to this story by reading about the resurrection - the very miracle we                                   celebrate at Easter.  Read Matthew 28: 1-10  He is risen! He is risen, indeed!  Pray this prayer together:  Dear Jesus, Thank you for loving us enough to die. Thank you for your friendship and for teaching us how to live and                                         love like you do. Thank you for forgiving me of my sins and leading the way for me to know your Father,                                           God. Your resurrection is a powerful reminder that you are Lord and able to do amazing miracles. Jesus                                   we trust you and know that because of YOU, we can live an abundant life. Amen.  PARENTS If your child has not yet made a personal decision to follow Jesus, consider using this prayer to                                     lead them in doing so at this time. If they are not yet ready, don't rush them. As you continue to teach                                           them about Jesus, model what it means to follow him and pray for their hearts, you are planting seeds                                     that will lead to their decision in God's perfect timing.  Salvation Prayer for Kids Dear Jesus, thank you for loving me and dying on the cross for my sins. Today I accept your gift of                                         salvation and I invite you to be the King of my heart. Please forgive me of my sins and guide me as I grow                                               in friendship with you. Jesus, I want to be more like you and share your love with others. Thank you that I                                           don't have to be perfect but can grow in faith as I follow your ways. Thank you that because of your love                                           and sacrifice, we will be together in heaven someday. In your name I pray, amen.     

© 2018 Jess Wolstenholm/Gather & Grow, LLC 

Page 10: Because of Jesus - · 2018-02-14 · Because of Jesus A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families Because of Jesus: A Lent and Easter Season Devotional for Families

Grace Revealed -An Easter Devotional for Parents  And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory...full of grace and truth...From his                                       fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. John 1:14,16 (ESV)  These words give me so much hope. God's Word (the Truth) became flesh and lived here on earth.                                   Through his glory, revealed in the resurrection, we realize his fullness - equal parts grace and truth. I                                   want to spend my days finding the balance between his grace that guides and his truth that transforms.                                   And as we walk in his fullness, the grace continues to flow. Grace upon grace. It's the promise of his glory,                                         revealed that very first Easter, and through every one since.  The resurrection season allows us to pause and consider the amazing gift of God's son and his grace                                   revealed. The days that follow (the normal, often-mundane, regular days of life) are where we seek and                                 find his ongoing, never-ending, overwhelming grace that guides us to live and love as Jesus modeled                               when he dwelt among us. Every point of the journey is connected, creating a picture of the life God calls                                       us to live. As we connect the dots for ourselves and for our children, we begin to see his beautiful                                       purpose come to light.  


Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. Ephesians 3:17 (NLT) 

 I pray this journey has been encouraging and fruitful for your family. Remember that guiding our                               children's faith is an ongoing process. We may not feel they "get it" at first but we are planting seeds that                                         will grow with time. Be encouraged! You are a part of Kingdom work in the life of your family.   

I hope you'll join us at for more simple, faith growing tools.  Blessings! 



Visit for more faith-growing tools for your family.  

© 2018 Jess Wolstenholm/Gather & Grow, LLC 

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© 2018 Jess Wolstenholm/Gather & Grow, LLC 

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© 2018 Jess Wolstenholm/Gather & Grow, LLC 

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© 2018 Jess Wolstenholm/Gather & Grow, LLC 

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© 2018 Jess Wolstenholm/Gather & Grow, LLC 

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