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Page 1: AW orkshopfortheH ome VOLUMNE 42 T h e ISSUE 3 MARCH … · 2012. 3. 2. · Presenter: Dr. Jerry Pipes will cover the following


Magnolia Avenue Bap�st Church

8351 Magnolia Avenue . Riverside, CA . 92504 . 951 689-5700

The Connec�on (USPS 854-220) is published monthly at the Magnolia Avenue Bap�st Church,

8351 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside, CA 92504-3298.

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2 Magnolia Español Vigilia

2 Caleb Community Banquet

4 Brass Bells Strings & Things

4 Youth “True Love Waits” Commitment Service

9 Church-wide Movie Night: ”Courageous”

11 “Building a Successful Family” Conference

12 Caleb Community Lunch

17 Churchwide Spruce Up Day

17 RA Me & My Kin

18 High School Erny Awards

23 & 24 Junior High Wok-In

24 CBU Concert Band

25 Kids of the Kingdom Performance

30 GA Daddy/Daughter Date Night





Connection ���� VOLUMNE 42

���� ISSUE 3

���� MARCH 2012


Exci t ing Things are Happening at Mag - Pastor Montia

A lot of exci�ng things are happening here at Mag. We are in the middle of

the study of the Gospel of Luke where all the Adult Bible study classes are

studying the same passage that I am preaching from the pulpit. We are about

to have an incredible Sunday with Dr. Jerry Pipes called “Building a Successful

Family” where I believe that homes will be strengthened. The short-term

mission season starts this month with a Caleb Community mission trip to

Thailand where they will be working with the Bra,ons from our church who

now serve there. We will have groups going to East Africa, South Asia, Mexico

and other exo�c and needed des�na�ons. Our youth will be headed to

Sea,le, Washington for the 2012 Going Public mission trip. These people who

are willing to give up vaca�on �me and personal �me to go and share the

Good News are a source of comfort and strength to me.

Allow me to share just a li,le about another big event coming on March 25th


On that Sunday a representa�ve from the Interna�onal Mission Board will be

with us as we sign adop�on papers to adopt an unengaged, unreached people

group (UUPG) in South Asia. There are more than 3,800 of these UUPG’s in the

world and through an emphasis called EMBRACE; the IMB is asking every

Southern Bap�st Church to consider adop�ng one of these groups. I will be

leading a vision team this summer to South Asia to begin the process of

building strategies to reach this remote group that are Muslims. I will be

sharing more as we get closer and will be giving our church the opportunity to

commit to pray and give to make this adop�on a reality. God is truly up to



Pastor’s Prayer Partners are people dedicated to protec�ng and partnering with Pastor Mon�a, and his

wife Karen, through prayer. Our goal is to cover Pastor and Karen with prayer at all �mes. We also cover

all worship services with prayer. In order to do this, the Pastor’s Prayer Partners par�cipate in two

different ways: Praying during a worship service once a month; and/or praying one day a month for Pastor

or Karen. (Men pray for Pastor Mon�a and women pray for Karen.) If you would like to be part of this

ministry please contact Louise Kilborn in the church office.




Sunday, March 11, all 3 services with a 5:00-7:00 pm conference Presenter: Dr. Jerry Pipes will cover the following topics during the 2 hour Parenting Conference:

• the role of parents in the spiritual development of their children/teenagers

• establishing identity and building self-esteem in their children/teenagers

• adolescent growth and development and its impact on spiritual development

While the problems he will share are teen-related, the solutions are not. Invite your family and friends to attend with you. We are all surrounded by hurting people who don’t care much about Jesus, but have a spouse or a child who is breaking their heart. You will be amazed at how many of these would come with you if given the opportunity.


Page 2: AW orkshopfortheH ome VOLUMNE 42 T h e ISSUE 3 MARCH … · 2012. 3. 2. · Presenter: Dr. Jerry Pipes will cover the following

Christian Sympathy To Lori Walcker and Sue Wise on the death

of their uncle and brother, Ted Brown,

January 23, 2012.

Louise Kilborn on the death of her niece,

Grace Kilborn, January 25, 2012.

Janet McClellan and family on the death of

her husband, Tom McClellan, January 26,


The family of Esteban “Sam” Berlanga who

died on January 29, 2012.

Walt Carney and Debra Felix on the death of

their sister & aunt, Jessie Mae Moore,

February 7, 2012.

Darrell Chrismer on the death of his mother,

Dorothy Chrismer, February 9, 2012.

Vincent Su,on on the death of his sister,

Lucille, February, 2012.

Marilyn Burde, on the death of her dad,

John Weir, February 12, 2012.

Family & friends of Anthony Morgan who

died February 2012.

Thank You I wish to express my hearDelt thanks to my church family for your prayers, cards, concerns, and expressions of love, in the loss of my dear husband, George. The Lord was very good to us, and I thank Him for our nearly 63 years being together. Our families send their thanks as well to those who donated food and gave assistance to Carole Schiessel for providing the beau�ful luncheon. Pastors Mon�a and Ron, our families thank you for the Memorial service at church and at Na�onal Cemetery; both were touching and much appreciated.

My love and thanks, Be�y Freeze

We want to thank the church again for allowing us to park our motor home in your parking lot. We had a great �me at the 50th reunion at CBU. God bless you.

In Christ's Love, Charlene Whisler

Staff Anniversaries Congratula�ons to those who joined the

church staff in March. Thank you for all

you do to lead people to become

authen�c followers of Jesus Christ.

Ron Harvey ..................... 3/28/1999

Louise Kilborn ................... 3/1/2004

Aaron Friesen ................... 3/5/2008

Ministry Team Montia Setzler Senior Pastor ......................... 104

Laura Carrasco Executive Assistant ............... 105

Doug Robinson Financial Controller ............ 108

Kelly Bernhard Senior Accounting

Payroll Specialist .................... 106

Dave Cochrane Pastoral Care/Chaplain ...... 200

Joana Voyu Accounting/Workroom ............... 102

Ron Harvey Associate Pastor: Education

Facilities/Missions .................. 103

Indra Urquizu Executive Assistant to

Associate Pastor ...................... 101

Susie Lindegard Education Secretary ............ 110

Vi Estel Director of Senior Adults ................. 114

Michael Pierpoint Associate Pastor:

Minister of Adults/Outreach .... 201

Cindy Enlow Ministry Assistant Adults/

Outreach/Youth ....................... 203

Mike Lovato Associate Pastor: Students ....... 205

Aaron Friesen Minister to College Students .. 207

Sabina DuCasse Director of Childhood

Development............................ 118

Lynae Dacus Director of Early

Childhood Development .......... 116

Noemi Toledo Ministry Assistant

Magnolia Español/Children/

Preschool ............................... 111

Danny Beteta Associate Pastor:

Magnolia Español .................. 202

O.D. Hall Jr. Minister of Music ..................... 109

Steve Brown Minister of Music

Contemporary Worship ........... 209

Rick Herman Pianist ..................................... 100

Lori Walcker Music Ministry Assoc./Youth Choir

Music Ministry Assistant, Web Servant.......... 204

Jennifer Ivey Children’s Music Coordinator . 117

Louise Kilborn Receptionist .......................... 100

Sharon Porter Receptionist ............................ 100

Mike Eitelgeorge Building Superintendent .... 131

Attendance / Budget Report Date SS Worship Designated Budget 1-22 998 1004 $6,551.00 $38,216.52 1-29 933 1011 $7,199.05 $31,716.80 2-5 965 940 $3,809.00 $75,394.82 2-12 896 953 $2,071.29 $36,644.22 2-19 936 903 $655.00 $39,628.28 TOTAL $20,285.34 $221,600.64 Year-to- Date 2011-2012 Budget Receipts $1,522,572.72 Budget Requirement $1,712,283.86 Weekly Requirement $50,361.29 Building for Tomorrow Jan 22-Feb 19 $3,590.00 Gifts given since 7/06 $2,151,238.50

Joining Our Fellowship

Patricia Earley* Enoka Fuailetolo* John Golden Rose Mayes Steve Greenfield Elizabeth Greenfield* Taj Naeem Luke Sheveland Pamela Smith David Turner Jessica Turner

* denotes joining by baptism

Baptism Only: Isaiah Chavez Jessica DuCasse

THAILAND BOUND! On March 21, 2012, nine members of our

Caleb Community will board a plane at LAX and be off for 13 days on a mission

trip to Thailand. The purpose of the trip is evangelism. Only 1% of the people of

Thailand have heard about Jesus. Dana and Cindy Bra,on, former members of

MAG, serve as full-�me missionaries in Phuket in southern Thailand. Dana has

enlisted eight other churches in the surrounding areas and the nine small

congrega�ons are preparing for the guests from the United States. Our nine will

join with others from around our country and make a team of about 26

“missionaries.” The par�cipa�ng Thai churches are in the process of using

“Opera�on Andrew,” a tool from the Billy Graham Crusades, where they are

praying daily for at least ten people they know who do not know about Jesus.

Shortly before we arrive, they will make appointments with those who have

been prayed for to meet their new friends from the United States and hear

about why they have come to Thailand. We will make these appointments in

homes, offices and schools. We will share our tes�monies (which will be printed

in Thai and Burmese) and invite our hosts to begin a personal rela�onship with

Jesus. During the evenings we will hold services in each church, giving

opportuni�es for those who have accepted Jesus in their homes to make their

professions of faith public. We are going under the auspices of the Interna�onal


Those going from our church are: Maurine Adams, Eldon Carrier, Tom & Linda

Chambers, Vi Estel, Lynda Hunton, Stacey Jenkins, Flo Moody and Joani Smith.

Please pray for each as they prepare to go and pray that God will be soMening

the hearts of the Thai people to receive the gospel. If you would like to partner

with those going financially you may make a dona�on to the church, designa�ng

it “Thailand Mission Project.”

What is CP? (Coopera�ve Program)

YJKL FNOPQR - It all starts with you! You give back to the Lord a por�on of what

He has provided for you.

YJKL C�KLS� – Each year, your church prayerfully decides how much of its

undesignated giMs will be sent to California Southern Bap�st Conven�on for the

Coopera�ve Program. With more than 2,000 California Bap�st churches, CP

helps expand your church’s mission efforts to the en�re world.

YJKL STNT� CJUV�UTPJU – California Southern Bap�st Conven�on decides what

percentage of CP giMs will be designated for ministries reaching California for

Christ. CP giMs that remain in California are used for beginning new

congrega�ons, evangelizing the lost, strengthening churches and their leaders,

mission educa�on, disaster relief, Chris�an educa�on at California Bap�st

University, and so much more.

YJKL WJLQW – CSBC sends the remaining CP giMs to the Southern Bap�st

Conven�on for world mission causes. Most of these giMs fund the strategies of

the Interna�onal and North American Mission Boards, including deployment

and support for nearly 11,000 missionaries. Six SBC seminaries (including Golden

Gate Bap�st Theological Seminary in Mill valley) and the Ethics & Religious

Liberty Commission also are supported through the Coopera�ve Program.

16.2 million! That’s the membership in Southern Bap�st Churches across the

United States. If we work together, the poten�al impact on the world is greater

than any of us could imagine.

Mag choir rehearses with 900 other singers from 30 churches at the Festival of Worship in Los Angeles.

Choir Par�cipates in Fes�val of Worship - O.D. Hall

On February 12 the

Mag Adult Choir

joined voices with

thirty Los Angeles

area choirs in a

Fes�val of Worship

sponsored and

organized by the

Fred Bock Ins�tute

of Music of Fuller

Seminary. The

Cathedral of Our

Lady of the Angels

in downtown Los

Angeles was the

site of this grand event. The 900-voice choir was joined by orchestra,

children's choir, handbells, and the massive cathedral pipe organ in a

program which featured Mark Hayes conduc�ng several of his

composi�ons as well as other well-known composers and conductors in

the area. The audience of more than 2,000 filled the massive cathedral

worship center and par�cipated in the hymns and readings in the

program planned and directed by Dr. Edwin Willmington, Director of the

Fred Bock Ins�tute.

In his welcome to the audience and par�cipants the Pastor of the

Cathedral noted that a few blocks away members of the entertainment

community were gathering for the Grammy Awards to applaud

themselves, while "we are gathered here to applaud our

Father, Almighty God" ... and so the tone was set for an unforge,able

experience of worship.

GAs (Girls in Ac�on) Night - Koko Sisco

AMer making approximately 70 Valen�ne cards on February 15, the GAs

visited a nursing home here in Riverside. We split our girls up into 4-5

different groups. We encouraged the girls to sing a song, pass out a

Valen�ne and ask if we could pray for the people. It was such a joy to be

a part of this evening but one thing in par�cular stuck out in my mind. In

our GA class we have learned several words in Arabic and each evening

before they leave they are reminded how to say good-bye in Arabic.

While we were at the nursing home my group met a lady from Jordan

who spoke li,le to no English. She wept when we sang and accepted the

girl's card with a smile. As we were leaving we were able to say

"masalama" which means good-bye in Arabic. It was so amazing to see

God work that night and use these girls in such a mighty way!

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