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  • Babylonian Mathematics

    An overview of Babylonian mathematics

    The Babylonians lived in Mesopotamia, a

    fertile plain between the Tigris and

    Euphrates rivers.

    Here is a map of the region where the

    civilisation flourished.

    The region had been the centre of the

    Sumerian civilisation which flourished

    before 3500 BC. This was an advanced

    civilisation building cities and supporting

    the people with irrigation systems, a legal

    system, administration, and even a postal

    service. Writing developed and counting was based on a sexagesimal system, that is to say base 60.

    Around 2300 BC the Akkadians invaded the area and for some time the more backward culture of the

    Akkadians mixed with the more advanced culture of the Sumerians. The Akkadians invented the abacus

    as a tool for counting and they developed somewhat clumsy methods of arithmetic with addition,

    subtraction, multiplication and division all playing a part. The Sumerians, however, revolted against

    Akkadian rule and by 2100 BC they were back in control.

    However the Babylonian civilisation, whose mathematics is the subject of this article, replaced that of

    the Sumerians from around 2000 BC The Babylonians were a Semitic people who invaded Mesopotamia

    defeating the Sumerians and by about 1900 BC establishing their capital at Babylon.

    The Sumerians had developed an abstract form of writing based on cuneiform (i.e. wedge-shaped)

    symbols. Their symbols were written on wet clay tablets which were baked in the hot sun and many

    thousands of these tablets have survived to this day. It was the use of a stylus on a clay medium that led

    to the use of cuneiform symbols since curved lines could not be drawn. The later Babylonians adopted

    the same style of cuneiform writing on clay tablets.

  • Here is one of their tablets

    Many of the tablets concern topics which, although

    not containing deep mathematics, nevertheless are

    fascinating. For example we mentioned above the

    irrigation systems of the early civilisations in

    Mesopotamia. These are discussed in [40] where

    Muroi writes:-

    It was an important task for the rulers of

    Mesopotamia to dig canals and to maintain them,

    because canals were not only necessary for irrigation

    but also useful for the transport of goods and armies.

    The rulers or high government officials must have

    ordered Babylonian mathematicians to calculate the

    number of workers and days necessary for the

    building of a canal, and to calculate the total expenses of wages of the workers.

    There are several Old Babylonian mathematical texts in which various quantities concerning the digging

    of a canal are asked for. They are YBC 4666, 7164, and VAT 7528, all of which are written in Sumerian ...,

    and YBC 9874 and BM 85196, No. 15, which are written in Akkadian ... . From the mathematical point of

    view these problems are comparatively simple ...

    The Babylonians had an advanced number system, in some ways more advanced than our present

    systems. It was a positional system with a base of 60 rather than the system with base 10 in widespread

    use today. For more details of the Babylonian numerals, and also a discussion as to the theories why

    they used base 60, see our article on Babylonian numerals.

    The Babylonians divided the day into 24 hours, each hour into 60 minutes, each minute into 60 seconds.

    This form of counting has survived for 4000 years. To write 5h 25' 30", i.e. 5 hours, 25 minutes, 30

    seconds, is just to write the sexagesimal fraction, 5 25/60 30/3600. We adopt the notation 5; 25, 30 for this

    sexagesimal number, for more details regarding this notation see our article on Babylonian numerals. As

    a base 10 fraction the sexagesimal number 5; 25, 30 is 5 4/10 2/100

    5/1000 which is written as 5.425 in

    decimal notation.

    Perhaps the most amazing aspect of the Babylonian's calculating skills was their construction of tables to

    aid calculation. Two tablets found at Senkerah on the Euphrates in 1854 date from 2000 BC. They give

    squares of the numbers up to 59 and cubes of the numbers up to 32. The table gives 82 = 1,4 which

    stands for

  • 82 = 1, 4 = 1 60 + 4 = 64

    and so on up to 592 = 58, 1 (= 58 60 +1 = 3481).

    The Babylonians used the formula

    ab = [(a + b)2 - a2 - b2]/2

    to make multiplication easier. Even better is their formula

    ab = [(a + b)2 - (a - b)2]/4

    which shows that a table of squares is all that is necessary to multiply numbers, simply taking the

    difference of the two squares that were looked up in the table then taking a quarter of the answer.

    Division is a harder process. The Babylonians did not have an algorithm for long division. Instead they

    based their method on the fact that

    a/b = a (1/b)

    so all that was necessary was a table of reciprocals. We still have their reciprocal tables going up to the

    reciprocals of numbers up to several billion. Of course these tables are written in their numerals, but

    using the sexagesimal notation we introduced above, the beginning of one of their tables would look


    2 0; 30

    3 0; 20

    4 0; 15

    5 0; 12

    6 0; 10

    8 0; 7, 30

    9 0; 6, 40

  • 10 0; 6

    12 0; 5

    15 0; 4

    16 0; 3, 45

    18 0; 3, 20

    20 0; 3

    24 0; 2, 30

    25 0; 2, 24

    27 0; 2, 13, 20

    Now the table had gaps in it since 1/7, 1/11,

    1/13, etc. are not finite base 60 fractions. This did not mean

    that the Babylonians could not compute 1/13, say. They would write

    1/13 = 7/91 = 7 (

    1/91) = (approx) 7 (1/90)

    and these values, for example 1/90, were given in their tables. In fact there are fascinating glimpses of the

    Babylonians coming to terms with the fact that division by 7 would lead to an infinite sexagesimal

    fraction. A scribe would give a number close to 1/7 and then write statements such as (see for example


    ... an approximation is given since 7 does not divide.

    Babylonian mathematics went far beyond arithmetical calculations. In our article on Pythagoras's

    theorem in Babylonian mathematics we examine some of their geometrical ideas and also some basic

    ideas in number theory. In this article we now examine some algebra which the Babylonians developed,

    particularly problems which led to equations and their solution.

  • We noted above that the Babylonians were famed as constructors of tables. Now these could be used to

    solve equations. For example they constructed tables for n3 + n2 then, with the aid of these tables,

    certain cubic equations could be solved. For example, consider the equation

    ax3 + bx2 = c.

    Let us stress at once that we are using modern notation and nothing like a symbolic representation

    existed in Babylonian times. Nevertheless the Babylonians could handle numerical examples of such

    equations by using rules which indicate that they did have the concept of a typical problem of a given

    type and a typical method to solve it. For example in the above case they would (in our notation)

    multiply the equation by a2 and divide it by b3 to get

    (ax/b)3 + (ax/b)2 = ca2/b3.

    Putting y = ax/b this gives the equation

    y3 + y2 = ca2/b3

    which could now be solved by looking up the n3 + n2 table for the value of n satisfying n3 + n2 = ca2/b3.

    When a solution was found for y then x was found by x = by/a. We stress again that all this was done

    without algebraic notation and showed a remarkable depth of understanding.

    Again a table would have been looked up to solve the linear equation ax = b. They would consult the 1/n

    table to find 1/a and then multiply the sexagesimal number given in the table by b. An example of a

    problem of this type is the following.

    Suppose, writes a scribe, 2/3 of 2/3 of a certain quantity of barley is taken, 100 units of barley are added

    and the original quantity recovered. The problem posed by the scribe is to find the quantity of barley.

    The solution given by the scribe is to compute 0; 40 times 0; 40 to get 0; 26, 40. Subtract this from 1; 00

    to get 0; 33, 20. Look up the reciprocal of 0; 33, 20 in a table to get 1;48. Multiply 1;48 by 1,40 to get the

    answer 3,0.

    It is not that easy to understand these calculations by the scribe unless we translate them into modern

    algebraic notation. We have to solve

    2/3 2/3 x + 100 = x

    which is, as the scribe knew, equivalent to solving (1 - 4/9)x = 100. This is why the scribe computed 2/3

    2/3 subtracted the answer from 1 to get (1 - 4/9), then looked up 1/(1 -

    4/9) and so x was found from 1/(1 - 4/9) multiplied by 100 giving 180 (which is 1; 48 times 1, 40 to get 3, 0 in sexagesimal).

    To solve a quadratic equation the Babylonians essentially used the standard formula. They considered

    two types of quadratic equation, namely

    x2 + bx = c and x2 - bx = c

  • where here b, c were positive but not necessarily integers. The form that their solutions took was,


    x = [(b/2)2 + c] - (b/2) and x = [(b/2)2 + c] + (b/2).

    Notice that in each case this is the positive root from the two roots of the quadratic and the one which

    will make sense in solving "real" problems. For example problems which led the Babylonians to

    equations of this type often concerned the area of a rectangle. For example if the area is given and the

    amount by which the length exceeds the breadth is given, then the breadth satisfies a quadratic

    equation and then they would apply the first version of the formula above.

    A problem on a tablet from Old Babylonian times states that the area of a rectangle is 1, 0 and its length

    exceeds its breadth by 7. The equation

    x2 + 7x = 1, 0

    is, of course, not given by the scribe who finds the answer as follows. Compute half of 7, namely 3; 30,

    square it to get 12; 15. To this the scribe adds 1, 0 to get 1; 12, 15. Take its square root (from a table of

    squares) to get 8; 30. From this subtract 3; 30 to give the answer 5 for the breadth of the triangle. Notice

    that the scribe has effectively solved an equation of the type x2 + bx = c by using x = [(b/2)2 + c] - (b/2).

    In [10] Berriman gives 13 typical examples of problems leading to quadratic equations taken from Old

    Babylonian tablets.

    If problems involving the area of rectangles lead to quadratic equations, then problems involving the

    volume of rectangular excavation (a "cellar") lead to cubic equations. The clay tablet BM 85200+

    containing 36 problems of this type, is the earliest known attempt to set up and solve cubic equations.

    Hoyrup discusses this fascinating tablet in [26]. Of course the Babylonians did not reach a general

    formula for solving cubics. This would not be found for well over three thousand years.

    Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson

    Babylonian numerals

    The Babylonian civilisation in Mesopotamia replaced the Sumerian civilisation and the Akkadian

    civilisation. We give a little historical background to these events in our article Babylonian mathematics.

    Certainly in terms of their number system the Babylonians inherited ideas from the Sumerians and from

    the Akkadians. From the number systems of these earlier peoples came the base of 60, that is the

    sexagesimal system. Yet neither the Sumerian nor the Akkadian system was a positional system and this

    advance by the Babylonians was undoubtedly their greatest achievement in terms of developing the

    number system. Some would argue that it was their biggest achievement in mathematics.

    Often when told that the Babylonian number system was base 60 people's first reaction is: what a lot of

    special number symbols they must have had to learn. Now of course this comment is based on

    knowledge of our own decimal system which is a positional system with nine special symbols and a zero

  • symbol to denote an empty place. However, rather than have to learn 10 symbols as we do to use our

    decimal numbers, the Babylonians only had to learn two symbols to produce their base 60 positional


    Now although the Babylonian system was a positional base 60 system, it had some vestiges of a base 10

    system within it. This is because the 59 numbers, which go into one of the places of the system, were

    built from a 'unit' symbol and a 'ten' symbol.

    Here are the 59 symbols built from these two symbols

    Now given a positional system one needs a convention concerning which end of the number represents

    the units. For example the decimal 12345 represents

    1 104 + 2 103 + 3 102 + 4 10 + 5.

    If one thinks about it this is perhaps illogical for we read from left to right so when we read the first digit

    we do not know its value until we have read the complete number to find out how many powers of 10

    are associated with this first place. The Babylonian sexagesimal positional system places numbers with

  • the same convention, so the right most position is for the units up to 59, the position one to the left is

    for 60 n where 1 n 59, etc. Now we adopt a notation where we separate the numerals by commas

    so, for example, 1,57,46,40 represents the sexagesimal number

    1 603 + 57 602 + 46 60 + 40

    which, in decimal notation is 424000.

    Here is 1,57,46,40 in Babylonian numerals

    Now there is a potential problem with the system. Since two is represented by two characters each

    representing one unit, and 61 is represented by the one character for a unit in the first place and a

    second identical character for a unit in the second place then the Babylonian sexagesimal numbers 1,1

    and 2 have essentially the same representation. However, this was not really a problem since the

    spacing of the characters allowed one to tell the difference. In the symbol for 2 the two characters

    representing the unit touch each other and become a single symbol. In the number 1,1 there is a space

    between them.

    A much more serious problem was the fact that there was no zero to put into an empty position. The

    numbers sexagesimal numbers 1 and 1,0, namely 1 and 60 in decimals, had exactly the same

    representation and now there was no way that spacing could help. The context made it clear, and in fact

    despite this appearing very unsatisfactory, it could not have been found so by the Babylonians. How do

    we know this? Well if they had really found that the system presented them with real ambiguities they

    would have solved the problem - there is little doubt that they had the skills to come up with a solution

    had the system been unworkable. Perhaps we should mention here that later Babylonian civilisations

    did invent a symbol to indicate an empty place so the lack of a zero could not have been totally

    satisfactory to them.

    An empty place in the middle of a number likewise gave them problems. Although not a very serious

    comment, perhaps it is worth remarking that if we assume that all our decimal digits are equally likely in

    a number then there is a one in ten chance of an empty place while for the Babylonians with their

    sexagesimal system there was a one in sixty chance. Returning to empty places in the middle of numbers

    we can look at actual examples where this happens.

    Here is an example from a cuneiform tablet (actually AO 17264 in the Louvre collection in Paris) in which

    the calculation to square 147 is carried out. In sexagesimal 147 = 2,27 and squaring gives the number

    21609 = 6,0,9.

  • Here is the Babylonian example of 2,27 squared

    Perhaps the scribe left a little more space than usual between the 6 and the 9 than he would have done

    had he been representing 6,9.

    Now if the empty space caused a problem with integers then there was an even bigger problem with

    Babylonian sexagesimal fractions. The Babylonians used a system of sexagesimal fractions similar to our

    decimal fractions. For example if we write 0.125 then this is 1/10 + 2/100 +

    5/1000 = 1/8. Of course a fraction

    of the form a/b, in its lowest form, can be represented as a finite decimal fraction if and only if b has no

    prime divisors other than 2 or 5. So 1/3 has no finite decimal fraction. Similarly the Babylonian

    sexagesimal fraction 0;7,30 represented 7/60 + 30/3600 which again written in our notation is


    Since 60 is divisible by the primes 2, 3 and 5 then a number of the form a/b, in its lowest form, can be

    represented as a finite decimal fraction if and only if b has no prime divisors other than 2, 3 or 5. More

    fractions can therefore be represented as finite sexagesimal fractions than can as finite decimal

    fractions. Some historians think that this observation has a direct bearing on why the Babylonians

    developed the sexagesimal system, rather than the decimal system, but this seems a little unlikely. If this

    were the case why not have 30 as a base? We discuss this problem in some detail below.

    Now we have already suggested the notation that we will use to denote a sexagesimal number with

    fractional part. To illustrate 10,12,5;1,52,30 represents the number

    10 602 + 12 60 + 5 + 1/60 + 52/60

    2 + 30/603

    which in our notation is 36725 1/32. This is fine but we have introduced the notation of the semicolon to

    show where the integer part ends and the fractional part begins. It is the "sexagesimal point" and plays

    an analogous role to a decimal point. However, the Babylonians has no notation to indicate where the

    integer part ended and the fractional part began. Hence there was a great deal of ambiguity introduced

    and "the context makes it clear" philosophy now seems pretty stretched. If I write 10,12,5,1,52,30

    without having a notation for the "sexagesimal point" then it could mean any of:

    0;10,12, 5, 1,52,30

    10;12, 5, 1,52,30

    10,12; 5, 1,52,30

  • 10,12, 5; 1,52,30

    10,12, 5, 1;52,30

    10,12, 5, 1,52;30

    10,12, 5, 1,52,30

    in addition, of course, to 10, 12, 5, 1, 52, 30, 0 or 0 ; 0, 10, 12, 5, 1, 52, 30 etc.

    Finally we should look at the question of why the Babylonians had a number system with a base of 60.

    The easy answer is that they inherited the base of 60 from the Sumerians but that is no answer at all. It

    only leads us to ask why the Sumerians used base 60. The first comment would be that we do not have

    to go back further for we can be fairly certain that the sexagesimal system originated with the

    Sumerians. The second point to make is that modern mathematicians were not the first to ask such

    questions. Theon of Alexandria tried to answer this question in the fourth century AD and many

    historians of mathematics have offered an opinion since then without any coming up with a really

    convincing answer.

    Theon's answer was that 60 was the smallest number divisible by 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 so the number of

    divisors was maximised. Although this is true it appears too scholarly a reason. A base of 12 would seem

    a more likely candidate if this were the reason, yet no major civilisation seems to have come up with

    that base. On the other hand many measures do involve 12, for example it occurs frequently in weights,

    money and length subdivisions. For example in old British measures there were twelve inches in a foot,

    twelve pennies in a shilling etc.

    Neugebauer proposed a theory based on the weights and measures that the Sumerians used. His idea

    basically is that a decimal counting system was modified to base 60 to allow for dividing weights and

    measures into thirds. Certainly we know that the system of weights and measures of the Sumerians do

    use 1/3 and 2/3 as basic fractions. However although Neugebauer may be correct, the counter argument

    would be that the system of weights and measures was a consequence of the number system rather

    than visa versa.

    Several theories have been based on astronomical events. The suggestion that 60 is the product of the

    number of months in the year (moons per year) with the number of planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars,

    Jupiter, Saturn) again seems far fetched as a reason for base 60. That the year was thought to have 360

    days was suggested as a reason for the number base of 60 by the historian of mathematics Moritz

    Cantor. Again the idea is not that convincing since the Sumerians certainly knew that the year was

    longer than 360 days. Another hypothesis concerns the fact that the sun moves through its diameter

    720 times during a day and, with 12 Sumerian hours in a day, one can come up with 60.

  • Some theories are based on geometry. For example one theory is that an equilateral triangle was

    considered the fundamental geometrical building block by the Sumerians. Now an angle of an

    equilateral triangle is 60 so if this were divided into 10, an angle of 6 would become the basic angular

    unit. Now there are sixty of these basic units in a circle so again we have the proposed reason for

    choosing 60 as a base. Notice this argument almost contradicts itself since it assumes 10 as the basic

    unit for division!

    I [EFR] feel that all of these reasons are really not worth considering seriously. Perhaps I've set up my

    own argument a little, but the phrase "choosing 60 as a base" which I just used is highly significant. I just

    do not believe that anyone ever chose a number base for any civilisation. Can you imagine the

    Sumerians setting set up a committee to decide on their number base - no things just did not happen in

    that way. The reason has to involve the way that counting arose in the Sumerian civilisation, just as 10

    became a base in other civilisations who began counting on their fingers, and twenty became a base for

    those who counted on both their fingers and toes.

    Here is one way that it could have happened. One can count up to 60 using your two hands. On your left

    hand there are three parts on each of four fingers (excluding the thumb). The parts are divided from

    each other by the joints in the fingers. Now one can count up to 60 by pointing at one of the twelve

    parts of the fingers of the left hand with one of the five fingers of the right hand. This gives a way of

    finger counting up to 60 rather than to 10. Anyone convinced?

    A variant of this proposal has been made by others. Perhaps the most widely accepted theory proposes

    that the Sumerian civilisation must have come about through the joining of two peoples, one of whom

    had base 12 for their counting and the other having base 5. Although 5 is nothing like as common as 10

    as a number base among ancient peoples, it is not uncommon and is clearly used by people who

    counted on the fingers of one hand and then started again. This theory then supposes that as the two

    peoples mixed and the two systems of counting were used by different members of the society trading

    with each other then base 60 would arise naturally as the system everyone understood.

    I have heard the same theory proposed but with the two peoples who mixed to produce the Sumerians

    having 10 and 6 as their number bases. This version has the advantage that there is a natural unit for 10

    in the Babylonian system which one could argue was a remnant of the earlier decimal system. One of

    the nicest things about these theories is that it may be possible to find written evidence of the two

    mixing systems and thereby give what would essentially amount to a proof of the conjecture. Do not

    think of history as a dead subject. On the contrary our views are constantly changing as the latest

    research brings new evidence and new interpretations to light.

    Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson

    Pythagoras's theorem in Babylonian mathematics

    In this article we examine four Babylonian tablets which all have some connection with Pythagoras's

    theorem. Certainly the Babylonians were familiar with Pythagoras's theorem. A translation of a

    Babylonian tablet which is preserved in the British museum goes as follows:-

  • 4 is the length and 5 the diagonal. What is the breadth ?

    Its size is not known.

    4 times 4 is 16.

    5 times 5 is 25.

    You take 16 from 25 and there remains 9.

    What times what shall I take in order to get 9 ?

    3 times 3 is 9.

    3 is the breadth.

    All the tablets we wish to consider in detail come from roughly the same period, namely that of the Old

    Babylonian Empire which flourished in

    Mesopotamia between 1900 BC and 1600


    Here is a map of the region where the

    Babylonian civilisation flourished.

    The article Babylonian mathematics gives

    some background to how the civilisation

    came about and the mathematical

    background which they inherited.

    The four tablets which interest us here we

    will call the Yale tablet YBC 7289, Plimpton

    322 (shown below), the Susa tablet, and the Tell Dhibayi tablet. Let us say a little about these tablets

    before describing the mathematics which they contain.

    The Yale tablet YBC 7289 which we describe is one of a large collection of tablets held in the Yale

    Babylonian collection of Yale University. It consists of a tablet on which a diagram appears. The diagram

    is a square of side 30 with the diagonals drawn in. The tablet and its significance was first discussed in

    [5] and recently in [18].

    Plimpton 322 is the tablet numbered

    322 in the collection of G A Plimpton

    housed in Columbia University.

  • You can see from the picture that the top left hand corner of the tablet is damaged as and there is a

    large chip out of the tablet around the middle of the right hand side. Its date is not known accurately but

    it is put at between 1800 BC and 1650 BC. It is thought to be only part of a larger tablet, the remainder

    of which has been destroyed, and at first it was thought, as many such tablets are, to be a record of

    commercial transactions. However in [5] Neugebauer and Sachs gave a new interpretation and since

    then it has been the subject of a huge amount of interest.

    The Susa tablet was discovered at the present town of Shush in the Khuzistan region of Iran. The town is

    about 350 km from the ancient city of Babylon. W K Loftus identified this as an important archaeological

    site as early as 1850 but excavations were not carried out until much later. The particular tablet which

    interests us here investigates how to calculate the radius of a circle through the vertices of an isosceles


    Finally the Tell Dhibayi tablet was one of about 500 tablets found near Baghdad by archaeologists in

    1962. Most relate to the administration of an ancient city which flourished in the time of Ibalpiel II of

    Eshunna and date from around 1750. The particular tablet which concerns us is not one relating to

    administration but one which presents a geometrical problem which asks for the dimensions of a

    rectangle whose area and diagonal are known.

    Before looking at the mathematics contained in these four tablets we should say a little about their

    significance in understanding the scope of Babylonian mathematics. Firstly we should be careful not to

    read into early mathematics ideas which we can see clearly today yet which were never in the mind of

    the author. Conversely we must be careful not to underestimate the significance of the mathematics

    just because it has been produced by mathematicians who thought very differently from today's

    mathematicians. As a final comment on what these four tablets tell us of Babylonian mathematics we

    must be careful to realise that almost all of the mathematical achievements of the Babylonians, even if

    they were all recorded on clay tablets, will have been lost and even if these four may be seen as

    especially important among those surviving they may not represent the best of Babylonian


    There is no problem understanding what the Yale tablet YBC 7289 is about.

    Here is a Diagram of Yale tablet

    It has on it a diagram of a square with 30 on one side, the diagonals are

    drawn in and near the centre is written 1,24,51,10 and 42,25,35. Of

    course these numbers are written in Babylonian numerals to base 60.

    See our article on Babylonian numerals. Now the Babylonian numbers

    are always ambiguous and no indication occurs as to where the integer part ends and the fractional part

    begins. Assuming that the first number is 1; 24,51,10 then converting this to a decimal gives

  • 1.414212963 while 2 = 1.414213562. Calculang 30 [ 1;24,51,10 ] gives 42;25,35 which is the second

    number. The diagonal of a square of side 30 is found by multiplying 30 by the approximation to 2.

    This shows a nice understanding of Pythagoras's theorem. However, even more significant is the

    question how the Babylonians found this remarkably good approximation to 2. Several authors, for

    example see [2] and [4], conjecture that the Babylonians used a method equivalent to Heron's method.

    The suggestion is that they started with a guess, say x. They then found e = x2 - 2 which is the error. Then

    (x - e/2x)2 = x2 - e + (e/2x)2 = 2 + (e/2x)2

    and they had a better approximation since if e is small then (e/2x)2 will be very small. Continuing the

    process with this better approximation to 2 yieds a sll beer approximaon and so on. In fact as

    Joseph points out in [4], one needs only two steps of the algorithm if one starts with x = 1 to obtain the

    approximation 1;24,51,10.

    This is certainly possible and the Babylonians' understanding of quadratics adds some weight to the

    claim. However there is no evidence of the algorithm being used in any other cases and its use here

    must remain no more than a fairly remote possibility. May I [EFR] suggest an alternative. The

    Babylonians produced tables of squares, in fact their whole understanding of multiplication was built

    round squares, so perhaps a more obvious approach for them would have been to make two guesses,

    one high and one low say a and b. Take their average (a + b)/2 and square it. If the square is greater

    than 2 then replace b by this better bound, while if the square is less than 2 then replace a by (a + b)/2.

    Continue with the algorithm.

    Now this certainly takes many more steps to reach the sexagesimal approximation 1;24,51,10. In fact

    starting with a = 1 and b = 2 it takes 19 steps as the table below shows:

    step decimal sexagesimal

    1 1.500000000 1;29,59,59

    2 1.250000000 1;14,59,59

    3 1.375000000 1;22,29,59

    4 1.437500000 1;26,14,59

  • 5 1.406250000 1;24,22,29

    6 1.421875000 1;25,18,44

    7 1.414062500 1;24,50,37

    8 1.417968750 1;25, 4,41

    9 1.416015625 1;24,57,39

    10 1.415039063 1;24,54, 8

    11 1.414550781 1;24,52,22

    12 1.414306641 1;24,51;30

    13 1.414184570 1;24,51; 3

    14 1.414245605 1;24,51;17

    15 1.414215088 1;24,51;10

    16 1.414199829 1;24,51; 7

    17 1.414207458 1;24,51; 8

    18 1.414211273 1;24,51; 9

    19 1.414213181 1;24,51;10

    However, the Babylonians were not frightened of computing and they may have been prepared to

  • continue this straightforward calculation until the answer was correct to the third sexagesimal place.

    Next we look again at Plimpton 322

    The tablet has four columns with 15

    rows. The last column is the simplest to

    understand for it gives the row number

    and so contains 1, 2, 3, ... , 15. The

    remarkable fact which Neugebauer and

    Sachs pointed out in [5] is that in every

    row the square of the number c in

    column 3 minus the square of the

    number b in column 2 is a perfect square, say h.

    c2 - b2 = h2

    So the table is a list of Pythagorean integer triples. Now this is not quite true since Neugebauer and

    Sachs believe that the scribe made four transcription errors, two in each column and this interpretation

    is required to make the rule work. The errors are readily seen to be genuine errors, however, for

    example 8,1 has been copied by the scribe as 9,1.

    The first column is harder to understand, particularly since damage to the tablet means that part of it is

    missing. However, using the above notation, it is seen that the first column is just (c/h)2. Now so far so

    good, but if one were writing down Pythagorean triples one would find much easier ones than those

    which appear in the table. For example the Pythagorean triple 3, 4 , 5 does not appear neither does 5,

    12, 13 and in fact the smallest Pythagorean triple which does appear is 45, 60, 75 (15 times 3, 4 , 5). Also

    the rows do not appear in any logical order except that the numbers in column 1 decrease regularly. The

    puzzle then is how the numbers were found and why are these particular Pythagorean triples are given

    in the table.

    Several historians (see for example [2]) have suggested that column 1 is connected with the secant

    function. However, as Joseph comments [4]:-

    This interpretation is a trifle fanciful.

    Zeeman has made a fascinating observation. He has pointed out that if the Babylonians used the

    formulas h = 2mn, b = m2-n2, c = m2+n2 to generate Pythagorean triples then there are exactly 16 triples

    satisfying n 60, 30 t 45, and tan2t = h2/b2 having a finite sexagesimal expansion (which is

    equivalent to m, n, b having 2, 3, and 5 as their only prime divisors). Now 15 of the 16 Pythagorean

    triples satisfying Zeeman's conditions appear in Plimpton 322. Is it the earliest known mathematical

  • classification theorem? Although I cannot believe that Zeeman has it quite right, I do feel that his

    explanation must be on the right track.

    To give a fair discussion of Plimpton 322 we should add that not all historians agree that this tablet

    concerns Pythagorean triples. For example Exarchakos, in [17], claims that the tablet is connected with

    the solution of quadratic equations and has nothing to do with Pythagorean triples:-

    ... we prove that in this tablet there is no evidence whatsoever that the Babylonians knew the

    Pythagorean theorem and the Pythagorean triads.

    I feel that the arguments are weak, particularly since there are numerous tablets which show that the

    Babylonians of this period had a good understanding of Pythagoras's theorem. Other authors, although

    accepting that Plimpton 322 is a collection of Pythagorean triples, have argued that they had, as Viola

    writes in [31], a practical use in giving a:-

    ... general method for the approximate computation of areas of triangles.

    The Susa tablet sets out a problem about an isosceles triangle with sides 50, 50 and 60. The problem is

    to find the radius of the circle through the three vertices.

    Here is a Diagram of Susa tablet

    Here we have labelled the triangle A, B, C and the centre of the circle is

    O. The perpendicular AD is drawn from A to meet the side BC. Now the

    triangle ABD is a right angled triangle so, using Pythagoras's theorem

    AD2 = AB2 - BD2, so AD = 40. Let the radius of the circle by x. Then AO =

    OB = x and OD = 40 - x. Using Pythagoras's theorem again on the triangle OBD we have

    x2 = OD2 + DB2.


    x2 = (40-x)2 + 302

    giving x2 = 402 - 80x + x2 + 302

    and so 80x = 2500 or, in sexagesimal, x = 31;15.

    Finally consider the problem from the Tell Dhibayi tablet. It asks for the sides of a rectangle whose area

    is 0;45 and whose diagonal is 1;15. Now this to us is quite an easy exercise in solving equations. If the

    sides are x, y we have xy = 0.75 and x2 + y2 = (1.25)2. We would substitute y = 0.75/x into the second

    equation to obtain a quadratic in x2 which is easily solved. This however is not the method of solution

  • given by the Babylonians and really that is not surprising since it rests heavily on our algebraic

    understanding of equations. The way the Tell Dhibayi tablet solves the problem is, I would suggest,

    actually much more interesting than the modern method.

    Here is the method from the Tell Dhibayi tablet. We preserve the modern notation x and y as each step

    for clarity but we do the calculations in sexagesimal notation (as of course does the tablet).

    Compute 2xy = 1;30.

    Subtract from x2 + y2 = 1;33,45 to get x2 + y2 - 2xy = 0;3,45.

    Take the square root to obtain x - y = 0;15.

    Divide by 2 to get (x - y)/2 = 0;7,30.

    Divide x2 + y2 - 2xy = 0;3,45 by 4 to get x2/4 + y2/4 - xy/2 = 0;0,56,15.

    Add xy = 0;45 to get x2/4 + y2/4 + xy/2 = 0;45,56,15.

    Take the square root to obtain (x + y)/2 = 0;52,30.

    Add (x + y)/2 = 0;52,30 to (x - y)/2 = 0;7,30 to get x = 1.

    Subtract (x - y)/2 = 0;7,30 from (x + y)/2 = 0;52,30 to get y = 0;45.

    Hence the rectangle has sides x = 1 and y = 0;45.

    Is this not a beautiful piece of mathematics! Remember that it is 3750 years old. We should be grateful

    to the Babylonians for recording this little masterpiece on tablets of clay for us to appreciate today.

    Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson

    A history of Zero

    One of the commonest questions which the readers of this archive ask is: Who discovered zero? Why

    then have we not written an article on zero as one of the first in the archive? The reason is basically

    because of the difficulty of answering the question in a satisfactory form. If someone had come up with

    the concept of zero which everyone then saw as a brilliant innovation to enter mathematics from that

    time on, the question would have a satisfactory answer even if we did not know which genius invented

    it. The historical record, however, shows quite a different path towards the concept. Zero makes

    shadowy appearances only to vanish again almost as if mathematicians were searching for it yet did not

    recognise its fundamental significance even when they saw it.

    The first thing to say about zero is that there are two uses of zero which are both extremely important

    but are somewhat different. One use is as an empty place indicator in our place-value number system.

    Hence in a number like 2106 the zero is used so that the positions of the 2 and 1 are correct. Clearly 216

    means something quite different. The second use of zero is as a number itself in the form we use it as 0.

  • There are also different aspects of zero within these two uses, namely the concept, the notation, and

    the name. (Our name "zero" derives ultimately from the Arabic sifr which also gives us the word


    Neither of the above uses has an easily described history. It just did not happen that someone invented

    the ideas, and then everyone started to use them. Also it is fair to say that the number zero is far from

    an intuitive concept. Mathematical problems started as 'real' problems rather than abstract problems.

    Numbers in early historical times were thought of much more concretely than the abstract concepts

    which are our numbers today. There are giant mental leaps from 5 horses to 5 "things" and then to the

    abstract idea of "five". If ancient peoples solved a problem about how many horses a farmer needed

    then the problem was not going to have 0 or -23 as an answer.

    One might think that once a place-value number system came into existence then the 0 as an empty

    place indicator is a necessary idea, yet the Babylonians had a place-value number system without this

    feature for over 1000 years. Moreover there is absolutely no evidence that the Babylonians felt that

    there was any problem with the ambiguity which existed. Remarkably, original texts survive from the era

    of Babylonian mathematics. The Babylonians wrote on tablets of unbaked clay, using cuneiform writing.

    The symbols were pressed into soft clay tablets with the slanted edge of a stylus and so had a wedge-

    shaped appearance (and hence the name cuneiform). Many tablets from around 1700 BC survive and

    we can read the original texts. Of course their notation for numbers was quite different from ours (and

    not based on 10 but on 60) but to translate into our notation they would not distinguish between 2106

    and 216 (the context would have to show which was intended). It was not until around 400 BC that the

    Babylonians put two wedge symbols into the place where we would put zero to indicate which was

    meant, 216 or 21 '' 6.

    The two wedges were not the only notation used, however, and on a tablet found at Kish, an ancient

    Mesopotamian city located east of Babylon in what is today south-central Iraq, a different notation is

    used. This tablet, thought to date from around 700 BC, uses three hooks to denote an empty place in

    the positional notation. Other tablets dated from around the same time use a single hook for an empty

    place. There is one common feature to this use of different marks to denote an empty position. This is

    the fact that it never occured at the end of the digits but always between two digits. So although we find

    21 '' 6 we never find 216 ''. One has to assume that the older feeling that the context was sufficient to

    indicate which was intended still applied in these cases.

    If this reference to context appears silly then it is worth noting that we still use context to interpret

    numbers today. If I take a bus to a nearby town and ask what the fare is then I know that the answer

    "It's three fifty" means three pounds fifty pence. Yet if the same answer is given to the question about

    the cost of a flight from Edinburgh to New York then I know that three hundred and fifty pounds is what

    is intended.

    We can see from this that the early use of zero to denote an empty place is not really the use of zero as

    a number at all, merely the use of some type of punctuation mark so that the numbers had the correct


  • Now the ancient Greeks began their contributions to mathematics around the time that zero as an

    empty place indicator was coming into use in Babylonian mathematics. The Greeks however did not

    adopt a positional number system. It is worth thinking just how significant this fact is. How could the

    brilliant mathematical advances of the Greeks not see them adopt a number system with all the

    advantages that the Babylonian place-value system possessed? The real answer to this question is more

    subtle than the simple answer that we are about to give, but basically the Greek mathematical

    achievements were based on geometry. Although Euclid's Elements contains a book on number theory,

    it is based on geometry. In other words Greek mathematicians did not need to name their numbers

    since they worked with numbers as lengths of lines. Numbers which required to be named for records

    were used by merchants, not mathematicians, and hence no clever notation was needed.

    Now there were exceptions to what we have just stated. The exceptions were the mathematicians who

    were involved in recording astronomical data. Here we find the first use of the symbol which we

    recognise today as the notation for zero, for Greek astronomers began to use the symbol O. There are

    many theories why this particular notation was used. Some historians favour the explanation that it is

    omicron, the first letter of the Greek word for nothing namely "ouden". Neugebauer, however,

    dismisses this explanation since the Greeks already used omicron as a number - it represented 70 (the

    Greek number system was based on their alphabet). Other explanations offered include the fact that it

    stands for "obol", a coin of almost no value, and that it arises when counters were used for counting on

    a sand board. The suggestion here is that when a counter was removed to leave an empty column it left

    a depression in the sand which looked like O.

    Ptolemy in the Almagest written around 130 AD uses the Babylonian sexagesimal system together with

    the empty place holder O. By this time Ptolemy is using the symbol both between digits and at the end

    of a number and one might be tempted to believe that at least zero as an empty place holder had firmly

    arrived. This, however, is far from what happened. Only a few exceptional astronomers used the

    notation and it would fall out of use several more times before finally establishing itself. The idea of the

    zero place (certainly not thought of as a number by Ptolemy who still considered it as a sort of

    punctuation mark) makes its next appearance in Indian mathematics.

    The scene now moves to India where it is fair to say the numerals and number system was born which

    have evolved into the highly sophisticated ones we use today. Of course that is not to say that the Indian

    system did not owe something to earlier systems and many historians of mathematics believe that the

    Indian use of zero evolved from its use by Greek astronomers. As well as some historians who seem to

    want to play down the contribution of the Indians in a most unreasonable way, there are also those who

    make claims about the Indian invention of zero which seem to go far too far. For example Mukherjee in

    [6] claims:-

    ... the mathematical conception of zero ... was also present in the spiritual form from 17 000 years back

    in India.

    What is certain is that by around 650AD the use of zero as a number came into Indian mathematics. The

    Indians also used a place-value system and zero was used to denote an empty place. In fact there is

  • evidence of an empty place holder in positional numbers from as early as 200AD in India but some

    historians dismiss these as later forgeries. Let us examine this latter use first since it continues the

    development described above.

    In around 500AD Aryabhata devised a number system which has no zero yet was a positional system. He

    used the word "kha" for position and it would be used later as the name for zero. There is evidence that

    a dot had been used in earlier Indian manuscripts to denote an empty place in positional notation. It is

    interesting that the same documents sometimes also used a dot to denote an unknown where we might

    use x. Later Indian mathematicians had names for zero in positional numbers yet had no symbol for it.

    The first record of the Indian use of zero which is dated and agreed by all to be genuine was written in


    We have an inscription on a stone tablet which contains a date which translates to 876. The inscription

    concerns the town of Gwalior, 400 km south of Delhi, where they planted a garden 187 by 270 hastas

    which would produce enough flowers to allow 50 garlands per day to be given to the local temple. Both

    of the numbers 270 and 50 are denoted almost as they appear today although the 0 is smaller and

    slightly raised.

    We now come to considering the first appearance of zero as a number. Let us first note that it is not in

    any sense a natural candidate for a number. From early times numbers are words which refer to

    collections of objects. Certainly the idea of number became more and more abstract and this

    abstraction then makes possible the consideration of zero and negative numbers which do not arise as

    properties of collections of objects. Of course the problem which arises when one tries to consider zero

    and negatives as numbers is how they interact in regard to the operations of arithmetic, addition,

    subtraction, multiplication and division. In three important books the Indian mathematicians

    Brahmagupta, Mahavira and Bhaskara tried to answer these questions.

    Brahmagupta attempted to give the rules for arithmetic involving zero and negative numbers in the

    seventh century. He explained that given a number then if you subtract it from itself you obtain zero. He

    gave the following rules for addition which involve zero:-

    The sum of zero and a negative number is negative, the sum of a positive number and zero is positive,

    the sum of zero and zero is zero.

    Subtraction is a little harder:-

    A negative number subtracted from zero is positive, a positive number subtracted from zero is negative,

    zero subtracted from a negative number is negative, zero subtracted from a positive number is positive,

    zero subtracted from zero is zero.

    Brahmagupta then says that any number when multiplied by zero is zero but struggles when it comes to


  • A positive or negative number when divided by zero is a fraction with the zero as denominator. Zero

    divided by a negative or positive number is either zero or is expressed as a fraction with zero as

    numerator and the finite quantity as denominator. Zero divided by zero is zero.

    Really Brahmagupta is saying very little when he suggests that n divided by zero is n/0. Clearly he is

    struggling here. He is certainly wrong when he then claims that zero divided by zero is zero. However it

    is a brilliant attempt from the first person that we know who tried to extend arithmetic to negative

    numbers and zero.

    In 830, around 200 years after Brahmagupta wrote his masterpiece, Mahavira wrote Ganita Sara

    Samgraha which was designed as an updating of Brahmagupta's book. He correctly states that:-

    ... a number multiplied by zero is zero, and a number remains the same when zero is subtracted from it.

    However his attempts to improve on Brahmagupta's statements on dividing by zero seem to lead him

    into error. He writes:-

    A number remains unchanged when divided by zero.

    Since this is clearly incorrect my use of the words "seem to lead him into error" might be seen as

    confusing. The reason for this phrase is that some commentators on Mahavira have tried to find excuses

    for his incorrect statement.

    Bhaskara wrote over 500 years after Brahmagupta. Despite the passage of time he is still struggling to

    explain division by zero. He writes:-

    A quantity divided by zero becomes a fraction the denominator of which is zero. This fraction is termed

    an infinite quantity. In this quantity consisting of that which has zero for its divisor, there is no alteration,

    though many may be inserted or extracted; as no change takes place in the infinite and immutable God

    when worlds are created or destroyed, though numerous orders of beings are absorbed or put forth.

    So Bhaskara tried to solve the problem by writing n/0 = . At rst sight we might be tempted to believe

    that Bhaskara has it correct, but of course he does not. If this were true then 0 times must be equal to

    every number n, so all numbers are equal. The Indian mathematicians could not bring themselves to the

    point of admitting that one could not divide by zero. Bhaskara did correctly state other properties of

    zero, however, such as 02 = 0, and 0 = 0.

    Perhaps we should note at this point that there was another civilisation which developed a place-value

    number system with a zero. This was the Maya people who lived in central America, occupying the area

    which today is southern Mexico, Guatemala, and northern Belize. This was an old civilisation but

    flourished particularly between 250 and 900. We know that by 665 they used a place-value number

    system to base 20 with a symbol for zero. However their use of zero goes back further than this and was

    in use before they introduced the place-valued number system. This is a remarkable achievement but

    sadly did not influence other peoples.

  • You can see a separate article about Mayan mathematics.

    The brilliant work of the Indian mathematicians was transmitted to the Islamic and Arabic

    mathematicians further west. It came at an early stage for al-Khwarizmi wrote Al'Khwarizmi on the

    Hindu Art of Reckoning which describes the Indian place-value system of numerals based on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

    6, 7, 8, 9, and 0. This work was the first in what is now Iraq to use zero as a place holder in positional

    base notation. Ibn Ezra, in the 12th century, wrote three treatises on numbers which helped to bring the

    Indian symbols and ideas of decimal fractions to the attention of some of the learned people in Europe.

    The Book of the Number describes the decimal system for integers with place values from left to right. In

    this work ibn Ezra uses zero which he calls galgal (meaning wheel or circle). Slightly later in the 12th

    century al-Samawal was writing:-

    If we subtract a positive number from zero the same negative number remains. ... if we subtract a

    negative number from zero the same positive number remains.

    The Indian ideas spread east to China as well as west to the Islamic countries. In 1247 the Chinese

    mathematician Ch'in Chiu-Shao wrote Mathematical treatise in nine sections which uses the symbol O

    for zero. A little later, in 1303, Zhu Shijie wrote Jade mirror of the four elements which again uses the

    symbol O for zero.

    Fibonacci was one of the main people to bring these new ideas about the number system to Europe. As

    the authors of [12] write:-

    An important link between the Hindu-Arabic number system and the European mathematics is the Italian

    mathematician Fibonacci.

    In Liber Abaci he described the nine Indian symbols together with the sign 0 for Europeans in around

    1200 but it was not widely used for a long time after that. It is significant that Fibonacci is not bold

    enough to treat 0 in the same way as the other numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 since he speaks of the

    "sign" zero while the other symbols he speaks of as numbers. Although clearly bringing the Indian

    numerals to Europe was of major importance we can see that in his treatment of zero he did not reach

    the sophistication of the Indians Brahmagupta, Mahavira and Bhaskara nor of the Arabic and Islamic

    mathematicians such as al-Samawal.

    One might have thought that the progress of the number systems in general, and zero in particular,

    would have been steady from this time on. However, this was far from the case. Cardan solved cubic

    and quartic equations without using zero. He would have found his work in the 1500's so much easier if

    he had had a zero but it was not part of his mathematics. By the 1600's zero began to come into

    widespread use but still only after encountering a lot of resistance.

    Of course there are still signs of the problems caused by zero. Recently many people throughout the

    world celebrated the new millennium on 1 January 2000. Of course they celebrated the passing of only

    1999 years since when the calendar was set up no year zero was specified. Although one might forgive

  • the original error, it is a little surprising that most people seemed unable to understand why the third

    millennium and the 21st century begin on 1 January 2001. Zero is still causing problems!

    Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson

    References for: An overview of Babylonian mathematics


    1. A Aaboe, Episodes from the Early History of Mathematics (1964). 2. R Calinger, A conceptual history of mathematics (Upper Straddle River, N. J., 1999). 3. J Friberg, The third millenium roots of Babylonian mathematics. I. A method for the

    decipherment, through mathematical and metrological analysis, of proto-Sumerian and proto-Elamite semipictographic inscriptions, Department of Mathematics, University of Gteborg No. 9 (Gteborg, 1978).

    4. G Ifrah, A universal history of numbers : From prehistory to the invention of the computer (London, 1998).

    5. G G Joseph, The crest of the peacock (London, 1991). 6. O Neugebauer and A Sachs, Mathematical Cuneiform Texts (New Haven, CT., 1945). 7. B L van der Waerden, Science Awakening (Groningen, 1954). 8. B L van der Waerden, Geometry and Algebra in Ancient Civilizations (New York, 1983).


    9. S K Adhikari, Babylonian mathematics, Indian J. Hist. Sci. 33 (1) (1998), 1-23. 10. A E Berriman, The Babylonian quadratic equation, Math. Gaz. 40 (1956), 185-192. 11. J K Bidwell, A Babylonian geometrical algebra, College Math. J. 17 (1) (1986), 22-31. 12. L Brack-Bernsen and O Schmidt, Bisectable trapezia in Babylonian mathematics, Centaurus 33 (1)

    (1990), 1-38. 13. E M Bruins, A contribution to the interpretation of Babylonian mathematics; triangles with

    regular sides, Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proc. Ser. A. Indagationes Math. 15 (1953), 412-422. 14. E M Bruins, Fermat problems in Babylonian mathematics, Janus 53 (1966), 194-211. 15. E M Bruins, On Babylonian geometry, Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proc. Ser. A. Indag. Math. 17

    (1955), 16-23. 16. E M Bruins, Refinement of approximations in Babylonian mathematics (Russian), Istor.-Mat.

    Issled. Vyp. 21 (1976), 61-70; 353. 17. E M Bruins, Computation in the old Babylonian period, Janus 58 (1971), 222-267. 18. M Caveing, La tablette babylonienne AO 17264 du Muse du Louvre et le problme des six

    frres, Historia Math. 12 (1) (1985), 6-24. 19. S Dmare-Lafont, Les partages successoraux palobabyloniens, Histoire de fractions, fractions

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  • 21. S Gandz, A few notes on Egyptian and Babylonian mathematics, in Studies and Essays in the History of Science and Learning Offered in Homage to George Sarton on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday, 31 August 1944 (New York, 1947), 449-462.

    22. S Gandz, Studies in Babylonian mathematics. I. Indeterminate analysis in Babylonian mathematics, Osiris 8 (1948), 12-40.

    23. S Gandz, Studies in Babylonian mathematics. II. Conflicting interpretations of Babylonian mathematics, Isis 31 (1940), 405-425.

    24. S Gandz, Studies in Babylonian mathematics. III. Isoperimetric problems and the origin of the quadratic equations, Isis 32 (1940), 101-115.

    25. R J Gillings and C L Hamblin, Babylonian sexagesimal reciprocal tables, Austral. J. Sci. 27 (1964), 139-141.

    26. J Hoyrup, The Babylonian cellar text BM 85200+ VAT 6599. Retranslation and analysis, Amphora (Basel, 1992), 315-358.

    27. J Hoyrup, Babylonian mathematics, in I Grattan-Guinness (ed.), Companion Encyclopedia of the History and Philosophy of the Mathematical Sciences (London, 1994), 21-29.

    28. S Ilic, M S Petkovic and D Herceg, A note on Babylonian square-root algorithm and related variants, Novi Sad J. Math. 26 (1) (1996), 155-162.

    29. D E Knuth, Ancient Babylonian algorithms, Twenty-fifth anniversary of the Association for Computing Machinery, Comm. ACM 15 (7) (1972), 671-677.

    30. D E Knuth, Errata: "Ancient Babylonian algorithms", Comm. ACM 19 (2) (1976), 108. 31. H Lewy, Marginal notes on a recent volume of Babylonian mathematical texts, J. Amer. Oriental

    Soc. 67 (1947), 305-320. 32. J S Liu, A general survey of Babylonian mathematics (Chinese), Sichuan Shifan Daxue Xuebao

    Ziran Kexue Ban 16 (1) (1993), 80-87. 33. K Muroi, A circular field problem in the late Babylonian metrological-mathematical text W

    23291-x, Ganita-Bharati 19 (1-4) (1997), 86-90. 34. K Muroi, An enigmatic sentence in the old Babylonian table of exponents and logarithms,

    Historia Sci. (2) 6 (3) (1997), 229-230. 35. K Muroi, Babylonian mathematics - ancient mathematics written in cuneiform writing

    (Japanese), in Studies on the history of mathematics (Kyoto, 1998), 160-171. 36. K Muroi, Early Old Babylonian mathematical problems written in Sumerian, Historia Sci. (2) 7 (3)

    (1998), 199-203. 37. K Muroi, Extraction of cube roots in Babylonian mathematics, Centaurus 31 (3-4) (1988), 181-

    188. 38. K Muroi, Inheritance problems of Babylonian mathematics, Historia Sci. No. 34 (1988), 11-19. 39. K Muroi, Interest calculation of Babylonian mathematics: new interpretations of VAT 8521 and

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    Babylonian mathematics, Historia Math. 3 (1976), 417-439. 44. A E Raik, From the early history of algebra. Quadratic equations among the Babylonians

    (Russian), Molotov. Gos. Univ. Uc. Zap. 8 (1) (1953), 31-63. 45. A J Sachs, Babylonian mathematical texts. I. Reciprocals of regular sexagesimal numbers, J.

    Cuneiform Studies 1 (1947), 219-240.

  • 46. A J Sachs, Some metrological problems in Old-Babylonian mathematical texts, Bull. Amer. Schools of Oriental Research no. 96 (1944), 29-39.

    47. A J Sachs, Notes on fractional expressions in Old Babylonian mathematical texts, J. Near Eastern Studies 5 (1946), 203-214.

    48. G Sarton, Remarks on the study of Babylonian mathematics, Isis 31 (1940), 398-404. 49. M Wygodski, Mathematics of the ancient Babylonians (Russian), Uspekhi Matem. Nauk 7 (1940),

    102-153. 50. M Wygodski, The mathematics of the ancient Babylonians (Russian), Uspekhi Matem. Nauk 8

    (1941), 293-335.

    References for: Babylonian numerals


    1. A Aaboe, Episodes from the Early History of Mathematics (1964). 2. R Calinger, A conceptual history of mathematics (Upper Straddle River, N. J., 1999). 3. G Ifrah, A universal history of numbers : From prehistory to the invention of the computer

    (London, 1998). 4. G G Joseph, The crest of the peacock (London, 1991). 5. O Neugebauer and A Sachs, Mathematical Cuneiform Texts (New Haven, CT., 1945). 6. B L van der Waerden, Science Awakening (Groningen, 1954). 7. B L van der Waerden, Geometry and Algebra in Ancient Civilizations (New York, 1983).


    8. J Hoyrup, Babylonian mathematics, in I Grattan-Guinness (ed.), Companion Encyclopedia of the History and Philosophy of the Mathematical Sciences (London, 1994), 21-29.

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    References for: An overview of Babylonian mathematicsReferences for: Babylonian numeralsReferences for: Pythagoras's theorem in Babylonian mathematicsReferences for: A history of Zero

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