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  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


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  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Why are consumer insights important? To understand the consumer.

    To analyse how the consumer thinks and behaves in

    relation to particular circumstances. To discover how well new products will be accepted.

    Fortini-Campbell (1992) emphasises the fact that themost effective way of communication is being able to

    link a consumers in-sight with that of a brand in-sight. Therefore by gathering consumer insights, the client

    can create a brand in-sight which links to the valuesand beliefs of that particular consumer.

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Using consumer in-sights Fortini-Campbell also explains that the richest level

    of communication comes from combining a rationalbenefit with an emotional need (1992, p. 99).

    So if a creative agency already has access to consumerin-sights, it can then use advertising techniques to linkproduct brand benefits with the emotional need ofconsumers.

    An example of this is BMW. They advertise their carstowards a Roy Morgan Values Segment called VisibleAchievers (BMW Magazine, 2012) as these consumersare financially successful and are willing to pay the

    extra cash for a quality car that is differentiated fromothers.

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Leading market researchers in Australia

    Nielson Media Research Roy Morgan Research

    OzTam Bureau of Statistics

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Nielson Media ResearchWho are they?

    Nielson Media Research is a research firm whomeasures information about Australian consumers.They are a global information research leader in the

    industry and have been around for nearly a century(WhatWe Do, 2012).

    What do they do?Nielson Research service offers the:-Measurement of market performance,-Analysis of market dynamics,-Diagnosis of marketing/sales issues, and-Identification of growth opportunities.

    (What We Do, 2012).

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Nielson Media ResearchWhat information do they gather?

    -They provide information of how clients products areperforming relative to its competitors.-Performance of in-store promotional activities.-Trends in market conditions.-Purchase patterns through household studies.-Media spending.-Consumer media behaviour.-Impact of advertising placements.

    (What We Do, 2012).

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Roy Morgan ResearchWho are they?

    A market research and public polling company who isrenown for its well established business practices inAustralia (Background to Roy Morgan Research,2012).

    What do they do?

    Founded in 1941 by Roy Morgan, the companyspecialises in public opinion, corporate image andmedia measurement (Background to Roy MorganResearch, 2012).

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Roy Morgan ResearchWhat information do they gather?

    -Consumer confidence.-Consumer satisfaction.-Wealth of particular age groups.-Consumer trends.-Information about current and future customers.

    (Background to Roy Morgan Research, 2012).

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    OzTamWho are they?

    OzTam is Australias official source of televisionaudience measurement (About OzTam, 2012), whomeasure the markets for subscription television.

    What do they do?

    They offer resourceful information to clients in orderto better understand the viewing trends and behaviourof subscription TV consumers (about OzTam, 2012).

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    OzTamWhat information do they gather?

    -They Provide minute-by-minute viewing data 24/7every year for over 100 television channels.-They actually work alongside Nielson MediaResearch, as Nielson TAM is their ratings serviceprovider.

    (About OzTam, 2012)

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Australian Bureau of StatisticsWho are they?

    The ABS is an Australian division of Government whoprovides information about its own nation andpopulation. They measure things such as householdincome, tourism and residential development (Get InTouch With The ABS, 2012).

    What do they do?They provide over 500,000 pages of usefulinformation, collected from research methods such asnational census surveys, polls, etc (Get In Touch WithThe ABS, 2012).

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Australian Bureau of StatisticsWhat information do they gather?

    -Census data-Key economic indicators-Australias population -Labour force-National accounts-Social trends

    -Geographic statistics-Environmental data

    (Get In Touch With The ABS, 2012).

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Roy Morgans Values Segments Roy Morgan Research has developed ten segments of

    consumers who each have their own particularpsychographics and make up the population ofAustralia.

    Each segment is defined by similar behaviour,attitudes and values and is measured based on theseterms.

    The following slide visualizes the ten segments of RoyMorgans Values Segments:

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Roy Morgans Values Segments1. Visible achievement2. Something better3. Basic needs

    4. Real conversation5. Traditional family life6. Conventional family life7. Young optimism8. Socially aware9. Look at me10. Fairer deal

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Visible Achievement

    This segment refers to respondents who have had greattriumph in their field of work, they are people who arevisibly successful and are confident in their own skillsand attributes to perform well (Levine, 2010).

    Occupation example: CEO

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Visible AchievementValues of Visible Achievement:

    -Highly independent; no need to prove themselves toothers.-Excellent providers-Remarkably family orientated-Deal seekers; they look for quality over price andvalue for money.

    Media Consumption:-Light commercial television-Light commercial radio-Newspapers(Levine, 2010)

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    Something Better

    The people who fall into the category of SomethingBetter posses the desire to achieve something more inlife (RM ref.). They are extremely competitive andambitious individuals who want to be seen as

    successful, so they will go to extended lengths to provethemselves to others (Levine, 2010).

    Example job: Salesperson

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Something BetterValues of Something Better:

    -Extremely self-conscious-Comparative decision makers-Career orientated-Invest lots of time in networking

    Media Consumption:-Medium to heavy television-Preferred genres include drama and reality television

    (Levine, 2010)

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Basic Needs

    This segment is populated by respondents who areprimarily focused on living through the week on a dayto day roster, usually retired or pensioners (Levine,2010). The people that make up this group are

    generally happy with the things that they have and donot have any major aspirations.

    Occupation example: Retired/pensioner.

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    Basic NeedsValues of Basic Needs:

    -Content with their lifestyle-Engage in community well-being-Christian based ethical values/beliefs

    Media consumption:

    -Heavy free media consumers, i.e. newspapers andtelevision.-Talkback radio

    (Levine, 2010)

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Real Conversation

    This segment refers to the people who are generallycautious about trying new things (RM ref), they likethe way things currently and live life in a conservativeprocess. Sticking to well established brands and

    companys is a priority as they prefer consistent qualityand product guarantee (Levine, 2010).

    Occupation example: Business owner/founder

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Real Conservatism Values of Real Conservatism:

    -Highly cherish the accumulation of non-depreciatingassets.

    -Stern decision makers-Its not what you know, its who you know (RM ref.)-Loyal to friends, family and employer.

    Media consumption:-Heavy newspaper readers-Medium magazine consumption-Average television consumption, mainly news/currentaffairs.(Levine, 2010)

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Traditional Family Life

    Generally made up of empty nesters or extendedfamilies (Levine, 2010), this segment is motivated bytraditional family values such as security, reliabilityand grasping beneficial opportunities when they can.

    Family social events such as birthday dinners andBBQs are a standard (Levine, 2010), as the parents ofthis segment cherish the time they have with theirfamily as a whole.

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    Traditional Family LifeValues of Traditional Family Life:

    -Strong belief in family bonding-Accepting and non-judgmental


    Media Consumption:

    -Heavy information based television such as ABC anddocumentaries.

    (Levine, 2010)

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Conventional Family Life

    This segment incorporates respondents who search forfinancial security (Levine, 2010)and a functional familylife, as they spend more on opportunities for theirchildren to live a better life compared to the standard

    of their own childhood (Levine, 2010).

    Occupation example: Office worker

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Conventional Family Life Values of Conventional Family Life:

    -Highly focused on the security of their employment.-Committed and family orientated.

    -Honest and trustworthy.

    Media consumption:

    -Higher than average consumption of local papers.

    (Levine, 2010)

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Young Optimism

    The Young Optimism segment reflects students andyoung professionals who are seeking opportunities todevelop wishful possibilities in life (Levine, 2010).They are outgoing with the mind frame of

    experiencing something new, whilst they are also welltravelled and conscious about the image they arepublicizing.

    Occupation example: Student

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    Young OptimismValues of Young Optimism

    -Self-conscious-Set long-term aspirations

    -Extremely social-Opportunists

    Media Consumption:-Heavy radio consumption of music-Heavy consumption of reality TV-Heavy internet/social media users

    Levine, 2010

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Socially Aware

    These respondents are involved in communityhappenings and socially active (Levine, 2010), they areinformation seekers who love to learn aboutsomething new or different to what others would

    generally already understand. Socially Aware cherishtheir on-going education and knowledge, as it is theirprimary focus in life (Levine, 2010).

    Occupation example: Journalist

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Socially AwareValues of Socially Aware:

    -Experimental-Culturally adaptive

    -Knowledge is power

    Media consumption:

    -Light television.-Medium radio-Strong connection to Arts

    Levine, 2010

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Look At Me

    The Look at Me segment is all about want it now,they observe success by what they see and do notassociate wealth with the family benefits that othersconsider to be the most important part of being

    successful (Levine, 2010).

    Occupation example: High school graduates

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Look At MeValues of Look at Me:

    -Active lifestyle-Will go out of their way to be socially accepted.

    -Look for jobs, not careers.-Nave;

    Media Consumption:-Anything music; festivals, iPods, radio, CDs.-Strong magazine consumption-Relate to reality TV shows.

    Levine, 2010

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    Fairer Deal

    Respondents who fall into this segment are semi-skilled workers (Levine, 2010) who most likely leftschool early as they valued a head start in the workinglife more than the long-term benefits of education.

    Occupation example: Tradesman

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    A Fairer DealValues of A fairer Deal:

    -Strong connection with close friends-Grasp monetary opportunities

    -Pessimistic-Very Judgmental

    Media Consumption:-Heavy TV consumption-Heavy radio consumption-Light newspaper and magazine consumption.

    Levine, 2010

  • 8/2/2019 Bayden McCallum


    References About OzTam (2012). OzTam. Retrieved from

    Background to Roy Morgan Research (2012). Roy Morgan Research. Retrievedfrom

    Fortini-Campbell, L. (1992). Hitting the sweet spot, p. 93-117. Chicago, III: The

    Copy Workshop. Get in touch with the ABS(2012). Australian Bureau of Statistics. Retrieved


    BMW Magazine(2012).Media kit 2012. Victoria, Australia: Edge Custom

    What we do (2012). Nielson Media Research. Retrieved from

    Michele Levine (2010). Values Segments. Retrieved from

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