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Page 1: B 110 q1JADIWI'r° Conlor10110 o • · nuaber beina called ia a aecurity pbona or not intoraatioa allould be obtained fro• tile earvice eaitcllboard operator. Arraq-nta bave bean

.. f.!/ >~ /

. -•

B 110 "q1JADIWI'r° Conlor10110o •

.Wr,uot , U U

~ {P 3 0 Rl )C.

~"'17 oq_




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Page 2: B 110 q1JADIWI'r° Conlor10110 o • · nuaber beina called ia a aecurity pbona or not intoraatioa allould be obtained fro• tile earvice eaitcllboard operator. Arraq-nta bave bean


Qlakte1 tsprt D.ltu.

.......... a. Pr " $ p~ ........... I ' t 1s ................ , ..... .n..-.6100.-

- .. .....,, bps$ Uft. J1U .. 7ft • hlllcl

~ (e)

..... Qs, .u ...

.._... 0"- tw llp"M• nu.r Uses ............ .an. dell-- ... .. td_, .. • t ,.

~·JU1il''Pte.ul.,._.., ..... , ...... IIIS .. _.. ............ IIF] .. .,._ ..._. ;na e a .. 1__, CILtr ........ tMr Gl1 ... ,... .......... tMU - ... ,.....u. ta ....... a. tftla Ia ta I h d 1...., •• •t.U • 1 " lllet' ..... • .. ,., ....... '* ~ _.. ,_. I:Wr •awe,._. '* ftft'lw • r.r w t••· a. .. r't..t ar-t. *' .u . ~ ... JTISC\ .... - ,... .. N' . .. •aMeita l&lljt tllaae alia qr lie I £ 1 ... t.

'c.s- 5\ p JP' S I• _.II 'N• - llle£ .. lasit _, tw ..u.

a. ..... - ... Sa ·-=-~·=·~=·~· ... , --­.. Jd lie I .,.... ta ses- sltt * s t t J• -~ tr tta ••• ..., .. tlla •• i BJWlo at and r raa Ottawa

a...._ ,_ .nw.,.. ~;ntwwltr .... -.,, us ...

., . ..-. ..... 6lllallasle ...... .

la.-l .......... ' d..t. ....... ••:·.:•::-·~·=~L~IIalr ..... ,, ... '•II&.

... -

Page 3: B 110 q1JADIWI'r° Conlor10110 o • · nuaber beina called ia a aecurity pbona or not intoraatioa allould be obtained fro• tile earvice eaitcllboard operator. Arraq-nta bave bean


' UIOO .... .lrr1Ya Deap CUt. St.AUoa, Ot.t.a• ' ....

I..•• t.raia &lid drin to Parliaaent. Bill. \ Outdoor aclc1NN to aubua or tha ~ Saaat.a lllld the ltoua• o r eo-..,.,., aud public.

llaoain ._bera or tba 01JU-Uo Corpt~ \I. ADd !apreaaot.aUna or the c:o.. .. l'lllleOt. 111

the Parllaaeo t Bulldinp. • •

Proceed to CoYeroaer.t. llou•e tor luno~.

Sbort cor_, after .lw:cbe<la (111 the Go,..rnor-Ganeral'a rooa, Conroa.,t. Bouae) tor oontarrill& booorary da~ or Doctor ot La•• r .... the llni?crai t.T or ~oa.

ED tor ooora tor dr1 ,.. to include et.opp111& at .. tha Aaar1can "-K•Uon ADd rao ~1?1Dc Mr. ! tbartoD 1a atatt ( a1tbout. i•ttine out or oar)J then to Mr. ilaolcaoaia lt1Dc'• - er redd.,ce, "''P..-ara•, ADd r•turn.iD& to the Priaa lt1Diat..r1a W. bouae for t.aa.

' 6aJO p ... I..n Ott.a•.

Page 4: B 110 q1JADIWI'r° Conlor10110 o • · nuaber beina called ia a aecurity pbona or not intoraatioa allould be obtained fro• tile earvice eaitcllboard operator. Arraq-nta bave bean

xr p nn w;mJmg

wrpurspAX. &u cug t. fs. 19ft~ · J.r. Deep Cia' 5tatJ.CD1 Ot.tanCol oRI! •• •

Tr dn lrnl reap a~ O.op CUt. SIA LY. OU cwa, Doap Cut. Stat.ioo (C.I. E.R). , . ,

Canad1Aw Nat iCQ&l. dinor t.brouG,b t

TmJRSPAt. Avrrupt. 26 1.9 4 ) lr . Di&hland, W.t . (~ .r.c. RRJ •••• •••••

Yebtn or PPrtx


St.~pha;~ w l.J' ~ru J.d->1 r ol Sro111 llarr1 S<>p:do•

!liod TuU,r Ce"r.:u tox Wu. lli.,doo. J4e!< P.OdrriR* Jli u Kr.abo..U Ooey Loci Jobn Cook Llon!J ~)'(!•r Set. Hoah, D. S.M.C. s e t. . ~~ba, u.s.A.

Page 5: B 110 q1JADIWI'r° Conlor10110 o • · nuaber beina called ia a aecurity pbona or not intoraatioa allould be obtained fro• tile earvice eaitcllboard operator. Arraq-nta bave bean

Tha rollowinr. •••••r• t ro- the Pr~a 1dent wae r~cei Ted in the White Hou~e ~'•9 Room dur !n-; the "il!ht r

"Proposed Canad1an T$lOaae ia a -,pr ovod 1..1 to te xt end pr ocedure. "

Tho d11t:,r otr' oor t n the or n co or the Sooretar y of St,a t .o n e not i t i e d Au~•t 8t h at 2330.

Cft£STI!R ftA'.'l!OliD, Lt. Col one l . Oenor a.l S ta.rr , .Aea t . to the W lita,r y Aide.

l)!CLASSll'IEll !J l)eputy Arohlvlst of

111 'f . J. St o.aJ"t Date_

Page 6: B 110 q1JADIWI'r° Conlor10110 o • · nuaber beina called ia a aecurity pbona or not intoraatioa allould be obtained fro• tile earvice eaitcllboard operator. Arraq-nta bave bean

-;;:;s< / •. DI7.umiiXT Off STAn


fhle Me11age h&e not been

peraphraee4, and eboul4 w

perapbreee4 betore be1og


Page 7: B 110 q1JADIWI'r° Conlor10110 o • · nuaber beina called ia a aecurity pbona or not intoraatioa allould be obtained fro• tile earvice eaitcllboard operator. Arraq-nta bave bean


- -MO This ttlEgr~ ~ust be closely psrapr~ared be­fore being co~~unicated to anyone • ( J.)

6ccrctar y of Ste t£



38 . August? , G ~ . m .

.... FOR liiCKERSO!\.


Dated J.ugust ? , 19~~

&c 1 d 8:•5 p.c.

rt· ., ~ ~ .. ~mro Sr..t" 0~~ L t t.r, \· ll-11

lllr a.u..u ~AN . 3 1974

Driefly ccnflr~ng our telcpr~nc conv£rsat1on .

~xternal Affaire adviaca th~t it la pro~oaed to in­

for~ ttL press cofidentially and uader strict ccnaorahlp

next l·:onday cvcnine~ that 8.1 announ:>e.:u:nt o.-111 b£ tlllde

in Quebec on Tuesday evening ree~arding a ~ecting which

will be held there between ?ri~£ Ministers Churchi ll

and King .

The t~xt of thc announccment is as follo~a :

"Tt:£ Prl~E ~11n ister or Great Britain has arrived

in Caneda acccn;panied by Lord Lcatto£rs . tt.c Mini nter or

•ar Treneport for ~nited Kingdom and dri:lsh Chiefs of

Starr . Mr. Churchill ~aa received on arrival by ~r.

Mac~enzic Kin~ and durinc hie etey in Canida will be

cucat of Canadian Oovern ... ent . ~.r. Chur ci:ill will have

discussions wHh t.r . ~acle. nz1e Kln~ and later on will

ettcnd a confcrcncc with Prealdcnt Rooacvelt and Combined

Oh1Efa of Steff cL United States and United Ki ngdom."

~xternal bff aira asks official u. s . ayprovRl

~rcau~•bly(White House)or the tcxt or thla announce~rnt

t nd wt.c thE r .. e

Page 8: B 110 q1JADIWI'r° Conlor10110 o • · nuaber beina called ia a aecurity pbona or not intoraatioa allould be obtained fro• tile earvice eaitcllboard operator. Arraq-nta bave bean


- 2- #38 , hugust 7 . 6 p. m., rrom Otta~a

Md whether ~£ h£.vc any co ..... cnt to mnltc on t he general

schedule sc~ ror th ~Lrt1n .



Page 9: B 110 q1JADIWI'r° Conlor10110 o • · nuaber beina called ia a aecurity pbona or not intoraatioa allould be obtained fro• tile earvice eaitcllboard operator. Arraq-nta bave bean



~s1ed 11061JfttCOMING M~-='~'"'u efc

Fro. : To:


P I J 0 I J T Y

Qaebec O.aeral Decae Cblaf of Btaft Oftloe

· Wae!liAct:oa DC

Ito I 7 Aupat: 1M3

C-Dder ColaPidp apOIIe with Dl' Col-a (ftO ia orpatatac ooataraace for Prt.a •saiatar) (aacurlt:J) Pafel'aace a propoaad lapoptattoa ot approslaatalJ 175 Caaadiaa aDd Vatted Btataa Praaa lapraaaat:atiYaa, Dr Col ... a •ll'••d lt waa hlcblJ uadaatrabla to bPlDI all tbaaa people to Quebec. , Bia oalJ Satol'!l&Uoa waa to tba atfect that be waa likalJ to racaiYa lactruotloaa to rea&PY& 150 •- 1a aaotllar hotal for praaa .. a. Cola­.. a will ••PPa .. at to appropriate Caaadtaa authortttaa a pO&aibla bad pr .. a Paaalttac froa 175 dta,.uatlad pl'eaa .. a aitttac ia Quebec aDd raoet•tac little or ao ana. Be be ll'&taful 1t JOG would pat thta p01at to on aacl naaat t:o tb• that thaJ, attar ooaaul tatloa wttb War Jatonattoa lloa.l'd caaada, ..... 1111 Pre .. tbat th&J will Sa all probebtlitJ be waat:S., tile t:t.e ot aaJ pr"a ... t:baJ aaacl to Quabeo. Jt: would of oOUPaa be pO&atbla foP OIJ aDd WJB to ct•• adequate waratac Sf "Ileac! -•" daotda to ct•• praaa oOillePaaca, Pl ... • e!low t:o 11 tr a,



cw-Jw-&435 ca Auc 43)

Ito as,.

Oli415Z nw


Page 10: B 110 q1JADIWI'r° Conlor10110 o • · nuaber beina called ia a aecurity pbona or not intoraatioa allould be obtained fro• tile earvice eaitcllboard operator. Arraq-nta bave bean


'd 07/210&1




rr011: Quebec To: Brtr General Deane Co~tned Cb1ef6 of Staff

Unnuabered 7 Auruat 1943

Tbe tolloetnr procedure tor ofr detenae eill be in f orce at tbe Quebec Alrport Aac1enne Lorette.

Do not fly e itbtn 10 ailea of Quebec City except approacbtnr a irport. ,pproecb to tbe airport abould be •ada in tbe quadrent 180 derrcee to 270 derr••• ·

Aircraft ebould att .. pt to conteot tbe tower apprazi•ately 25 ailee out for any turtber inetruc­tioa .

lefereace tbe airport intoraation furniebed by air c ourier today Aar 7 tbe folloeinc ie added.

1to00 rale of 100 octaae raeoltne eill be aeailable on •ooday Aur 8 10000 etll be reeereed for U.S.

Cor•·ect dtetaace tro• t011n to read 6 ailes troa oute-irte ot city . Add naereet bill bator • •ilea due nortbeeet rielnr to epproxt .. tel7 1800 f • t .

Col kCartbJ

Page 11: B 110 q1JADIWI'r° Conlor10110 o • · nuaber beina called ia a aecurity pbona or not intoraatioa allould be obtained fro• tile earvice eaitcllboard operator. Arraq-nta bave bean

.. -' ~ ilecl 7 /UlliZ en





Froa: Quebec To:

Unnu.berod 7 Augus t • 943

Jl'olla-1ng for Brigadier Redaan and Genera . DOa ne CCS froa McCarthy and Coleridae.

1. Following are seneral orr onseaents for conference. le eugaeet you iesue tbeee to oppro­priate peraonnel prior to departure. Durina t heir s t oy in Quebec tbe party will be tbe gueets of tbe Canadian Governaent . .


Tbe general lay-out of the occoaaodation in tbe Chateau Frontenac Botel wbicb bee been coaplete­l y taken oYer 1e oe follo.e:

A. Office Acca.aodotion

The u.s. ond Britiab Steffe have bee• ,~llottcd office ecco .. odotion on the 3rd

, ~- ~ \ f loor . Arrenae .. nte baYe been JUde t o en-----t~,~--~----------rvl eure t he co.plete eecurity of t hie floor

- '...: 1 <l _ and ecla1edon to thie fl oor 1• reetricted

;~;_~------------~r*;o thoee hold1._ a epecial paea. lfo apecial eecurity arra-. .. ente baYe been aade for any other floor of the hot el except the 6 c onfereoae rooae will be cuerded whe' in uee.

COPY No. 3

Page 12: B 110 q1JADIWI'r° Conlor10110 o • · nuaber beina called ia a aecurity pbona or not intoraatioa allould be obtained fro• tile earvice eaitcllboard operator. Arraq-nta bave bean




8. lleepinl Aoca.aodetlon

Arre ..... ate beve been aede to

C. •••1 &rr1n1•••ate

T•o diniDI ro_. beve been orron1ed ln the hotel. D1Dl81 r o .. A on tbe first fl oor (coneietiDI of tbe tbree aoin botel diaiDI ro_.) •111 be ueed bJ ottic era ond seuior per•oanel. Diainl ro- 8 OD tbe vo·tnd floor 11 to be u1ed bJ enl1•ted pereonnel. In odd1-t1on it ie ezpee ted tbot junior personnel 9111 noraollJ aeke uae of tbls r o ...

1>. Retreebaente

A l ounce on tbe .. tn fl oor juat off tbo lobbJ , •bere refreebaentl •111 be eerv­ed, b•• beee erren1ed tor eenior offieiol• end otfieera of tbe equivole et of field r•nk eed •bove . ~· •dditlonel lounce 1e evotleble tor 1un1or officer• oed e 1v111an personnel on

• ~\ ~bo terreee fl .:>or overlookinl the river , •here "\ /1" dr1nluo .. , be pureb .. ed.

' . ' ___.-"{"

_..1...!,..-;;...;;--:,.,:~ • • ,.. _ 1 . rec 111 Ue• /" 11.. lo ' - Tbe eorael fec111t1e• of tbe hotel eucb

•• leaadrJ aerY1ce, pre,atnc, and rooa aerY­teo •111 be proetded.

No. 3

Page 13: B 110 q1JADIWI'r° Conlor10110 o • · nuaber beina called ia a aecurity pbona or not intoraatioa allould be obtained fro• tile earvice eaitcllboard operator. Arraq-nta bave bean

...... Paae 3 ·


Tr a ... portoUon

Individual cora hava bean allocated to certain aanior officers and officiala and each eill bear an initial. A pool of cora will be available throuahout the 24 hours for all otbar ••~era of botb del eaationa for official p~poaea. These cora are nor­aally available f or tranaportation only eitllin tbe c ity liaita of Quebec. Should, for any r eason , it be deair ed t o proceed outside Quebec, peraisaion s hould be asked throuab the appropriate adainiatrative auth­ori ty . Transportat ion officers ~ill be sta­tioned in tbe front ball.


A apaeial aaitcllboard opereted by U.s. service peraonnel bas been installed in the hotel All officaa are connected to tbia aaitcbboard and tbe sleepi ng accoaaodations of certain aenior officers and officials. Tboee aay be diatinauiabed by the f act tbat dial type band aeta ora iaatalled, Those r ooms on the llot e l aaitohboard are fitted aith the old type of tele phone aitb independent receiv­er and traaaai tter . It abould be b orne in sind bat telepbonea of tbia type lack any aecurity.

If tllere ia •~e queatton •• to e hetller the nuaber beina c alled ia a aecurity pbona or not intoraatioa allould be obtained fro• tile earvice eaitcllboard operator.

Arraq-nta bave bean aade by t ile Cal.­adian Govareaent to provide adequate nwabera of tile priocipal u. s. and Cenadian da,U y

CM~IK-~322 (7 Auc 43)



Page 14: B 110 q1JADIWI'r° Conlor10110 o • · nuaber beina called ia a aecurity pbona or not intoraatioa allould be obtained fro• tile earvice eaitcllboard operator. Arraq-nta bave bean


&dahl la t ra U on

An odalnlatrotlYa office under tba ouaplcea of tba Conodlan Goyera.ent boa been aet up ln tba llbrorJ of tbe botel. AnJ contoct on odalnlatratlYa aattera abould in tbe flrat t .. tanc e be aade t broucb tbe appropriate U.S . or • l tl~b oda1n1etrat1Ye office .

Generol aeeurltJ olll be under tbe c ontrol of tbe R.c .•• P. Tbe follo•l n& aye taa of paaaea boa been eata~llabed :

A. Plat adalte bearer to tba botal leaa tbe 3rd floor coaterence rooas .

B. Blue odalta beorer t o bot e l l nclud­ln& 3rd floor c oaferance rooas.

C. Buff adalta beorer to tbe Citodel · lea a tba realdence.

l) D. lblta (1 •ery reetrlcted poas ) ·~·

alts ~aorer to Cl todel 1nclud1n& rea 1Cen< lnd 11 . porta of tbe botal .

Tbaae laatruc tlona ore bela& 1aaued OYer tb• elcnoture of tbe peralnent Under Sec retorJ of Stote for Conodo, Dr. Col ea on.

2 . Sleepln& accoaaodotloaa bove been or-ran&ed f or Brltlab Waabln&ton party aa fol looa:

C.-JW-e~22 (T Au1 43)


Page 15: B 110 q1JADIWI'r° Conlor10110 o • · nuaber beina called ia a aecurity pbona or not intoraatioa allould be obtained fro• tile earvice eaitcllboard operator. Arraq-nta bave bean

. .. 1

Brodnaa Butcher Buzzord c~r•er Cbaraan llar lne Day F-ay IngUa Jonee llacLeod llacReod lla Jnprlc e llayftard llilboura llcBrtde llci'fdr i'foble Peden Po'l'te r ledaan Shepherd Telleaacbe Toaea 11onsbrougb Jonee \llorburton 1lel11b 1111118 .. 111laon 11inn Eoy Dill Dralle IUrein llclby S! 1 no for Mr B•J•ard B.A.P. Clnll Chinese Valet

151504 1519

710 918

4221 1503

15119 1520 4213

917 91 9 3510 3518 1518 1516 !107

901 903 503 905

908 S10 505 717 51!1 720 909

918 920 505 507

1 114 507

1107 1109 520 5111 501

4213 3517 5707

Suggeet all lu1gage 1e labelled •ltb oppro­prlata r ooa nweber before d8porture. List gl9inl U.S. rooa occoaooodation elll be •~nt ~o·~ by oi r .



no s i a

Cll-111-5322 (7 ~1Z cen COPY No. J THe~ tw All ~USAGE tS FOMIIOOOI

Page 16: B 110 q1JADIWI'r° Conlor10110 o • · nuaber beina called ia a aecurity pbona or not intoraatioa allould be obtained fro• tile earvice eaitcllboard operator. Arraq-nta bave bean


rca GUDAI. UI"U.I. ' 8 I1'U 0111.'1

hCIPI : Laelae u.rca !'o: ....

llo . .. Jill ll hlr tHJ

a,_ aelr . Ponnel tor o-re1 llerRall trea llr ,_. Dill ,.._... .,.._,,

'lou I UTI Jelr IOtll .

1 pat A411eirel Leallr'• e ..... ttCIPI to tbe llrtUeb Clatote of 8tdt ello _. .....-tate tt ud baYe ulled • to •r tlllet tllor aooept lt ottll pleaeore . 'Iller are _. loolliq t-n to tile -t:t.q.

11'75 le CII-Our- 111'70 (10 .ru l 4~) 8G8

&CTIOII : Gllll . DllUil IJirOaiiATIOII : OPD


CI-IR-22082 (!l Jul 4!) 18181 CPD

---- COPY No. TMC MAKING or All EXACT CO~V 0, T"HII MCPACII. &a r olletDDCN ·o ,

J '.-./.,_L


Page 17: B 110 q1JADIWI'r° Conlor10110 o • · nuaber beina called ia a aecurity pbona or not intoraatioa allould be obtained fro• tile earvice eaitcllboard operator. Arraq-nta bave bean

... ~T ~)-~



~<)-IT I a 0 J L T

S.cretar,, Geaeral Statt

.JalJ' 30, 1M3


Kllllber a-1275

A~ral LeahJ' apaakial for OS Cbl~ta ot Staff (tor DaYera' OJ'ea onlJ' to be traaaaitted i .. edlatelJ' to 'ield Marebal Sir Joha Dill) feele tbat Britiab Cbiefa of Staff a~ould pre alde at Quadrant ia •lew ot location ot .. etiDI•


I IIFOIUI.A TlOK 1 OPI> Oeaeral Daaae

CII~OT-11970 (30 Jill 43) aoez ...

1 0 ...- 'COPY No.

'o 1 1• TIIR IWC*e CW All ~~ 18 'OftBIOOlN .,._.A--JI~

Page 18: B 110 q1JADIWI'r° Conlor10110 o • · nuaber beina called ia a aecurity pbona or not intoraatioa allould be obtained fro• tile earvice eaitcllboard operator. Arraq-nta bave bean

11 '


•• l'"CA.SU._Y •ut'-OINO

WA..M INOT ON, 0, 0 .

JUly }0, 1943 .

MEl.!ORAII'DUI.~ FOR Lieutenant COl onel liallmond, Map Room, \"lhlte House .

1. The following SU(lbested me thod for numbering radio messages between your office and radio station ',/TE and between the Vhite House Tel egraph Office and radio station 'liTE dur1nJ the proposed trip beginning at ;102;oz is furnished for your approval .

a . The messages f r om the 1/.ap Room: \lhlte followed by message number .

b. The messages to the IAap Room: Black follo>~ed by message number .

c . Messages from ;·/hite House Telegraph Office : Gray fol lowed by messaGe number.

d . Messages t o rlh1te House Tele.:;raph Office: Blue fo llowed by message nurnber.

2 . It is ~urther suggested that the above identification symbols and numbers be included in the text of the message in cipher. It is important, ho•1ever , that these identifying sycbols and numbers not appear in the same pl ace in a ll messages. For example: In \'Illi te number one if the identifying symbol and number appears at the beci~ or the message, the same symbol and next nwnber should appear at the end of the text in l'lh1te number two, or t hese symbols and nwnbers may be placed anywhere in the text of the message in par enthesis provided they do not appear in the same place two consecu-tive messas es.

, 1 LibrarJ

: L ,.n.e <•/87/&i)

Oato->- 1.3>- ?l


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