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  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars



    Basic Properties of Stars

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    Kirchhoffs Three Kinds of Spectra

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    A Model of a Hydrogen Atom

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    Spectral Lines

    A. Electrons have a definite bindingenergy.

    B. Each element has its own set ofenergy levels

    C. If an electron absorbs enough

    energy, it jumps to a higher energylevel.

    D. When an electron falls, itreleases energy in the form of light.

    E. wavelength inversely

    proportional to frequency F. Dark lines are produced when a

    cooler gas absorbs light.

    G. An emission spectrum showsthe chemical element that produced

    those lines.

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    Electron Distances and Energy Levels

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    Possible Absorption and

    Emission Lines for the

    Hydrogen Atom

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    An Emission Spectrum of Hydrogen

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    Stellar Spectra A. Predominantly patterns of dark lines on acontinuous band of colors.

    B. Stars bright visible surface is called thephotosphere.

    C. As light travels through the stars outeratmosphere, the cooler gases absorb somecolors/wavelengths.

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    Chemical Composition A. Our sun was the first absorption spectrum analyzed in 1814

    by Fraunhofer

    1. Fraunhofer lines--strongest dark lines from the sun

    B. By comparing the dark lines with spectral lines from otherelements, we find whats in the sun.

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    Spectral Classes A. Absorption spectra are used to classify

    stars into 7 types.

    B. If hydrogen lines are stronger

    1. Its not because of more hydrogenALL

    stars have hydrogen.

    Stars are classified in the following order:

    O, B, A, F, G, K, M

    oh, be a fine girl/guy, kiss me !

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    Spectral Classes E. So whats the difference?

    1. Stars at different temperatures display

    certain lines better than others.

    The temperature is the difference !

    class O stars are hottest.class M stars are


  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    The Spectra of Radiation Emitted

    with Temperatures of 4500 K,

    6000 K, and 7500 K Things will become

    bluer when theyare hotter.

    Stars will becomeredder when theyare cooler.

    If we can find the

    brightest part of thespectrum of a star,we can find itstemperature.

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars



    B. Every chemical element hasa characteristic temperatureand density at which its mosteffective in producing certain

    lines. C. At extremely high temps.--

    Helium atoms are ionized;bluer stars (class O)

    D. Temps. Around 5800 K--metal atoms

    E. Temps. Below 3500 K--titanium oxide molecules;

    redder stars (class M)

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    Spectra of the Spectral Classes

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    The Relative Number of Hydrogen Atoms in

    the Second Energy Level for

    Various Temperatures

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    The Number of Hydrogen Atoms with

    Their Electrons in the Second Energy Level

    Compared with the Total Amount ofHydrogen, Whether in Atomic

    or Ionized Form

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    The Relative

    Numbers of Atoms

    of Different

    Elements on a

    Typical Star

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    Other information from Spectral

    Lines A. Other info is gathered from spectral lines.

    B. Collisional broadening--broader lines might show

    a denser star C. Rotational broadening--broader lines can show

    how fast a star rotates/spins

    D. Zeeman effect--split lines show magnetic fields

    E. Redshift--lines shifted toward the red show a starmoving away (blueshiftmeans star is movingtowards you)

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    The Spectra of a Rapidly Rotating Star

    and a Slowly Rotating Star

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    The Doppler Shifts of a Rotating Star

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    The Parallax of a Nearby StarA parsec is a unit of distance such that a star that exhibits a shift of 1

    (1 second or 1/3600 of a degree) of arc. This is only an apparent shift of

    the star in the sky (and its very small) as a result of the real motion of

    the earth around the sun. We are looking at the star at different angles.

    The distance of a star can be found by observing its parallax angle. The

    equation is: distance (in pc) = 1 / parallax angle()

    Example: Alpha Centauri has a parallax angle of 0.742. So its

    distance from Earth is 1/0.742 = 1.35 parsecs. To convert this to light

    years (1pc = 3.26 ly): 1.35 pc x 3.26ly = 4.4 ly

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    Propagation of light Remember that

    light falls off

    according to theinverse square law

    An object 3x farther

    away will appear1/32 = 1/9 as bright

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    Apparent magnitude (m) Definition: a

    measure of how

    bright a starappears

    The general rule:

    the lower thenumber, the

    brighter it appears

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    Apparent magnitude (m)

    The modern magnitudescale is set up so that a

    difference in

    magnitudes goes up as

    an exponential function


    Where x is the difference

    in apparent magnitudes of

    A and B

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    Absolute magnitude (M) Definition: a measure of how much

    light a star is putting out into space

    (its luminosity)

    The general rule: the lower the

    number, the more luminous it is

    Note: you cant just say, that star

    is brighterdo you mean it

    appears brighter, or do you mean

    that its giving off more light?

    Question: Why would it matter?Answer: a really luminous star

    might appear fainter simply

    because its very, very far away

  • 8/2/2019 Basic Properties of Stars


    Absolute magnitude (M)

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