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Page 1: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010
Page 2: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010

contents**con-tents [kon-tents]: the material, including text and images, that constitutes this publication document.

Fri Oct 1 – Sat Oct 2 (p4-5)Sun Oct 3 – Mon Oct 4 (p6-7)Tue Oct 5 – Wed Oct 6 (p8-9)Thu Oct 7 – Fri Oct 8 (p10-11)

Featuring: Branko Starcevic (p22-23)Sun Oct 17 – Mon Oct 18 (p24-25)Tue Oct 19 – Wed Oct 20 (p26-27)Featuring: Chris Valentine (p28-29)Thu Oct 21 – Fri Oct 22 (p30-31)Sat Oct 23 – Sun Oct 24 (p32-33)

Featuring: Wendy Ding (p12-13)Sat Oct 9 – Sun Oct 10 (p14-15)

Mon Oct 11 – Tue Oct 12 (p16-17)Wed Oct 13 – Thu Oct 14 (p18-19)

Fri Oct 15 – Sat Oct 16 (p20-21)

Mon Oct 25 – Tue Oct 26 (p34-35)Featuring: Drfranken (p36-37)

Wed Oct 27 – Thu Oct 28 (p38-39)Fri Oct 29 (p40-41)

Sat Oct 30 – Sun Oct 31 (p42-43)

Page 3: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010

contents**con-tents [kon-tents]: the material, including text and images, that constitutes this publication document.

Editor’s NoteDear friends and readers,As you may have noticed, it has taken a while to release the October issue. I apolo-gise in advance to the wonderful (and pa-tient) artists who we have interviewed this month, your understanding is greatly ap-preciated. The fact of the matter is that, just like any relationship, the relationship be-tween b* creative and our readers is about to change – evolve into a new bond. The year 2011 will see the magazine published

quarterly, not monthly. Due to the relocation of certain team members and the pursuit of long-awaited creative careers, we will be unable to deliver the same type of quality each month (and you know how big we are on quality). This by no means resembles the beginning of an end, in fact, it is a new beginning and a new adventure for us all.

We will still be conducting monthly inter-views with established and aspiring cre-atives, which will be showcased on our website. Every four months we will be put-ting together a big ‘season’ issue which will contain loads of inspiration and the inter-views which we have performed. In a way, we will be setting you all up with a creative boost for the months to come, so that you never feel like you’re lacking any inspiration. Also, we will be focusing a lot more on our website, where continuous mind-moving projects, masterpieces, resources and in-spiration will be available to you only a click away.If you have any suggestions or requests, please don’t hesitate to let us know as we are always looking to improve and give our readers what they desire.

I am off now to prepare for the festive sea-son and I wish you all a merry Christmas, happy new year and magnificent celebra-tions of what we feel will be an amazing time to come.

So until next time, don’t forget to: Imagine. Believe. Create. Achieve.

Cover: Gorilla Hat by Robin Va/auli

Branka Injac (aka Baki)Editor & Creative Director

Page 4: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Friday Oct 1, 2010




Page 5: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Saturday Oct 2, 2010


Page 6: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Sunday Oct 3, 2010



Page 7: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Monday Oct 4, 2010

“There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would

be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same

patterns.” - Edward de Bono

7. 8.

Page 8: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Tuesday Oct 5, 2010



Page 9: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Wednesday Oct 6, 2010

“There is only one of you in all time, this

expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never

exist through any other medium and it will be lost.”

- Martha Graham

“Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is

doing new things.” - Theodore Levitt



Page 10: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Thursday Oct 7, 2010


Page 11: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Friday Oct 8, 2010


Page 12: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


featuring**fea-tur-ing [fee-cher-ing]: a) giving special attention to; b) including as a prominent part.

1. Name, surname and place of resi-dence.Wendy Ding, Toronto Canada 2. What sparked your passion for graphic design / photography / illus-tration/ writing / art? Always loved drawing, being creative and playing dress-up since I was little

3. How creative were you as a child?Too much! I often reenacted scenes from my favourite cartoons and comics,

with or without friends present. 4. Where do you draw inspiration from when you set out to make one of your illustrations?My personal work is mostly influenced from fashion and how it makes me feel directly. The emotion, energy and tex-ture of the outfit drive the concept be-hind the illustration.

5. If you could describe your work in 3 (or 5) words, what would they be?Fun, graphic, colourful, girly, Wendy-esque

6. What sort of education have you had?BAA of Illustration from Sheridan Insti-tute, plus being an avid salsa dancer / living room dancer 7. Tell us a little bit about your first project and how you feel about it now?My first paid project was for Chirp mag-azine (by Owlkids, a Canadian children’s publication) during my co-op term for school. I created a handful of cute spot illustrations of snack foods for an article about after-school snacks. It was re-ally exciting to see my first published illustration! I will never forget the joy of

Featuring: Wendy Ding

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featuring**fea-tur-ing [fee-cher-ing]: a) giving special attention to; b) including as a prominent part.

12. What is your favourite book/maga-zine?Books by Malcolm Gladwell, Sally Hogshead and Computer Arts maga-zine.

13. What are your plans for the future?I’d love to open my own theme park “Wendyland”. The centerpiece will be a pair of gartered pin-up legs with red stilettos.

14. What is your advice for aspiring creatives?Stay hungry, driven, and persistent. Be polite, patient and proactive. Give up only when you feel it’s the right choice. Also exercise, rest your eyes, stretch, eat right, sleep, and don’t forget your friends and family.

15. Personal motto?Be yourself

finding my name printed vertically on the side of the page. 8. Tell us your philosophy on creativity.You should remain true to expressing your unique brand of creativity and not be afraid to use it. It may not always transpire as an illustration right away and that’s ok. I often find if there’s a stalemate in my creativity, going for a walk, re-mixing my wardrobe or dancing helps inspiration flow.

9. Whose work do you admire and why?Michael Jackson, because he was a true pioneer, broke boundaries and defined what music, art and entertain-ment can be. Not to mention a superb dancer / singer / performer / my pre-teen saint.

10. What has been your greatest achievement so far?Sticking to my passion of freelance il-lustration despite the obvious hurdles: fluctuating workload and pay. I’m aiming to make it my full-time job one day.

11. What are the top three websites you like?Youtube, Facebook, Wikipedia

Page 14: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Saturday Oct 9, 2010

“A painter told me that nobody could draw a tree

without in some sort becoming a tree; or draw

a child by studying the outlines of its form merely

. . . but by watching for a time his motions and

plays, the painter enters into his nature and can then draw him at every

attitude . . .” - Ralph Waldo Emerson




Page 15: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Sunday Oct 10, 2010

“When we engage in what we are naturally suited

to do, our work takes on the quality of play and it is

play that stimulates creativity.”

- Linda Naiman




Page 16: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Monday Oct 11, 2010




Page 17: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Tuesday Oct 12, 2010


Page 18: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Wednesday Oct 13, 2010

“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing,

taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes,

and having fun.” - Mary Lou Cook



Page 19: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Thursday Oct 14, 2010


Page 20: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Friday Oct 15, 2010



Page 21: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

ence. The Engine Room adapted the original 6-sided box style to this 3-sided pouch, though maintaining the distin-guishing minimalism of the brand identity.

- Salih Kucukaga for The Dieline

479° Popcorn @ The Dieline

San Francisco-based, The Engine Room, Inc., has just launched this packaging extension for artisan popcorn maker 479° Popcorn. Now that 479° has made its mark as a higher end snack, a new pouch style con-tainer has been devel-oped to hit a lower price point, facilitate a stron-ger wholesale push and reach a broader audi-

Saturday Oct 16, 2010


Page 22: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


featuring**fea-tur-ing [fee-cher-ing]: a) giving special attention to; b) including as a prominent part.

1. Name, surname and place of residence.Branko Starčević, Belgrade, Serbia 2. What sparked your passion for graphic design / photography / illustration/ writing / art? A quick expression of ideas and the fact that I’m a geek.

3. How creative were you as a child?Hahahah, ask my parents :) 4. Where do you draw inspiration from when you set out to make one of your pho-tographs?If we are talking specifically about movement, I get the inspiration directly from the model, the feeling in that particular moment, and the spontaneity of what will be shot. If I am taking photos of architecture or something static – which I also love doing and it does

inspire me – then I draw inspiration from the atmosphere I find myself in. There must be something that pulls me in since I love pho-tography no matter the subject or theme.

5. If you could describe your work in 3 (or 5) words, what would they be?PercisionIsolation of the subject or objectSimple form

6. What sort of education have you had?Photography school (black and white devel-oping and later digital ) and a lot of working experience as an assistant and later a pho-tographer. Now I’m free lancing with my own studio … Lots of professional projects… 7. Tell us a little bit about your first project and how you feel about it now?Movement is actually my first serious project on which I have been working for quite a few years now. This project is not just photog-raphy as the background contains several

Featuring: Branko Starcevic

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featuring**fea-tur-ing [fee-cher-ing]: a) giving special attention to; b) including as a prominent part.

other elements: music, choreography, the clothes the subjects wear and finally the atmosphere that is created – all of these be-come the photograph. The core of this proj-ect are the shapes of the human body that are captured in the photograph. A shape that exists but isn’t part of our everyday lives. 8. Tell us your philosophy on creativity.II think the answer to this lies in question 5.

9. Whose work do you admire and why?I have an enormous amount of respect for the work of the Austrian photographer Rob-ert Staudinger. He is so presice in what he does and the feeling is perfect in every shot – whether it’s inside or outside the studio environment. He uses light so well.

10. What has been your greatest achieve-ment so far?Several of my photographs being published in the Febuary 2010 issue of the American magazine Interior Design. The subject matter was the interior of a pharmacy designed by

Karim Rashid.

11. What are the top three websites you like?At the moment I’m big on facebook and twit-ter :)But in terms of industry type stuff, I follow a lot of different things, I’m part of the photo forum on LinkedIn and that’s where I gather a lot of interesting information. I like – it’s got a lot of cheap and creative resources for photographers. 12. What is your favourite book/magazine?PHOTO - French magazine, one of the old-est photo magazines in the worldI also like the British magazine CREATIVE REVIEW.

13. What are your plans for the future?Improving my skills and holding exhibitions. I have a big project which requires a lot of time because I have to travel through the greater part of Europe. I hope that I’ll manage to fin-ish it in the near future and you’ll definitely be informed about it. All I can say right now is that the subject matter is architecture.

14. What is your advice for aspiring cre-atives?Effort and determination always work. When you put a lot in, it’s easy to recognize your ideas and bring them to life.

15. Personal motto?This question is the most difficult of all :)

Page 24: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Dry Soda @ The Dieline

Designed by Turnstyle Studio“DRY Soda has introduced a fresh new packaging look with bold, graphic illustra-tions that pop the flavor on each bottle and 4-pack car-rier. Clear bottles allow the purity of the product to show through and the founder’s signature still on each bottle connotes a sense of craft

behind each flavor’s recipe.From DRY Soda Co.:So why the change? DRY Soda launched in 2005. In that time DRY has evolved from its beginnings on the white tablecloths of the country’s finest restaurants, to finding huge success in grocery stores, cafés, and other retail locations across the US and Canada. Ev-ery day we hear from DRY customers about how they love DRY’s flavors and we’re continually inspired by the ways people are pairing and mixing DRY with their favorite foods and spirits. We wanted DRY’s design to emphasize the flavors that make DRY Soda so unique. So DRY’s new design helps communicate the best parts of DRY Soda—its distinctive

flavors and its uniqueness as a less sweet, four ingre-dients, all natural soda. And while it was hard to let the old design go, we think this new design fits DRY per-fectly.DRY’s new look was de-signed by Seattle-based Turnstyle. I started working with these great guys back when DRY was just an idea in my head. These incredibly talented designers took my vision for DRY and created a beautiful bottle worthy of the best restaurants in the US and now they have done it again—taking all that is great about DRY and reflecting that on the bottle in a way that will help us continue to reach new consumers.”

- Salih Kucukaga for The Dieline

Sunday Oct 17, 2010



Page 25: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Monday Oct 18, 2010

33. 34.


Page 26: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Granny’s Secret Ketchup @ The Dieline

“Serbian food company Food-land manufactured an excel-lent new product within its famous brand “Bakina Tajna” (Granny’s Secret) - home made country ketchup. Food-land’s production plant is situated at the foot of moun-tain Kopaonik, in a nearby and ecologically clean, uncontami-nated environment of BRUS

municipality, village Kobilje. PGS designed the label for ketchup. It is the first in the line of designed products and it announced the re-branding of Granny’s Secret old pack-aging design, which shall soon be replaced by the new one.”

Designed by Peter Gregson

- Salih Kucukaga for The Dieline

Tuesday Oct 19, 201036.



Page 27: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Wednesday Oct 20, 2010


Page 28: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


featuring**fea-tur-ing [fee-cher-ing]: a) giving special attention to; b) including as a prominent part.

1. Name, surname and place of residence.Chris ValentineJohannesburg, South Africa 2. What sparked your passion for graphic design / photogra-phy / illustration/ writing / art? I have always been fascinated by the work of Da Vinci, namely his anatomical studies and his char-coal drawings. His highly detailed & naturalistic style was always a great inspiration to me & I always had a longing to create such re-alistic drawings. However, I think the real spark was the first time I saw the cover art for “Lies for the Liars” by The Used. The artwork was done by Alex Pardee and I soon found myself studying his techniques and trying to add some of his style to my own. Ever since that day I have been striving to create fine art with a contemporary edge and I am still trying to implement this style into my graphic design work to create something fresh and unique.

3. How creative were you as a child?Let me put it this way... I used to

love Asterix and Obelix comics and I would attempt (on a regular basis) to make roman helmets for myself out of paper & sticky tape. I’m not sure how good they were, but it’s the thought that counts right? 4. Where do you draw inspira-tion from when you set out to make one of your illustrations?I’ve seen so many designers an-swering this question by talking about nature and plants etc.; but to be perfectly honest, I’m quite a city kid. I think I would die of boredom drawing trees. I find my biggest inspiration is drawn from movies, comic books, music & of course the work of designers I aspire to be like one day. I love making art revolving around the things I am passionate about (hence the Iron Man piece) & I tend to get bored quickly if the subject matter doens’t interest me! (Which means most graphic design work ends up being bor-ing sooner or later, haha)

5. If you could describe your work in 3 (or 5) words, what would they be?An expression of my creativity?

6. What sort of education have you had?Well I personally chose the path of learning on the job. As much as I value the input gained from university training, I wanted to experience the working environ-ment first-hand. 12 Years of school was more than enough formal education for my liking! I did a design internship at Rivers Church (

za) in my first year after graduat-ing from high school & went on to start my own freelance busi-ness in March of 2010. So in short, I’ve been thrown in the deep end on many occasions & I’ve had to learn how to swim. I’m trying to learn as much as I can from people more experienced than me, and I’m doing my best to stay creative and put in the hours to create the best work I can! 7. Tell us a little bit about your first project and how you feel about it now?I think my first real project was working on the album artwork for Rivers Church’s album in 2009, Above the Sound. I had to learn enough Illustrator to redo the entire booklet in a day and get it to the printers in time! I feel the project turned out really well and I still feel like it was a great project, it was really an honour to be able to contribute to it! 8. Tell us your philosophy on creativity.

Featuring: Chris

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featuring**fea-tur-ing [fee-cher-ing]: a) giving special attention to; b) including as a prominent part.

I think creativity is inside every-one, but it only becomes visible when you choose to nurture it and grow yourself in those areas specifically. I also think that, like any profession or career, practice makes perfect... Eventually! I try to keep up to date with current trends, read design blogs, buy magazines, listen to music etc. to try and keep myself hungry for growth and stay contemporary! Creativity is really something that needs to be cultivated on a daily basis, whether or not you were born creative. Everyone has the ability to be creative in their own capacity, it just takes an open mind and a will to learn (as does everything in life).

9. Whose work do you admire and why?Wow, there are honestly too many to mention! I am con-stantly inspired and encouraged by watching the work of all my friends on the Behance network. Guys like John Mark Herskind and Tarin Yuangtrakul have al-ways been there for me to chal-lenge me to greater heights and to give me constructive criticism. In addition, their work is amazing and we always give each other tips to help our work get better. Alex Pardee, however, has been my artistic role model for years. I admire his work because he isn’t scared to be different. He has also worked for some of my fa-

gether we will put South Africa on the map as a creative community to be reckoned with worldwide! :)

14. What is your advice for as-piring creatives?Follow your heart and make sure you use your talents! Just do your best in everything you set your hands to & be humble. We all have our moments when we think we’re the Vincent van Gogh 2.0, but when we look back at our work a year later we realise it wasn’t as great as we thought it was! Try and network as much as possible, be open to learn-ing, ask plenty of questions and show respect where respect is due. As in any field, you have to work your way up the ranks; but if you plant good seeds when you start out, you’ll be sure to reap the harvest in the future! All the best!

15. Personal motto?Undercharge and over-deliver :) Not always easy, but I try!

vourite bands and I would love to do what he does one day (work for bands, commissions, solo exhibitions, toy ranges, mural paintings). You can see his work at

10. What has been your great-est achievement so far?I think getting featured along with Tarin Yuangtrakul on the Behance network for our col-lab was definitely a highlight. In addition, one of my pieces is going to be featured in Advanced Photoshop soon which is very exciting! Other than that, I think my greatest achievement so far is being able to freelance and be earning enough money to live haha. It’s also really cool to be getting positive comments on my Behance profile from artists and designers that I’ve admired for ages. It’s definitely an honour!

11. What are the top three web-sites you like? (@christhecook) lol 12. What is your favourite book/magazine?Computer Arts & Advanced Photoshop by far, as well as any book by R.A. Salvatore or J.K.Rowling. Oh and B*Creative of course :D haha thanks for the feature!

13. What are your plans for the future?Ideally I would like to start my own design collective at some point. It will be run like an agency, but focusing on illustration and outstanding design that pushes boundaries in the industry. I will hire young designers who are more talented than me, and to-

Page 30: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Thursday Oct 21, 2010



Page 31: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Friday Oct 22, 2010

“So you see, imagination needs moodling – long, inefficient, happy idling,

dawdling and puttering.” - Brenda Ueland


Page 32: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Saturday Oct 23, 2010

Sunday Oct 24, 2010



Page 33: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Made of Frutz @ The Dieline

Ecuadorian design firm GWORKSHOP was chal-lenged to create a new brand of fruit products to be introduced into the Ecuador-ian market and later to the rest of the world. Creative Director, José Luis García Eguiguren, says “I started looking for names and came up with the idea to focus on the product: fruit. So why not call it “MADE OF FRUTZ”? In order to register the name worldwide, I had to accom-modate the letters to say ‘FRUTZ’ instead of ‘FRUITS’.”“The main concept of the project was to create a simple but clear overview of the fruits using color and photography. I used a stripe that crosses all the fruits to give a sense of elegance

On the back panel I thought about giving back some-thing to he mother earth. The message ‘SEMBRAR ES CHEVERE - INTENTALO’ means ‘PLANTING IS COOL –TRY IT’. By displaying this message, the company in-vites the consumers to take action. To plant seeds as they “cultivate” them through MADE OF FRUTZ.”

- Ivan Navarro for The Dieline

and softness. This well-structured logo includes a delicate detail of a leaf in the corner to depict the richness and the naturalness of the fruits. The sophistication and maturity of the black back-ground contrasts with the energetic and vibrant colors of the front panel and fruits. On the top panel the main shapes of the fruits unify the products as a one family of products.


Page 34: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Monday Oct 25, 2010



Page 35: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Tuesday Oct 26, 2010


Page 36: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


featuring**fea-tur-ing [fee-cher-ing]: a) giving special attention to; b) including as a prominent part.

1. Name, surname and place of residence.Fran Rodríguez Learte a.k.a drfranken, Ma-drid (Spain) 2. What sparked your passion for graphic design / photography / illustration/ writing / art? My interest in digital art is when I start my studies as a computer programmer and start to discover a world of new possibilities and tools to express my art, althought since childhood, I’ve been attracted to art, drawing and painting.

3. How creative were you as a child?

My artistic side came since childhood es-pecially on the father´s side. My father was a great artist. He painted using all sorts of techniques such as oil, charcoal, pencil, wa-tercolor. My mother also paints very well and loves the arts. I used to draw in school, on the streets and everywhere. I always carried a small notebook and some color pencils. 4. Where do you draw inspiration from when you set out to make one of your il-lustrations?I am inspired by anything, although I love dark environments and the black color.

5. If you could describe your work in 3 (or 5) words, what would they be?My art is a combination of 3D digital tech-niques, airbrush, photography and code. I try to express my emotions in every work and come to the eyes who watch them.

6. What sort of education have you had?I graduated from art school in Salamanca in 1998 and then in 2003 I finished my studies in Development of software applications and

Featuring: Drfranken

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featuring**fea-tur-ing [fee-cher-ing]: a) giving special attention to; b) including as a prominent part.

12. What is your favourite book/magazine?Nor could name only three, but they are some of the ones I like are Newwebpick and Bak Magazine among others.

13. What are your plans for the future?Continue to grow as an artist

14. What is your advice for aspiring cre-atives?I think the best advice I can give is that they are perseverant in their work and to strive to improve every day a little more.

15. Personal motto?Worki hard without losing your head.

CASE tools. 7. Tell us a little bit about your first project and how you feel about it now?My first project was an illustration for a Lon-don magazine. I remember that the deadline was so short and had so much pressure that could not react, but finally came a good job and was delivered on time. The truth is that it was a great experience and a personal chal-lenge very positive. 8. Tell us your philosophy on creativity.The truth is that I have no theory of creativity, since it is an extremely complex concept. I think it’s something innate in every person, whether or not an artist. What is certain is that not everyone develops their creativity, and even never we come to know and un-derstand all our creative abilities.

9. Whose work do you admire and why?I really like the dark and surrealist artists, I am fascinated by dark environments and the complex shapes. I can not select just one, There are many great artists that I admire.

10. What has been your greatest achieve-ment so far?The satisfaction of being able to create the kind of art that I like

11. What are the top three websites you like?I can not stay with only three sites. Today, I think there is an explosion of interesting sites and high quality.

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inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Wednesday Oct 27, 2010

“So you see, imagination needs moodling – long, inefficient, happy idling,

dawdling and puttering.” - Brenda Ueland



Page 39: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Thursday Oct 28, 2010


Page 40: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.


If you’re in a hurry and still want to be stylish – go pinup style!

Pinup style – my favourite lately.

OMG, have you ever seen pictures of pinup girls. So sensual. So erot-ic. Those eyes and red lips… looks like they’ve spent a lot more time

dressing up than they actually have. Did you know that pinup make up is one of the easiest and quickest looks you can do? ‘No way, I could never do that eyeliner thing’ I hear you say. Well, why not at least try it? It takes a little bit of practice I admit, but nowadays cosmetic companies have made things easier for all of us by producing different kinds of eye-liner (liquid, gel) and, more impor-tantly, different kinds of applicators. So go out and find the one that suits you best and start practicing.

And there’s more good news – if you also like to be trendy, you won’t go wrong with this look since pinup is suggested for the coming season by many designers, at least when it comes to makeup. The Cleopatra look is also highly recommended,

Friday Oct 29, 2010



Page 41: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

only in a slightly more subtle way than she used to do it.

So in order to get the pinup look right, here’s a couple of suggestions (and we’re sticking to the makeup and hair here, not the clothing). Most designers have looked back at the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s for in-spiration. I guess they got tired of dressing us for the future and try-ing to be innovative, when there’s no more room for real innovation in fashion – we’ve seen it all. So, go-ing retro, but using modern fabrics is, in my opinion, FANTASTIC! High-waisted skirts and pants (oh how they make my legs appear so much longer) are always a plus. Fabulous coats and fur (not animal of course) also play their part. This might be the best time to look through your

mother’s or grandmother’s old wardrobe or to hit some vintage stores if your budget does not al-low for Prada, Fendi, Chanel, Marc Jacobs, D&G, Rochas, Luis Vuitton – yes, they’ve all gone retro baby!

When it comes to colors for this season the most recommended one is beige and all its shades. Pastel colors are also a must. And no, you’re not gonna see those anywhere near me, because I sim-ply dislike them. But for those who do like these palettes, this season is going to be a fiesta, because the stores are going to be packed. The rest of us will just be naked till spring.

Ok, so this was a fashion part of me. Stay tuned.

Page 42: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Seed Bombs @ The Dieline

Cincinnati based design studio, Visua-Lingual, designed these super cool seed bombs.“They are sold in Anthropologie stores across the US, a variety of independent retailers. Each pouch contains five seed balls made with a mixture of red clay, worm castings, and a specific seed mixture, along with an informational insert. The pouch is muslin with a screenprinted design. Everything is made by hand by us and our friends. The attached photos show our two brand-new varieties: Dog & Cat Friendly and Herbs, and also our four regional varieties: East Coast, Midwest, West Coast, and Pacific Northwest.”

- Ivan Navarro for The Dieline

Saturday Oct 30, 2010


Page 43: b creative Magazine Issue 9 October 2010


inspiration**in-spi-ra-tion [in-spuh-rey-shuh n] : a) stimulation of the mind or emotions to special or unusual activity or creativity; b) divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.

Sunday Oct 31, 2010


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