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Page 1: Author’s Purpose

Fifth Grade

Page 2: Author’s Purpose

Author's write for several reasons. 

Many authors write to

entertain people

and make them laugh.


Authors also write

to persuade

or convince

their readers to believe in somethin


Sometimes authors write to

inform or teach you

about something


Page 3: Author’s Purpose

Joe had been fishing for over two hours without a single bite. Suddenly there was a

nibble at the end of his fishing line.  He stood up on the boat and leaned out too far.  Just then there was a sharp yank

on the line.  Joe fell overboard and landed head first into the

water. Joe and his friends laughed and laughed.

Page 4: Author’s Purpose

What is the author's purpose?  

A.entertain       B.persuade            C.inform

Page 5: Author’s Purpose

The  giant panda is a bearlike animal that has thick white fur with black markings on its ears, limbs, shoulders, and around its eyes. The giant panda feeds on bamboo forests at high altitudes in western China. It also eats bulbs, roots, eggs, and some small mammals. The cubs are born in late winter. The giant panda is an endangered species and is protected by the Chinese government.

Page 6: Author’s Purpose

The purpose of writing this piece was to _____ .

A.entertain       B.persuade            C.inform

Page 7: Author’s Purpose

It's New!  It's Refreshing! 

It's Slurpy Soda! This is the best soda in the world!  If you drink this soda you will jump

higher, run faster and be smarter in school. Try one today!

Page 8: Author’s Purpose

 Why did the author write this piece?

 A. entertain       B. persuade           C. inform 

Page 9: Author’s Purpose

The Surgeon General has reported on the effects smoking has on the health of adults.  Furthermore recent studies have found that individuals exposed to second-hand smoke over a period of time also  suffer adverse affects to theirhealth.  Parents should avoid exposing their children to cigarette smoke and should educate their children on the  affects smoking can have on health.

Page 10: Author’s Purpose

The purpose of writing this piece was to _____ .

A.entertain       B.persuade            C.inform

Page 11: Author’s Purpose

The bear and his family went for a walk in the woods.  It was a beautiful day and they paused  along the way to smell the flowers and marvel at  the wonderful day.  They soon came to a cottage in  the woods and stepped inside to see if anyone was  home.    

Page 12: Author’s Purpose

The purpose of writing this piece was to _____ .

A.entertain       B.persuade            C.inform

Page 13: Author’s Purpose

The Iroquois Confederacy was formed by the Iroquois Indians in the Eastern Woodlands.  The Confederacy was originally made up of 5 members:   Onondagas, Senecas, Cayugas, Oneidas, and Mohawk.     

Page 14: Author’s Purpose

1. All of the following are three main reasons why an author writes a story, EXCEPT to

a. inform.b. persuade.c. entertain.d. scare his audience.

Page 15: Author’s Purpose

2. What is it called when the author expresses his opinions and views?

a. entertainmentb. point of viewc. climaxd. characterization

Page 16: Author’s Purpose

3. If you read an editorial in the newspaper, the author's purpose is to

a. entertain.b. persuade.c. inform.d. create a mysterious mood.

Page 17: Author’s Purpose

Identifying the author's purpose.

Read the following passages and answer the questions.

Page 18: Author’s Purpose

4. The day began like any other school day, except she really wanted to run to the bus and get to school. She had a feeling that she was going to be named homecoming queen. The author's purpose is toa. entertain.b. persuade.c. inform.d. scare his audience.

Page 19: Author’s Purpose

5. One of the most harmful creatures on earth is the fly. Flies spread harmful diseases. They pick up germs with their hair, spreading their germs everywhere.The author's purpose is toa. entertain.b. persuade.c. inform.d. scare his audience.

Page 20: Author’s Purpose

6. Wouldn't you like to feel safe in your neighborhood? Please join our watch group. We need good volunteers to protect our streets and report suspicious activity to the police.The author's purpose is toa. entertain.b. persuade.c. inform.d. scare his audience.

Page 21: Author’s Purpose

7. The Andes Mountains are located down the west side of South America and are the longest chain of mountains in the world. The Andes start at the top of South America and go along the coast to the bottom of South America, which spans over 400 miles. There are a lot of volcanoes found in the mountains and many are active. Like California, earthquakes are a normal occurrence and have killed many people.

Page 22: Author’s Purpose

The reason the author wrote the selection is

a. to inform the reader how dangerous California can be.b. to show the similarities between South America and San Francisco.c. to describe the Andes Mountains.d. to inform the reader that earthquakes kill people.

Page 23: Author’s Purpose

8. Do you ever go out and look at the stars? The stars fascinate many people, and some say that you can tell a lot about what will happen by studying them. The sky is divided into 88 known areas that scientists study. Inside these areas are many stars, which are called constellations. Many constellations were named as far back as the 1500s. Some named constellations are the zodiac signs; Aries, Pisces, and Taurus. Other constellations that might be familiar to you are the Little Dipper, Big Dipper, and the Great Bear.

Page 24: Author’s Purpose

The author believes thata. the Little Dipper is the best constellation.b. people don't care about studying stars as much as they used to in the 1500s.c. the study of stars has fascinated people for hundreds of years.d. you cannot tell much by looking at the stars.

Page 25: Author’s Purpose

9. Some people believe that they can't make a difference by voting, but you can. If you don't vote, your voice cannot be heard. Show you care about your community, and exercise your right to vote. The author believes thata. people should vote.b. you can't criticize the person in office if you don't vote.c. you should recycle in your community.d. one person can't make a difference.

Page 26: Author’s Purpose

The author believes thata. people should vote.b. you can't criticize the person in office if you don't vote.c. you should recycle in your community.d. one person can't make a difference.

Page 27: Author’s Purpose

10. Doug knew that he had waited until the last minute to type his research paper, but he couldn't think of what he wanted to write. As Doug was frantically typing away on his computer, the power went out. He hadn't saved his documents. He screamed at the computer as it faded into blackness. Maybe it wouldn't have been too bad if he had a rough draft in which to work from, but he was writing and typing at the same time. Doug swore to himself that this would never happen to him again.The author shows the importance of a. buying a new computer.b. not waiting until the last minute to do your assignments.c. going to the library to do your research.d. making the honor roll.

Page 28: Author’s Purpose

The author shows the importance of a. buying a new computer.b. not waiting until the last minute to do your assignments.c. going to the library to do your research.d. making the honor roll.

Page 29: Author’s Purpose

Author's Purpose and Point of View1. D 6. B

2. B 7. C

3. B 8. C

4. A 9. A

5. C 10. B

Page 30: Author’s Purpose

1. What is it called when the author expresses his opinions and views?

a. entertainmentb. point of viewc. climax

Page 31: Author’s Purpose

2. All of the following are three main reasons why an author writes a story, EXCEPT to

a. inform.b. persuade.c. entertain.d. to make sure the reader enjoys what he or she is reading.

Page 32: Author’s Purpose

Identifying the author's purpose. Read the following passages and answer the questions.

Page 33: Author’s Purpose

3. Lisa always looked forward to the fall because of the Harvest Festival. Of course, she loved the rides, but she really enjoyed the shows. This year would be the best. Lisa had a special opportunity to perform in the talent show.

Page 34: Author’s Purpose

The author's purpose is to

a. entertain.b. persuade.c. inform.d. create a mysterious mood.

Page 35: Author’s Purpose

4. What do you do with aluminum cans? Do you throw them in the trash, or do you recycle when you are finished with them? At the rate we are filling our landfills, we will not have anywhere else to put our trash. If you recycle, you will help the environment. The next time you throw away your Coke can, think about putting it in a recycling bin. Your effort will help save your community.

Page 36: Author’s Purpose

The author's purpose is to

a. entertain.b. persuade.c. inform.d. create a mysterious mood.

Page 37: Author’s Purpose

5. Tomatoes were once considered poisonous. Some brave people finally took a bite of a tomato, and they survived. Now, we use tomatoes in our salads and sandwiches. Do you ever use tomato sauce or ketchup? These products are made of tomatoes. If it weren't for these brave individuals, you might not be able to enjoy ketchup with your french-fries.

Page 38: Author’s Purpose

The author's purpose is to

a. entertain.b. persuade.c. inform.d. create a mysterious mood.

Page 39: Author’s Purpose

6. The impressive eagle is a national symbol in the United States for patriotism and freedom. Because the bald eagle was once hunted for sport, it is on the verge of extinction. If you kill a bald eagle, you can go to jail. Unfortunately, the bald eagle still maybe become extinct.The author's purpose is toa. entertain.b. persuade.c. inform.d. create a mysterious mood.

Page 40: Author’s Purpose

The author's purpose is to

a. entertain.b. persuade.c. inform.d. create a mysterious mood.

Page 41: Author’s Purpose

7. Most people think that gorillas are mean, but actually they are shy. It seems that such a huge animal with very large teeth would be aggressive. Hollywood movies help convey this image of the scary, ferocious gorilla. In fact, gorillas only attack if they are provoked. However, gorillas usually don't have to fight other animals because of their impressive size.

Page 42: Author’s Purpose

The author's purpose is to

a. entertain.b. persuade.c. inform.d. create a mysterious mood.

Page 43: Author’s Purpose

The author believes that

a. Gorillas are misunderstood as vicious animals.b. Gorillas are mean animals.c. Gorillas don't like other animals.d. Gorillas communicate well with other animals.

Page 44: Author’s Purpose

8. This was Kathy's first baby-sitting job. She was so excited, but she was really nervous. Kathy's parents made her attend a baby-sitting workshop before she could baby-sit her neighbor's five-year-old son, Matthew. Kathy knew this was a lot of responsibility, but she thought she was ready. Kathy marched confidently to Matthew's house and waved goodbye to Matthew's parents. It seemed as soon as his parents left, Matthew fell and hit his chin on the coffee table. Without panicking, she remembered what she learned in her baby-sitting class and applied first-aid.

Page 45: Author’s Purpose

The author wants to show that

a. Matthew should not run in the house.b. Kathy is ready to baby-sit.c. Kathy needs to attend more baby- sitting workshops.d. Coffee tables can be dangerous.

Page 46: Author’s Purpose

9-10 . Ted, the school reporter, interviewed both candidates for the school election. In his column on the school election, he printed his interview with the two candidates. The following selections were taken out of the school newspaper.

Page 47: Author’s Purpose

1st letter. Do you want the best class president for your school? If so, please vote for Marco Rodriguez. I am a responsible candidate who will work hard to make our school a better place. Vote for Marco this coming Tuesday.

2nd letter: We need a change at our school. I am the person for this job. I am an honor student who is involved in many different activities. I know I can make a difference. Vote for me, and our school will be even better. Candice Park

Page 48: Author’s Purpose

9. Ted mentioned the two candidates in his article because

a. he thought Candice Park was a better candidate.b. he was friends with Marco.c. his teacher told him to.d. he wanted to give both candidates an equal opportunity.

Page 49: Author’s Purpose

10. Ted believes that

a. Marco should be the president.b. Candace should be president.c. all students should vote.d. the students should know the candidates' views.

Page 50: Author’s Purpose

Author's Purpose and Point of View1. B 6. c2. D 7. a3. A 8. b4. B 9. d5. C 10. d

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