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We believe that 20 somethings are the greatest source of potential forpositive change in the world today.

Entrepreneurs are agents of that positive change.

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Big Blue Starters is an on-campus resource devoted to helping students become

entrepreneurs - agents of positive change.

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This can look like:

for-profit companies

non-profit organizations

traditional businesses

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1. See a Problem

2. Imagine or Design a Solution

3. Carry Out the Solution

4. Inspire Others to Take Part in the Solution

We Believe Change Happens When:

aims to help students through this process

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We Focus on 3 Things:

1) Host and Manage Startup Teams

2) Incubator Weekends (#IncU/Startup Weekend)

3) Increase Awareness about Entrepreneurship

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Startup Teams

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Tech Startup 1

Tech Startup 2

Non-Profit 1


For Profit 1#BBS operates as an umbrella organization with

multiple ventures running/growing simultaneously

Each venture maintains 100% ownership and #BBS makes no claims on anything produced

(other than potential bragging rights for helping you succeed of course)

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Startup Teams

No idea yet?Join an

Existing Team!

Got an Idea?Start a New


If you’re new to #BBS, join one of our existing teams

or start one of your own!

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Why Join a Team?

Great way to get started if you’re curious about e-ship

Interdisciplinary work experience in your skillset(Resume Builder)

Potentially become first employees of each company

Demonstrate and grow your skills to potential employers from across the area

Learn the process + gain hands-on experience until you come up with an idea of your own

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Why Start a Team Under #BBS?

Free labor

Access to an international network and established local network of connections including investors, mentors,

entrepreneurs, media, and potential employees

Act as closely to an incubator/accelerator as is feasible

If you’re new to entrepreneurship,we have everything you need to get started.

We claim/take 0% ownership

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Inaugural Class

Each venture maintains 100% ownership and #BBS makes no claims on anything produced

(other than potential bragging rights for helping you succeed of course)

Matt King - Solar iPhone Case

Wes Brooks - Social Media Trending Website or iCORPS project

Heath Booton - Home brew class/competition

Scott Wagner - Crowded

Tommy Crush - Crambu

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Incubator Weekends

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Incubator weekends

Open to the PublicGeneralized, Open Ended

Lots of Fun

Top 45 Students at UK OnlyGrad/UndergradHighly Focused

Lots of Hard Work

Focused on teaching you the process from idea to startup

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First annual 3-Day Incubator Weekend brought to you by:

Idea to Prototype to Customer Development in 3 DAYS

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March 2-4 @ Awesome Inc


Customer Research


Validation from Local Entrepreneurs and Investors

Come in with an ideaAfter 3 DAYS, leave with:

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March 2-4 @ Awesome Inc

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March 2-4 @ Awesome Inc

Pitch ideasForm teamsGET TO WORKPitch initial plan and research to Mentors




TALK TO CUSTOMERSEstablish Initial Business ModelContinue building/designing prototypeMentors invest time in each team

Finish as much development as possibleCONTINUE Talking to CustomersFinal Pitch to investors/entrepreneurs

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March 2-4 @ Awesome Inc

MUST Apply to Enter


Pick the top CANDIDATES NOT IDEASDon’t have to have an idea to apply

Apply online, emailing details once application opens (this weekend)

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March 2-4 @ Awesome Inc

Best Case:

Worst Case:

YOUR idea gets pickedFind Co-foundersInitial Customer FeedbackPrototypeValidation from Entrepreneurs and Investors

Join a teamLearn the processHave something to continue working on after

And... free food and awesome people!

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March 2-4 @ Awesome Inc

APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN:Click Here for the #IncU Application!

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Compete for the BESTBusiness Plan OR Business Concept

UK Venture challenge

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UK Venture challengeSaturday, March 24, 2012

1st Place:$2,000

Box seats to Keenland for 1 dayPaid sponsorship to compete at Idea State U

2nd Place:$1,000

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Startup Teams

No idea yet?Join an

Existing Team!

Got an Idea?Start a New


If you’re new to #BBS, join one of our existing teams

or start one of your own!

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The Process:

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Tips to Help You Pitch:

Here’s the secret:


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Tips to Help You Pitch:


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Tips to Help You Pitch:

The Secret:


Pitch the PROBLEM first

Connect with your audience emotionally about the problem

THEN offer your solution as the remedy

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The Process:

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