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1. JAMES N. GOENNER, PH.D. JASON L. SARSFIELD Authorizers: Change Agents, Market Makers & Forces forQuality 2. Goals for Session KIDS! Expand Vision for Authorizing Learn & Grow Together Advance Excellence Have Fun! 1 2 4 5 6 3 Challenge Thinking 3. WWW.CHARTERINSTITUTE.ORG THIS SLIDE DECK IS ACCESSIBLE AT @QUALITY_SCHOOLS #GOENNERNOLA NATIONAL CHARTER SCHOOLS INSTITUTE 4. National Charter Schools Institute The Institute is a values-driven, nonprofit organization founded in 1995. Our mission is to inspire hearts and minds and help organizations achieve breakthrough performance. We coach and consult with authorizers, boards, schools, support organizations and policymakers. Our team is composed of passionate professionals. We seek to understand, honor and support our clients. | 5 5. The future is not what it used to be. Yogi Berra, Baseball Hall of Famer 6. If you do not change, you can become extinct. Who Moved My Cheese? 7. The Ideas Behind Chartering States should 1. Withdraw the exclusive geographic franchises given to school districts. 2. Create ways to establish new public schools that create competition for existing schools and empower parents with choice. These new public schools should 1. Be authorized by an entity that oversees and holds them accountable, but unlike a school district does not own or operate the school. 2. Be freed from unnecessary rules and regulations, in exchange for producing results. 3. Be dually accountable: to the marketplace of parental choice and to the standards of the public interest. | 9 8. CHARTER SCHOOLS A strategy to transform public education by injecting choice, change and competition into the system. 9. Common Authorizing Roles Gatekeeper Monitor Evaluator | 12 10. Expanding the Vision for Authorizing Change Agents Market Makers Forces for Quality Catalysts for Excellence 11. Change Agents Courageous Visionaries Challenge the givens. Be fearless and relentless. Influence policy and practice. Provide leadership and ideas for improving education. | 14 12. Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. Albert Einstein 13. Public schools are the backbone of this country, . . . and as long as I am superintendent, charter schools will not be welcome in Detroit. Detroit Superintendent Connie Calloway, Ph.D., as reported by the Detroit Federation of Teachers, June 11, 2007 14. I look at charter schools, for example, as prostitutes in the sense that when our police department tries to curb prostitution, they arrest the Johns now as opposed to the prostitutes because the prostitutes are always going to be there. And charter schools are obviously going to be there. Detroit School Board President Dr. Jimmy Womack, Detroit News Online Video, July 18, 2007 15. Withdraw the exclusive franchise by chartering new schools. Foster an environment that attracts talent, capital and entrepreneurship. Create performance based incentives. Empower people with information to exercise choice. Market Makers Creative Entrepreneurs | 20 16. KIDS Authorizers Boards Schools 17. Aligning for Greatness Develop a Relationship of Mutual Trust & Respect Set Clear Performance Expectations No Surprises! 1 2 3 Establish a Shared Vision & Values | 24 18. Forces for Quality Responsible Leaders | 26 Preserve discretionary judgment and autonomy. Inform and educate, before overseeing and enforcing. Avoid one size fits all. Intervene when people fail to live up to the charter promise. 19. Data Driven vs Data Informed 20. The Five Temptations of a CEO Invulnerability Over Trust Harmony Over Conflict Certainty Over Clarity Popularity Over Accountability Status Over Results 21. Invulnerability Over Trust Harmony Over Conflict Certainty Over Clarity Popularity Over Accountability Status Over Results Certainty Over Clarity 22. Catalysts for Excellence Influential Stewards | 34 Protect, preserve and advance the ideas behind chartering. Focus on responsibility and ownership. Develop talent and grow impact. Make authorizing an understood and respected profession. 23. Superior Performance Distinctive Impact Lasting Endurance What Is Greatness? | 36 24. Good is the enemy of great. -Jim Collins 25. Leadership Pyramid 26. What Type of Leader Do You Want Be? Level 3 Leader Organizes people and resources toward the effective and efficient pursuit of predetermined objectives. | 39 27. What Type of Leader Do You Want Be? Level 5 Leader Ambitious first and foremost for the cause, the organization, the work not themselves. Displays a paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will. | 40 28. Practices of Exemplary Leaders Model the Way Inspire a Shared Vision Challenge the Process Enable Others to Act 1 2 3 4 Encourage the Heart5 | 42 The Leadership Challenge 29. Set the standards higher for yourself than others would set them for you. -John Maxwell 30. THANKYOU! VIEW THIS SLIDE DECK ONLINE AT WWW.CHARTERINSTITUTE.ORG 31. Order at: 32. Order at:

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