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Though Commencement marks the closing of a significant chapter of our seniors’ lives, we know that

as Baldwin “thinking girls,” continued learning and steadfast friendships await them in the near future. This lifelong hunger for knowledge is a unifying quality among Baldwin students, and was duly noted by Alisha Maity during her Commencement Address. “Our classes at Baldwin have taught us about our founding fathers, Freud, Don Juan’s numerous exploits, Shakespeare’s opinions on procreation, the starvation that Mendel faced, and so many wonderful things. But who knows how much of that we will actually use in the real world. What Baldwin has truly taught us is how to think. We are capable learners who explore all facets of life with gusto.” That “gusto” is pervasive in the classroom and beyond. The Class of 2011 excelled in all arenas, and included 18 National Merit Scholars, a “community hero” and eight soon-to-be college athletes – including Alisha, who will play squash at Columbia University. Though the academic, artistic, athletic and community service-driven accomplishments of our graduates are undoubtedly impressive, their potential to act as global stewards as a result of their diverse educational experience is a feat not to be understated. An Indian-American, Alisha remarked on Baldwin’s diverse community in her speech.


Editor: Jessica Covello

Photo credits: Robyn Connelly, Jessica Covello, Jay Gorodetzer, Vincent Montebello, George Scarino, Kathleen Harte Simone, Marion Vendituoli

All photographs are identified left to right unless otherwise noted.

Echoes is published for the alumnae, parents, students, friends and staff of The Baldwin School.

We welcome letters regarding the contents of the magazine and/or issues pertaining to the school. Letters must be signed. The editor retains the right to edit at discretion.

Please send correspondence to: Jessica Covello, Editor, Echoes The Baldwin School 701 Montgomery Ave. Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

Or [email protected]

Echoes is printed on recycled paper.

“One of my favorite teachers once said that America is not a melting pot, but rather a salad bowl. This delicious metaphor can be found in our school. We are not a bunch of cheeses, melted into a single pot of conformist yellow. We are all very different: glowing tomatoes, crispy Romaine lettuce, cool cucumbers, and pomegranate seeds. We all share the dabs of creamy Caesar that represent our unification as proud Baldwin students. We come together but do not ever lose our individuality.” Baldwin’s diversity has long been a

tradition that enhances the social and academic pursuits of its students. Many Baldwin girls have dual citizenship, or have parents who are naturalized citizens born in Liberia, Philippines, Korea, China, Japan, India or Pakistan. You may be surprised to know that 37% of Baldwin’s students are people of color – a number that continues

to increase. Baldwin’s commitment to lifelong learning and its unique position as a diverse educational institution were echoed by many members of the Class of 2011. You can find excerpts from select Commencement speeches on page 11. As you read the words of our graduating girls, I hope you’ll take pause to recall your own Baldwin journey and reflect on the memories that comprised your years here on campus.

- Sally M. Powell

Celebrating a Step in the Lifelong Learning Journey

“ What Baldwin has truly taught us is how to think. We are capable learners who explore all facets of life with gusto.”

—Alisha Maity

Sally M. Powell


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Inside Front A Message from the Head 2 Alumnae Award Winner 2011 Matilda Lancaster Essig ‘76

3 Mandala Award Winner Class of 1971

4 Distinguished Young Alumna Award Winner Rachel T. Carson ‘91 5 Rosamond Cross Distinguished Teaching

Chair Award Winner Lisa Ameisen ‘76

6 Baldwin Newsmakers Students and Alumnae

8 Commencement 2011 Photos and Reflections

14 Annual Class Day Awards Students Honored for Academics

and Service

16 Moving Up Day Ruth Fiesel ‘38 Award

17 New Look for Baldwin

18 Faculty Farewell

21 Alumnae Book Club

22 Good Sports 24 Save the Date: Florence Baldwin’s Birthday

25 Reunion 2011

Page 22 Good SportsAlex Lucas ‘11 was one of five Varsity spring student-athletes named to an All Inter-AC Team.

Page 25 Reunion MomentsClasses of red reunite. See special moments from the weekend.

Page 14 Class DayThe red blazers make a final appearance before Commencement.

Page 14Contents

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A w a r d W i n n e r s

Preserving Nature Through Art

2 0 1 1 A L U M N A E A W A R D W I N N E R

“ Baldwin gave me a sense of ‘what could be’ - an ideal towards which I have

striven, and just as a plant keeps putting down its roots, this sentiment will

continue to grow deeper in my heart for as long as I live.”

Matilda Lancaster Essig ’76

EEveryone tells you to do something you’re passionate about. But, what do you do when your passions are two completely different things – like art and the environment? In the case of Tilda Essig, you combine them. You make art out of the environment that you care so much about. Tilda has combined her two, seemingly disparate, passions in life into one meaningful career. An accomplished artist, she has focused on the environmental conservation of temperate and tropical forests, the Sonoran Desert, and most recently native grasses as the inspiration for her work. Her art clearly represents her interest in the environment, but beyond that, also her desire to make others aware of and connected to the world that surrounds them. “I look very closely at the ornate characters of one particular biotic community – the native grasses – the subtle and often overlooked keystone species that comprise the open spaces of the American west, and I create large format portraits of them, so that they can speak for themselves, directly to the viewer,” explains Tilda. “That viewer may be a gallery director, museum curator, a private or corporate collector, and it may also be a rancher or a farmer, who may never have set foot in an institution of ‘higher culture’ but whose culture, as a steward of the land, has enormous relevance for the future, both of our food supply and our nation, and whose message, in turn, becomes part of my message.” Tilda received her B.A. from Reed College, and was trained in classical painting and drawing at the Art Students League of New York. After 10 years of working in Natural Science Illustration in the Sonoran Desert, she

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M a n d a l a A w a r d - C l a s s o f 1 9 7 1

began to use digital technology to explore the diversity of open space in the West. Exhibitions of her work, some spanning several years, have included traveling exhibits throughout the tri-national Sonoran Desert bioregion. Tilda’s work is in private and corporate collections, national parks and wildlife refuges, and has been shown in New Mexico, the north rim of the Grand Canyon, Kansas, Iowa, Mexico, and the John James Audubon Center in Pennsylvania. Her clients have included Dr. Jane Goodall, National Geographic, the U.S. Department of the Interior, and Oxford University Press, among others. In 2012, Tilda will expand her reach with a residency at the Willa Cather Memorial Prairie in Nebraska. As inspiration for her art, Tilda has been a practicing restorationist, working to heal grasslands in Arizona that have been over-grazed. Drawing on her agricultural knowledge, using rotational grazing methods, she experienced firsthand the willing resilience of natural systems. As Tilda explains, “Approached with reverence, and vision, the creativity of good stewardship becomes an art as well.”— By Margaretta Walton ’97, Chair of the Awards Committee

It is in honor of the Class of 1971 that the Awards Committee has created the Mandala Award, which recognizes a class for outstandingcohesiveness over the years and an unwavering class spirit.

This inaugural award was presented to the Class of 1971, whose yearbook – The Mandala – is a fitting symbol of the unity among these alumnae. “The Mandala, signifying the connectedness of life, has brought the Class of 1971 full circle,” said Sally M. Powell, head of school. “These women returned to Baldwin – the magical place where they became a collective group – as inspirations and role models for other classes that are ready to step out and make their mark on the world,” she continued. The Class of 1971 shows support and care for each other, an awareness of what their time at Baldwin meant to them, and how it shaped their future, both as individuals and as a whole. One letter to Baldwin from a 1971 alumna expressed it quite eloquently, “We loved Baldwin in 1971. We appreciate it even more now. We have discovered that the deep truths we learned at Baldwin are real: to love well, to serve others, to work hard, faithfully, honorably, uncomplainingly, over the long haul, to be honest, to be truthful, to be courageous, to excel individually and together. And we’ve learned to laugh.” Andrea Hammerschmidt Felkins ’71, who accepted the Mandala Award on behalf of her classmates, echoed these sentiments. “If you want to keep your class spirit alive, you have to nurture it. These women sitting around you are a gift. Make it a priority to stay connected. Don’t wonder who is coming to a reunion – ask people to come. Put your time and effort into the things that you value. Please believe that these people sitting around you are people worth keeping in your life.”

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Class of 1971

Riding Out into the Apache Highlands

Row 1 – Jan Pethick, Anne Shoemaker, Ruth Fackenthal, Andrea Hammerschmidt Felkins, Kathryn Roth, Joan Steinmeyer RosenbergRow 2 – Martha Craumer, Cheri Deal, Maureen Kenny-Massari, Viv Jones Stretten, Beth Mather Graves, Kathy Carr Phyfer, Vicky Steiger OlinRow 3 – Shawn Lacy, Margy Blaney Davidson, Nan Lester Maguire, Betsy Kellogg Hamilton, Darbie Lister Maccubbin, Laurie Kilpatrick, Ellen McNeary Briggs, Gay ReeseRow 4 – Anne DeFuria, Cindy Conston Savett, Kathryn Uhler Shutler, Mugsy McGowan, Anne Turner Keifer, Anne Grubb Vilece, Helen Haskell MacCallum, Meg Campbell, Mary B. Robinson

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After graduating from Emory University in 1995, Rachel Carson started Helicopter Tech, Inc. Seizing market demand for difficult-to-find helicopter parts, Rachel was

able to turn her lifelong love of aviation into a successful and competitive business. In 2008 Helicopter Tech, Inc. was selected as one of only four contractors to provide landing gear parts to the U.S. Air Force and Defense Logistics Agency. Rachel has been nom-inated for and received nu-merous awards, including ‘40 under 40’ by the Phila-delphia Business Journal. She also was nominated as one of ‘Pennsylvania’s Best 50 Women in Busi-ness,’ and was asked by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to address the Korean Ambassador to the U.S. As a female President and CEO, Rachel has made a name for herself in the business world, and also in the competitive world of aviation.


Rachel T. Carson ’91

A w a r d W i n n e r s

“I was taught that a ‘Baldwin girl’ could do and accomplish anything in life,” said Rachel. “I didn’t think twice about starting a business right out of college in the aerospace industry – despite it being a male-dominated field. Baldwin taught us that if we worked hard and

studied hard, we could excel, and that has directly translated to my experience in business,” she continued. As the criteria of the Distinguished Young Alumna Award dictates, Rachel has made a significant contribution to her profession and to her field – empowering other women to break barriers and achieve their potential.

Rachel’s accomplishments are a result of taking risks, seeking

out mentors and leading with perseverance and focus. Rachel has built her business as any Baldwin girl would – with dedication, drive and passion.

— Elizabeth Auritt ‘11 and Akela Lacy ’11, Alumnae Association Executive Board Student Representatives

Rachel was selected as one of four contractors to provide landing gear parts to the U.S. Air Force and Defense Logistics Agency.

“I didn’t think twice about starting a business right out of college in the aerospace industry – despite it being a male-dominated field.”

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A w a r d W i n n e r s

The Rosamond Cross Endowed Teaching Chair was established in 1988 in honor of the fourth head of school, Rosamond Cross, to recognize a teacher who has

made an exceptional and enduring impact on the school community. The 2011 recipient of the Cross Chair, Lisa Ameisen ’76, is a true personification of Baldwin passion – a passion evident in her accomplishments as an alumna, a current Baldwin parent and a 25-year faculty member. Lisa was an accomplished Baldwin athlete, winning the White Blazer in 1976 and being named captain of the field hockey and tennis teams. She studied anthropology at Bryn Mawr College, where she received her M.A. Lisa parlayed her passion for social studies and world culture into the publishing world – co-authoring a book with Dr. Jane Goodall and Philip Kilbride, and in the classroom – developing a Grade VI anthropology course. Lisa has taught history and math, and also introduced the now-legendary Senior Elective: ICS Individual, Culture and Society. In addition to her teaching responsibilities, Lisa has directed Upper School advising, served on the Alumnae Association Executive Board, was elected to two terms as the faculty representative on the Board of Trustees, and holds the position of Dean of Middle School students. Outside Baldwin, Lisa has continued her commitment to her anthropological roots. She is a founding member of the Multi-Cultural Research Center, where she served on the board and presented on issues of class in Independent Schools. It is Lisa’s experiences as a Baldwin girl that have paved

her path for greatness, and her innate determination, candid demeanor and passion for her vocation that have propelled her to where she is today. “Ms. Ameisen is a teacher who truly makes a difference in the lives of Baldwin girls,” said Sally M. Powell, head of school. “She has made an indelible impression on Baldwin’s community, instilling a lifelong love of learning within our students that will enable them to reach incredible heights at Baldwin and beyond.” As the 11th Rosamond Cross honoree, Lisa will receive a $5,000 stipend. She joins Latin and Greek Teacher Jeannette Keshishian, former Drama Department Chair Lois Goutman, former Art Department Chair Ruth Fackenthal, the late French Teacher Pierrette David, Science Department Chair Elizabeth Chesnick, Art Teacher Jan Pethick, the late jewelry teacher Romelle Pethick, Lower School Science Teacher Molly Heckscher

and Math Teacher Laura J. Wright ’72 in receiving the award.

Lisa Ameisen ’76

“...She has made an indelible impression on Baldwin’s community, instilling a lifelong love of learning within our students that will enable

them to reach incredible heights at Baldwin and beyond.”

— Sally Powell

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Summer Travels Grade VIII girls recently returned from a 10-day trip to England as a part of Baldwin’s Perse School Exchange Program.

‘Annus Mirabilis’ Baldwin girls led the pack at the 2011 National Latin Exam, Philadelphia Classical Society Latin Week and Etymology Exam.

Beat Cancer with a Bat (LEFT) Cancer took a hit from Baldwin’s Varsity Softball Team in “Beat Cancer with a Bat.”

On the Move (ABOVE) Ms. Angst is hard at work moving two years of memories to Baldwin’s new drama space. Stay tuned to Baldwin’s Facebook page and Twitter account for the big reveal!

Poetry Party (LEFT) Grade IV students enjoyed a poetry session with published Indian writer and poet Nabina Das.

Students “See” Anew (BELOW & INSET) Grade II students heightened their senses by learning Braille with students from Overbrook School for the Blind.


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Alumnae Newsmakers

Hard Work + Focus = Success (ABOVE) Grade VI students placed 13th out of 137 competitors from throughout the state, and 2nd in Montgomery County in the Pennsylvania Math League Contest. Jessica Zhang (front right) was the top scorer statewide in her grade level.

National Honors(LEFT) Emma Hamm ‘07, Baldwin lacrosse sensation, was one of five female finalists nationwide for the Tewaaraton Trophy.

Model Congress Mavens (ABOVE) Baldwin’s Model Congress Club was awarded Best Small Delegation at the University of Pennsylvania Model Congress Conference, and also received honors at the Harvard Model Congress Conference.

Going Green (LEFT) Oprah’s OWN featured Baldwin’s Environmental Studies Teacher and Sustainability Coordinator Tiffany Hays Borsch. Look for the video on our YouTube channel!

Passion for Fashion (RIGHT) Alumna Lily Simon ’07 shined in the Cornell Fashion Collective with “Winged Messengers.”

Are you or a former classmate making headlines?

Send highlights to Echoes Editor Jessica Covello (jcovello@ or post to the Baldwin Alumnae Facebook page

for a chance to be mentioned in an upcoming issue of Echoes.

Take 1 Christina Acevedo ‘04 wrote, directed and produced the short film “Wild Idle.” The film was accepted into the Cannes Film Festival’s short corner category.

Friendship and Motherhood In celebration of Mother’s Day, asked longtime friends and Baldwin alumnae Susan Gregory Thomas ‘86 and Jacqueline Christy ‘84 to share how kids have affected their friendship. See the story at


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TraiAnne Peek ’11 receives her diploma from Sally Powell.

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Class of 2011


Following is a comprehensive matriculation list: Boston College (1), Bucknell University (2), Chapman University (1), College of William and Mary (1), Colorado College (1), Columbia University (1), Connecticut College (1), Cornell University (3), DeSales University (1), Drexel University (4), Emory University (1), Franklin and Marshall College (1), Georgetown University (1), The George Washington University (3), Hamilton College – NY (1), Harvard University (1), Lehigh University (2), Malone University (1), Occidental College (2), Pennsylvania State University, University Park (2), Philadelphia University (1), Princeton University (1), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1), Syracuse University (2), University of Delaware (1), University of Maryland, College Park (1), University of Michigan (2), The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1), University of Pennsylvania (7), University of Virginia (4), Vanderbilt University (1), Wake Forest University (1), Washington and Lee University (1), Williams College (1), Xavier University of Louisiana (1) and Yale University (1).

Andrews, JacquelynAuritt, ElizabethBarton, CamilleBloch, Alison JoyCandell, TessCirelli, DeniseCohen, ValerieDaryoush, TanineElmongy, HannaFader, ShaynaFarren, ReginaFeinberg, KristinField, AnjalieGaston, MarielGewertz, Richelle

Gray, HilaryGundrum, Victoria ReneeHarmon, KathrynHays, ElyssaJohnson, Margit ShepherdKathopoulis, PaulinaKontra, AlexandraLacy, AkelaLevick, HannahLiss, JennaLogan, TessaLucas, AlexandraMaity, AlishaMarks, RebeccaMorrison, Wendy

Newsome, Corina DianaPagano, JenniferParmacek, SarahPedrick, JuliaPeek, TraiAnnePelzer, JuliaRappoport, EmilyRhodes, LaurenSalvitti, ChristinaSawin, CarolineScott, AdrienneShein, SamanthaShepelev, VictoriaSheppard, StephanieSimone, Brooke

Sisler, Samantha ASun, AngelaTaggart, MadelineTareen, NadiaVeno, KelseyWalk, Remy ElisabethWalker-Horn, ArianeWarren, SloanWeiner, LindsayWigrizer, JenniferWing, Sydney AWoods, Caroline AZerafati, Gazelle

Presenting The Baldwin School’s Class of 2011:

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Finding A Voice

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NADIA TAREEN“We fifty-eight girls are a beautiful mosaic of extroverts and introverts, artists and athletes, class clowns and nerds; a mosaic just like the Egyptian one that we created on the Lower School wall in fifth grade. Whether we have called Baldwin our second home since Pre-K, or since freshman year, we have each found a piece of ourselves here. I remained shy throughout Lower School, gradually finding my voice as I realized that the girls in our grade are people who are well worth getting to know. I feel a friendship with the fifty-seven of you that I will value for the rest of my life.”

K R I S T I N F E I N BE RG“We’ve put our all into what we believe is right, and we’re certainly not afraid to be passionate. We are often told that we can’t or that we won’t, but we don’t back down. We have faced every challenge thrown at us by the school and by others, and have found our way through it off the beaten path...Our failures and more prominently our successes have really brought this diverse group of party animals into an impressive herd…We’ve shaped each other from rambunctious four year olds to intelligent and caring young ladies… Each and every single day at Baldwin has brought me closer and closer to this group of crazy, spirited, and caring girls. We have created and broken rules, we have fought to keep traditions, and we make sure that our thoughts are heard. Baldwin has taught us to be individuals, teammates, leaders and supporters.”

C A L L I E W OOD S“As we prepare to leave Baldwin, I can’t predict who you’ll become, I can only reflect on who you’ve been for me. You’ve been the friends I’ve turned to for the past seven years if I’m happy, or upset, or tired, or frustrated. You were there for me the day I started at Baldwin, and you will continue to be there for many years after we leave. We’ve been teammates and study buddies and – every so often – dance partners, and I, for one, will be lucky if I meet even one person who possesses the same energy and enthusiasm for life that I see in you all every day. Even on your bad days, I see you take advantage of all of life’s opportunities, and that’s not something you can teach in a classroom.”

WE N D Y MORR I S ON“For a Baldwin girl, especially of the class of 2011, taking risks and putting yourself out there is pretty much the norm. If we have something to say, whether it’s smart, important, or funny, we say it. But if you ever wondered if Baldwin was the right choice, I’m here, in front of you, at the end of my journey, assuring you that it was. Your daughter knows her own worth, knows how smart she is, and knows that she can do whatever she chooses to… My parting wish to all of you would be that you never let anyone make you feel insignificant…We are many things, loud, opinionated, hungry, and perhaps even controversial, but one thing we are not is insignificant. And finally, that you always remember that you have a voice and that you should use it.”

A L I S H A MA I TY Commencement Speaker“At Baldwin, trying to label anyone is near impossible. Looking around, I see bands of interests, splashes of athleticism, streaks of theatricality, dabs of teenage rage, and a whole lot of pride and passion which materialize into the largest, most diverse class of students this school has ever seen…One of my favorite fictional characters is the unpopular but extremely talented Rachel Berry from Glee. In the show’s pilot, Rachel asks if, ‘being a part of something special makes you special.’ She questions whether a group of people, like our wonderful class of 2011, can change an individual for good. If Rachel is correct, as I believe she is, then I am more special than I could have ever imagined, thanks to all of you.”

As spring rolls around and Baldwin’s iconic cherry blossoms bloom, it is inevitable for students to begin counting down the days until summer vacation. For seniors, it is slightly different. They are counting down the days until their Baldwin experience comes to a close, and their new journeys commence. For them, spring is a time of nerve-wracking suspense when it comes to college acceptances; a time to experience the “real world” during Senior Externships; and a time to reflect on the finality of their Baldwin career. As a final assignment in senior English electives, students write reflections on their Baldwin experiences. Here are excerpts from recent alumnae reflections on camaraderie, success, and how they were able to find their “voice” here at Baldwin. By Charlotte Damico ’10, Class of 2010 Commencement Speaker

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F R I E N D S & F A M I L Y




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A 13-year Club Rebecca Marks, Hilary Gray, Akela Lacy, Alison Bloch, Madeline Taggart, Elizabeth Auritt, Jenna Liss, Elyssa Hays, Nadia Tareen

B Sheena S. Iyengar, Commencement Speaker and S.T. Lee Professor of Business in the Management Division at Columbia Business School.

C Corina Newsome ‘11 takes pause outside the church.

D 14-year Club TraiAnne Peek, Caroline Sawin, Sloan Warren, Kristin Feinberg, Samantha Shein, Christina Salvitti

E Jennifer Wigrizer takes it all in at Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church.

F Faculty, parents and other celebratory guests join new graduates in singing Baldwin’s alma mater.

G Alumnae relatives join new graduates.Front, l to r: Natania Field ’08, Anjalie Field ’11, Christina Salvitti ’11, Stephanie Salvitti ’09, Akela Lacy ’11, Shawn Lacy ‘71 (president of the Alumnae Association Executive Board)Middle, l to r: Toutia Daryoush ’09, Tanine Daryoush ’11, Maria Wing ’97, Sydney Wing ’11, Ksenia Shepelev ’10, Victoria Shepelev ’11, Adrienne Scott ’11, Carolyn Simpson Scott ‘74Back, l to r: Caroline Sawin ‘11, Alexandra Sawin ’10, Melissa Wing ‘00



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Upper School Students SoarNational Merit Scholars Eighteen Baldwin students were recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation for outstanding performance on the 2009 PSAT. National Merit Scholarship Corporation winner: Anjalie Field National Merit Arkema Inc. Scholarship: Gazelle Zerafati National Achievement Certificates: Akela Lacy and Ariane Walker-Horn National Merit Scholarship Finalists: Wendy Morrison,

Sarah Parmacek, Brooke Simone and Gazelle Zerafati

National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist: Christina Salvitti

National Merit Scholarship Commended Students: Elizabeth

Auritt, Mariel Gaston, Hannah

Elmongy, Akela Lacy, Alisha Maity,

Adrienne Scott, Samantha Sisler,

Angela Sun, Madeline Taggart,

Ariane Walker-Horn, Sloan Warren and Caroline Woods.

Gaston, Lacy and Walker-Horn also were named semifinalists in the National Achievement Scholarship Program for black American high school students.

The Eva Macklis Award in the Performing Arts is given to students who have a profound dedication to the performing arts. This year it went to singer, actor and award-winning playwright Kelsey Veno.

The Fourteen Year Club recognizes students who have been at Baldwin from Pre-Kindergarten through Grade XII. This year there were six new members, including Kristin

Feinberg, TraiAnne Peek, Christina Salvitti, Caroline

Sawin, Samantha Shein and Sloan Warren.

College Book Awards Bryn Mawr College President’s Book Award: Marina Crowe Drexel University Book Award: Kimberly Rouse Harvard Book Award: Randa Melhem University of Pennsylvania Book Award: Alexandra

Dias-Lalcaca Princeton University Book Award: Laura Jarin-Lipschitz Yale Book Award: Julia Dewey

The Society of Women Engineers recognizes high school students who have demonstrated excellence in the fields of mathematics and science for three years. Certificates were presented to Nadia

Tareen (highest honors), Remy Walk (highest honors) and Adrienne Scott (high honors). The Coughanowr Linguistics Award honors the teaching and learning of language. This year it was awarded to a student who has shown deep commitment to her learning in French as well as Latin: Brooke Simone.

The Phi Beta Kappa Award is given to a student who embodies the ideals of academic achievement, character, and a love of wisdom and learning. This year it was awarded to Hanna Elmongy.

The Baldwin School Academic Athlete College Scholarship was established by Wendy Zalles Vella ’89 and her parents to support a graduating Baldwin senior who demonstrates academic and athletic strength. The award was given to Brooke Simone.

Eighteen Baldwin students

were recognized by the

National Merit Scholarship

Corporation for outstanding

performance on the

2009 PSAT.

Baldwin’s Annual Class Day on June 7 marked a time of celebration and recognition for Upper Schoolers. Students who represent the highest ideals of the Baldwin community were given the following awards:

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The Thirteen Year Club recognizes students who have been at Baldwin from Kindergarten through Grade XII. This year there are nine new members, including Elizabeth Auritt,

Alison Bloch, Hilary Gray, Elyssa Hays, Akela Lacy, Jenna

Liss, Rebecca Marks, Madeline Taggart and Nadia Tareen.

The Caroline Simon Award given in honor of the Senior Trustee goes to the junior or senior who, in the judgment of the Upper School faculty, has completed a project which demonstrates creativity, willingness to take a risk, and sustained effort in the pursuit of academic excellence. This year the Simon Award was given to Adrienne Scott, who has pursued college-level studies of Spanish literature.

The Rachel Shao Sun Award is a memorial tribute to the Baldwin mom and Board of Trustees member. The award was given to a senior who exhibited academic excellence, leadership, warmth, good humor, and the ability to be a true friend: Alexandra Lucas.

The Baldwin Class of 1998 Award commends an Upper School student for her achievement, perseverance and determination in the face of challenges. This year it goes to: Kathryn Harmon.

The Baldwin Class of 2002 Award, established by the parents of the Class of 2002, is given to the senior who, through her personality and character, has made her class special for its members. This year’s award went to TraiAnne Peek.

The Baldwin Class of 2003 Award, endowed by the members of the Class of 2003, commends an Upper School student for her dedication to academic pursuits, creative approach to leadership, and strong sense of class unity. This year’s award went to Margit Johnson.

The Baldwin Award is given to a senior who has distinguished herself in pursuit of excellence in academics, the arts, leadership, service, and sensitivity to others. This year’s award went to Nadia Tareen.

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Certificates for Outstanding Contributions to the Life of Upper School These certificates recognize students who possess the spirit, caring, selflessness, energy, character, and courage to seek ideals that we need and admire. These students have helped to build a stronger and fuller school community, and include:

Grade XII: Camille Barton, Alexandra Kontra, Akela Lacy, Alexander Lucas, Emily Rappaport, Adrienne Scott and Caroline Woods

Grade XI: Mable Bakali, Amanda Buck and Marina Crowe

Grade X: Abigail Grosskopf, Connie Li, Arden Simone and Emilie Wache

Grade IX: Emily Clark, Abigail Lemmon, Selena Maity, Eleanor Pressman, Saleka Shyamalan and Erica Wachs

To see student awards in Arts, English, History, Mathematics, Science, World Languages and Physical Education, visit the News section of Baldwin’s website.

Grade VIII students Alexandra Thaler and Ting Fang were presented with the Ruth Fiesel ’38 Middle School Award for contribution to the life of the school. Middle School Director Lois Pressman presented the award, which is named for a former Middle School head who also was a winner of the school’s Alumnae Award in 1993. The award was presented on June 9 as a part of the Middle School “Moving Up” ceremony. All Grade VIII students received their Lamp of Learning pins and were welcomed to Upper School by Director Eric Benke.

Ruth Fiesel ‘38 Award Alexandra Thaler and Ting Fang

Moving Up

TraditionsClass songs, passing pins, exchanging’s all par for the course during the Marching In Dinner.

The ceremonial ringing of the gong and hanging of the bell signified the approach of Commencement.


Samantha Sisler ‘11 was recognized as a National Merit Scholar and received Theater’s Cornelia Otis Skinner Award.

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Website It’s almost here! Baldwin’s new website will launch in conjunction with the start of the 2011-2012 academic year, and will give you access to features including an alumnae portal. This will be your one-stop-shop for an event calendar, news, photos and more.

EchoesA staple of Baldwin’s alumnae communications for more than 80 years, The Baldwin Echoes aims to keep graduates connected to the school, to each other, and to the scores of students who will join its alumnae ranks. Coming in the Winter 2012 issue, the content of Echoes will be revamped to give you more valuable, engaging information about the school’s endeavors, the accomplishments of our students and graduates, and opportunities to connect with fellow alumnae. Here’s a sample of the new content you can expect:

Feature story: The Winter and Spring issues will be anchored around an alumna-produced piece – excerpts from a published work, travel stories, life lessons and more. Photo retrospective: Take a step back in time with “then and now” photos capturing the changes of Bald-win’s campus over its 123-year history. Faculty highlights: Celebrate faculty anniversaries, awards and achievements along with fellow readers.Focus on academics, arts and athletics: Each issue will include an update on these three core elements that make up the Baldwin experience.

If you’re interested in contributing to Echoes for the feature story or otherwise, please contact editor Jessica Covello at [email protected].

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New Year, New LookComing Soon!

Baldwin offers myriad ways to connect online, and has recently launched a new Facebook page exclusively for alumnae. By joining the page, you’ll enjoy “first-to-know” access to regional alumnae events and reunion updates, and will be able to share photos, videos and more with other Baldwin alumnae all over the world. Additionally, we’ll use the Facebook page as a feedback forum on a range of topics, so make your voice heard! Visit to “Like” us.

The Baldwin Bear is on a world tour. Take a photo of the Baldwin Bear during your travels and post the picture to our Facebook page, or tweet using #baldwinbear. He was last spotted in Brighton, England at the Brighton Pier.

Social MediaFACEBOOK Baldwin Alumnae ( Baldwin Athletics ( Baldwin (



LINKEDIN Search for The Baldwin School Alumnae group

Interested in being a part of the website revamp? We’re seeking alumnae to participate in focus groups. Please contact Website Coordinator Robyn Connelly at [email protected] for details.

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As chief development officer, Jeff Appel made great strides in developing Baldwin’s planned giving program and enhancing communication with alumnae regarding the school and its future. He was inspired by the deep devotion of Baldwin’s alumnae to the school, and by Head of School Sally Powell’s visionary leadership.

If you are an alumna, chances are good that Leslie Pfeil, Baldwin’s former director of communications, knows your name, what you look like and what you’ve been up to. As editor of Echoes, Leslie was affectionately known as “the database” of institutional information on campus. An active coach of the dance team, passionate crew team supporter, and faculty advisor to the Hourglass, Leslie was involved in myriad aspects of life at Baldwin.

“Aaron Preetam earned the trust and respect of his students through his hard work, his high standards, and his obvious commitment to their success. He was a creative classroom teacher and a gifted crew coach. Aaron never expected more of his students than he did of himself, and they came quickly to understand and admire that about him. His work with the crew team helped bring Baldwin to new heights of success.” —Eric Benke, Director of Upper School

“Angela Wilkinson was a delightful, funny, warm and professional nurse who handled every crisis, medical or emotional, with skill and care. She was a caring helper when needed, a strong advocate for student health, a wise counselor, and a great friend to many colleagues. Her renditions of English music-hall songs will be greatly missed!” —Eric Benke, Director of Upper School


Farewell to 14 Baldwin Faculty and Staff Members

“Xiaofei Tang came to Baldwin to start a new language program – a challenging proposition. With her hard work, a strong background, enthusiasm, and a great instinct for Baldwin girls, the Mandarin program got off to a flying start. She has created

a corps of dedicated, enthusiastic Chinese pioneers – a superb legacy.” —Eric Benke, Director of Upper School

“Pat Silva was a wonderful classroom teacher and colleague. Her students loved her for her creativity, warmth, and tremendous depth of experience in teaching Spanish. Pat was a sage counselor, an advocate for her students’ well-being, and

a generous, compassionate colleague. Whether dancing with her beloved husband at Prom or taking a struggling girl aside for extra help, Pat brought a lively genuineness to everything she did.” —Eric Benke, Director of Upper School

Do you have a favorite memory of one of our faculty or staff members? Share it on the Baldwin Alumnae Facebook Page!

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“Dorothy Tillger ran the Upper School office for more than two decades. She knew the history of every tradition and policy at Baldwin; her roots in the school ran deep. She kept the Upper School office – and administrators – on an even keel and paid attention

to all the details that make up school life. Whether it was making sure new students had their pizza lunch or organizing Commencement, Dorothy’s eye for detail and conscientiousness made the place work. Her great sense of humor and her determination never to do less than her very best were her hallmarks.” —Eric Benke, Director of Upper School

“During her more than 20 years at Baldwin, Art Teacher CJ Cona viewed the world through the lens of an artist. She left her unique mark throughout the campus, from the mosaic walls of the Lower School to the gardens that grace the hillside between the

Lower School building and the Schoolhouse.” —Baiba Vasys, Director of Lower School

My nearly 22 years as a member of the Baldwin community have been rich and varied. As the School’s first director of communications, I had the opportunity to shepherd Baldwin into the digital age, creating the School’s first website and electronic communications and initiating the use of social media in its daily communications.

I took great pride in reinforcing the School’s role and reputation in the larger community by serving as Baldwin’s liaison to such regional and national institutions as the National Coalition of Girls Schools, the Main Line Chamber of Commerce, Bryn Mawr Film Institute and Fairmount Park, among others. Whether it was working with the media, writing the weekly e-newsletters or editing my favorite publication, Echoes, I always looked forward to sharing the good news about Baldwin with alumnae, students, parents and friends of the School.

An exciting highlight during my tenure was playing an instrumental role in the development of the School’s “Thinking Girls” brand and in the celebration of Baldwin as truly a place where “tradition and today” join hands.

I have enjoyed working with so many dedicated colleagues, volunteers and students and will miss my role as advisor and coach for The Hourglass and the Upper School dance and rowing teams. As a special note to all Echoes readers, I hope you have been both inspired and intrigued reading the magazine these past 22 years, and I wish you many more years of good reading.

A Farewell from Leslie Pfeil

Leslie Pfeil with members of the 2006 Baldwin rowing team at the christening of an eight-oared shell named in her honor that spring by the team.

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“Carol Clouse spent more than 20 years at Baldwin and was known for her extreme attention to detail and willingness learn new projects. She kept the IT wing festive with creative bulletin board displays – no doubt a skill learned from her early Baldwin

days as Lower School administrative assistant – and her warm personality. Carol greeted you with a smile, never forgot a birthday (including your pet’s), and was greatly respected by her colleagues.” —Dave Anderson, Network Administrator

“It makes me happy to know that Jerry Cupo was able to take the training he gained here and use it to obtain a great new job as he continues to grow in his career. He was my sidekick on the rollercoaster we call, ‘the school year.’” —Dave Anderson, Network Administrator

“Erin White was a strong and meticulous teacher who has been a leader in our department’s progressive curriculum. She is a self-motivator when it comes to her profession and planning for her students and teams. Erin was part of the curricular planning

for the Baldwin Athletic Center; her contributions are appreciated and will be remembered.” —Deb Surgi, Director of Athletics

“Anita Banister was extremely dedicated to her Lower School students. She could often be found in the library after school, providing academic support to students. She brought a can-do attitude and deep sense of responsibility to her work, while making an imprint on the community through service committees and projects to help the needy. Anita served on Faculty Forum, contributed

to events such as the Community Gala fund raiser, oversaw the Lower School service league activities, and served as a mentor to other teachers. —Baiba Vasys, Director of Lower School

“With certifications as an elementary teacher and speech and language pathologist, and having immigrated from South Africa, Lower School Assistant Director and Resource Teacher Ingrid Danilewitz brought unique cultural and educational experiences to her work at Baldwin. In 2007, Ingrid assumed the role of assistant director and resource teacher in the Lower School, a position she

shared with colleague Holly Stoviak for the past two years, and went on to receive certification as a Wilson Reading Instructor. Through her character education sessions and leadership classes, Ingrid fostered the school’s core values of honesty, learning, respect, responsibility, and compassion.” —Baiba Vasys, Director of Lower School

“During her 10-year career at Baldwin, Rosemarie Horn had a sense of humor and a quiet strength. She was always willing to jump in and help – from public relations and human resources to filling in at the bookstore and reception desk.” —Joanne Brasberger, Chief Financial Officer

F A C U L T Y F A R E W E L L ( C O N ’ T )

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T he Baldwin School Alumnae Association is pleased to announce an exciting, new collaboration. For the first time in the school’s history, we will be bringing

together faculty, alumnae and parents each month, for a lively discussion of a wide assortment of books. Included are novels, a play, a book of short stories and a book focusing on science. Our faculty facilitators will lead us in a better understanding of outstanding pieces of classic and contemporary fiction and non-fiction. In addition, we will podcast each of these book club meetings, so that alumnae from around the country may listen in on our discussions, while reading the same books at the same time as local participants. Regional

alumnae may form their own Book Clubs, and then listen to the podcast for a virtual connection to Baldwin. As we continue to grow this program, we plan to provide SKYPE participation, as well as other means of interactive communication, worldwide. If you would like to get a “jump-start” on our exciting program, here is a listing of the selected books, the book club facilitators, and the dates of the meetings. Be sure to mark your calendar. We look forward to interacting with you, no matter where you may live! By Emmeline Hunter VanderZwaag ‘75

Introducing The Baldwin Book Club

S U M M E R E C H O E S 2 0 1 1 2 1

We would love to know how you plan to participate!

Contact Emmy Hunter VanderZwaag ‘75 at [email protected], or post to the Alumnae Facebook page ( and tell us what your plans are, whether near or far.

Thursday, September 22, 2011-7:00 p.m. (Anne Frank Library)Book Selection - THE NAMESAKE by Jhumpa LahiriFacilitator - English Department Chair Olive Ledlie

September 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011-2:00 p.m. (Main Hall – by the fireplace)Book Selection - ARCADIA by Tom StoppardFacilitator - Classics/History Teacher Preston Bannard

Thursday, November 17, 2011-7:00 p.m. (Main Hall – by the fireplace)Book Selection - GENOME by Matt RidleyFacilitators - Biology Teacher Susan Dorfman and select Baldwin students

November 2011

Thursday, February 9, 2012-7:00 p.m. (Anne Frank Library)Book Selection-INFIDEL by Ayaan Hirsi AliFacilitator - Head Librarian Kelly Grimmett

February 2012

October 2011

Wednesday, March 21, 2012-7:00 p.m. (Main Hall – by the fireplace)Book Selection - WHO’S IRISH by Gish JenFacilitator - English Teacher Diane Senior

March 2012

April 2012Sunday, April 15, 2012-2:00 p.m. (Anne Frank Library)Book Selection - MRS. DALLOWAY by Virginia WoolfFacilitator - English Department Chair Olive Ledlie

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Held on June 6, the Annual Athletic Association

Celebration honored our impressive Upper School athletes. Athletics Award Recipients include:

White Blazer Award: Sloan Warren ’11

Played on at least two varsity sports in her senior year, excelled in athletics, and represented the best qualities of sportsmanship.

Tina Roak Award: Alisha Maity ’11 Commends leadership in athletics throughout her years at Baldwin.

Lois Harlos Award: Akela Lacy ’11 Recognizes the finest qualities of integrity and professionalism.

Alice Comly Award: Alexandra Kontra ’11 Awards perseverance and determination in the face of adversity.

Ruth Davidon Elite Athlete Award: Jacquelyn

Andrews ’11, Tess Candell ’11, Sloan Warren ’11

Brings national acclaim to herself and her school.

Margot Cunningham Sports Commitment Award:

Kristin Feinberg ’11, Hilary Gray ’11, Ally Kontra ’11,

Akela Lacy ’11, Tessa Logan ’11, Alisha Maity ’11,

Stephanie Sheppard ’11, Brooke Simone ’11, Sloan

Warren ’11 Played three sports for four years.

Pat West Award: Kaylah Klezcka ’12 Played at least one varsity sport and developed that sport through outside leagues and camps.

Presented at the Class Day Ceremony:

Suzanne Valutas Physical Education Award: Emily

Clark ’14 Awards dedication to improving her own fitness and the well-being of her class.

Athletes receive special honors at the Athletic Banquet June 6: front l to r – Alisha Maity ‘11; Tess Candell ‘11; Alexandra Kontra ’11 and Jacquelyn Andrews ‘11; back l to r – Akela Lacy ‘11; Sloan Warren ‘11 and Kayla Kleczka ‘12. Missing from photo: Emily Clark ’14.

JV Quad Kayla Kleczka ’12; Natalie Webb ’12; Charlotte Beever ’13 and Liz Asch ’12.

Good Sports

Celebrating Athletes


The following athletes were named to spring all-star teams.

LacrosseInter-Ac First Team: Sloan Warren ’11Inter-Ac Second Team: Jennie Wigrizer ’11 and Arden Simone ’13All-Main Line First Team: Sloan Warren ’11All-Main Line Second Team: Jennie Wigrizer ’11 and Arden Simone ’13All-Main Line Honorable Mention: Hilary Gray ’11

GolfInter-Ac First Team: Caroline Sawin ’11

SoftballInter-Ac First Team: Alex Lucas ’11 All-Main Line Second Team: Alex Lucas ’11 and Randa Melham ’12 All-Main Line Honorable Mention: Amanda Buck ’12

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Jackie Andrews ’11 and Tess Candell ’11 won the lightweight doubles at the Scholastic Rowing Association of America Championship for Baldwin Crew. The JV Crew quad of Kaylah Kleczka ’12, Charlotte Beever ’13, Natalie Webb ’12 and Liz Asch ’12 placed second. Both the lightweight double and quad competed in the Canadian National Regatta and the Henley Regatta in London under the guidance of Coach Aaron Preetam.

Crew continued to shine as Kaylah Kleczka ’12 won Gold and Silver Medals in the Philadelphia Youth Regatta on July 16. Teammates Jasmine Schlichting ’13 and Madison Noteware ’12 rowed on behalf of the Fairmount Rowing Association, which won the overall “Bennie” point trophy. Jasmine won Gold in the J16 2x and Madison won Silver and Bronze in the J18 4x and 8x, respectively.

The Varsity Lacrosse Team, led by co-captains Jennie Wigrizer ’11 and Sloan Warren ’11, advanced to the PASAA State Lacrosse Championship Semi-Finals. The team achieved a top-20 ranking in the state and finished in the top 10% of 2,500+ teams nationwide.

Sloan continued to excel on the lacrosse field at the ESPN Wide World of Sports in Florida. There, she participated in the All-American Showcase and was awarded Team Spirit and Tournament MVP.

Rising Senior and incoming Baldwin Soccer Co-captain, Julia Smith ’12, also received MVP honors at the third annual UNICEF Cup in Nigeria, part of the Access Bank Emir of Katsina Charity Shield Polo Tournament, May 26 - June 5. Julia entered the tournament as a member of the Work to Ride team and was the only female in the entire tournament.

Another Baldwin standout and tennis sensation, Kristine Rojo ’14 received two accolades this summer: the Althea Gibson Leadership Award – presented to only two junior tennis players nationwide – and the title of Junior Ambassador of Down the Line and Beyond Foundation.

We anticipate another successful year in Baldwin Athletics as our athletes continue to proudly represent Baldwin while demonstrating strong leadership and sportsmanship.

Baldwin Athletes Continue to Rise to the Top

The Bears concluded a successful spring season and our athletes continued to excel throughout the summer!

Athletic Association Board 2011-2012: front l to r – Connie Wang ’14; Kanchan Sayers ’13; Karly Wood ’13; back l to r – Abby Andrews ’15; Tiffany Hau ’12; Daria Harlamova ’14; Ali Thaler ’15; Arden Simone ’13; Nicole Wells ’12 and Kayla Kleczka ’12. Missing from photo: Julia Smith ’12.

Athletic Association Board and Team Captains Athletic Association Board: 2011-2012

Head: Tiffany Hau ’12Senior Representatives: Kayla Kleczka ’12, Julia Smith ’12 and Nicole Wells ’12Junior Representatives: Kanchan Sayers ’13, Arden Simone ’13 and Karly Wood ’13 Sophomore Representatives: Daria Harlamova ’14 and Connie Wang ’14Freshman Representatives: Abby Andrews ’15 and Ali Thaler ’15

Team Captains: 2011-2012


Cross Country: Madison Noteware ’12 and Arden Simone ’13Field Hockey: Nicole Wells ’12 and Taylor Nickens ’13Soccer: Marina Crowe ’12 and Julia Smith ’12Tennis: Tori Robinson ’12 and Abby Grosskopf ’13Volleyball: Kaylah Kleczka ’12, Randa Melhem ’12, Natalie Webb ’12Winter:

Basketball: Olivia Hogg ’12, Kaylah Klezcka ’12, Julz Vaccaro ’13Dance: Kimberly Rouse ’12 and Savanna Stanton-Ameisen ’13Squash: Marina Crowe ’12 and Alexa Tzarnas ’12Swimming: Megan Handal ’12, Amanda Ter Doest ’12, Madison Noteware ’12Winter Track: Tarlan Daryoush ’13 and Arden Simone ’13Spring:

Crew: Liz Asch ’12 and Kaylah Kleczka ’12Golf: Maya Patel ’13 and Emilie Wache ’13Lacrosse: Abby Goldberg ’12, Tiffany Hau ’12, Kaitlyn Hobson ’12Softball: Amanda Buck ’12 and Randa Melhem ’12

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National Board Of AdvisorsExecutive CommitteeKristen Dunseth Rodriguez ’88, ChairAmy Sobel ’86, Vice ChairAnnmarie Cappalonga Bunn ’85Steffie Wright. Crowther ‘68May Geggis Holgren ‘55Weatherly Ralph ‘93Sara Scott ‘96Robin Blum Smith ‘57

MembersSarah Ayres ’02Julie Boyer ‘92Elizabeth Scott Breitner ‘98Elizabeth Haakinson Breziner ’60Stacy Feinberg Brylawski ‘96 Cecilia Byrne ‘02Rachel Carson ‘91Elizabeth Gummey Cluett ‘57Matilda Lancaster Essig ‘76Suzanne Rombeau Fletcher ‘95Ashley Carlin Formento ‘78Jody Gerson ‘79Rachel Goldfarb ‘95Elizabeth Heilig ‘94Anna Henkel ‘07Maya Cameron Houston ‘87Alyssa Fabiani Kay ‘87Suzanne DiLenge Kraus ‘90Carmen Lennon ‘95Florence Hubbard Lloyd ‘55Margaret Schneider Maclay ‘77Meredith Mariani ‘94Ellen Hanson Perlman ‘75Courtney Piccone ‘92Mary Hoe Posner ‘64Elizabeth Duall Regard ‘91 Margaret Fritz Schneider ‘50Emily Scott ‘00Melanie Sheerr ‘96Keira Driansky Simon ‘99Maisha Smart ‘91Rachel Gerstenhaber Stern ’83Kimberly Strauss ‘84Suzanne Tiernan ‘67Stacey Englander Turner ‘88Karen Untereker ‘01Stephanie Weiss ‘02Jann Wolfe Williams ‘70Wendy Zalles ‘89

We look forward to welcoming the newest members of our board this fall!


THE NATIONAL BOARD OF ADVISORS invites you to the inaugural celebration of

Florence Baldwin’s Birthday

SEVERAL EVENTS ARE BEING PLANNED ON CAMPUS, including a cocktail party hosted by Baldwin’s Alumnae Association.

We hope that alumnae will take this as an annual opportunity to reconnect or meet for the first time, whether it is simply getting together with another

Baldwin alumna for a cup of coffee or throwing a party in your city.

If you would like to join the celebration, but haven’t heard of one in your area, please contact Mary Pat Staats, Director of Alumnae Relations, ([email protected]) so we might

connect you with alumnae living nearby. We look forward to celebrating with you! -Sara Scott ‘96 & Robin Blum Smith ’57 (Co-Chairs, NBA Outreach and Regional Events)

October 12, 2011

The Baldwin School OR

the city where you find yourself on this day

Florence Baldwin was born in 1858 (exact date unknown) in Whitewater, Wisconsin. She graduated from The Howland School in upstate New York, earned a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Illinois Wesleyan College through a correspondence course, and studied at Columbia University. Florence eventually moved to Bryn Mawr with her family, where they joined the Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church. It was there that fellow parishioner Dr. James E. Rhodes, president of the newly established Bryn Mawr College, approached Florence about creating a preparatory school for the college. In 1888 thirteen students were welcomed to “Miss Baldwin’s School,” located in her mother’s house where both of her sisters agreed to teach. The following year, four of the five graduates entered Bryn Mawr College. By 1900, the school had moved into the Bryn Mawr Hotel, had more than 100 boarding and day students, employed 33 teachers, and saw 24 of 34 graduates enter Bryn Mawr College.

Florence Baldwin (1856-1926)

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50th Reunion class members gather with their Grade IV pen pals during a tour of the students’ classrooms.

Top: Penny Gouldin Fletcher ‘61Center: Anne Gaunt Cassatt ‘61Bottom: Barbara Shearer Minsker ‘61

TOP: Members of the Class of 1961 and their spouses enjoy a 50th Reunion dinner at the home of Sally Powell Thursday evening.

R E U N I O N M O M E N T S 2 0 1 1

BOTTOM: The 50th Reunion Class of 1961 gathers in the Assembly Room for reminiscing.

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OPPOSITE PAGE: A Laura Berkowitz Gilbert ’86, Michelle Karbiner Ball ’86 and Ashley Patterson Renshaw ’91 catch up and enjoy cocktails before Alumnae Dinner.

B Members of the Class of 2001 catch up at their ten-year reunion.

C Classes of Red alumnae greet old friends in the Main Hall.

D Former Head of School Anne Shoemaker is joined at lunch by Akela Lacy ’11, Beth Mather Graves ’71, Rebecca Marks ’11, Helen Haskell MacCallum ’71, Vivienne Jones Stretten ’71 and Ellen McNeary ‘71.

E Future Baldwin grads enjoy family fun activities at the Spring Festival.

THIS PAGE: F Lisa Ameisen ’76 welcomes alumnae into her Individual, Culture and Society classroom.

G 2006 grads Justine Karp, Katie Collins, and Blaire Weidler at the Spring Festival.

H Baldwin’s Director of Marketing Anne Plutzer Burns ’96 enjoys time with her son, Henry, at the Spring Festival.

I Libby Bell Kirsch ’46 and Libby Severinghaus Warner ’46 enjoy cocktails on the back porch before Alumnae Dinner.





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Class of 1956

Bonnie Moxey Maxwell and Susan Davidson Ravenscroft

Class of 1946

TOP: Libby Severinghaus Warner, Julie Thayer Vehr, Libby Bell Kirsch, Elsa Wells Kormann, Betsy Brooks StullFRONT: Margot Wheelock Schlegel, Nancy Keeney Forster, Helene Zimmermann Hill, Onnolee Lockley Stevens

Class of 1951

TOP: Joan Knipe Greene, Judy Slocum O’Donnell, Pat Klumpp MastersMIDDLE: Bonnie Scott Conway, Anne Eshelman Low, Billie Sweigard Carroll, Ann Carrigan DeardenFRONT: Dougie Boutin Bohman, Lois McClarin Revi, Jerry Wiss Smith, Suzie Soutter Livingston

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Class of 1961

TOP: Toni Cutaiar Hoffacker, Mary Meanor Naef, Berta Nicholson Elmore, Debbie Snyder BussartMIDDLE: Sue Toro Meredith, Sara Wheeler Forster, Kathy Klein Richardson, Anne Gaunt Cassatt, Penny Gouldin FletcherFRONT: Sue Wilkes Walker, Sue Bispham Hopf, Marnie King Henretig, Nancy Rose Sloboda, Barbara Shearer Minsker, Pam Byecroft Wetherill

Class of 1966

TOP: Karen Roberts, Hope Henry Herbst, Henrietta Holsman ForeMIDDLE ROW: Penny Wilson Stanger, Carolyn Haslett GrilloFRONT: Laura Barrett, Nancy Northrup Black, Sally Shaw Stevens

Class of 1971

TOP: Charlotte Cheston Betancourt (Class advisor), Kathy Halton, Helen Haskell MacCallum2nd row from top: Wendy Adamson Peters, Laurie Kilpatrick, Ann Grubb Vilece, Betsy Kellogg HamiltonMIDDLE: Cheri Deal, Katie Uhler Shutler, Meg Campbell, Andrea Hammerschmidt FelkinsFRONT: Joan Steinmeyer Rosenberg, Martha Craumer, Maureen Kenny-Massari, Shawn Lacy, Beth Mather Graves, Mugsy McGowan

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Class of 1976

TOP: Jane Fayer, Marian Bodine, Tilda Essig, Jennie Hollyday IglehartMIDDLE: Kerey Parnes Ruggiero, Claire Potter, Anne Balant-Campbell, Erica Egan-Barr, Julie Cunningham, Alexandra Meyer Barchi, Dona MurrayFRONT: Merin Urban, Lyn McCarter, Debbie Hand Howley, Lisa Ameisen, Robin Edwards Pew, Karen Kania Roland

Class of 1981

TOP: Abigail Siedlarz, Missy Connell Wietlisbach, Bonnie McElroy Weber, Amy Black Pierce, Susan Braker Debbs2nd from Top: Lauren Goldstein Kahn, Vickie Spivak Krane, Lissen Thompson Tutrone, Linda Rosenberg McGuireMIDDLE: Diane Brunt, Gen Murphy Nelson, Linda Hadley, Julia Gordon, Liz Ball ConcordiaFRONT: Alexis Egan McCarthy, Lynne Rosen, Stephanie Kattelman Cohen, Leslie Hodges, Amy Pringle Jirsa, Elizabeth Gaary

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Class of 1986

TOP: Laury Saligman, Jennie Lawley Herrmann, Michelle Karbiner Ball, Sara Katz Ward2ND FROM TOP: Beth Karafin Lipson, Kara Egan, Jennie Silverstein, Kristin Dresden CrossMIDDLE: Sharon Simkiss Merhige, Liesl Geiger Kincade, Cheryl Overton, Zenah Wilson Orndorff, Laurie Carson BerzackFRONT: Ellen Jerrehian Conybear, Brooke Sterne Whittemore, Amy Smith Frost, Mary Lyness, Laura Berkowitz Gilbert, Esther Abowitz Lander

Class of 1991

TOP: Sheila Kambin, Liz Duall Regard, Jodi Teitelman, Beth Krause, Hilary Love Bader, Katie Goldener BrownMIDDLE: Elizabeth Steinberg Hsu, Allison Walsh Finnerty, Ashley Patterson Renshaw, Lisa Ameisen ’76, Rachel CarsonFRONT: Lori Frutkin Whelan, Jen Gross Slone, Kristin Ashbrook-Kovar, Mary Travaglini, Shanyn Streich Deeds, Natanya DiBona

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Class of 2006

TOP: Blaire Weidler, Justine Karp, Marisa RileyFRONT: Brittany Morgan, Tania Isacoff, Jamie Ryan

Class of 1996

TOP: Heather Tashman Fritts, Anne Plutzer Burns, Amy BrezinMIDDLE: Paki Tandon, Melanie SheerrFRONT: Julia Dranoff Gutstadt, Jennie Kerson Pritzker, Juliette Anderson Galbraith

Class of 2001

TOP: Karen Untereker, Liz Braemer, Jennetta Jackson StubanasMIDDLE: Sarah Hershey, Abby Berman Milby, Becky Best, Kaity King Murphy, Margaret RussellFRONT: Caitlin Somerman, Liz Conroy, Sarah Gleich, Isabelle Levy

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The generosity of our alumnae, parents, faculty, staff, grandparents,

parents of alumnae, trustees and other friends, enabled Baldwin

to surpass our goal of $925,000, raising $942,584. As a

result of the commitment of our Annual Fund donors we were able

to furnish our classrooms with the latest technology, support our

passionate and creative faculty, enhance our programs in the arts

and athletics, and maintain our historic campus while ensuring an

optimal learning environment for our girls.

Special thanks to all of our dedicated volunteers who made the

2010-2011 Annual Fund Campaign a huge success!

For more information or to contribute to the 2011-2012 Annual

Fund campaign, please visit

or contact Amanda Parlett ’95, director of annual giving at

[email protected] or 610.525.2700, ext. 240.

Thank you for your continued support!

We are especially proud of the Class of 2011 for achieving 100% participation in the

inaugural senior gift drive. Through this campaign, each senior made her first gift to Baldwin’s Annual Fund.

Thank you for your support of Baldwin’s 2010-2011 Annual Fund.

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The Baldwin School

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Homecoming Saturday, October 1 – 12 p.m.

Thanksgiving Assembly & Reception Tuesday, November 22 – 1:30 p.m.

Young Alumnae Gathering with Haverford and AIS Wednesday, November 23 – 9 p.m.

Young Alumnae Tea Wednesday, January 4 – 2:30 p.m.Baldwin’s 14-year Club and Pre-K students gobble

together at the 2010 Thanksgiving Assembly & Reception.

Mark your calendar for these can’t-miss alumnae events!

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