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    hlarcos G. Castello Braiico Eniilio Abud Filho

    c' P q D / Tele 1) r 6,s Rodovia C'aiiipinas-Mogi Mirim, Km. 118,.5

    13088-OB0 - C'ampiiias - S.Paulo - Brazil

    Luiz Costa d a Silva

    C'ETUC' - PUC'/RJ Rua Marquks de S5o Vicente, 225

    22453-900 - Rio de Janeiro - R . J . - Brazil


    A wide semi-flare angle linearly tapered corrugated horn, with eight axial slots, has been developed for use in single offset antelinas for VSAT earth statioiis with low cro~,s-polarizatioii peak levels from 10.7 GHz to 14.8 GHz. Tlie iiiode-iiiatcliiiig techniques [1],[2] have been siic- cessfully applied to the horn return loss and radiation pattern prediction and 1 he critical effects of the ridges and output flange thicknesses have been verified.

    1 Introduction

    Single Offset Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) antelilia configurations require wide flarcb aiigle lioriis with very low cross-polarizatioii level, coiiipatible with dual baiirl operation (traiisiiiil and receive) for satellite coiiiiiiunicatioii purpose. ( 'ross-polarization peak levels lower thaii -20 dB. relative to the iiiaiii beam co-polar gain, are very difficult t o achieve specially for wide baiidwitlths and low VSVJR designs. For these cases, single or dual depth corrugated horiis with shaped profiles have been coiiinionly used. increasing aiiteiiiia feed weight and ilianufact uriiig

    This paper presents ii wide I

  • The iiiipleiiieiited iiiodel, tha t approximated each inclined ridge edge by three smooth waveg- uide sections instead of one. for the mode-matching techiiiclues application, is ilustrated in figure '2. Its efficiency is demolistrated in the CO ancl Cros5-pOhr pattern aiialysis shown iii figure 3 for 10.7 G H z , where the three waveguide section iiiodel (11) is compared with the one section iiiorlel ( a ) aiicl with the experimental iesults. Diffeieiices greater than 5 dB lietween the cross- polar peak level predictioiis for the two iiiodels Inay be juqtified by corrugation slot lengths inaccuracies due to the horn wide semi-flare angle and ridge thickness (apros. 1.5 mni) .

    3 Experimental results

    Two different horn prototypes have been manufactured foi esperiiiiental evaluation (see figure 1). The first one, s h o ~ i i in fiquie l a . contained a thick (alnimt 11 nim) output aperture flange foi a flat poliester radome fixing. The second one. ilustrated in figure l h , had the flange thickness reduced to almo4t one ridge dimeniioii. This second option , a5 shown in figure 4, allowed a significant reduction of the cross-polar effects due to the aperture flange edge currents. In this case, iadome shoulcl have a cup shape and he fixed 111 the flange external face.

    Prot otypes ineasuieiiients were peiforined in an anechoic chamber and u4ng an HP-X.5lOB iietworl, analyser setup. Figure :3 coiitaiiis the theorectical and experinieiital results of the horn returii loss in tlie full 10.7 G H z t o 14.8 GHz hand. The CO and cross-polar patterns of the second horn prototype. relative to the 45" plane. are presented 111 figures G ( a ) aiicl G ( b ) , iespectively for frequeiicie5 of 12.7.5 GHz and 14.8 GHz, ieinforcing the quite good theorectical predictions and very low cross-polarization peak levels (better than -26 d B ) .

    4 Conclusions

    A Iiu h i i d axially corrugated wide flaie angle horn lias been developed to be used in siiigle offset antennas for VSAT applications. The design resulted in a low cost compact horn with return loss aiitl cross-polarization levels adequate to the intended applicatioiis. The mode- matching techniques were adequately apphed t o the thick ridges aiialysis ant1 sucessfully reproduced the esperiniental results of tlie horn return loss (better than 23dB) and cross-polar peak levels (l~elow -2GrlB ) in a 32% bandwiclth (froni 10.7 GHz to 14.8 G H z ) .


    [l] - James, G.L., aiicl Thomas, B.hI.,1982. "TE11 to HE11 cyliiidrical wa.veguide mode coii- verters usiiig riiig-loa.ded slot,s", IEEE Tra,ns.. MTT-30: pa.ges 278-28.5.

    ['2] - da. Silva,,L.C. - "Coupling structures hetween srnoot.11 a,iid corrugated wa.veguicle feeds" - In t,erii a1 Report : C ET U C' - U - X- 0 1 - Nj. C' ET l i / PIT C' ( C.! a.t liolic TT iiiv . of R . J )- Feb 1980:.

    [ 3 ] - Iiubn. E. a,iid Hoiiilmch, V . - " a.iia.lysis of corruga.t,ed horns with axial or ring-loa.ded radia.1 s1ot.s" - ICL4P/19P3.

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  • a) 8

    Figure I: %Vide flare angle, Iiu output flange

    band corrugated horn prototypes: PVith ( a ) and without ( b ) thick

    Figure 2: Asially corrugated horii ridge iiiodels f0r hI .iClatch. analysis: a ) Mean value iiiterllal radius ridge : b ) Thee circular waveguide sections


    Figure 3: Horn ridge models results ~ 1

    61 7

  • I


    0.00 10.00 20.00 40.00 so.00

    Figure 4: Thick flange effect in the horn q ie r ture at 10.7 G H Z

    10.70 11.21 11.72 12.24 13.26 13.77 14.29 I BO

    Figure 5 : Three c.wg. sections model Return Loss results

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  • Figure G: Three c.wg. sections model pattern results at: a ) 12.7.5 GHz aid b ) 14.8 GHz,

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